DJI Drone Ban a photographer & videographers raw perspective

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 318

  • @JimmyJinIA
    @JimmyJinIA Před 2 měsíci +23

    You're spot on Ken. My Representatives are worthless when I try to address my concerns. It has me frustrated for sure.

    • @Marcus_Visbal
      @Marcus_Visbal Před 2 měsíci +1

      Me too, no response from congressman or senator

  • @patrickhdsn
    @patrickhdsn Před 2 měsíci +15

    I have a couple DJI drones and have been flying for a few years now. Even before knowing about this current legislation and skydio, I felt something was off when remote id became a thing. All my shit is jailbroken, and I won't comply. I think there's a push to eliminate the consumer, hobbyist, and small business market in an attempt to clear the airspace for Amazon, Wal-Mart, etc. for their future use, and stuff like this bill and remote id are the first steps to lay the groundwork for more targeted restrictions.
    I'd say it's time to start stocking up on diy components.

    • @jimig399
      @jimig399 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@patrickhdsn that's an interesting theory about cleaning up the lower airspace for retail delivery drones.
      I've often wondered why we don't see more retail delivery drones. The tech has been there for some time now. I think you're right. It's the airspace that is muddy and they want to clear the water.

    • @tyronedaniels8831
      @tyronedaniels8831 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Already started

    • @jimig399
      @jimig399 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@patrickhdsn so where did you learn to jail break your equipment? Is there someone who teaches such things on CZcams?

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      @@jimig399 except the insurance is so expensive for something going wrong that the aireal drone delivery game in the west isn't even viable.... plus there isn't even really any laws permitting BVLOS which is what is needed for drone delivery

  • @igorsingidunum
    @igorsingidunum Před 2 měsíci +42

    No logic in DJI ban. Why then not ban any GPS Wi-Fi Capable unit made in China? Starting from Verizon modems and AT&T Equipment, then to any mobile device. So much greed and investment politics that is sickening.

    • @underthedrone2735
      @underthedrone2735 Před 2 měsíci +12

      Because it's more political than logical.

    • @Tronzie
      @Tronzie Před 2 měsíci +3

      It is a political thing that is why it is not logical. We users should boicot whatever they want to push to users and use what we want. Without our support that can't do anything.

    • @GreenBlueWalkthrough
      @GreenBlueWalkthrough Před 2 měsíci +2

      Because it isn'tr? It's a ban on Chinese made drone not DJI.

    • @OriginaldoBo
      @OriginaldoBo  Před 2 měsíci +4

      There is a lot to unpack, we do need more competition in the space but they have to want to compete first

    • @sharksfan2011
      @sharksfan2011 Před 2 měsíci +1

      To add to your “maybe DJI could have done better” … ever since Skydio hit the market we all were saying “it’s about time, finally a really good American drone.” Sadly, as you point out, not only did they “use” us, but they screwed us in the end going after military contracts and leaving the consumer market high and dry. Seriously Skydio? I sold mine after they left the market and even with the DJI ban I don’t know that I’d buy from them again. It’s a dishonest company IMHO. But that is exactly why they work with the government now, because dishonest people tend to work together. That may be a bit hyperbolic but I am sick of the government screwing us for political points … who’s next, grandmas with cell phones made in China?

  • @underthedrone2735
    @underthedrone2735 Před 2 měsíci +8

    Thanks Ken. You pretty much summed up my thoughts on this too.

  • @bluesteeltraining
    @bluesteeltraining Před 2 měsíci +16

    Does Skydio actually think commercial drone operators are going to eventually turn to them for their needs after the bullshit they’ve pulled on the industry??!! Even though it’s a trickle down situation as you call it, Skydio and their associates have turned my $13,000 DJI Matrice M30T thermal drone into an expensive paperweight and they’ve done the same to dozens of my associates, who have outfits, double and triple the cost of my outfits! we’ll go flip burgers at fast food restaurants before we invest one dime in a Skydio product!!! 😤😡😡😡. I can’t even sell these things because anyone who would buy them already knows they aren’t worth anything anymore, assuming this whole ban becomes official. None of this will happen overnight, and during that time there will be lawsuits, and I will certainly get involved in those anyway that I can. I am so pissed off. I can hardly think straight! I’m still paying for the stuff! I really would like to stand nose to nose with Skydio’s CEO as well as Elise
    Stefanik and shove my bank loan in their faces and ask them how I’m supposed to pay for this worthless hunk of plastic now!

    • @BlackSkyentertainment
      @BlackSkyentertainment Před 2 měsíci

      Stefanik is a shill for Skydio …..she is from our district and knows nothing about dji …..this is about lobbyists money.

    • @BlackSkyentertainment
      @BlackSkyentertainment Před 2 měsíci +5

      We also need to hold Skydio accountable…..

    • @laez
      @laez Před 2 měsíci

      Actually, I'd guess your drones will be worth more... historically speaking, the US is very unlikely to ban existing products. But, there is of course a chance that they will indeed be paperweights. But, also a chance that nothing will get passed and all will go on as usual.

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      Stop it with the drama ppl. Your units can't be grounded so easily

  • @phillipcoshatt
    @phillipcoshatt Před 2 měsíci +5

    As always you hit the nail on the head Ken. I'm not saving lives either where's my drone I am a hobbyist / professional and a DJI consumer. There's no other choices that are US made. I'm hoping once I retire that I will do this more as a business but with the current situation it's all up in the air so to speak. Great opinion for this is all the money trail and how it leads to Skydio.

  • @JakeSloan
    @JakeSloan Před 2 měsíci +9

    100% agree on all points

  • @TomsPropertyCare
    @TomsPropertyCare Před 2 měsíci +14

    Will not comply.

    • @xORLOCKx
      @xORLOCKx Před 2 měsíci +1

      Will not be able to buy

    • @flaneurfilms1940
      @flaneurfilms1940 Před 2 měsíci

      @@xORLOCKxif you don’t have a passport, say that.

    • @SilverFox80521
      @SilverFox80521 Před 2 měsíci

      The dude does not abide.

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      If we all don't comply then there is no real enforcement law is their?

  • @johnnybermudez
    @johnnybermudez Před 2 měsíci +5

    Dude you called a grown man a C U Next Tues 🤣💪🏽.... I mean, where's the lie. Thanks for your honesty and passion brother!

    • @SilverFox80521
      @SilverFox80521 Před 2 měsíci

      That word should not hold any more value than any other word. Stick and stones should still be the rule. Call me any word, I could care less what anyone says about me.

  • @sunshynff
    @sunshynff Před 2 měsíci +3

    I'm about ready to pull out what little hair I have left on all these DJI ban videos, I expected to watch yours and pull out about half of what I have left, but to be honest I was pleasantly surprised. I'm gonna push back on a few things and maybe make ya feel a little better about one or two of them, but what I liked about this video is, it was authentic, I could feel your frustration through the screen, you weren't worried about hitting talking points, or the latest scary detail or scapegoat that's emerged, I felt like it was almost cathartic for you, to just get it off your chest, so kudos on that sir, I always say you can't go wrong just being yourself and being real with people.
    Ok, gonna try and not make this too long (don't hold your breath though) for starters, its ok to be frustrated and nervous about your future, and don't try to downplay it by saying "I know I'm not a first responder or police", so what, it's still part of how you pay bills or take care of your family. Psssst, little secret, I was on the job 27yrs, started our fire department's first drone team before I retired, we're not all For real though, you have every right to be just as frustrated as anyone else.
    Ok second, you're right there is some shady politics and greedy business dealings involved with this, no doubt, forget about Adam, although I've heard some things too, he might just be a COUNTry singer, but what about Joe Bartlett, former Skydio Director of Federal Policy, could you get anymore of a D-bag job title, who became Stefanik's assistant or advisor and helped her draft HR 2684. So you got all that and a bag of chips I can sum up in a couple sentences.......
    The very fist ban on DJI happened in 2019 only affecting U.S. military, and there's been 4 others before H.R.2684, Stefanik's move is purely due to her making the short list to be tapped for VP along side the former Cheeto in charge, and nothing pleases his orangeness like sticking it to China. As far as Skydio is concerned, they've given half a million to Stefanik and others legislators PAC funds signed onto 2684, and two other American drone companies, BRINC and AUV SI both have given about 300k. The most ethical thing a company can do, work behind the scenes to increase the chances that your biggest competition gets booted from the game?? Probably not, but put it in context, big business in corporate America, stuff like this is a Tuesday, finished before, it happens every week, or every day, it just sucks when it affects us directly, but everyone of those deals, those rubbing elbows with lobbyists, hurts one of us regular working stiffs, ya know.
    So where is the light at the end of the tunnel? First more darkness, my brother in law is big wig retired USAF officer, who's MOS was intel, and he told me why he doesn't agree with an all out ban, there is definitely legit concerns with Chinese products specifically drones and it's not photos or anything what most people think is the reason. Also the part I disagree with on is it being DJI's fault, well not much of it. Every company over a certain size in China is required by federal law to keep copies of all records for governmental review, and they must provide office space at their headquarters for govt. officials to work out of and monitor their day to day operations. So it's very possible if there was foul play on their end, they really didn't have a choice. Also, it's way too much to go into after this long post, but China is at the precipice of a total economic collapse and probably societal one too, most likely by the end of the decade. So that plays into all this too, with global economics, them flooding markets, the U.S. and U.K. just a couple weeks ago levied massive tariffs on China electronics and cars, and more are coming. So it's a very real possibility that ban or no ban, there might not be anymore DJI in the next 3-6yrs.
    The good news, I have a Mavic Pro 1 original, that I haven't updated in 4-5yrs, ran drone hacks through it, tricked out the PID tuning, doubled my radio power, no annoying warnings, and use double lipo batteries on it and I still get 24min flight times. I also have an DJI S1000 octocopter that was used to film the final scene in the only Jason Bourne movie without Matt Damon in it, the one with Jeremy Renner, and it flies like a champ, I use it for a lighting rig, search n rescue, or odd location photo shoots to pay some bills until my old man benefits kick in, it has a load capacity of 18lbs!! What I'm saying is, even if DJI disappeared tomorrow and not another drone was ever sold, you'd have so many 3rd party people making parts it would be crazy, and it won't be too expensive, every time DJI officially "ends support" of a drone, the prices on parts always drops within a couple months, because so many people are free to make them without DJI suing them.
    I think part of the reason some of the FPV guys and fixed wing folks always butted heads with the photo drone crowd, is because when we got into the hobby we were building multi rotors from scratch pretty much. I fell in love with photo drones and DIY multi rotors years ago, so I've always gotten along with both crowds, both are great, and both have their little faults, one of the photo drones crowd is they depend too much on technology sometimes. All I'm saying is, you might just have to learn to work on them and fix them yourselves. But most likely it will be at least 3-4yrs before that happens if it ever happens, and most likely some company will step up by then to fill DJI's shoes, maybe not as well, but enough to get the job done. Anyway, I'm drinking too much coffee way to far into the afternoon and typed a damn novel here, sorry about that, it's kind of like my meditation sometimes, just typing my opinion to a Have a good weekend, and keep your chin up, life always works out in funny ways. Happy flying!

    • @mikebergman1817
      @mikebergman1817 Před 2 měsíci

      I really appreciate the thought you put into this post. I was ready to argue with you after the first paragraph, but near the middle/end I could see that you weren't just blasting off bullshit that you heard somewhere. There is a lot of good info here, and I think you're probably right about most, if not all of it. I come from the fpv side, so I am mainly butthurt about the thought of dji putting out an o4 system, and us not being able to get ahold of it lol. I would really like to have a couple of AP drones in my collection though too, so now I feel kind of pressured to hurry up and get something. Some things to think about I guess. Thank you for the reasonable comment.

    • @sunshynff
      @sunshynff Před 2 měsíci

      @@mikebergman1817 ...No problem, and thank you for reading the whole thing and realizing I wasn't trying to hate on Honestly I really hope I'm wrong, as much as I love building FPV drones, and enjoy the accomplishment of doing so, I do love DJI technology, rather it be the their goggles and air system, or flying my Mavic 2 thermal with the smart controller hooked to an LCD monitor, their stuff just works, and it works well.

  • @agtjackbauer
    @agtjackbauer Před 2 měsíci +32

    Can't let dj spy on us... But we can let all of our phones do that😂🤣

    • @d2isr222
      @d2isr222 Před 2 měsíci +5


    • @SeanTolan_illuminated_imaging
      @SeanTolan_illuminated_imaging Před 2 měsíci +4

      Our government does not like competition

    • @jeffissimo1221
      @jeffissimo1221 Před 2 měsíci +1

      I trust my information more on a Chinese server than on a US based one where the government can strongarm and intimidate them into giving them flight logs, usage, etc.

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      especially when the competition BLOWS their crappy companies out of the water

  • @jonred233
    @jonred233 Před 2 měsíci +1

    The Skydio CEO's recent appearance only pissed me off more, he didn't talk to consumers AT ALL, he only talked to big business and military...

  • @phoenixr6811
    @phoenixr6811 Před 2 měsíci +5

    Thanks for your updates on this issue 👏🏾

  • @direhavok8732
    @direhavok8732 Před 2 měsíci +5

    I saw this with Vaping on CZcams, there were shops on every other corner and reviewers and shows on so many channels. Then regulations hit and shops started to close and shows dwindled and reviewers all but disappeared.

    • @chrisbee5481
      @chrisbee5481 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Vaping haha. Seems they forbid it, because they didnt sell to Marlboro.😅

  • @avianorobc8847
    @avianorobc8847 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I wanted to share my perspective on the current discussions regarding the potential ban on Chinese drones in the U.S. It seems to me that this ban does not truly reflect a genuine concern from the U.S. government about Chinese drones. Rather, implementing such a ban would eliminate approximately 90% of recreational drones sold in the U.S., significantly reducing the number of drones flown in this country.
    Additionally, it's worth noting that the momentum for this ban only started to build after SkyDio's exit from the consumer drone market. This timing seems more than coincidental and suggests that other factors may be influencing the narrative.
    I believe it is crucial for us to address this issue from this perspective in our messaging.
    Best regards,
    Lead Coordinator & Remote Pilot Trainer, Syosset Fire Department

  • @jakesdronelife6307
    @jakesdronelife6307 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Ken I agree with you 100% buddy? I have so much money invested in all my equipment and I have nowhere to turn to to replace all these products I have. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’ve just flushed my money down the drain, and I’m basically holding onto something that is gonna die out and will never be able to replace again. I never thought it would really come to this ! I know we talked about remote ID forever and we got over that hump and then this came right behind. I should’ve known this was all too good to be true, and now I am speechless smh 😞

  • @hquiroz113064
    @hquiroz113064 Před 2 měsíci +2

    I agree with you. Ive been flying drones since 2015 and DJI was my first real drone. I still use my DJI stuff as well as my fpv stuff. But skydio or any american drone company has a long way to go.

  • @leonardothillet6423
    @leonardothillet6423 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I just did a job for a federal agency and I was not able to do the aerial photos because they would not let me use my DJI Smart Drones, they sent me a list of american made drones I didn't even know existed, not cheap either. I gave them the option of using my fpv drones that are registered with the FAA, and none of them even knew about home built drones or even fpv... If you ask me, this whole DJI issue is a "forcing our american products to the consumers" issue, instead of a spying issue...

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      I'd just submit aireal from dji anyways

  • @cmdrefstathiusplacidus9003
    @cmdrefstathiusplacidus9003 Před 2 měsíci +2

    I'm in the same boat as you dude, I wasn't even able to get my business off the ground before the stuff started with DJI

  • @haroldyazzie3538
    @haroldyazzie3538 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Nothing will come close to a DJI drone .its simply the best out there.😊

    • @haroldyazzie3538
      @haroldyazzie3538 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Yeah man, why aren't they targeting all the other devices like apple, Google Earth,etc..theyre simply focused on DJI drones. It's frustrating for us hobbyist who just want to fly our drones 😞

    • @omnirhythm
      @omnirhythm Před 2 měsíci

      @@haroldyazzie3538 Hypocritical as fuck. I understand China is one step ahead in being deregulated and 99.9% confirmed spying, but to turn a blind eye to Google's and Microsoft's 100% confirmed shit spying practices is just too ridiculous. Not to mention it's us Westerners that embraced China's cheap labor and mass production with open arms, sent them our experts and now we're in this situation. Talk about idiocracy :D

  • @Bdzynes
    @Bdzynes Před 2 měsíci

    I know that adding drone footage is 5%, yet you sell yourself short. You were a great photographer before the drone era.I've been watching your film real estate videos for years...and it's your style that makes it great. Even without drones you have the techniques and style that make every project memorable. Thanks

  • @josemontalvo2217
    @josemontalvo2217 Před měsícem

    I don't own any type of drone, I caught a stroke back on 2017 and my right arm, leg and my shifted.
    But I always read and watch your postings.
    I Agree With Them
    Tbank is always great to Read and See.

  • @christopherconkright1317
    @christopherconkright1317 Před měsícem +1

    Companies don’t have pride. they just have profits.

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      Profits that get lost so they rely on crony capitalism where they lobby the law instead of competitive

  • @tkballbusta
    @tkballbusta Před 2 měsíci

    As someone who also runs a production company in Tampa. I absolutely am with you on this ban. The frustration is so real with this, as it seems they don’t care how it’s going to hurt our industry, and it seems like no matter who you email or call, nothing changes the opinion of money. It’s sad.

    @SICKSINCE Před 2 měsíci +2

    Only thing I don’t get they ban DJI but how come TikTok isn’t effect or I’m missing something?

  • @chansachipampata5942

    I truly feel your anguish Ken. No evidence has been given regarding information going to China. It’s paranoia and the the cutting down Chinese products to the US. It’s tragic for us drone enthusiast. Let’s hope for the best!

  • @johnmajka5404
    @johnmajka5404 Před 2 měsíci +1

    This bill has me stressing out, & ive been on a three month drone buying spree. I now have 6 DJI drones, & another on the way. Mini 3, Mini 3 Pro, Mini 4 Pro, AIR 2S, AIR 3, DJI FPV Drone. All fly more combos, & I have the Integra Goggles Motion 2 Combo. I ordered the Avata 2 Fly More Combo a few days ago. I also got the Autel Evo Lite + Premium Bundle on the 18th of June. For a non Geofenced drone. Im currently studying for my part 107. Im buying one more next month. Im either buying the Mavic 3 Pro, or im waiting to see, what kinda specs the AIR 3s is going to have. Im fairly certain DJI is going to officially announce the new AIR 3s towards the end of this month.

  • @edwardrtt
    @edwardrtt Před měsícem

    Spoke to Ken over phone, really nice guy and highly knowledgeable. I thank you for the info you gave me. Love the videos you make, also thanks for helping me not waste money from you know who

  • @ponticelli
    @ponticelli Před 2 měsíci

    well said and explained! Everyone should sign the petition

  • @51Drones
    @51Drones Před 2 měsíci +1

    I was just about to comment on the unusual decorum in this video, but then you brought it home in the end. 🌮😂

  • @FullRangeRemix
    @FullRangeRemix Před 2 měsíci +2

    Ken, I have really been waiting for your thoughts, and I heard exactly what I figured you would say.
    I echo the others who think DJI tech is not a threat to our country. Seems like this is just a power move for Skydio to take government fleet business.
    I guess we could all just go buy new Skydio X10s.
    Wait, how much do they want for those drones???? 😳

  • @Milledge.Austin
    @Milledge.Austin Před 2 měsíci

    Perfectly said. I think you have encapsulated this issue perfectly. You SHOULD be passionate about something that affects your livelihood. Always enjoy your perspectives.

  • @harmymd
    @harmymd Před 2 měsíci

    This was from the heart! I completely agree with you. Nailed very accurately

  • @epvideos6476
    @epvideos6476 Před měsícem

    don't underestimate yourself, SMALL BUSINESSES like you and me are Critical to Americas success

  • @cbedesign
    @cbedesign Před 2 měsíci

    Completely agree with everything you said. One of my biggest issues with this is that there are no options after DJI for US prosumer/consumer. If other manufacturers has stayed in the game, invested, iterated and improved along with DJI over the past 8 years, this would be an entirely different story.

  • @zavtravels4546
    @zavtravels4546 Před 2 měsíci +2

    I sold all of my DJI drones couple of months ago, Remote ID and possible ban pushed me to sell them. I loved flying them :(((

    • @chrisbee5481
      @chrisbee5481 Před 2 měsíci +2

      Sometime I think of doing the same. Especially with all the restrictions and regulations. Most of all the Karens pee me off.
      But I try not to get put off that easy. Fpv has been my medicine for a while.

    • @zavtravels4546
      @zavtravels4546 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@chrisbee5481 Oh yeah, totally agree, now Karens can track you down with Remote ID, and I know they will. And regulations are just crazy. Hated to sell them, but I had no choice.

    • @laez
      @laez Před 2 měsíci

      Yeeep - dead hobby walking unfortunately, so not enough people care to affect votes.

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      That's just silly that's like giving up.
      Fuck the Karen's and fuck complying with remote ID fly it and try it.

  • @fr2331
    @fr2331 Před 2 měsíci +2

    I expect this to proceed the same way they planned on handling TikTok. They'll force them to "sell" to some American subsidiary who will run US operations.

    • @laez
      @laez Před 2 měsíci

      Yeah, agree - this is definitely a possibility.

  • @richc.3100
    @richc.3100 Před měsícem

    Thank you for speaking your mind.

  • @swsquadfan1
    @swsquadfan1 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Thanks Ken for video. It is sad that corporate greed gets in the way and corrupts a great hobby. Just to monopolize to sell their own products.😢. Come on, let the drone market be competitive.

  • @offaxisfpv
    @offaxisfpv Před 2 měsíci +1

    maybe a low for DJI cuz the old generation are quitting, but FPV has never been as solid and growing. too bad about the DJI drama and camera drone pilots having such a rough time in the usa. hope the best

  • @GrimSpeedFPV
    @GrimSpeedFPV Před 2 měsíci +1

    I promise you someone in the u.s. is going to step up if DJI is booted out! They will want that money and make it happen. But unfortunately what we will pay for it is what's worrying.

  • @107drones
    @107drones Před 2 měsíci +3

    I feel your frustration. It's horrible when you start a business and then something comes along and kneecaps you and you find there is nothing you can do about it. I will say this, when a void is created in any market, somebody will come along to take advantage of it and fill it. The king may be dead but another king always comes along. Keep the faith.
    BTW: Have you thought about starting "Dono Drones"? It's got a ring to it. 😁

    @KOOLBROTHA Před 2 měsíci +1

    Skydio drones got what they wanted!

  • @JimmyJinIA
    @JimmyJinIA Před 2 měsíci +1

    Working on Independence Day too? Hope it was a good one no matter what.

  • @GolferChris68
    @GolferChris68 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Great video! Watching other countries getting newer tech from DJI like the Mavic 4 and Mini 5 Pro, as our old tech starts to fail with no viable alternatives - that's going to be incredibly frustrating, and I'm going to be bitter about it for a very long time. A complete betrayal by short-sighted politicians.

  • @andrewdrone
    @andrewdrone Před měsícem +1

    If people are that nonsensically worried about drones sending data when there is zero evidence of that happening, they could, I don't know, just fly with their phone in airplane mode?
    A 7 year old could figure this stuff out. It's pretty laughable and pathetic at this point.

  • @Shanecohen
    @Shanecohen Před 2 měsíci +1

    🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 the ending caught me off guard lmaooo

  • @Silverturky
    @Silverturky Před 2 měsíci

    I had high hopes for the air peak I think maybe sony could really be the only company that could come close.

  • @AtlanticAerials
    @AtlanticAerials Před 2 měsíci

    Stay Original as always brother. We all don't have to agree on everything no matter the topic. That makes us individuals

  • @aaron6516
    @aaron6516 Před 2 měsíci

    Your 💯 right! Lots of click bait. You know maybe DJI will utilize Anzu for all types of equipment not just 3T and 3E. It may cost us more but it's possible and will keep us in the game. They may just be waiting like the rest of us... to see what comes out.

  • @RonaldBrown59
    @RonaldBrown59 Před 2 měsíci

    I agree with you totally. And this puts small business like yours in a bad position going forward. The US government and DJI should have been able to work this out somehow.

  • @edrone_
    @edrone_ Před 2 měsíci

    Great points Ken! The hobby truly has seen some very low lows and this one seems too close to becoming a reality but time will tell. Definitely concerned for our hobby and community.

  • @alansarpy
    @alansarpy Před 2 měsíci

    So if you buy a DJI drone now will you be able to operate for commercial use even if this ban goes through....? Just no new sales after the ban? It would be worth it to buy a new one now and just run it until it can't fly any longer 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @SkyPathProductions
    @SkyPathProductions Před 2 měsíci +1

    after purchasing an inspire 3 for my business, I don't want an alternative...I want the Inspire 3. Plain and simple.

    • @jakerodriguez5548
      @jakerodriguez5548 Před 2 měsíci

      Is there an alternative??

    • @SkyPathProductions
      @SkyPathProductions Před 2 měsíci

      @@jakerodriguez5548not at the moment. I’ve been looking into starting some drone manufacturing but it’s $800,000 minimum for development and a prototype. If I can find a way to fund that I’ll be jumping on the bandwagon.

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      @@jakerodriguez5548 nope.
      Djis latest and greatest have zero alternative

  • @mavicconnxshun4485
    @mavicconnxshun4485 Před 2 měsíci

    Ken ken my friend this ban is very stressful your so right...ok yes we can use are current drones but what if they do break how can we repair them? I want to take my 107th and start a biz cause you inspire so much and what's the point right now tech does get old and if we can't have the new toys to keep up like wtf.. great video my brotha this shits all bs

  • @xORLOCKx
    @xORLOCKx Před 2 měsíci +1

    Couldn't agree more. It's ridiculous.

  • @SCAerialsSteveCarpenter
    @SCAerialsSteveCarpenter Před 2 měsíci

    Spot On, Ken 👏👏! Follow the money trails, there are many.

  • @Opinionated219
    @Opinionated219 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Also wrote my representative here in Lee county FL…I got the usual response…Hi, this is Congressman “XYZ” I have done the following for my constituents. Please send donations to…. So there you have it. Representatives do not represent and sure as hell don’t respond to concerns.

    • @PacificSword
      @PacificSword Před 2 měsíci

      Here's what you need to do: Step 1- win the lotto. Step 2- start a super PAC. Step 3- Go in person to see your rep and watch him get on his knees and shine your fucking boots.

  • @PaulFeinberg
    @PaulFeinberg Před 2 měsíci +1

    Well said… for us. I guess we need to make a US drone

  • @JJ-wd4rb
    @JJ-wd4rb Před 2 měsíci

    I agree with what you said, thankfully we have the Specta air, Specta mini, Anzu robotics, yes these are basically DJI but made in Malaysia under different names. Now as someone who spent 9+ years in the military the government tends to overreact. And finally its weird how someone who was on stefaniks team now works at skydio. I will never buy a skydio.

    • @enginethatcould5257
      @enginethatcould5257 Před 2 měsíci

      If DJI is banned and Skydio comes back to make really good consumer drones , you'll buy Skydio 100% 😂

    • @JJ-wd4rb
      @JJ-wd4rb Před 2 měsíci

      @@enginethatcould5257 skydio left the consumer market for good so good luck spending 5k or more on a consumer drone.

  • @DadRandom
    @DadRandom Před 2 měsíci

    I will be effected too. 6 years ago I started a drone channel to allow my creativity to be explored. Really bummed out. Small story. But a story, none the less. It will seriously suck, as the quality drone choices start to be less and less.

  • @jeffissimo1221
    @jeffissimo1221 Před 2 měsíci

    I'm in the same boat. Photography is a hobby for me. I bought a drone for a different perspective. However, I am also in graduate school and my project requires that I record localized changes to a couple of different wetland sites. If this ban becomes a retroactive ban, there is nothing out there that is comparable. I reached out to Skydio for information, and those SOBs who are one of the leading proponents of this ban, won't even write back. Do they plan to offer their lesser performing Skydio 2+? They walked away from the consumer market. This ban is simply a written permission for these lesser performing drones to double and triple their prices for less performance, poor image quality, and lack of innovation.

  • @fcava-ti7mb
    @fcava-ti7mb Před 2 měsíci

    Loved your four letter delivery with regards to Skydio boss 😂 all the best Ken from the UK

    • @OriginaldoBo
      @OriginaldoBo  Před 2 měsíci +1

      In the UK it’s perfectly acceptable 😁

    @DEWDNEYANIMALHOSP Před 2 měsíci

    First Thankyou for helping spread the word. As the USA goes, so does Canada. So sadly is suspect we will see similar rules here eventually. I am curious though, I wonder what your thoughts are around the hobby role in the continued increase in restrictions? It’s relatively common, to see drone videos on CZcams that not only break existing rules, but videos that really make the entire hobby/prosumer markets look really really bad. Do you think we are somehow complicit in our own demise? If so how do we change attitudes, and if not how can we promote our business/hobby better?

    • @Matanumi
      @Matanumi Před 29 dny

      Canada doesn't care so much- lawmakers are too slow and there is more pushback here with how navcanada (a private company) is handling enforcement of UAVs

  • @rubengarciajr7560
    @rubengarciajr7560 Před 2 měsíci

    I concur, we'll still be able to fly what we have but it would be much harder to get new products from DJI as they come out.

  • @txarchdroneguy4731
    @txarchdroneguy4731 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Well stated, Ken

    • @JimmyJinIA
      @JimmyJinIA Před 2 měsíci

      Happy Independence Day Michael!

  • @BNIRc
    @BNIRc Před 2 měsíci

    Just started my drone company last summer 😢 I feel broken .

  • @johncgibson4720
    @johncgibson4720 Před měsícem

    I think people will just drive to Canada/Mexico to buy DJI 03 and drive back to US with it, like buying medicine/insulin for personal use. The fine and penalty will not be more severe. I don't think the border agents have the time to deal with this.

  • @AdamJTannerPhotography
    @AdamJTannerPhotography Před 2 měsíci

    Buying prop guards and maybe insurance for all my drones just in case replacements become a challenge in the coming years.

  • @308dronezone
    @308dronezone Před 2 měsíci

    Totally agree…well said. What a lot of us wanted to say. Thank.

  • @317Media_Indy
    @317Media_Indy Před 2 měsíci

    You are spot on. M Reps are worthless in trying to stop this one. I reached out and got back a BS answer. I'm now trying to decide if I need to invest in another backup drone for the inevitable day when I crash or it just wears out.

  • @BobCaseyAerial
    @BobCaseyAerial Před 2 měsíci +2

    My sentiments exactly

    • @JimmyJinIA
      @JimmyJinIA Před 2 měsíci

      Happy Independence Day Brother Bob!

  • @MetroDrones
    @MetroDrones Před 2 měsíci +1

    Crazy Times man...

  • @Marcus_Visbal
    @Marcus_Visbal Před 2 měsíci

    Food is going to go way up as the agriculture economy basically runs on DJI drones for a number of things

  • @AboveandBeyondGlobalDrones

    American Companies have had at least eight years to catch up with the quality and price of these foreign Drone Companies and they have not.
    Conspiracy ? knowing that relations with these Nations was breaking down, our Companies are waiting to charge us double / triple for the Quality I (we) get now.
    I met personally with my State Representative but it will boil down to Federal Regulations.
    I wish it was like the Tarriff situation we placed on Foreign cars in the 1970's but this will hurt only the Pilots and not the Manufacturers as DJI and others started to diversify their portfolios years ago.

  • @loudandclearmedia
    @loudandclearmedia Před 2 měsíci

    Been using an aging pair of Air 2S' for a couple years now, and recently some of the batteries have started to swell. Besides that, my main one has over 1000 flights on it, so I know the clock's ticking. I bit the bullet and just yesterday bought an Air 3, more in anticipation that they might be unobtanium in a few months as all this nonsense comes to a head. What a mess.

  • @dronewilder5234
    @dronewilder5234 Před 2 měsíci

    7:45 - my favourite bit 😂🤝

  • @bsmrodeo
    @bsmrodeo Před 2 měsíci

    You’re feeding your family thats pretty damn critical. I hate people that don’t tell you what they are thinking. Keep chasing brother!!!!

  • @DavidStella
    @DavidStella Před 2 měsíci

    First they came after TikTok, now they're coming after DJI. My hope is that people educate themselves on who are the politicians are who are proposing the bans, and vote accordingly in November. I don't know if it'll make a difference, but one can only wish.

  • @mjones82
    @mjones82 Před 2 měsíci

    DJI will create a subsidiary Co. that will build and sell here in the U.S.

  • @akush55
    @akush55 Před 2 měsíci

    Back 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈>📷 every DJI product That carry FCC Marking. Camera DJI Ronin 4D camera, and Osmo Pocket, Osmo Mobile, Small down to their Action Cam also (The MIc Series, will Be Affected not just Drone

    @TOXICVISUALSS Před 2 měsíci

    Would you be interested in hiring anyone to help with your business Florida local

  • @FlyZoneFpv
    @FlyZoneFpv Před 2 měsíci

    Well said Ken . Lets go bro 🫶👊🏻

  • @TheErikBallew
    @TheErikBallew Před 2 měsíci

    I mean, DJI owns Hasselblad...

  • @user-cl1zr3cg4k
    @user-cl1zr3cg4k Před 2 měsíci

    Thank you!

  • @AerRider
    @AerRider Před 2 měsíci

    Thank you Ken.

  • @HalfChrome
    @HalfChrome Před 2 měsíci

    You are right on here.

  • @MyFriendlyPup
    @MyFriendlyPup Před 2 měsíci +3

    Canada here. Happy to buy your Mavic 3 for discount.

    • @OriginaldoBo
      @OriginaldoBo  Před 2 měsíci +7

      America here , not selling my shit to you

  • @brodyport6395
    @brodyport6395 Před 2 měsíci

    Curious on your thoughts or speculations will be for those that have dji care. Just bought an air 3 that has 2 years and 4 replacements left (came with it since I bought used). My guess is that up until Dec when it gets signed in Id be able to get replacements and thereafter be royally f’d if I crash it again

  • @UltraVegas76
    @UltraVegas76 Před 2 měsíci

    Perfectly said!

  • @DavidinEssexUK
    @DavidinEssexUK Před 2 měsíci

    Not just a drone ban. Any product with an FCC licence, so if it’s got WiFi/bluetooth it’s also included.

    • @OriginaldoBo
      @OriginaldoBo  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Gimbals as well

    • @horizonskyfpvrc6152
      @horizonskyfpvrc6152 Před 2 měsíci

      Is there way DJI can get around it without using WiFi or Bluetooh? Perhaps create a universal wireless signals?

  • @scottnadeau5280
    @scottnadeau5280 Před 2 měsíci

    BINGO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Ken

  • @mikebergman1817
    @mikebergman1817 Před 2 měsíci

    Well said. I would like to see more people from the industry/community commenting on Skydio's X posts. Preferably keeping a cool head while doing it. (I did not.)
    What I really am annoyed about is that we have a divide in this community, consisting of people who do not buy dji products vs people who do use dji products. Instead of noticing that there is a pattern forming that may not effect you at the moment, it WILL effect you in the coming years.
    "I'll just choose noncompliance then."
    I will too.. But saying this while ignoring this problem is just an excuse to be a lazy fence sitter and not take a stance. They're doing this over drones that they don't even have a replacement for yet. Please do not be silly enough to assume they will not do the same thing to flight controllers and receivers, or micros, or laptops, etc. They had literally no reason to do this except to funnel people through THEIR lemonade stand.
    If you are reading this, still thinking this has something to do with the CCP and personal data transfer, you've taken the bait, and I do not really know what to tell you.

  • @davideberhardt4977
    @davideberhardt4977 Před 2 měsíci

    My dji Air 2S is incapable of sending any information to China. The remote ID transmitter barely broadcasts more than a couple hundred feet. The US gov't is focused on the wrong priorities when it comes to China.

  • @pslaathaug
    @pslaathaug Před 2 měsíci

    100% agree, Grate video! Also, the plural of Aircraft is Aircraft. :)

  • @ripclips
    @ripclips Před 2 měsíci

    Hello there, just discovered your channel recently. I'm in the same boat, also located in Tampa. I've been trying to find out what the alternatives are and judging by your video, there aren't any great ones at the moment. Skydio seems to be the only choice, however, I'm not going to have my organization pay more for an inferior product. And everything else is like $10k+ and we do not have a budget for a huge drone.

    • @laez
      @laez Před 2 měsíci

      If you aren't yet relying on drones for income, don't start now. Keep doing whatever it is you are now.

  • @davebear6312
    @davebear6312 Před 2 měsíci

    Well said my friend

  • @kenkeng5824
    @kenkeng5824 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Good video. No response from my useless Sen Rubio and Skelator when I contacted them. Good luck. 🍀

    @UKBUBBLERS Před 2 měsíci

    Well I'm sure it's going to come to the UK as well. Well said my friend, I totally agree 😁👌👍 🇬🇧

  • @kevindiossi
    @kevindiossi Před 2 měsíci

    My understanding of this ban is that DJI will not be eligible to submit for FCC licenses on ANY future products. This includes drones, gimbals, action cameras, microphones, etc. Anything that requires FCC license authorization in the United States. The licenses that already exist will be eligible to continue being sold and used. I have a Mavic 3 Pro, Mavic 3, Air 3, Mini 3 Pro, DJI Mics, RS3 Gimbal, the list goes on….I use DJI products every single day. Knowing that very soon the company will no longer be allowed to release new products is shameful. I was planning to thin down my drone fleet to just the Mavic 3 Pro and Air 3, but it looks like I’ll be keeping everything just in case anything breaks. LOL Heck, I may go down to Costco and buy a Mini 4 Pro now!
    We just watched politics impact our personal lives and business. It’s a damn joke.