A Very Short History of Portugal

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • Portugal starded as Condado Portucalense, its first king, D. Afonso Henriques conquered lands and cities to the "Muçulmanos" and to The kingdom of Leon. Portugal grew into one of the biggest empires of our history and only one man had the courage to fight Portugal, Napoleon Bonaparte that for 3 times tried to conquer it with no sucess. In the end you can see all the Portuguese flags.

Komentáře • 85

  • @BoomChikahWinWin
    @BoomChikahWinWin Před 16 lety

    The land of my fathers,
    My beloved Portugal.
    May you live fore ever!

  • @symetria7
    @symetria7 Před 16 lety

    Viva Portugal! Greeting from Poland!

  • @Scheport
    @Scheport Před 14 lety

    Grandes tempos, tempos de gloria que nem Mouros, nem Espanhois, nem Franceses conseguiram dominar-nos e conquistar nos. Isto sim era Portugal. Um Portugal de respeito. Hoje em dia um exercito de cozinheiros franceses conquistava isto, dada a tamanha desunião que se verifica. O espirito da historia e das descobertas e conquistas ja era.

  • @Ninettezinha
    @Ninettezinha Před 14 lety

    i really like the music n images. cheers from Poland.

  • @pallium12
    @pallium12 Před 14 lety

    there is a error here, for example, in the moment: 0:30 it shows a image of a batle between the Portuguese and the Spanish, this batle was fought in 14 August of 1385 the Portuguese forçes had 6500 and the spanish had 31 000 men wich means that the spanish were completely beaten! :) proud to be Portuguese :D

  • @eggnoy
    @eggnoy Před 13 lety

    BBC, HIstory channel or any serious Broadcast Company or TV program should make a Full Documentary of the Glory that was portugal

  • @dpsantos1994
    @dpsantos1994 Před 15 lety

    and during our history i thank our closest allies: britain
    they helped us win against the french, and spanish
    força portugal!

  • @PauloCaetan0
    @PauloCaetan0 Před 12 lety

    Alot of Revolutionaries, either in Europe and in the Whole World.

  • @Scheport
    @Scheport Před 14 lety

    O mapa cor de rosa é relativamente recente. Nos seculos mais atras, a aliança Portugal-Inglaterra era uma aliança natural e não quebrada

  • @madeira69
    @madeira69 Před 15 lety

    PORTUGAL is not a rich country now, but is the RICHEST country in history!!!!!

  • @Ninettezinha
    @Ninettezinha Před 16 lety

    nice vid, cheers from POland ;)

  • @wintersnoob
    @wintersnoob Před 14 lety

    @Clavsicus with the word "GREAT" i mean not as great as others...like battles
    which counted at least a 10 thousand strong army...or great victories like 300 guys with spears holding an entire army 1million strong..^^
    Yes ofc we had those victories against Spain, aljubarrota ofc and the battles on Torres Vedras's lines against napoleon army..the siege of ceuta but nothing like the polish army against the teutonic order at grunwald..or the great roman and greek battles..

  • @1Sniper6661
    @1Sniper6661 Před 15 lety

    Ora aqui está um brasileira com um comentario ao mais alto nivel!
    Viva o Brasil! =)

  • @jocamar15
    @jocamar15 Před 16 lety

    Vi alguns erros aí, nomeadamente:
    Portugal não foi só desafiado por Napoleão, mas já tinha sido conquistado por espanha. E também, não foi só Portugal que derrotou Napoleão, aliás, a Inglaterra fez muito mais trabalho (apesar de nós termos comandantes melhores que foram substítuidos quando eles chegaram).

  • @andregeo13
    @andregeo13 Před 16 lety

    "Afonso I of Portugal reigned 73 years (1112-1185)" Foi o Monarca que teve a maior longevidade. Aliás, como rei reconhecido por Roma reinou 48 anos. Mas isso é só uma borucrática bula papal, ele foi o nosso rei efectivamente os 73 anos. O maior rei de todos!

  • @Rotebuehl1
    @Rotebuehl1 Před 13 lety

    @1111hola Same to you and all the best!

  • @1111hola
    @1111hola Před 13 lety

    @Rotebuehl1 well thanks, and I must say your comment is certainly not what I expected to find. I wont discuss with you, and just so you know this was my reasoning: Portugal invincible-> Portugal beats all other countries->Portugal is better than other countries= Portugal is better than me. That is the reason why I got offended. And thanks for the comment, Its quite hard to find their type. Hope you all the success in the world and have a nice day =)

  • @Luzitanium
    @Luzitanium Před 14 lety

    no minuto 1:00 esqueceu se de referir Goa,Damão, Diu Malaca, Sri Lanka, Ilha Formosa (Taiwan) e Terra Corte Real no Canada.....
    Portugal tem que ser restaurado, venha a Monarquia.
    já agora de onde poderei encontrar essa musica??

  •  Před 15 lety

    Pá.. tenho andado aqui a pensar... e se juntassemos aí um grupinho e fossemos por a bandeira por aí fora outra vez? :D haa? tenho uma canoa! tenho é que arranjar a bandeira :S

  • @Luzitanium
    @Luzitanium Před 14 lety

    @123SLB2 Portuguese-British Alliance? desde quando? ou já se esqueceu do ultimato inglês contra portugal? mapa cor de rosa.

  • @CavaliersCall
    @CavaliersCall Před 14 lety

    Quite nice, but looking for something more substantive.

  • @andregeo13
    @andregeo13 Před 14 lety

    @bad4good100 Sorry dude, but you are wrong. The first name of Portugal was Portuscale wright? So, Portus=Porto, Cale=Gaia= Callaicos=Galécia=Galicia. Portugal was born from the Galécia Bracarensis. Capital of the Calaicos=Braga, capital of Lusitania=Mérida. We are not Lusos, we are Calaicos!
    Best regards

  • @Luzitanium
    @Luzitanium Před 14 lety

    @Paganiny de preferencia a bandeira Portuguesa (azul e branca).

  • @BatDad83
    @BatDad83 Před 14 lety

    @wintersnoob portuguese,lusitanians are just words we are people from western iberia regardless of what term you use

  • @1111hola
    @1111hola Před 12 lety

    @NNortenho no I think YOU should do that, nothiung I said is incorrect.

  • @wintersnoob
    @wintersnoob Před 14 lety

    @bernardovelosobarros Claro...o Algarve, Alentejo, Porto, Amadora...porque não esses já agora?

  • @wintersnoob
    @wintersnoob Před 14 lety

    @bad4good100 Lusitanian werent really portuguese...yes they controlled a part of the actual portugal and they were commanded by Viriato which fought well the Romans until he was assassinated. Portugal history starts when Count D.Afonso received lands from Leon which were called "Candado Portucalense" and that then his son , D. Afonso Henriques would bring independence from Leon's crown.

  • @stiofanpatton6162
    @stiofanpatton6162 Před 11 lety

    Why did you use the tune of a Celtic irish called realtá órga (bright star)

  • @Luzitanium
    @Luzitanium Před 14 lety

    @sebmellovip Netherlands,Belgium,Switerland, are smallers

  • @zombiedigital69
    @zombiedigital69 Před 15 lety

    Pátria por ti lutaremos

  • @wintersnoob
    @wintersnoob Před 14 lety

    I appreciate you're job henrik ;)
    Although Portugal's history is something which cant be told in 2 minutes but at least 10 minutes...
    We didn't had any "Great victories or Great battles" but we did have one thing....we always fought for freedom..UNTIL NOW..and thats why i'm not proud to be portuguese.Portugueses look like they were all with international blood and not ours..Nowadays we are a bunch of cowards.And we're only thinking in sitting our ass in a couch and let the rest of the world roll

  • @Man_Flippin_Pentagrams
    @Man_Flippin_Pentagrams Před 13 lety

    But it seems that they are always getting in a war with each other from fifty to fifty years.

  • @egagu1976
    @egagu1976 Před 13 lety

    Como que nunca fuisteis conquistados? Te olvidas de la Batalla de Alcantara en 1580 y el camino victorioso de las tropas Imperiales por las demas plazas de camino a Lisboa. Entrando el Duque de Alba en Lisboa con sus tropas en Lisboa el 25 de Marzo de 1581 proclamandose Rey de Portugal Felipe II de España. Siendo gobernados por los reyes de España hasta 1640.

  • @Fuchizaa
    @Fuchizaa Před 15 lety

    So if i understand what you're saying, the real hooligans are the romans, not the portuguese, right?

  • @andregeo13
    @andregeo13 Před 14 lety

    @LusofoniaAsiaOceania So, if you agree with me regarding Portugal s origins, I was wondering on whats your opinion about our forefathers beeing called "Lusitanos"? Thats what our schools, media and general public opinion teach and think...

  • @sffc95
    @sffc95 Před 14 lety

    In history, In bravery , in writing (Camões, Queiroz, Saramago [Even him]), and if the portuguese never existed, the English would never get the steam machine (because of Africa's little bar brawl), USA, Brazil and all of America would never be known, our bravery inspired the world!!!

  • @wintersnoob
    @wintersnoob Před 14 lety

    @BatDad83 It was called Lusitania..and it isnt Portugal...Just like the kingdom of Leon isnt Spain...Our country started with Condado Portucalense.

  • @sebmellovip
    @sebmellovip Před 14 lety

    @katkillertuga Irmãos o tanas. Esqueça os galegos, são espanhóis. Preocupe-se antes com Portugal. Começo a duvidar da sua portugalidade. Afinal porque não concentrar a sua luta em PORTUGAL? Será assim tão difícil para si?

  • @jp23ctx
    @jp23ctx Před 13 lety

    the first king was D. Afonso Henriques

  • @sebmellovip
    @sebmellovip Před 15 lety

    Portugal's not a rich country? I have my doubts... Do you think it is a little country? I have some doubts too... In Europe Portugal is not so little...

  • @andregeo13
    @andregeo13 Před 13 lety

    Yes we did...
    But, for what its worth, we were also the FIRST nation in the world to abolish slavery...
    and the first to abolish the death penalty... and so on...

  • @egagu1976
    @egagu1976 Před 13 lety

    Como o que você nunca foram conquistados? Você esquece a Batalha de Alcântara em 1580 ea maneira vitoriosa tropas imperiais pelos outros lugares no caminho para Lisboa. Entrar o Duque de Alba em Lisboa, com suas tropas em Lisboa, em 25 de março de 1581 proclamado rei de Portugal Filipe II de Espanha. Ser governado pelos reis de Espanha até 1640

    • @brunomiguelsilva8627
      @brunomiguelsilva8627 Před 7 lety

      Mantivemos a soberania e nunca fomos anexados. Se queres falar de história não cometas falácias e isso foi porque ficamos sem rei. Todas as outras vezes voltaram voces de rabinho entre as pernas para casa e ainda foram pedir ajuda aos franceses para nos invadir, já para não falar das alianças que voces faziam com os mouros a fim de travar Portugal. Na verdade se formos a ver bem a Espanha é uma louca de colete de forças.

  • @portucalae
    @portucalae Před 16 lety

    Pela independência da Catalunha. Abaixo o fascismo Castelhano; estamos no séc. XXI

  • @Luzitanium
    @Luzitanium Před 13 lety

    @p3droPT Portugal Monárquico queres tu dizer...

  • @Afonsocool23
    @Afonsocool23 Před 12 lety

    Who killed for power?

  • @wintersnoob
    @wintersnoob Před 14 lety

    @LusofoniaAsiaOceania Lol half of those were not victories. And i had already mentioned Aljubarrota. My knowledge about battles against Moors is not that good but i know we havent fought in Persia...We also have GREAT losses...Goa(1975) 50 portuguese soldiers ordered to defend the city with their lives against 1 million Indian soldiers.Alot of losses against the dutch & french in south america. And when we were governed by spanish crown we lost our whole navy against an way+inferior english navy

  • @1111hola
    @1111hola Před 13 lety

    Portugal was far from fighting awesomely. It only fought spain barely and napoleon, and portugal's participation in ww1 was nearly unexistant. Spain fought austria, france, britain, portugal, USA, against its own colonies, the netherlands, the ottomans, morocco, argelia, tunisia, tripoli, granada, even russia in ww2... Why do you think portugal tried to make a colonial empire? because they could not fight spain in europe.

  • @portucalae
    @portucalae Před 16 lety

    Espanha!? Qual Espanha? Espanha Galega; Espanha Catalã, Espanha Basca ou a Espanha de Madrid? É que Espanha Espanha não conheço! e não tenho duvidas que os Portugueses não são da família dos Espanhóis de Madrid!!!!

  • @1111hola
    @1111hola Před 13 lety

    @EnemyDown619 why did you reply then after seeing that what I said was a mistake...

  • @Afonsocool23
    @Afonsocool23 Před 12 lety


  • @templarinter
    @templarinter Před 12 lety

    Portugal should make a documentary about Portugal.otherwise Australia, New Zealand, Canada and USA are always going to be known as discovered bu/for England and that is not true history

  • @Steadno
    @Steadno Před 14 lety

    and the moors rules there for hundreds of years

  • @1111hola
    @1111hola Před 13 lety

    @Rotebuehl1 who says I care about portugal? I came across this video and saw what it said; that no country had the courgage to fight portugal, that portugal is invincible... you know, those aberrations offended me very much =(

    • @brunomiguelsilva8627
      @brunomiguelsilva8627 Před 7 lety

      It's true my friend not even in soccer they want to fight Portugal. Don't worry, because we always struggled against unfortunate destiny, from the death of a king to a big earthquake and we always prevailed.

  • @Luzitanium
    @Luzitanium Před 15 lety

    então diz antes Morte há Republica...porque foi a partir da Republica que perdemos voz no mundo,e que venha uma Monarquia Democratica e Parlamentar,para nos preservar a nossa identidade,e para repor respeito la fora.

  • @rolopreto
    @rolopreto Před 15 lety

    leiam o codex632 do jose rodrigues dos santos!! e vejam quem foi realmente cristovam colombo!! é incrivel como por causa de jogos de interesses se substitua a verdade por uma mentira tao estupida...

  • @LordFigas
    @LordFigas Před 15 lety

    For many, many times, Spain tried to conquer Portugal, BUT, they didn't able to dominate us.
    We are one of the oldest countries in the entire world. USA?, only when the british colonized America.
    England? WTF???
    Brazil? We wen't there!
    Portugal 4 ever. lol

  • @Rotebuehl1
    @Rotebuehl1 Před 13 lety

    @1111hola In those days there was no Spain, unless you call "Spain" a geographical region! There were various realms, as you certainly know, Castille-Leon, Navarra, Aragon, Granada and Portugal! There was no need to fight any of those states, with the exception Castille-Leon, who always wanted a direct access to the sea, that, sadly for them, was the Portuguese Kingdom! History is complex and simplified fallacies are abhorrend! But why do you careabout Portugal? Why did you come here at all?

  • @portucalae
    @portucalae Před 16 lety

    Era uma chatice se a Espanha não existe-se, existindo, permite que eu vá a França de carro, é que enojou andar de barco !

  • @dpsantos1994
    @dpsantos1994 Před 15 lety

    ya :P tens razao :|

  • @1Sniper6661
    @1Sniper6661 Před 15 lety

    LOL bem ta muito boa essa! lol mesmo muito boa!
    de acordo a 100%!
    Eu quando tive em espanha queriam que eu fala-se espanhol mas entao eu disse-lhe eu entendo espanhol rapaz tu é que nao entendes portugues portanto eu ca me governo agora tu não sei!
    Espanhois sabem falar uma coisa espanhol STOP!

  • @Rotebuehl1
    @Rotebuehl1 Před 13 lety

    @1111hola Why did it offend you, if you don't care? And how could it offend you? If you came across a video about China saying that China is invincible, would you be offended? So what and WHY did that kind of commentation offend you? And then again, you are certainly not "a virgin" on youtube! You must know, that you find many idiotic comments here in this jungle! So, why bother at all? After all, you don't care, do you? So why all that? All the best and greeting from here to Argentina ;-)

  • @1111hola
    @1111hola Před 13 lety

    @bernardovelosobarros prove it

  • @92TonyG
    @92TonyG Před 15 lety

    it seems to me like the portuguese people dont really like spain lol xD ive bin to both and i like Spain more sorry

  • @PauloCaetan0
    @PauloCaetan0 Před 12 lety

    so what?

  • @Afonsocool23
    @Afonsocool23 Před 12 lety

    I made a comment and you replied that i had killed for power... This is pointless lol

  • @EnemyDown619
    @EnemyDown619 Před 13 lety

    @1111hola my mother is a christian so she is not going to hell...

  • @bigtuga4ever
    @bigtuga4ever Před 14 lety

    1-portugal ruls
    2-spain suks
    3- We went to brazil to colonize not invade.
    4-Most of the slaves were braugth by dutch not portuguese.
    5-Y are we all speaking inglish and not portuguese?

  • @EnemyDown619
    @EnemyDown619 Před 13 lety

    @1111hola not going to wast my time talking to you

  • @templarinter
    @templarinter Před 12 lety

    Your history knowledge about Portugal is twisted

  • @92TonyG
    @92TonyG Před 15 lety

    fack this spain conquerred Portugal ones spain rules and in medieval times Spain had to do all the work against the moors Portugal didnt do much