  • čas přidán 5. 07. 2024
  • *****************************🧨INDEPENDENCE DAY SEASON 2024🧨****************************
    When my siblings & I were kids, we used to sing a song for the rain to go away that went like this:
    "Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day"
    Seem like during the time when everything good was happening, the rain would come & our mom
    would make us stay inside & whatever we had scheduled sports-wise, she would say, well there
    will be other times. That was the most heartbreaking thing for us to hear because most of those
    times & things we wanted to be a part of, we had been planning for a while.
    To see it slip away was not fun or funny.
    One of most favorite songs concerning rain that I like to sing is "We Need The Latter Rain" talking
    about revival & a move of God's Holy Spirit in the earth & upon the people. Years ago, & at every Sun eve prayer service we'd sing it loudly & dance to the beat of it how God will revive His people.
    It's a God-Thing & so to explain in depth what being addressed, The “latter rain” or the spring rain is
    interpreted as an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on God’s children. Biblical writers used the terms
    “latter rain” & “former rain” to describe the visitation of the Holy Spirit upon the church in a
    dispensational sense. The “early rain” came at Pentecost to give power to witness of the Gospel.
    Often when I get excited😁 / began feeling the Holy Spirit's presence, that's when I get carried away & start babbling about many things that I had not thought of for some time. Anyway, in moving on...
    Every summer, weather reports of fire storms in different places are shared. California being one of them, when we used to live in that area, it was so bad that when I would blow my nose, the mucous
    that came out would be the color black. Sometimes when I'd be so hungry & go to eat food,
    my appetite would disappear. I'll never forget how uncomfortable that was & how most times w/asthma I'd end up in the hospital ER. I thank God every day for good health & clean air to breath.
    See, getting carried away again! That's just how it is; the more you experience, the more you share.
    For the last month or so, here in Alaska many people have experienced upper respiratory issues from the smoky stench from the fire storms. At their very start, they burned up lots of territory in the mountains & sent smoke in every direction practically bringing respiratory concerns to people here. When it was that we were forced to stay inside because of the smoke, I began singing a new song,
    "Rain Rain Come & Stay We Need You To Chase The Fires Away"
    In this video clip you can possibly hear the excitement in my voice as I rejoice over how God has
    sent the rain to aid the firefighters in getting these fires somewhat under control. Right away, I
    reason that you can sure know that prayers are going up to God from people (saved & unsaved) everywhere in wait of Him answering & sending relief: The Rain. It's truly amazing that God will hear
    the cries of our hearts & will pour out upon us Rain Showers/Showers of Blessings.
    It has been said by many that God doesn't hear the cry of sinners. My testimony is that even before I accepted Jesus as my Lord & Savior, God would answer when I prayed to him. I even tell people, "I
    didn't know Him & even though I didn't know God, He knew me". If it had not been for all the times
    when he bailed me out of situations, where would I be? Today I thank God, I came to know Him.
    When I read the Holy Bible, it is clear to me & I believe that if the sinner is crying out to God in
    repentance of sin, God will indeed hear & will forgive sin & cleanse him from all unrighteousness.
    "If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful & just, to forgive us our sins, & to cleanse us from all
    unrighteousness. (1 JOHN 1:9) By the way, It's okay to get carried away! Thanks for listening!
    👍🏿👍🏽👍🏻"With Love & Appreciation!"👍🏻👍🏽👍🏾
    Thanks Again! 🙌God Bless & love yas! 🙌🏾 We (GTM) love yas too!
    FROM: US- Revivalists Mel & HVive Your Christian Family (GTM) of Alaska
    (1990 - 2024)
    *******************🙏🏼 🛐✝GTM COMMEMORATING 34 YRS IN MINISTRY✝🛐🙏🏼*****************

Komentáře • 1

  • @peteypki
    @peteypki Před 7 dny

    Amen amen. We need the rain of the Holy Spirit.