Kneeling, Kneelers, Altar Rails, and Cardinal Arinze

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • Unfortunately "we have reached a stage where some are against kneeling... if you believe that Christ is God and He is present why don't you kneel? Why don't you crawl? Why not show? Show respect."
    Listen to Cardinal Arinze, Prefect for the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
    Visit for more on the Catholic Church and Catholic goodies.
    Visit for more Cardinal Arinze.

Komentáře • 40

  • @catholiclove14
    @catholiclove14 Před 11 lety +65

    I just want to show this to every single person at my university. For some reason, they ask us not to kneel during Mass. I think it's to "uphold community" or something. BS. I'm going to kneel anyway for my dear Lord, Jesus, when He comes down from heaven and TRANSFORMS BREAD INTO HIS BODY. I would fall face down on the floor if I could.

  • @tbel1ma
    @tbel1ma Před 10 lety +56

    Thank you Cardinal Arinze for clarifying kneeling down I have been scolded and looked down because I kneel down for communion. Some of these priests "ignored" what the Vicar of Chirst says and he is the high representative of God chosen by God why disrespect his opinion. Some of these priest have lost their way and are more "professional" priest than holy. Please pray pray for them.

  • @mom6boyz
    @mom6boyz Před 12 lety +31

    Love Cardinal Arinze! A Big Hug to him....God bless him forever~

  • @PaulaOkeefe
    @PaulaOkeefe Před 12 lety +23

    Oh Dear Cardinal, you bring me tears of joy. It is such a mess, but the Lord puts it in our Hearts if we but listen.

  • @cmotherofpirl
    @cmotherofpirl Před 11 lety +28

    I love this man!!!

  • @cds162
    @cds162 Před 7 lety +29

    The Cathedral in San Jose, Cal, does not have kneelers... was very surprised.
    Cardinal Arinze is 100% correct..
    I take the blessed Sacrament on the tongue, and as often as I can by the priest
    I kneel after receiving the Blessed Sacrament
    I wish we had Alter Rails

  • @Rthur2sheds
    @Rthur2sheds Před 11 lety +13

    Love him...

  • @lovencare62
    @lovencare62 Před 13 lety +11

    yes we should need to kneel when we are praying and recieving the sacred body, blood, soul and divinity of christ. because he is god, the lord and we need to treat him as holy king. and we need to copy his every holy action that he teaches to us be humble like when he was praying to almighty father he was kneeling and so do we.

  • @TenderTrap86
    @TenderTrap86 Před 14 lety +9

    I go to a great parish that hasn't done away with the kneelers or altar railing. People frequently choose to Communicate kneeling and on the tongue at the altar rail.

  • @Lizzenator
    @Lizzenator Před 13 lety +9

    @coromaestro25 I'm with you!!! Lol, where I go to mass, they don't have kneelers so I suck it up and offer up the little discomfort I feel for my Lord.

  • @tbel1ma
    @tbel1ma Před 10 lety +12

    Thank you Cardinal Arinze you are truly a follower of Chirst no doubt in my mind. You will stand in the last judgement as a great soldier of Chirst and not like a pharasee who are only playing and are empty inside. This type of attitudes are mentioned in the bible and many times by our Lord himself who dislike the "lukewarm".These are people that settle the truth so they may be politically correct. Even our Lord was threaten, persecuted him and even kill by his own people. This is stop him from proclaming the truth? NO. No matter what he always always stood by his father Law never deviating from the truth and loyal to God. So, we should also be faithful and true to God not the world. We are in the world but no of the world remember that. God bless you all.

  • @TonyLVNV
    @TonyLVNV Před 15 lety +6

    I was refering to after taking Communion at Mass. We stayed kneeled until the Taberncle is closed. You must have thought I was taliking about Adoration.

  • @rosaenriquez4921
    @rosaenriquez4921 Před 3 lety +8

    Even if its muddy WE SHOULD KNEEL !!!

  • @iniustum
    @iniustum Před 14 lety +4

    God thank you thad I find this video. Just secure me in my thinkink about comunnion on the kneeling. My wife and me we trying do it that way. Its feel litlle strange when full church is standing but we believe this is how shuld be

  • @christyalexmartin9608
    @christyalexmartin9608 Před 6 lety +3

    Good.cardinal is a superb..

  • @JFrancesFrancisJ
    @JFrancesFrancisJ Před 13 lety +8

    I cover my hair at a Mass that has no kneelers. Today, it just felt too contradictory to cover my hair and stand. So I used my winter scarf as padding for my knees and knelt. Felt better, like tongue vs. hand. I didn't do it out of strict reverence at the beginning however. I converted in 2009. It's such a confusing rush for a newbie going from a bow to figuring out the correct hand placement to the Sign. I was terrified of dropping Him. Seriously, that would be horrible even if accidental.

  • @strelnecov
    @strelnecov Před 6 lety +3

    error correction would go a long way! If The shepherd keeps asking the sheep whats comes next, the wolf will decide who becomes lunch 1st.

  • @Skyethur
    @Skyethur Před 13 lety +3

    in my local church there are some people received communion on the tongue but never saw anyone kneeling.. My question is do we have to do sign of the cross after we received holy communion??

  • @TonyLVNV
    @TonyLVNV Před 15 lety +3

    I agree, Out of respect to our Lord, we kneel until the Tabernacle is closed. If people still want to kneel in prayer that's ok, too. We've been told that it is disrespectful to sit while the Tabernacle is still open. Is that true? or is it just something unique to our Diocese?

  • @johnfleming7879
    @johnfleming7879 Před 3 lety +3

    The African Church may save us, yet

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +6

    Eucharistic Ministers should not exist - like "altar girls". In our Chapel, the Priest is the eucharistic minister. It is he who gives communion to the faithful, who are kneeling & receive on the tongue.
    Contrary to what the modernists say, it is quick. The Priest is not lazily standing like a protestant minister giving out bread - he is moving quickly from person to person at the communion rail. This excuse is ridiculous.

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +2

    Modernism, heresy and apostasy really are terrible things. The worst thing about apostasy is that when people have lost the faith, they dont know they've lost it. They think they are still Catholic.
    The third secret of Fatima warns of this apostasy.

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +2

    BlackCappa -
    It is you who rejects historic Church teaching.
    Pope St Sixtus I (115AD) - "it is prohibited for the faithful to even touch the sacred vessels, or receive in the hand"
    This is not merely a diciplinary matter here, it is respect for a central doctrine of the faith. The Church has made it clear that to receive in the hand is a sacrilege.

  • @capeman7500
    @capeman7500 Před 12 lety +4

    Because God is still in control. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is alive and works in the Catholic Faith for us to be a living witness to God's plan in us. While dignity and respect in worship is necessary, it is a bad idea when arrogant men like Arinze cavalierly chastises ecclesial law of the church...if they want then the CDW should institute universal law regarding these matters.

  • @lizzie5824
    @lizzie5824 Před 3 lety

    Can I upload this video in social media?

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +3

    BlackCappa -
    Here you go getting into the same argument as before, the one to which I am still awaiting your answer.
    The document says that:
    "Muslims, together with us, worship the one merciful God who will judge mankind on the last day"
    I reject this statement - Jesus Christ will Judge mankind on the last day, and the Muslims certainly do not worship Him!!
    This direct heretical statement cannot be twisted to resemble orthodoxy in the slightest!

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +1

    I have not lied nor engaged in conspiracy theories, as can be cleary seen by anyone who actually reads my posts.
    Indult? - Dont make me laugh - I suppose you also think that the use of "altar girls" is also acceptable in these circumstances!
    Aren't you the one who worships the same God as the Muslims as per Vatican II?

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +1

    You call my stance "polemical statments". It is not I, but the Church who has held and enforced this respect for the Real Presence.
    You say JPII would rather have communion on the tongue, and yet he constantly give it out in the hand himself, like Benedict XVI - This alone is very telling.
    To "prefer" to respect by kneeling and receiving on the tongue should not be an option - it was and should be law.

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +3

    One should kneel when receiving communion, especially if one is not Physically unable to kneel.
    To stand when you are able to kneel, shows disrespect for the Real Presence in the Host!
    Also, ONLY the consecrated hands of a Priest should touch the Host, and the faithful should receive on the toungue.
    To do otherwise, shows either ignorance of the real presence, or worse still; indifferentism. I wonder if Christ appeared to people now, would they refuse to kneel?

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +2

    Yes I have seen your page before - and it answers nothing.
    What nonsense are you talking, I am not without a Pope.
    I reject the statement that "muslims worhip the one merciful God who will judge mankind on the last day" - - There is no novelty in the rejection of this teaching - In fact, orthodoxy and dogma force us to reject this heresy.
    The fact that you agree with this statement epxoses the type of faith you claim to have.

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +3

    You are the one who seems to have a problem with Church teaching!
    What is clearly "stupid" is any attempt to say that the Vatican/Pope is against communion in the hand, since they give it out in the hand themselves!
    One cannot preach one doctine, and then deny it in prectice - this would constitute hypocrisy.

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +1

    Conclavist? Benedict XVI is Pope!
    Would you care to explain how you can justify accepting this statement - dont refer me to any more pages - they dont answer anything!

  • @iotaunam1
    @iotaunam1 Před 15 lety +1

    As I have said before, your blog site answers nothing!
    The fact that you cannot give a direct answer here, is very telling - and exposes your complete lack of argument against the Truth.