Stalin Speech After Hitler Attacks Moscow

  • čas přidán 9. 03. 2024
  • All rights belong to 72 Films. We do not claim ownership of any copyrighted material used in this video. This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only.
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Komentáře • 571

  • @demiron4505
    @demiron4505 Před měsícem +745

    1:48 There is an impostor among us

  • @lussdoru3108
    @lussdoru3108 Před měsícem +458

    And only few people (who actually heard that Stalin's speech before) know that this video is cut to make it more "dramatic". After "kill every german..." Stalin said "who invaded our country". That is the real history and not manipulation we see here.

    • @lussdoru3108
      @lussdoru3108 Před 26 dny +24

      @@PeachDragon_ That does not mean we should lie to ourselves about facts and reality. But if you prefer to live in propaganda fantasy world, its your choice. I prefer to see the real picture.

    • @kawaiikoto8800
      @kawaiikoto8800 Před 26 dny

      ​@@lussdoru3108we fought the wrong enemy in ww2. All the world problems stem from their kind.

    • @blitzy3244
      @blitzy3244 Před 25 dny

      Stalin is just mad because he was planning to invade first but Hitler stopped the inevitable.

    • @toohak2782
      @toohak2782 Před 17 dny +2

      Source? I just want to know how you know this cause obviously you weren’t there, there’s been a history of Russia during that time lying to their people lmao

    • @Alejandrorisin
      @Alejandrorisin Před 16 dny +13

      @@toohak2782he probably watched the full speech or read a script, you dont need to have been there

  • @WanderlustForALast
    @WanderlustForALast Před 25 dny +127

    Phrases taken out of context. Stalin’s speech was not about exterminating every single German.

  • @comforth3898
    @comforth3898 Před měsícem +106

    "A war of annihilation."

  • @user-wk6kv8jd4z
    @user-wk6kv8jd4z Před 23 dny +97

    The speech was cut off specifically to demonize Stalin

    • @Pablo-pn2kn
      @Pablo-pn2kn Před 16 dny +3

      What you talking abut XDD?

    • @salvadorvizcarra769
      @salvadorvizcarra769 Před 14 dny +1

      Stalin fue un GIGANTE de su tiempo. Iósif Stalin vivió en una época histórica, en donde el mundo requería de liderazgos fuertes. Así que tuvo que ser un dirigente enérgico. Severo. ¡Imponente! O, de otro modo, la “Madre Rusia” hubiera desaparecido del mapa. Stalin fue lo que tenía qué ser: Un Gran Líder. Un Gran Estadista. Stalin heredó un país yermo, rural, preterido, analfabeta, hambriento, supersticioso, deprimido, insalubre, carente de todo y, para colmo, delirantemente desamparado. Rusia era entonces, un país de “Siervos” (Esclavos), y Stalin lo convirtió en una súper potencia industrializada y poderosa, que puso a temblar al mundo. Rusia estaba atrasada en 100 años con respecto a Occidente y, superadas las precariedades y todas las devastaciones que causó la Guerra, él, Stalin, el “Fundador de la URSS”, puso en marcha el primer Programa Aero-Espacial del mundo. Seis años después en 1957, lanzaron el Sputnik I. Eisenhower, al saber de semejante hazaña, creó la NASA en 1958. Kennedy inauguró el primer vuelo tripulado hasta 1961. ¡Jáh! Stalin recibió una Rusia que estuvo en guerra casi 30 años. (Empezando con la humillante derrota frente al Imperio de Japón, 1904-1905. Revolución Rusa, 1905. WWI, 1914-1918. Revolución Bolchevique 1917-1922. Guerra Civil contra los “Rusos Blancos”, 1922-1927. WWII 1940-1945… Más la Pandemia de la mal llamada “Fiebre Española”, en 1918-1920. Después les llegó el brote de la “Peste Bubónica” en 1926. ―En 1932-33, Stalin implementó una campaña general de vacunación contra la viruela, la cual, en 1936, propuso que fuese una campaña a nivel mundial. Iniciada por Stalin y secundada por todas las naciones del planeta, la viruela se erradicó en 1980―. Y, además el “Crack Financiero de Wall Street”, de 1929-1937). O sea que, Stalin, asumió el poder de un país golpeado por las guerras, enfermo por la Pandemia y, económicamente quebrado por la crisis mundial. Estas calamidades dejaron una Rusia desposeída y miserable. Stalin la rescató imponiendo disciplina y trabajo. Ni antes ni hoy, nadie en el mundo puso en duda su ENORME LIDERAZGO. Stalin fue genial; magnífico, cultísimo y astuto. Fue un Titán con mano de hierro. Amado por su pueblo y temido por sus enemigos. Hace más de 70 años que Stalin murió y, la Propaganda Occidental, no afloja en denostarlo. ¿Con qué propósito? ¿Ya como para qué? ¿Cuál sería su utilidad ahora? ¿Stalin se convirtió en un “Fantasma Ideológico” que causa temor? [*Y, acá, aparte, va un dato que dimensiona la grandeza de Stalin. Joseph Stalin, fue nominado DOS veces al Premio Nobel de la Paz (en 1945 y 1948), con el apoyo de múltiples instituciones universitarias de Reino Unido, Irlanda, Francia, Italia, Suiza, Bélgica, y Grecia. Esas nominaciones fueron tomadas en serio por el Comité en Oslo. A él se le acabó su tiempo a los 75 años. Stalin murió en 1953, sin recibir nada de nadie, pero sí, todo el reconocimiento de su propio pueblo amoroso y agradecido.].

    • @MikeWilliamson-dp6cp
      @MikeWilliamson-dp6cp Před 7 dny

      Stalin demonized himself way before this.

    • @V-412
      @V-412 Před 23 hodinami

      He was already a demon.

  • @americanschoolsystem
    @americanschoolsystem Před 24 dny +42

    1:48 is that adolf and himmler??

  • @LFAcsgo
    @LFAcsgo Před 29 dny +65

    nicolas fucking cage

    • @ignacio3718
      @ignacio3718 Před 21 dnem

      Comrade Nikolay Káguevich sought refuge in the US years later after growing tensions with general secretary Jruschev due to de-Stalinization politics.

    • @lol99209
      @lol99209 Před 18 dny +2


    • @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw
      @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw Před 18 dny +1

      ​@@lol99209give it another second the two fellers

    • @christhepawriter3595
      @christhepawriter3595 Před 15 dny

      So THAT'S why he stole the Declaration of Independence!

    • @Dariusz_1.618
      @Dariusz_1.618 Před 12 dny +2

      after month in Russia

  • @JakvsMetalheads999
    @JakvsMetalheads999 Před 29 dny +49

    "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out... they're fucking with the wrong people."

  • @ChatGPt2001
    @ChatGPt2001 Před 13 dny +12

    Today, I stand before you to address a grave new chapter in our struggle against fascism. Our beloved city of Moscow has been viciously attacked by the forces of Adolf Hitler. But let me assure you, this act of aggression will not go unanswered.
    The German invasion may have struck a blow to our capital, but it will not break our spirit. Moscow, the heart of our great nation, has withstood countless trials throughout history. It has seen invaders come and go, yet it has always risen from the ashes stronger than before. Today will be no different.
    We must remember that our enemy is not just one man, one army, or one nation. Our enemy is an ideology that seeks to crush the very foundations upon which our Soviet Union is built. Hitler's fascist regime preys upon the weak, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. It seeks to divide and conquer, to erase our collective memory and subjugate us to its twisted vision.
    But we, the people of the Soviet Union, are made of sterner stuff. We have faced unimaginable hardships and sacrifices to bring about a better future for our comrades and generations to come. Our determination and unity have brought us this far, and they will carry us through this dark hour.
    We must rally together now, more than ever before. It is not just the fate of Moscow that hangs in the balance, but the fate of our entire nation. Our soldiers, our workers, our farmers, and our intellectuals will join forces to repel the invaders from our sacred soil.
    We will turn our capital into a fortress, impenetrable to the enemy. The streets of Moscow will become a battleground where the bravery and resilience of our people will be on full display. We will show the world that the Soviet Union is not to be trifled with, that we will defend our homeland and our way of life with every fiber of our being.
    Remember, comrades, that Moscow is not just a city of buildings and streets. It is the symbol of our nation's endurance, progress, and unwavering spirit. As long as we stand together, as long as we remain true to the ideals that have guided us, Moscow will rise again, even stronger than before.
    The road ahead will be difficult, but we have faced insurmountable odds before and emerged victorious. We will fight alongside our comrades across the vast expanse of our Motherland, from the cities to the countryside, from the frontlines to the factories.
    We will not rest until we have vanquished the fascist menace that threatens our existence. Our struggle is not just for ourselves, but for the millions who have perished at the hands of Hitler's regime and for the millions whose futures hang in the balance.
    Comrades, let our battle cry echo through the streets of Moscow and beyond. Let it reach the ears of our enemies, filling them with the knowledge that they will never break our resolve. Together, we will ensure that Hitler's forces are defeated, that justice prevails, and that the Soviet Union stands tall, forever.
    Onward to victory!
    Long live the Soviet Union!
    Long live the people of Moscow!
    Long live the spirit of resistance!
    Thank you.

  • @DSMCCrix
    @DSMCCrix Před 25 dny +22

    1:48 "Nobody would figure".

  • @toxxatoxxt9490
    @toxxatoxxt9490 Před měsícem +46

    stalin has such a thick georgian accent. 🤣

  • @triscuitbiscuit7173
    @triscuitbiscuit7173 Před 20 dny +11

    It would be amazing if they cared to show the whole uncensored speech for once. So many important bits of context have been needlessly cut out. I wouldn't recommend anyone watching the full documentary unless you don't care about getting a complete perspective

  • @anon3191
    @anon3191 Před 14 dny +3

    Imagine going to the subway to catch the train but you are told "Sorry we are closed! This station is being used to declare world war!"

  • @lebest8415
    @lebest8415 Před měsícem +106

    Stalin at 2:04 be like damn hitler betrayed me first

    • @kennethhill613
      @kennethhill613 Před měsícem

      Trusted no one..only Hitler go figure.

    • @bln150
      @bln150 Před měsícem

      Stalin would never attack.
      He wanted a peace with Third Reich. Hitler made a greatest mistake in history of Europe civilization. He turns against Slavs. Germans lost everything because of that.

    • @MrKidgavilan
      @MrKidgavilan Před měsícem +2


    • @ricardosequeira8022
      @ricardosequeira8022 Před měsícem

      They never had an alliance, only an non-agression pact. Still, it was Hitler that broke the agreement and started the war, the nazis reaped what they sowed.

    • @hrast4109
      @hrast4109 Před měsícem +27

      Stalin be like: damn hitler realized I was preparing for 20 years to take over all of Europe and attacked me first

  • @SilentX_17
    @SilentX_17 Před 25 dny +17

    Stalin went missing for months then out of nowhere shows up again like a badass with a straight message and a goal in mind.

    • @howardmoon3075
      @howardmoon3075 Před 20 dny

      Yeah no one saw him for months. Must have been in an unbelievable panic those months thinking his regime was going to be overthrown and he wouldn't be able to murder anymore people.

  • @Clinton_Gore96
    @Clinton_Gore96 Před 4 dny

    The video from that time is literally incredible

  • @evelia128
    @evelia128 Před 3 dny +3

    러시아의 군사작전 이유
    1.러시아어 금지
    2.돈바스 민간인 학살
    3.민스크 협정 파괴
    4.나토 가입 시도하여 도발
    5.우크라에는 도네츠크 민간인 학살하고 고문한 아조프연대라는 나치와 Aidar 대대 루간스크 시민들에 대한 잔혹행위로 악명높은 나치가 있다

  • @obitouchiha1918
    @obitouchiha1918 Před 15 dny +3

    When they surprise attack after years of studying you:
    * Gives them the Stalin stare *
    "Nah, I'd win."

  • @molotovcocktail7645
    @molotovcocktail7645 Před 5 dny +1

    And they carried the annihilation to tunnels and bunkers of Berlin. Moral of the story: don't start a war you can't win!

  • @user-pn3io5oy3i
    @user-pn3io5oy3i Před 26 dny +5

    I wish i could watch this whole documentary.

    • @SegoJordania
      @SegoJordania Před 9 dny

      Stalin's speech of November 6, 1941/ Речь Сталина от 6 ноября 1941 года
      this is the full speech with English subs. Copy and paste

  • @sasch7307
    @sasch7307 Před měsícem +41

    thats it? that was weak as fuck

  • @bigwinter4429
    @bigwinter4429 Před měsícem +17

    Name of this documentary?

    • @MinecraftGamer-yx5zh
      @MinecraftGamer-yx5zh Před měsícem +13

      Ww2 the front lines

    • @bigwinter4429
      @bigwinter4429 Před měsícem +2


    • @StephenLuke
      @StephenLuke Před měsícem +1

      @@bigwinter4429 That Netflix documentary is worth to watch!!! A lot of new evidence, speeches, and everything!

    • @FeliksOnline
      @FeliksOnline Před měsícem

      @@StephenLuke"Netflix documentary worth to watch"
      Bro really put these words next to eachother

    • @StephenLuke
      @StephenLuke Před měsícem +1

      @@FeliksOnline My comment is nowhere to be seen.

  • @moradhwajrajpoot5457
    @moradhwajrajpoot5457 Před 11 dny +1

    Big difference in gateways and Fetched things.

    @SAVAGEDEN Před 4 dny +1

    Imagine If they had Nuclear power back then would it be ? would it stop war ?

  • @boethius9173
    @boethius9173 Před 26 dny +1

    I've been in the Moscow subway.

    • @doyawantmore
      @doyawantmore Před 22 dny +1

      And how did you like it? Depicted station's called "Mayakovskaya" and I, being a native moscovite myself, haven't known it's built before the WW2, only saw some kinds of photo-expositions of it had been used as an undeground hospital

    • @boethius9173
      @boethius9173 Před 22 dny

      @@doyawantmore, It was beautiful and very deep underground.

  • @RajaeyObeidat-ss8zp

    People are fond of conflicts and wars

  • @Rocky-sn6fl
    @Rocky-sn6fl Před 20 dny

    History repeats....

  • @Ghostrex101
    @Ghostrex101 Před 4 dny

    He looks so calm and friendly

    • @user-jz8ze1jm6v
      @user-jz8ze1jm6v Před 3 dny

      Our friendly neighbor Comrade Stalin

    • @tennisblood
      @tennisblood Před 2 dny +1

      Yup, just like a crocodile!!! Until he wants to eat you alive....

  • @magnusdiridian
    @magnusdiridian Před 13 dny +1


  • @messedupjokes345
    @messedupjokes345 Před 27 dny

    Thats what edp was talking about the whole time

  • @harshbazzad4666
    @harshbazzad4666 Před 19 dny +4

    Ussr was the one who defeated germany in world war 2 .

    • @BalkanGigaChad
      @BalkanGigaChad Před 18 dny +3

      malheureusement 😢

    • @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw
      @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw Před 18 dny

      ​@@BalkanGigaChadyou wouldn't have anime if Germany won

    • @noname...7774
      @noname...7774 Před 17 dny


    • @alsi9217
      @alsi9217 Před 5 dny

      At a dinner toast with Allied leaders during the Tehran Conference in December 1943, Stalin added: “The United States … is a country of machines. Without the use of those machines through Lend-Lease, we would lose this war.” Nikita Khrushchev, who led the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, agreed with Stalin's assessment.

  • @Rick_942
    @Rick_942 Před měsícem +7


  • @aidenallan3015
    @aidenallan3015 Před 22 dny

    What documentary is this?

    • @SegoJordania
      @SegoJordania Před 9 dny

      Stalin's speech of November 6, 1941/ Речь Сталина от 6 ноября 1941 года
      this is full speech withe English subt. Copy and paste

  • @ronie619linas
    @ronie619linas Před měsícem +7

    "Why say many word when few word do" -Stalin
    What a contrast in charisma between this guy and an Austrian painter

    • @martello44
      @martello44 Před 8 dny +1

      They both projected power. Like very good actors

  • @axelrage222
    @axelrage222 Před 12 dny +1

    Это намеренное выборочное цитирование показывающее национализм и экстимизм! Это неполная речь Сталина.

  • @yusryzal2106
    @yusryzal2106 Před 24 dny +3

    Face like lion. Voice like kitten. thats stalin. lol

    • @Watt-er8or
      @Watt-er8or Před 8 dny +1

      And claws of a tiger

    • @salvadorvizcarra769
      @salvadorvizcarra769 Před 2 dny +1

      Stalin fue un GIGANTE de su tiempo. Iósif Stalin vivió en una época histórica, en donde el mundo requería de liderazgos fuertes. Así que tuvo que ser un dirigente enérgico. Severo. ¡Imponente! O, de otro modo, la “Madre Rusia” hubiera desaparecido del mapa. Stalin fue lo que tenía qué ser: Un Gran Líder. Un Gran Estadista. Stalin heredó un país yermo, rural, preterido, analfabeta, hambriento, supersticioso, deprimido, insalubre, carente de todo y, para colmo, delirantemente desamparado. Rusia era entonces, un país de “Siervos” (Esclavos), y Stalin lo convirtió en una súper potencia industrializada y poderosa, que puso a temblar al mundo. Rusia estaba atrasada en 100 años con respecto a Occidente y, superadas las precariedades y todas las devastaciones que causó la Guerra, él, Stalin, el “Fundador de la URSS”, puso en marcha el primer Programa Aero-Espacial del mundo. Seis años después en 1957, lanzaron el Sputnik I. Eisenhower, al saber de semejante hazaña, creó la NASA en 1958. Kennedy inauguró el primer vuelo tripulado hasta 1961. ¡Jáh! Stalin recibió una Rusia que estuvo en guerra casi 30 años. (Empezando con la humillante derrota frente al Imperio de Japón, 1904-1905. Revolución Rusa, 1905. WWI, 1914-1918. Revolución Bolchevique 1917-1922. Guerra Civil contra los “Rusos Blancos”, 1922-1927. WWII 1940-1945… Más la Pandemia de la mal llamada “Fiebre Española”, en 1918-1920. Después les llegó el brote de la “Peste Bubónica” en 1926. ―En 1932-33, Stalin implementó una campaña general de vacunación contra la viruela, la cual, en 1936, propuso que fuese una campaña a nivel mundial. Iniciada por Stalin y secundada por todas las naciones del planeta, la viruela se erradicó en 1980―. Y, además el “Crack Financiero de Wall Street”, de 1929-1937). O sea que, Stalin, asumió el poder de un país golpeado por las guerras, enfermo por la Pandemia y, económicamente quebrado por la crisis mundial. Estas calamidades dejaron una Rusia desposeída y miserable. Stalin la rescató imponiendo disciplina y trabajo. Ni antes ni hoy, nadie en el mundo puso en duda su ENORME LIDERAZGO. Stalin fue genial; magnífico, cultísimo y astuto. Fue un Titán con mano de hierro. Amado por su pueblo y temido por sus enemigos. Hace más de 70 años que Stalin murió y, la Propaganda Occidental, no afloja en denostarlo. ¿Con qué propósito? ¿Ya como para qué? ¿Cuál sería su utilidad ahora? ¿Stalin se convirtió en un “Fantasma Ideológico” que causa temor? [*Y, acá, aparte, va un dato que dimensiona la grandeza de Stalin. Joseph Stalin, fue nominado DOS veces al Premio Nobel de la Paz (en 1945 y 1948), con el apoyo de múltiples instituciones universitarias de Reino Unido, Irlanda, Francia, Italia, Suiza, Bélgica, y Grecia. Esas nominaciones fueron tomadas en serio por el Comité en Oslo. A él se le acabó su tiempo a los 75 años. Stalin murió en 1953, sin recibir nada de nadie, pero sí, todo el reconocimiento de su propio pueblo amoroso y agradecido.].

  • @HjfcjkmjgGfzvmljc-qj5if
    @HjfcjkmjgGfzvmljc-qj5if Před 2 měsíci +32

    I was amazed when I read about Stalin that he was a very knowledgeable person and owned a library 😮😮😮😮

    • @criticalthinker-ys7vt
      @criticalthinker-ys7vt Před měsícem +1

      its propaganda to make him look all knowing, wise leader... same with hitler. Anyone can own Books, make photos in front of it and look smart. And thats all it takes to make society believe you are knowledgable because society takes perception as reality.

    • @Durak_zashoreniy
      @Durak_zashoreniy Před měsícem +1

      Будете ещё бо́льше поражены, когда узнаете существо его идей.
      Только недалёкий человек может верить в бредни про "тирана Сталина". Этот человек боролся за мир во всем мире, уничтожение всякой эксплуатации человека человеком.

    • @vmuzika
      @vmuzika Před měsícem

      he was a mass murderer

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před měsícem +9

      Вы не читали его работы? есть так же на английском языке, очень познавательно и вызывает уважение масштабу мышления этого гиганта мысли, если применить его работы в настоящем - это алгоритм действий от освобождения народов от глобалистов в мировом масштабе. У этого человека высшее образование духовной семинарии и он знал толк в грабительской политике мирового сионизма. Великий человек, ни когда не имевший банковских сбережений и даже когда он умер, окружение было удивлено что у него нет ни каких вещей кроме кителя, пары сапог и курительной трубки что бы проводить в последний путь, но своему народу он оставил космическую сверхдежаву

    • @dyfrigshandy
      @dyfrigshandy Před měsícem

      ​@@user-fy6pp2xe8pbla bla socialist abrahamic propaganda

  • @Ahamed_Ali
    @Ahamed_Ali Před 8 dny

    The biggest mistake done by Hitler is hitting Soviet at that time

    • @tennisblood
      @tennisblood Před 2 dny +1

      Nope, his biggest mistake was killing the locals. The Soviet people hated bolsheviks and Stalin and wanted to join Hitler against the Red Army. Only after germans started to kill locals, they joined the opposition....

  • @vasilcvetkovski8383
    @vasilcvetkovski8383 Před 29 dny +4

    That's not what Stalin says but okay.

    • @Robbenklopper86
      @Robbenklopper86 Před 29 dny

      what does he say then?

    • @beernacle6625
      @beernacle6625 Před 26 dny +3

      @@Robbenklopper86 if you haven't noticed, the video is cut
      obviously with the intention of taking phrases out of context and deliberately presenting information in such a way that it would seem that Stalin was talking about the destruction of the German nation

  • @ARCRoy
    @ARCRoy Před 20 hodinami

    1:03 Stalin clapping for himself😆

  • @user-yp5ws3ko2b
    @user-yp5ws3ko2b Před 6 dny

    Вот это была глыба😮

  • @hellfruit5612
    @hellfruit5612 Před 20 dny +4

    Слава Сталину

  • @myblueandme
    @myblueandme Před 3 dny

    1:48 Führer already reached Moscow well before The Wehrmacht

  • @KidsMoralStories09
    @KidsMoralStories09 Před 12 dny

    Which Time Period?

  • @user-pd1ub5dx2b
    @user-pd1ub5dx2b Před 27 dny +1


  • @user-oe5jl2br6u
    @user-oe5jl2br6u Před 3 dny +1


  • @Dasistrite
    @Dasistrite Před 13 dny +3

    "We fought the wrong enemy.."

  • @vincentmattis530
    @vincentmattis530 Před měsícem +9

    The Red Plague

  • @Vplay-qr1mt
    @Vplay-qr1mt Před 23 dny +7

    can you see how calm he is? they knew all along they were gonna be atacked, that was their resolve, and they knew they were gonna win ....Russians are smart people, Germans also smart people but.......

    • @BalkanGigaChad
      @BalkanGigaChad Před 18 dny

      les russes sont des très mauvais soldats ils ont eut trois fois plus de mort partout

    • @Slasr7
      @Slasr7 Před 18 dny

      not true they only won cause germany had to fight on multiple borders, russia only had to focus on 1 border. germany had invasion of normandy dday and invasions on the south from africa. how stupid are you

    • @skullcrusherblood6605
      @skullcrusherblood6605 Před 15 dny +1

      I mean, there's a secret photograph that was taken when he was first informed of the attack. He looked depressed, smoking his pipe and betrayed. I guess he didn't want to show his fear and depression in a speech as he was the most feared man in the whole country.

  • @Mooudd1
    @Mooudd1 Před 8 dny

    مغامرة خطيرة جداً وصعبة جداً جداً جداً فى توقيت صعب جداً وخطير جداً جداً يا هتلر

  • @PsssttstttSstt-qw1my
    @PsssttstttSstt-qw1my Před měsícem +8

    imagine living at that time, no smar phone, no tv channals, no youtube, no computer or laptop, no movies ,( except silent weird once) , no normal cars, nothing .😂😂😂 dammmmm

    • @lukamilas8648
      @lukamilas8648 Před 29 dny

      No commercial jet ✈️

    • @user-gd8mt8bm1e
      @user-gd8mt8bm1e Před 29 dny

      well first thing that comes to mind is world war, but yeah, these too

    • @elperroreggae
      @elperroreggae Před 17 dny +1

      You're 12? Those things didn't exist like 15y ago only

  • @AntDam
    @AntDam Před 26 dny

    1:38 Nicolas Cage 😵‍💫😆

  • @user-lg4hd4qq6q
    @user-lg4hd4qq6q Před měsícem +4

    Γεια σου σύντροφε

  • @thegamingchef3304
    @thegamingchef3304 Před měsícem +88

    Lol why so many anti Stalin comments? He might not of been a good person and we might not agree with Communism...However, he did not start the war. The Russian people simply defended themselves and ended up winning. They are the ones that suffered the most casualties and they are the ones that spear headed the battle for Berlin. I think the Russians deserve respect in that aspect.

    • @stonefish1318
      @stonefish1318 Před měsícem +2

      ruSSia started the second world war by invading Poland and Finnland

    • @TestAccount-bt1oc
      @TestAccount-bt1oc Před měsícem +31

      He fought Poland too and started a few more wars > Finland, Baltic States, Romanian Bessarabia.

    • @blitzy3244
      @blitzy3244 Před 29 dny

      They would have invaded Germany in August 1941. You can see the bitterness in his face. Mr. Austrian Painter was no fool and knew what this pig and his slave empire was up to.

    • @Limrasson
      @Limrasson Před 28 dny +8

      I think that the polish might have some disagreement with your statement.

    • @beernacle6625
      @beernacle6625 Před 26 dny +5

      @@Limrasson oh yes, poor Poland
      After all, Poland at that time was so innocent, right?
      She didn’t take part in the Munich agreement
      and in the 20s she did not violate the Curzon line in order to seize the trap of Ukraine and western Belarus from the USSR, as a result of which there was a Soviet-Polish war
      The USSR lost it, of course, but at that moment there was a civil war, it was already very difficult
      The USSR just returned the territories that were taken from it
      think about it as you want, whether it’s good or bad, but any event has reasons, you just need to delve into history

  • @bde1103
    @bde1103 Před 18 dny +2

    how many of those cheering actually went to war?

  • @ColtThurston
    @ColtThurston Před dnem

    Axis victory be like:

  • @luispalacios2525
    @luispalacios2525 Před 29 dny +2

    The best thing about stalin is that he clap with the people, hitler never clap with the people

  • @labenbrittenum6934
    @labenbrittenum6934 Před měsícem +15

    I’ve always been able to read body language and ole boy wasn’t really believing to much that was coming out his mouth

    • @Alsemenor
      @Alsemenor Před měsícem +18

      Sure you do

    • @skepticmonkey6923
      @skepticmonkey6923 Před měsícem +9

      As proven by the fact that the Soviets lost the war...oh wait

    • @ZOV-Lancet
      @ZOV-Lancet Před měsícem

      Lmfao what does this even mean? So what if he was trepidatious? His words came true. Hitler believed his words like gospel. He suffered total defeat and killed himself.
      Even if your assumption WAS correct, it's still just a completely hollow statement devoid of anything besides thinly veiled racism.

    • @labenbrittenum6934
      @labenbrittenum6934 Před měsícem

      @@skepticmonkey6923 maybe if you knew WWII history you might have learned STALIN had a nervous breakdown after his buddy HITLER broke an agreement and invaded the motherland..yeah eventually russia won but it wasn’t a given and at a point wasn’t looking so great..maybe you’re built different but most people i know don’t convey a lot of confidence when they’re on the verge of destruction

    • @labenbrittenum6934
      @labenbrittenum6934 Před měsícem

      @@skepticmonkey6923 at that time russia wasn’t a given to win the war..matter of fact they were pretty close to losing

  • @heitordiogobraga1234
    @heitordiogobraga1234 Před 28 dny

    Edmundo o animal na plateia

  • @utentesconosciuto7894
    @utentesconosciuto7894 Před 14 dny +1

    W Stalin e W il comunismo!

  • @gasan6599
    @gasan6599 Před měsícem

    Stalin's peach

  • @lukamilas8648
    @lukamilas8648 Před 29 dny +3

    The eastern front was a great horrible tragedy on the European continent that should never have happened, but thanks to Molotov and Stalin it did and millions of people died. Changed the world forever and is directly responsible for allowing NATO foothold into Central Europe that has now crawled into the depths of Ukraine. If Stalin was alive today and saw the geopolitical situation of Europe… he’d probably commit suicide.

  • @JJ.-Jura_Jodel
    @JJ.-Jura_Jodel Před 14 dny

    germans gonna have a bad time

  • @sascha7725
    @sascha7725 Před měsícem +4

    His accent as a leader of Russia 😂

    • @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw
      @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw Před 18 dny +1

      Hes from Georgia

    • @Rus-bw2oq
      @Rus-bw2oq Před dnem

      He was only prime minister of the USSR , an executive. The leading organ of the USSR was the supreme Sovet of the Sovet union

  • @DimaRus-mw5zp
    @DimaRus-mw5zp Před měsícem +5

    Za Rodinu Za Stalna ❤

    • @michaelram3411
      @michaelram3411 Před měsícem

      If it hadn't been for the usa and britain,you russians would have been speaking german today

    • @DimaRus-mw5zp
      @DimaRus-mw5zp Před měsícem +1

      @@michaelram3411 USA who come in the end of the war or the UK who run from France and hides on their island, sure buddy if this makes sleep at night 🤣

  • @j7v1
    @j7v1 Před měsícem +29

    He admitted their true goals.

    • @TankMasterGo
      @TankMasterGo Před měsícem +3

      Dmitry Yazov

    • @lussdoru3108
      @lussdoru3108 Před měsícem +49

      After "kill every german..." Stalin said "who invaded our country". That "documentary" here is cut to make it more "dramatic"

    • @pilulerougeoupilulebleue3604
      @pilulerougeoupilulebleue3604 Před měsícem

      Nazi ideology was to annihilite not only Jews or homosexuals but Slavs too.

    • @josephstalin331
      @josephstalin331 Před 27 dny

      "Kill every german who invaded our country," He is talking about the German soldiers attacking the USSR.
      listen, the whole speech this is cut.

  • @FiguraMolenMedia
    @FiguraMolenMedia Před měsícem +18

    He is not even charismatic like Hitler. This speech generates no confidence

    • @blitzy3244
      @blitzy3244 Před 29 dny +1

      And you will never see footage of this pig surrounded by his people because he knows that his people would have killed him when given the chance. The same cannot be same about Mr. Austrian Painter who was adored by his people.

    • @verrave9022
      @verrave9022 Před 28 dny

      Secretaries are typically not the most outgoing of individuals

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před 13 dny +1

      Байден твой очень харизматичен 😆

    • @jakubz3177
      @jakubz3177 Před 3 dny

      He was confident in actions, not words.

  • @Oligampla
    @Oligampla Před 12 dny +2

    He speaks like Putin. Putin is Stalin 2.

  • @crazydiamond91
    @crazydiamond91 Před 7 dny

    Edited speech to serve Western agenda.

  • @akshayreddy4203
    @akshayreddy4203 Před měsícem +58

    Fun fact : when hitler attacked soviet union stalin had a mental breakdown and didn't take any decision until 4 days this speech was after those 4 days you can still see him nervous

    • @begisss
      @begisss Před měsícem +7

      Его можно понять, он до конца верил, что Гитлер не нарушит пакт

    • @Saede.
      @Saede. Před měsícem +38

      not true, the moment Stalin was notified of the attack he stayed up and attended various meeting that sometimes lasted 10 + hours.

    • @Saede.
      @Saede. Před měsícem +15

      @@begisss Сталин знал, что пакт не продлится долго

    • @barryelwinda4123
      @barryelwinda4123 Před měsícem

      @@Saede. where are you getting this? all sources, even the communist party records, confirmed that he had a nervous breakdown and did not make a decision for 4 days to 30 days, contributing to the severe losses in the soviet front. in fact, when the party came to his house 1 month later, stalin thought they were coming to arrest him lol

    • @quintopartido3991
      @quintopartido3991 Před měsícem +1

      Wrong. It's very true. Look up the infamous photo of a sad worried Stalin. ​@@Saede.

  • @Cornel1001
    @Cornel1001 Před 26 dny

    " war of anihilation?" strange words..How he could made such predictions ! So well said , almost in advance ! The attack was mainly on the border were the soviet troops rest in the last 4-5 weeks, waiting for good weather and orders, direct orders.

  • @gokulpoly
    @gokulpoly Před 25 dny +7

    Stalin saved the world

    • @frankjuice7339
      @frankjuice7339 Před 24 dny +2

      Quite the opposite but go on

    • @hibikikyu
      @hibikikyu Před 22 dny

      ​@frankjuice7339 If it wasn't for Stalin, Nazi Germany would have won World War 2. Stalin and the Soviet Union defeated Hitler and Nazi Germany.

    • @glitchchungus8318
      @glitchchungus8318 Před 18 dny

      ask poles or Finn’s

    • @hibikikyu
      @hibikikyu Před 18 dny

      @@frankjuice7339 Stalin and the Soviet Union saved the world by defeating Hitler and Nazi Germany.

    • @hibikikyu
      @hibikikyu Před 18 dny

      @@glitchchungus8318 Спросите британцев, французов и итальянцев, хороши ли их страны. Потому что нацистская Германия, Великобритания, Франция и Италия буквально начали войну. В сентябре 1938 года Адольф Гитлер потребовал контроля над Судетами. Чемберлен обратился к Гитлеру с просьбой о совещании. На следующий день Гитлер встретился в Мюнхене с главами правительств Франции, Италии и Великобритании. Чехословацкое правительство не было ни приглашено, ни с ним не консультировались. 29 сентября Мюнхенское соглашение подписали Германия, Италия, Франция и Великобритания. Великобритания и Франция уступили контроль в рамках «Умиротворения» на Мюнхенской конференции; Франция проигнорировала военный союз с Чехословакией. В октябре 1938 года нацистская Германия оккупировала приграничный район Судетской области, фактически подорвав оборону Чехословакии. Затем Франция и Великобритания объявили войну в ответ на вторжение Гитлера в Польшу. Первоначально Гитлер заключил пакт о ненападении с Советским Союзом и согласился разделить между ними остальную Восточную Европу. Затем, в июне 1941 года, Гитлер предал Сталина и вторгся, поэтому Советы присоединились к союзникам. Затем Сталин и Советский Союз победили Гитлера и нацистскую Германию, хотя Советский Союз понес миллионы потерь. Заплатили ли французы, британцы и итальянцы за свои военные преступления? Нет. Нацисты буквально без всякой причины убили более 10 миллионов евреев. Советский Союз никогда не был таким плохим.

  • @Rayoscope
    @Rayoscope Před 13 dny +3

    Arguably, an even bigger monster than Hitler...and that's saying a lot.

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před 13 dny +2

      Гитлера создали сионисты а Сталин был патриот своей страны))) То что ты озвучиваешь искаженную историю ротшильдов так это твои проблемы 😆

    • @Rayoscope
      @Rayoscope Před 13 dny +1

      @@user-fy6pp2xe8p Наверное, да, но это мое дело.

    • @exoels
      @exoels Před 12 dny

      ​@@user-fy6pp2xe8pHitler created by zionists? 😂 The ultimate killer of zionists was created by zionists? 🤣🤣😂 nice joke

    • @rahulmig35
      @rahulmig35 Před 9 dny +1

      For people in India , it was Churchill..the perpetrator of genocide and famine

  • @lebest8415
    @lebest8415 Před měsícem +224

    He saved the world

    • @gokhansnlcn6425
      @gokhansnlcn6425 Před měsícem +231

      Nah he fuck the world

    • @user-cj2tp9is8x
      @user-cj2tp9is8x Před měsícem +159

      ​@@gokhansnlcn6425yes i never understood people who glorify Stalin

    • @Aythatscool
      @Aythatscool Před měsícem

      @@gokhansnlcn6425he didn’t fuck it he mainly fucked his cohntry

    • @market_is_closed
      @market_is_closed Před měsícem

      @@user-cj2tp9is8xHitler hated Jews, blacks, slavs etc. literally everyone who wasn’t white Christian or at least white. How was he better than Stalin

    • @vmuzika
      @vmuzika Před měsícem

      he was a mass murderer

  • @anon2407
    @anon2407 Před měsícem +5

    Had it not been for the western Front, the Soviets would have been crushed, winter be damned.

    • @blitzy3244
      @blitzy3244 Před 29 dny +1

      Lend Lease is what kept them in the war.

    • @shubhnamdeo2865
      @shubhnamdeo2865 Před 28 dny +3

      The Lend Lease did save the USSR (Stalin himself admitted it). But other than that, the Soviets were enough to destroy the Germans. The Western Front after closing in 1940 reopened in June 1944, by which time the Soviets were well into Poland and on the verge of capturing Warsaw. If the west didn't care beyond giving the lend lease (impossible, but hypothetically speaking) and keeping the african front alive, the war would have ended in a Soviet victory in the late 40s, but then all of Europe would be communist, very un-profitable for the West.
      The Soviet Union was during World War Two the Second Most Powerful Army on Planet Earth after the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany. The USSR pushed Germany from Moscow and Stalingrad all the way to Berlin. I am not saying the West did nothing, they did a magnificent job in easing the pressure of the Eastern Front by opening fronts in Africa, followed by Italy, and then stalling Japan from invading the USSR and landing in Normandy. It's said the Western Front was a tea party as compared to the Eastern Front.
      The USSR didn't liberate France, Norway, Africa or Italy or Greece, the West did. And Yugoslavia liberated itself under Josip Broz Tito.
      By the way, it was the Soviets who liberated Poland from the cruel and gut-wrenching oppression of Nazi Germany. Soviet rule of Poland was authoritarian, and wasn't characterized by racism and violence, but Nazi rule of Poland was totalitarian, racist, exceptionally cruel, and authorized barbaric treatment of the population as a part of its racial extermination campaign in the Final Solution.
      My source: unbiased historians

    • @Kxz716
      @Kxz716 Před 28 dny

      My friend, I'm a lover of the controversy. But there's no controversy here. Hitler himself admited Stalin had best weapons. Search for "Hitler speaking with his normal voice".

    • @beernacle6625
      @beernacle6625 Před 26 dny +1

      western front? is this the one that appeared in 1944?
      in 1944, when the Germans had already lost the Battle of Stalingrad a year ago, when the Germans were defeated near Kursk, and the Red Army had already reached its pre-war borders, entered Europe and was driving the Germans back to Germany, this western front? Well, yes, what else can you tell me? learn history better, not from Wikipedia

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před 13 dny

      @@blitzy3244 последний транш за ленд - лиз русские заплатили 2006году) а тушенка ваша была дрянь, солдаты предпочитали монгольскую тушенку 😉

  • @hapham7479
    @hapham7479 Před měsícem +2

    Ồ bạn bè của mắc còn rất nhiều bạn trung thành

  • @utentesconosciuto7894
    @utentesconosciuto7894 Před měsícem +9

    Il più grande politico mai esistito!
    W Stalin, saluti dall'Italia!

    • @MrKidgavilan
      @MrKidgavilan Před měsícem +3

      Lenin fue mejor !!! saludos desde Puerto Rico !

  • @JacobOman-qb1lm
    @JacobOman-qb1lm Před 27 dny +1

    0:34 tunnels? And he spoke yiddish? Hmmmmmmmm

    • @ben0681
      @ben0681 Před 20 dny

      when did he spoke yiddish?

  • @Makarov755
    @Makarov755 Před 26 dny


  • @DOUGAberdeen78
    @DOUGAberdeen78 Před 18 dny +2

    Stalin the Inspirational Leader... hope to be like him in life. ❤❤ #PeaceAndLove everyone have a great day

  • @kababyenoh
    @kababyenoh Před měsícem +10

    Magnetic personality, backed by nuclear bombs :3

    • @artiglieria2533
      @artiglieria2533 Před měsícem +1

      stalin has never "saw" a nuclear except hiroshima and nagasaki

  • @evelia128
    @evelia128 Před 3 dny

    스탈린은 홀로도모르에서 러시아인도 죽였습니다! 그러니 역사를 왜곡하지 마세요

  • @jasonpoland5507
    @jasonpoland5507 Před měsícem +12

    How many of these men were purged…ugh.

    • @calebh7902
      @calebh7902 Před měsícem +10

      This is way after the purge

    • @keononpol1937
      @keononpol1937 Před měsícem +9

      nobody, tf are you talking about.

    • @shubhnamdeo2865
      @shubhnamdeo2865 Před 28 dny

      Beria, but that's after Stalin's death

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před 13 dny

      сионисты уже были зачищены 1937году 😉иди поплачь в оголочке

  • @Some_Random_Humans
    @Some_Random_Humans Před 23 dny

    Bro standing there like he’s innocent dude he forgot about what he did

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před 13 dny +1

      Австрийского художника воспитавшая австрийская синагога совсем не виновен? ты австриец -последователь Шикельгрубера по кличке гитлер?

  • @linusjonsson9951
    @linusjonsson9951 Před měsícem +4

    to be fair, germany lost but the soviets got rekt xd

    • @frankjuice7339
      @frankjuice7339 Před 27 dny +4

      Germany wrecked everyone. The damned allies had to gang up to win

    • @hibikikyu
      @hibikikyu Před 18 dny

      @@frankjuice7339 The Soviet Union would have defeated Nazi Germany even without the Western Allies. It would have been similiar to the Winter War with Finland. While it was the Soviet Union's victory, the cost was staggering. The Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany was inevitable. The distances of the Soviet Union were just beyond the logistical and combat capabilities of a Wehrmacht that, despite the blitzkrieg lore, was almost completely horse drawn outside the few panzer and motorized formations. Those were also ground down by the punishments of Russian weather, poor roads, battle and general lack of durability of most German AFVs. There was no way Germany could decisively defeat the Soviet Union, short of the Russians losing heart, which the iron will of Stalin wasn’t going to even entertain. More than half of Lend Lease aid didn’t even arrive until 1944 or 45 when the Germans were in full retreat. Just 2% and 14% arrived in 1941 and 42 when the Soviets had their backs to the wall. Let’s not forget the Soviet Union had huge production capability of its own in some key areas. For example, the 12,000 Lend Lease tanks amounted to just 8% of the Red Army’s armor. What Lend Lease did undoubtedly accomplish was to turn the Red Army by 1944 into a fighting force with a better logistical train than the Germans, supporting the kind of deep penetration and relentless tempo that bled the Wehrmacht dry in the final stage of the war. The 400,000 Lend Lease trucks were crucial in this regard, providing 95% of their motor pool. So yeah, the vastness of the Soviet Union would defeat Germany no matter what; most Lend Lease aid didn’t arrive till 44-45 when the Soviets were already winning; but it was crucial to waging high tempo war in the final stages.

    • @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw
      @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw Před 18 dny

      80% of ther whermacht fell in the east

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před 13 dny

      Приезжай к нам, мы тебе покажем кладбища твоих фашистов и до сих пор на наших полях раскапываем дырявые каски и черепа гитлеровцев 😉ты будешь рад видеть своих соотечественников

  • @stonefish1318
    @stonefish1318 Před měsícem +1

    naZi ruSSia
    наZі руССя

    • @ChtoJa
      @ChtoJa Před 27 dny +2

      Cry about it louder

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před 13 dny +1

      заплакал маленький адольф 😅

  • @theprince6590
    @theprince6590 Před měsícem +4

    He didn’t do shit

    • @salvadorvizcarra769
      @salvadorvizcarra769 Před měsícem +2

      Stalin fue un GIGANTE de su tiempo. Iósif Stalin vivió en una época histórica, en donde el mundo requería de liderazgos fuertes. Así que tuvo que ser un dirigente enérgico. Severo. ¡Imponente! O, de otro modo, la “Madre Rusia” hubiera desaparecido del mapa. Stalin fue lo que tenía qué ser: Un Gran Líder. Un Gran Estadista. Stalin heredó un país yermo, rural, preterido, analfabeta, hambriento, supersticioso, deprimido, carente de todo y, para colmo, delirantemente desamparado. Rusia era entonces, un país de “Siervos” (Esclavos), y Stalin lo convirtió en una súper potencia industrializada y poderosa, que puso a temblar al mundo. Rusia estaba atrasada en 100 años con respecto a Occidente y, superadas las precariedades y todas las devastaciones que causó la Guerra, él, Stalin, el “Fundador de la URSS”, puso en marcha el primer Programa Aero-Espacial del mundo. Stalin recibió una Rusia que estuvo en guerra casi 30 años. (Empezando con la humillante derrota frente al Imperio de Japón, 1904-1905. Revolución Rusa, 1905. WWI, 1914-1918. Revolución Bolchevique 1917-1922. Guerra Civil contra los “Rusos Blancos”, 1922-1927. WWII 1940-1945… Más la Pandemia de la mal llamada “Fiebre Española”, en 1918-1920. Después les llegó el brote de la “Peste Bubónica” en 1926. ―En 1932-33, Stalin implementó una campaña general de vacunación contra la viruela, la cual, en 1936, propuso que fuese una campaña a nivel mundial. Iniciada por Stalin y secundada por todas las naciones del planeta, la viruela se erradicó en 1980―. Y, además el “Crack Financiero de Wall Street”, de 1929-1937). O sea que, Stalin, asumió el poder de un país golpeado por las guerras, enfermo por la Pandemia y, económicamente quebrado por la crisis mundial. Estas calamidades dejaron una Rusia desposeída y miserable. Stalin la rescató imponiendo disciplina y trabajo. Ni antes ni hoy, nadie en el mundo puso en duda su ENORME LIDERAZGO. Stalin fue genial; magnífico, cultísimo y astuto. Fue un Titán con mano de hierro. Amado por su pueblo y temido por sus enemigos. Hace más de 70 años que Stalin murió y, la Propaganda Occidental, no afloja en denostarlo. ¿Con qué propósito? ¿Cuál sería su utilidad ahora? [*Y, acá, va un dato que dimensiona la grandeza de Stalin. Joseph Stalin, fue nominado DOS veces al Premio Nobel de la Paz (en 1945 y 1948), con el apoyo de múltiples instituciones universitarias de Reino Unido, Francia, Italia, Suiza, Bélgica, y Grecia. Esas nominaciones fueron tomadas en serio por el Comité en Oslo. A él se le acabó su tiempo. Stalin murió en 1953, sin recibir nada de nadie, pero sí, todo el reconocimiento de su propio pueblo amoroso]. .

    • @axelulisesvazquezibanez4603
      @axelulisesvazquezibanez4603 Před měsícem +2

      ​@@salvadorvizcarra769te quiero mucho stalin

    • @salvadorvizcarra769
      @salvadorvizcarra769 Před 25 dny +1

      Stalin fue un GIGANTE de su tiempo. Iósif Stalin vivió en una época histórica, en donde el mundo requería de liderazgos fuertes. Así que tuvo que ser un dirigente enérgico. Severo. ¡Imponente! O, de otro modo, la “Madre Rusia” hubiera desaparecido del mapa. Stalin fue lo que tenía qué ser: Un Gran Líder. Un Gran Estadista. Stalin heredó un país yermo, rural, preterido, analfabeta, hambriento, supersticioso, deprimido, insalubre, carente de todo y, para colmo, delirantemente desamparado. Rusia era entonces, un país de “Siervos” (Esclavos), y Stalin lo convirtió en una súper potencia industrializada y poderosa, que puso a temblar al mundo. Rusia estaba atrasada en 100 años con respecto a Occidente y, superadas las precariedades y todas las devastaciones que causó la Guerra, él, Stalin, el “Fundador de la URSS”, puso en marcha el primer Programa Aero-Espacial del mundo. Seis años después en 1957, lanzaron el Sputnik I. Eisenhower, al saber de semejante hazaña, creó la NASA en 1958. Kennedy inauguró el primer vuelo tripulado hasta 1961. ¡Jáh! Stalin recibió una Rusia que estuvo en guerra casi 30 años. (Empezando con la humillante derrota frente al Imperio de Japón, 1904-1905. Revolución Rusa, 1905. WWI, 1914-1918. Revolución Bolchevique 1917-1922. Guerra Civil contra los “Rusos Blancos”, 1922-1927. WWII 1940-1945… Más la Pandemia de la mal llamada “Fiebre Española”, en 1918-1920. Después les llegó el brote de la “Peste Bubónica” en 1926. ―En 1932-33, Stalin implementó una campaña general de vacunación contra la viruela, la cual, en 1936, propuso que fuese una campaña a nivel mundial. Iniciada por Stalin y secundada por todas las naciones del planeta, la viruela se erradicó en 1980―. Y, además el “Crack Financiero de Wall Street”, de 1929-1937). O sea que, Stalin, asumió el poder de un país golpeado por las guerras, enfermo por la Pandemia y, económicamente quebrado por la crisis mundial. Estas calamidades dejaron una Rusia desposeída y miserable. Stalin la rescató imponiendo disciplina y trabajo. Ni antes ni hoy, nadie en el mundo puso en duda su ENORME LIDERAZGO. Stalin fue genial; magnífico, cultísimo y astuto. Fue un Titán con mano de hierro. Amado por su pueblo y temido por sus enemigos. Hace más de 70 años que Stalin murió y, la Propaganda Occidental, no afloja en denostarlo. ¿Con qué propósito? ¿Ya como para qué? ¿Cuál sería su utilidad ahora? ¿Stalin se convirtió en un “Fantasma Ideológico” que causa temor? [*Y, acá, aparte, va un dato que dimensiona la grandeza de Stalin. Joseph Stalin, fue nominado DOS veces al Premio Nobel de la Paz (en 1945 y 1948), con el apoyo de múltiples instituciones universitarias de Reino Unido, Irlanda, Francia, Italia, Suiza, Bélgica, y Grecia. Esas nominaciones fueron tomadas en serio por el Comité en Oslo. A él se le acabó su tiempo a los 75 años. Stalin murió en 1953, sin recibir nada de nadie, pero sí, todo el reconocimiento de su propio pueblo amoroso y agradecido.].

  • @Ariz-up1ri
    @Ariz-up1ri Před 22 dny +3

    Stalin biggest mass murderer ever

    • @DOUGAberdeen78
      @DOUGAberdeen78 Před 18 dny +4

      He saved billion̈s

    • @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw
      @TimothyMcVeigh-bd9hw Před 18 dny +3

      Never heard of Mao Zadong?

    • @user-fy6pp2xe8p
      @user-fy6pp2xe8p Před 13 dny

      Массовый убийца своего народа это сейчас твой байден ))) ни когда еще история Америки и Европы не видела смертей от валяющихся по улицам мертвецов) зачем вам война? вы и так вымрете

  • @NoOne-tg9tk
    @NoOne-tg9tk Před 3 dny

    Russia saved the world from the NAZIs...and Thats why Thank You Russians for your sacrifice and Courage.❤🙏

  • @mrlilshadow187
    @mrlilshadow187 Před 16 dny +1

    What documentary is this?