  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • Few human institutions have survived for so long and have played such a crucial role not only in Europe’s history and culture, but also in the whole world as the Catholic Church, embodied in its highest representatives, the Popes of Rome.
    The Papacy´s origins lies in Jesus’ Apostle, St Peter, to whom History reserves the role of being the first Pope, and on whom the Church´s leadership and apostolic primacy was conferred.
    Up to the current Pope, Francis, the Catholic Church provides a list of 266 Popes during its two millennia of History as an enduring institution....This is the story of those 266 men.
    A History with lights and shadows, full of numerous examples of sanctity and sincere Catholic feeling, but, unfortunately, also of ambition, pride and sin. It's the History of those who received a heavy but beautiful heritage: to be the representatives of God among men... It's the History of the Popes.

Komentáře • 153

  • @kelliritter7282
    @kelliritter7282 Před 5 lety +10

    God already came to earth in Christ. And when He returns He will certainly give the papacy what is coming to them.

    • @joecastillo8798
      @joecastillo8798 Před 5 lety +4

      You don't seem to understand, THE PAPACY is NOT a person, it's an institution founded by Christ.
      The only ones that will be judged are human beings, according to their deeds.
      Get away from sectarian inventions that are corrupting your mind with nonsensical ideologies, inspired and manipulated by the devil.
      May God bless your discernment.

    • @salramos3rd
      @salramos3rd Před 5 lety +1

      Joe Castillo the papacy was not founded by Christ. It was founded by a roman emperor wanting to unite Rome under one ‘universal’ religion namely the Catholic Church. They found out ruling with an iron fist would inevitably result in rebellion but controlling your ‘salvation’ would give them total control over your lives & money, hence being able to ‘pay’ for the pope to pray your loved ones out of purgatory or being able to ‘pay’ for 90 days of absolution or able to ‘pre-pay’ for your future sins that you will commit in the 90 day free reign 🤦🏻‍♂️ the RCC wasn’t actually created until 323ad while the ‘True Believers’ in Christ were called followers of ‘The Way’ during the 1st & 2nd centuries. Constantine combined Mithraism (sun worship) paganism (idol/statue worship) pantheism and Christianity under one umbrella to unite all of Rome. The statue of St Peter that catholics worship actually used to be the god jupiter, it was renamed to suit their needs. Mary worship derived from Semiramis worship or mother god worship with a child in her lap. Catholic doctrine states that yes, Jesus is the way to God but you must go through Mary to get to Jesus, that’s not biblical. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to confess your sins to a priest or not to marry or we go to purgatory or not to eat meat on Friday’s but it does say “Take heed lest any man deceive you: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”

    • @joecastillo8798
      @joecastillo8798 Před 5 lety +2

      Regarding your aversion to the "PAPACY".
      Let me first instruct you on the term Pope:
      The word POPE is derived ultimately from the Greek PÁPPAS, originally an affectionate term meaning "FATHER", later referring to a bishop or patriarch. The earliest record of the use of this title is in regard to the Patriarch of Alexandria, Pope Heraclas of Alexandria (232-248) in a letter written by his successor, Pope Dionysius of Alexandria, to Philemon, a Roman presbyter:
      "I received this rule and ordinance from our blessed father/pope, Heraclas."
      The earliest extant record of the word, POPE or PAPA, being used in reference to a Bishop of Rome dates to late 3rd century, when it was applied to POPE MARCELLINUS.
      According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the earliest recorded use of the title "pope" in English is in an Old English translation (c. 950) of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People:
      "At that time, POPE Vitalian was chief bishop of the apostolic see."
      It means that a Pope, or a particular bishop, succeeds FROM an Apostle or Apostles. It, in NO way, implies he is also an Apostle.
      Furthermore, it in NO way implies that this Pope or this bishop is "Divinely-inspired" (as the Apostles were), or infallible (in the same sense that the Apostles were), or that they are the originators of "new", Christ-given revelation (as the Apostles were). Rather, the Pope and his brother bishops are merely the authoritative, Spirit-protected GUARDIANS of revelation (i.e. the Apostolic Deposit of Faith) that has already been delivered to us, in full, by the Apostles. In short, only God can commission someone to be an Apostle.
      Now, with all that said, let me draw an important distinction. While a Pope, or another bishop, may not succeed to the full office of an APOSTLE (e.g. the Apostle Peter), they do succeed to a dimension of the Apostolic office: and that is the episcopal dimension of the Apostolic office. In other words, all Apostles, as part of their Apostolic calling, were also bishops (pastors of the flock). Peter calls himself a "presbyter" among other "non-Apostle" presbyters in 1 Peter 5:1, as does the Apostle John in 2 John 1 and 3 John 1.
      Mt. 16:17-10
      "you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the powers of death [gates of hell] shall not prevail against it."
      Only Peter is GIVEN THE KEYS to the kingdom of heaven (see Isaiah 22) and ONLY PETER is declared CEPHAS "THE ROCK" (John 1:42).
      You can see this primacy in John 21: 15-17, where Jesus instructs Peter as Chief Shepherd of the flock, his Church, to "feed my lambs…tend my sheep."
      The Greek word for "tend," poimanao, means "to rule." The same Greek word is used in Matt 2:6, Rev 2:27, 12:5, and 19:15, where it is applied to Jesus himself.
      Together with the apostles he enjoys the power to "bind and loose" on earth and in heaven. Vatican II puts it this way:
      "Infallibility is something he enjoys in virtue of HIS OFFICE, when, as the supreme shepherd and teacher of all the faithful, who CONFIRMS his brethren in their faith, he proclaims by a definitive act some doctrine of faith or morals."
      LUKE 22:32
      "…but I have prayed that your own faith may not fail; and once you have turned back, you must STRENGTHEN YOUR BROTHERS."
      CHAPTER 6.
      1. The blessed apostles, PETER AND PAUL, having founded and established the church, entrusted the office of the episcopate to LINUS. Paul speaks of this Linus in his Epistles to Timothy. 2 Timothy 4:21
      2. ANENCLETUS succeeded him, and after Anencletus, in the third place from the apostles, CLEMENT received the episcopate. He had seen and conversed with the blessed apostles, and their preaching was still sounding in his ears, and their tradition was still before his eyes. Nor was he alone in this, for many who had been taught by the apostles yet survived.
      3. In the times of Clement, a serious dissension having arisen among the brethren in Corinth, the church of Rome sent a most suitable letter to the Corinthians, reconciling them in peace, renewing their faith, and proclaiming the doctrine lately received from the apostles.
      4. A little farther on he says:
      EVARESTUS succeeded Clement, and ALEXANDER, Evarestus. Then XYSTUS, the sixth from the apostles, was appointed. After him TELESPHORUS, who suffered martyrdom gloriously; then HYGINUS; then PIUS; and after him ANICETUS; SOTER succeeded Anicetus; and now, in the twelfth place from the apostles, ELEUTHERUS holds the office of bishop.
      5. In the same order and succession the tradition in the Church and the preaching of the truth has descended from the apostles unto us.
      May God bless your discernment.

    • @salramos3rd
      @salramos3rd Před 5 lety

      Joe Castillo you shall call no man father but only your Father in Heaven. I know catholics like to add a whole bunch of man made doctrine to the Word of God I should know I was raised that way. I wanted to know the Truth & I prayed fervently to my Heavenly Father in Jesus name & I was shown what the papacy/vatican really is and who actually runs the show. I pray the scales be lifted from your eyes and the Truth be revealed to you as well if you want to know but maybe you don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ll leave a revealing link to what the papacy/vatican really is. I DO NOT agree with everything this gentleman says but I do see what he is talking about and what he reveals....
      A little actual doctrine for you too

    • @joecastillo8798
      @joecastillo8798 Před 5 lety +2

      There you go again, referring to inventions, calumnies or half "truths" of your failed anti catholic, protestant sectarian tracts.
      Understand, "SOLA SCRIPTURA" is NOT in the Bible, nor was it ever taught by any Apostle. Cease being ignorant by choice, when you close your eyes to facts and open them to sectarian proven fantasies. I repeat, "my bible and I" is a false teaching, it is the invention of A MAN named Martin Luther in the XVI Century.
      Let me further instruct you.
      In the Bible, the concept of fatherhood is not restricted to just our earthly fathers and God. It is used to refer to people other than biological or legal fathers, and is used as a sign of respect to those with whom we have a special relationship.
      For example, Joseph tells his brothers of a special fatherly relationship God had given him with the king of Egypt: "So it was not you who sent me here, but God; and he has made me A FATHER to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt" (Gen. 45:8).
      Some Fundamentalists, like you, argue that this usage changed with the New Testament, that while it may have been permissible to call certain men "FATHER" in the Old Testament, since the time of Christ, it’s no longer allowed. This argument fails for several reasons.
      FIRST, the imperative "call no man father" does not apply to one’s biological father. It also doesn’t exclude calling one’s ancestors "FATHER," as you can see in:
      ACTS 7:1-2,
      1.Then the high priest asked Stephen, “Are these charges true?”
      2 To this he replied: “Brothers and FATHERS, listen to me! The God of glory appeared to OUR FATHER ABRAHAM while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Harran.
      Here, Stephen calls his accusers "FATHERS and also refers to "OUR FATHER ABRAHAM".
      Or in Romans 9:10, where Paul speaks of "our father Isaac."
      SECOND, there are numerous examples in the New Testament of the term "FATHER" being used as a form of address and reference, even for men who are not biologically related to the speaker. There are, in fact, so many uses of "FATHER" in the New Testament, that YOUR Fundamentalist interpretation of Matthew 23 (and the objection to Catholics calling priests "father") must be wrong.
      Jesus is NOT FORBIDDING US TO CALL MEN "FATHERS" who actually are such, either literally or spiritually. To refer to such people as fathers is only to acknowledge the truth, and Jesus is not against that.
      He is warning people against INACCURATELY
      attributing fatherhood, or a particular kind or degree of fatherhood, to those who do not have it.
      As the apostolic examples I gave show, some individuals genuinely DO have a spiritual fatherhood, meaning that they can be referred to as spiritual fathers. What must not be done is to confuse their form of spiritual paternity with that of God. Ultimately, God is our supreme protector, provider, and instructor. Correspondingly, it is wrong to view any individual other than God as having these roles.
      Throughout the world, some people have been tempted to look upon religious leaders who are mere mortals as if they were an individual’s supreme source of spiritual instruction, nourishment, and protection. The tendency to turn mere men into "gurus" is worldwide.
      This was also a temptation in the Jewish world of Jesus’ day, when famous rabbinical leaders, especially those who founded important schools, such as Hillel and Shammai, were highly exalted by their disciples. It is this elevation of an individual man, the formation of a "cult of personality" around him, of which Jesus is speaking when he warns against attributing to someone an undue role as master, father, or teacher.
      Regarding your other mistaken protestant views, I already explained plenty about them in my previous responses. Go back and read them.
      God bless.

  • @bernadettequirk7675
    @bernadettequirk7675 Před 3 lety +4

    I need a flow chart to keep up with all off the names and dates!

  • @aleksandarstavric2226
    @aleksandarstavric2226 Před 2 lety +1

    "Now I confidently say that whosoever calls himself, or desires to be called, Universal Priest, is in his elation the precursor of Antichrist, because he proudly puts himself above all others."
    -Pope Saint Gregory the Great (or as he is known in the Orthodox Church, Saint Gregory the Dialogist; Book VII: Epistle XXXIII)

  • @shadysif6220
    @shadysif6220 Před 6 lety +2

    John the beloved, or the one whom Jesus loved, fits the bill of Jesus's favorite disciple more than Peter. He also wrote one of the gospels, something else Peter didn't do. Also, one of the final incidents recorded in the gospel of John, entails Jesus speaking to John about his role, in future events. Subsequently Peter asked Jesus, the conversation he had with John, which led Jesus to tell Peter, to basically mind his own business. John also wrote the book of Revelation, where he addressed several churches, and witnessed things in heaven, he couldn't even record until the angel of the lord allowed him to do so. Point being, God doesn't do confusion, he does confirmation. Had Peter been the "Rock" or given the (papal authority) keys to the kingdom of heaven, as opposed to simply being another apostle endowed with the holy spirit to preach and gospel, the word of God could have used the aforementioned, or any other of Christ choosing to validate, the bogus argument, the infidel popes have used to gain power. Jesus Christ is the sole head of the Church. The bible mentions, Pastors, Bishops, Preachers...etc, but never a pope.

    • @krishyyfan5153
      @krishyyfan5153 Před 6 lety +1

      LOL....ST. John actually acknowledges St. Peter as the ROCK...it was in the Gospel of St. John where we find ST. PETERS described using an Aramaic Name ROCK...
      "and he brought Simon to Jesus. When Jesus saw him, He said, "You are Simon, son of John. You will be called Cephas"
      (which means "Rock").
      ----(John 1:42)

    • @CMA0333
      @CMA0333 Před 4 lety

      These are for YOU! 😇
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Peter
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Mary
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Paul
      Dr Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
      Dr Castanon PHD-Faith&Science
      The Kiss of Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.
      The RC Church is mirroring 100% the Biblical History timeline of Jewish Temple History as documented in the BIble.
      Shown by corresponding events - with an in-depth Timeline which Parallels Jewish Temple History with The History of the RC Church.
      Exact match.....
      The World is about to End.
      Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
      THE WORD"
      Don't not see them - you'll wish you had! 😕 100% Evidence even from Scripture that you're not viewing the situation correctly and that Christ founded a formal Church - even as He initially created a formal Religious System during the Old Temple System - He alters NOTHING, only HE is the Sacrifice promised to the Jews. These videos point out key aspects and words mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments that prove Catholicism - find out where and stop being blind. Scripture is NOT for private interpretation - the Bible itself says that in 2 Peter 1:20 also 2 Peter 3:16
      God Bless

  •  Před 4 lety +1

    So if god (chuckle chuckle) lives on a cloud...where did he get the metal to make the keys..???? And where are the locks..?????

  • @jchrg2336
    @jchrg2336 Před 2 lety

    Even though love conquers all

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety

    So much humility infact that these Popes we're approached & excepted the power of the very position that murdered Paul and crown themselves Emperor of the world to continue the very practise bared down on Paul. Give the emperor what his the emperor INDEED! The burning just occurred again as a symbolistic repeat coming to all Christians.

    @FOTOFOTA Před 2 lety +1

    Nope, the prosecutions of Christians were done by Nero alright when he was merging that 99.99% Paganism and .01% Christian doctrines.

  • @titarse8560
    @titarse8560 Před 5 lety +3

    I think the real first Pope, or rather leader of the early christians, was James the Just, Brother of Jesus who was the head of the Jerusalem Church, essentially the jews who were christians but worshipped at the temple.. When Paul wanted to convert Gentiles without circumcision both he and Peter visited James to argue their point i.e. he was the boss of both these apostles.James was gradually written out of the story and we only glimpse him in sayings such as "what say you of Jesus Christ, whose son does he be? Is he not the son of the carpenter, the brother of James ... or something like that Mark 6:3 and this “After three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and remained with him fifteen days. But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord’s brother” (vv. 18-19).
    - Galatians 1:18-20.
    The instituion of the Papacy really grew out of the pagan institute of the Pontifax Maximus, the great bridge builder between God and man. Julius Caesar was an example of a Pont Max, a post he held in pagan Rome and his occupancy of this post was not out of his religious piety but just to gain power.. It was only natural that our religion replaced pagan religions by adapting their insitutions into our own and the great examples are : Christmas- the Saturnale festival and the roman idea of the Lares, house gods they prayed to in a real life cris like an exam or when something was lost- the saints took their place.The tales of Quo Vadis Domine, are examples of traditions that come down from the gnostics Gospels which our ancestors rejected and called heresy, but occasionally they appear in catholic liturgy such as the way of the cross which I think is from the Gospel of Nicodemus. The gnostic gospels were very far fetched and had huge pagan influences, mainly greek ideas , which is likely why they were thrown out as heresy (which they were). However, notable works worth reading are the gospel of thomas, a set of sayings of jesus quite close to our gospel sayings and which starts by telling us that the kingdom of god is within us...meaning the church is really us the people and not the institute.
    If you visit Rome, you see glimpses of the likely route christianity took in becoming the major religion in the world.....one great example is the altar of Mary Magdalene in John in Laterns which shows how important she was in the church at the start but how she too was written out christinesunderland.com/tag/san-giovanni-laterano/. If you visit somewhere like Ostia Antica, you see the little grottos in ancient pagan houses for the Lares statues , very like our own grottos to saints.In the Pagan religion it was the Lares, the guys you prayed to when you lost a precious item (like St. Anthony) to whom the people related to, not really the major gods like Jupiter .
    Ultimately, in my own opinion, Jesus was God taking back his good name from the religious fundamentalists of his time- his "brand "of God was a father and not a punishing god, his main contempt was for the priests of his time, the rabbi pharisees who labelled the average man "sinners" and spooked them into thinking they were going to hell if they didn't obey the priests, and his suffering is really god experiencing for himself just how hard our lives are ( and still are for the many christians who live in poverty around the world) and knowing we do our best. Thing is, most people really want a religion like the pharisee one where there is a formula you follow, rituals etc to get into heaven, feast days etc and we have rejected the teaching of kindness Jesus tried to institute as we are not capable of choosing for ourselves what is right or wrong........

    • @CMA0333
      @CMA0333 Před 4 lety +1

      These are for YOU! 😇
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Peter
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Mary
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Paul
      Dr Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
      Dr Castanon PHD-Faith&Science
      The Kiss of Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.
      The RC Church is mirroring 100% the Biblical History timeline of Jewish Temple History as documented in the BIble.
      Shown by corresponding events - with an in-depth Timeline which Parallels Jewish Temple History with The History of the RC Church.
      Exact match.....
      The World is about to End.
      Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
      THE WORD"
      Don't not see them - you'll wish you had! 😕 100% Evidence even from Scripture that you're not viewing the situation correctly and that Christ founded a formal Church - even as He initially created a formal Religious System during the Old Temple System - He alters NOTHING, only HE is the Sacrifice promised to the Jews. These videos point out key aspects and words mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments that prove Catholicism - find out where and stop being blind. Scripture is NOT for private interpretation - the Bible itself says that in 2 Peter 1:20 also 2 Peter 3:16
      God Bless

  • @peaveawwii1
    @peaveawwii1 Před 7 lety +10

    This is a great video.

    • @franciscotorresjr.115
      @franciscotorresjr.115 Před 6 lety


    • @franciscotorresjr.115
      @franciscotorresjr.115 Před 6 lety


    • @hansvandenberg6464
      @hansvandenberg6464 Před 4 lety

      @@franciscotorresjr.115 you definately didn't listen and watch carefully. in this video they spread heretics, they denie things from the bible, make Paul as if he "rewrote" the bible and "adjusted" Jesus tot he world. It is a video which will not be able to evangelize anyone. And not needed. the bible is clear: only through scripture and spirit people will repent. nothing else.

    • @CMA0333
      @CMA0333 Před 4 lety

      @@hansvandenberg6464 These are for YOU! 😇
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Peter
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Mary
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Paul
      Dr Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
      Dr Castanon PHD-Faith&Science
      The Kiss of Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.
      The RC Church is mirroring 100% the Biblical History timeline of Jewish Temple History as documented in the BIble.
      Shown by corresponding events - with an in-depth Timeline which Parallels Jewish Temple History with The History of the RC Church.
      Exact match.....
      The World is about to End.
      Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
      THE WORD"
      Don't not see them - you'll wish you had! 😕 100% Evidence even from Scripture that you're not viewing the situation correctly and that Christ founded a formal Church - even as He initially created a formal Religious System during the Old Temple System - He alters NOTHING, only HE is the Sacrifice promised to the Jews. These videos point out key aspects and words mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments that prove Catholicism - find out where and stop being blind. Scripture is NOT for private interpretation - the Bible itself says that in 2 Peter 1:20 also 2 Peter 3:16
      God Bless

  • @jchrg2336
    @jchrg2336 Před 2 lety

    Love conquers all.

  • @seekrighteousness297
    @seekrighteousness297 Před 4 lety

    and to finish the first counsel of Christianity is written about in the book of Acts and Paul's letters it was lead by James and the disciples

  • @Joel-ho8xx
    @Joel-ho8xx Před 4 lety +2

    Catholics killed millions during the inquisition,..I don’t think much of their cult.

    • @mikealvord55
      @mikealvord55 Před 4 lety

      Shut up you simpleton

    • @user-qe6cn6pt4u
      @user-qe6cn6pt4u Před 4 lety

      its just your own theory,there is no solid evidence of your words

  • @steveweinstein3222
    @steveweinstein3222 Před 4 lety +3

    There are so many wrong statements here, I finally gave up completely at 14:31, when he called the Greek version of the Hebrew Bible "the 60." It's called the Septuagint because it's "the 70."

  • @brandonreed4439
    @brandonreed4439 Před 2 lety

    Papacy is Kingdom of God

  • @kizzakasule4929
    @kizzakasule4929 Před 3 lety

    When Jesus gave Peter or cephas the keys of heaven's gates from Babylon to Jerusalem the job of Peter and his successor the Pope was to guard the heavens gates but the Pope made himself a King or God himself because Jesus said when he goes to Heaven he will not come back but he will ask his father in Heaven to send us the helper or the Spirit that reveals the truth about God and by pretending the Pope made himself the said Spirit!
    In the history of Buganda and Bunyoro we have a similar story like that of the Pope successor of Peter. During the reign of King Isaza when he went Underworld to merge his kingdom with Lord of Underworld and death known as Nyamiyonga or the Earthquake, Isaza did not come back and his gatekeeper Bukuku made himself a King!

    • @kizzakasule4929
      @kizzakasule4929 Před 2 lety

      The seven heavens are based on the colors of the rainbow

  • @jesuscastanares4968
    @jesuscastanares4968 Před 5 lety +7

    Saint Peter and his Successors, the Popes
    The Pope is given the keys to take care of the church. It started with Christ saying these beautiful words to St Peter: " You are Peter the rock. and upon this rock I will build my church. Receive the keys; whatever you bind that will be done in heaven; whatever you loose , that also will be in heaven. "
    It's said when the soul ascended to heaven , there he will meet St Peter guarding at the gate called Peter's gate.
    Here on earth, the successor of St Peter is the Pope in Rome. It was to.the pope then that the Catholic apostolic Church of the world is entrusted by Christ.
    So the popes succeeded each other through the centuries even today.
    That makes the development of the Pope's office as Christ's leader of ChristIan Catholic Church grew and became worldwide.
    It makes Peter the international leader of the world because Christ had succeeded to convert every nation in the world
    where christians are presently living.
    There are three types of Christian church : the. struggling church on earth, the church suffering in purgatory , and the church of the saints in heaven.
    The church on earth tried to adjust to the behavior and circumstances of the world through the centuries.
    Each pope with his own different behavior also had done the same one crisis after another.
    The church also was showing her different behaviors one time after another inside the succeeding centuries.
    There were attacks by the Muslims that compete convert the people in the world.
    There was the eastern European churches called schism in the church.
    There was the 15th century reformation in which several rebellious Christian protestant churches and their heresies had started and spread through the centuries to the present.
    But the church survived to ball these challenges.
    Saints were born too time after time.

    • @roland7306
      @roland7306 Před 4 lety +1

      @ Jesus Castan... •
      The reformed of 15th century of Monk Martin Luther discovered in the Bible
      "Saved by the grace of God" while in Rome the pope was saying "Saved by the works", later pope of Rome accused Martin Luther of "HERESIES" passed to court and the pope lost his case!
      Martin Luther translated the New Testament from LATIN to GERMAN language and many people discovered the TRUTH written in the BIBLE and their soul were saved!😁😗😉

    • @Eris123451
      @Eris123451 Před 4 lety

      "I have never seen this man before in my life."
      That St Peter ?
      Not the best start that thee Roman Catholic Church; could have had if you bother to really think abut it and it's been pretty much down hill from there on.

      @FOTOFOTA Před 2 lety

      And what are those keys? can you name them?

  • @lorrainericardo8680
    @lorrainericardo8680 Před 5 lety +2

    --these men that are presenting this document?? which Christian church do they belong to ,,??? they give me the feeling that they are not Catholics,

    • @randolph1917
      @randolph1917 Před 3 lety

      They aren't Christians. They're Masons

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety

    All your well spoken words means something only to those under your bag of silver.

  • @kelliritter7282
    @kelliritter7282 Před 5 lety +2

    Bow down to no one but The One true God and Christ.

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety +3

    They couldn't change the faith so they merged to control it.

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety +1

    Bent acceptance

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety

    Many invited to the Vatican never left that burial chamber.

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety +2

    After the Templar army killed in their name, they killed them to hide their crimes under the power of the emperor.

  • @seekrighteousness297
    @seekrighteousness297 Před 4 lety +1

    The Vatican did not even use the word Pope until Boniface the third started it that way, which was over 300 years after the council of Nicea when not the church, but the Byzantine emperor Phocas that put Boniface ahead of the other churches. Please read your history dont have it dictated to you The more you study the more you find the scriptures are true

  • @dustinparks9157
    @dustinparks9157 Před 4 lety +1

    What about the child molestation stuff tho?

  • @lorrainericardo8680
    @lorrainericardo8680 Před 5 lety

    Jesus was the Word of God Made Flesh , His true Son in every way , the only thing human in Jesus was the flesh of His Mother Mary who was Holy and also chosen and destined for this great act of God to be done through Her for our salvation ,, she bore the Son of God Almighty in the flesh and Spirit , the Holy Spirit worked His miracle of God in Her according to God's design for Her and for us , , , His Spirit comes from God Almighty the Father of Heaven ,Creator of all things , if people don't accept the Spiritual and Miracle of this incarnation of God the Father in the flesh ,, then you don't believe that God can do anything ,, especially something like this ,,

  • @seekrighteousness297
    @seekrighteousness297 Před 4 lety

    Constantine was not Christian ancient biblical and non biblical writers say Constantine still preformed all the ancient pagan rights of Rome after his coronation including sacrifices to those deities you can not sacrifice to pagan deities and be Christian how many martyrs are there that would not join pagan rites so you definitely know that in all the scriptures from the first commandment of the old testament that sacrifices to other deities is a major NONO how many times were the Israelite punished for this same thing

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety +1

    Ritual indeed, that's why their house is a synagogues of demons and idols.

  • @seekrighteousness297
    @seekrighteousness297 Před 4 lety

    This is Vatican propaganda there is nothing in scripture that puts one person or denomination over all others even the original church leaders never put one church over the others read the the post Nica authors like Bishop Clement each church was equal but they would write and counsel each other the original capital of Christianity is Jerusalem and Antioch because of Jewish and roman persecution each church was ran biblical like how Paul wrote in his gospels. Also James was the original leader of the disciples. Please read the series Early Church Fathers it has all the writings from the writers that were right after and taught either by the disciples themselves or the disciples of the disciples ntine and his group when pagans were allowed in the church for tax advantages

  • @eribertosalmo1294
    @eribertosalmo1294 Před 6 lety +1

    Peter never went to Rome. Peter is the leader of the Jewish Christian Church. Paul was the leader of Jewish Christians.

  • @eribertosalmo1294
    @eribertosalmo1294 Před 6 lety +2

    Christians during the Nero reign is NOT the Roman Catholic Church. They the Christians during Paul"s time.

    • @CMA0333
      @CMA0333 Před 4 lety

      These are for YOU! 😇
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Peter
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Mary
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Paul
      Dr Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
      Dr Castanon PHD-Faith&Science
      The Kiss of Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.
      The RC Church is mirroring 100% the Biblical History timeline of Jewish Temple History as documented in the BIble.
      Shown by corresponding events - with an in-depth Timeline which Parallels Jewish Temple History with The History of the RC Church.
      Exact match.....
      The World is about to End.
      Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
      THE WORD"
      Don't not see them - you'll wish you had! 😕 100% Evidence even from Scripture that you're not viewing the situation correctly and that Christ founded a formal Church - even as He initially created a formal Religious System during the Old Temple System - He alters NOTHING, only HE is the Sacrifice promised to the Jews. These videos point out key aspects and words mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments that prove Catholicism - find out where and stop being blind. Scripture is NOT for private interpretation - the Bible itself says that in 2 Peter 1:20 also 2 Peter 3:16
      God Bless

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety

    Violent success maybe, the power to kill unless you bow to me has teeth. Unbelievable

  • @jajanesaddictions
    @jajanesaddictions Před 5 lety +2

    So many errors in this video.

  • @angiejefferys5779
    @angiejefferys5779 Před 4 lety

    Oh convertions!

  • @ElChicleSeMePego
    @ElChicleSeMePego Před 3 lety

    Why would you save the martyrs. They messed up there man 😂

  • @kempachi9809
    @kempachi9809 Před 4 lety +1


  • @kelliritter7282
    @kelliritter7282 Před 5 lety +3

    They are not the keepers of anything but the works of Satan.

    • @darrenatics2754
      @darrenatics2754 Před 5 lety

      Heretics 😂
      Matthew 16:18 the authority is in the Petrine Office 😂

    • @ronbansgis7799
      @ronbansgis7799 Před 4 lety

      Where did you belong?? The woman seeds or old serpent seeds answer me please

  • @kylew3693
    @kylew3693 Před 3 lety

    1:18 this is already bad history

  • @raymondpalomino6295
    @raymondpalomino6295 Před 2 lety

    Every Pope of Rome is: was: and will always be that man of sinne, the sonne of perdition, the little horn, the beast! The very Antichrist of Scripture, history and Prophecy!

  • @davidcoleman2463
    @davidcoleman2463 Před 6 lety

    That is some stupid shit . How can anyone still believe it . Lmao

  • @eramzjr22
    @eramzjr22 Před 4 lety +1

    Really? keepers of the keys of god? WoW, More like keepers of false doctrine. Beware of false teachers everyone.

  • @JAmsterdam
    @JAmsterdam Před 4 lety +1

    Peter was never a pope

  • @gapfenix
    @gapfenix Před 6 lety +2

    Peter was not the first Pope. The Bible did not acknowledge Popes at all because there is no Biblical evidence that Jesus founded His church upon Peter but upon Himself and that he ever was in Rome. Jesus is the ROCK of humanity's Salvation. ALL Christians whom accept Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior, ARE representatives of Christ on this earth.

    • @kelliritter7282
      @kelliritter7282 Před 5 lety +1

      Ur right peter wasn't the 1st pope.

    • @krishyyfan5153
      @krishyyfan5153 Před 5 lety +1

      LOL...yet your Heretical Sects are willing to give your Pastor authority and leadership of your churches....SMH.....No leader your BS....

    • @benben2979
      @benben2979 Před 5 lety

      2 popes after peter are in the bible, do some research assface

    • @CMA0333
      @CMA0333 Před 4 lety

      These are for YOU! 😇
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Peter
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Mary
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Paul
      Dr Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
      Dr Castanon PHD-Faith&Science
      The Kiss of Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.
      The RC Church is mirroring 100% the Biblical History timeline of Jewish Temple History as documented in the BIble.
      Shown by corresponding events - with an in-depth Timeline which Parallels Jewish Temple History with The History of the RC Church.
      Exact match.....
      The World is about to End.
      Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
      THE WORD"
      Don't not see them - you'll wish you had! 😕 100% Evidence even from Scripture that you're not viewing the situation correctly and that Christ founded a formal Church - even as He initially created a formal Religious System during the Old Temple System - He alters NOTHING, only HE is the Sacrifice promised to the Jews. These videos point out key aspects and words mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments that prove Catholicism - find out where and stop being blind. Scripture is NOT for private interpretation - the Bible itself says that in 2 Peter 1:20 also 2 Peter 3:16
      God Bless

  • @arlyndamarillo8056
    @arlyndamarillo8056 Před 3 lety +1


  • @philippinestroppoholic7996


  • @kelliritter7282
    @kelliritter7282 Před 5 lety +2

    Such BS. Jesus is the truth. Jesus is the only one who can forgive sin. We are the church. Not these imposters.

    • @CMA0333
      @CMA0333 Před 4 lety

      These are for YOU! 😇
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Peter
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Mary
      Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Paul
      Dr Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
      Dr Castanon PHD-Faith&Science
      The Kiss of Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.
      The RC Church is mirroring 100% the Biblical History timeline of Jewish Temple History as documented in the BIble.
      Shown by corresponding events - with an in-depth Timeline which Parallels Jewish Temple History with The History of the RC Church.
      Exact match.....
      The World is about to End.
      Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
      THE WORD"
      Don't not see them - you'll wish you had! 😕 100% Evidence even from Scripture that you're not viewing the situation correctly and that Christ founded a formal Church - even as He initially created a formal Religious System during the Old Temple System - He alters NOTHING, only HE is the Sacrifice promised to the Jews. These videos point out key aspects and words mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments that prove Catholicism - find out where and stop being blind. Scripture is NOT for private interpretation - the Bible itself says that in 2 Peter 1:20 also 2 Peter 3:16
      God Bless

  • @ramona.spedale7065
    @ramona.spedale7065 Před 3 lety

    You can't be Gay and Holy at the Same time.

  • @lorettagallegos4921
    @lorettagallegos4921 Před 6 lety

    Bullshite. Revelation Chapter 13:11 Who would have the religious power to cause humanity to worship an idol of the 1st Beast? The second Beast that's who.

  • @lorrainericardo8680
    @lorrainericardo8680 Před 5 lety

    God is Trinity ,, 3 in 1 ,, and the same ,

  • @truthaboveagenda
    @truthaboveagenda Před 5 lety

    This is evil propaganda of satanists.
    Jesus Is Truth. - Joseph

    • @ronbansgis7799
      @ronbansgis7799 Před 4 lety

      Where did you belong? The woman seeds or old serpent seeds answer me please

  • @lorrainericardo8680
    @lorrainericardo8680 Před 5 lety

    wow, so much disconnected stories here ,, and Peter was the more important figure not Paul , even though Paul did do a lot of preaching for Jesus ,,

  • @lorrainericardo8680
    @lorrainericardo8680 Před 5 lety

    false false false , Peter was the first bishop and pope ,, not Paul ,, Jesus said to Peter that he was the rock onto which he would built his church , the name Peter translated in French is Pierre , which means a stone or rock ,,there has been a debate about those who called themselves by Pauline's society ,,these people were rebuked and told that they either follow Jesus or Paul ,, this was Jesus followers ,, not Paul, even though Paul thought Jesus teachings ,

  • @corazonvonsee3859
    @corazonvonsee3859 Před 5 lety