Why Revenge is Bad | Francis Bacon Essay On Revenge

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 80

  • @MrBern-ex3wq
    @MrBern-ex3wq Před rokem +34

    My thing with revenge is that people always mistake it with justice.
    Now here's my original (original as far as I know at least) take:
    Justice is a remedy, revenge is punishment. Now there are cases where these would overlap perhaps, like the example people love throwing around which is killing a killer because they killed someone you love. That here revenge and justice are the same thing because it allows you to take out your grief and anger on the killer while also preventing them from killing anyone else, and therefore revenge is justice. But that statement has two factors. Taking out your anger and grief on the killer, and making sure they won't kill anyone else.
    The first is revenge. It is personal. It is an expression of pain or fury, or both. The killer killed someone you love, so you want to kill them for what they did. But revenge can take it a step further and make you want them to _suffer_ for what they did, where death is just the natural conclusion to that suffering. Suffer because they deserve it for killing that person in your life. It is punishment, it is destruction.
    The second is justice. A reparation or remedy. It is a desire to right something that's wrong, and in this case what's wrong is that there's a person killing others out there and they're being allowed to do so. Justice sees this injustice and demands its resolution. But doesn't _have_ to end in death. Or even punishment. Sending the killer to prison is justice, since imprisoned they (ideally) won't be able to commit murder again. But it is also a punishment. But for true justice the punishment is optional, what _truly_ matters is ensuring no one else dies at the killer's hands. Say you manage to actually rehabilitate the killer, they have such a fundamental growth and change in who they are that they cease to be a murderer and never kill again. Justice has been served here as well, because the wrong has been made right.
    Thus, revenge is about punishing the wrongdoer, and justice is about solving and removing an injustice. In a more contained example, imagine someone breaks a machine. Revenge would say to punish that person for breaking it. Justice would say to fix the machine, and ideally to have the person who broke it be the one to do it if they are able.
    Justice and revenge are twins born of injustice or a wrong. In many ways are very similar, but ultimately they are fundamentally different, even when they agree on what must be done.

    • @basterd6522
      @basterd6522 Před měsícem

      Justice is about making a wrong right and sometimes that is simply impossible. Taking a human life is something that can never be made right. Whether the person who took that life is punished, executed or rehabilitated, they can never bring that life back so there is still an imbalance which is what justice is all about. Balance.

    • @JDog2656
      @JDog2656 Před 29 dny

      ⁠@@basterd6522hence forgiveness for the truly repentant. Like Sandman and Spider-Man

  • @NazO07
    @NazO07 Před rokem +20

    Solution is easy, don't let players abuse the trading system.

    • @PhilosophyToons
      @PhilosophyToons  Před rokem +4

      What about the trading card system with Pokemon and Yugioh cards?

  • @neranderthal
    @neranderthal Před 8 měsíci +7

    All I know is that every time I stood up for myself I had no regrets, and when I didn’t I felt weak and resentful. But on the off chance when I take revenge unreasonably, I also felt regret. Maybe the answer we’re looking for is: what is reasonable and thinking realistically, what will most likely create the result we could we live with? What will maintain our sanity.

  • @freyamckenzie5583
    @freyamckenzie5583 Před rokem +25

    If someone kidnapped your child and did the unthinkable....... Thank goodness for prisoners in the system who can find it easy to plunge that pen in its eye.

  • @PoisonelleMisty4311
    @PoisonelleMisty4311 Před 6 měsíci +4

    They often have a distorted perception of reality and struggle with feelings of anger, hatred, and resentment. This can be due to past traumas or unresolved issues that they have not properly dealt with. Vengeful individuals may also have a need for control and power, and seek to gain it through inflicting harm on others. They may also have a lack of empathy and struggle to understand the consequences of their actions on others. These underlying mental health issues can manifest in vengeful behavior, as they use revenge as a way to cope with their own internal turmoil and feelings of inadequacy. Additionally, individuals who have experienced a lack of control or power in their lives may turn to revenge as a means of gaining a sense of power and control over others. This can be seen in cases where individuals seek revenge on those who they perceive to have wronged them, whether real or imagined. Vengeful behavior can also be a result of deep-seated insecurities and a need to prove oneself to others. In some cases, vengeful individuals may also have a sense of entitlement, believing that they deserve to seek revenge for any perceived wrongdoing. This distorted thinking can lead to destructive and harmful actions, as vengeful people may not consider the consequences of their actions and the impact it may have on others. Ultimately, seeking revenge is often a manifestation of underlying mental health issues and can have damaging effects on both the individual and those around them. It is important for individuals to seek help and address these issues in order to break the cycle of vengeful behavior and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

  • @lucaswillemsens1289
    @lucaswillemsens1289 Před rokem +7

    I like the last notion very much. As in: When I commit a wrong (imagine), I would not like it that that wrong would just go unnoticed. I try to do the best I can. In that way revenge focussed on my repentence would feel like the people acting out their revenge as helpful for me in my journey in self-improvement. Then again I think something like that can only work if the form of repentence is manageable and it is difficult to evaluate when someone has genuienly changed their ways, just like it is difficult to define a wrongdoing in the first place

  • @Damesanglante
    @Damesanglante Před 6 měsíci +6

    Those that talk against revenge are 99% of the times people that hurt others and are scared of retribution.
    The best way of avoiding revenge is to not hurt others.

    • @redcecrossans2189
      @redcecrossans2189 Před 5 měsíci +3

      I disagree in the end

    • @sehr1515
      @sehr1515 Před 3 měsíci

      BS on the first part. Second part checks out, but ill add - dont hurt yourself either or you will have consequences interpersonally.

  • @JiraiyaSama86
    @JiraiyaSama86 Před rokem +3

    Revenge requires unnecessary action. Some actions do require some form of retaliation but only to the point of discouraging any further transgression. If a bully hits you, you need to figure out how to get them to cut it out, simply to the point where they just stop doing so. In some cases, showing that you are willing to strike back is enough, and may earn their respect. Which is probably the thing to aim for. Respect is earned, and perhaps this is something to aim for. Gaining their respect. You're not going to pick on someone you respect.
    That being said. Not giving into vengeance is hard if you've made a habit out of acting in vengeance. If you're someone who allows anger and bitterness to take the driver's seat more so than not, it's going to be hard to wrestle back control of the driver's seat. What's necessary is that you first start being more cognizant of the process happening, and find a way to pull yourself back. Practice restraint. It's easier if you strengthen your body and eat better. You're giving your body better fuel, and you're more tolerant of discomfort. That's a start.

  • @NikeThemJordansss
    @NikeThemJordansss Před 4 měsíci +3

    Prove me wrong but revenge can be helpful if used correctly. Ive been through alot but let me say it got me stronger. Ive been on self improvement and revenge had really helped me

  • @NeverLoseLoveJoyHope
    @NeverLoseLoveJoyHope Před rokem +12

    most people ive known who have condoned or taken revenge were always abusers.

    • @cazjay017
      @cazjay017 Před 8 měsíci

      Spot on.

    • @fabiofernandes9122
      @fabiofernandes9122 Před 7 měsíci

      spot off@@cazjay017

    • @fabiofernandes9122
      @fabiofernandes9122 Před 7 měsíci

      so what? most people that i knew that did those things werent abusers.

    • @redcecrossans2189
      @redcecrossans2189 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@fabiofernandes9122yep, sht the fck up. Don't compare someone else everyone has a view point. You and your known not better than them

  • @aldenabdurahmani9421
    @aldenabdurahmani9421 Před rokem +5

    I would like some more philosophy of Baruch Spinoza. If you please to do it.

  • @xrenegade87xchannel88

    The other problem with vengeance is if people need to suffer for mistreating others you would have to suffer too because who do you think you are to say you’re a nice person that never did wrong

  • @stevenlemieux7220
    @stevenlemieux7220 Před 7 měsíci +3

    What if the person who wronged you won't stop. There are a couple of homeless people who I helped out with cash, rides, and food but as soon as my kindness ran out they started steeling my stuff . Then when they where not allowed to step one foot in my house, my car seems to have one problem after another. The apartment manager won't look at any security cameras unless there is a police report. what can I do to stop this?

  • @patrickjennings431
    @patrickjennings431 Před 10 měsíci +8

    People in society are masking revenge as justice and that's sad you might punish the person who did or others wrong but in reality you''ll only punish yourself

    • @thereallostwalker8337
      @thereallostwalker8337 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Have you tried revenge? It’s quite thirst quenching. Don’t buy into the stupid “you will only feel worse after” stuff.
      You only feel worse when people who wronged you get to walk away thinking they can do it again because it payed off the first time.

    • @patrickjennings431
      @patrickjennings431 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@thereallostwalker8337 no I haven't tried revenge and honestly I don't think I ever will because unlike you I learned that two wrongs don't make it right

    • @thereallostwalker8337
      @thereallostwalker8337 Před 6 měsíci +3

      @@patrickjennings431 except when the same person does it to somebody else because there are no consequences lol.
      Your second wrong could have stopped 20 future wrongs. He taught you that the world sucks some time. You COULD have taught him/her humility.
      Your “higher than thou” mentality falls flat.

    • @Damesanglante
      @Damesanglante Před 6 měsíci

      @@patrickjennings431 I bet you've hurt many people in your life and that's why you advocate for passive and wimpy behavior. You will get what you deserve in times.
      Revenge is retribution. Those that don't hurt others advocate for vengeance.

    • @Marcel-NiclasWarncke
      @Marcel-NiclasWarncke Před 4 měsíci +2

      ​@thereallostwalker8337 If you do something to protect others, it's not revenge but protect, if you do it for your ego, it's revenge.

  • @realjamiegardiner
    @realjamiegardiner Před rokem +4

    @philosophytoons this week I finished reading client centered therapy by Carl Rodgers and I had a bit of a breakthrough moment on learning how to let things go it was kinda like right book right time I was wondering if you've ever had a book that just made things click for you

    • @PhilosophyToons
      @PhilosophyToons  Před rokem +2

      Prob WIlliam James' Pragmatism or his smaller lectures

  • @gamexstreams1731
    @gamexstreams1731 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I watched the entire video and it only managed to convince Me more to take side of REVENGE cuz i aint got the strength or tolerance to go through all that Mental Gymnastics to "Forgive" someone who comes into my every fucking morning.
    Better to take Revenge completely than act forgiving when you dont really mean it - when you are just as pissed as before.
    Man, Just go about your Villain Arc.

  • @RedGulleem
    @RedGulleem Před rokem +3

    I live side by side with the husband of my father's sister, and on the last December 24th his son (my cousin, 10 years older than me) kicked in my gate because my dogs were barking at them (strangers) on the street and actually hit my 10 year old golden retriever.
    When I confronted him right after he did it, he (while still holding on to his son at his side) threatened me saying I should go outside and fight him ???
    After this his father revs his old fucked up car everyday at 6am waking up the whole street but specially me.
    I have since then been troubled with thoughts of revenge and how I could get back at them. Unfortunately I don't have any video proof of him kicking the gate or threatening me
    But I'd like your and other viewers opinion on this occasion. Is revenge acceptable? Or should I continue fighting this urge and try and let it go ?

    • @thewrathematician1911
      @thewrathematician1911 Před rokem +4

      You already know what you really want to do.

    • @PhilosophyToons
      @PhilosophyToons  Před rokem +6

      Seems like a delicate situation and since I'm just some young dumb youtuber I don't think I could give good specific advice on this. If possible moving out seems like a good idea since your doggie will be safe and the fights might end.

    • @RedGulleem
      @RedGulleem Před rokem +2

      @@PhilosophyToons oh yeah totally! didnt mean to put the burden of solving this issue on you hehe. I guess my intention was to discuss the morality of this situation and how it'd fit with the context of vengeance in the video

    • @Damesanglante
      @Damesanglante Před 6 měsíci

      Maybe stop being selfish and control your dogs so you won't receive revenge.

    • @sehr1515
      @sehr1515 Před 3 měsíci

      I know im a year late but hey...
      Report the property damage to the fence, the resulting injury to the dog, the taunting and threatening of violence when met at the scene, and the noise complaints to the local authorities. But expect them to report your dogs for barking at people on the street.
      I think getting everything on record helps, having no record is a breeding ground for those who are abusers to go wild with lies and all that.
      You shouldnt have to move out of your house (like another commentor suggested) Because of abusers like that.
      If the people giving you stress were reasonable people, they would have just reported the agressive barking dogs to the authorities and you would have been cited for it or something, You fix the issue to the pedestrians and problem solved.

  • @simonthedigger2358
    @simonthedigger2358 Před 13 dny

    Revenge is bad!!
    Because it just is ok!!!

  • @sharine8512
    @sharine8512 Před rokem +10

    I got revenge and I loved it. No regrets! I wont do it again, but feels really good. But I want know why feels so good, this is what i'm looking for.

    • @michaeldamato9466
      @michaeldamato9466 Před rokem +10

      If someone does something very bad to you or your loved ones, they deserve punishment..... don't go looking for the cops or anyone else, it's your respect that matters, everything else is bullshit.

  • @TheKrispyfort
    @TheKrispyfort Před 2 měsíci

    thanks PhilosophyToons

  • @AlexanderLayko
    @AlexanderLayko Před 2 měsíci +1

    What's the difference between getting revenge for something that happened 5 seconds ago vs. 5 years ago? I don't view one as any more or less reprehensible than the other.

  • @thomasja2008
    @thomasja2008 Před rokem +3

    I just found your channel and love the content so far. Great Job! Have you thought about doing a video on The Abolition of Man by CS Lewis. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Hope you have a great day!

    • @PhilosophyToons
      @PhilosophyToons  Před rokem +1

      Thank you, I've always wanted to get into Lewis but I heard a good place to start is Mere Christianity so I'd probably do that first.

  • @megadwipayana5544
    @megadwipayana5544 Před rokem +2

    Guys i just do my revange ,,, it take 7 years to done it ,, and it feel good honestly,,

    • @sehr1515
      @sehr1515 Před 3 měsíci

      Well, idk if this is evidence or what...

  • @Marcel-NiclasWarncke
    @Marcel-NiclasWarncke Před 4 měsíci

    “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.” - Bobby Sands

  • @HentaiSweetie
    @HentaiSweetie Před rokem +3

    🥓 has convinced me of nothing.

  • @user-yw8tu3kk1r
    @user-yw8tu3kk1r Před rokem +1

    Actions have consequences! Sooner or later eventually it gets you when you least expect it so unless yall wanna taste dirt in the morning dont fck around!

  • @TLowCTI
    @TLowCTI Před rokem +6

    I strongly support revenge, but only in the case of person killing and taking a innocent life. I prefer rebuke when someone does you wrong because rebuke extremely disturbs the conscience of the wrong doer, and not person who was done wrong.l by which is not required to forgive until the transgressor makes it right apologize, or makes amends.
    Forgiveness has been taught wrong to us by religion, which is Christianity saying that we have to forgive the trangressor for thier wrongdoing without no repentance, no apologizing, no making things right, no making amends, whichI call bs. The correct way forgiveness comes is when the trangressor comes make thinks right, make amends, repents or apologize to the person whom the transgressor did wrong this is not taught.

    • @JiraiyaSama86
      @JiraiyaSama86 Před rokem +2

      I don't think you understand what revenge is. There's a difference in protecting someone and acting out of revenge. Revenge requires the desire to inflict unnecessary pain.
      And no. That's not what Christianity teaches. More than likely, there are bad actors that are twisting the message to suit their desires and thus are passing down false info. It does ask for repentance. It does ask for change.

    • @TLowCTI
      @TLowCTI Před rokem

      @@JiraiyaSama86 I do understand what revenge is. according to the old etmology of the word, revenge is to avenge yourself. Like you was saying that revenge was to inflict unnecessary pain, which you will find in the KJV bible definition.
      Like you said there is a difference between acting out of revenge and protecting yourself, which is true. What you fail to realize is both sides of them.
      To paraphrase what I said, I believe in revenge only if the person is kills an innocent life like a loved one, friend, kindred just because of being evil. The Bible regulates avenge and also supports this belief as well if you read it: when a person murders an innocent person then the person who gets revenge is named the avenger of blood look in Deutromony 19:11-12, Numbers 35: 26-27, another similar Numbers 35:18-29.
      Protecting yourself is another story is when someone is trying to take your life, but you do what you have do to eliminate the threat because that person wants to take your life.: In this case here revenge is not necessary nor the creator will hold you accountable. If you read the Bible it's mentioned in Exodus 22:1-2.
      Yes, forgiveness has been taught wrong by Christianity. you just refuse to accept it. Christianity does teaches that you have have to forgive when someone does you wrong this isn't even biblical at all. Show one scripture that states that then? Don't go run to Matthew 6:12-16, mark 11:24-26, Colossians 3:13, Eph 4:31-32, Matthew 18:21-22:those scriptures will not work because it doesn't state in those texts.
      Besides,I am not twisting no message to suit one's desires. How is it twisting the message?🤔

    • @JiraiyaSama86
      @JiraiyaSama86 Před rokem

      @@TLowCTI let me ask you this. So, do you think the Bible also asks you not to judge others?

    • @TLowCTI
      @TLowCTI Před rokem

      @@JiraiyaSama86 yes! It says that in Matthew 7:1-3. What is the point 🤔?

    • @JiraiyaSama86
      @JiraiyaSama86 Před rokem +1

      @@TLowCTI I see. So, you're just like another one of those individuals who just take snippets. It's no wonder why you believe what you believe about the Bible. You're essentially like those individuals who cut little snippets off of a long form conversation, discard context, and therefore, when the final product comes out; it just looks bad. The clip doesn't tell the whole story or reflect the real message.

  • @Over-Boy42
    @Over-Boy42 Před 6 měsíci

    Success is the best revenge

  • @leighaclark365
    @leighaclark365 Před 3 měsíci

    It's a fools game

    • @simonthedigger2358
      @simonthedigger2358 Před 13 dny

      “Revenge bad because video game man said Is bad!!!” What a childish view on revenge

  • @kaininjapoke1hero81
    @kaininjapoke1hero81 Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @charlvanrooyen447
    @charlvanrooyen447 Před rokem +2

    Bacon is taking nonsence.

    • @nhatminhhoa
      @nhatminhhoa Před 6 měsíci +1

      You are the only who nonsense here

    • @Damesanglante
      @Damesanglante Před 6 měsíci

      @@nhatminhhoa All anti-revenge potatoes talk nonsense because they are scared lemmings.

    • @user-lh2wb6de3u
      @user-lh2wb6de3u Před 3 měsíci

      ​​@@nhatminhhoa ether you haven't experienced pain or your bacon's fan

  • @NeilMuse
    @NeilMuse Před 9 měsíci +3

    Legal revenge is called justice and without justice there would surely be more revenge.

    • @kaininjathundermmandopoke5167
      @kaininjathundermmandopoke5167 Před 5 měsíci +1

      Revenge is not justice.

    • @user-lh2wb6de3u
      @user-lh2wb6de3u Před 3 měsíci

      ​​@@kaininjathundermmandopoke5167 I agree, I think justice is a illusion while revenge is a way to get satisfaction

    • @sehr1515
      @sehr1515 Před 3 měsíci

      Revenge's definition seemes to require physical harm done by the wronged party as a punishment. So i dont know how it can be legal in modern society. Justice is more like a fair response to a crime, due course, which authorities and the general pop deal with alot. The punishment must fit the crime to be fair and "just". without external justice, there is still internal justice which is like interpersonal karma / conscience. Which is what those who dont believe in revenge + have no access to justice, tend to rely on, to hopefully eventually fix the problem.

    • @CaptainRogers.-kv7kg
      @CaptainRogers.-kv7kg Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@sehr1515 adn also it doesn't not fix the problem tho.

    • @CaptainRogers.-kv7kg
      @CaptainRogers.-kv7kg Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@user-lh2wb6de3u Revenge isn't to get satisfaction it made it worse.