Francis Collins on the pointers that led him to belief in God

  • čas přidán 28. 01. 2016
  • Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, former Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, on the pointers that let him to belief in God
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Komentáře • 158

  • @michaelsorensen8670
    @michaelsorensen8670 Před 4 lety +11

    God bless Francis Collins. He makes good sound arguments for belief in God.

  • @ja31472
    @ja31472 Před 2 měsíci

    Where/when is this? Who is he speaking to?

  • @metanoiaepoch380
    @metanoiaepoch380 Před 7 lety +3

    good insight. sharing

    • @edmondbeatty9309
      @edmondbeatty9309 Před 6 lety

      The Natural Law and the Moral Law combine both science and Theology to give us the evidence for anyone to appreciate that there is a Loving Creator.

  • @michaelsorensen8670
    @michaelsorensen8670 Před 5 lety +8

    A great video. God bless Francis Collins

  • @stevensong8784
    @stevensong8784 Před 7 lety +1

    1:47 - 2:13
    That's what came to my mind before I watched this.

  • @wutang9
    @wutang9 Před 2 lety +1

    Fast forward to 2021 it’s clear what god these people serve

  • @dtkedtyjrtyj
    @dtkedtyjrtyj Před 9 měsíci

    It starts out bad, but that last segment about the Moral Law... wow. This is clearly a man who started out having not thought about morals at all; and by God he is determined to never _ever_ think about it _at all_ .

  • @hawkerdoo
    @hawkerdoo Před 4 lety +2

    Or life would just be different from what we know if the constants were in an altered state from it's current state.

    • @ericjohnson6665
      @ericjohnson6665 Před 3 lety

      Well, the physics would be the same, but planetary conditions vary. On some planets there are non-breathers, other planets have people with 3 brains. There are many variations that undoubtedly dwarf anything conceived by Roddenberry or Lukas.

  • @laeequenadvi4746
    @laeequenadvi4746 Před 5 lety +3

    بدیع السموات و الارض اذا قضی امرا فانما یقول لہ
    کن فیکون o
    To Him is due
    The primal origin
    Of the heavens and the earth:
    When He decreeth a matter,
    He saith to it:" Be,"
    And it is.
    Another American scholar, Robert Wesson states in his 1991 book ' Beyond Natural Selection ',that:
    " The gaps in the fossil record are real and meaningful".He eloborates this claim in this way:
    The gaps in the record are real,however. The absence of a record of any important branching is quite phenomenol. Species are usually static, or nearly so, for long periods, species seldom are genera never show evolution into new species or genera but replacement of one by another, and change is more or less abrupt. (19)
    Likewise, the American paleontologist Steven M. Stanley describes how the Darwin's dogma which domonates the world of science, has ignored this reality demonstrated by the fossil record:
    The known fossil record is not,and never has been,in accord with gradualism. What is remarkable is that, though a variety of historical circumstaces,even the history of opposission has been obscured.
    The majority of paleontologists felt thier evidence simply contradicted Darwin's stress on minute,slow and cumulative changes leading to species transformation.' ... their story has been suppressed. (20)
    The fossils of many different uncovered in Burgess Shale appeared on earth all of sudden, wìthout having been developed from any pre-existing species foud in preveding layers.
    1This picture presented by the Cambrian fossils clearly refutes the
    assumptions of the theory of evolution,and provides strong evidence for the involvement of a " supernatural " being in their creation. Douglas Futuyma, a prominent evolutionary biologist,admits this fact.
    The fossil record clearly indicates that living things did not evolve from primitive
    to advanced forms, but instead emerged all of a sudden in a fully formed state.
    This provides evidence for saying that life
    did not come into existence through random natural processes,but through an act of intelligent creation. In an article called the " the Big Bang of Animal Evolution" in the leading journal Scientific American, the evolutionary paleontologist
    Jeffrey S.Leventon accepts this reality, albeit unwillingly, saying " Therefore,something special and very mysterious-- some highly creative " force"
    -- existed then. (21)
    The scientists are of the view that the fossils unearthed are defective and inadequate: Since fossils are usually fragmented and incomplete, rarely are whole bones found, let alone a complete skeleton, any conjecture based on them is
    likely to be completely speculative. The biased interpretation of fossil and outright
    fabrication of many imaginary reconstructions are an idication of how frequently evolutionists have recourse to tricks
    (19) R.Wesson, Beyond Natural Selection,MIT Press, Cambridge,MA,1991,p.25.
    ((20) S.M.Stanley,The New Evolutionary Timetable:Genes and the Origin of Species, Basic Book Inc.,1981,p.71.
    (21) Jeffrey S. Levinton, " The Big Bang of Animal Evolution," Scientific American,vol.
    267,November 1992,p.84.

    • @freddan6fly
      @freddan6fly Před 3 lety

      So you deny science, therefore Quran is right. Way to go kid.

  • @dostondoc23
    @dostondoc23 Před 2 lety

    Only 355 likes?????

  • @andrewkemp8677
    @andrewkemp8677 Před 3 lety

    Sounds a lot like fix it Felix..

  • @junevandermark952
    @junevandermark952 Před 3 lety +2

    For 70 I tried to believe in the existence of a god that was pure divine love, but within my own sense of common decency ... I knew better. I knew that if I had the power to create a universe, suffering would not exist. Finally, I stopped trying to fool my self, and since then have believed as did Stephen Hawking (before he died) that the universe always existed ... no creator ... malevolent ... or otherwise ... involved. I am now 82 years of age, and am at peace with the idea that I am whole, just as I am.

    • @MattWSandford
      @MattWSandford Před 2 lety +5

      Very odd. You are only stating that this world is not the way you would have made it. That has no relation to whether there is a God who made it the way it is (and that you think you can make a world better than God - which seems rather short sighted and arrogant).

    • @hagop3620
      @hagop3620 Před 2 lety +2

      @@MattWSandford he is also taking God’s attribute of eternity and applying it to the universe as if he is making the universe itself his god.

    • @urasam2
      @urasam2 Před 2 lety

      @@MattWSandford You seem to be unaware the God is supposed by Christians to be both omnipotent and omnibenevolent. Given the two properties, creating a world with suffering is incoherent

    • @redhairkillua
      @redhairkillua Před rokem

      But God told us that this is not the final world, this is a world in which we have to live on the purpose to be a le to understand what is love and what is life, with no pain it is impossibile to understand purself, pain is necessary to grow up

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Před rokem

      @@redhairkillua A god did not "tell" you anything.
      It was men that wrote the stories that gods were talking to them.
      You can either believe the stories are real, or false.
      As a child, I believe that a god did exist.
      I didn't change that part of my system of belief until I was 70 years of age.
      I'm now 83, and believe as did Stephen Hawking, that the universe in once form or another, always existed ... no creator involved ... and that suffering of all forms of life is natural.
      It's your choice of what you choose to believe, and no matter which choice you make, I wish you the best.

  • @jessewallace12able
    @jessewallace12able Před 6 lety +3

    He lost me when he said he didn't study philosophy in college...well you probably shouldnt try to do philosophy at this level then brah

    • @ConcreteBiblicalTruth
      @ConcreteBiblicalTruth Před 5 lety +1

      Wow the lengths someone will go to discredit someone that they don’t even listen intensively. He clearly said that’s why he WASNT a theist. It’s when he did he became a theist 🤯
      Comprehension is far more important than hearing.

    • @ronaldlindeman6136
      @ronaldlindeman6136 Před 4 lety

      @@ConcreteBiblicalTruth Professional Philosophers have been asked and they are overwhelmingly atheist. What I have found is many people selectively choose what Philosophers to read and which Philosophers to not read when forming an opinion on this stuff. That is why it is important to ask an experienced, and knowledgeable Philosopher about Philosophy rather than someone who picks what Philosophy to read. Just as don't ask me about DNA.

    • @ConcreteBiblicalTruth
      @ConcreteBiblicalTruth Před 3 lety

      Ronald Lindeman
      So you gonna use the Popularity Fallacy in order to make a philosophical point 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
      Utter stupidity!
      Most atheist from reading Hume a Christian 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Who believed you should JUST BELIEVE 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
      That’s a rational person to get your “skepticism” cause an atheist should have EVIDENCE of atheism. They are truly merely agnostic skeptics in the Huxley since of agnosticism as I find most intellectually honest.
      So do you have a reason atheism is true? Not an attack on theism but a stand alone reason atheism is true.

    • @ronaldlindeman6136
      @ronaldlindeman6136 Před 3 lety

      @@ConcreteBiblicalTruth Yes, there are some claims to authority that make actually work.
      Such as a medical doctor working in a hospital. The medical doctor, trained from a human knowledge college or university, is the one giving medical advice. The Christian Priest, Christian Minister, Muslim Oman, Witch Wicca, Jewish Rabbi, etc.; all those can give spiritual advice.
      Such as Airline Pilots are authorities on flying a plane.
      Such a many areas of expertise. I also will claim that anybody who has read 100 books saying Christianity is true and 100 books saying that Christianity is more of an authority on whether Christianity is true or not true, than the person who has only read books on whether Christianity is true or only read books on whether Christianity is not true. But maybe the word authority should not be used, maybe better educated on the subject.
      Asking people who have only read books saying that Christianity is true and then asking them is not an honest group of people to ask the question to.

    • @ronaldlindeman6136
      @ronaldlindeman6136 Před 3 lety

      @@ConcreteBiblicalTruth What about the claim to authority and the Catholic Church during the time of Nicolas Copernican and Galileo Galilei? Galileo Galilei compared the Catholic Christian church deciding whether the Sun revolving around the Earth or the Earth revolving around the Sun like who should decide how a building should be built, an Architect or a Priest? Who should decide how someone should be treated for medical care, a medical doctor or a priest.
      The reason that Francis Collins videos are on here is because his Science gives him some authority. But I have found that knowledge about whether Christianity is true or not true is specialized knowledge, not the general knowledge of a Scientist. So we would not ask Francis Collins to fly an airplane without the training everybody gets to fly an airplane. Being a Scientist might help him understand some things, but there is specialized knowledge that he needs to fly an airplane.
      And here, I am someone who has studied this question whether Christianity is true or not true for over 35 years and maybe over 500 books. I have read both sides of the question, from people who think it is true and from people who think it is not true. So I think the answers Francis Collins gives are not good ones on whether Christianity is true or not true.
      I think the first and best place to go is to go to Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson thought that Christianity was not true. One of the reasons Jefferson came to that conclusion is because he had read many of the books from the Age of Enlightenment. "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" means to not use the ancient world Story God of Christianity and Christianity in making laws.

    @SIRxxGINGER Před 3 lety +4

    Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
    1 Corinthians 3:18‭-‬20
    Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
    Romans 1:22
    It amazes me when people can't understand the bible or God when they look at everything with a worldly mindset. Makes me laugh when people try to "dis-credit" someone because the person trying to do the "dis-credit" doesn't want to believe in God. I don't need your science that's pretty much used to try and prove God isn't real.

    • @justinaacuriouswanderer1496
      @justinaacuriouswanderer1496 Před 2 lety

      Thank you Brian. Here's an interesting argument reinforcing your comment and biologist and physicist Francis's elegant perspective:

  • @fred_derf
    @fred_derf Před 5 lety +3

    Occam's Razor would tell you that the correct answer is the one that doesn't require the addition of an omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, non-physical, non-temporal mind.

    • @ConcreteBiblicalTruth
      @ConcreteBiblicalTruth Před 5 lety +3

      Fred Derf
      Wow never thought I would hear such an uneducated comment in my life 🤦🏿‍♂️

    • @bretttheroux8040
      @bretttheroux8040 Před 3 lety +2

      @@user-mg1jp2qf7h yeah Occam’s razor most certainly concludes there’s a God. Maybe not the God of the Bible, sure. But everything we observe in life has a beginning. Everything. So the simplest explanation is that the universe had a beginning, and thus a cause.
      To say the universe sprang into being from nothing by nothing, nothing caused the Big Bang it just ‘happened’
      THAT takes a lot of faith

  • @KavlosteMeViagra
    @KavlosteMeViagra Před 7 lety +2

    nature doesn't provide very interesting pointers to God... it provides very interesting questions which in turn are food for research and food for human imagination, and human imagination points (amongst many other things) to God

  • @martinkoch4332
    @martinkoch4332 Před 7 lety +2

    He started having some marital problems....and church counseling helped him.

  • @Socialanxiety_kkk
    @Socialanxiety_kkk Před 2 lety

    W Francis Collins

  • @manedelosmonteros6471
    @manedelosmonteros6471 Před 7 lety


    • @leruf
      @leruf Před 7 lety +6

      It is based on a real person, Schindler was a real guy they made the movie about.

  • @fdameron
    @fdameron Před 5 lety +3

    The big bang theory never says the universe started from nothing. It does say that all the matter and energy in the universe was super-condensed which resulted in the rapid expansion. Miss-representing the big bang theory like you did is the straw man fallacy.

    • @ruandegoede9369
      @ruandegoede9369 Před 5 lety +3

      But who created gravity? Matter and energy had to had a beginning?

    • @RasmusDog
      @RasmusDog Před 4 lety

      what would Sheldons mom say? 😂😜😁

    • @AbsentMinded619
      @AbsentMinded619 Před 4 lety +5

      The standard Big Bang theory does in fact assume that all of time and space originated with that singularity somehow. Ergo, it began from nothing. In the inflation model, time and space were "spread out" into the "fabric" of space and then condensed. Either way, the laws of logic and the nature of matter and energy in the universe dictate that the universe itself had a cause.

  • @johndoez4354
    @johndoez4354 Před 4 lety +4

    Scripture is clear, God is a hidden God. The attempt to prove God's existence is ultimately futile; the science vs religion debate is neutral.

  • @storytimewithtea6385
    @storytimewithtea6385 Před 3 lety +1

    Can nature for example, trees, create human beings? Human beings can talk. Can trees talk? No. Can animals talk? Well, some birds can talk but their ability to understand speech like humans seems impossible. So, can animals create humans? No. Can humans create human beings? Well, if we did create ourselves, we sure seem pretty not knowledgeable about our design. Can the universe create human beings? Well, the universe is everything in existence so that includes planets but I've never heard of a talking planet besides in the movies. So, I don't think the universe is intelligent enough. So, who or what created human life? Things and people have to be created in order for it to exist. That's a fact.

    • @ericjohnson6665
      @ericjohnson6665 Před 3 lety

      I would concur. From what I've read, these beings called Life Carriers brought the blueprints for life here when the oceans were sufficiently briny, and assembled the first single celled organisms, but that the Universe Mother Spirit had to activate them with what was phrased as "the breath of life"... (somehow simultaneously activating the millions of chemical reactions that cells do, and imbuing them with that intelligence we call life.)

    • @storytimewithtea6385
      @storytimewithtea6385 Před 3 lety

      @@ericjohnson6665 What you are not understanding is that people and things are part energy which is invisible and part matter which is a form of energy but visible. None of what you said makes any sense. You have to not only read but understand what you read and provide evidence for what you say is true. 2+2=4 is a claim but there has to be proof given that 2+2 is actually 4. The fact you are reading means you are on the path to wanting knowledge, but don't just accept logic, accept more detailed thinking which explores logic to a vast capacity. To understand anything, is to accept other people's theories and think about whether they are possible, make sense, and can be proven correct with many examples.

    • @storytimewithtea6385
      @storytimewithtea6385 Před 3 lety

      @@ericjohnson6665 But something created those life carriers. You can't just stop at these so called life beings. Everything and everyone has a creator or inventor some may even say God, whatever you call it, everything that exist came from a void or nothing but that nothing is truly something and someone. Your thoughts or ideas are describing things, situations, and people that are things that you and I can physically see and not physically see which is suggesting a split reality between energy and matter.

  • @AtamMardes
    @AtamMardes Před 3 lety +1

    Francis Collins contradicts himself. Something the size of a golf ball is something, so the big bang started from something (not nothing), therefore the universe was not created out of nothing, it was existing eternal matter changing from one form to another.

    • @powerlogic1992
      @powerlogic1992 Před 3 lety

      i am listening to your theory. can you further explain?

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Před 3 lety +1

      @@powerlogic1992 I only stated a fact. The fact is that Francis Collins contradicts himself. He says the universe started from something the size of a golf bar, then he says the universe cannot come from nothing. Since when something the size of a golf bar is nothing?

    • @powerlogic1992
      @powerlogic1992 Před 3 lety

      @@AtamMardes what do you think that composed of? dark matter. where do you think dark matter comes from? energy? where does energy come from? comes from nothing.

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Před 3 lety +2

      @@powerlogic1992 I don't know & neither does FC or anyone else. When we don't know something, FC should be honest & admit it instead of reaching conclusions out of arguments from ignorance & believing silly religious stories like virgin birth, resurrection, trinity, walking on water, etc., to soothe his discomfort with his ignorance.

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Před 3 lety


  • @urasam2
    @urasam2 Před 2 lety +1

    Some of the worst reasons for believing in god that I’ve heard

  • @andreasmoyseos5980
    @andreasmoyseos5980 Před 4 lety

    it's worrying that people with 'important' positions in this world have such naive thoughts.. 'the universe must have been created by someone'.. then who created that someone, francis..ffs..

    • @AbsentMinded619
      @AbsentMinded619 Před 4 lety +3

      It's not good to be so condescending when you don't know what you're talking about. Have some humility. Aristotle assumed an "uncaused cause" just using logic. Everything cannot have a creator, and therefore at some point back in the chain of causes, there must be a being who does NOT require having been created. Trying to say, "if God created the universe, who created God?" is just as silly as asking, "if Mom cooked this chicken, who cooked Mom?"

    • @andreasmoyseos5980
      @andreasmoyseos5980 Před 4 lety

      @@AbsentMinded619 you read a couple of books and suddenly you think you're smart.. If god is created by nature itself then it doesn't have free will.

  • @Kenneth-ts7bp
    @Kenneth-ts7bp Před rokem

    The God of scientists isn't the God of the Bible. When you read the Bible, you do not use science to interpret it, unless perhaps the Bible is silent. The Bible says Jesus created the world in 6 literal days, not 13.8 billion years. You either believe what God has said and don't change it or you risk the curses contained within the Book.

  • @Jason-qs4jj
    @Jason-qs4jj Před 7 lety +15

    God the YT comments on these type of video are physically painful to read.
    Ignorant edgy YT atheistic tweens acting like they are smarter than one of the greatest modern scientists and top intellects in the history of man... it's literally painful.
    Not exaggerating I feel physical pain in my head that runs down my chest when I read their comments.

    • @afriendtoleanon3401
      @afriendtoleanon3401 Před 5 lety +1

      Thats your soul screaming for you to wake up so you dont burn in hell ! im no better than you im a dirty sinner too but i have been saved by the Grace of God . This man is the leading DNA scientist in the world . Bill Gates said the human DNA is the most complex computer code ever written ! How is the most complex computer code ever written happen without a writer ! God wrote it just like He wrote his law on your heart thats called your conscience ! Please ask God to forgive you and show you . He will blow your mind !

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Před 3 lety

      Francis Collins contradicts himself. Something the size of a golf ball is something, so the big bang started from something (not nothing), therefore the universe was not created out of nothing, it was existing eternal matter changing from one form to another.

  • @bapam2
    @bapam2 Před 3 lety +1

    not a single rational argument

  • @bitofwizdomb7266
    @bitofwizdomb7266 Před 7 měsíci

    Even if there is a “god” it sure isn’t yaweh

  • @dddanielsr
    @dddanielsr Před 5 lety +2

    the same principles apply to god... if that is true, god must have been created by something superior...

    • @AbsentMinded619
      @AbsentMinded619 Před 4 lety +4

      No, this type of mistake is called a "category error." God only "needs" to have been created if he is part of the universe and of the same nature as physical things.

    • @mosog8829
      @mosog8829 Před 4 lety +3

      That will lead to an endless loop. Then you will ask "who created the God that created God? " And so on. The only explanation is God transcends time and space. He( God ) created time.

    • @Paradigm2012Shift
      @Paradigm2012Shift Před 4 lety

      ✪World’s leading Darwinian Evolutionary (and Agnostic) Scientist, Richard Dawkins, admits “No One Knows How Life on Earth Began”✪

    • @sockfreak2003
      @sockfreak2003 Před rokem

      So God came from nothing or God is nothing, you see the hypocrisy.

  • @junevandermark952
    @junevandermark952 Před 3 lety

    Humans are pathetic creatures. I never could "buy" that story, that my soul would be favored by a god, and that most other souls would be lost to salvation because of the judgment of the very same god. I recognized the story itself (in its nature) as being childish. Maybe one day human animals will be extinct, and life in other forms will carry on reproducing, and suffering.

    • @Kenneth-ts7bp
      @Kenneth-ts7bp Před rokem

      The Bible is true. Your opinion is irrelevant.

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Před rokem

      @@Kenneth-ts7bp Of course being a Christian, you would want the bible to be true.
      Although I was raised in a Christian culture, I could see that Christians did not agree on the meanings of words IN the bible, so THAT was a HUGE problem for me.
      Then I read the following, and that resulted in me understanding that each individual puts meaning INTO words, and that means that interpretation is always based on vanity. It's comparable to seeing one's reflection in a mirror and then saying "I NOW UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT OUT THERE MEANS !"
      From the book … The Use and Misuse of Language … edited by S. I. Hayakawa.
      General semanticists know it is hard to make the average person realize that he brings meaning to the word, that the word does not contain any meaning.

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Před rokem

      @@Kenneth-ts7bp As a child, those preachers could never make me feel guilt, because I always believed that if a god did exist, it would only have the nature of pure unadulterated love. That belief sheltered me from their sermons that often smacked of negativity, as in punishment from a god ... if I dared not follow HIS will.

      From the book “Twisted Scriptures,” by Mary Alice Chrnalogar, published in 1997.
      Tricks to Keep You Controlled
      A Guilt-Edged Sword
      The key for gaining maximum control over someone’s conscience is to influence the person to study and accept certain beliefs. Then, if the person fails to follow those beliefs, a powerful feeling of guilt will be the result.
      Leaders get you to believe that they don’t interpret the Bible but just “teach what is in the Bible”-making the Bible synonymous with their interpretations.

  • @tosoledo
    @tosoledo Před 8 lety +5

    All of his argument has been debunk by science and reason. He fail completely and is just preaching to the convert.

    • @alexjoseph886
      @alexjoseph886 Před 8 lety +13

      +tosoledo I disagree, This scientist was once an atheist, but seen that science points towards God. God created science, so we can explore his creation. No need to be a butthurt atheist who doesn't want to know the truth, troll. :)

    • @kentclark9616
      @kentclark9616 Před 7 lety +5

      From my point of view, you are upside down. Hahaha none of he's arguments have been debunked. Your very under read.

    • @tosoledo
      @tosoledo Před 7 lety +1

      You are very under read, try those books:
      Bertrand Russell, Why I am not a christian.
      Jerry A. Coyne, faith vs facts, why science and religion are incompatible.
      John w . Loftus, The Christian Delusion, why faith fails
      George H. Smith, Atheism: the case against god,
      Victor J. Stenger God: the failed hypothesis
      Victor J. Stenger God and the Folly of Faith
      Victor J. Stenger The New Atheism: Taking a Stand for Science and Reason.
      Richard Carrier, Why I am not a christian.
      Richard Carrier, sence and goodness without god
      Pascal boyer, religion explained
      Carl Segan, Deamon hunted world.
      Danielle Denette, breaking the spell.
      Richard Dawkins, the god delusion

    • @martinkoch4332
      @martinkoch4332 Před 7 lety

      Yes, they have.
      Go ahead and try to cite a scientific paper that indicates gods exist.

    • @AbsentMinded619
      @AbsentMinded619 Před 4 lety +2

      @@martinkoch4332 There are countless indications that God exists in science. Very nearly ALL of science. What you are TRYING to say is that there is no direct observation of God using science, which is correct but not really relevant. We already know that God is not a physical being hanging around somewhere within the universe to be observed.