What's Happening With ME?!? The DARK Side of Dino podcast

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • We are proud to announce a new partnership with Keen. If you would like to support the channel please click on the link and try a
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    We chose to partner with Keen because of their longstanding presence in the field of online psychic and Tarot card readings.
    Keen has been giving trust-worthy readings since 1999. It was my decision to put this part in here and not part of the agreement.
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    As always Thank You for the continued support. We appreciate each and every one of you!
    Much Love!!
    JB and Tim sit down to talk about what happened the night the footage from JB's most recent video "What am I supposed to do now?" along with talking about him stepping away from doing lives and taking a hiatus from CZcams. There's no need to worry. We still be posting any footage captured in the home and Rob will do lives and keep everyone updated on how JB is doing! The channel will be active as ever with new investigation footage coming weekly and more!! Thank you for all of your support!!
    We hope you enjoy!
    you can listen anywhere podcasts are found by searching "The DARK side of Dino" or you can follow this Spotify link for this episode and more
    As always we appreciate all of the support and for following along as we continue this journey and try to reach a point that JB can live without any torment. Much love!!

Komentáře • 67

  • @poisonpawn6452
    @poisonpawn6452 Před 2 lety +14

    The reason my wife started following you, was because of how much your experience is like something we had to endure 10 years ago now. Eventually she twisted my arm to join youtube and follow as well. We honestly know how you feel, what your going through and how terrible it is. We are wishing you well, and thinking of you. We wish we were closer so we could help.

    • @olemossywood1056
      @olemossywood1056 Před 2 lety

      My concern is him embracing more than ACTUALLY finding truth that WILL set him free. Many of us choose dark over lite. If Dino gets too used to whereas not get rid of, this entity will manipulate his mind & cause him to become darker within himself. These things have evil influence. DEATH IS WHAT THIS ENTITY WANTS FOR DINO. So far entity winning. Dino on many pills, anxiety, stressed to max..He HAS TO BE RID OF IT!! Do this by getting saved first!! Power of God through us gives us power over demons.

    • @olemossywood1056
      @olemossywood1056 Před 2 lety

      There IS NO EXPERT on this. Stop using that cuz it's keeping you from tackling truth. Fame, money, attention will not save you. Only having God in your life can save you.

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety +7

      It’s all good and much love to you and your wife I will find the answers I’m looking for and get proper help I can’t express how much I care about you guys as well and I normally don’t talk like this but reading comments like yours has really opened up my mind and eyes to being a nicer person I appreciate you and your wife again much love JB

  • @ThinkingCap_
    @ThinkingCap_ Před 2 lety +6

    Please make a compilation of the best evidence you've managed to capture so far during this journey of being haunted.

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety +1

      I got you brother we’re working on it much love JB

  • @blurpledragon2779
    @blurpledragon2779 Před 2 lety +6

    Sweety my heart goes out to you and your son. I think it would be great for to take some time and get away maybe and turn all this off. A person can only take so much and you are going though some horrific stuff . God bless you and your family !!!

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety +2

      Thanks for the kind words and support! Definitely taking time away and making sure we're safe is top priority! Much love!

  • @His-Story.ForHisGlory
    @His-Story.ForHisGlory Před 2 lety +8

    What you are dealing with are demons. Not ghosts of dead people. Demons are shape-shifters and can make themselves sound and look like whatever they want.
    If you want these things to stop, you must surrender your life to the One who created them(demons) because they are under His authority. His name is Jesus Christ. If you become born again and enter the Lord's kingdom, these demons have to flee in the name of the Lord. He will protect you and guide you.
    The Bible declares, “For all have
    sinned and come short of the glory
    of God” (Romans 3:23 KJV).
    Because of sin, none of us can pay
    the price to enter heaven.
    Regardless of how many “good”
    works we do, or what religion
    you've chosen to be a part of,
    we're still sinners by birth, unable to merit God’s favor.
    We ALL come short of God’s
    righteous standards.
    Thus, in order to enter heaven, we
    need God’s righteousness. The
    good news is that, through the
    finished redeeming work OF Jesus Christ on the cross, we can be made “the righteousness of God in Christ” (2
    Corinthians 5:21 KJV). We can
    receive God’s righteousness as a
    free gift! We can receive eternal
    salvation from our sins!
    “For by grace are ye saved through
    faith; and that not of yourselves: it
    is the gift of God: not of works, lest
    any man should boast” (Ephesians
    2:8,9 KJV).
    “The wages of sin is death; but the
    gift of God is eternal life through
    Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans
    6:23 KJV).
    “Therefore being justified by faith,
    we have peace with God through
    our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1
    “But God commendeth his love
    toward us, in that, while we were
    yet sinners, Christ died for us”
    (Romans 5:8 KJV).
    “In whom [Christ] we have
    redemption through his blood, the
    forgiveness of sins, according to
    the riches of his grace” (Ephesians
    1:7 KJV).
    “In whom [Christ] we have
    redemption through his blood,
    even the forgiveness of sins”
    (Colossians 1:14 KJV).
    “For ye know the grace of our Lord
    Jesus Christ, that, though he was
    rich, yet for your sakes he became
    poor, that ye through his poverty
    might be rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9
    “But to him that worketh not, but
    believeth on him that justifieth the
    ungodly, his faith is counted for
    righteousness” (Romans 4:5 KJV).
    “What must I do to be saved?
    Believe "ON" the Lord Jesus Christ,
    and thou shalt be saved”
    (Acts16:30,31 KJV).
    Salvation = Faith + Nothing. It is
    FREE to you because Jesus Christ
    PAID the price. Do you believe that?
    Have you FULLY BELIEVED AND TRUSTED in that alone
    for salvation?
    Jesus Christ (God manifested in
    human flesh), in His great love,
    grace, and mercy, paid the penalty
    for our sins.
    The Gospel of the Grace of God which saves lost mankind
    is: “Christ died for our sins, He was buried, and He
    rose again the third day”
    (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV).
    The Lord Jesus Christ shed His sinless
    blood to forgive us our sins, but the Bible declares that anyone who rejects the Gospel of Grace will have to pay for his or her sins in the lake of fire for all
    When you trust exclusively "ON" the
    Lord Jesus Christ as your personal
    Saviour, Jesus Christ’s
    righteousness will be applied to you.
    Covered in the blood of Jesus,
    when the Father looks at the cross He will see you, and when He looks at you He will see Jesus.
    Jesus Christ is perfect, so His
    righteousness imputed to us is our
    only means of getting into heaven.
    Will you trust "ON" Christ Jesus alone
    as your personal Saviour?
    God commands all men everywhere to repent.
    Acts 17:30
    Feel free to email me if you have any other questions.

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety +2

      I really appreciate your concern and all of the info I find it amazing how everybody turns to religious freedom and I really respect your views but the simple fact is I’m Jewish and our viewpoint is much different I just can’t abandon all of the things I was taught growing up I hope you understand but my viewpoint on life and religion is much different than yours but I am open to anything at this point email me a Dinonuggets741 @Gmail and I would love to hear your opinion and recommendations much love to you JB

    • @His-Story.ForHisGlory
      @His-Story.ForHisGlory Před 2 lety

      @@DinoNuggets741 So you're a fraud...? No disrespect but no biblical jew believes in ghosts of humans. They are either demons or summoned spirits of the dead. Have you ever read the bible? I will be emailing you, I hope we can become close friends.

    • @dpellek74
      @dpellek74 Před 7 měsíci

      U clearly have no real experience. ​@@His-Story.ForHisGlory

    • @His-Story.ForHisGlory
      @His-Story.ForHisGlory Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@dpellek74 can you explain? Jesus Christ is the one who created those things and He is the only One that has authority over them and can stop these things from happening.

  • @christopherl.roberts539
    @christopherl.roberts539 Před 9 měsíci

    Well... If you ever want it/them out for good and are absolutely serious about wanting to be free of it, don't hesitate to reach out. Once you do we can then talk business .

  • @elainedunning8924
    @elainedunning8924 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Hi JB, you probably don't remember me but I'm Elaine and I'm a white witch but please don't let that put you off I don't have any warts and I don't have black Hair or a broomstick? But I had a stroke a few years ago along with a blood clot in my brain, lung's and left side of my heart, had to have a huge op during which I had complete heart failure, and what I saw that night proved to me that there is something after life! But I'm letting you know that Black Salt has kept me from getting affected, and is used for protection all over the world, It's only two ingredients but it could help, I also found in an old grimoire, a way of trying to get rid of something yourself as Exorcisms are rare, It's something you can do yourself, the title is "Exorcising the dead" It's a spell/prayer that you read out loud, It's entirely up to you! Also three weeks ago I had a seven foot shadow figure of a man that just stood in the corner of my room in front of my mirror, didn't move, speak, nothing just stood there so I took it to mean that maybe it was trying to stop something bad come through! My heart is breaking for ya mate truly, but I can give you the ingredient's and the prayer if you want it just let me know, I'm on FB, Instagram aka theredwitch, I've had the meds and the shrinks too so I feel your pain and there's nothing like it, take care and look after yourself, Elaine xxx

  • @veronicawood8295
    @veronicawood8295 Před 2 lety +2

    They aren't two haunted houses Dino...if the entity was in the second house you went to, that means it's attached to YOU and has followed you there, and will continue to follow you if you move again. As I've just said in another vid...you need a genuine and powerful medium to get rid of it, and if it's a demon it'll prob need a demonologist to remove it, but the medium should be able to refer you to one who can help you. A paranormal investigator can't get rid of them...it takes a person who has a genuine gift from God of mediumship with their third eye wide open, who has done it before...hopefully many times. Start googling mediums in your area and start phoning around and get one of them to refer you to one they know of who is capable of doing it. Good luck.

    • @christopherl.roberts539
      @christopherl.roberts539 Před 9 měsíci

      Impressive! Finally someone who is actually knowledgeable and doesn't pretend to be or think they know without ever experiencing, studying/researching etc. btw let me add something to what you said in yours you forgot that another demon or former demon also has the ability to help if they so choose to as long as the demon is of the same rank or higher for obvious reasons and the former demon may have a harder time but in certain cases dependant the former demon has become a former for some great reasoning and it takes an extreme amount of power to pull the demon and the human apart as it is to have the human live through the ordeal if you know where I'm coming from .

  • @p0werpunk9irl
    @p0werpunk9irl Před 2 lety +1

    As much as people want you to post video after video, and I’ll admit I’m just as guilty of wanting that too, you have to think about your mental health first. You don’t owe any of us a single solitary thing. This is YOUR life and you’re the one who has to live it. It’s easy for us because we can just stop the video if we don’t want to see anymore, but you don’t have that option. You can’t just flick a switch and stop this. Just be ok. Lots of love from across the pond 🇬🇧 xx

  • @Dinapus_Olsen
    @Dinapus_Olsen Před 2 lety +4

    Okay, 8 minutes in, feel so bad for you🥺
    Jeez, did not know, I don't know alot about these things, at all!!
    Am a member now, not gonna keep listening and and watching but not supporting, since I can!
    Stay safe, JD🫂

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety +2

      Thanks for checking it out and thanks for the support. It's much appreciated! Hope you are well!

    • @dannywilliams6290
      @dannywilliams6290 Před 2 lety +2

      @@DinoNuggets741 I just have really wanted to ask u something if u see this, if not I won't get upset lol I understand but I'm going through the same kind of thing as u not as intense but still very scary for me. I honestly can't imagine how u even deal but I just wanted to know do u have bad dreams alot? Because I can't explain it but I feel like this thing is invading my dreams these aren't normal nightmares ya know.. Thanks a bunch for everything u do and I'm praying for you man I really am!

  • @mezzofresh3521
    @mezzofresh3521 Před 2 lety +2

    Your a brave dude man

  • @clintwalker2971
    @clintwalker2971 Před 2 lety +1


  • @eflyz4880
    @eflyz4880 Před 2 lety +5

    You should ofc take time off for your mental well-being!! And don’t feel bad about it. I can’t even imagine living in a situation like that. I wouldn’t even be able to function. Look out for yourself the best you can first. Your followers will understand, and the ones who don’t, fuck ‘em!

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety

      Thank you sweetheart I really appreciate you much love to you JB

  • @alfred536
    @alfred536 Před 2 lety +1

    WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS.... when are these podcasts released, I never get notified otherwise I would go listen, but I never know also when they are do you them live or are they just prerecorded??

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety +1

      We are working on it a lot of new developments email Robert Dinonuggets741 @Gmail and we will ensure that you were taken care of much love JB

    • @alfred536
      @alfred536 Před 2 lety

      @@DinoNuggets741 COOL THANK YOU JB i will much love back bro also stay safe not only you but your family as well

  • @Shapeshifterxx
    @Shapeshifterxx Před 2 lety +1

    That think in the basement had tenicles it’s a very ancient energy

    • @chewbaccalyn302
      @chewbaccalyn302 Před 2 lety

      I didn't see any tentacles what so ever

    • @Shapeshifterxx
      @Shapeshifterxx Před 2 lety

      @@chewbaccalyn302 dude it’s not on this video lol it’s on the video when him and his son go in the basement. The video is called “no way out” you can see the tentacles when he check back to see if the demon has vanished so they can get out the basement. Go watch that video.

    • @chewbaccalyn302
      @chewbaccalyn302 Před 2 lety

      @@Shapeshifterxx I know it's not in this video lol

    • @Shapeshifterxx
      @Shapeshifterxx Před 2 lety +1

      @@chewbaccalyn302 ok we’ll go watch it then you can see a quick clip on TikTok only a few noticed

    • @chewbaccalyn302
      @chewbaccalyn302 Před 2 lety

      @@Shapeshifterxx if u can show me I will believe it I'm just saying I didn't see it but my phone really sucks so it could just be that.

  • @JoeInfurnari
    @JoeInfurnari Před 2 lety +3

    Hey JB, I’ve been watching your videos for a while. They’re really great and the activity is terrifying. I care more for you than my distractions so I think doing the videos is going to make it harder to get a normal life back. By capturing it on video and making it available to so many, the entity is being fed by this attention. The stress of working on the channel is your tip off to stop for now. You have responsibility to yourself and your family before fans. Stay safe and thanks for your sincerity on this clip.

    • @dannywilliams6290
      @dannywilliams6290 Před 2 lety +1

      I agree with you 100 percent!

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety

      Much love to you brother I thank you for your kind words keep in touch Dinonuggets741 @Gmail

  • @cydragon2.099
    @cydragon2.099 Před 2 lety +1

    do you guys know where i can see the JB in the "Sallie" house basement video?

  • @Dinapus_Olsen
    @Dinapus_Olsen Před 2 lety +1

    My first podcast, never listened to one before, sounds kind of boring, but gonna give you a chance here...
    Keep safe!

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you sweetheart my goal is to educate and find out good information the better I understand what’s going on in my life the better I can ask for help you can’t ask for help if you don’t know your self what’s going on it’s not like the TV shows and of course in real life it’s going to be different than what’s depicted on TV so I must find answers and find something to compare it to before I can get real legitimate help that actually benefits me much love to you sweetheart JB

  • @cydragon2.099
    @cydragon2.099 Před 2 lety +2

    I rewatched your bedroom video and went into the comments with timestamps and man if i knew what to do i'd teleport there and give it a pound down like Luigi would do to the game's ghosts in Luigi's Mansion 3 but that's of course if it didn't try to scare me first

  • @roxannerichter648
    @roxannerichter648 Před 2 lety +2

    I started watching a channel with 2 psychics who watch ghost hunting videos and review what is “really” happening during their hunts. I think you should check out their channel. TLC Everyday Psychics. I really believe they can help you with your problem. I really have worried about you and your family. Please check them out or have Rob take a look. I really believe they can help. No one should have to live the way your family is living. God Bless you and yours, Roxanne

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety

      Thanks for the suggestion! Rob will definitely check them out. Thanks for the support!

    • @roxannerichter648
      @roxannerichter648 Před 2 lety

      @@DinoNuggets741 please do. I mentioned your channel to these women as they do examine ghost hunting videos and analyze them. They are fairly new to CZcams so emailing them is pretty easy. Good luck and God Bless you and yours.

  • @pedroi9008
    @pedroi9008 Před 12 dny


  • @dpellek74
    @dpellek74 Před 2 lety +2

    Its a dybbuk. U have to take the contents from the box jc and u found from your grandma. Put it all back in the box. Put that box in another all wooden box with golden leaf interior. Close it up and wrap it in burlap. Then u have to bury it. Should stop the haunting.

    • @DinoNuggets741
      @DinoNuggets741  Před 2 lety +1

      I thought it was a dybbuk I think you’re on something

    • @jamieconroy66
      @jamieconroy66 Před 2 lety +1

      When they did the investigation & he showed the dybbuk box & it’s contents & thought he’d find diamonds inside🤣 I seriously thought the same thing. His problems def started cause of whatever was trapped inside that box. I hope he takes ur advice to get rid of that thing asap!

    • @dpellek74
      @dpellek74 Před 7 měsíci

      ​@@DinoNuggets741yes dino. My grandma has one of those boxes like the one you and JC showed us all.. And she has had experiences like yours like her whole life. And she told me when she was in her 60s. She got great advice from a Rabbi and she did the burial and all and it never bothered her again. So I pass my knowledge to you my friend. I pray for you my friend. Much love.

    • @dpellek74
      @dpellek74 Před 7 měsíci

      ​@@jamieconroy66its in his upload history. Like 2 years ago.

  • @fezbk
    @fezbk Před 2 lety

    Put out the adhanced video

  • @0bscura.0
    @0bscura.0 Před 2 lety

  • @RealBadDaddy
    @RealBadDaddy Před 3 měsíci

    It’s not caused by karma,,you did nothing to deserve this. Is in no way your fault. I’m pulling for you,but I think you already know, this is something that you are going to have to figure out on your own. Friends and family support is awesome. But they can only give moral support. But I do believe that you’re a strong dude,and will overcome this oppressive force against you. You got this JB 👊🏻