A Brush with the Law Series 2 Episode 29

  • čas přidán 28. 08. 2021
  • Who do you think you are kidding, mr hitler? If you think we're on the run, we are the boys who will stop your little game. We are the boys who will make you think again cause who do you think you are keeping mr hitler if [ Music ].
    Mr brown goes off to town on the 8 21, But he comes home each evening and he's ready with his gun. Do you think you are kidding mr hitler [ Music ]? Are you there, sir? Yes cause i'm here? Well, the men are falling in. They really look awful smart good, now come and look at them all right.
    Why aren't you in your snow camouflage shoot? Well? I came here by the high street sir and I i didn't want to look a fool in public. Well, i'm wearing mine. I Don't look a fool.
    Why haven't you brought the men inside? Well, it uh seems a lot of shame. So you see because the verges spent all day yesterday polishing the floor. Oh you don't worry about things like that.
    We've got a wall to win, bring them in. That's it now we'll keep on stepping in here. Please cook in japan, please [ Applause, ], [, Music, ] And now we can follow the example of our finnish allies and become completely completely invisible in the snow.
    There's one thing: there's no snow, hey good job yup. What have you done suspect at all? Well, there's camouflage so see. I got very highly colored eyes, you know so.
    People frequently remark comments about them in the shop. You see. Look at that.
    So look And I thought to myself well if they show up so much in the shop, how much more so much would they show up in the snow yeah. I don't think it was necessary nostrils. Look a bit odd, too! That's cotton wool! So it's cotton wall! You see so when i'm in action I get very fractious and worked up, sir and my nostrils flare, sir, and they take on a sort of angry red shoe.
    Of course they don't show up in the shop because I don't get worked up in fractious well, nobody does over meat and sausages do that. Anyway. If I thought, if I got worked up and fractured in the snow, my nostrils would shine out like beacons and give my place away yeah.
    I think you're going into the realms of fantasy. Now, jon [, Music, ], don't play the fool with me boy, i'm not Playing the fool mum. Wouldn't let me put white wash on my face see this is uncle arthur's idea all right.
    Well, it has a very sensitive skin, sir. It runs in the family and who's family, his family. I see him.
    What's this, that's all. I could find a wedding dress. It was my mother's.
    Oh There's a it was video. The attic and you know that's cut minoring before we mousey had passed away and the bustle. What do you think? Well, I suppose we should be grateful that he hasn't brought the bouquet yes found something more suitable good afternoon good afternoon.
    It's my pillow costume, hey. Where was the Army and navy store? So we we went outside of troop and did a few shows for for charity and we call ourselves the gay gondoliers, the gay god. We can't have this.
    Oh, I don't know so I think it's rather fun, except for the pom-poms. I don't have to cut them off. I thought we might keep them until after the bells rang and the snow fell.
    Oh, I can't allow that no, no, I must wear proper clothes. Like everybody else Well, all the hell is very good turnout, ben bagel and now, when it snows, we should be able to merge into the landscape. Oh look at that floor.
    Look at that floor. Just look at it three hours I spent all night back breaking. Oh! Never mind that mr eight but captain batman can I have a word with you.
    Well can't you see that i'm busy we're all busy in our own different ways. Captain baby, I just want to give you Plenty of notice that you won't be able to use the hall on saturday fortnight. Oh, I may need it.
    I may need it for a serious military purpose. Well, I do need it for a church bazaar we're raising money for comforts for the troops. Why have I only just learned this? The parish council only decided half an hour ago.
    That's why that'll do busty! Oh! No! This is a project in which you could count on our wholehearted sport. Isn't it wilson, I shouldn't be at all surprised, Yes for the home guard behind you. The affair could take on a much much broader aspect, but time's shorter.
    Is that quickly? I want you to get around all the important people in the town and some of them to a meeting uh, we'll uh, we'll form a small executive committee. Should I have to have a chairman, of course, a chairman. Now I wonder who that'll be now as chairman? Uh, May I just bring the meeting to order and welcome hold on a minute hold on a minute.
    Why ever is it whenever we have a meeting about anything you're, always the chairman who elected you, that's what I want to know. It was perfectly above board and legal. I was elected by the steering committee.
    Oh and who elected the steering committee. I did town clark, I feel sure, we're all most Happy to have um captain mannering. As chairman.

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