What are synchronicities and what do they mean?

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 70

  • @sarahlightfoot7244
    @sarahlightfoot7244 Před 4 lety +38

    I have had many synchronicities since ending my relationship with a narcissist. I've seen repeating of numbers on the clock, rainbows, etc... The strangest have been around birds. I have recently had hummingbirds fly and pause inches from my face, while sitting outside every morning to journal and process the abuse. During the abuse, when I was ready to leave, I would wake up to a bluebird sitting outside my window staring at me every morning. And the strangest was a moment I sat outside; my quiet place to process. I looked up and saw a hawk flying full speed right at me. It then abruptly stopped with its wings fully spread in front of my face and flew away. It is said that birds represent transformation, freedom, and power :)

    @NKRAIEM Před rokem +3

    You're so sweet and appreciate your soothing videos.

  • @lisaherbstreit6760
    @lisaherbstreit6760 Před 5 lety +14

    I experienced this quite often during an abusive time in my life. Everyday when I would look at my phone to check my messages or to make a phone call there would be double and triple and quadrupled numbers, every single time! It would be like 1:11 or 2:22 or 11:11 or 3:33. It was the most bizarre experience. Now after all the trauma it doesn't happen anymore. Christina your videos are so powerful. I found another survivor on here her name is Jess Stanley, she is amazing as well. Thank you for your wisdom and for your videos. 😊

    • @CommonEgo
      @CommonEgo  Před 5 lety +2

      Thank you so much for your comment! When I was going through it, I thought I was the only one. Then, I found so many others have had similar experiences, and that reinforced my belief that we all have angels and guides looking out for us. It only makes sense that they would make their presence known during these times of personal struggle. I'll definitely check out Jess's videos. Thanks for the recommendation!

    • @lisaherbstreit6760
      @lisaherbstreit6760 Před 5 lety

      @@CommonEgo yes it was so weird! Thank you for your insights.

    • @chanelly4u
      @chanelly4u Před 3 lety +2

      I’m going threw that now... all I see is 111,1111,222,333,444,555 and 1213... I’m so lost in my life rn in regards to receiving love from people like my family, friends, significant other, etc... I’ve been feeling really hurt and umm not loved by anyone but my daughter. I kinda always felt this way my whole life. Anyway I never treat people how they treat me bc I can’t....I dunno but I’m like catching on to shit that I haven’t before and it’s becoming scary. I dunno what to do.

    • @nissmone9598
      @nissmone9598 Před rokem

      the synchronicity with numbers of the clock happen to me during the relashionshit. i cant remember the exact numbers. there when the symbol of diamond appeared for the first time. after i left the diamond symbol appeared again and after i found the coach that helped me in my healing that is always calling us diamonds. that when i understood

  • @megs5395
    @megs5395 Před 3 lety +10

    The craziest synchronicity I've ever experienced actually prevented me from danger. I was driving on the highway getting on a ramp that led me to another direction of the high way ( for example switching from I-60 north, to west). I saw this station wagon in front of me and on top of it I saw 4 metal chairs. For some reason my intuition told me to notice the chairs and pay close attention to them. After I focused on them, not even 10 seconds later they fell off of the station wagon and went flying towards my car. Because I was aware of them, I calmly swerved out of the way and went onto the side of the highway for safety. Had those chairs hit me, i probably would of gotten into a bad car accident. I personally believe a guardian angel was looking out for me that day.

  • @jahanavimishra3101
    @jahanavimishra3101 Před 4 lety +7

    I have actually had quiet a number of experiences while i was going through the abuse . The best one which i felt was around a month ago before the relationship was to end i started feeling like someone was actually hugging me from back. Like a tight and warm hug which felt soo powerful . I felt like there is something which is making me feel safe and was also getting me ready for the heart wreaking discard which i was about to face which now i feel when i look back. The feeling stayed for quiet a while even after the discard . Now it has started to diminish since i have started recovering. It has feebled with time . This was an experience which kept me confused for a while until i found your channel. I kind of had a feeling that the abuse has something to do with my spirituality . And the law of attraction brought me to your spirituality videos . I was amazed to see that i am not the only one to have come to this point.
    Really greatful for ur amazing support and understanding that has helped many of us find meaning in all these signs directing us to this beautiful path of spirituality.
    Thanku soo much christina.❤️

  • @mandiek26b84
    @mandiek26b84 Před 3 lety +2

    I hung out with two guys one day, two different guys at different times. One in the morning, and onc in the afternoon..
    The one in the morning showed me his new exercise hand things he made, he took my wrist and guided my hand along the wall using his exercise contraption..
    That afternoon, the second guy wanted me to feel the wall he had sanded, so he took my wrist and guided it along the wall, both grabbed my wrist the same way, guided it the same way, in the same motion... I'll never forget it and still don't know what it means.

  • @p4vll
    @p4vll Před 8 měsíci

    When ANYTHING happens and you just know. Its the ALL KNOWING. and you feel it in your soul that its correct.
    Its definately a sign just for you from a better place.
    It can make you smile or cry depending on the message

  • @mirandahonsinger8701
    @mirandahonsinger8701 Před 4 lety +3

    During my storm I had so many. I received, numbers(23,7, 11), rainbows, swift trucks, the words "on time", feathers, and a children's book with the title "Waiting isn't easy". God was guiding me through my ex-husband leaving me for another woman and the divorced. I see now he was emotional abusive and has narc traits. I didn't know at the time. I was fighting for him to come home. Praise God he didn't. God completely directed me on a different path. I'm on a journey of inner healing and rebuilding my relationship with God. It's be a wonderful experience. I'm extremely grateful for my past and the future God has for me.

  • @sonofmanarkjazz8965
    @sonofmanarkjazz8965 Před 3 lety +5

    I know the feeling so hard, man.
    I ended up selling my soul for the salvation of humanity in December of 2019 because of a string of synchronicities that I am convinced was God taking to me.

  • @lizzielonglegs1980
    @lizzielonglegs1980 Před 3 lety +2

    Your video of Arch Angel Michael was also meant to be for me to see and now I realise how much angels have been with me in time’s of need and feel so comforted by knowing x

  • @alexdable7945
    @alexdable7945 Před 4 lety +2

    Something deeply special in my life happened yesturday. I had gone to my friends funeral. And because of covid there was no wake. So me and a couple of friends decided to go to the pub (in Nottingham, England which is where I live). My friends chose the pub. I've only known them for a few years. We got there, settled down and I began saying that the last time I'd been in here was on the day of 9/11. My friend said "which is today". I hadnt made the connection because we say 11/9 in England. It was the most profound synchronisity moment I've ever had. 2 weeks ago I asked the universe for more synchronicities in order for me to strengthen my belief and understanding in the connection I have my guides. !!!! I wont doubt them again. :-)

  • @MoPoppins
    @MoPoppins Před rokem +2

    YES….there are *_NO_* coincidences in life! When you get all red lights and keep experiencing detours when you’re trying to get somewhere quickly, it’s because you’re meant to be delayed or deterred. You may or may not discover WHY, but many of us have heard stories of people who changed their flight or cancelled it for one reason or another (whether due to internal or external events), only to discover that the plane subsequently went down & that everyone on the flight died. That happened because it just wasn’t your time yet. Same goes for driving in traffic, where you soon find out that you avoided a head-on collision. The universe gets really creative in connecting all the dots & coming up w/ a plan to create the result that’s supposed to unfold.
    Conversely w/ green lights, both literally & figuratively, it’s the universe giving you the big thumbs up to go forth w/o restriction or delays.
    I’m an almost-48 yr old INTJ, so very much a Thinker type. If you know your MBTI types, you understand that we NEED evidence first, before going forward-intuition development (or rather acknowledgment & validation of it-came much later in life for me, but I realized that ALL ALONG, the universe had been giving me signs about people, places, and situations that manifested as BODILY SENSATIONS (like the proverbial tightness in gut, waves of disgust, gut drop, or positively, feeling of openness & lifting in head & heart, etc.), number repetitions, and other things that some might dismiss as coincidences, but it’s the TIMING & REPETITION that make them uncanny.
    Even as a logically-minded person, you don’t have to have blind faith. Use your effective methodology (ie, scientific method) of gathering accurate facts, establishing patterns (and whether there are exceptions), testing them repeatedly, and so forth, to see if there is actually some validity & truth to this “woo-woo” stuff that often Feeler types speak of.
    We’re gifted various tools to utilize in life-some of them reside in the left brain region (logic), and others in the right brain (intuition). We’re handicapping ourselves by not using ALL the tools in our toolbox. 🧰
    Do your own A-B testing and see what you find out! The longer you live, the more confident you become w/ those areas that don’t feel as second-nature to you, if you’re working hard at becoming a WHOLE, INTEGRATED INDIVIDUAL.
    It’ll all happen in your own timing, so just commit to showing up everyday to be your best self. Don’t try to push or force things that don’t want to happen-you’ll get a better sense of what this means thru trial and error-that’s where experience is on your side.

  • @sultanalineezar
    @sultanalineezar Před 11 měsíci

    I experienced ALOT of synchronicities through dreams and other mediums that had immense spiritual and religious significance to me. This was towards the end of my relationship with the covert female narcissist i.e. during the discard phase.

  • @GM-cd2dr
    @GM-cd2dr Před 4 lety +11

    During my relationship with my now ex narc during one of the devaluation phases where I was bordering on leaving (didn’t until later but the message was clear in the moment nevertheless) I was working that day (I am a social worker) and I had a meeting with a son and his father for grief support. The father was losing his wife who was very abusive and the son was overwhelmingly loving towards his father his wife and wanting good for other people and encouraging and giving his dad permission to be happy now in this part of his life. It often strikes me that sometimes I meet clients not for what I give to them but for what they give to my life and in that meeting I realized God was showing me if I stayed with my ex narc what my future would look like (the father) and by seeing his son I was shown that good people do exist and the right loving man is out there, don’t give up. I also had a lot of encounters with butterflies that summer during this relationship and the butterflies would fly all around me in circles, let me pick them up, very bizarre and just felt meaningful like someone I loved and lost was watching over me

    • @CommonEgo
      @CommonEgo  Před 4 lety +1

      Sometimes things just click and the message gets through. And sometimes we ignore it a time or two before we really let it sink in. But it's encouraging to know the guidance is always there ❤🙏

  • @ShivaSolentei
    @ShivaSolentei Před rokem +1

    A few months ago I had a dove fly onto my window sill right in front of me while I was working. She sat there 45 minutes, only about 3ft from me. I had never seen a dove in my life before and it sat so close to me for so long. By far the strangest "coincidence" was when I walked into a grocery store, had my bluetooth earbuds in, and pressed play on the song "What is Love" by Haddaway. An old, random, cheesy dance song. I kept walking listening to the song and realized the sound was a bit murky. I looked at my phone, the song wasn't playing. I took my earbuds out, the song was playing over the sound system in grocery store. The song in the store started at exactly the point I thought I had pressed play on my phone. This is a song that is decades old, that chance that it would even be playing, let alone start at exactly the same time I pulled out my phone......

  • @chinezebatto533
    @chinezebatto533 Před 3 lety +2

    I keep song my birthday 6:23 everyday atkeast twice a day sometimes 6:32 an 11:11 every other day or on license plates or my phone it’s crazy

  • @Mar-ze8vu
    @Mar-ze8vu Před rokem

    21:21 is always coming back to me

  • @salmabegum298
    @salmabegum298 Před 2 lety +2

    I was in a job for just over a year and in that time my proffesional relationship with my boss degenerated shockingly, in the past I had not so favorable bosses and this 1 was different, she said she cared for me, made sure I was Ok and gave me the chance to enhance my skills but then by the end we were talking to each other awkwardly like we hardly knew each other and I saw a dysfunctional side to her, after she ended my job, no word of a lie and after undertaking a month of therapy because of her.....for 6 months after no lie, I was seeing and hearing her name EVERYWHERE and I mean EVERYWHERE and it brought back so many negative feelings 🤯🤯🤯I'm in a new job now but what could that have meant?

  • @anwarallie
    @anwarallie Před 4 lety +2

    I started seeing the synchronicities the day I met my ex. And I took it as a sign that we were meant to be together. It continued throughout the emotional abuse. And... It's still happening. Double numbers everyday. I still don't know why.

  • @eshu1112
    @eshu1112 Před 4 lety +2

    I had a synchronicity when I realized a lot of the Kardashian’s names start with k and the Jenner’s. Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kyle Jenner, Kris Jenner, etc.

  • @shellybyrne3674
    @shellybyrne3674 Před rokem

    I have seen a few mum's walking with the kids more than once and I think like its giving me a sign because my son don't live with me and when I seen these mum's it really got to me made me really miss that I can do this with my son because of the relationship I am in and that made think alot about what I want out of life.

  • @dearandwild
    @dearandwild Před 2 lety +1

    I think assigning meaning to synchronicities or trying to find meaning in them is probably one of the most dangerous practices to get into.
    Enjoy them when they happen, but they mean nothing.

    • @guglesux6327
      @guglesux6327 Před rokem +1

      I couldn't agree more. Our brains are meaning finding machines, given a little encouragement they will assign meanings to the most banal coincidences and if you go down that rabbit hole you are putting your mental health at risk.

  • @alyssakrazigirl
    @alyssakrazigirl Před 4 lety +21

    I’ve honestly had so many situations in my life with so many different weird coincidences with people that I’ve met that I know I met for a reason. Including my ex, I have a strong feeling in my gut that I was meant to meet him so that I can be the stronger person I am today. And all of the close friends I’ve met in the past couple of years, i’ve learned something from each one.

    • @trizapagan427
      @trizapagan427 Před 4 lety +1

      Oh my I'm with you sis I say the same thing to myself but yes once I said thanks to him he open my two eyes to see humanity behavioral is non stop so I need to put boundaries and love myself first but the most important please still have empathy for those who need coz I met ppl that come up to me and open up and I had be honest and just listened it may make different that there is someone listening to thm out there.

  • @hart316
    @hart316 Před 3 lety

    Applied for a job in Naples Florida early in 2020, interviewed, but didn’t get it. Saw it open again recently, interviewed again from another person this time, had 2nd round.
    Been seeing signs of Florida and even the word “Naples”. We even heard ‘Naples’ the day after my second interview... on a favorite TV show, but I don’t think I was selected again for the role. I sometimes even wonder who is playing jokes on me and why, when I see and hear all these signs and it never comes to fruition? Synchronicity no doubt... but they one lead me to my desired path. Thanks for the video!

  • @andresoropeza90
    @andresoropeza90 Před 4 lety +4

    I'm experiencing lots of synchronicity, but at the same time I'm feeling lots of anxiety, is it posible to have both? I saw your video about Anxiety vs Intuition and that's how I understood that what Im feeling its in fact anxiety. Thanks❤

  • @SpotterSky
    @SpotterSky Před 4 lety

    Hi CE
    I think the experience of synchronicities is a result of a person
    experiences, thought process that have moved the level of consciousness in a person who makes something new and gives a clearer vision.
    I do not believe that it is something universal that governs this process, that is
    more locally with each individual. The human brain is a development
    from the universe there is no doubt!
    I find your videos awesome and they provide a lot of inspiration and fabric for reflection

  • @d.m.schwarzer3729
    @d.m.schwarzer3729 Před 4 lety +2

    I recently cut a narcissist out of my life. Ever since day I bump into him - every day! Not kidding. I do a lot of cord butting, still he keeps crossing my paths daily. He is not stalking me, that I m sure about. And I never met him that often when we were " friends" ... Why is that so. I just want him to leave my energy field ...

    @NKRAIEM Před rokem

    Me and my ex NPD wild both see certain number sequences together. We would have conversations and then after see them in a book or on a lecture almost instantly after... I would feel her energy and then immediately I would get a text from her. But in the end she was an NPD... So it ended... But we had so much synchronicity it was scary. I have no idea what the angels wanted to tell me...

    @NKRAIEM Před rokem

    I had tons and tons of synchronicities with an NPD ex and didn't understand the significance. I thought it meant that we were supposed to be together... Was confusing. It didn't stop.

  • @annaslone5501
    @annaslone5501 Před 3 lety

    a few days ago i was at school and i was feeling really anxious that day so i just decided to leave early so i went out to the dugout to wait for my cousin to get me. when i was out there i saw i work swimming in the dirt and i notice when he moved he left a little trail and then i looked away for about a minute and looked back down at it and then i looked at the bigger picture that he drew and i saw a bunch of A’s and my name starts with an A. when i saw it i was in shock , disbelief, and i was scared so i took a picture of it just to check again later to make sure i wasn’t hallucinating or something. when i got home and checked it again later i felt kind of calm and ever since i’ve felt kind of calm and happier

  • @saurabhmeshram972
    @saurabhmeshram972 Před 3 lety

    These coincidences makes me feel scared coz two years ago i was seeing those numbers frequently and then i lost my father
    Now i am seeing those no. Again

  • @lizzielonglegs1980
    @lizzielonglegs1980 Před 3 lety

    I was feeling a bit sorry for my old narcissistic uncle who after years of showing off about his social life and being a snob now says he is lonely my grown up kids who still see him now and again said wisely don’t he will only upset you anyway a few videos came up the next night about what narcissist people are like when they age and it was exactly like him so that felt like it was meant to be as I had never seen any videos before about older narcs x

  • @nissmone9598
    @nissmone9598 Před rokem

    one symbol that also appeared was the snake regeneration. after the abuse and the lost of height my face was aged. i had to make rejuvenation treatments that tooked me 10 years. recently it was bizarre. 1 dayafter making 2 years of leaving the narc i bumped into his mother in a big shopping center. days after i saw his closer friend and days latter a friend of this friend. no one could knew i was going to be at that places at that time.one day after i received a private call. i did change number but someone i ghosted may had given cause this is not the 1 private call that my app rejects. i believe the universe is warning me its the only explanation i can take from here. too much coincidences.

  • @DIGGERfromAR
    @DIGGERfromAR Před 2 lety

    The more you want to see something, the more you will see it. Mathematics is objective; the experience of synchronicity is subjective. Bunk.

  • @Marbledesertproductions

    I've noticed 1:11 on my phone and I've noticed the number 33 and 88 a lot. That's freaky, because I was born in 1988 and I'm 33 years old.

  • @SanchiPatil
    @SanchiPatil Před 4 lety

    i swear to you i keep seeing the number 8 and sometimes its overwhelming

    • @jonikerionwu
      @jonikerionwu Před 3 lety +1

      I see them too. I know what you mean. I see the number 8 all the time. It gets intense sometimes.

  • @kizzy8162
    @kizzy8162 Před 3 lety +1

    Its called harassment. Agencies are doing this to show your privacy is invaded and its stalking harassment. Not always but look up targeted individuals and gangstalking.

  • @thewaywardtrio
    @thewaywardtrio Před 3 lety

    Christy what you are describing is the monestic path

  • @watchme7076
    @watchme7076 Před 3 lety +1

    222 likes last one to like 😊
    I’m confused I keep seeing this girl name but don’t know if she’s the one I’m Indian and she’s white so hard to say if I like her or not why am seeing her name ? Is it a message she just want to be friends or in a relationship?

  • @user-bf5vu8bd8o
    @user-bf5vu8bd8o Před 3 lety +1

    i love your voice omg

    • @carolhicks6796
      @carolhicks6796 Před 2 lety +1

      Me too, "reminds me alot of a freind i had as a child. And that old frreind pops into my head sometimes. I feel i am being guided here.

  • @aarond3657
    @aarond3657 Před 2 lety

    Synchronicities for me turned into the $10.00 bottle of wine a while ago. They were kind of like the $100.00 bottle of wine but always turned out to be just another sign. I don't even see my massive all night searches on the internet, in hopes of getting somewhere, as being a synchronicity with 3 sharks the very next day. One shark had it's tag washed up on a beach in Florida right near the feet of a relative of the actual researcher from Woods Hole who tagged that very shark. That same day a great white shark attacked a kayaker off the central American coast in the Pacific, he was airlifted to safety. The 3 event was last December before the start of the WSL, the women would be surfing Honolulu Bay the next day. On this day a big wave surfer was attacked while out at Honolulu Bay, he died in the hospital. The night before, I was up all night, going through thousands and thousands of pictures on the internet. I no longer see a synchronicity because they yielded me nothing and the rest of earth all it's species, our solar system, Galaxy and universe do not actually care about human psychological drama, human violence or anything human at all. I believe that the universe is alive and planet earth is just a very small part of it, even our own earth has changed dramatically over 4.6 billion years. Synchronicities, just another path that went no where.

  • @trizapagan427
    @trizapagan427 Před 4 lety

    I believe there is a meaning of seen and angle number but whatever i see 11:11 there something happens bad or good it depends of the energy my guardian angel sense from me before that thing happened.

  • @liviaborges9933
    @liviaborges9933 Před 3 lety

    I keep seeing zeros on the clock, in the beginning I didn't make much of it. But now I'm really curious... is anybody else seeing 0000?

  • @snehagomes3907
    @snehagomes3907 Před 3 lety

    What does it mean if you have synchronicity with a person

  • @theskeptic2798
    @theskeptic2798 Před 3 lety

    Mine have been due to tragic circumstances , loss of husband and son could you help me please

  • @Someoneoutthere67
    @Someoneoutthere67 Před 11 měsíci


  • @feliciakidd9358
    @feliciakidd9358 Před 3 lety

    Strange thing happened to me in Oct 2018. For months I had been watching this Italian film called Passion damore 1981 movie. I first saw in on tv in 1999. I found it on CZcams and was feeling down and I was watching that film alot. At the time I was on a dating app cause I'm single woman but anyway in Oct 2018 I was contacted from a man from Milan Italy. He was from same location in the film that this handsome man who was potraited in that film and the guy even looked like the man in the film I was watching. It felt like I was in a twilight zone episode. He sounded like the people in the film. He spoke some Italian to me. He even called me while he was getting on a train and the handsome man in that film was always getting on a train going to Milan. He spoke some English as well. 😄

  • @scottthomas5819
    @scottthomas5819 Před rokem


    @SuperSAINTPAUL Před 3 lety

    It’s 1:11 right now,but what does it mean tho

  • @bhaktaemile
    @bhaktaemile Před 3 lety

    Maybe the time numbers of this video is a synchronicitie(:?

  • @marijanabavcevic3407
    @marijanabavcevic3407 Před 4 lety

    Hi! I have another situation with those coincidences, maybe it will sound weird, but sometimes I notice in communication with people (I am a tour guide and I work with people a lot, doing small groups and individual tours) that some of them know me and my current struggles all too well, because during a conversation they say something or make a remark about life/themselves/me, and I know that they have no chance of directly knowing I am thinking/struggling with that/wanting to be seen that way. It's a bit scary but it happens a lot lately. I don't know what to think of it, whether it comes from the good or bad, like the matrix is breaking down, and I/my thoughts/feelings are becoming open&visible. How about that, and what should I do? I just have to be careful what I think and feel, not to get stuck in blame/shame towards myself and others after what I've been through.

    • @CommonEgo
      @CommonEgo  Před 4 lety +2

      It's a crazy experience when someone repeats something to you that you've been thinking or experiencing. It's not a bad thing. I like to think of it more in terms of law of attraction. It's like a mirror of what's inside. If I were in your shoes, I'd start paying close attention to the words that make you feel this way, maybe even write them down. There's probably something helpful there, even if it doesn't seem so at first. This is happening for you ❤🙏

    • @marijanabavcevic3407
      @marijanabavcevic3407 Před 4 lety

      @@CommonEgo Thank you, dear!

    • @kladimsedanisteznali7164
      @kladimsedanisteznali7164 Před rokem

      @@marijanabavcevic3407 Marijana, ja sam iz Bosne, imam precesto te sinkronicitete slicne bas kao ti..Plase me..Al dozivio sam jednu traumu gdje nisam znao kako postupit i od tad me prate sinhroniciteti...Mislim da ce proci kad prodje stres i ovo sve...Je li proslo kod tebe?

  • @nivedithav1815
    @nivedithav1815 Před 3 lety +2

    I m seeing 1111 222 333 444 all number seriers ....

  • @callmecheo
    @callmecheo Před 3 lety

    It’s weird I saw 5 porche’s in the span of a few minutes that’s it....

  • @ZiplineShazam
    @ZiplineShazam Před 3 lety +2

    7 7 7

  • @priscillasmirrorball
    @priscillasmirrorball Před 3 lety

    you are so interesting

  • @saundrascott1076
    @saundrascott1076 Před 4 lety +1

    111 alleighment