Heading Towards Devastating Escalations Between Russia and NATO? | Ray McGovern

  • čas přidán 23. 06. 2024
  • Ray came to Washington from his native Bronx in the early Sixties as an Army infantry/intelligence officer and then served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. Ray’s duties included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which he briefed one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s five most senior national security advisers from 1981 to 1985.

Komentáře • 333

  • @laurencekelly5081
    @laurencekelly5081 Před 4 dny +169

    Nima is an excellent interviewer he never interrupts his excellent guests.

    • @brizzle3903
      @brizzle3903 Před 4 dny +31

      Exactly! He lets them go until they reach their ending point
      I really love this channel and the host this is what we need more of

    • @verenafraser
      @verenafraser Před 4 dny +21


    • @1974Qball
      @1974Qball Před 4 dny +10

      CNN talks over you and interrupts.

    • @antonioguedesmoura9408
      @antonioguedesmoura9408 Před 3 dny +9

      Agree 100%

    • @sixstrings4568
      @sixstrings4568 Před 3 dny +11

      He also asks very good and pointed questions.

  • @user-gp9vk8he5g
    @user-gp9vk8he5g Před 3 dny +18

    As a Briton and ex serviceman I have always known we owe everything to the Soviets (Russia) for the victory in World War Two. Without them we would never have prevailed. Thanks. 🇦🇺🇬🇧

    • @kirrausanov
      @kirrausanov Před 3 dny +8

      В Великую Отечественную войну продержались под натиском немецкой машины:
      Дания 6 часов
      Голландия 5 дней
      Югославия 11 дней
      Бельгия 18 дней
      Греция 24 дня
      Польша 27 дней
      Франция 1месяц и 12 дней
      Норвегия 2месяца и 1 день
      Дом Павлова в Сталинграде держался 58 дней
      Советский Союз держался 4 года (1418 дней) И одержал Победу!

    • @hollyw9566
      @hollyw9566 Před dnem

      As an American, I too have known this. I don't know how so few people do! I don't understand it.

  • @QueenyCrowley
    @QueenyCrowley Před 4 dny +66

    Ray McGovern is such a diamond of a person that he makes it hard for me to entirely give up on the species.. If people can be like this maybe there is still some good left in the human race.
    Love light and happiness to all of you may we overcome the psychopaths that rules over us before its to late
    PS mad credit to his russian and german .. took me a while to get my russian to that level

    • @hollyw9566
      @hollyw9566 Před dnem

      I agree absolutely. I worry every time he coughs! I want him to live another three decades at least.

  • @ESkengman
    @ESkengman Před 4 dny +139

    The US is deplorable. End of.

  • @richardburmeister469
    @richardburmeister469 Před 4 dny +37

    Wow. Beautiful. Ray is an exceptional human being. Thank you Nima

  • @mariaangelicabrunellsolar7086

    Thanks, Nima! Ray is incomparable, he can even recite Russian poetry!

  • @seesharp81321
    @seesharp81321 Před 4 dny +39

    Thank you Nima, for letting our beloved storyteller speak. :)

  • @cynthiahall2379
    @cynthiahall2379 Před 3 dny +36

    They killed half a million people of all walks of life, not just 'kids'. It's horrific lawlessness on so many levels !

  • @ruiddd956
    @ruiddd956 Před 3 dny +22

    Excellent guest. Old school: a guest with deep culture. ❤

  • @mhgaffney
    @mhgaffney Před 3 dny +8

    This is one of the most sobering and frankly, terrifying, interviews that Ray has ever given. Never before have I heard him tell such stories that illustrate how grave the present situation actually is. We are saddled with lunatics running the country - armed to the teeth with nukes.

  • @CollieJenn
    @CollieJenn Před 4 dny +42

    I love listening to Ray.

  • @Capnlayr
    @Capnlayr Před 4 dny +31

    Excellent production.

  • @user-hn7gy5dm7b
    @user-hn7gy5dm7b Před 3 dny +5

    The russian lenguage in the voice of McGovern is truly beautiful.

  • @MicheleHeath-eq3zp
    @MicheleHeath-eq3zp Před 4 dny +18

    Excellent interview, thank you Nima. Ray McGovern is a gem.

  • @schinaro
    @schinaro Před 3 dny +9

    McGovern speaking fluent Russian such a beautiful thing.
    Thanks for this :)

  • @ArtemKay
    @ArtemKay Před 3 dny +20

    Пустил слезу когда слушал стих.Давно такого не было

    • @kirrausanov
      @kirrausanov Před 3 dny

      Западные европейцы, прежде чем вы, уменьшите роль народов нашей страны в разгроме германского-европейского фашизма вспомните о небескорыстной(!) промышленно-финансовой поддержке оказаной режиму Гитлера Западом... в том числе - США. (Henry Ford, Averell Harriman, John D. Rockefeller, Prescott Bush, Montagu Norman, John Jay McCloy, Charles Bedaux, Axel Wenner-Gren...).
      Казалось бы моральная опора западно-христианской цивилизации - Ватикан до сих пор не признал своей вины за помощь, которую он оказывал после войны гитлеровским палачам особенно тем совершившим военные преступления в Восточной Европе и Югослвии.
      После падения континентальной Европы законопослушные обыватели Парижа, Брусселя, Осло, Копенгагена... не говоря уже о "оккупированной" Вене безболезненно привыкли/приспособились к немецкой оккупация в версии "софт".
      Западным Европейцам и скандинавам как братьям-арийцам геноцид нe угрожал так как для истребления предназначались евреи, славянe и другиe недочеловеки (menschliche Minderware).
      Довольно цивилизованная жизнь и совсем уважительное сосуществование с гитлеровским оккупантом датчан, норвегов, бельгийцев и французов и особенно француженок была несравнимой с геноцидной политикой Третьего Рейха на "диком Востоке".
      Были и есть среди нас ничтожные предатели, националисты, ксенофобы, антисемиты и расисты но их ненависть никогда не сотрёт с надгробных стелл русские, украинские, белорусские, азиятские, кавказские и... еврейские имена и фамилии на разброшенных по всей центральной и Восточний Европе советских военных кладбищах.
      Mолодые европейцы... и вы американцы тоже... Запомните, что в Краcной Армии мы - в отличии от американской - безпощадно искореняли расовую и... "гендерную" сегрегацию. Эти термины не плод умов наших поскольку человечность издавна и есть частью наших культурных ценностей. Не мы а ваши отцы и деды их придумали... только потому, что ваши предкам никогда не была дана возможность унизить сибиряка, калмыка, башкира, чуваша, тувинца, татарина, чеченца... да - уж не дай бог - обидить нашу "бабу". И вам не советую пробовать а то и получите бесплатный ускоренный курс обучения мултикультурализму, расовой терпимости, феминизму и... политкорректности.
      Цинизм стран Запада зашкаливает. Ceгoдня oни выдавливают наших спортсменов из мирового спорта нo Нюрнбергские расовые законы введённые нацистами в 1935 году не помешали цивилизовнным, западным демократиям проведению Летних Олимпийских игр в 1936 году в Берлине украшенном флагами со свастикой.
      Американцы и австралийцы неохотно вспоминают расовую сегрегацию во всех областях общественной жизни, которая просуществовала до 60-ых годов ХХ века.
      Немцы и австрийцы во время пребывания в техаских лагерях для военнопленных никак не могли понять почему белые американцы относились лучше к ним чем к своим чернокожим сослуживцам. Бывшие cолдаты Роммеля пользовались столовой с надписью "Whites-only".
      Бельгийцы, вы помните Экспо 1958 с выставкой живых чернокожих "экспонатов" из колониального Конго: мужчин, женщин и детей, задачей которых было учить и развлекать белых европейцев и проповедовать идею превосходства людей белой расы. У ограды толпились белые, ухоженные люди со своими ангельскими детишками. Они смеялись и издевались над конголезцами, а самые развязные бросали через ограду деньги и бананы. Этот «человеческий зоопарк» находился не так уж далеко от сегодняшних брюссельских офисов Евросоюза. Тем временем наши советские школники из всех уголков нашей многонациональной страны посещали ВДНХ в Москве. Напомню Baм, что c 1949 по 1991 год в советских вузах получили образование более 500 тыс. человек из 150 стран четверть из них из Африки.
      Двойные стандарты Западных СМИ зашкаливают. Где были ваши правозащитники и неутомимые "майданные" корреспонденты "Голоса Америки", "Deutsche welle", BBC и "Радио Свобода" когда в 2014 в Одесском Доме профсоюзов горели люди?
      Понятно, если бы тогда в Одессе погибли представители польской, венгерской или - не дай бог - еврейской общин Украины Европа и весь "цивилизованный мир" yж точно бы не молчали.
      Hаконец мой главный к вам посыл. Западные друзья, во время Второй мировой войны вы боролись за демократию, свободу и ваши цивилизационные ценности. Мы на Востоке боролись за б и о л о г и ч е с к о е выживание/существование.
      Наши тогдашние враги, немцы, ни в чём "не виноватые" австрийцы и прадеды многих современных европейцев, которые - на свою беду - в 1941 году пришли незваные на нашу землю с огнём и мечом - слишком поздно это осознали.
      Как бы ни хотелось западным историкам уменьшить роль Рабоче-крестьянской Красной армии в разгромe Гитлеровской Германии им не удастся обмануть статистику: 75% военнослужащих Третьего рейха и его союзников погибло на Восточном фронте. Думаю, что имменно простые советские солдаты отучили (надеюсь навсегда) немцев и австрийцев от милитаризмa и похoдoв на Восток ().
      Как воспоминает немецкий солдат Густав Винтер во время высадки англо-американцев в Нормандии 6 июня 1944 года он - как и его сослуживцы - задавался вопросом почему цивилизационно и расово близкие им люди мешают немцам и их союзникам защищать Европу от большевизма и... освобождение угнетённых народов СССР.
      Эту байка появляется в многочисленных воспоминаниаях немецких ветеранов.
      Можнo подумать, что в случае свержения стальинского/большевистского режима (допустим в 1940 г.) и появления руководителей в роде Горбачёва или Ельцина Гитлер уж точно отказался бы от плана "Drang nach Osten/Lebensraum".

    • @PiotrPerviakov
      @PiotrPerviakov Před 3 dny +1

      Да, когда представил его выступление перед ветеранами.

    • @kirrausanov
      @kirrausanov Před 2 dny +2

      Когда умрёт последний Русский,
      Все реки повернутся вспять.
      Исчезнет совесть, честь и чувства,
      И звёздам больше не сиять.
      Когда умрёт последний Русский,
      Когда исчезнет Русский Дух,
      На всей планете станет пусто
      И Мир бесцветным станет вдруг.
      Не станет русского балета,
      Пожухнут русские поля,
      И гениального поэта
      Не явит Русская Земля.
      Затихнут звуки балалаек,
      Гармошек, дудок, бубенцов,
      Не станет русских сказок, баек,
      Ни песен дедов и отцов.
      Не защитит солдат российский
      Чужую слабую страну,
      И впишет Ад в живущих списки:
      Иуд, чертей и Сатану.
      Когда последний русский встанет
      На край могилы уходя,
      Земля Землёй быть перестанет
      И Бог заплачет, как дитя.
      Но умирая, на излёте,
      Он заорёт вдруг в пустоту:
      "-Да хрен вам, бесы! Не дождётесь!
      Я всех чертей переживу!
      Пусть знает мир- Бог не заплачет,
      И не иссякнет Русский род,
      Бог любит Русь, а это значит -
      Последний Русский не умрёт.
      И злыдней помыслам не сбыться,
      Не повернуться рекам вспять,
      Хоть перекосятся их лица -
      Русь в пыль забвенья не втоптать.
      Россия раны все залечит,
      Сто раз пройдёт и Крым и Рим,
      Пусть знают все, что Русский вечен
      И Русский Дух - неистребим!
      aвтop: Влад Селецкий

  • @frederiqueboucher-hedenstr778

    You are wonderful Mr. Mac Govern!

  • @natashabarbini3004
    @natashabarbini3004 Před 3 dny +5

    Absolutely wonderful talk! So true and touching! At his age Ray McGovern can afford to say the truth! Thank you so much! ❤️

  • @GerhardEbersoehn
    @GerhardEbersoehn Před 4 dny +12

    Bravo Ray McGovern

  • @katedevoy
    @katedevoy Před 3 dny +4

    Mr Ray McGovern, thankyou. You are a wonderful authentic compassionate person, the kind of person societies need in order to flourish. May God truly bless you and walk with you all the days of your life. May it be long and fruitful.

  • @mikemoore5929
    @mikemoore5929 Před 3 dny +3

    McGovern is a scholar and a gem .

  • @Joann8225
    @Joann8225 Před 3 dny +4

    ❤ Ray McGovern ❤ I'm learning Russian now. Russian poems are a great way to learn the language. The ones I've heard translated in lessons so far are so beautiful, great imagery and meaning. I'm definitely going to learn this one, Ray ! Thank you for reading it to us 🌹❤️

    • @jelena5608
      @jelena5608 Před 3 dny +2

      Privet ❤

    • @Joann8225
      @Joann8225 Před 3 dny +2

      @@jelena5608 Privet ! Oo-menya-yest no-viy droog ! 😜❤️

  • @daveh5947
    @daveh5947 Před 4 dny +16

    NATALI BENNET was there too in Istanbul and he has admitted Boris Johnson visited Kiev and INSISTED on War

    • @gunnarMyTube
      @gunnarMyTube Před 3 dny

      The wall poster: static.independent.co.uk/2023/05/02/16/e0d1400fb4a69428bb48f34300a8b7b2Y29udGVudHNlYXJjaGFwaSwxNjgzMTI3MzMy-2.67471463.jpg

    • @gunnarMyTube
      @gunnarMyTube Před 3 dny

      There is a high resolution photo here:

  • @ShortbusMooner
    @ShortbusMooner Před 4 dny +14

    Thank you so much, gentlemen!

  • @bsure4
    @bsure4 Před 4 dny +12

    Thanks for another excellent interview and guest.

  • @tuberroot1112
    @tuberroot1112 Před 4 dny +29

    Amazing how McGovern can remember a lengthy Russian poem like that. He has a better memory than I do.

    • @tuberroot1112
      @tuberroot1112 Před 4 dny +6

      Agreed, it's rare to see a host who does not think he is more important than his guests and has to keep chipping in to prove he's done his research. Nimo gets in well informed guests, ques them and lets it roll. Much appreciated.

  • @michaeljohn29
    @michaeljohn29 Před 3 dny +7

    Love ya Ray
    Thanks Nima

  • @rickcea1017
    @rickcea1017 Před 3 dny +4

    Such a good presentation!!! Thanks Nima and Ra!

  • @brizzle3903
    @brizzle3903 Před 4 dny +33

    McGovern Mondays 😎

    • @micnorton9487
      @micnorton9487 Před 4 dny +2

      Sounds good to me,, Ray is slipping the tiniest bit but his analysis is still sharp...

  • @theresabarzee1463
    @theresabarzee1463 Před 3 dny +3

    Assange is freed! Thanks also to you, Ray McGovern! Now your beard can be shaved again!? We love you and your unceasing support for the moral conscience of all humanity. Your work has helped free Julian Assange! Thank you, dear Ray! We shall all be freer! "We Shall Overcome," you sang in Raleigh at the screening of film, with John, Gabriel, and producer of documentary, w/Matt Hoh too. Bless you-all! Celebrate. May Julian be well!

  • @dg9387
    @dg9387 Před 3 dny +3

    Bravo McGovern !
    You make me proud to be an American

  • @vrhovnipredstojnik7650
    @vrhovnipredstojnik7650 Před 4 dny +22

    Why isn't Ray McGovern Prezident od USA. Americans could proudly say 'Look at our President, is your president smart as ours?,

    • @jozon2651
      @jozon2651 Před 3 dny

      Because president of the U.S. is a ceremonial position with no power like the queen of England.

  • @GeopoliticsDigest
    @GeopoliticsDigest Před 3 dny +2

    A legend, Ray McGovern.

  • @robcraigmyle3892
    @robcraigmyle3892 Před 4 dny +29

    Ray McGovern's parting subtle warning here about US imperial (and specifically aircraft carrier) vulnerability in near future should be taken as seriously as possible by every USAmerican.

    • @micnorton9487
      @micnorton9487 Před 4 dny

      Agree,, there's all kinds of idiots on military stroke-channels bragging about American aircraft carriers and jets and subs and satellites and yeah it's all amazing stuff, top-notch high tech BUT carriers and subs are just targets for hypersonic missiles and cheap drones... and the Pentagram is ordering drones by the thousands but ultimately it's just pissing in the wind since no administration in its right mind would put American troops in eastern Europe...

  • @nerinine
    @nerinine Před 4 dny +52

    With these western people, i think Russia has understood now, sadly, that destruction is inevitable.

    • @Lucia-sy7le
      @Lucia-sy7le Před 2 dny

      Don't say that. I do not want to live in a world without Russia.

  • @brizzle3903
    @brizzle3903 Před 4 dny +83

    Hungary, Turkey, and Slovakia should protest and leave NATO especially Turkey since they’re the only military in the region that could actually do significant damage to Russia being the 2nd largest military within NATO not to mention how crappy the EU has treated Turkey not allowing them to join the EU meanwhile BRICS has opened its arms up to Turkey without hesitation
    Turkey seriously needs to leave NATO

    • @oliviasukamto947
      @oliviasukamto947 Před 4 dny

      No just stay there as a black sheep in the family .

    • @nerinine
      @nerinine Před 4 dny +2

      They are all puppets, even Serbia. Russia has only four real military allies: Belarus, China, Iran and North Korea. Russia should do Its defense and attack plans, counting only on These Four countries.

    • @brizzle3903
      @brizzle3903 Před 4 dny +5

      @@oliviasukamto947no they should leave and join BRICS even though BRICS is not a military alliance watch NATO feel like BRICS is a threat to them showcasing unprecedented levels of hypocrisy

    • @1974Qball
      @1974Qball Před 4 dny +2

      NATO is cancer.

    • @brizzle3903
      @brizzle3903 Před 4 dny +4

      @@nerinineadd Cuba to the list the one ally on our side of the world where they could have direct access to wipe out any city along the eastern seaboard

  • @seer7327
    @seer7327 Před 3 dny +3

    Ray is a treasure.

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 Před 3 dny +6

    NATO is not a defensive alliance. They illegally bombed Yugoslavia (direct violation of the UN Charter). We must never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria...

    • @gunnarMyTube
      @gunnarMyTube Před dnem

      NATO ought to live up to its Charter be peace promoting and for the well being of citizens. It’s misuse as a U.S military extension needs to end.

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 Před 3 dny +4

    NATO needs to understand that playing Russian roulette with a nuclear superpower is never a good idea

  • @alihs1
    @alihs1 Před 4 dny +7

    Great way for some Ray to McGovern my day.

  • @peggymog
    @peggymog Před 3 dny +1

    Lot's of love to Ray from Ireland 🇮🇪. Amazing recital of that poem. X

  • @hannahlouisefitzpatrick6742

    This was excellent, thank-you!

  • @realitycheck4086
    @realitycheck4086 Před 3 dny +3

    Ray is such a beautiful soul.

  • @godfatherofcinema
    @godfatherofcinema Před 3 dny +3

    Fantastic show and guest as usual thank you very much😅

  • @mariannevisser1777
    @mariannevisser1777 Před 3 dny +1

    That poem said it all!
    It made me cry.
    Salam from the Netherlands ❤

  • @russellherdson5763
    @russellherdson5763 Před 4 dny +4

    Glimmers of hope is not good enough. Pride goes before the fall

  • @rodbennett1133
    @rodbennett1133 Před 3 dny +2


  • @danapeck5382
    @danapeck5382 Před 4 dny +7

    Great episode, thanks. Art of the Deal explains Trump's "unpredictability", good lesson in negotiation typically lost on analysts and "policymakers" who've negotiated few agreements

  • @margroller2484
    @margroller2484 Před 3 dny +3

    Wow so interesting, many thanks

  • @mikeclemmer6464
    @mikeclemmer6464 Před 4 dny +47

    Don't you think that Russia should act now while the US and NATO are weak and unorganized.

    • @micnorton9487
      @micnorton9487 Před 4 dny +1

      I think Russia IS acting but not acting too provocatively,, which is amazing considering what's at stake... Wall Street thought the Russian oligarchs would desert president Putin,, and since it's still technically possible the efforts go on... and yeah NATO isn't organized for major ground offensives involving deep armoured thrusts, WW ll stuff but Wall Street's lap dogs in Europe apparently ARE making noises about assembling armies... OF COURSE the people think it's insane but,, like president Putin said NO ONE outdoes Wall Street in propaganda so the situation goes on...

    • @vaska1999
      @vaska1999 Před 4 dny +5

      Yes, and it worries me that Putin's still dragging his heels.

    • @micnorton9487
      @micnorton9487 Před 4 dny

      @@vaska1999 Did you see how difficult it was for the Soviets to ACTUALLY GET to Berlin, and then to conquer the city? IT WAS A BLOODBATH,, and president Putin IS NOT Stalin and has no desire to throw away lives... the conflict could end tomorrow: the Ukrainian army surrenders, the Beglensky regime is slung into a fast trial and off to a gulag, NATO takes their toys and goes home and vital Russian interests are accounted for... I'm as anti imperialist as anyone but, we're talking about RUSSIA, not some backwater in the Pacific or whatever...

    • @james6401
      @james6401 Před 3 dny +4

      No, not directly. Through proxies maybe, yes

    • @mc-lb9dk
      @mc-lb9dk Před 3 dny +3


  • @nmda4183
    @nmda4183 Před 3 dny +1

    Beatiful and sad, very sad poem. Thanks for sharing

  • @songmansteve
    @songmansteve Před 3 dny

    What an elegant gentleman and scholar Ray McGovern truly is. He is a TRUE American treasure...a gift to us all.

  • @mariacosta2211
    @mariacosta2211 Před 3 dny +2

    Mink accord was an agreement not respected, not fulfilled by western leaders Germany ,France,US !

  • @johnlund2036
    @johnlund2036 Před 3 dny +3

    I am really concerned that the USA “leaders” will do anything necessary to keep from conceding that they lost their proxy war with Russia.
    More Ukrainians have died in this proxy war than died for the USA in WWII.

  • @lawrencetaylor4101
    @lawrencetaylor4101 Před 4 dny +5

    Russians don’t think they were fighting an Austrian painter but the Collective West.
    Ray was in Intelligence, but he never talks about the Dulles Bros spending the war in Bern.

    • @neovxr
      @neovxr Před 4 dny +2

      That's sure an issue, in that there is a continuity in a dangerous cabale whom you still can't really touch.
      They say it in a way, when they say that the politicians are here to be criticised and blamed for what is happening, so it can happen.

    • @lawrencetaylor4101
      @lawrencetaylor4101 Před 2 dny

      It is Unspeakable to speak of the Untouchables.
      I call them Mainstream Independent Media now.

  • @timothykalamaros2954
    @timothykalamaros2954 Před 3 dny

    Studebaker of South Bend Indiana, a major carmaker that went bankrupt in early 60s and not many outside my home town remember. Nice story Ray and good poem. Thanks for representing us well.

  • @Ghandi12
    @Ghandi12 Před 3 dny +1

    Make peace, not war

  • @user-lw7il2zx8u
    @user-lw7il2zx8u Před 4 dny +3

    When Russia let Ukraine become a country they never imagined that the Banderas would get so strong and punished the Russian speakers for speaking in public.Then came Victory Nuland and she decided who will be the next government.

  • @imcega
    @imcega Před 3 dny +2

    Beautiful sentiment, Ray. WH Auden's poem comes to my mind over my foolishness in believing in true democracy and my idea of what the US represented. The "he" in the poem is my idea of democracy yet I still have hope through my faith in God, and by extension, people like you who have a conscious. 🙏. Thanks for sharing.

    • @Dad_Bot
      @Dad_Bot Před 3 dny

      Wow.... Our journeys have been similar.
      I too was once a patriot in the US. And have now found God.
      And now I see what a wicked country we are and have been for a long time.

    • @imcega
      @imcega Před 3 dny +1

      @Dad_Bot If patriotism means a love of God and country, then it is the traitors who are no longer patriots. You have chosen the greater gift.

  • @gattlinggun9881
    @gattlinggun9881 Před 3 dny +2

    Invites Carl Zha and Brian Berlettic Please...

  • @gerardferry3958
    @gerardferry3958 Před 4 dny +45


    • @jofasable
      @jofasable Před 3 dny +13

      Behind all terror attacks

    • @hongry-life
      @hongry-life Před 3 dny +1

      I believe they fund all terrorists. It is one of their regime change tools.

    • @moonlightdriver800
      @moonlightdriver800 Před 3 dny

      ​@@jofasablespot on,

    • @edwardTisk-ix8nj
      @edwardTisk-ix8nj Před 3 dny +1

      Prove it.

    • @senthilkumaran5625
      @senthilkumaran5625 Před 3 dny

      Yes I know that US is involved in ATACMS attack on Crimea and the Ukraine, NATO and US are involved in terrorist attack on Russian church and killing of police personnel, church guards and one from the church this is pure evil

  • @frankotto7677
    @frankotto7677 Před 4 dny +6

    Larry is the best😂😂😂😂

  • @mirogeorgiev7095
    @mirogeorgiev7095 Před 3 dny +1


  • @Cooee1961
    @Cooee1961 Před 3 dny +2

    What happened to the children playing on the beach. Sent horrors around the world, not yet felt.

  • @tmarinelic
    @tmarinelic Před 3 dny

    Thank you

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 Před 3 dny +9

    Instead of arming Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness....

  • @jimmybraun4193
    @jimmybraun4193 Před 3 dny +3

    Sunday was a Christian orthodox holiday in Russia......all 3 terror attacks on the same day where probably no coincidence.

  • @josephtraficanti689
    @josephtraficanti689 Před 4 dny +4

    Nima, Ray. If we had a government worth a plugged nickel it would be Mister McGovern advising a President. Instead, we have the likes that we are just plain sadly stuck with. The United States has so come down so much. We have Bozos by the score and on the streets there are dozens more waiting forevermore.

  • @AnTalabarder
    @AnTalabarder Před 4 dny +3

    Ray, as to what language Kyiv speaks: the Ukrainians believe that it is a mix of Ukrainian and Russian. But if you know expressions like "dialect continuum", you may wonder why the dialect of the capital city of the country is not considered the norm of the language (like e.g the French language of Paris). Anyway, the language of Kyiv in in between Russian and modern Ukrainian.

  • @bokidimi5215
    @bokidimi5215 Před 3 dny +2

    A tear is all i have..id weep..but i wont let myself

  • @Sade.003
    @Sade.003 Před 3 dny

    Excellent analysis 👏

  • @gunnarMyTube
    @gunnarMyTube Před 3 dny +4

    Ray is 84 years old, born in 1939.

  • @marclayne9261
    @marclayne9261 Před 3 dny +1

    Always informative watching this channel....The Dialogic Imagination'. Mikhail Bakhtin..

  • @toveirenestrand3547
    @toveirenestrand3547 Před 3 dny +2

    At 23:48: This time those two oceans that have protected you in the past, they don't protect you anymore. Please be aware of that. ~ Sergey Lavrov

  • @ceciliawinter3249
    @ceciliawinter3249 Před 4 dny +4

    Mega karma nightmare coming to usa

  • @donjaksa4071
    @donjaksa4071 Před 4 dny +9

    No one mentions BIO-WARFARE

    • @neovxr
      @neovxr Před 4 dny +1

      well at least Jimmy Dore...

    • @soniavadnjal7553
      @soniavadnjal7553 Před 3 dny +1

      Maybe they don't mention it, but I am 100% sure they are all aware of it.

  • @michaelcstjames
    @michaelcstjames Před 2 dny

    30 minutes is the sweet spot for me for YT geopolitical vids, but I make 2 exceptions to my rule: (1) Alexander Mercouris. and (2) Nima. I didn't include Ray, because I will listen to Ray for as long as he wants to talk, wherever I can find him. He's in a class by himself.

  • @user-nb4ex5zk3w
    @user-nb4ex5zk3w Před 3 dny

    Not only individuals can go insane. 100 years ago the Western world experienced this same phenomena....

  • @Dan.50
    @Dan.50 Před 3 dny +2

    I have to question the sanity of anyone that actually thinks JB is running the show.

  • @m.pauluk8597
    @m.pauluk8597 Před 3 dny +1

    McGovern reciting in Russian 😮🤩🤯

  • @PiotrPerviakov
    @PiotrPerviakov Před 3 dny

    30:00 Deep gratitude to Ray McGovern for Nekrasov's 1855 poem in Russian. 🤍💙❤

  • @mhgaffney
    @mhgaffney Před 3 dny +2

    In a recent interview, Andrei Martyanov explained the Odessa and Kharkiv matter. Putin is confident that both of these Russian cities will fall into his hands later without a fight. So why make an issue of it now when doing so might complicate diplomacy? Putin means to avoid the cost in blood (to both sides) of taking major cities by force. After Russia defeats Ukraine's military, Russia will dictate the terms - and it will be an unconditional victory.

  • @mohdamiruddinsulaiman1383

    Holy Shit! Ray Can Speak Russian😮

  • @marclayne9261
    @marclayne9261 Před 3 dny

    Mr McGovern......Love the poem by the Russian writer....

  • @adek2989
    @adek2989 Před 3 dny


  • @jamespazera3038
    @jamespazera3038 Před 3 dny +1

    😢 pretty sad!!

  • @13sommerfeld
    @13sommerfeld Před 3 dny +1

    Does anyone have the reference where Lavrov warns that “the two oceans will not protect the US.” ?

  • @jamesmuller8472
    @jamesmuller8472 Před 3 dny

  • @rickcea1017
    @rickcea1017 Před 3 dny

    Sine Qua Non...Good Latin Ray, good Latin!!! (:-

  • @GerhardEbersoehn
    @GerhardEbersoehn Před 2 dny

    As the future ripens in the past, So the past rots in the future …
    Anna Akhmatova

  • @simonsmedley5434
    @simonsmedley5434 Před 4 dny

    I like the young guys wig!

    • @vaska1999
      @vaska1999 Před 4 dny +2

      You wish. 😅 It's Nima's own hair.

  • @jamesfyffe2610
    @jamesfyffe2610 Před 4 dny +1

    Ray’s smirk is fading…. 🤔 I wonder why.

    • @soniavadnjal7553
      @soniavadnjal7553 Před 3 dny +1

      I hadn't noticed. But his twinkling eyes are even more expressive.

    • @mihaliprefti2507
      @mihaliprefti2507 Před 3 dny

      I’m noticing it too; it’s gravity of the situation.

  • @user-eo7cf2cd7k
    @user-eo7cf2cd7k Před 3 dny +1

    Lloyd Austin?? A scummy DEI hire.

  • @longw01
    @longw01 Před 3 dny


  • @giuseppescarpitta3838
    @giuseppescarpitta3838 Před 3 dny +1


  • @peterduveen5218
    @peterduveen5218 Před 3 dny

    I'm recommending that people read "Exposition of the Divine Principle," which lays out an interesting and applicable theory of geopolitics.. It offers new explanations, for example, for the duration and character of historical epochs. It also revisits, in an original way, and provides an explanation for, why history repeats itself. It also offers an explanation for the rise and fall of empires that is rather unique. All of these explanations are integrated in a single unified theory. There are sections that apply the theory to the history of the past two thousand years, focusing on the so-called "West." There is also a chapter in which the theory is applied to the world wars. My interest in sharing this with everybody is that it is possible the theory may be applied to today's situation with Russia, Ukraine, the US, Europe, China, etc. I believe this theory will provide more depth of interpretation, and perhaps lead to policies that differ somewhat from those arrived at through the application of mere realpolitik.

  • @dracine3286
    @dracine3286 Před 3 dny

    More ads than before, and I paid for premium. Screw you CZcams!

  • @tonykuli
    @tonykuli Před 3 dny

    As President pointed out , the West is very populated in small areas........

  • @valerigeorgiev5615
    @valerigeorgiev5615 Před 4 dny

    It is simple, NATO not have a idea what happening after the tehn action!

  • @jojobeansie3114
    @jojobeansie3114 Před 3 dny

    "Poon" 😂