Ronald Reagan - Medicare Will Bring A Socialist Dictatorship

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • Ronald Reagan's 1961 recording for the American Medical Association's Operation Coffee Cup, which claimed the passage of pending Medicare legislation would shortly lead to a complete takeover of all medical services by government and shortly thereafter, a socialist dictatorship. History shows neither, in fact, happened. Learn more at:

Komentáře • 320

  • @aarondowd7346
    @aarondowd7346 Před 4 lety +50

    Ah yes, communist England

    • @brandonwallingford7976
      @brandonwallingford7976 Před 3 lety +4

      And then COVID-19 came around and now everyone is free to go nowhere.
      Communist indeed.

    • @haceofspades7682
      @haceofspades7682 Před 2 lety +8

      @@brandonwallingford7976 that... has nothing to do with communism?

    • @markw4206
      @markw4206 Před 2 lety

      @@brandonwallingford7976 Oh my, my. Did the evil government keep you ungrateful snots alive again? It's SO mean when they do that!

  • @johndanielson3777
    @johndanielson3777 Před 3 lety +31

    Ah yes, when Britain established the NHS, I remember vividly Winston Churchill balling his eyes out and claiming that Hitler had actually won the war.

  • @johnslade7540
    @johnslade7540 Před 3 lety +27

    Thank goodness for Medicare. It's run better than most insurance companies. What would be good is a public option for all Americans. Let there be REAL competition.

  • @eidolon1809
    @eidolon1809 Před 5 lety +50

    I especially love how Trump just vowed that Medicare would be protected from "socialist destruction"!

    • @howwrongwewere
      @howwrongwewere Před 4 lety +17

      Really is amazing how much stupidity can be condensed into one party. I'm genuinely impressed by how much bullshit they manage to get their groupies to accept and parrot back. Repulsed. But impressed nonetheless.

    • @MiserableOldFart
      @MiserableOldFart Před 4 lety +14

      Just look at this guy. st. raygun started a class war in the 80's, and we've been losing for four decades.

    • @megahappy2bemeIntheStarz
      @megahappy2bemeIntheStarz Před 4 lety +7

      Yeah, that's pretty funny ! Of course tRump himself is trying to destroy it with that executive order he just signed (he didn't tell the old people about that one and what it means for them). Obama care was set this year to close the "Donut hole" gap in Medicare helping to make their drugs less expensive (and tRump has done really nothing about drug prices in general either) . So, yeah, pretty funny that the right's idol and many retirees on the right don't understand that SS & Medicare came from the liberal left, LOL ! Their bank insurance for their savings etc. came from efforts by the so called Liberal "socialist" left too !

    • @markw4206
      @markw4206 Před 2 lety

      He says that without irony, and the dupes on the Right eat it up as if he said something wise and insightful. It's incredible.

    • @artartful854
      @artartful854 Před rokem

      He did in fact say on Oprah, he'd run as a republican because 'they are dumb' and will vote for anybody.
      He was and knew his crowd.

  • @markwaldron8954
    @markwaldron8954 Před 4 lety +8

    The complete fucking insanity is strong with this one.

  • @chasoney
    @chasoney Před 3 lety +6

    LMFAO; Medicare for the population is socialism and bad but corporate socialism is capitalism and good. Got a different arguments?

    • @Tyler-zz4kv
      @Tyler-zz4kv Před 3 lety

      Both are bad. That’s been the whole point crony capitalism is socialism with red lipstick

  • @MiserableOldFart
    @MiserableOldFart Před 7 lety +7

    He was a sick bastard.

  • @Quid100
    @Quid100 Před 11 lety +25

    "The government will tell a Doctor where they can work!"

  • @ktheintz
    @ktheintz Před 13 lety +12

    trivia: this is what Carter was talking about when Reagan said "there he goes again" (i.e., Reagan's silly and hysterical prediction that Medicare would lead to the abolition of private health care).

  • @BramClaes
    @BramClaes Před 12 lety +8

    Then again, the US barely possesses a welfare state. My country does, and still no socialist dictature. you're right, RR was wrong:p

    • @bryanhgd665
      @bryanhgd665 Před 5 lety

      What country?

    • @scepticsquirrel
      @scepticsquirrel Před 3 lety +1

      USA doesn't possesses barely a welfare state, in fact total welfare spending of GDP is on par with Canada.

    • @rupasandhu6061
      @rupasandhu6061 Před 3 lety

      Canada undemocratic socialist healthcare is terrible, you have to wait months for the smallest service. Canada is now a socialist dictatorship under Trudeau.

  • @darboy11
    @darboy11 Před 12 lety +17

    Does this remind anyone else of "Reefer Madness", even a little bit?

  • @goddessbabalon1569
    @goddessbabalon1569 Před 8 lety +19

    Heaven forbid you should be able to see a doctor when you're sick. Well, it used to be that a job meant you and your family had health insurance, but when Reagan started the ball rolling of breaking unions, closing factories, and sending America's industrial infrastructure and middle class to Communist China in exchange for virtual slave labor and then downsizing and outsourcing our white collar jobs to India, benefits packages began to dry up with wages and jobs. All the threats the rich made about cutting all three in the event wages continued to rise came true anyway and no one held them to account. The only alternative to health insurance the average person cannot afford is socialized medicine of one form or another. Either you walk into a hospital and beg or you walk in as an American should be able to do - and as people in the rest of the industrialized world do - and have it covered through taxes in a government-sponsored program. IT'S ALL THEORY until that first time your child is sick and begging you to take her to see a doctor and you can't. It's all theory until you want a child suffer and die from a disease that medicine cured over a century ago for lack of funds. We don't have a problem with socialism. We have a problem with greed and the inhumanity that built it. And what did Reagan's efforts do for America? He may have torn down the Soviet Union by competing with it and driving it into the ground economically in an arms race, but he hand built Communist China into what it is today. That is his legacy, and, without the slightest hint of exaggeration, that is the truth.

    • @megahappy2bemeIntheStarz
      @megahappy2bemeIntheStarz Před 4 lety +2

      Hey, The USSR (Russia for Millenials) was decaying greatly by the time Reagan got in Office, OK. It didn't take much to push them over and Chernobyl helped, plus the revolts in their satellite countries. Many of those missiles in their annual May Day parade were fake replicas. Ron also made it quite profitable for capital gains wealth which put all the emphasis on Wall Street and shareholders and CEOS who get a lot of their wages through stock options etc.and that caused the wage theft we see today and enormous inequality., besides his tax "reform"- which also began taxing tips, unemployment (Even more obscene than during the Gilded Age). He complained in debates about the recession in Carter's last year , but Ron left office with a worse recession than Carter did. Oh, and Russia isn't any better now being a thug state !

    • @ldanclevi
      @ldanclevi Před 4 lety +1

      true! the doctor who received me recently in a public health center (private doctors are becoming rare) is doing her internship, checked the contraceptions, vaccines and contagious symptoms, oriented me towards specialists, proposed antibiotics, all that almost for free, because i have the chance of living in a high health taxes country, unlike America!

    • @homounculus5769
      @homounculus5769 Před rokem

      As a Millennial, it's deeply unfortunate that the Soviet Union lost the Cold War.

  • @pusansi
    @pusansi Před 5 lety +14

    It turns out he was a traitor.

    • @mehrshadvr4
      @mehrshadvr4 Před 4 lety +5

      @@BM-cr9nm hahah Reagan negotiated with iranians to hold the hostages after the election. Look up the "October surprise". If a traitor doesn't do that , I don't know who would. Btw Reagan was the one who started the free trades. He pushed for free trades.

  • @WiloPolis03
    @WiloPolis03 Před 2 lety +4

    *The socialism understander has logged on*

  • @delavalmilker
    @delavalmilker Před 7 lety +10

    Remember the scene in the movie "Ed Wood", where an ailing Bela Lugosi is thrown out of the hospital, because he couldn't pay? That's what it was like for the elderly before Medicare.

  • @floridagrandpa
    @floridagrandpa Před 11 lety +7

    I did live during his time. Truth be told he conned me. I finally woke up in the middle of his last term. Darn fine actor, but that talent made lying as easy as breathing for him. Never totally knew where he really stood.

  • @Par5Birdie
    @Par5Birdie Před 11 lety +10

    Since he never cut spending of socialized programs such as Medicare and Social Security that would make him a contributor to "socialist dictatorship". He bailed out Social Security. He increased the size of government and nearly tripled the budget deficit, increased defense spending, and raised taxes 11 times. But, he did cut or stop spending in many programs that helped poor people and blamed homeless people for being homeless while giving tax cuts to corporations.

    • @selfishcapitalist3523
      @selfishcapitalist3523 Před 3 lety

      Who else is responsible for homelessness? It's not the job of the government to eliminate homelessness.

  • @weylandyutanicorporate
    @weylandyutanicorporate Před 6 lety +17

    I lived in the UK for six years, and let me tell you this: publicly-funded healthcare is awesome. Don't believe anyone that tells you that there are longer waits or worse care, because they are full of shit. (Of course, typically these clowns have never actually been to any of the places they're railing against.) Our daughter was born in Lewisham, and we had excellent care throughout the process and even had midwives visiting us regularly to check on the health of the mother and the baby. Our taxes for the NHS were around £600/month, whereas we now pay $800/month for shitty United healthcare, and we still have to pay co-pays and cover lab costs and whatnot. One additional thing nobody talks about when it comes to single payer is that it encourages more people to start small businesses because you don't have to worry about buying expensive (and usually crappy) independent health insurance. I started a small consultancy when I lived in London and the only cost I incurred was a £300 company registration fee. This whole SOCIALISM wolf cry is a way for rich old dudes to convince ignoramuses to keep letting them raid the country's economy and run it into the ground for their own enrichment.

    • @megahappy2bemeIntheStarz
      @megahappy2bemeIntheStarz Před 4 lety +4

      My one sister lives currently in Eng;and (Yes, I know that is part of the UK, just being specific) and likes their system. She is married to a Brit and that is why she lives there. I sometimes have to wait longer for an appointment then her and she doesn't have to wait weeks on end and has had very good care etc. These clowns say it because the are making money off the current system, like CEOS and shareholders of Insurance companies or Drug companies etc. The AMA and NUrses associ. among others support a national program. Reagan shilled for companies before politics and after his B movie career fizzled out.

    • @megahappy2bemeIntheStarz
      @megahappy2bemeIntheStarz Před 4 lety +4

      I also worked in Insurance for awhile and there are several reasons why a National Health Insurance plan would make the price cheaper- cuts out the profit motive which raises the costs on things (government subsides drug research so don't anyone give me anything there with the drug prices or research costs etc.) such as incurred by having to pay CEO fat salaries and shareholder dividends, large risk pool rather than all these smaller ones, which is why generally larger companies usually have better plans than smaller ones- (generally speaking because the company might just be an asshole and skimp on employees benefits), less processing work for the physician etc.'s office , etc. Whole sale is cheaper than retail because it cuts out all the middlemen so to speak , and the product is not changed, but it costs less wholesale too- same thing this would do.

    • @weylandyutanicorporate
      @weylandyutanicorporate Před 3 lety +3

      @Wicked Jester I know. The US healthcare system has terribly long waiting lists.

    • @weylandyutanicorporate
      @weylandyutanicorporate Před 3 lety +3

      @Wicked Jester so is that all you got? Waiting lists? In the UK, you may have to wait for elective non-essential surgeries, but emergencies get prioritized. you have any other complaints, or do you just get all your political ideas from grainy Boomer Facebook memes?

    • @weylandyutanicorporate
      @weylandyutanicorporate Před 3 lety +1


  • @sbspock
    @sbspock Před 3 lety +27

    It is so important to remember how destructive Reagan was to our country. Thank you for this reminder!

    • @weylandyutanicorporate
      @weylandyutanicorporate Před 3 lety +3

      Yep. He's to blame for the homeless problem too. Jackass cut off federal funding for mental health institutions because surely the private sector in all their wisdom would solve those kinds of problems.

    • @Americansikkunt
      @Americansikkunt Před 3 lety +3

      You made a claim, and left zero evidence. Not very convincing...

    • @Zeus0886
      @Zeus0886 Před 2 lety

      @@Americansikkunt he created the war on drugs and crack cocaine at the same time. Also created trickle down economics. How much more evidence do you need.

  • @jgarceau3285
    @jgarceau3285 Před 7 lety +29

    What a simpleton.

    • @mtnprivy
      @mtnprivy Před 5 lety +2

      You're being KIND . . . . . or perhaps a simpleton, yourself. I think he was just a selfish, greedy and malicious movie star, with NO concern about anyone else.

    • @MarineAqua45
      @MarineAqua45 Před 4 lety +2

      Jeffrey Garceau He probably got paid alot of money here to talk bullshit about social-heath-care, but then again he was a hard-working man who had a young wife & kids to support, so its a paycheck at the end of the day & a jobbing actor & an up & coming politician-would have been stupid not to have taken it.
      I think he’d of reluctantly agreed that universal healthcare would have worked, if the Democrat in him, was prompted?

  • @MrGangstNerd
    @MrGangstNerd Před 7 lety +20

    Fun fact: Reagan's family was saved by the New Deal

    • @seanmichaels8060
      @seanmichaels8060 Před 5 lety +9

      Conservatives today want to dismantle the New Deal and repeal minimum wage laws sending us all back to the 1930's. Scary.

    • @harshitmadan6449
      @harshitmadan6449 Před 5 lety

      @@seanmichaels8060 19th century was amazing success story of capitalism

    • @GeorgePiazza
      @GeorgePiazza Před 4 lety +5

      @@harshitmadan6449 You are kidding. Right?

    • @tylernass6263
      @tylernass6263 Před 4 lety +5

      @@GeorgePiazza it was absolutely great! ...for the capitalist class, that is.

  • @robertrobinson3788
    @robertrobinson3788 Před 2 lety +3

    If it looks too good to be true it is.💯💯💯

  • @TighelanderII
    @TighelanderII Před 4 měsíci +1

    Conservatives called Social Security "Communist" when it was being proposed.

  • @wiscgaloot
    @wiscgaloot Před 3 lety +8

    Hard for someone to be more clueless about history than Ronnie Raygun.

  • @JosephEstril
    @JosephEstril Před 8 lety +28


  • @TBird4490
    @TBird4490 Před 12 lety +9

    That awkward moment when Republicans are wrong..

  • @johncronin8235
    @johncronin8235 Před 11 lety +5

    interesting this is coming from the guy who got the country into the most debt ever, but that was ok because he was spending it on bombs. Also the guy who brought the economy back with a Keynesian stimulus of tax cuts and government spending.

  • @thebitplanes8188
    @thebitplanes8188 Před 11 lety +14

    What an awful person he was.

  • @zachmockbee6283
    @zachmockbee6283 Před 7 lety +12

    What a bunch of malarkey.

  • @Melonhead111
    @Melonhead111 Před 13 lety +2

    .The names and faces may change, but the lies remain the same....As Machiavelli so eloquently wrote, "Men may love at their own will, but will fear at the will of the Prince". Now I understand why the term sheep is so often considered in the plural. This fear mongering reappears with such a tedious inevitability I find it unbearably fatiguing.

  • @aprilking1045
    @aprilking1045 Před 3 lety +3

    I looked up the year of my birth and found this recording mentioned for my year of 1961-- came to listen to it for the 1st time: Reagan "criticized Social Security for supplanting private savings and warned that subsidized medicine would curtail Americans' freedom" and that "pretty soon your son won't decide when he's in school, where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him." Part of a stealth program the AMA conducted called Operation Coffee Cup

  • @davidhutchinson5233
    @davidhutchinson5233 Před 4 měsíci

    I remember my great Aunt railing against Reagan during his first campaign in 79 and 80. I mean she would cuss at the tv....she was old school Rosie the Riveter.....she would say you SOB, you're a goddamn actor...nothing more and nothing less than a whore for the rich. Damn she was spot on.

  • @FishOfTheSea
    @FishOfTheSea Před rokem +1

    If there's a hell, I hope Reagan is there suffering

  • @ptichkayt
    @ptichkayt Před 11 lety +4

    Medicare had absolutely *nothing* to do with any skyrocketing of healthcare costs.
    As for government mandating health insurance, we already do this when we require people to pay for automobile insurance. Only TWO states do not have compulsory liability insurance for automobile registration, and they require either that you pay an additional state fee (NC) or provide financial records as proof that you have enough money to pay for damage you might cause (NH).

    • @bryanhgd665
      @bryanhgd665 Před 5 lety

      How can you be so sure of your first statement? You could be wrong, correct?

  • @mns8732
    @mns8732 Před 3 lety +2

    Money and power corrupts. That's the thrust of the constitution's ability to change who holds office and it specifically explains why.
    The ideas of parties and candidates will come and go and be different and should be different because the countries needs change.
    But power and wealth works the same for all parties.
    So I dont care what Reagan says; what happened was neo conservatism has been the single idea for the last 40 years. And to buttress that ideology most of congress does not change. The framers were aged 32 to 64. Most of our leaders are 65 o 80. That's not America.

  • @earlviney5212
    @earlviney5212 Před rokem

    If it wasn't for Medicare my mother in law would be on the street

  • @robertrobinson3788
    @robertrobinson3788 Před 2 lety +1

    Medicare commercials are on T.V. 5000 Times a day.💯💯💯

  • @couhby
    @couhby Před 11 lety +1

    I guess not enough people wrote letters to their congressmen.

  • @cranez006
    @cranez006 Před 4 lety +3

    Jeff Tiedrich bought me here. Hey Ronald, scare tactics still working for you?

  • @asthmaenthusiast
    @asthmaenthusiast Před 3 lety +5

    It's wild hearing this and realizing exactly how much a lying stooge for corporate interests Reagan was, and so early in his devastating career.

  • @johnmolina3441
    @johnmolina3441 Před 2 lety

    The more I find out about this guy years later, the more I can't stand him.

  • @jonjax61
    @jonjax61 Před 8 měsíci

    Reagan was correct. We are heading right there, right now.

  • @bbowjuju
    @bbowjuju Před 9 lety +9

    He was wrong.

    • @Holly-days
      @Holly-days Před 5 lety

      Actually, no. Reagan was exactly right. We now have partial government unmanaged socialized medicine with threats of it becoming even more so while a democrat house threatens to take away medicare for seniors.
      What you let your government "give" you, be prepared for government to whimsically take it away.

  • @Picadors65
    @Picadors65 Před 13 lety +4

    Our first Ron Paul. Tk

  • @Holly-days
    @Holly-days Před 5 lety +1

    So, fusion07mp4, care to modify your statement? Reagan's prediction came true, as it turns out. We are well on our way to total government health care, and nearing complete socialism.

  • @SuperGuitarman69
    @SuperGuitarman69 Před 12 lety

    This is my political site.. I prefer to remain anonymous.. I do not want to mix those who know me, with my political views.. I am involved with music at the national level.. The worst thing you can do is mix politics with music.. Therefore if someone engages me on a level politically? I will NEVER let them know who I am..

  • @Goldmannn
    @Goldmannn Před 12 lety +3

    OBAMA 2012

  • @masoncolbert8712
    @masoncolbert8712 Před 4 lety +3

    Poor Ronny Reagan! Totally clueless!

    • @masoncolbert8712
      @masoncolbert8712 Před 4 lety +2

      @@BM-cr9nm You must be an idiot, just like Ronald Reagan!

  • @amh426
    @amh426 Před 13 lety +6


  • @SailPurrfection
    @SailPurrfection Před 12 lety +1

    Reagan's not right...... yet..... LOL...

  • @SailorBarsoom
    @SailorBarsoom Před 10 lety +1

    And Reagan made this all disappear by saying, "There you go again." Of course, that was before CZcams, where it too me less than two minutes to find this.

  • @TBird4490
    @TBird4490 Před 12 lety

    That awkward moment when you assert an opinion as a fact without being able to substantiate it with empirical data.
    I'll give you an example so you understand.
    You aren't familiar with Austrian economics. I know this for a fact. It's an extremely awkward moment.
    Is there a way I can reinforce my claim with baseless opinions? No.
    Hopefully you see how foolish you like right now. If you're still confused, feel free to reply.

  • @TBird4490
    @TBird4490 Před 12 lety +2


  • @BramClaes
    @BramClaes Před 12 lety

    Oh yeah, nice ad hominem about my nickname by the way, really coureagous. FYI, I put it in my nickname because I liked shredders back then, hadn't got anything to do with me. But because you seem to make such a big deal about it, why don't you post a video of your playing on youtube?

  • @amigahome
    @amigahome Před 4 lety +3

    As usual, he was right.

  • @capitalism420
    @capitalism420 Před 12 lety

    how does it feel?

  • @SunflowerSocialist
    @SunflowerSocialist Před 9 lety

    Norman Thomas never actually said those words

  • @WardBlacklocke
    @WardBlacklocke Před 12 lety

    That awkward moment when you don't understand what Classical Liberalism is and why it is important.

    • @bryanhgd665
      @bryanhgd665 Před 5 lety

      Or you do understand which is the reason you want to move away from it.

  • @MrJotunar
    @MrJotunar Před 11 lety +1

    Same ole agitprop crap...different century.

  • @garybsg
    @garybsg Před 10 lety +7


    • @NeonNights80
      @NeonNights80 Před 7 lety +12

      That was recorded 56 years ago and we are in no way on the road to a Socialist Dictatorship.

    • @Holly-days
      @Holly-days Před 5 lety

      @@NeonNights80 Hahahaha! Look around!

  • @TBird4490
    @TBird4490 Před 12 lety

    I'm still waiting on your proof of me being a Liberal. Most of your paragraph had nothing to do with attempting to prove I'm a liberal.
    You said your claim is explicitly normative.
    Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, esp. of behavior: "negative sanctions to enforce normative behavior".
    That literally has nothing to do with your inability to substantiate proof of me being a liberal.
    So, I'm still waiting on that proof.....

  • @WardBlacklocke
    @WardBlacklocke Před 12 lety

    First. The assumption of needing empirical data assumes that claim is descriptive. Not normative. My claim is explicitly normative. There is a difference. Second, Hayak and his ilk are familiar to me. They make an interesting argument about the coordination of the market. Third, Reagan's argument is most certainly hyperbolic. However, he is essentially correct about medicine being an effective route to subvert classical liberalism. Need for care effectively bypasses suspicion of power.

  • @cc-wz6xr
    @cc-wz6xr Před 11 lety

    liberty, equality, and justice? Really? Liberty is something you are born with. Equal rights are good, but "equality" does not fit into our Constitution. Those who work hard and succeed should not be equal to those who don't. For those who think that, move to Korea or something because conservatives like myself dont want the one Capitalist country to live in to be disrupted by socialistic ideals. If you wanna be equal to those around you, go apply for a Union job or get out.

  • @paulakpacente
    @paulakpacente Před 4 lety +3

    He was 100% correct!

    • @aarondowd7346
      @aarondowd7346 Před 4 lety +1


    • @brandonm949
      @brandonm949 Před 4 lety +2

      France? Germany? Canada?

    • @paulakpacente
      @paulakpacente Před 4 lety +1

      @@brandonm949- What about them? I had both my hips replaced a few years ago. It took me about a month to get them scheduled. I talked to a woman in Canada, and she was on an "indefinite" waiting list. Even today, U.S. healthcare is the best in the world.

    • @brandonm949
      @brandonm949 Před 4 lety +2

      @@paulakpacente For specialties, probably. Getting a general care appointment in Canada is way faster though. Either way, high wait times are not a loss of all your freedoms or a socialist dictatorship or anything like that. It's just inefficiency in the healthcare system.

    • @paulakpacente
      @paulakpacente Před 4 lety

      @@brandonm949- You have it all backwards, and I'm sure you're young and pretty healthy. If you have every been in the kind of pain I'm in (I now need my knees replaced) high wait times can cause one to be absolutely miserable. In addition, I've seen at least 8 doctors so far this year. ALL of them are fed up with the government controls they are faced with now. It would only get WORSE with socialized medicine. Indeed, several of them have retired due to the idiotic regulations imposed upon them by the damned government bureaucrats. Can you answer why so many people from Canada and other countries who have enough money come to the U.S. for health care? Finally, things like obamacare have seriously deterred R&D. I had 3 doctors and many nurses in my family. NONE of them were for socialized medicine. Before you answer me again do some REAL homework. It might allow you to think for yourself instead of swallowing the pablum you get from your teachers and peers. Bye.

  • @SuperGuitarman69
    @SuperGuitarman69 Před 12 lety

    First off take of the Guitarvirtuoso. Anyone who puts something like that as your screen name? I can guarantee you cannot play.. I should know, I am a professional session player.. Secondly, not ONE single founding father has anything to do with the so called "progressive" movement.. In fact? If Jefferson himself made this quote ""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." He was talking about the modern democratic party.. And it will happen

  • @amdg2023
    @amdg2023 Před 3 lety

    He was right.

    • @Gluzzer
      @Gluzzer Před 3 lety +3

      nope, look at European Nation, Japan, Austrailia, Canada New Zealand, most of whom have a stronger democracy than the US.

  • @cc-wz6xr
    @cc-wz6xr Před 11 lety +1

    I wish I couldve live to hear him speak in person. This man was blunt and honest... and RIGHT.

    • @CelestialWoodway
      @CelestialWoodway Před 6 lety +6

      Bullshit. He was an idiotic asshole.

    • @endtheliesnow5906
      @endtheliesnow5906 Před 5 lety +4

      Wake up. He was a empty headed actor with no morals or feelings for the poor.

  • @user-rd8vp6nq8b
    @user-rd8vp6nq8b Před 4 lety

    Once again Ronald Reagan is right what a great president he was