This Sonic Character is Broken Beyond Repair


Komentáře • 196

  • @jackmortikthesegafan9317
    @jackmortikthesegafan9317 Před 8 měsíci +287

    Shadow is at this point probably the only person who can fix her, as he knows exactly what her life has been like. From being an experiment, losing everything he's ever loved, grown in a tube, not knowing who he is, being taken advantage of, and basically everything else, he's really the only other Sonic character that could possibly hope to relate to her pain and help her to heal.

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 8 měsíci +66

      The only difference between them is, Shadow was originally designed to help people to cure diseases and had no life before his creation while Surge was made to be a weapon and had her whole life taken away. Now I do agree that Shadow is the only person who even has a chance of understanding Surge it’s not exactly 1-to-1. Though we do know someone who can actually help them, that being Belle who according to Starline has a special code that could counter their programming and releasing them from their prime directive

    • @jackmortikthesegafan9317
      @jackmortikthesegafan9317 Před 8 měsíci +25

      @@hyperdreamer9483 I'd completely forgotten about that detail, tbh. Although I never said Shadow's suffering was 1-1. If anything he's been through everything she's been through and even more. And let's not forget he's had more time to process all of it as well.

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 8 měsíci +14

      @@jackmortikthesegafan9317 Very true, on top of have plenty of aquanauts to help him through his issues while Surge for the most part is al alone, and I say for the most part because Kit’s literally forced to stay and support her basically against his will. Also fun fact, the binary code Belle has during Starline’s explanation translates out to Soul.

    • @jackmortikthesegafan9317
      @jackmortikthesegafan9317 Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@hyperdreamer9483 ...aquanauts?

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 8 měsíci +3

      @@jackmortikthesegafan9317 I don’t know how to speak that word, a bunch of people he tolerates

  • @GarudaUltima
    @GarudaUltima Před 8 měsíci +195

    Surge: E X I S T S
    Meanwhile, Amy: Yep, I most certainly can without a doubt fix her!

    • @SonicTheory96
      @SonicTheory96  Před 8 měsíci +45

      😅 That's Amy for ya

    • @hyperdreamer9483
      @hyperdreamer9483 Před 8 měsíci +13

      Good luck Pinkie, you got a lot of work cut out for you. Also watch your back cause a certain blue fox will be watching you at nearly all times when you’re around Surge

    • @Sydney_Angelyt
      @Sydney_Angelyt Před 8 měsíci +8

      And she probably could.

    • @garrettviewegh9028
      @garrettviewegh9028 Před 8 měsíci +10

      Shadow: “And I can end her if she steps out of line. Permanently”.

    • @emmanueldavis1872
      @emmanueldavis1872 Před 6 měsíci

      No offense... But I'm pretty sure Amy was looking like she was mad with Surge on that page he showed in the video.

  • @TheZetoBlade
    @TheZetoBlade Před 8 měsíci +312

    I'm on the side of wanting Surge and Kit to be redeemed. I'm not really a fan of the idea of keeping them villains just because the series needs more villains. There's obviously the theme of how self destructive people can be towards themselves and others, but there's also an opportunity here to showcase that it doesn't have to be the end. Sonic for me has been a series that tackles hard subjects and answers them with a warm naivete that grants hope in the midst of despair. A bit melodramatic I know but it's ultimately how I feel. I want Surge and Kit to be saved.

    • @garrettviewegh9028
      @garrettviewegh9028 Před 8 měsíci +31

      If Surge and Kit are to be redeemed, it’s bound to be a long development. All that psychological, emotional, and physical trauma doesn’t just disappear overnight. If anything, it’ll take months, maybe even years. But, I’d say Shadow would have a better shot at getting through to them. Not only could he easily subdue them both if the duo steps out of line, he knows what they’ve been through. Yes, Surge and Kit don’t have a past. But the first step to their redemption, could be them confronting their past, learning about who they used to be. Knowing they have a choice. Shadow has a past, unlike them, but like Surge and Kit, he didn’t ask to be made. But if even a hate filled, little to no mercy hedgehog like him, can find his humanity, so can they. He’d have better luck than Sonic getting through to them.

    • @videogollumer
      @videogollumer Před 8 měsíci +4

      I'm just waiting for their partnership with Mimic to be over! Working FOR Clutch and with the Skunk Bros, I am fine with; but Mimic is PoS who can't die soon enough!

    • @bonez41008
      @bonez41008 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Couldn't of said it better myself

    • @TaranisHedgehog
      @TaranisHedgehog Před 6 měsíci +2

      I want Surge to be redeemed too.

    • @Rainyar4779
      @Rainyar4779 Před 6 měsíci +7

      Absolutely agreed! You spelled out my thoughts exactly! Surge and Kit seem to be unique cuz every other character was in some way positively affected by Sonic, yet they seem to be the opposite, their suffering was indirectly caused by Sonic's actions, so that's why they hate him so much. I'm really hoping their story ends in a good way and Sonic's positivity affects them as well. Sonic is the embodiment of positivy, a symbol of hope, even the most broken characters in the past were able to smile once again thanks to Sonic's efforts. I hope that's the case again as well.

  • @kingcamelot1395
    @kingcamelot1395 Před 6 měsíci +40

    There are two ways I see this going.
    1. Surge and Kit are redeemed. They don't even have to be friends with Sonic, or even stop hunting him. But they could eventually learn the joy of connecting with others and save people the same way Sonic does, ultimately becoming happier people.
    2. Surge and Kit continue to double down on their hatred for everyone and everything, and it eventually destroys them the same way it destroyed Starline. Showcasing the sad and painful truth that sometimes people are too hurt to decide to stop hurting, and they will jusy continue to hurt others until they are stopped.
    I can see their story going both ways, and either way it would be a really interesting read.

  • @iapr18
    @iapr18 Před 8 měsíci +57

    Title: Surge is broken beyond repair
    Amy: Do I see a challenge??

  • @EdgyTheHedgy891
    @EdgyTheHedgy891 Před 8 měsíci +40

    Basically my firs thoughts when I read and understoond Surge's and Kit's backstory was:
    "God damn, you guys really need a hug"

  • @wadeyhyena1657
    @wadeyhyena1657 Před 8 měsíci +41

    "Broken Beyond Repair"
    Sums up almost all the characters who are suffering from trauma within all the continuities. Those who have been on the frontline or who have seen their friends/worlds fall before their eyes. Being forced to look out for themselves because they've lost faith in the world and trust in others.

    • @BrandonScott-mi5pz
      @BrandonScott-mi5pz Před 22 dny


  • @garrettviewegh9028
    @garrettviewegh9028 Před 8 měsíci +65

    What I’ve noticed with Surge’s interactions, is that she antagonizes people, provokes them. Even when she doesn’t mean to. But, behind all that rage and hate, may just be fear and sadness. She may fear to confront her past, because of what she’ll find. But, a person as rage filled aginst the world as Surge, unfortunately can sometimes be killed by somone like Shadow. Putting her down like an animal that’s become a danger to an entire ecosystem. Despite Shadow maybe being able to relate to her, and probably being the better choice to help her, she better not give him a reason to end her life. Unlike Sonic, he’d actually do it. Or, just gib her once chance, then put her in the ground after failing once. Despite Surge’s power, and power with Kit by her side, Shadow could end them both in minutes.

  • @DragonStar524
    @DragonStar524 Před 5 měsíci +13

    Surge is honestly super tragic. Not knowing your past, living for one thing, being emotionally compromised, being brainwashed, and being afraid that everyone is out to get or hurt her, and to have literal night terrors of the one who did all of this to her, just makes feel sorry for her.
    And what's worse, is that she thinks that she cant obtain the freedom being offered to her because of what she's now programmed to do, until that objective has been achieved.

  • @lexiemme805
    @lexiemme805 Před 8 měsíci +20

    I strongly agree that she needs a redemption arc. She never intended to hurt Sonic or anyone in the first place. It was all just forced on her. REDEEM SURGE! PLEASE!!

  • @animatronikki
    @animatronikki Před 4 měsíci +10

    Great video breakdown of Surge! I adore the dynamic that she and Kit bring against Sonic and Tails and the way their very existence challenges Sonic and Tails' ideals. This kind of character clashing is peak story writing in my opinion, a hyper self-reflection on the part of the writers of our heroes. As for my two cents, yes, I absolutely want to see Surge and Kit redeemed in future stories, however long and arduous the path may take to get there. They are very plainly two tragic kids set about an impossible purpose by a twisted and uncaring mastermind. I am in the camp of wanting to see them self-actualize and, to paraphrase Sonic himself, choose peaceful freedom as their own destiny with all the powers they've been bestowed.

    • @SonicTheory96
      @SonicTheory96  Před 4 měsíci +2

      Thanks for all your comments! The concept of a "dark" Sonic and Tails is very interesting on its own but it becomes so much more interesting given the twist that Starline brainwashed two innocent kids. I too hope we see them redeemed at some point down the road

  • @BlackFlash09
    @BlackFlash09 Před 8 měsíci +39

    I had a hunch that Amy would be the one to redeem Surge. And it looks like this may come true.

    • @comicbookreviewer4856
      @comicbookreviewer4856 Před 8 měsíci

      I think there should've been a Moment with Wisper to say to Sonic with this Line Oh like how you try to Redeemed Eggman and How did that Go ? and Have it Sonic shocked Knowing She has a point as IDW sonic wants to redeemed people but Not everyone can earn it has most people are to far gone to be helped or had moments to realize there mistakes but you can't always Redeemed everyone as people are to far gone to get it

    • @esteban8471
      @esteban8471 Před 7 měsíci +9

      ​@@comicbookreviewer4856The thing is people have already been bashing Sonic for the Mr. Tinker thing for a while now. We get it, Sonic messed up. But even if Sonic knew Mr. Tinker would get his memories back, which he had no way of knowing, I doubt Sonic would have been on board with getting rid of him.

    • @leon4000
      @leon4000 Před 7 měsíci +2

      @@esteban8471 A point not many focuses on. There's a limit to how much Sonic can get railed on, although he definitely should have understood that Metal Sonic is still hanging on to his programming. Letting him go was a mistake, knowing the machines don't overcome their programming so easily.

  • @TsuriaDragon
    @TsuriaDragon Před 4 měsíci +6

    She not fully ready to be redeem no not yet she still has some lashing out to do before she’s done. Kit seems more and more ready but he’s not doing to unless surge does as well. The problem with him is like tails he always needs she approve to do anything. It’s gonna be a rough journey for these two but it’s not impossible.

  • @be_nice2008
    @be_nice2008 Před 8 měsíci +17

    God the more i learn about her the more i wanna hug her while crying.

  • @johnhayward998
    @johnhayward998 Před 8 měsíci +19

    So far yes because it's really messed up
    Surge and kit deserve redemption
    And these are the reasons starline is more evil than eggman

    • @LilReezy_1437
      @LilReezy_1437 Před 8 měsíci +2

      Blud, Eggman is a textbook malignant sociopath with a chemical imbalance in his parasympathetic nervous system -- no way Starline is *more* evil than him. We're basically talking about a guy who single-handedly altered reality, enslaved multiple planets at once, paralyzed next man with his cybernetic enhancements and let his diminutive nephew starve to death in one of his container units. Not to mention the "collateral damage" Eggman has been responsible for over the years-... Eggman is a straight-up demon at this point.

  • @sonicgames6745
    @sonicgames6745 Před 8 měsíci +10

    Of many people want surge and kit to have the peace that they need, but it’s an easy fix like whisper where she had re-socialise to move along, for surge though I’m not certain but giving the personality she showed us she needs to accept help not just kit. And speaking kit I’m not really sure but I think like whisper he needs to start having trust and confidence in other people to help protect surge not just him. Well at least that’s what think.

  • @Frostshock15
    @Frostshock15 Před 3 měsíci +3

    I feel like if Surge meets Shadow, they would get along because they both have shared similar kinds of trauma in the past. I think Shadow will help her find the answers to her past.

  • @rowan4327
    @rowan4327 Před 8 měsíci +9

    I think this video was a really good analysis and discussion of Surge. Keep up the great videos! 4/5

  • @alecjackman2655
    @alecjackman2655 Před 6 měsíci +5

    You bring up Anakin yet I’d argue in terms of Star Wars characters Surge is more like Maul. In both cases Surge and Maul didn’t originally have a choice in being a villain since they were taken and brainwashed to have an artificial hatered towards a certain someone or group. Like Surge with Sonic, the only reason Maul hated the Jedi so much was because he was conditioned to by Sidious. Eventually both characters are given the chance to start a new life when they’re separated from their abusers but both chose the path of revenge where they chose to victimize others for what happened to them both.

  • @SkateTroe
    @SkateTroe Před 5 měsíci +3

    Pardon my sadism, but I would love to see Surge and Kit have a sort of can’t-pick-a-side story. They see the good in the Restoration and desire it, but can’t shake the pain (And programming) that continuously pushes them towards destruction.
    A character that aspires to be good yet keeps ending up a villain would be a fascinatingly tragic story

  • @zemox2534
    @zemox2534 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Surge is one of the mostvtragic characters I have ever seen. I love to see her and Kitt reform and become heroes or just get a normal life with no evil scientists manipulating them.

  • @florindaoxlaj5131
    @florindaoxlaj5131 Před 5 měsíci +2

    I can feel Surge,kit,and Shadow feelings because I suffer a lot. And a big fan of Surge,kit,and Shadow and I get mad to much.

  • @nathan-fj2fi
    @nathan-fj2fi Před měsícem +1

    Surge and Kit are victims of circumstance. I hope they can be redeemed, especially Surge, and I hope that Kit can learn to be more independent while still sharing a close bond with Surge

  • @user-qq6tj5gq6i
    @user-qq6tj5gq6i Před 3 měsíci +3

    Solo dire que aunque digan de que surge o kit sufrieron por starline y los trato como basura eso no justifica que ellos tienen ese pensamiento de destruir todo a su paso y en los comics demuestra ya que ellos fueron mandados para crear una forestación en un bosque provocar mas escandalo en una ciudad y causar aun mas caos y destrucción y sobretodo que no les importa si sonic los redima pero bueno hay que ver si obtendra su redención o quizás no o si

  • @texus835
    @texus835 Před 7 měsíci +2

    I love it if such characters get better and also if the "good" characters, who kind of despite everything where still kinda dic#s to her get their little "wake me up punishment".
    I mean I know that they are in their right to be angry too, but like in some fanfictions, once in a while you feel like they never even give the other side 1% of "okay maybe I was wrong too".
    Blaming them completely for everything, even when they are rightfully angry at something for once.
    Like a child being left by their mother but everyone in the story blames that kid character for being angry and kind of hatefull to the mother. I had seen a story treating the character as the only victim even if the mother could have fought more to change a tiny bit in the situation.

  • @christianvirtudazo3106
    @christianvirtudazo3106 Před 8 měsíci +6

    Shadow: I can fix her

  • @starfilmsracing
    @starfilmsracing Před 8 měsíci +52

    I think she could be somewhat of a antihero like Shadow

    • @nithinshakthithiruppathi4028
      @nithinshakthithiruppathi4028 Před 8 měsíci +2

      Shadow isn’t an anti-hero.

    • @starfilmsracing
      @starfilmsracing Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@nithinshakthithiruppathi4028 Oh my bad

    • @nithinshakthithiruppathi4028
      @nithinshakthithiruppathi4028 Před 8 měsíci +5

      @@starfilmsracingNo, u are good.

    • @starfilmsracing
      @starfilmsracing Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@nithinshakthithiruppathi4028 thanks 😊

    • @videogollumer
      @videogollumer Před 8 měsíci +10

      @@nithinshakthithiruppathi4028 Um, yeah, he is. Team Dark are just good leaning anti-heroes; in stark contrast with the Babylon Rogues, who are evil leaning anti-heroes.

  • @gonzalezdeorense792
    @gonzalezdeorense792 Před 3 měsíci +1


  • @loiiysailor1177
    @loiiysailor1177 Před 8 měsíci +4

    I wonder they will redeem themselves , Sonics talk no justu already fails , maybe Amy's words will get into Surge and Kit

  • @henrybitencourt
    @henrybitencourt Před 4 měsíci +4

    Surge reminds me of agent black from a inde game called iconoclasts both were experimented on in a brutal and painful ways to gain super human physicality and other powers (ergokenisis and ivory healing for black via the boss fight in iconoclasts and electrokenisis for surge) both were made to for one purpose (agent black is to prosecute and execute anyone who commits a sin\ crime via private practice by the one consern until they along with balck to evacuate once the planet eventually dies and surge with killing sonic and help starline to take over the world with eggman) both started to not care about their duties until they became more invested out of pure grudge and hatred for the main heroes (sonic and tails for surge and robin and elro for agent black) while surge survives many encounters with the heroes and live one to plan another way agent black dies by being mutaded by the seeds and blue parasites turning her into a giant monster not before fighting against robin one last time to stop her to go into the rocket
    Edit: ok guys please play iconoclasts is such a masterpiece

  • @alexandergreene461
    @alexandergreene461 Před 5 měsíci +2

    I’m kinda wondering what she’d have to do to be irredeemable at this point, she’s shown she’s fine with the concept of murder, and is still outright plotting that against pretty much everyone. The moment she got more power she went mad with it and used it irresponsibly with intent to kill.
    Shes a terrible person, through and through. She’s been given multiple chances by now to show any redeeming quality, and has in every facet failed. She doesn’t even like Kit at all, he’s just useful to her so she strings him along.
    Frankly I want her to actually be an enemy for once. Not all people end up being good. Sometimes that guy that seems cool and could be a good friend actually is a terrible person, it’s just that simple.
    Sonic’s point is that he gives people a chance to stop doing bad things because he doesn’t want to take that opportunity away from them. I wonder how he’d develop if someone took that opportunity and used it to take away someone else’s choices, forever.
    I’m curious could the community still like surge if she followed through and actually did grievously hurt the crowd favorites like Amy and silver, or if she actually killed someone, probably an ancillary character like Lanolin.
    We get it, she’s got ghosts of the past. She’s got issues and trauma and problems.
    To relate it in a way to other culture: “Everybody's got dead people! It's no excuse to get everyone else dead along the way.”

  • @maddoxreddish4352
    @maddoxreddish4352 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Now that i think about it, if surge had to fight shadow, he'd give her the infinite treatment, and maybe after that if he doesnt just warp away he might try to help surge, but how edgy shadow is i doubt it

  • @HenshinFanatic
    @HenshinFanatic Před 8 měsíci +2

    I want redemption and healing for Starline's bootlegs. Though first I expect they'll need some sense beaten into them with tough love from papa Shadow.

  • @Ratscallion_exe
    @Ratscallion_exe Před měsícem +2

    Surge: "I hate you..."
    Sonic: "At least you care"
    Sonic: "So..., want to compete in the gym and workout n' talk things out?"
    Surge: "You wouldn't get it"
    Sonic: "Its always good to try best yourself..."

  • @emmanueldavis1872
    @emmanueldavis1872 Před 6 měsíci +1

    To be honest... Memory loss is exactly what I wanted to happen to Infinite. I wanted Infinite to loose himself and endure torture from the Phantom Ruby. Surge, I've heard of her, but I don't know how to get to the comics and read them, so I couldn't find out exactly what her problem was. But hearing her backstory... Most of it is exactly what I wanted for Infinite, minus the father figure... The fact that she's gone through all that. Dang... just dang. I think she should change, no villain deserves to live like this. Not to mention, she might not have wanted to be a villain in the first place. Right now, she's lost and she doesn't know howshe ended up like this. At this moment, her and Kit are just kids trying to fulfill their obsession and find out what the heck they should do with their lives. Cause even after they defeat Sonic, what next? They'd literally have no purpose. Someone needs to show them the path and the only one who manages to do that is Sonic and his friends. Some people just can't change and whether it's their fault or someone elses, they can try! To be honest... If Infinite was around, he could give them their memories back. Shadow could help her too. All aside, someone needs to show her that light and make sure nothing like this happens to anyone ever again. People who are broken beyond repair, don't need just a repair. They need a complete renovation. A renovation done the right way by someone who actually cares.

  • @trexadvent4726
    @trexadvent4726 Před 8 měsíci +4

    What would have happened if we saw Surge in one of the Sonic the Hedgehog shows? Do you think she should have appeared in the Sonic Boom TV show as a villain or some troublemaker for the village?
    What do you think is the best thing about her?

  • @Nikoli492
    @Nikoli492 Před 4 měsíci +1

    While I'll admit that I'm new to learning about Sonic lore surge's suffering kinda reminds me of Angron from warhammer 40k.

  • @DragonStar524
    @DragonStar524 Před 5 měsíci +1

    When we cant let go of the past, we become blind to what the future could hold for us.

  • @lauren-qb9cf
    @lauren-qb9cf Před 8 měsíci +4

    and now it reminds me of Nine from Sonic prime.

    • @richieosborn2639
      @richieosborn2639 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Surge would straight up KILL Nine in a second or two!

  • @bovineapples3012
    @bovineapples3012 Před 8 měsíci +4

    Although I would love to see her be redeemed, sadly when it comes to a character as her, she might end up losing herself and probably might lose Kit from her own actions.

    • @videogollumer
      @videogollumer Před 8 měsíci +1

      Kit literally wants to kill Tails as revenge on Sonic for seemingly lying to him about Surge being dead and seemingly trying to kill her behind his back! Surge is not gonna get rid of Kit that easily!

    • @bovineapples3012
      @bovineapples3012 Před 8 měsíci

      @@videogollumer I meant that if they want to damage Surge then they need to get rid of Kit. That's what I meant. 😆 it's a dirty move, but it's probably the only way they can actually do some damage or at least get her to stop for a second.

    • @videogollumer
      @videogollumer Před 8 měsíci

      @@bovineapples3012 Okay, I don't want this conversation to go in circles; so let's get on the same page. Are you saying that Sonic and friends should KILL Kit?

    • @bovineapples3012
      @bovineapples3012 Před 8 měsíci

      @@videogollumer no. That's not what I'm going for but that's a way to get to her. Is by having him either join them with I prefer tbh, or to get him and trap her. That's the only way to get her contained. Basically a trap scenario.

    • @videogollumer
      @videogollumer Před 8 měsíci

      @@bovineapples3012 Okay, you and several people are CLEARLY underestimating Kit's own brokenness. Like I said, he wants to kill Tails. I'll admit, I'm only INFERRING that he wants to do it to scar Sonic; but that's just it. SONIC is the one that he HATES! He was literally glaring at him the whole time in Issue 67! WHY does he hate Sonic? Because he thinks Sonic want to kill and replace her as Kit's best friend to get him on HIS side! At that point, getting revenge on Sonic seems to be the only sensible explanation as to why he want's to kill Tails.
      My point in saying this is that Kit is no less mentally messed up than Surge! Of course, I'm not saying Surge IS less mentally messed up. They are EQUALLY mentally messed up; but their bond is real! There is NO "one or the other". It's either both or neither; and I guarantee you that if even one of them gets killed (ESPECIALLY if it's by that PoS, Mimic; and/or if it's before that PoS, Mimic, dies! Trust me; his time is coming!), the fans will non-negotiably be at Ian Flynn's throat over it!

  • @trackmastertheman7801
    @trackmastertheman7801 Před 8 měsíci +4

    She's the Electro to Sonic's spider man

  • @Slashthekitsune
    @Slashthekitsune Před 14 dny

    I have a rather dark theory/"what if" scenario that's come to mind thanks to the current arc and the preview for the issue coming out this week: Surge WILL have her redemption but it won't come for free. I think that the final step that may be required to push her over the edge to a full alignment shift may require someone else to die for her. And given her overall relationships that's... a short list.

  • @trexadvent4726
    @trexadvent4726 Před 8 měsíci +5

    Do you think Sonic the Hedgehog would have the same kind of relationship with Surge which he has with Shadow the Hedgehog?

  • @ssjredbirdgrade5673
    @ssjredbirdgrade5673 Před 3 měsíci +1

    I’m glad you explained surge cause I thought she was just an edgy sonic copy at first

  • @zephon6745
    @zephon6745 Před 8 měsíci +3

    Sonic The Comic Robotnik rewrote reality so all of Sonic's friends were loyal to him. And they didn't remember anything of the old reality except for Sonic who never existed in the new reality so his memories weren't changed the only one of Sonic's friends that were missing was Tails who died in a swamp.

  • @nowlwane9623
    @nowlwane9623 Před 8 měsíci +4

    Surge needs to be a tragic character that can't be saved to show weight of choices both the villain and hero made. What happens if the hero doesn't stop the villain and what villains do that make lasting consequences.
    I still want more lore about Ivo and his family through Sage. The tragedy of Maria and Shadow & the sad history of Ivo's childhood. GUN is a part of Ivo's lore and the tale of an absent family with his evil mindset.

    • @alexandergreene461
      @alexandergreene461 Před 5 měsíci

      I’m kinda hoping Surge will do something that’ll make even the community hate her. They used to like star line a lot I remember and thought he was interesting and could turn good, even including him with the gang in memes and stuff, and now they hate his guts.
      I’m betting if Surge beats the crap out of Amy and some others they’ll just start hating her, and that’s definitely not outside Surge’s wheelhouse of moral code at the moment.
      I’m kinda expecting they’ll have her turn good and leave to make a life for herself or something, but there’s a slim chance she’ll show that, yea, some people just aren’t good people deep down.
      Something that’d be really funny is if Amy pulls strings to find Surge’s old family and friends, and those old friends and such would just reveal surge was always a violent hurtful jerk, and kit was a sociopath in jail for stabbing his family to death or something. It’d really just make them realize, Starline just gave them power and turned them to his side, he can’t totally rewrite who someone is, they were always just terrible people of their own volition.

  • @infiniteoctopaw
    @infiniteoctopaw Před 7 měsíci +2

    Im not cheering for them to be redeemed, they don't need to be "redeemed" they need to walk away and get a good life for themselves and find happiness and purpose elsewhere.
    I don’t want them to be villains or sonic's friend. I just want them to be ok.
    She doesn't hate sonic out of anger. But programing. She never had a choice to hate sonic and its the only consistent thing in her head. That was her whole point of her "I Can't" speach to sonic.
    Kit hates sonic because he just sees people fighting over them both like prizes to colect and add to their arsenals. The story keeps enforcing the lessons they learned with starline that they aren't loved, just wanted as cool toys to use on their enemies.
    In a way, they want to break the Sonic Cycle by just rejecting it all together. Hell, Surge and kit are only back now because they need food.

  • @shinkai9kami162
    @shinkai9kami162 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I think I want Surge to grow as a character and become more mature, but I still want her to be an antagonist at the same time.

  • @MarioKartGamerDude
    @MarioKartGamerDude Před 8 měsíci +1

    The series definitely needs more villains but I see Surge and Kit going anti-hero at some point

  • @Gomogora534
    @Gomogora534 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Surge shares so many similarities with Wario
    they are rivals
    they wears yellow outfit
    they smiles all the time
    they are both tragic events
    they almost died
    they friend are sidkick

  • @animegumdrop6613
    @animegumdrop6613 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Bro that's why when I realized starline was truly dead after seeing how badly he messed up surge and kit I was like "good stay dead you fan boi crack head." Because boi did he leave surge and kit worse off now that he was gone.. So am really hoping surge and kit get a chance to truly start over because and am willing to follow their story's until the end no matter how long I gotta wait..
    But the ending we got for starline was not just well deserved but also gave birth to the most savage eggman moment in my book..

  • @porobotboyxxx
    @porobotboyxxx Před 8 měsíci +4

    Vanilla the Rabbit to the Rescue.

  • @tornado5687
    @tornado5687 Před měsícem +1

    you still haven't convinced me that i can't fix her

  • @Green-Hybrid3017
    @Green-Hybrid3017 Před 8 měsíci +3

    Finally someone gets it. Kit might have a chance, but surge is to mentally unstable and is a major threat that almost killed sonic. If surge didn’t pass out, sonic would’ve died, no question. Surge is like dabi, both suffered through mental and physical trauma that made them psychologically damaged. The only kind thing sonic can do is put surge out of her misery.

  • @Meroublood
    @Meroublood Před měsícem +1

    Every time I read a Surge line I hear Jinx from LoL/Arcane's voice😅

  • @silvervens
    @silvervens Před 8 měsíci +1

    Simple, get to your nearest electrical authority grid, make Surge power the entire city. Make sure that it doesn’t break your fuses on the way of powering the city.
    There’s a 0.8% chance in giving Surge long-term memory damage, might restore old young age memories.
    Other is certain death. Or cancer. Or paralyzed instead. Better be fixed than broken!
    This treatment will require at least a few insurance sprinkle on top to cover the fried electronics.

  • @jasonmcdiarmid7820
    @jasonmcdiarmid7820 Před 8 měsíci +12

    i prefer her to be a tragic victim that deserves to be fix and and deserve to go on a new leaf and become a hero like sonic and his friends or a antihero like Shadow

  • @Little-Buster
    @Little-Buster Před 2 měsíci +1

    This is supposed to be a freaking kids show!
    The parents probably don't know what their child watches when they leave them in front the tv.
    Then when they start emulating Surge, they would think it's a phase or the fault of violent video games.

  • @59rlmccormack
    @59rlmccormack Před 6 měsíci +1

    Surge is gonna be iconic.

  • @GoldenFlame-ft1rk
    @GoldenFlame-ft1rk Před 8 měsíci +3

    This year will be Knuckles's 30th birthday

  • @reggielacey2235
    @reggielacey2235 Před 25 dny +1

    Please talk about the recent story arc

  • @NatetheNintendofan
    @NatetheNintendofan Před 3 měsíci +1

    3:40 Hey, she got brain damage.

  • @skeletonlover3214
    @skeletonlover3214 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Surge and Kit are very cool

  • @hattanalshutaifi4587
    @hattanalshutaifi4587 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I hope there not only deep soul-searching life-changing and meaningful interactions communications and relationships between surge kit and shadow but acceptances respects understandings connections common grounds self-discovery sense of belongings self-worth and even bondings not that will either know it admitted or even denying but that be good start and first step and hopefully seeing the similarities learning listening relating acknowledging reflecting and identifying to each others upbringings perspectives emotions feelings outlooks and points of views hopefully healing or helping surge and kit confronting theirs inner and personal demons moving past their trauma move on with their lives freeing from starline influence legacy control or machinations and reevaluating their life and purpose along surge relationship with kit changing from toxic to healthy plus reaching out to each others along with shadow also helping each others depths or layers and good emotional mental and psychological developments and growths but i hope there not gonna be romance or shippings between them but just either friends or allies having siblings like or student and mentor relationships

  • @trackmastertheman7801
    @trackmastertheman7801 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Really don't understand why she isn't in a show as an antagonist.

  • @florindaoxlaj5131
    @florindaoxlaj5131 Před měsícem +1

    Can you do Kit next please ❤❤❤

  • @dragonborn7955
    @dragonborn7955 Před 8 měsíci +3

    They didn't fight Scrapniks.

  • @TaranisHedgehog
    @TaranisHedgehog Před 6 měsíci +1

    I want Surge to be redeemed. It would just be petty to keep her evil.

  • @videogollumer
    @videogollumer Před 8 měsíci +4

    WHY do so many people saying Surge and Kit are irredeemable?! They are LITERALLY more redeemable than Eggman, Starline, Mimic, Clutch, the Deadly Six, AND Metal Sonic COMBINED!

    • @fa_cry
      @fa_cry Před 8 měsíci +6

      De echo el tema de los deadly six digo si entiendes español pero bueno el personaje de zeena sería alguien redemible con una escritura distinta osea un ejemplo sería Chloe de Ladybug osea era alguien ególatra y malcriada pero al final el personaje obtuvo aceptación pero como el creador viene a arruinar nunca tuvimos su redención eso seria zeena un personaje que piensa en si misma y piensa que zavok y los demas zetis lo tratan como una familia pero no lo es ya que en tiempos pasados zavok le acaba de arrancar un cuerno por desobedecer sus órdenes todos dirán que es la cultura de los Zetis pero no es asi en el caso de lost world yo daria que zeena al perder por tercera vez en la batalla final aparece zavok y ella agonizando de dolor dice de verdad soy alguien importante y zavok dice:no estúpida solo eres una vergüenza no por nada te e entrenado y mantenido con vida ahora quítate de mi camino eso seria pero se que estarás en desacuerdo con el tema de ella pero eso seria la escritura de ella un personaje que piensa que es hermosa y alguien importante pero los Zetis como dijo su líder los Zetis se preocupan por ellos mismos o los Zetis no deben sentir lastima de ellos mismos hasta el punto de dejarlos a su suerte y al final ella cambia de página y se vuelve una especie de antihéroe o alguien neutral eso seria interesante pero como dije es un headcanon no hay que tomarlo tan enserio ya que las versiones de ella son pésimas junto con esa personalidad suya que tiene osea la personalidad de una diva de moda y en etc

    • @videogollumer
      @videogollumer Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@fa_cry Comprendo un poco de Español. Sé la conjugación básica y algunas palabras, pero es por eso que tenemos Google Translate.
      Dicho eso, ¡¿estás loco?! ¡Consiguió descaradamente a Cream, literalmente el personaje más inocente de toda la franquicia de Sonic, infectado por el Virus Metal! Ella es tan cruel como Zavok o Zazz, ¡sólo que normalmente es demasiado vaga para demostrarlo!
      Además, los Zeti son demonios; ¡Los demonios son malos por naturaleza! ¡Son completamente incapaces de hacer el bien! ¡Mira a Zik! Tiene más de 1000 años, a diferencia de los demás que sólo tienen más de 100 años; y él es el único miembro que entiende por qué la gente piensa que el bien es preferible, ¡y él todavía prefiere el mal!
      En resumen, Zeena no tiene ninguna posibilidad de redención, ni tampoco ninguno de los Zeti. Son los que tienen menos probabilidades de ser redimidos que cualquiera de los villanos simplemente porque son demonios, criaturas cuya naturaleza misma es malvada.

    • @Thewavedemonjackal
      @Thewavedemonjackal Před 8 měsíci +5

      It’s not that she’s too evil to be redeemed. It’s if she’s too broken to be rehabilitated. Her entire personality was wired around wanting to kill sonic. And even though she’s aware of it, she can’t stop it. Like how Kit is programmed to always obey Surge. If she gets redeemed, it’s not going to be easy.

    • @fa_cry
      @fa_cry Před 8 měsíci +4

      Wow primero no termine mi pregunta segundo no dije esa nefasta versión de idw osea dónde su escritura es simplemente mala y ya solo dije de un headcanon y no tienes que tomarte tan enserio solo porque dañaron a cream

    • @fa_cry
      @fa_cry Před 8 měsíci +4

      Eso quise decir osea seria interesante que almenos un escritor escribiera a zeena osea un ejemplo sería blackarachnia de Transformers beast wars osea ya se que suena tonta la idea de redimir solo estaba dando una idea digo gracias al comentario tercero dónde me explica de kit yo estoy pensando mejor dicho sacando una teoría que zeena solo es un peon para zavok o ella solo esta siendo manipulada y solo está destinada a pelear y perder pero como el personaje está subestimada y Sega siempre pone a los que mas valen la pena en la franquicia osea no estoy ofendiendo o enojado o tales cosas solo comento esto ya que estoy arto de esa personalidad de ella de idw ya que esa version es la misma pero mal escrita pero bueno saludos y hasta la próxima babys ❤

  • @torterratortellini6641
    @torterratortellini6641 Před 4 měsíci +1

    She looks almost exactly like Asura.

  • @LukeRion-nt6cu
    @LukeRion-nt6cu Před 2 měsíci +1

    Does anyone recognize that halo 3 soundtrack? 3:37

  • @comicbookreviewer4856
    @comicbookreviewer4856 Před 8 měsíci +1

    To me Surge is a lot like Amethyst from Steven Universe both never asked to be made both are shown to make foolish Decissions that put themeselfs in danger but the only difference is that Amethyst always saw How her issues and problems effected her or got help from people close to her well Surge never does as Surge to me is a warning to what Amethyst might've become had she been to far gone to be helped or realized her Mistakes

  • @mysryuza
    @mysryuza Před 8 měsíci +2

    I know that I'm first, but I just wanna see Surge asap 😂

  • @dawidjanik545
    @dawidjanik545 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Surge is what Infinite should have been

  • @samuelrodriguez9801
    @samuelrodriguez9801 Před 7 měsíci

    There were Characters in the Sonic Archie comics that did things much worse than Starline.

  • @shadowfreddy4044
    @shadowfreddy4044 Před 8 měsíci +1

    she reminds me of myself

  • @skistorm739
    @skistorm739 Před 8 měsíci

    well her mind not shatter and only half of almost to late to save them

  • @spiderzilla7o7
    @spiderzilla7o7 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I like mobian kefla

  • @silverzen9014
    @silverzen9014 Před 7 měsíci


  • @emmanueldavis1872
    @emmanueldavis1872 Před 6 měsíci

    Starline looks like a knock-off Scrooge McDuck.

  • @ashemabahumat4173
    @ashemabahumat4173 Před 3 měsíci

    Nah, I can fix her

  • @BrakSplash
    @BrakSplash Před 5 měsíci

    I personally found Surge annoying.
    She did not care that she was kidnapped, tortured and almost died and rebooted constantly.
    What broke her was... she didn't know who she was. That's it.
    She keeps acting like the world is against them, even though Sonic and the others more than once wanted to help her.
    No, Surge is a bad guy and relishes it.

    • @anthonyrodriguez8788
      @anthonyrodriguez8788 Před 4 měsíci +1

      ......did you read the comic at all?
      Just because she didn't go into painstaking detail about everything she was mad about every detail of her pain doesn't mean it didn't upset her.
      All you gotta do is actually pay attention to Surge's face when learning about her past.

    • @BrakSplash
      @BrakSplash Před 4 měsíci

      @anthonyrodriguez8788 yep, got it all 😁
      That's kind of how this comic works. They express how they feel.
      Surge didn't care at all Starline kidnapped her and Kit. Look at her face, she just looked unimpressed.
      I don't know what else you mean. Surge isn't the kind go suppressive her emotions. She expresses how she feels.
      And she only became upset when she didn't realize whom she was. That's it.
      Maybe people might be upset Surge isn't upset she was tortured and kidnapped.
      But nah, all that upset her was her brain keeps screaming to go after Sonic, and she doesnt know who she is.
      Just a shadow to Sonic.

    • @BrakSplash
      @BrakSplash Před 4 měsíci

      @anthonyrodriguez8788 2nd post.
      But you're not wrong.
      If someone was kidnapped and tortured, that would mess up their head, and they would be very upset about it.
      Surge and kit are the odd couple in which Surge and Kir dis not seem to care about that once they learned truth.
      She even looked impatient and wanted Kit to hurry up so she could find out who she was.
      And Kit's brain is so modified that he only cares what she cares about.
      They are an... odd pair of villians.

  • @victoriamartin9954
    @victoriamartin9954 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Damñnnnnnnn. 💀☠️☠️☠️

  • @notdaytime35
    @notdaytime35 Před 8 měsíci

    she kinda bad.

    • @videogollumer
      @videogollumer Před 8 měsíci

      So? Eggman, Metal Sonic, Starline, Mimic, Clutch and the Deadly Six are far worse!

    • @johnsonsharon81
      @johnsonsharon81 Před 6 měsíci

      That's an animal.

    • @johnsonsharon81
      @johnsonsharon81 Před 6 měsíci +1

      ​@@videogollumerhe's referring bad as "hot"

    • @videogollumer
      @videogollumer Před 6 měsíci

      @@johnsonsharon81 Hot as in sexy or hot as in awesome?

    • @johnsonsharon81
      @johnsonsharon81 Před 6 měsíci

      @@videogollumer sexy unfortunately