Owning a Standard Poodle? | The Worlds most BEAUTIFUL Dog!

  • čas přidán 29. 06. 2024
  • Hey guys, today I am going to talk to you about Owning a Standard Poodle!
    The Standard poodle is the largest size that a poodle comes in and they will end up weighing about 60 to 80 lbs. They are considered large breed dogs!
    The poodle comes in 3 sizes: Standard, Miniature and the smallest is called a Toy poodle.
    The Poodles original origin is disputed from being from Germany or from the French Barbet.
    1) The Standard Poodle is ranked the 2nd most intelligent dog breed right behind the Border Collie.
    2) They are ranked the 7th most popular dog breed in the United States.
    3) They are the most hypoallergenic dog breed with a single coat layer that does not shed.
    4) The Poodle has been a breed present in Europe for centuries. Drawings by German Artist “Albrecht Durer” established the popular image of the breed in the 15th and 16th centuries where a poodle was seen in his artwork. And further appearances of poodles in artwork were recorded by Rembrandt in a self portrait he created in 1631, with his pet poodle in the foreground. This breed was viewed as royalty and found in portraits with kings and queens.
    5) Poodles have always been shown in competition since dog shows were invented in the 19th Century!
    6) The Standard poodle is known for being fabulous with their Elegant body stature and always seen at dog shows winning Best in Show.
    7) The Standard poodle is skillful in many dog sports including agility, duck hunting, obedience, tracking, herding, circus performance, and assistance dogs.
    8) Poodles hair coats come in multiple colors such as white, cream, apricot, black, silver, phantom and pari-colored.
    9) Poodles temperaments are known for being quiet and reserved and even alittle aloof with strangers. A poodle should not be aggressive and this is considered a serious fault in the breed. Though not suitable as a guard dog since they are neither a territorial breed not aggressive, a poodle will still protect its masters family and children if serious danger is near.
    10) Standard Poodles have way less health issues than your smaller poodles. Their main Health issue is ear infections since they have an exuberant amount of ear hair that grows in their ears and traps moisture leading to yeast and bacterial infections.
    11) Hygiene and upkeep of a poodle is simply grooming them once a month to help keep their hair coat short and manageable. Sophie is a puppy and right now I give her baths when she gets dirty and blow dry her out which takes me about 20 minutes. She will soon go to the groomer to get full body clippings about every 6 weeks. Each grooming costs about 45$ from an expert groomer.
    Thank you for watching this video on owning a poodle!
    Please share this video with a friend who wants to get a poodle or who may have just got one! :)
    ~ Dr. Lindsay Butzer

Komentáře • 388

  • @chava4809
    @chava4809 Před 3 lety +318

    I chose a standard poodle as my first dog and I couldn’t be happier with that decision.

    • @drlindsaybutzer
      @drlindsaybutzer  Před 3 lety +31

      Awe that’s good to hear! They’re literally the best

    • @tirilnilsen2726
      @tirilnilsen2726 Před 2 lety +11

      @S J i dont know about hers, but my standard poodle Strava is the best dog ever! He is energetic outside, calm inside and is super smart! My boy is only 10 months old and can over 20 tricks already! He is the biggest goofball and makes even the most sour people smile. If you are thinking of getting a dog I recomend a poodle for sure! A poodle is also a great beginner dog if you have never had a dog before :)

    • @tirilnilsen2726
      @tirilnilsen2726 Před 2 lety

      @Ian Hotson ❤️❤️

    • @shelisemardenborough4520
      @shelisemardenborough4520 Před 2 lety

      Same 🥰

    • @pups55555
      @pups55555 Před 2 lety +2

      My 1st true tru doggy love was a toy poodle..thts him in my profile pic..I lost my sweet Linus in 2019😞 & will never get over it..he was my BABY..I am 4ever a poodle person After i got him! so smart so loving & loyal! So special. He loved me above Life itself.

  • @mvhaley
    @mvhaley Před 2 lety +176

    Poodles are the best breed of dog. I had a standard black poodle named Jazzmine and she was the smartest dog. I had her since I was 8 years old and she was only 1. She just passed away last month at the age of 16. Best breed ever and best dog I’ll ever own.

    • @pups55555
      @pups55555 Před 2 lety +10

      I am so sorry for ur loss.🥺😢🥺 I truly feel your pain..I Lost my doggy love, my all time favorite fur baby,Linus, He was a beautiful creme colored Toy poodle 7-10 pounds, depending on his age & health He's the one on my profile pic! ↖️He was almost 14..he'd had some issues for about 2yrs but he FOUGHT Like hell as long as he had me, & kept surviving!Had a decent quality of life..happy as long as he had me! I took him everywhere!! or he'd hav a total angry meltdown!!🤭 He even recovered after being paralyzed in his entire lower body & developing a hum..lost function of his.. genitals ...altho he still TRIED when a female was in heat.lol..he had to drag his legs & i had to hold him up to go potty..but STILL He NEVER went potty in the house! 1st he started walking on his FRONT LEGS,Holding his entire body up in the air!! He was so amazing..& boy was THT A Funny sight, had it not been so pitiful..He was only the 2nd 🐕dog I had fully housebroken..& the 1st dog took over a year!! But Linus, he was SO SMART, Tht despite him being sold to me at around 3-4 weeks old..because(the breeder lied about his age 2make him seem super tiny) but despite being so young he was housebroken in less thn 2weeks! He practically trained himself! So he was very WELL housebrokeN BY 5 or 6weeks old!!❤ALSO DESPITE wht vets & others said..he DID WALK, Even trot again! Such a STRONG Lil spirit! Everyone knew tht Linus LIVED & BREATHED For "mommy" i was all he cared about..being with me was all he ever wanted, from day1! He was really special &made ME feel so NEEDED, SPECIAL, & SO LOVED!! So unique. He was really something else.. He'd had a few health issues & i did everything i could for him..he always got better 4me ..UNTIL..SO UNFORTUNATELY..MID 2019 When he waz 13 yrs old..
      I Had super, SEVERE very LOW potassium levels ALONG With 2 BOUTS OF Sepsis..the 2nd being advanced enough tht i was immediately Admitted the ICU🤒💉🤮😷🤒& Had i waited ✋🏽another 6hours..to get help..well..it could hav been tragic😔💔 I was in the hospital 7 or 8 days..mostly totally out of it..My bf & son didn't want to worry me & endanger my recovery, by telling me tht my Linus was NOT doing well, as i was already worried about him being without me. So i find out tht he's REALLY sick.. the DAY i was released, I was still pretty OUT Of it, sick & weak as well- water.. but I insisted I came home to check on my dogs b4 goin out of town with my son, so he could watch over me while my bf worked & got the house cleaned up..& I saw 👀 him, the worse he'd ever been..he WAS Dying but i was in denial &told myself & them tht..HE WILL GET BETTER LIKE ALWAYS NOW THT He sees i didn't leave him!! & I TRULY Believed it too& still TO THIS DAY I Believe tht he would have been ok if i hadnt been in the hospital.. so, ofc, i wanted to wrap him up like a baby & comfort him & keep him close & heal him with my sheer will & love for him but he really looked bad & my bf & son SAID They were very concerned about added stress, germs & things, since i ACTUALLY should have still been in the hospital! I believed them, as i was sick ¬ thinking clearly! AND I Planned to be home with him the next night..thought he'd b ok for ONE more day Without me, since he'd seen tht I hadn't abandoned him!! Linus had been my CONSTANT SHADOW for 13 years! Wht i DIDN'T KNO.... was tht Actually my son & bf..didn't believe he would make it another 24hr & were very scared wht it would do to my health & recovery..to hav him die in my arms..they meant well but i SO SOOO BADLY wish Tht i HAD brought him with me..bc he died alone..the ONE TIME, He COULDN'T B with me. I CAN'T forgive myself for that🥺😢, no matter how i try to rationalize it.. He was my BABY, 🥺MY LOVE, All he EVER wanted was to BE WITH ME..& He ALWAYS WAS Except. .tht last week..💔On one hand I kno tht they were right..tht having hi pass, with me fresh out of ICU, when i still was VERY uncomfortable & COULD NOT even take a full breath..feeling like it was hard to breath..the DEVASTATION Probably would hav landed me right back in the hospital. ..but i cant help to feel a lil CHEATED & responsible, like i totally let him down, 😔I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WITH HIM..to comfort him at LEAST. SO MUCH GUILT. THEY finally told me everything ,A day or so later, my bf had already buried him, 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭AGAIN.. ASSUMING tht it would have been too much 4me to handle just thn...as i said i Know they meant well & were TRYING To protect me..but, i felt terrible enough😭 Tht he had passed on, Alone, without me, or anyone at his side but then to find out ..he was also BURIED..GONE..I would never in this life SEE him again..never see THT love filled lil fur-face look at me like i waS THE BEST THING SINCE THE INTERNET🥺BELL BOTTOMS, BLUE JEANS, SLICED BREAD.NEVER get to see him do his favorite trick..'Cover yo Eyes'🙂or feel him pawing me 4 attention or treats..or pet & rub his fav spots..along his snout & under his chin..or feel his love you kisses on my chin..& how i would miss his lil body curling right into my belly..no matter HOW MANY times, I moved or turned over Or moved him to try & creat a little space ..lol..he would climb over me 50 times if he had too! He never gave up. He had to be right up against my tummy..i jus had to suck it up & be hot! Never could b too firm or harsh with him..he was Stubborn too!!.&.he usually got his way!!smh🤭 i miss my tummy warmer now!! Just really hurt tht I had so much guilt & regret ...thn I DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE 😪🤧☹🙁☹😭🥺MY OWN WAY..OUR way..Or at all really, except to paint & decorate his lil grave stone marker...still Haunts me, It felt like,.. he was just ripped from me, even in death.. I..I SHOULD Hav been the one to pick out his last resting outfit, i should hav been the one to wrap him in his favorite blankie like he loved, I was stripped of my final goodbye, It REALLY REALLY HURTS ME, The unfairness of tht whole week or so..i kno tht couple weeks were hard on everyone..myself, being so sick, my poor bf, tryin so hard to hold everything down including a new job, the house the bills, the dogs & me..my sons, esp the one tht tries to take care of all he loves & suffers extreme worry & anxiety..he was so afraid of losing his mama..my Mom..but poor Linus...he didnt even understand ..my poor baby jus knew i wasnt there, tht something was very wrong..& tht he was scared & just needed his mama.🥺😭 i never wanted anything like tht for my Precious fur baby..for MAMA'S BOY!!( He really LOVED when we played & I'd say WHO'S MAMA'S BOY!!🐩🤍Linus is MAMA'S boy!!)❤ miss him so.. regrettably, I OFTEN Imagine..he must hav been SO upset & confused & felt id abandoned him. He didn't understand tht we COULDNT be together tht last week..if there had been ANYWAY, He would have been with me😪 i jus c a nt feel ok about it, all possible CLOSURE was taken from me. I found our 15 yr old blue heeler/collie decapitated😭 & not long ago i saw w/my own eyes, our🐩 lil toy poodle SWEET molly, demolished by a train..& I Picked pieces of her up..😪 very heartbreaking, but..Im close to acceptance & CLOSURE..BC..i was THERE..I Got to somewhat say goodbye. I knew they didn't feel abandoned..But my lil Linus..ASIDE From ny physical pain or discomfort, even more, I too often imagine wht he was feeling..thts truly the WORST PART. ☹I'd never let him be unhappy, or Alone..i always let him kno he was my favorite fur baby, tht i loved him as much as he did me..to think tht he was AFRAID & Alone is too much..i knew him inside & out..i KNO He MUST Have felt alone hurt sad & abandoned🤧😭😢🥺I KNO HE JUST wanted his Mama &I WASNT THERE FOR HIM🤧🥺🥺🥺and his last days/hours ..instead of the PEACE & Comfort tht He So deserved.. was confusion, fear, loneliness,anxiety.😪.he was very high strung nyways..instead it was "WHERES MY MOMMY??" "WHY Doesn't she help me..why isn't she here with me??" "Why did mommy just leave me??" 🥺🥺🥺DEVASTATING 🥺🥺🥺 Wow, idk where all this came from..i didn't mean to get all sappy & spill my guts..but if u read this all. THANK YOU & Any advice is welcome 🙏

    • @realestudergroundsou
      @realestudergroundsou Před 2 měsíci

      my poodle use to make me breakfast in the morning

    • @jadakowers590
      @jadakowers590 Před 2 měsíci +1

      My deepest condolences on your loss.

    • @Virginianature7
      @Virginianature7 Před měsícem +1

      Yes!!! Thank you ❤️

  • @randyevermore9323
    @randyevermore9323 Před měsícem +5

    We adopted a 4-year-old white, female Standard Poodle about five months ago, and she's a complete joy. She's amazingly athletic. I'm a longtime runner, and she has no problem whatsoever keeping up with me on my daily 1-hour runs. I haven't tried it yet, but I think she'd be fine running intervals on the bike path with me, too. And when I let her run off-leash, she runs with the fluidity and grace of a cheetah, smiling the whole time. It's beautiful to watch. She's an adorably playful goofball, too. I feel very lucky to have her with us.

  • @maxi20041
    @maxi20041 Před rokem +51

    I had a standard Poodle for 12-1/2 years. He was the best dog I ever had the privilege of sharing my life with

  • @Donknowww
    @Donknowww Před 2 lety +45

    My experience is that they are very focussed on humans, very friendly, funny, playful, love to cuddle, are insanely smart and they smell so good! Very clean and fluffy furr. I had to go to the hairdresser with my boy every few months but he all the time smelled really good. And they are so great with a normal haircut :) I don't like it when they dress them up like objects. Sadly my lovely boy passed away 2 months ago. I will never forget him. Poodles are such great dogs...

    • @UTAH100
      @UTAH100 Před rokem +4

      Sorry for your loss. Sounds like a great dog.

    • @lindabass9169
      @lindabass9169 Před rokem +1

      3 weeks ago i adopted a 3 year old girl poodle. She is settling down with me now after an anxious change of owner and environment. She is happy playing and exercising in the garden loves a game of fetch. But everytime i try to take her out for walk on the lead, does'nt like it walks zig zag and prances about. I do keep her on a short lead. But i just return home again and she is happy once again the garden. Any advice would be appreciated . She is a lovely dog stays close to me and is adorable. Linda x

    • @oscarrlee18
      @oscarrlee18 Před rokem

      He and you were very happy together. He still loves you

    • @seamarie3111
      @seamarie3111 Před rokem

      I'm so sorry you lost your boy ... we've had 5 poodles, losing our first at age 14 a few years ago, and it was so hard. He was a toy called Tuffy, and boy was he amazing! We got him when he was two, and fell in love with poodles forever. Our youngest adult poodle is my beautiful silver angel, who's not quite 4, and I'Ve had her less than a year. I already can't bare the thought of ever losing her ... or any of our other poodles.

    • @timothyjohnson4285
      @timothyjohnson4285 Před 5 měsíci

      Im sorry bout your poodle passing!! Been there and lots of heart ache. Perhaps when time is right, you'll provide another standard POODLE with a fantastic home and great life! Good luck 😊

  • @pablohughes6986
    @pablohughes6986 Před 4 měsíci +3

    I have a standard poodle called Fin. He is one of the best dogs I’ve had. I have also got 2 giant BOERBOEL females and the poodle has become leader of the pack and keeps them in line. He is also the best guard dog and will not let anyone in the yard unless I am aware of their presence and I personally let them in. At the same time he gives the best cuddles and is very affectionate 🥰 I think he’s pretty amazing 🤩

  • @bethelregadanzknapp2438
    @bethelregadanzknapp2438 Před 2 lety +16

    Great video. I just got a 6 3/4 yr old standard poodle. I am in my 70's and have never owned a dog. She is amazing, so sweet and gentle. After having grown up in a Labradoodle breeding farm, (she was the doodle in Labradoodles), she is very shy and never really had love and cuddles. It has taken her about two months for her to come look me in my eyes and to let me snuggle with her. I just adore her and am so happy I have her. Learning more and more every day. That is why I appreciate your videos. Thank you.

    • @xxxxxx-vh3ln
      @xxxxxx-vh3ln Před 2 lety +4

      I feel so bad for her not being loved and cuddled before she got to you 💔 glad you're taking care of her now. People please don't buy dogs from breeders who just keep them for reproduction, make sure your breeder loves their dogs and takes care of them well.

    • @ryanb.6498
      @ryanb.6498 Před 2 lety +2

      It took my standard poodle a while to let me cuddle, worth the wait.

  • @colmastro4373
    @colmastro4373 Před 3 lety +30

    As a professional groomer of 15 years and the parent of 2 standard poodles. I can tell you ALL, we don't give clips of "your choice" lol. Time is a factor, price ie. Regular poodle/kennel clip ($150AUD) alll the way upto a continental show clip ($500AUD) (my prices). But most importantly coat condition is key, if you don't brush regularly or get your groomer over every couple weeks, then you're getting a shave down whether you like it or not lol. Knotty/matted coat = naked dog. Other than that, she pretty much nailed the info on the worlds GREATEST breed! 😁

    • @animeobssesent101
      @animeobssesent101 Před 2 lety +1

      To add to this? In the USA? the average STARTING price for a standard is about $75-$100 depending on what you want done, where you are in the US, and what condition your dogs coat is in.

    • @xxxxxx-vh3ln
      @xxxxxx-vh3ln Před 2 lety +1

      We are in rhe balkans, our groomer charges around 30e for our medium poodle. Sometimes he comes in matted but our groomer is amazing and manages to still keep a lot of his fur without shaving. Definitely can't have an extravagant haircut if you don't brush your dog frequently, but even when the coat is matter our groomer manages to keep it at around 2 fingers lenght (kennel clip) without shaving the whole dog.

    • @seamarie3111
      @seamarie3111 Před rokem

      @@animeobssesent101 Typically we just go for a lower maintinance very short cut aside from the head/ears and tail pom-pom. My poor baby came to the groomers all matted on her ears and tail from having puppies who LOVED to chew on them not to mention the mess the tail was after birth despite being groomed a month before birth! Anyway, no pom-pom for her, LOL, but the groomer did a fabulous job with her head/ears, and the way her head fluff was cut around her eyes (she's silver BTW) made her look kind of fierce anime bad-ass for a week or so, loved it!

    • @seamarie3111
      @seamarie3111 Před rokem

      Oh, and it was $80 US, she's 45 pounds or so. We're fairly rural, and she was a mess, so that was a fair price IMO.

  • @sarahd2447
    @sarahd2447 Před 6 měsíci +3

    I’ve had Standard Poodles my whole life. They are my heart. Such beautiful, smart, funny and well behaved dogs! 🐩

  • @poodleguiderpeyes7388
    @poodleguiderpeyes7388 Před 3 lety +33

    They are also used & trained to be certified Guide Dogs.
    Poodles are great to be around; they love to play & to be a lap dog too. They are very affectionate as well.

    • @ladyjayne77
      @ladyjayne77 Před rokem +2

      My poodle has been attacked by a pittbull, a huge black German shepherd and an Australian shepherd. He was under 1 yr old. He hasn't got an aggressive bone in his body at 2 yrs. He can't even chew hard treats or tear up his toys. He plays with our cats. Loves to run the deer. And chase squirrels. Runs dodgey patterns with a soccer ball in his mouth and jump shrubs. When he was attacked he spun in circles crying and didn't know to run. 2 attacks were at dog parks. Wouldn't leave me. I carry pepper spray now. I hate to hurt other dogs but I won't have him scarred up and shaking again. He has nitemares. Dogs aren't violent or aggressive when born. They are taught or antagonized to be so.

    • @utube0372
      @utube0372 Před rokem +1

      @@ladyjayne77 such a scary experience. Sorry you and your dog had to go through that. I'm glad he made it through all that 😭

  • @chuckz2934
    @chuckz2934 Před 3 lety +17

    Love my black standard Ringo. 10 months and 60+ lbs. great dog, great breed!

  • @user-li9cr1ff7f
    @user-li9cr1ff7f Před měsícem +1

    Our SP looked exactly like your puppy you’re holding. So much love for him. He died suddenly at the age of 13, six yrs ago. Haven’t been able to consider getting another dog. If we did, it would be another poodle.👍♥️🇨🇦

  • @user-tz5gg8ih3k
    @user-tz5gg8ih3k Před 3 lety +73

    I first thought these dogs just liked to sleep and look fancy but I got a standard poodle puppy and she’s the best thing ever!!!

  • @N-A-uw5fp
    @N-A-uw5fp Před 2 lety +93

    She isn’t big boned! They’re long and lean, which makes them very agile. Love the Standard Poodle! I’m on my 4th one. 💗 3 to 4 weeks for grooming? That would be VERY expensive! It costs from $80-$120, depending on the area you live. I groom about every 2.5 to 3 months. I brush more often when their hair is getting long.

    • @pups55555
      @pups55555 Před 2 lety +10

      I agree..not big boned..they r more slender..agility doesnt com from "big boned" 😝😂😂

    • @edgeworldpictures6831
      @edgeworldpictures6831 Před 2 lety +5

      I own a male black miniature - I have him groomed basically once a season at $100/groom. it's getting expensive but I wouldn't own any other breed.

    • @N-A-uw5fp
      @N-A-uw5fp Před 2 lety +11

      I’ve been grooming mine since covid. I can do his head the way I like it now. Someone gave me a quick lesson and I’m not too bad at it. 😀 I cut my own hair really short too and stopped coloring it. Boy am I saving the money now!

    • @Saturahekuheelerfan87
      @Saturahekuheelerfan87 Před 2 lety +1

      Poodlez ❤

    • @pattigal1862
      @pattigal1862 Před 2 lety +4

      I keep mine groomed
      Do it myself
      Pretty easy
      Just look on utube and don't try to use cheap clippers or dull blades!

  • @Amazing_missB
    @Amazing_missB Před 2 lety +16

    When people say “there is no such thing as as a ‘hypo allergenic dog’” that is incorrect. “Hypo” just means “less than.” A lot of people who usually have problems with some other dogs can tolerate poodles without reactions. It still is essential to do a “test” being around poodles for a while to be sure there isn’t a reaction.

    • @ladyjayne77
      @ladyjayne77 Před rokem

      Poodle hair will collect pollen and spores from outside like any fur dog will. I have a battery vacuum in my laundry and vacuum him then brush out after a walk. Weed seeds and yard trash get caught in his hair. Wood smoke is one of my allergies so I bathe him at 2 weeks and dry him with shinabo pet dryer. Blows the water right off. It isnt the dog and definitely not dander like furred dogs have. It's crap that attaches to their hair from outside. Even oild from poison oak and ivy can get onto them if they are in wooded or unkempt areas. Be safe. Teach your dog abt vacuuming like you do the dryer.

  • @shadrach6299
    @shadrach6299 Před 9 měsíci +2

    I love my Standards. They are the happiest, merriest most intelligent creatures. They train very quickly.

  • @quickglimpse101
    @quickglimpse101 Před rokem +3

    My standard Woolfie is 12, and he is the most loving, responsive, obedient, goofy best buddy I could ever have hoped for. I am so lucky to have him.

  • @nedamm5677
    @nedamm5677 Před 3 lety +32

    Poodles have breed standards ... after 40 years with this breed, I've owned 38-42-50 lb. females and 45 - 65 lb males. Any poodle 16 - 27" (could be taller) is considered a std poodle. Thus not all are as "huge" as your new puppy, but some are. They need regular exercise and vary in temperament from easy going to very active. If groomed short the hair is much easier to maintain. I 💞 my std poodles ... all 8 that have been part of my life. All have been individuals, and had some hunting instincts. Love water play. Retrieving is hit or miss. Some very empathetic ... some not so much. Athletic. They definitely love kids and families, but watch for over protectiveness which can lead to negative behaviors. Get to know a poodle today❣

    • @ermtnz
      @ermtnz Před 2 lety +3

      My sister recently gave me her 3 yr old std poodle. Since I met him 2 years ago I fell in love with this puppy! I'm just having a hard time with his behavior when it comes to other dogs. He keeps trying to mount the males and gets a little aggressive afterwards. Since I received him, his socialization was an issue in general. It seemed for a moment there like we were making a lot of progress, but all of a sudden this new dominant aggression came up. I am looking for a std poodle community but there are none where I live (relocated to Mexico) and because of how he's behaving were not allowed at the doggy club in town anymore 😔

    • @nedamm5677
      @nedamm5677 Před 2 lety +9

      @@ermtnz he's a dominant male; I had one male like that. And I found that he required plenty of exercise and a confident leader in me. I must always be first in the door, up the stairs, to eat, etc as dogs have a different code. When you understand that code and he doesn't need to be Mr. Alpha ... he will relax more, but still try to mount or dominate other dogs until you tell him "no" ... "I am in control and you can relax." My male was a 4 miles per day guy and if he could run for 20m also he was relaxed. Is he neutered? That may also help?

    • @ermtnz
      @ermtnz Před 2 lety +3

      @@nedamm5677 wow, thanks so much for all of that insight. He isn't neutered. I wanted to get that done ASAP, but since I'm new to the area I have been trying to figure out which vet I trust to do the procedure. But thanks a lot, seriously! Now I just have to understand his code and act accordingly.

    • @animeobssesent101
      @animeobssesent101 Před 2 lety +1

      @@ermtnz since he's 3 now it's finally safe to do so, you just don't wanna alter males or females before 24 months bc it can cause health issues down the line. Just so you know the altering might NOT fix the problem, I mean it might but it's not a garentee so thats something to remember and keep in mind.

    • @paulaalejandraorellanaaray6203
      @paulaalejandraorellanaaray6203 Před 2 lety

      @NE Damm I have a poodle with 11 month and 1 week, until which age he will be growing?? His weight it's only 24 kg, its that OK for his age??

  • @Jeremy_Fisher
    @Jeremy_Fisher Před 3 lety +27

    Very nice video. By the way, the clip that Madison and Cooper are in is usually called the Kennel Clip. The circus dog clip you're talking about is called the Continental Clip and is based on a utilitarian water retrieval clip, but has been modified to be more extravagant through dog-shows. Circuses in the 19th and 20th century would use a variety of different clips for their poodles.

  • @dgarzaart2000
    @dgarzaart2000 Před 2 lety +5

    Standard poodles are the best dog in the world. Smart, athletic, affectionate and funny!

  • @Theendlessriver77
    @Theendlessriver77 Před 2 lety +16

    Standard Poodles are simply the best. They are athletic, very intelligent and non shedders. The only caveat is that if you don’t plan on grooming yourself you will need to pre book grooming appointments at least once a month minimum.

    • @seamarie3111
      @seamarie3111 Před rokem

      well... they CAN shed if they've grown too shaggy ... especially one of ours, tends to lose little fluff balls we call poodle bunnies, LOL!

  • @nathanchildress5596
    @nathanchildress5596 Před 10 měsíci +1

    My first poodle Ginger was so smart, it was like I didn't train her, just explained things one time. She never stole food, even on low tables, always came when called, and she could also run down an 80 yard frisbee throw. Poodles are badass

  • @BrotherMalcolmX1
    @BrotherMalcolmX1 Před 3 lety +16

    Such beautiful doggies and so well behaved too.

  • @lisabrooks844
    @lisabrooks844 Před rokem

    Thank you for this video, Dr. Lindsay! The poodles are beautiful and I can't wait to adopt one!

  • @marcstoltz8129
    @marcstoltz8129 Před 3 lety +2

    You said it Dr. Lindsay they are so smart its nuts. Beautiful puppy. I must admit..I love the apricot color.

  • @iamalivingmeme2549
    @iamalivingmeme2549 Před 2 lety +17

    mine is coming soon! 3 days i love big dogs and poodles are so beautiful! i have been watching every poodle video/haul/training vid like crazy!

    • @MeTrabi66
      @MeTrabi66 Před 2 lety +2

      Me too!

    • @UTAH100
      @UTAH100 Před rokem

      hows your poodle? Don't feed kibble.

    • @ladyjayne77
      @ladyjayne77 Před rokem

      My dog is very picky about kibble. So far taste of the wild but I have to mince up meat to add to it. Sometimes fresh bone broth too. He doesn't eat like a normal dog. He doesn't eat bully sticks or puzzle sticks. His favorite is beef esophagus chews and duck or chicken jerky. He likes raw salmon and cod. Raw any meat really. No bones. I give cartilage and tendons though.

  • @williambreeze2659
    @williambreeze2659 Před 2 lety +1

    I'll be getting on of these next year, I can't wait!

  • @lesliewheeler7071
    @lesliewheeler7071 Před 2 lety +1

    Great video. These dogs are way too cute. I love the pearl necklace on the black dog 😍

  • @Laura76393
    @Laura76393 Před rokem +1

    I chose mini poodles as my first ever puppy raised dog, I had an adopted senior Pom before my mini poodle so this is my first puppyhood experience and I couldn’t be happier

  • @EFIMarie
    @EFIMarie Před 3 lety +24

    My first standard poodle got ear infections every time the groomer cleaned her ears. They actually pull the hair out of the ears which causes inflammation. She is gone now and I have two standards. I won’t let anyone yank the hair out of their ears. My Cooper is nine and has never has an ear infection, neither has my 3 year old Brandy. I gently pull the hair with my fingers out of the ear canal and use a scissors with a rounded top to cut their hair.

    • @xxxxxx-vh3ln
      @xxxxxx-vh3ln Před 2 lety +3

      Our poodle (medium, not standard) used to get ear infections pretty frequently back when my dad was cleaning his ears. Dad used to clean them by pulling out the hairs and using an ear cleaning solution. Back then there weren't many groomers in the area so dad groomed out poodle. Later on we started taking him to the groomer every 2 months or so and stopped cleaning his ears all together, and he hasn't had any issues with infections. Keep in mind that out groomer does clean up his ears but they dont pull out any hair, so it seems to be that the hair plucking is an issue.

    • @EFIMarie
      @EFIMarie Před 2 lety +3

      xxx xxx I definitely think it was the hair plucking that caused the problems. I also stumbled on zymox which is great if they have any issues with their ears.

    • @363lizzy
      @363lizzy Před rokem

      I’m a veterinary technician and this isn’t true… you should pluck the ear hair because it prevents ear infections. Many breeds need ear plucking.

    • @EFIMarie
      @EFIMarie Před rokem +1

      @@363lizzy With all due respect I have to wonder how long you have been doing this. I think you are wrong.

    • @ZinniasandAsters
      @ZinniasandAsters Před rokem

      @@363lizzy I’m sorry, but for me personally, I’m more apt to listen to those with personal experience rather than book smarts. Having a know-it-all attitude is unbecoming, and silly, when you are communicating with people well versed in a certain breed.

  • @kymberliethefreespiritedone

    Informative and thank you!

  • @georgeroberts442
    @georgeroberts442 Před 2 lety +16

    Yeah, I'm sitting here watching this video alongside my 15 week old female Standard Poodle puppy, Sofi. My wife has a 2 1/2 year old Standard male, Paco. I got Sofi because I'm so impressed with everything about Paco. My whole life I had dismissed the idea of owning a Poodle, thinking that they were foo foo dogs, mostly suitable for old ladies. And, in truth, lots of old ladies do own the smaller variety of Poodle. But, I was completely wrong, at least when it comes to the Standard size Poodle. They are great dogs, and plenty big and strong enough to assume the roll of family protector. I like a dog that's big enough to throw my arms around and hug. The Standard Poodle is just such a dog.

    • @justcollectingdust
      @justcollectingdust Před rokem +2

      thanks George.....that's how I feel, now I just have to find a good breeder and not a puppy mill.

    • @rosa_gallica_
      @rosa_gallica_ Před 11 měsíci +2

      @@justcollectingdustI see that this comment is old, but have you had any luck finding a good breeder? 😅I’m having a hard time finding one that doesn’t condone Goldendoodles.

    • @kawaiitaco215
      @kawaiitaco215 Před 4 měsíci

      @@rosa_gallica_hi !! If you still looking for breeders I can Recommend some, I been doing plenty of research on poodles and some breeders and found a few. Let me know if you want their websites

  • @1010divajap
    @1010divajap Před 2 lety +1

    They are gorgeous and smart. I absolutely love them!

  • @barbarameehan113
    @barbarameehan113 Před rokem +1

    I have a 17yr. Old mini poodle. He is black and is great. We adopted him from a poodle rescue when he was 4. He is the best dog, so loyal and so attached to me. He is funny, sweet, and an all around super fur baby

  • @Scriptadiaboly
    @Scriptadiaboly Před 2 lety

    Thanks for the video!

  • @q_cola_roja_p
    @q_cola_roja_p Před 2 lety +11

    Not sure why I'm watching this. I have lived with poodles my whole life lol

  • @bilycurless4946
    @bilycurless4946 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Poodles are my favorite dog. I have had Standard Poodles and Miniature Poodles and now I want a Toy Poodle so bad I can't stand it. I have had Poodles my whole life and I'm now 52 years old. Poodles are awesome. I pray that God will bless me with a Toy Poodle someday. My sister raised Standard Poodles. That's how I learned about Standards. No matter the size, Poodles are the way to go. May God bless you always! Bily Curless Wichita, Kansas, USA

  • @satang500
    @satang500 Před 2 lety +1

    Poodle is one of the most adorable dogs. I had a toy poodle for 14 years a long time ago, and I've been wanting to have poodles again, but not easy to have a new one due to this and that, but definitely will have a poodle again in the future.

  • @justcollectingdust
    @justcollectingdust Před rokem +1

    I just found your channel, Lindsay and totally enjoy your enthusiasm! Now I just have to find a very good breeder and not a puppy mill. Any suggestions for a good breeder? Thanks for also having closed caption for us deaf veterans. God Bless!

  • @Lucy_Poodle
    @Lucy_Poodle Před 2 lety

    Great video 👍🙂 Beautiful dogs 🐩

  • @Am-ima
    @Am-ima Před 3 lety

    That was a great video!

  • @patriciamurray5189
    @patriciamurray5189 Před 3 lety +4

    Love these Doggies!

  • @Emma-cj3iw
    @Emma-cj3iw Před 3 lety +1

    Great video! We need the Australian cattle Dog next.

  • @pryncecharming2133
    @pryncecharming2133 Před 2 lety

    this is the dog I've chosen for my first dog. loved this video!❤😊

    • @drlindsaybutzer
      @drlindsaybutzer  Před 2 lety

      They’re amazing! Thank you for commenting on my videos :)

  • @CalypsoBabyy
    @CalypsoBabyy Před 2 lety

    I’m wanting a standard poodle. They’re my fav dog. They’re so smart & beautiful

  • @blkbeauti05
    @blkbeauti05 Před 3 lety +10

    I have a standard poodle puppy, I love him.

    • @sheilla854
      @sheilla854 Před 3 lety +1

      Me too 😍😍😍😍😍😍

    • @Camille-is6jz
      @Camille-is6jz Před 2 lety

      @@sheilla854 I have two standard poodle puppies. They are both 5 months now

  • @rafaysunny6304
    @rafaysunny6304 Před 3 lety +1

    Doctor this dog is very beautiful I liked this dog very much And your video is very good

  • @apaininyourcass
    @apaininyourcass Před 8 měsíci

    My service dog is a poodle. Biggest blessing in my life.

  • @catalinastoianovici3611
    @catalinastoianovici3611 Před 2 lety +1

    A friend of mine has a standard poodle.She is soooo cute and intelligent.She is adorable

  • @seamarie3111
    @seamarie3111 Před rokem

    Awwwe, Zoe reminds me of our sweet black standard girl. She suddenly started having noticeable seizures shortly after her third birthday. Fortunately, they've become much less frequent with some good meds thanks to our awesome vet. Beware, though, because some pups can have very bad reactions to certain meds as ours did, not immediately but over the weeks there was a stark difference so thankfully the vet listened and swapped her over to what works now.

  • @Dr.Skootchz
    @Dr.Skootchz Před 3 lety +17

    I have a standard poodle and he’s the best!!!

    • @isaackreamy5319
      @isaackreamy5319 Před 3 lety +2

      I have one too very playful and stubborn likes to poop 💩 anywhere lol 😂

    • @faisaladekola6366
      @faisaladekola6366 Před 3 lety +1

      @@isaackreamy5319 how much does it cost to get a poodle?

    • @isaackreamy5319
      @isaackreamy5319 Před 3 lety +1

      @@faisaladekola6366 $400

    • @nedamm5677
      @nedamm5677 Před 2 lety +1

      @@faisaladekola6366 depends on the poodle you want ... highly tested parents? Show quality? $750-3,000

    • @Camille-is6jz
      @Camille-is6jz Před 2 lety +1

      @@isaackreamy5319 mine were each $4000

  • @gooddaysahead1
    @gooddaysahead1 Před 5 měsíci

    I wouldn't have any other breed or size. My Standard is the most affectionate, easy to train, intuitive pet I could imagine. First, they are in the Non-sporting group, according to the AKC. They should be in the Fun Group (not a real group). I've not counted, but I know my dog understands about 200 words. He also understands whistles and whispers. He WANTS to learn and please. He easily heals without a leash and loves to ride in cars. He can do anything you can imagine... just be willing to spend the time to train. He's six, and he is still learning new behaviors. I didn't train him to do tricks, but he is amazingly behavior trained. I forgot to tell you. He reads minds. I swear he knows what we're thinking and he responds. It's almost scary. We're not nuts. He is just that special.

  • @zyxzyx3030
    @zyxzyx3030 Před 2 lety +2

    Standard poodles, golden retrievers and labs are my all-time favorites.

  • @nanika1132
    @nanika1132 Před 3 lety

    I subscribed you , keep it up doctor
    From Thailand 🇹🇭🇹🇭

  • @fritzd2116
    @fritzd2116 Před rokem +1

    I have a “small standard” poodle. He stands 18” at the shoulders and weighs 26 lbs. He is almost 5 years old and is a fantastic dog!

  • @shaki48
    @shaki48 Před 2 lety

    So adorable

  • @amandas6135
    @amandas6135 Před 2 měsíci

    I am in the process of getting myself a black standard poodle, I will definitely have to ask the breeder about the epilepsy/seizure thingy however, didn't know that was a common thing for poodles otherwise I know a lot about them.
    I can't wait to get mine 😍

  • @alexanderhikel2350
    @alexanderhikel2350 Před rokem

    Super proud and protective dogs , get them, they are worth the money , crazy intellect and understanding my standards are the only animal I’ve ever loved

  • @joannc147
    @joannc147 Před rokem +1

    My 10 year old female is about 50 lbs. She is a “blue” altho she’s only coming into that dark grey color now and is identified as black color. She is gorgeous. I have her groomed every 5 weeks and could likely push that to 6 with no problem. I disagree about protection - these dogs will strive to protect you. My girl is ever watchful on local properties and I saw her aggressive maneuver to charge up my street to chase off a neighbor’s aggressive hound (good girl!). She is perfect with my flock of free-range hens. They tend to follow her around and she tends to steal their mealworms. 🤣 Poodles have an innate politeness that is difficult to describe tho it is a desirable trait. Great dog! 🐩

  • @gsmith207
    @gsmith207 Před 2 lety

    2nd?! haaaa my Standard Red Mr Clifford and Standard apricot Miss Josie have an issue with that thank you! haaaa!
    we’ve had standards for 30 years smartest dog I’ve ever met smarter than most humans.
    You nailed everything about a poodle great job thank you

  • @anniethepoodle7333
    @anniethepoodle7333 Před 2 lety +2

    Your puppy Sophie is a beautiful Poodle! She's such a big girl for 3.5 months! She will probably be a lot bigger than my Standard Poodle, Annie, who only weighs 48 pounds at 4 years old. Love the video, new subscriber!👍👍

    • @seamarie3111
      @seamarie3111 Před rokem

      48 pounds isn't bad at all. Our one girl is about 40, and the other girl 43-45 ... 48 when midway pregnant with six puppies, LOL! The size variation in poodles is neat. while one of our boys is 70-75 pounds, the other is only about 40, so on the small side. We suspect his (not-so-good) breeder who used him as breeding stock until he was 7 before we got him might have bred him from a mixed ancestry of miniatures and standards. We have 4-month-old puppies who are at least over half his weight as of two weeks ago (girls) and within ten pounds (one of the boys).

    • @seamarie3111
      @seamarie3111 Před rokem

      I LOVE the name Annie, BTW. When we got our first poodle, a toy boy in a bit of a rescue situation, we laughed and said if he was a girl we'd have named him Annie, LOL! It's a great name!

    • @patrickmcpatrick
      @patrickmcpatrick Před rokem

      @@seamarie3111 Wow, that is quite a range in weight! Variety makes them fun to have around!

    • @patrickmcpatrick
      @patrickmcpatrick Před rokem

      @SeaMarie Thank you. My wife actually named her Annie after Annie Oakley! She's such a good girl and I think poodles know they're pretty!

    • @seamarie3111
      @seamarie3111 Před rokem

      @@patrickmcpatrick Love it!
      Poodles certainly know they're gorgious and that we're wrapped around their paws, LOL! My silver girl, Layla, is a complete queen ... a bed-hogging, seat-stealing, paws-as-hands queen! She will nudge me whenever she wants something, and makes the funniest little bwaah noises where I'd swear if she could she'd speak English. She loves whenever someone vacates a nice, warm spot on furniture or the bed, she's so there, then won't move. She's the absolute best!

  • @superfurryanimals3625
    @superfurryanimals3625 Před 3 lety +2

    Good video l never knew poodles weighed that much wow there huge

    • @nicbitch6040
      @nicbitch6040 Před 3 lety +7

      They don’t they weigh 40 to 65 pounds it is so rare that they get to 80

    • @blkbeauti05
      @blkbeauti05 Před 3 lety +1

      @@nicbitch6040 My pups dad is 75lbs and her mom is 65lbs.

  • @realaussiemale567
    @realaussiemale567 Před 12 dny

    My 30mth old standard poodle, Ollie, certainly isn’t graceful. He’ll burp in your face after a meal 😂 and has no problem being obnoxious towards my daughter’s cat. But we love him regardless, his demeanour towards smaller dogs who see his size as scary, is wonderful to observe.

  • @nqbraun
    @nqbraun Před rokem +1

    My wife and I have had 5 Poodles. A toy, 2 miniatures and 2 Standards. I highly suggest the Standard. They are very easy to house break compared to the smaller sizes. The smaller one's when they get mad will urinate on carpet furniture and where ever they please. This is a problem you don't need. The PURE standards from a good breeder are rather hard to find. Some breeders will throw a standard with another breed or sell two tone's as something special, thus charging extra when in reality they are worth less. Read up on Poodles before you buy and check the reputation of the breeder you are buying from.
    They are wonderful dogs for Pets.

    • @Godiscoming888
      @Godiscoming888 Před 8 měsíci

      Good breeders aren’t hard to find.. they are listed in the Poodle club of your country. Reputable breeders are have their dogs registered on the website called OFA which shows all the health testing. They also prove their dogs in shows.
      If the dogs aren’t listed.. the breeder isn’t reputable and is breeding subpar dogs.

  • @lesliemiller3628
    @lesliemiller3628 Před 8 měsíci

    We had a papered full bred male Standard Poodle who weighed 125. He was not in the least bit fat. Totally active and in shape. He lived only to be 12. He was my third Spoo. I have 2 now. 65lbs.

  • @frankstarship6381
    @frankstarship6381 Před rokem

    My dad as one and he is so cuddly and playful

  • @pallavisreetambraparni6995

    Aww. so cute

  • @seamarie3111
    @seamarie3111 Před rokem

    I love your cream pup, she's gorgious! Our 6 puppies from our one-and-only litter are still at home, and at their 14 week check-up two weeks ago the smallest of them was 24 pounds, while the rest were between 26 and 31 pounds ... IDK what to think because they seem kind of giant to me considering their mom's a small-ish 40-45 pounds and dad is about 70-75 pounds. No, they're not mixes either, AKC standards. It's amazing and beautiful the variability found in poodles. Their mama is silver, and daddy is black, so we've been taking the wait and see approach to see if any might fade at all, which we think a couple possibly could. Even at their current inky black they're BEAUTIFUL!
    Also, I have a question. How often do you see overbites in poodle puppies? Neither parent has an overbight that we can tell, but two of their daughters have noticeable ones, and two of their sons have ones that are self-correcting and barely there. Just curious, because I hate the thought of anyone overlooking our sweet girls in particular just because their bites aren't perfect, and the vet says they might need one lower adult canine extracted later if it grows in too tall...
    Oh, and the ear infection thing is SO real! With the birth of the puppies we've been a bet remiss in taking our poodles to the groomer ''our 11-year-old rescue white standard got a bit of an infection which we gave him drops for. However, he shook his head enough he broke a blood vessil and developed a quite sudden and nasty ear hematoma… they had to sergically drain it, stitch it up, and the poor old boy's got to walk around with a cone for a few weeks... yet another reason to be on top of those poodle ears, though admittedly in almost 15 years of poodling around this has been the first time we've had that happen ...

  • @Saturahekuheelerfan87
    @Saturahekuheelerfan87 Před 2 lety +1

    Cute Wentworth

  • @susanroutt6690
    @susanroutt6690 Před 26 dny

    Poodles are just different. They are so intelligent and sensitive. My standard poodle was my best friend. Count on being closer to a poodle than any other dog. They learn many words in English, but are even more sensitive to our moods and emotions. They smile and they pout. You cannot speak to them harshly.

  • @JnWmMatt
    @JnWmMatt Před 2 lety

    My first pets are standard poodles, Daisy and Finn. They love each other and my family and I love them.

  • @anniesperson
    @anniesperson Před 9 měsíci

    I have an 11 yo apricot standard poodle. She’s small, 40 lbs. She is smart loving and my best friend

  • @paulkuras18
    @paulkuras18 Před 2 lety

    Have one. Working search and rescue. Puts all breeds on a level playing field… excellent fur children….lots of brushing. .

  • @Winterfell1066
    @Winterfell1066 Před 2 lety

    Cute. Poodle too.

  • @clopsasaur8325
    @clopsasaur8325 Před 2 lety

    i just got a poodle a week ago and im happy:)

  • @Irene-ug6jv
    @Irene-ug6jv Před 2 lety


  • @rosemarienikkels5345
    @rosemarienikkels5345 Před 2 lety

    In my life I have been lucky enough to have all three sizes. Two of them standard. All sizes are wonderful. They are the best breed in my opinion.

    • @xxxxxx-vh3ln
      @xxxxxx-vh3ln Před 2 lety

      What differences did you notice between the standard and medium poodle? I have a medium amd was thinking about getting a standard, but im worried that they'd need a lot more exercise and grooming 😅

  • @SamLuka2020
    @SamLuka2020 Před 2 lety

    I have a black toy poodle & a chocolate standard poodle. Poodles are THE BEST!! ❤️❤️

  • @yesh3279
    @yesh3279 Před rokem +1

    First Dog ever, got Jet, a black, Female Standard Poodle 4 yrs ago.
    My advice : Don’t get a Poodle , if you don’t want to fall in love with these Babies! LOL
    She still drives me crazy at time, because with intelligence comes a certain Stubbornness.
    ( I admit, her being the child we never had, she gets doted on and I let her get away with some stuff)
    Living north of the 49th it’s a good thing she loves the Snow.
    Seriously, she’s a great Dog and provides so much pleasure !

  • @richarddobreny6664
    @richarddobreny6664 Před 2 lety

    my big white boy passed away suddenly last summer and i miss him so much, he was my best bud. Looking for to getting another one this summer

  • @margaloone7970
    @margaloone7970 Před 2 lety +1

    I love my standard poodle!

  • @briannawright39
    @briannawright39 Před 2 lety +1


  • @pippenyveritaz1621
    @pippenyveritaz1621 Před 3 lety +1

    I love poodless 💞🥰🥰

  • @bobdonna6042
    @bobdonna6042 Před 2 lety

    After having Standards for over 20 years grooming ever 5 to 6 weeks is more than adequite. Make sure the inside of their ears are pickled and we find shorter clipped ears prevent ear infections.

  • @retiredarchitect3462
    @retiredarchitect3462 Před 2 lety +4

    When we got our first poodle our kids were upset with the idea - thinking they were too cool for a poodle. So we told them they were right and that we would get a "German waterdog" instead - well of course they had the greatest times of their lives with Jack. We are on our third poodle since then and Marco is the favorite of our three grandchildren!

  • @tailo3983
    @tailo3983 Před 2 lety


  • @sandywichmann9292
    @sandywichmann9292 Před 7 měsíci

    I have a toy poodle because I live in an apartment. She is and always has been such a good girl. Because she‘s small, I can take her with me even though she’s blind now due to old age.

  • @noahabudawood4328
    @noahabudawood4328 Před 3 lety

    I loved the video - the explanation is perfect …. But was hoping to see the variety of colors of poodles.. zooming on their fur and see their curls .

    • @drlindsaybutzer
      @drlindsaybutzer  Před 3 lety +1

      Ohhhh would you want me to do that!? Haha I can plan something like that

    • @noahabudawood4328
      @noahabudawood4328 Před 3 lety

      @@drlindsaybutzer Because where I’m from this dog breed ain’t ain’t available , and I can’t find any kennel or Breeder with the poodle parent … just golden or Labrador .. I’ve never seen or felt a poodles type of fur. All I can say it looks soft and curly and that’s just cute .. is it as close as close as wool ? Or softer . (Hoping to see the variety of F1 and F2B variety of furs) with ur explanation it’s very fun (educational and entertaining).

    • @noahabudawood4328
      @noahabudawood4328 Před 3 lety

      I’m not sure about F1 or F2B. I think it works on mix breeds .. but I meant was . , can poodles have multi colored furs ? If both parents have different hair gene pool.
      Or if I’m cross breeding the Labrador and poodle then that hair colour of a poodle gene starts showing up as a mixed ?
      Is it possible to have 2 hair types of poodle on purebred poodles ? Or that’s a rare case ?

    • @Godiscoming888
      @Godiscoming888 Před 2 lety

      @@noahabudawood4328 Yes Standard poodles come in lots of colors and there are also parti color poodle(2 colors) and even tri colors. Look up phantom colored standard poodles..they are stunning. They also come in various patterns like phantom..brindle..sable..parti. My personal favorites are the black and cream phantoms..silver phantoms....full silver..and red standard. They also come in abstract which can be like a red poodle with white chest etc. My boy is an apricot with white chest..and some white on his snout and paws.

    • @jadakowers590
      @jadakowers590 Před měsícem +1

      ⁠I’m not quite sure what you mean about a Poodle’s hair, but it can be carded, spun and used to knit &/or crochet with.

  • @chip2773
    @chip2773 Před 2 lety +1

    I watched this before I got my standard poodle it’s been a year with her now

  • @kathrynphillips8050
    @kathrynphillips8050 Před rokem +2

    Could I ask which breeder you acquired your dog from? She is gorgeous.

  • @keshiap9084
    @keshiap9084 Před 2 lety +4

    Does any one else notice other breeds are jealous of poodles and growl? Are is it just bc my buddy is perfect?🥰

  • @joshjacob1530
    @joshjacob1530 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Babo looks like a poodle when u cut his hair, strong poodle genetics

  • @annahgibbus8
    @annahgibbus8 Před 3 lety +2

    Love how your beige Poodles ears are cut because when you hold them up by the tips the hair falls down like Angel wing's. I know from experience. LoL

  • @Saturahekuheelerfan87
    @Saturahekuheelerfan87 Před 2 lety +1

    Poodle lits 🔥🐩

  • @terrylbateman4030
    @terrylbateman4030 Před rokem

    Doctor Lindsey I had a Standard Royal Poodle and he was so beautiful and he was so strong and was 90 pound's and was 34 inches tall

  • @d0gs4L
    @d0gs4L Před 2 lety

    we have a standard poodle and he is the best! i was in a hit and run and he is helping me. when I'm walking with my walker cause i have to learn how to walk again and he looks at me and walks right by my side

  • @B737AviationPilot
    @B737AviationPilot Před rokem

    They are the best ❤ I have a beautiful 8 yo 90 pound standard poodle 🐩😊

  • @dularula8310
    @dularula8310 Před rokem

    I have 2 of the spoo ,it's a fluffy Doberman these dogs ain't no joke

  • @irynalaurenava4721
    @irynalaurenava4721 Před rokem

    I have one standard poodle who is nearly 12 years and who’s been the best thing ever,listens,follows etc.A week ago I got a new standard size poodle puppy and I’m loosing my mind with him,doesn’t listen to anyone or anything,as if we don’t even exist,not sure how long I can put up with it for and whether or not he will get better 😭

  • @Paradigm1976
    @Paradigm1976 Před 2 lety

    I have an 11 year old female standard (and a Great Pyrenees, who's her big sister), and poodles are the sweetest, funniest and most empathetic dogs I've ever known. I may be getting another one shortly. They are worth the expense of grooming (about every six weeks in my case).

    • @ladyjayne77
      @ladyjayne77 Před rokem

      Try some light grooming yourself and see it is very simple. You tube videos walk you through everything. I have bad arthritis and rheumatoid. Im 63 and love to groom my own dog eventhough we can afford grooming. I choose to bc its bonding. And I get the look I want. Too many times I brought him home with scrapes and Knicks or he was ducking from my hand. Also there were tangles they missed close to his skin and I had to work them out. And grinder his nails better. And reshape his legs bc one was tighter clipped throwing off balance. I guess I expect more for 150. But mostly I want him handled respectfully and gently and if a groomer won't let me watch- I worry abt that!

    • @Godiscoming888
      @Godiscoming888 Před 10 měsíci

      My pup did professional grooming first year.. then I bought a high velocity dryer.. a grooming table.. and shears and I clip him. It’s a learning curve but once u blow dry the hair straight and clip it with a clipper with metal combs.. it’s even and looks professional. I bathe mine every 3 weeks and clip him so he never gets too long. He looks good and I save money.