Three Ways to Start Your Day

  • čas přidán 21. 12. 2015
  • Join Dr. Izzo in a personal challenge to start your day with intention. Find out more about Dr. Izzo's recent books and talks at
    One of the most important decisions every person makes is to decide how we start our day. Good beginnings simply make for good middles and good endings yet many of us simply launch into our day giving little thought to how we start the day off in the right direction. I'm Dr. John Izzo, I am in the business of conversations that make the difference and today I'd like to have a conversation with you about three things that really start our day off on the
    right foot. Now many people begin their day in a frenzy, hit the alarm clock, checking emails rush through breakfast, get right
    at it but I've discovered that how I start my day makes a big difference in
    terms of how I live my days. And the three things that I start my day with are three things that will make a big difference for you and here's the three things: meditate,,ruminate and rejuvenate. You see first I begin my day by meditating most every morning. I take 15 minutes to quiet my mind. For me it takes the form of formal meditation but it could just as easily be simply a quiet time, a time of reflection. Rather than begin my day in a frenzy, I try to begin
    my day in a calm centered state and research shows that the brains of those who meditate regularly are simply less reactive than those that don't. Second, I start every day ruminating. Every morning I repeat a mantra that I've created which focuses on how I want to live my life. Things like to practice kindness, to quiet my mind, to put my ego aside, to do my part to make the world better while accepting that life is challenging and trying not to resist that truth when it happens, and to do the work that is aligned with my gifts as a teacher. Then I take a few moments and simply reflect
    and ruminate on the day ahead asking simply how can I more deeply live those intentions today. You know in my book the Five Secrets, I discover that 85% of the happiest people have reflection hardwired into their life every day. Finally, I begin my day with something that rejuvenates me. You see, I want to start by feeling energized and I know no better way to do that than to start with an
    activity that gives me energy. Now sometimes it means a morning walk or a bike ride, sometimes it means scheduling a work activity I like the most to start my day, the best meeting the best assignment, the thing I'm most excited to get to. Now many people do the opposite starting with the thing they most dread but I find doing something I love starts my day by giving me energy
    for the things I will love even less. So how about a simple 30 day challenge for the next 30 days, start your day meditating, ruminating, and rejuvenating. It may mean getting up a little earlier in the morning or going to bed a little earlier at night but I guarantee those three things will change your days. I'm Dr. John Izzo, keep on leading.

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