'Salem's Lot Finally Getting Released . . . Straight To Streaming


Komentáře • 29

  • @vlcthefish
    @vlcthefish Před 2 měsíci +4

    5:50 "I suspect a lot of Sh-t has happened behind the scenes"
    The only leak I heard was when WB initally delayed the movie and blamed it on the pandemic causing the post production delays someone on the IGN forums back in the summer of 2022 claimed they where working on the film and basically blamed Dauberman on things. I believe that person was legit because I went through their post history and you can see they talk about working on VXF in some other posts. I think that person might have been referring to the glowing vampire eyes which are VFX that I read in another leak. Here was the post
    11 July, 2022
    As one of the people working on this film...LOL IT IS A HOT MESS YALL! That's the real story. I cant give out too much but some director thinks his movie is hot sh**t and filmed it in a way that is making everyone's lives hell that are working on! As in the director is experimenting with a bunch of crap in post production that is straining resources."

    • @strangemichaelhorror
      @strangemichaelhorror  Před 2 měsíci +2

      Man, if that turns-out to be true, Salem’s Lot fans are going to be so angry lol. Especially after it’s been twenty years since we’ve had an adaptation of this book lmao.
      Thanks for the info., I hadn’t heard of any of that before.

    • @vlcthefish
      @vlcthefish Před 2 měsíci +3

      @@strangemichaelhorror Yeah that post way back then was giving a background of how messed up the movie was back in 2022 and which we are now seeing it's 2 years later to come out so makes sense how bad it was back then. The last I heard of the final test screening with audiences from a detailed leak was the final movie was fun over all but lacked character development and had some stupid jump scares which makes sense as Gary Dauberman is directing it. So I would say at best we are getting another modern horror movie with the same tropes but could be fun. Not gonna be some classic thought provoking film diving into King's book. Hopefully it's better than those terrible IT movies but probably not if it's going right to streaming.

  • @johnbleakley4125
    @johnbleakley4125 Před měsícem +2

    I love the king novel and the Tobe Hooper mini series and even quite like the 2OO4 Mikael Solomon version, and have been eagerly awaiting the Gary Dauberman movie with baited breath and much anticipation. It's my favourite Stephen king book and the Hooper mini series is fuckin fabulous and is my favourite vampire movie, although it was originally a mini series, then in 198O then cut it to ribbons and released it theatrically in some parts of America and Europe. I believe it did very well in Australia!! But I think we are still waiting for the definitive Salem's Lot movie. I believe the running time of Dauberman's Salem's Lot is arround two hours long, so I don't see how that can possibly be too long for a cinematic release. If anything, it's too darn short, from what I've heard. Maybe they've added to it. I'm so looking forward to seeing this highly anticipated movie, but can't pretend I'm happy it's ' apparently ' not getting a theatrical release. I stress the word ' apparently ' coz you never know with this movie, especially were Warner Bros and Mr saslav are concerned!! It could just suddenly go the theatrical route. Who knows? 🤔

    • @strangemichaelhorror
      @strangemichaelhorror  Před měsícem +1

      Hey, man, thanks for the awesome comment! It’s good to see a fan of Salem’s Lot be so excited for the new movie. I’m hoping it’ll be good, too, despite my pre-disposition about the series. I’m still working my way through the novel-less than 200 pages in.
      God bless you.

    • @johnbleakley4125
      @johnbleakley4125 Před měsícem +1

      ​@@strangemichaelhorrorfuckin fabulous novel!!! 👌👌🙏🙏💯

    • @johnbleakley4125
      @johnbleakley4125 Před měsícem +1

      Think I'll wait for the eventual home video blueray/4 k release!! Love Tobe Hooper's original, which I own on both dvd and blueray and would love to see a 4k release of this Vampire horror Classic!!! Also, have the 2OO4 Rob Lowe remake on dvd, which I quite like. Truer to king's original text than the renowned Hooper version. And realy lookin forward to the new one. Can't pretend I'm happy it's going straite to streaming. Huge mistake by Mr Saslav and Warner Bros, I feel. Very bad decision-making, as Stephen king generally means BIG Box office!!!

  • @canadianfortrump4057
    @canadianfortrump4057 Před 2 měsíci +3

    I've read about 20 books by Stephen King and Salem's Lot is by far my #1 favorite. I've found the movies based on his books are generally poor and do his books a disservice. Both movie versions of Salem's Lot in 1979 and 2004 disappointed me. They both had their frightening moments but were both poor adaptations of the novel. I'm still excited about seeing the 2024 remake in the hopes that it will be a loyal version of the novel. I think WB are greatly under estimating the size of the Salem's Lot fan base and making a big mistake by not releasing it in theatres. On a different subject, I like the name of your channel since Night of the Living Dead is my all time #1 favorite horror film with The Exorcist a close 2nd.

    • @strangemichaelhorror
      @strangemichaelhorror  Před 2 měsíci +1

      See, despite not being a fan of Salem much myself, I understand that MOST hardcore fans of King love that book deeply, and some consider it in their top 3, even. That’s fine, I get it. And I guess that’s why I’m so surprised by WB putting this straight-to-streaming. I just saw Road House’s remake, today, and couldn’t believe what I was watching. Another straight-to-streaming movie, and just proving that it’s essentially straight-to-video, in concept lol. I’m worried ‘Salem’s Lot will be the same thing, after what I saw in Road House, despite them being made by different studios.
      Also: thanks for that! NOTLD is a phenomenal movie-easily my favorite zombie movie, and easily the best of Romero’s series or entire body of work, for me!

  • @kylekullin2520
    @kylekullin2520 Před 2 měsíci +3

    I prefer 89 Batman and 78 Superman to any of the new DC films.

    • @strangemichaelhorror
      @strangemichaelhorror  Před 2 měsíci +2

      I love 89, but I can’t stand those early Superman movies lol. I was born way too long after them, and think they would be way more enjoyable if I’d grown-up on them.

    • @kylekullin2520
      @kylekullin2520 Před 2 měsíci +3

      @@strangemichaelhorror I'm old 😂😂😂

  • @pambarab5506
    @pambarab5506 Před 2 měsíci +3

    I love King's books but have almost given up- on the movies. I go into the movies with a sense of skepticism because I've been disappointed so many times. I was 16 in 1975 when the book came out and had to steal the nightlight from the bathroom to help me sleep. The original movie bored me, no nightlight needed.

    • @strangemichaelhorror
      @strangemichaelhorror  Před 2 měsíci +2

      Wow! I think you’re the first person I’ve ever talked to that read the book before the movie existed, and said they hated the movie lol. That’s pretty cool, dude. Thanks for the comment.

    • @KmartKingpin
      @KmartKingpin Před 2 měsíci +3

      I'm with you. I read a lot of his books and seen a lot of his movies. Almost all of the movies are dog crap. Carrie and IT, even the remakes are pretty good, but Christine, Cujo, pet semetary, no thanks. I always enjoyed stand by me and Shaw shank redemption.

    • @pambarab5506
      @pambarab5506 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@KmartKingpin Carrie was good, and true to the book except for the last scene. They even used most of the dialogue straight from the book. I agree with you on the rest too. The movies would probably be ok if we hadn't read the books first. lol

  • @thehorrortavern
    @thehorrortavern Před 2 měsíci +2

    Have not read Salem’s Lot but I loved Jerusalem’s Lot, the short story from Night Shift, which was a prequel to that book. Looking forward to reading the book and hopefully watching this upcoming series if I get the chance

    • @strangemichaelhorror
      @strangemichaelhorror  Před 2 měsíci +2

      Actually, that short story wasn’t so much a prequel as it was just using the same name, if I remember correctly. That’s a great short story, man! Really loved that one, when I read it, years ago!

    • @thehorrortavern
      @thehorrortavern Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@strangemichaelhorror It was a prequel since it had the same setting and the ending of it setup for Salem’s Lot. The short story was also printed in the illustrated 2005 edition of Salem’s Lot. Funny enough there’s also another short story towards the end of Night Shift called One For The Road, which takes place 3 years after the events of Salem’s Lot and mentions the book’s events in the story lol. I’m guessing King included those in there to sell more copies of Night Shift to bank off the success of Salem’s Lot
      Yeah man that short story I loved a lot. Payed homage to Lovecraft with the letter format and easily was one of the creepiest and most disturbing short stories I read from King. God bless Mike💯

    • @strangemichaelhorror
      @strangemichaelhorror  Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@thehorrortavern Wow, didn’t remember all of that lol. Forgot all about One For The Road, too lol. I love King when he does short fiction, but I completely hate how he expands some of those shorts into boring, eighty-page slogs, sometimes. Nightmares And Dreamscapes was very guilty of that-one of his worst books, in my opinion.

    • @thehorrortavern
      @thehorrortavern Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@strangemichaelhorror Dude his word dumps of nothing are so hard to get through sometimes lol. I’ve enjoyed almost all the short stories in Night Shift and 50% the ones from Skeleton Crew, but there was a story from Skeleton Crew called The Ballad of a Flexible Bullet. The most boring mind rotting jumble of words I ever read, so much that I had to DNF it😭😂
      I’m reading Misery by him right now and luckily there’s barely any word dump in this novel, so I lucked out. But when it comes to his other ones I’ll have to read eventually, imma have to prepare myself 😂

    • @strangemichaelhorror
      @strangemichaelhorror  Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@thehorrortavern Dude, that’s a MASSIVE issue with King, and an issue that has taken-over novels for decades, now. It’s why I can’t stand most novels I read that aren’t from authors I usually stick to. It’s another reason why I got into comics and manga so heavily; they know how to edit, and most editors nowadays just don’t do their jobs, outside of maintaining continuity within a book or series. Drives me up the wall how obnoxious it gets. Books like Insomnia from King should’ve been no more than 100 pages, and that might even be too much for that concept. He’s a big reason why I love short stories and novellas more, these days lol.
      Misery is phenomenal! Probably in my top five from him, for sure!

  • @YusukeKnight
    @YusukeKnight Před 2 měsíci +2
