Money Matters in the Philippines/Recipe for Failure/Old Dog New Tricks

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • Money Matters in the Philippines/Recipe for Failure/Old Dog New Tricks‪@paulinthephilippinesolddog9234‬ Candid discussion on how we manage to set ourselves up for financial failure with future companions

Komentáře • 896

  • @jdee4956
    @jdee4956 Před 2 lety +49

    Young, pretty women go with old, plain men for their money. It's that simple. No matter how limited your budget, the women will always be a lot worse off. They will encourage you not to waste your resources - because that would impact on them. It is a transaction. Doesn't mean there cannot be affection, or respect, but never think your dashing good looks and magnetic personality are the main attractions.

    • @peter-pg5yc
      @peter-pg5yc Před 2 lety

      Silly married a caloocan girl san jose ca.. Im retired multi millions...She doesnt want my monies she works and gets her own.. frugal wow wastes nothing.. Works accounts payable college degree 170k a year all hers.. Has an 800 plus on trw.. Sister a dr pediatrician, other a banker.. Choose wisely..The right phillipina wants you not money.. Im 12 years older both are year of dog.. I told her she gets it all resonds no give it to your family not me.. priceless...

    • @martypoll
      @martypoll Před 2 lety +16

      Oh! So you mean it’s the same as in the US!

    • @simonstocktrader3196
      @simonstocktrader3196 Před 2 lety

      all women go with men for money.. go broke and don't work... see how much she loves you hahaha

    • @danielhackney7806
      @danielhackney7806 Před 2 lety +9

      @@martypoll Well there is a bit of difference then the US. Here in California you have to be a multimillionaire to land a young girl. In the PI you don't even have to be worth 1 million peso's and you can land a young girl! LOL

    • @roberth3094
      @roberth3094 Před 2 lety +16

      Seems like a fair trade to me.

  • @nederlandhiker2
    @nederlandhiker2 Před 2 lety +76

    After a few initial chats, my now wife started asking more pointed questions. When she said, tell me a little about yourself, I replied "I'm old, bald and broke". She smiled and then nearly fell down laughing, I asked how she felt about that and she said that what I said was the most honest statement she'd heard from a man in a long time. She loved the brutal honesty and the relationship has only flourished from that point. She's a real gem and I count my blessings daily for her and her love.

    • @BellaBikolana
      @BellaBikolana Před 2 lety +5

      i really love this comment. honesty is the biggest key to a successful relationship.

    • @ianlewis2813
      @ianlewis2813 Před 2 lety

      A Diamond

  • @Jaysthudandblunder
    @Jaysthudandblunder Před 2 lety +79

    This has been exactly my approach I told my girl I don't have a lot of money. that I have a budget of X and she said to me that I would be spending too much! Her stock went up massively. We are talking about stargazing and Jolibee's on the beach. We both enjoy cooking so that helps, we both love reading so she was talking about 2nd hand bookstores. I told her I wanted to live a simple life, which I do in the West and she has bought completely into the idea.
    I was even looking at 2-bed houses and she asked me why we needed a 2nd bedroom. Every way I look she is finding ways to economize without affecting the quality of life. Makes this particular Teddy Bear very happy :)

    • @earlgreco8636
      @earlgreco8636 Před 2 lety +8

      Please be careful and don't let your guard down. A guy on here told his story where he happened to be in Thailand with a woman that always laid low with wanting his money. They got married. He built her a house and a hog farm. He let her have control of his money because in his words she was always good with it. Well in his old age he ended up losing it all. The only money of his that she let him have was money for a plane ticket to go back home.

    • @um8440
      @um8440 Před 2 lety +4

      @@earlgreco8636 NO kidding? Who would of thought a gold digging asian girl.

  • @ronlee2977
    @ronlee2977 Před 2 lety +34

    I agree with you , my marriage failed because she saw me as a sugar daddy and as soon as I had health issues or I needed her support she walked away…..

    • @mayabella1101
      @mayabella1101 Před 2 lety

      Good for her..realistically think umpt times why does a young filipina engage in a relationship with aan old wrinkled foreigner?surely not because of his face
      Just saying

    • @pattystephens5977
      @pattystephens5977 Před 2 lety +3

      That is really sad…

  • @Avathor73
    @Avathor73 Před 2 lety +46

    I once read a good tip for dealing with the constant pressure to support the extended family++
    You tell this to your filipina: "Sure, we can help your father, mother, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts and random villagers.. But it comes out of your portion of the budget."
    The end.
    Works like a charm. 😉👍
    But, ofc, its nice to help out her family a little bit from time to time. Just avoid the constant php-leakage that Paul mentioned here in this video.
    PS! If you are a nice guy that provides a nice/decent place to live, food on the table and a life without extreme poverty, you are already her winning ticket in the lottery. Everything else on top of that is pure bonus.

    • @5252525219
      @5252525219 Před 2 lety +4

      Sounds good in theory.😂 But most likely they will give away their money and then give you the puppy dog eyes for the rest of the month
      A wise successful man from England married to a filipino advised me. In your budget have a small portion that is set aside for charity and helping Family one or 2% of your budget or whatever you decide once that is exhausted no more budget for charity until the next month. That seems to work for me when it comes to nephews and nieces asking for money for a football or school clothes.🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @djfitz13
      @djfitz13 Před 2 lety +1

      Just curious...what % of your total budget would you lose for allowance?

    • @djfitz13
      @djfitz13 Před 2 lety

      *Use not lose

    • @Avathor73
      @Avathor73 Před 2 lety +2

      @@djfitz13 3-5k php used to be a nice allowance. Now with inflation i guess 5k+ php should be good.
      Bearing in mind that a normal decent salary there is between 7k to 20k. But then there are bills to be paid from that.

  • @Dragon_rls
    @Dragon_rls Před 2 lety +59

    I think that's a really good system Paul. I grew up in the old Bronx, back in the 70s, and 80s, when it was a war zone, and let me tell you; From an early age, I learned if I had something nice, and I wanted to keep it, It was always best to just keep it to yourself. Nobody has interest in stealing something they don't know exists. That plan saved me a lot of headaches in life, and is one of my guiding principles to this day. No need to show off, just keep it cool.

    • @Dragon_rls
      @Dragon_rls Před 2 lety +4

      @Southern Yank you bet👍

    • @yoyojoe9240
      @yoyojoe9240 Před 2 lety +2


    • @danielhackney7806
      @danielhackney7806 Před 2 lety

      @David1188, NYC might no longer be a war zone but, it sure looks like a battle field. One of the biggest reasons seems to be no bail laws and DA'a that act more like public defender's protecting criminal rights and ignoring victims of crime. Case in point, the 61 year old man working at the Bodega who is facing 25 yr's to life for defending himself from a young 30 yr old punk and his knife wielding GF.

  • @stoicfreediver
    @stoicfreediver Před 2 lety +9

    Words of whizdom (the domain of The Whiz). Awesome content! I’ve been an expat in Thailand and the Phils for over 20 years and heard/seen every single Shakespearian tragedy (and comedy!) play out in realtime. The sad fact is that many will hear this message, but neither listen nor heed it due to deep seated insecurities which probably have childhood origins and/or the result of divorce or other relationship trauma - losing everything, plus their kids’ affection in “family” court and the ensuing aftermath. I call them “reverse role models”. When they turned right at an intersection, we turn left. When they bet on red, we bet on black. It’s not my original idea, we all know that true wisdom is the ability to learn through other’s mistakes. Easier said than done for most people. Our childhood and cultural programming dooms most of us to repeat the same mistakes over and over again regardless of how much it hurt the last time. The inertia of the subconscious mind is that great. “But you don’t understand! She’s different!”

  • @ltcmoose2001
    @ltcmoose2001 Před 2 lety +62

    In my opinion, this was the best video you have ever done. It should be the first video guys watch that are thinking about going there and finding a new start, with a new model for a companion for the last third of the guys life. The number 1 reason to be "cheap" is the health care reserve funds to get back home and get the care one needs. Guys need to know they are fragile at this point in our lives.

    • @kev8839
      @kev8839 Před 2 lety +1

      @@paulsmith2279 Absolutely! That way the ancient man doesn’t have to waste his time on her and can move on to the next girl.

    • @Dragon_rls
      @Dragon_rls Před 2 lety +3

      I concur. One needs to evaluate his own health before making a decision like that.

    • @robertcrotty9000
      @robertcrotty9000 Před 2 lety +4

      I'd say it's one of Paul's worst videos. Everyone's financial status and PH story is different. Are there any hard, fast rules when it comes to romance? I'd say one might be to have plenty of money to live on when you come here but be cautious how you allocate it, and to whom you allocate it. And be willing to walk away from anything that smells bad. Have health insurance and be willing to rent even if you can pay cash for a house. Take your time. Let things come to you. But above all, come with $$ and have a good money reserve back home.

  • @imageguyimageguy1316
    @imageguyimageguy1316 Před 2 lety +11

    This conversation is key in almost every relationship. Finding that woman who will help you grow even at our age and Not setting the bar high with false expectations.
    Setting a budget and living below that budget then setting aside the saved money and removing it from that budget awau from prying eye's. Never show that money to anyone. Keep your financial situation to your self. I have always lived this way. She has her own money in her own account. As the song goes "Ya gotta keep'em separated".
    We "Men" have a Natural "Rescue mode". You can get your self in a lot of trouble with that and not realize your setting your self up.
    that was my 2 cents..

  • @thaimaxcan
    @thaimaxcan Před 2 lety +7

    I agree with you and the same in Thailand. In the beginning, i never told my spouse about my money in Canada except my monthly pension. I never overspent to impress her.

  • @henryreinders3031
    @henryreinders3031 Před 2 lety +7

    I think one of the things I like most about you and your videos is that you take FULL ownership of whatever happens that you may play a part in - and you push for others to take that ownership too. Very refreshing in today's world and very educational for those watching to really take a hard look at in themselves - self included.

    • @michealolson5006
      @michealolson5006 Před 2 lety

      Educational.....???'re an idiot.......OMG

  • @dougm643
    @dougm643 Před 2 lety +16

    Wow great ego check and slap across the face. Thank you. I am a penny pincher from way back that always tries to get the best bang for my limited budget. But I could see myself getting caught up in the situation of more bang for my buck there and letting the financial grip run away from me. I have heard of this happening often and as I am preparing for my Philippine adventure in the near future, these reminders are especially important to hear once again. Thanks Paul and guys as always. Community makes a big difference.

  • @tyroneshoelaces9742
    @tyroneshoelaces9742 Před 2 lety +20

    "A week or 6 months." Hopefully he can permanently fix that leaky canoe in the first week rather than the 6th month. Ha ha ha! Nothing wrong with being the "Average shmuck!" These are the most genuine and honest people. The top dogs can get caught up in themselves. Of course, that is obviously a very general statement and many exceptions to that.

  • @mikemeredeth4573
    @mikemeredeth4573 Před 2 lety +22

    A lot of these kids now days are talking mgtow things. What took a lifetime to learn without the internet can now be picked up fairly early in life. Saving them a bundle and quickly understanding the females true nature. Good content, old puppy.

    • @truthbetold6496
      @truthbetold6496 Před 2 lety +1

      sadly in the world we live in today we need to be very careful and not trust anyone. I dated all my life and at 41 was my last relationship after losing once again a house and being cheated on by a selfish girlfriend. MGTOW does save lives red pill etc.

  • @Km-be8cj
    @Km-be8cj Před 2 lety +15

    Great video. As always, very insightful. The big problem…how to conceal that you have money when you live in a nice home, can afford to fly to the Philippines, drive a nice scooter and refuse to eat street food. Refusing money for her family because of emergencies, saying no to little gifts while shopping, and dating a woman with a job is a good place to start.

  • @FreeInPanama
    @FreeInPanama Před 2 lety +8

    PERFECT topic !!! I admit I never heard anyone talking about it (maybe not to that extend), despite I live as expat for 8 years. It applies to almost every foreigner here and explain a lot why they behave the way they do. Personally for me this is your best podcast Paul so far.
    I bet all men agree with you and still most of them will do opposite :)
    Greetings from Latin America

  • @jonrend
    @jonrend Před 2 lety +10

    Just make sure you take the time to meet the right girl and make no commitments. If it lasts time your on the right road.

  • @GBU61
    @GBU61 Před 2 lety +17

    The best thing a newbie can do is find a few guys that understand how the romance game is played. No commitment and no promises and especially be clear about what he will and will not do with money. When he can start to look at things as the locals do and especially the value of money, then he might be able to avoid the pitfalls of how guys can easily find themselves in financial straits.

  • @arizonafarang4034
    @arizonafarang4034 Před 2 lety +1

    Thanks for educating all the would be Simps coming or living in the Philippines. If they all would follow these simple rules, it will definitely make it easier on the rest of us.

  • @thechrisverhoeven
    @thechrisverhoeven Před 2 lety +6

    I think that is a great solution. As a matter of fact, I did this with my wife in Thailand. I told her right from the beginning that I wasn't a rich guy. We went to supermarkets, and when we were buying things, I told her exactly what those things costs in the Netherlands, just to make her aware of the living expenses comparison.
    Also when we met in the beginning, instead of taking her to fancy restaurants. I told her I really wanted to get to know her and let her take me to restaurants where she normally goes.
    That way, I could learn real Thai cuisine and it was super afordable.

  • @jamespeck607
    @jamespeck607 Před 2 lety +1

    you and your buddies helping out poor John is a great example.....big shots.....magnanimous

  • @nigelharland8528
    @nigelharland8528 Před 2 lety +8

    One of your best videos Paul👍

  • @seeingeye5534
    @seeingeye5534 Před 2 lety +12

    This is exactly what happened to me. I found myself living above my budget. My Filipina girlfriend was not the primary cause. I was. Best advice I ever got was from an expat who told me “DON’T OVERSPEND. “

  • @TomScott__
    @TomScott__ Před 2 lety +17

    George Castanza does the opposite of his first instincts on everything.
    Very funny episode.

  • @chinadave2854
    @chinadave2854 Před 2 lety +3

    Sage advice my friend! Been there Done that! My travels in China is the same dynamic exactly, so I tried Being borderline indigent, just enough to get by. Turns out I met better women more honest, sincere, genuine, compassionate. It works well. And all that left me with stories and memories, and friends that are off the hook that will be cherished for a long time! God bless y'all peace out brother

  • @robertreifert5984
    @robertreifert5984 Před 2 lety +1

    Paul : Thank You. Your video about Lazez Fair customer service convinced me that I am not cut out for living in the Phillipenes. I can not abide when Customer Service people obviously don't care about what you expect. I will do you all a favor and stay here.
    Have a great life.

  • @ddusek100
    @ddusek100 Před 2 lety +7

    I learned that lesson a long time ago,I started right off the bat letting her know I'm not that rich foreigner she miy think Im because I had married a philipina 30 yrs ago so now I've been divorced 20 yrs ago before I came this time so yeah you're ABSOLUTELY right Mr Paul the BIG 🐕 DOG👍

  • @rayklein1125
    @rayklein1125 Před 2 lety +9

    Great subject Paul. Agree 100 percent with your observations on this subject. I myself wanted to be the big shot on my many trips to Bali years ago. It took a while for me to realise what I was doing and the money I had wasted. When I retired I ended up moving to Bali and have lived here for 5 years. Like you I am on a government pension and that income is more than enough for me to live comfortably on. I lost that big shot shot syndrome as soon as I got here. I learnt many lessons along the way and lost a lot of money doing so. But that's what life is about, learning lessons. A question I have been meaning to throw at you. Would love to test the Duma waters for a couple of months. What the best option for accommodation without having to pay a hotel room for my entire stay. Been with you a few years now and love the channel. Best regards, Ray

  • @kenny4real696
    @kenny4real696 Před 2 lety +6

    Paul, great informative video. I can picture an American doing all this without realizing he's reinforcing the stereotype. That throwing pesos at every problem is the answer... The White Knight syndrome is real. I also have seen the more below average the guy, over weight, bald, boring, middle aged the more they have to throw money, or the more willing they are to save a poor girl and her entire extended family. Like your friend John.. I've lived in Eastern Europe 20 years ago for the U.N. I saw all this happen there and other places. My advice when an American arrives to a country like this is to serial date for a few months. Don't get engaged to the first girl you meet getting of the plane. LOL.... You guys are the prize.

  • @dovoso5685
    @dovoso5685 Před 2 lety +6

    Hi Paul , this was very important video. When I look for girls, I look for some one around my (Advanced) age and my socio-economic level. And yes, I always present myself as having 1/2 of what I actually have. It does make me lose a lot of girls, but it gives me a peace of mind and healthy bank account.

  • @captaindoug6555
    @captaindoug6555 Před 2 lety +7

    Hey Paul really enjoyed this video! I am in a similar circumstance in Thailand, with similar funds available. I dated a couple Thai gals and the first one was fairly cool about money (she had little), and so I didn't mind helping out a bit and it was appreciated. The 2nd Thai gal, made it clear after a short while that her and her families financial needs were probably beyond my planned financial help.
    So we all went our own ways as I learned the relationship ropes in Thailand. Shortly before Covid I met a modest working Filipina. Soon I made it clear I was not a walking ATM, and would not be treated as such. That was 3 years ago and we are having a great time together.
    You kind of talked around the subject, but let me state my position with clarity: If love is a possibility, I wanted it for who I am, not for my capacity to hand over my money to her and her family!!
    Best to you and keep up the good work!!

    • @michealolson5006
      @michealolson5006 Před 2 lety

      seems like you were nothing but a pathetic sex-tourist over there in Thailand........heheee

  • @jerrythomas758
    @jerrythomas758 Před 2 lety +1

    Every new guy to the Philippines, looking for a relationship with a Filipina should watch this!!

  • @earlgreco8636
    @earlgreco8636 Před 2 lety +2

    But the fact that you have the guts, and the savvy to move internationally makes you extraordinary. How many people, even very rich, well escape the day to day ah ah life and do what you have done giving your self so much more fun and excitment.

  • @anniesoucek8216
    @anniesoucek8216 Před 2 lety +8

    I'm a Filipina living in USA. Paul you're so right on "it's our fault." I'm 61 on SSDI and living alone and single in USA. I've been sending my money to my family in the Philippines. The more I sent the more people asking for help. I just pray to God to help me help people. For until God's help keeps on coming, my help for people continues.

    • @pongmolina2157
      @pongmolina2157 Před 2 lety

      Let me guess you can't go back to the Philippines, because they will ask 2x more money.

    • @hillbillyintheasia6122
      @hillbillyintheasia6122 Před 2 lety


    • @hillbillyintheasia6122
      @hillbillyintheasia6122 Před 2 lety

      you never though going back home too the ph . ?

    • @anniesoucek8216
      @anniesoucek8216 Před 2 lety +2

      @@pongmolina2157 Why not? I just have so much business in USA specially this coming months. That's the only reason why I'm still here. Life is good for me. I'm receiving more than I'm getting. God is good.

    • @anniesoucek8216
      @anniesoucek8216 Před 2 lety +1

      @@hillbillyintheasia6122 I want to come home to the Philippines. But I just discovered something on my property here in USA that is so promising. I have to stay here until everything is taken care of.

  • @kbyon37
    @kbyon37 Před 2 lety +25

    Great topic and it is spot on. For some it starts with what my wife and I like to call 'Two week millionaires.' You have seen them at the mall with their girl carrying around multiple shopping bags, sadly this has been me in the past as well. If you start out with a girl like this you are setting expectations thinking you have a lot of money, she will think this is normal behavior. My thumbnail gives me away though my wife holding a Victoria Secrets bag for the perfume she wanted, I do cave in from time to time.

    • @tonylauderdale4373
      @tonylauderdale4373 Před 2 lety +2

      @Jim Ferrante just keep sure that "caving once in a while" is not every day or so and it is within the budget.

  • @kanointhephilippines8082
    @kanointhephilippines8082 Před 2 lety +3

    IMHO it's best to go very slow with relationships here. Make it clear from the start you are only seeking friendship with no expectations of more at the beginning. Do not discuss much about your retirement or income, just take your time and put in the work it will require to find someone you feel compatible with. Once you find "the one" consider giving her a monthly allowance of whatever amount you feel she may need. The intent for me is I will cover our physical needs such as housing, food, transportation and the like. You use your allowance for whatever, helping family, clothes, nail salon, and things you want. For me it works well, I can plan my monthly budget knowing she and her needs are covered. Thanks Paul.

  • @annabellehurley7636
    @annabellehurley7636 Před 2 lety +5

    Most Young filipinas go with older men even with filipino guys too generally because of financial security for her and her family. If you cant assure that you might end up always looking.
    It has to be a 2 way intentional thing.
    You have the heart for her and she will give her heart to you. Just saying as a filipina❤️

    • @pongmolina2157
      @pongmolina2157 Před 2 lety +1

      Choose between broke Foreigner or broke Filipino?

  • @buzzcountry1178
    @buzzcountry1178 Před 2 lety +2

    Great Video. Let's be honest all relationships cost money. If you date it will cost money in any country. There is nothing wrong with an older man going to one of these Asian countries to try and live a better life with what time he has left. (I am one of them) I plan on meeting a one of these ladies and hoping to find someone who cares about me and I her. Scammers are everywhere and most are here in the US don't let anyone fool you. It's about Quality of life with the the amount of money you have in your budget. We older men have a 2nd chance in life if we go to these places and I for one will go and hope for the best. Thanks Paul for the advice.

  • @joyfullypacinglife8847
    @joyfullypacinglife8847 Před 2 lety +19

    Good advice, Paul! Just lay down the rules from the get go so that there won't be any misunderstanding. After all, you would not want your relationship with your girlfriend to be driven by how much $$$ you have! Money should never be in the equation.

    • @hillbillyintheasia6122
      @hillbillyintheasia6122 Před 2 lety +2

      have 1500 are more in ss rich in ph , poor ppl get ssdi are ss 700 month paul. that is poor kanu . 1,500 rich

  • @user-ov5nd1fb7s
    @user-ov5nd1fb7s Před 2 lety +4

    Valuable introspection here. We normally always blame others for something we do not like.
    In reality, a releationship is between 2 people, not 1.
    I have done exactly what you mentioned here. Throw money around and then attract gold diggers.
    It was self induced thing.

  • @scottyp5870
    @scottyp5870 Před 2 lety +1

    Old Dog nails it again. Wise words for all economic levels.

  • @michaelrichards2310
    @michaelrichards2310 Před 2 lety

    First thing I told my wife and family when I met them I was a poor American and don't have money to give out. Also when I went to the Philippines. I dressed in old clothes might even had holes in the pants and old tennis shoes. Helps keep thieves and people asking for money.
    I think this your best video you have made that I have seen.

  • @andyfisher7772
    @andyfisher7772 Před 2 lety +8

    Very good advice Paul, when I met my wife ten years ago. I told her , in the UK, I’m a poor man. So, if she’s looking for a cash cow, I’m the wrong guy. We’ve been happily married for eight years, and she keeps me grounded with my spending.
    Disclosing what you have, or showing off, is never a good idea. Even if it’s a westerner, that you meet.

    • @hillbillyintheasia6122
      @hillbillyintheasia6122 Před 2 lety +2

      that what i tell them in ph i,m pooor in usa . need a 1,500 too 3k ss check have go find one ,lol,

  • @timm7885
    @timm7885 Před 2 lety +14

    As and older man, you ARE looked at as a way out of grinding poverty... that is understood, right? Is it a stretch to imagine their families tell many of these girls to "land" an expat (e.g. John) and then proceed to drain him? But this is the currency, you date a woman 30 years younger, and you pay for that. and that and that... and really, you get what you deserve.

    • @tonyste12
      @tonyste12 Před 2 lety +2

      Yup, the truth can hurt 'sometimes'. People are been taken 'advantage' at both sides, but when it comes to extremes at either side, then it's when things get really bad and sad for both sides.

  • @richard8181
    @richard8181 Před 2 lety +12

    Can confirm everything you said to be true, experienced it before.

  • @Angelwinggsaustralianpinay

    Yes i agree ..dont be shy to tell how it is ..thats my big problem telling my friends i spend and earn my own money husband is not rich just ordinary working guy you look at me , im not getting my money from him , i gave him money haaa haaa ,but if you work you can help your life and thats what marriage is all about teamwork ..sometimes its hard to erase the mindset that im married to foreigner he is rich , i feel sad coz im thinking shoot i work hard in the factory and no one sees my effort it all goes to foreigner.. i agree pls. Help us explain its ok to marry a foreigner .and its ok to help him ..learn to budget .. ..and more !! Downplay and be realistic .. filipina will accept you wheter you are poor or rich just be honest at the start .. .thank you paul ❤❤ cindy

  • @wadefrauen954
    @wadefrauen954 Před 2 lety +8

    So True Paul, it took some time for my wife to realize the value of a budget coming to the states from PI! After 31yrs we're living strong and coming to the mother land to retire,,..

  • @roadwarrior528
    @roadwarrior528 Před 2 lety +7

    They need to teach this course in all Filipino high schools: "Not All Foreigners Are Rich"

    • @hillbillyintheasia6122
      @hillbillyintheasia6122 Před 2 lety +1

      Foreigners need set rules keep them. instead let the other head rule them,.

  • @richieredw9218
    @richieredw9218 Před 2 lety +5

    Exactly, there are many situations that you mentioned, I have personally experienced
    but was able to deflect all the want of funds for this relative or the other, but it took awhile before the relatives got the hint, but it can go wrong as well, causing bad blood between you and the relatives, worse case scenario.

  • @martypoll
    @martypoll Před 2 lety +10

    I’m not at the bottom of the totem pole but we have a budget for her. She has had to learn to say no to her friends. I’ve made sure additional funds fall into the category of necessities.

  • @rorygdallas5979
    @rorygdallas5979 Před 2 lety +8

    When I lived in the Philippines I got wise real quick, I told my girls and several girls after that I would only pay to feed her and her family by buying sacks of rice, and big sacks of rice (government quality) would last a month and cost little. I felt good about it , and when the relationship ended, I still felt good about it.

  • @georgeanderson8215
    @georgeanderson8215 Před 2 lety +6

    Paul, your observations and comments are 100% right on!
    I've experienced the exact same situations as you have described.
    Thanks for the verbal slap up side the head! It will help make my future time spent in the Philippines a much better and rewarding experience .

  • @alaskan6384
    @alaskan6384 Před 2 lety

    Very good advice. Lots of guys will be saved a world of grief because of this video. Bravo Paul!

  • @salimvirjee302
    @salimvirjee302 Před 2 lety


  • @dougsmyth5936
    @dougsmyth5936 Před 2 lety

    Totally agree Paul. It can start off small and then it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger until you’re broke. Live within your means

  • @charlieparis1
    @charlieparis1 Před 2 lety +5

    Old dog, you and your coffee pals should get together more often to discuss life because you really nailed it. I think this stuff applies any time you have two individuals from countries with different standards of living, or even socioeconomic classes within the same country. It’s always important for the one with abundance to keep things in perspective and think about the precedent they are setting. Once bad financial habits and/or expectations get established it’s difficult to get backpedal so it’s important to start off on the right foot.

  • @pleaseactright1
    @pleaseactright1 Před 2 lety +5

    Thanks Paul. I'm coming there this fall and I was thinking the same thing. There's a foreigner who had a stroke who lives there with his Filipina wife who she knew he had very little from the start. She still married him because she's really into him for who he is. After watching his video, I thought it would be best to down play my income so I know whatever woman I meet will be with me for me and not my money....... I appreciate you making this video, it will help a lot of us in keeping us from making the "big money foreigner" mistake.

    • @TopHatRonin
      @TopHatRonin Před 2 lety

      Love your channel bro, solid advice 🙏.

    • @pleaseactright1
      @pleaseactright1 Před 2 lety +1

      @@TopHatRonin Thanks for your support. You are greatly appreciated......Raulh

  • @grahamweeks4394
    @grahamweeks4394 Před 2 lety +3

    It took you a few years but you learn and you nail it with this one. And your two co writers. LoL Now if only all the man who are there now and the one's who plan on going there could see this. Man would this ever save them a lot pain and money.

  • @rbrtcobb
    @rbrtcobb Před 2 lety +3

    Hi Paul, Sir. I wanted to thank you for speaking on this subject. These were very good talking points for those of us making our way to the Philippines. I am currently saving to make the journey there and have often thought of the special plans I have for my lady. You are right, as men we naturally do want to try to impress and spoil our lady and don't consider the problems we may be making. I took this to heart and will now use this knowledge going forward.
    I enjoy your videos and thank you for sharing.

  • @kevinfogarty5081
    @kevinfogarty5081 Před rokem

    You are spot on my friend!! I got over it and now I am much more humble than I was when I was new to the Philippines.

  • @guytellitstrait4504
    @guytellitstrait4504 Před 2 lety +1

    Great video and great idea!

  • @ronfrederico7251
    @ronfrederico7251 Před 2 lety +4

    Yes good topic and has been a issue for us many times we always get back on track.

  • @expertscholardemonologist7071

    I went in the Philippines and I think westerners who have decided to move there are very brave. That country is definitely out of our comfort zone. Dealing with the locals is often challenging. Some are good but many are so bad. They come up with random stuff

    • @pattystephens5977
      @pattystephens5977 Před 2 lety

      And your point is? The States is the same! There’s challenges where ever you live! It just depends what part of town you live in.

    • @expertscholardemonologist7071
      @expertscholardemonologist7071 Před 2 lety

      @@pattystephens5977 It's simply not a place for us.There's too much problems, too much corruption, too much misery, overcrowded, people can't understand the easiest and most simple concepts.. Phil people are unreliable.

    • @johntaylor4817
      @johntaylor4817 Před 2 lety

      Most Filipinos are good decent human beings. A foreigner will not likely have a problem here if he/she is a good, decent person.

    • @expertscholardemonologist7071
      @expertscholardemonologist7071 Před 2 lety +1

      @@johntaylor4817 Things change when there's money involved.

  • @jamesbowie6925
    @jamesbowie6925 Před 2 lety +2

    It’s a trap we step into willingly, and once trapped, difficult to get out of, spot on video 😊

  • @johnbergeron9997
    @johnbergeron9997 Před 2 lety +8

    That's is so true, I've been here five years and it took me a year to really get it , lol yes I'm slow,

  • @Abelius
    @Abelius Před 2 lety +21

    I agree with almost all, except that "further step ahead" strategy. For me, it would indeed depend on the price tag. I'm definitely buying some four dollar shorts, if she asks. If it's $20, then no. Just gift her things she would be able to pay for with some effort, not 10-20% Filipino monthly salary items. And of course not on a daily basis. I think that sets a decent enough precedent that you're not falling for the ego trap, but you're also care for her.

    • @5252525219
      @5252525219 Před 2 lety +3

      Yes I agree with your scale of saying yes on some lower and stuff. And who are we kidding eventually there will be family requests. But I get those same family requests from my relatives here in the United States. It’s just part of life and we have to be well centered and have our limits in place. Just my two cents

    • @hillbillyintheasia6122
      @hillbillyintheasia6122 Před 2 lety

      @@5252525219 set rules , no money for anyone but you and the woman your with on fix income can,t help others.

  • @rocketranger1000
    @rocketranger1000 Před 2 lety +37

    Learned that the hard way with my pinay ex-wife, lasted 2 months in the US. Have had an 8 year relationship end this week here in the Philippines. As it turned out all about money. I did just what you were talking about and, saving her money from work she built a house qnd when she was done took a walk. There are so many hustlers here, finding a good and honest girl here is on hell of a task! One thing I learned, stay away from the dating sites! The girls on them are targeting westerners and it is all about the cash. Stay away from the girls who will only date Westerners!

    • @Hijoe-pq3go
      @Hijoe-pq3go Před 2 lety +13

      Not all girls on dating sites are scammers, But, all scammers are on dating sites.

    • @michealolson5006
      @michealolson5006 Před 2 lety

      stupid comment....... jeeze maybe you're not very attractive....?? and " money " is all the girl really cares about.....

    • @hfmoon5291
      @hfmoon5291 Před 2 lety +1

      I knew 2 people there in the Philippines we meet on a dating site one of them is still a good friend
      And the other one is my girlfriend since 9 months
      They are both religious and tend to talk about it from time to time
      I never had people like this here in the wester
      People here are friends as long as there is a benefit, when someone better comes along your off
      It is just my opinion and how i learned to see it

    • @pattystephens5977
      @pattystephens5977 Před 2 lety +3

      There are a lot of good women here in The States. It’s just a matter of choice. But some younger women here go after the money with older guys. Guess what I’m trying to say is, it takes work in a relationship. And if you want a much younger woman there’s always strings attached! Most of the time.

    • @chivalryisdead6440
      @chivalryisdead6440 Před 2 lety

      Many of the girls on dating sites are looking for a way out of poverty. A westerner can give them that. It is still up to the westerner to manage her expectations. It's true that when women become greedy it is their problem and responsibility. But it is also the westerner facilitating that character development.

  • @charlesweatherly3586
    @charlesweatherly3586 Před 2 lety +4

    Sage advice Paul. It never bodes well for those that flaunt,brag, or otherwise are under a misguided impression that it will do wonders for their success with women or their pocketbook. Those who are thoughtful, and have a sense of where they are and act accordingly with humility will be treated with more respect than those without a clue that believe their own bragging.

  • @Shaknbake
    @Shaknbake Před 2 lety +2

    This is a recipe for success. Good idea in general and a consciousness to maintain.

  • @ronaldmadej2460
    @ronaldmadej2460 Před 2 lety +2

    You tube has helped provide a nice living for a substantial number of expats, and their family's. . You Tubers can make a good living if they are willing to put in the effort to grow their channel.
    Many Filipino woman have now developed their own channels. This has had a positive effect by helping many Filipino woman become financially independent.
    Nice to see the positive effect You Tube is having throughout the world, Especially impressed with the work ethic of the Filipino woman. Starting a new channel takes time and patience.
    In many cases Expats need to be complimented for helping their spouses and friends develop plans that can provide for their future financial needs..
    Paul and Mark {every man has a story} serve as examples of how they help their female friend or spouse develop long term financial security.

  • @sosjim1
    @sosjim1 Před 2 lety +3

    Again, excellent topic! Thanks
    One thing might be to let her “teach” you hope to shop for food, clothes, etc the Philippine way. Letting her believe that that is why you chose to retire there to stretch what money you have to make it. If she is ok with that, just after meeting,,, who knows, she may be a good candidate…

  • @johnclark1469
    @johnclark1469 Před 2 lety +3

    Very true, brutally honest self examination; hard knock wisdom we can all learn from and save ourselves from our own egos. Great observation, thanks for sharing - it should save any listener from allot of grief.

  • @riksim4242
    @riksim4242 Před 2 lety +1

    the same goes everywhere; budgetting, budgetting, bugetting !!!! this is totally true in the philippines. dont matter if you are a foreigner or a local; you MUST set a budget for your monthly thru yearly expenses and making sure you have a comfortable cushion for emmergencies !!! try to keep it as simple as possible; housing, food, clothing, medical attention, monthly expenses ( electrical, phone, water, cable tv, garbbage,extras). this should be basic and if expected to live on a shoestring in PI , then you going to have problems !!!!

  • @joshuarizalforeman816
    @joshuarizalforeman816 Před 2 lety +22

    A lot depends upon the circumstances in which you met. I didn't meet my wife on a dating site or in a bar or even in the Philippines. I met my wife, by chance, in Hong Kong where we were both working. We dated in a very conventional way and I treated her as I have been taught to treat a woman (regardless of how unfashionable of chauvinistic that is considered nowadays by some people). She came to know I had money - I owned property, lived in an upmarket area and ran my own business, - but not how much. She never asked for anything until after we had been together for over a year and had had a child together and she was in the Philippines showing off the baby. she requested that I transfer some money to her, which I did , no questions asked. To some people that may be a leap of faith but I trusted her. When she returned from the Philippines she informed we that we now owned a house in a fairly salubrious area of the city where we now live and showed me the pictures, contracts etc. Seven years later we now live here. We own a few properties in the Philippines, have a business and a good income. The best thing for me is that I don't need to work. Incidentally, I am 9 or 10 years older than her, depending on when she chooses to have her birthday!, so there is no massive age gap. No trolls, please. I am simply responding to a video out my own experience on a related matter.

    • @hillbillyintheasia6122
      @hillbillyintheasia6122 Před 2 lety

      your rich kanu ,lol do know poor kanu only has ssdi are ss income . if have more rich kanu in usa and ph.

    • @j.christian3751
      @j.christian3751 Před 2 lety +3

      I met my lady on FB and currently LDR thanks to Covid. She works in Taiwan right now and they still have quarantine on return, so........... She has invested wisely with her money at home. I have not sent a dime. She knows that I work hard and long, but does not know what I make every month. That will be discussed after we meet next year. She is always telling me to save my money. Smart lady.

  • @chuckmills5316
    @chuckmills5316 Před 2 lety

    I agree with you 100%, your right on. I did the same exact thing when I got here. Now I’m dialing it back. Great Video

  • @JohnSmith-ms8nj
    @JohnSmith-ms8nj Před 2 lety +1

    Just be firm, you need to be in control too

  • @tyroneshoelaces9742
    @tyroneshoelaces9742 Před 2 lety +9

    This is freaking sound advice 100%! You may be bummed she left, but that is just lust and that will fade fast. I got jammed into buying a 500 dollar refrigerator for one girl and it was all my fault. But at least I caught it there and 180'd my ass out of there. We've all done it. Thanks, Paul!

  • @Bluztaken
    @Bluztaken Před 2 lety

    Brilliant idea.

  • @rickyfuller6057
    @rickyfuller6057 Před 2 lety

    Mr Paul vary good video. That is a fantastic idea. I love how you put things out there and it’s so true . You can learn what type of a lady you have.God bless you and Baby Mae

  • @douglas7000
    @douglas7000 Před 2 lety

    You are talking sense in any situation, anywhere in the world. Either don't make finance be a part of your attraction, OR forever be unsure how much finance is the reason she is with you. That's as true in the West as it is anywhere else.

  • @ericlegaspi7434
    @ericlegaspi7434 Před 2 lety

    Great monologue Paul, like always. Simple thoughts and great presenation. Keep it u.

  • @jeromehenry4484
    @jeromehenry4484 Před 2 lety +2

    Totally agree with you 100%! This is good advice even for back in the States. Being flashy may not cost you immediately, but if you do not put away emergency/investments/retirement funds, it will cost you dearly sometime in the future because life has many pitfalls. It's important to set the tone you are looking for a PARTNER, not a project. Budgeting is the adult thing to do.

  • @christopherbradley5575
    @christopherbradley5575 Před 2 lety +12

    I call it expectation management. However, it doesn't always involve ego. We are taught that strong men are humble and bragging is a sign of weakness but as Americans, we tend to bring generosity along on our journey to humility. If you are humble, people respect you more and become more comfortable around you. That brings in another problem in that Americans have a hard time saying no to people we like. I think the balance there is achieved just like you explained; project less than you have. If you are doing things right, that should be easy because only an idiot lives beyond his means. As far as the actual budget goes, I see some expats move abroad to escape the financial problems they have caused themselves without putting any effort into changing themselves and their own bad habits. Those people inevitably end up screwed in the end anyway and by the time they end up overseas, it's pointless to even try to talk sense into them. Great video!

    • @hubriswonk
      @hubriswonk Před 2 lety +1

      Expectation Management! That is a good one!

  • @Abundancesobernew
    @Abundancesobernew Před 2 lety

    Always good info. Thank you. Slow to start but. 3 minutes gets better. Good info. Good experience.

  • @TroyKC
    @TroyKC Před 4 měsíci

    "watch what everyone else is doing and then do the opposite" ... I like that! 👍

  • @BellaBikolana
    @BellaBikolana Před 2 lety +7

    So on point with your realization with your compadres. It sounds stressful when a lot of needs are presented on the table and we understand we can't really give a lot more because we are just like any average person who is also just trying to get by. Even for me a Filipina living abroad I get the same pressure and my family isn't the villain or culprit the culture and the system of the brain of locals or less fortunate people are somewhat the same around the Philippines that's how it has been. We can't put our head around poverty it's too much and they don't know any better. We, who have been fortunate enough to travel and be exposed to another culture and have more knowledge and comprehension than the locals feel like we are the ones to put that boundaries and limitations. There should be training that needs to be exercised in teaching schools or training a community each barangay should educate the community about expectations about foreigners or OFWs because it has become a habit for some not all. I have been listening to you for a while now and this is the first time I've commented because your content connected with me. We become the enabler because out of good heart we give and keep giving without thinking of the reciprocation or consequences of giving too much. It's like a child when a child gets everything all the time and we say no, tantrums are uncontrollable. I feel your honesty, humility, wisdom, and kindness over this matter. I am proud of you and thank you for being so genuine and honest about these things that not many will bring to the light.

  • @Pook500
    @Pook500 Před 2 lety +2

    Every relationship is based on expectations and boundaries. Set em early (as should she), and stick to them.
    Great vid

  • @michaelmcneal3793
    @michaelmcneal3793 Před 2 lety

    Hi Paul this is Michael I totally agree on what you stated in your video in regards to downplaying your financial status or show if she's serious with you or not a very good subject..

  • @donwilliams6712
    @donwilliams6712 Před rokem


  • @michaelray5660
    @michaelray5660 Před 2 lety +8

    the only thing that I bought for my wife was 2 cell phones for her sury sury store and a pair of slippers, she wouldn't let me buy her anything else, what she wants for her self she would buy with her own income. so the income I get from the US only I spend it , I ask her each time and she tells me if you want to you decide.

  • @1George2
    @1George2 Před 2 lety +1

    @Paul, you are describing exactly my thinking and attitude and, in my opinion, the only way to deal with this "walking ATM" issue/ attitude of some people

  • @Latin-dog
    @Latin-dog Před 2 lety +17

    100% correct, we have set the wrong precedent long time ago, filipinos got used to it and here we are, what I always complaint to my wife is that I have no problems helping on some bills or emergencies but why can't they meet me halfway . their expectations is that we take the burden of the whole bill , maybe its time for all forefingers to come to an agreement and start the motion that we can only help with some or with half the bill
    About myself.... 59 years old, over 30 years with my darling leaving in Australia, we meet here in oz , I had my fare share of helping the "familia"

    • @normallife3819
      @normallife3819 Před 2 lety +7

      Don't give the profane money. It is the character that is the issue here. Not to mention the socialism/communism that comes with those types of canabalisic ideology

    • @johnaldridge5019
      @johnaldridge5019 Před 2 lety

      Hi, I am replying to you as I have something the same history. Though I am somewhat older and now living in Philippines. My filipino wife lived with me 34 years in Australia. During that time wife had a part time job. From part of that, she helped her family, also saved for a trip there every year. That is how we helped her family.
      Do Not know if you have had a lot of time there. To see and experance life there,
      Might I point out, I was paid far more per hour, Than filippinos paid per Day. True it cost more in Aus but not 8 or 10 times more. Difference in wages. That is why they need our help.
      Both on age pension. Here in Philippines we live in a similar home and car etc. Living here does cost a less. In my view Australia has the best Health care system for service and cost. No medicare here. Dr $15 medicine 20>150 Hospital many many thousands $

  • @Ian-iu2tl
    @Ian-iu2tl Před 2 lety +1

    Best one yet Paul.
    Got me a cutie in Quezon City. She's a great chick and I'll see her in August.
    Recently, she asked for braces...about $900 USD. I said no...not in the budget.
    She kicked up a fuss and sounded a little bit entitled. But I came back fast and furious and let her know that my money is my money...not hers and not to forget it. She came around after realizing her mistake. She will get braces...eventually...but not today.

    • @danielhackney7806
      @danielhackney7806 Před 2 lety

      @Best one yet Paul, So she asked for braces before you guys had even met in-person? Holy $hit it sounds like Filipina are picking up some BAD entitlement habits like American women. It could be she saw her friends were getting braces from their American BF''s and so she decided she needed the same. I was chatting a Filipina and she expected her BF expat to have $3,000 dollars a month income because that was her best friends BF income.

  • @valeriek5020
    @valeriek5020 Před 2 lety +2

    I find these videos of senior foreign men living in the Philippines very interesting. When I listen and watch facial and body language, so much is revealed. A Filipina meets a foreigner, it may be her first, possibly a woman with some experience, or she has all the confidence and knowledge of a Filipina who will turn your life upside down and getting right side up will take great effort. She will learn and/or continue to learn the power and value of her feminity. The Filipina sees an old man but she can maneuver past that for the sake of her happiness. Never underestimate what she has learned from the foreigner , she knows how to present herself to get what she desires. It becomes a win/win situation.
    Coming from poverty the american dollar can provide much for her and no financial burden to the foreigners' finances. Foreigners have taught these women the rythm of the almight foreign dollar. Her financial desires at first may be insignificant and she may be happy and greatful for what she has with her foreigner, or the situation could change..........she becomes more confident and her needs and wants become more expensive.
    It is so sad to read about old men living out the rest of their lives in a foreign country and headed to financial disaster.......are happy................can't blame them and if they are being treated well, so be it. He will provide for her needs...............and she will provide for his needs..............could it be any easier.

  • @patrickmctube
    @patrickmctube Před 2 lety +2

    Hi Paul, very good topic. After watching various videos on the topic when it comes to Filipinas and money. I already knew that this is what I was going to do, downplay whatever income I would be receiving. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  • @tonyasreadyforwhatsnext1561

    I agree very good points good way to learn if a person is just trying to use you for 💸

  • @Darryl_Smith
    @Darryl_Smith Před 2 lety

    Sage advice well prresented.

  • @brianbaxter3913
    @brianbaxter3913 Před 2 lety +7

    Good video Paul and yes that is what you need to do tell them just have enough to live a simple comfortable life with no fancy living. I lost count how many I chatted with over the years that said oh you have a good job and make lots of money you can send me some. The only way I could get through to them even a little was to tell them my monthly expenses were around 75,000 to 80,000 peso a month then they finally got the idea. The result was some just stopped talking and those that did still talk did not outright as for help but had very strong suggestions. I know when I first get to the Philippines my budget will be blown as I plan to travel around for a while to decide where to live and after that will be living the simple life on a reasonable budget.

  • @robertmcmaster8371
    @robertmcmaster8371 Před 2 lety

    Common sense is hard sense ;-) sometimes no is the hardest thing to say but most of the time it is the most rewarding.. thanks again brother, always a pleasure.. be safe

  • @Jen2x
    @Jen2x Před 2 lety

    Thank you for sharing this with your fellow men.