Daily Eye Exercises - A Simple Technique to Help Release Trauma

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • If you’re interested in discovering how engaging your five senses can support your healing journey after trauma and grief, I invite you to subscribe to my free email series, 'Embracing 52 Habits To Cope Better With Grief'. In this series, you’ll explore how simple yet profound practices can help you navigate through grief with greater ease. Learn more about the series here: www.sabinehorner.com/52habits
    In Ayurveda, the five senses-sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch-are not just ways to experience the world but vital tools for maintaining balance and health. According to this ancient healing tradition, how we use or misuse our senses can significantly impact our well-being.
    When our senses are used appropriately and mindfully, they can be powerful allies in promoting healing and preventing disease. For example:
    Sight: Overexposure to harsh or artificial lighting, or consuming negative or distressing visual content, can strain our eyes and mind, leading to imbalance. On the other hand, immersing ourselves in natural light, soothing colours, and beautiful, calming imagery can uplift our spirits and support mental clarity.
    Sound: Constant noise pollution or exposure to loud, jarring sounds can disturb our inner peace and lead to stress and anxiety. Conversely, listening to calming music, nature sounds, or even silence can harmonise our energy and promote inner calm.
    Smell: Overstimulating our sense of smell with strong, synthetic fragrances or pollutants can dull this sense and disrupt our body's natural rhythms. Meanwhile, the gentle scent of essential oils, fresh flowers, or clean air can enhance our mood, energise our body, and even improve sleep.
    Taste: Overindulgence in highly processed, spicy, or sweet foods can dull our palate and disrupt digestion, leading to various health issues. Eating mindfully with a focus on balanced, wholesome, and fresh foods can nourish our body and soul, supporting overall well-being.
    Touch: Overuse of technology and constant contact with artificial textures can desensitise us and lead to feelings of disconnection. Reconnecting with the sense of touch through practices like massage, warm baths, or simply feeling natural textures like earth or wood can ground us and restore a sense of peace and belonging.
    Ayurveda teaches that the overuse, underuse, or misuse of any of these senses can contribute to the development of dis-ease, both physical and mental. By learning to engage our senses in a balanced and mindful way, we can not only prevent illness but also foster deep healing, especially in times of grief and trauma.

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