Hearthstone : Tempo Mage (Rank 18-17) December 2016

  • čas přidán 6. 12. 2016
  • Hearthstone : Tempo Mage (Rank 18-17) December 2016
    After falling from rank 15 to 18, it was up to Tempo Mage deck to get us back on track.
    Thanks for watching.
    My official Twitch channel : / mattiik_sk
  • Hry

Komentáře • 3

  • @nickle87
    @nickle87 Před 7 lety

    Just to be 100% real with you, you play very unaware of anything related to basic stratagem (Timing, the opponent's decks, percentage probability [or any other basic calculations], the cards left in your own deck, beneficial trading [EG: Two cards for one], order of playing cards [EG: Cult Sorcerer before CoC'ing], so on and so forth). Also, I'm not sure what this video was supposed to be; however, as it appears to me, it's nothing more than you swearing at whatever you would like to blame for your "misfortunes" caused by absolutely awful or even non-existent foresight and calculation.

    • @Matt444444
      @Matt444444  Před 7 lety

      thanks for the feedback. I am open to suggestions how to improve my game, so please point out specific time of the miss plays you mentioned.

    • @nickle87
      @nickle87 Před 7 lety

      First off, I'm no pro, so don't expect my advice to get you to legend...
      1. Deck Composition
      S33 is rough for tempo mage right now. Inherently, it's a bit slower than the meta allows for. With cards like Cabalist's Tome and Faceless Summoner, you're slowing down a tempo mage deck even more (Which is okay, versus control...). Since the upper ranks are mostly filled with SMORC/Aggro style decks, I'de suggest swapping out to a faster style of tempo mage. Also, run ooze/some kind of weapon counter. There's a lot of weapons out there right now.

      Firelands portal? Roaring torches?
      Something like this will suffice (I pulled from a public place, so you can see that the information you want is out there): www.hearthpwn.com/decks/702375-s33-raycs-tempo-mage-mean-streets-of-gadgetzan

      2. Learn the meta.
      There's a couple key decks that work off of a couple key cards (individually). For each season, it typically shifts a little bit, but not much. With the release of a brand new expansion, the meta has almost completely changed. Take time to study the new decks and their typical plays (As a basic starter list: Face/Jade Shaman, Jade Rogue, Pirate Warrior, Jade Druid, Reno Warlock, and Dragon Priest)
      3. Impatience.
      I know, sometimes it's very frustrating waiting for your opponent; however, give them some respect. Perhaps they're planning out their very first moves from turn one, or maybe thinking about a percentage on drawing a card if certain actions are taken. Be patient, and give your opponents more respect.

      Ok, now for some mistakes.
      3. List of mistakes I saw.
      -2:45 : Misplay, especially with mirror image in hand, you could reap quite a big benefit on turn 4. Instead, you chose to play the flamewaker without gaining any immediate bonus. Fortunately, your Flamewaker didn't die.
      -Instead, I would've played effigy, so you keep your tempo after turn 4 Flamewaker->Mirror images. Or perhaps even babbling book->ping so I can have a higher chance at removing the 2/3 bad wolf.
      -3:16 : What if you played your cult sorcerer + arcane missiles first, so you could see what they hit, and THEN perhaps, do a more effective trade other than smacking your Flamewaker into a 2/1 Leokk (Perhaps you could've gotten away with smacking the Leokk while he had 2 health, and then maximizing the kill probability on the bad wolf ).
      -4:21 : I'm not so sure frostbolting the 3/2 was worth it at all. I would've pinged, as it dies next turn anyway to babbling book/ping (depending upon whether you wanted to play azure drake on turn 6 or drew into something else to play).
      -5:06 : Wait, you just said you could flamestrike that. Why not help out your hand by setting up for the play? If you look at the board, you would notice that trading into the 1/1 that WOULD pop next turn when you flame strike would be quite better than trading into the 2/1 fiery bat. That way, next turn, IF he didn't trade into your drake, you could flamestrike and do a full clear + most of whatever he can summon (other than turn 6 Savannah Highmane, which you would still kill with the drake up, but then be left against 2, 2/2's).
      -5:55 : This is what I mean by the last comment, THIS is an awkward turn created by your own decision making.
      -7:55 : Stop complaining, you lost because of your own mistakes. And he didn't win because of "one card." You threw away so much burn and board it wasn't even funny.
      -9:16 : Don't keep Arcane Intellect unless you think it's a control-style matchup (Not very likely nowadays).
      -10:20 : I think it was actually better to draw. The minions on the board were too big for your Flamewaker to have any meaningful impact without a damage card (Something like Arcane Missiles/Frostbolt). The percentage chance of you killing that 2/2 is so low with 4 shots.
      - 12:17 : Stop complaining. It's not like you did anything to stop him from having board or to draw answers you needed (AOE clear/ multi-hit spells).
      -14:28 : Don't keep AI, again. Same thing, keep it if you think it's a control matchup (Standard warrior is Pirate warrior right now or face-warrior or dragon warrior, all three are aggro).
      -15:12 : Seriously, it's one damage, don't get all worked up.
      -16:27 : Pretty sure it was better to ping there and take the 3 to the face. I think it's okay since you have both frostbolts in hand, but if you didn't, I would've pinged to conserve the frostbolts for bloodsail raider/Frothing berserker.
      -17:56 : The timing of your mirror images is crucial in this matchup, since you KNOW he'll probably have quite a few ways to kill you at this point via weapons (Arcanite Reaper, a bloodsail cultist, or another upgrade in particular). I would've just played azure drake and traded the cultist in. Be very weary of WHEN you play your mirror images if you don't have your water elemental to keep their face in check.

      After this point, I can't really take too much more of it, so I'll stop commenting on it.