AHMED DEEDAT Tells CHRISTIAN They Understand The Opposite of What Is In The Bible - Reaction

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • Assalamu alaikum Brothers and Sisters.
    We are back with yet another reaction video today reacting to Sheikh Ahmed Deedat in one of his lectures he had in the USA.
    Today he answers a Christian as to why they keep misunderstanding and hearing the opposite of what scripture says.
    Remember to support the channel by leaving a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.
    Enjoy, Much Love and Peace. ❤️🙏💯
    #ahmeddeedat #sheikhahmeddeedat #christianreacts

Komentáře • 115

  • @ayubrexin5679
    @ayubrexin5679 Před rokem +12

    The first records of the word apostle in English come from before the mid-900s. It comes from the Old English apostol, which derives from the Greek apóstolos, meaning “one who is sent"..
    the larger meaning of apostle is messenger..
    In Islam we have no problems saying Mohammad pbuh was a prophet and a messenger..
    Very true jesus pbuh ate kosher..meaning halaal..

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      There is only one Savior and only one redeemer and his name is Jesus Christ to Save you
      There is no other name given under heaven to Save you
      Prophecy is a word given from heaven
      Muhammad is not in the bible,
      The Bible speaks of a place of a place called the Abyss, or the pit. When used in the New Testament, it can refer to the abode of demons, or the place of the unbelieving dead. It is located in the lowest parts of the earth.

    • @ayubrexin5679
      @ayubrexin5679 Před rokem

      So does it make sense that God wud send countless prophet's over a span of 1000 of years to a consistent message of pure monotheism, only to all of a sudden reveal he is a trinity, a radically different message which contradicts his previous prophets teachings..
      You guys are Jokers 😂

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      ​@@ayubrexin5679 Jesus created Adam , Jesus is the word of God become flesh
      God proves himself by his word,
      Matthew 24:27
      “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
      Holy Righteous Pure Perfect
      Jesus proved everything 😊
      Truth is truth and the truth (God) always wins nothing can conquer God.
      No devil no Allah or buda or any o the pagan cult
      Religious means man made up (Islam)
      ✝️ Jesus spoke of Hell more than Heaven
      Hell It is a real place,
      2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 KJV
      .,when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
      Only if you have the Lord Jesus Christ you will have eternal life
      Glory to God 🙌 in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit THE ONE TRUE AND LIVING GOD
      Matthew 24:27
      “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
      Muhammad Mental illness under the feet of Jesus for eternity
      Thank God

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      The love of many will grow cold but he who endures to the end will be Saved
      Many will come and try to mislead you
      Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be Saved 😇
      Glory to God 🙌
      And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
      What a Mighty God we serve, Muhammad fraud prophet under the feet of Jesus for eternity
      In the eternal lake of fire imagine how many souls he deceived as the smoke of there torment descendeth forever
      There is only one Savior and only one redeemer and his name is Jesus Christ to Save you
      The Bible is not for argument but for the only and authoritive word God graciously gave to us through Jesus Christ
      All Glory to his name
      When God almighty faithful and true shows up to Allah counterfeit he will step on him like an insect 🐝... ...

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      Pagan moon god worship black stone licking cult is baalism
      When Jesus returns 🙌 He will judge the nations and will divide the righteous from the wicked and establish His Church here on earth
      His Kingdom has no end.
      John 2:22-23
      Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist-denying the Father and the Son.
      No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
      Anyone who denies that Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life in an antichrist
      That whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be Saved 😇
      When Jesus Christ arrives at his soon coming he will destroy the False Islamic Jesus the false Messiah
      What a mighty God we serve 🙌

  • @MirMdNasif
    @MirMdNasif Před rokem +7

    Without cruci-fiction, christianity dies.

    • @martinmuvhango3179
      @martinmuvhango3179 Před rokem

      The link above will prove to you why as Christian we believe as we do

    • @khozabenhamid9745
      @khozabenhamid9745 Před rokem

      Yep..that's true

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      ​​ Satan is the great disruptor and maybe ruler of this world , But
      At the cross ✝️ Jesus covers you with his protection_defeats Satan for you
      Satan's doom was sealed at the cross of Calvary
      Jesus is coming again to rule forever
      King Jesus Christ his rule has no end returning soon On this earth World without end
      Satan ☪ is under the feet of Jesus for eternity
      Thank God ✝️
      Jesus said "I AM" a title that only our one true God holds proving He is God

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      When Paul said, “At the name of Jesus every knee will bow-in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10, ),
      the emphasis was on every creature in the universe acknowledging Jesus as Lord over all creation.
      When he stated, “Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (verse 11,), he meant that every living thing, both in heaven and on earth, will honor Christ.
      Heavenly forces and demonic powers, Muslims, people who reject Christ and His faithful in the church-all will bow before Him (Isaiah 45:23-24).
      Every tongue will acknowledge Jesus for who He is-the Sovereign Lord of the universe.

    • @TheTruthSeeker462
      @TheTruthSeeker462 Před rokem

      ​@@user-tp3hg4se1s Ssssh so where in your Bible did Jesus say I am God Worship me?

  • @mo2cool4u
    @mo2cool4u Před rokem +3

    Apostle is what we call Rasool my brother. Rasool is the correct word to use.

  • @ghost-writer007
    @ghost-writer007 Před rokem +1

    There is a prophet and a messanger
    A messanger is sent to people who dont believe in god with a message but a prophet is sent to people who believe in god but do sins and mistakes so he rectifies them

  • @abbzsolo205
    @abbzsolo205 Před 9 měsíci

    A Rasool is also one who has a duty to reform society. You can see some messengers they come with the message and guidance but they dont change society

  • @riansyaheffendi
    @riansyaheffendi Před rokem

    In Islam there's a term "Nabi" & "Rasul", probably "Nabi = Prophet" the one that were given the prophecy from Allah, & "Rasul = Apostle = Messenger" the one that were instructed to spread the messege from Allah to his people.

    • @riansyaheffendi
      @riansyaheffendi Před rokem

      The Messenger had his people/ummah in his lifetime, but The Prophet didn't have to have his own people, he can use the prophecy to his own good.

  • @usmansadiq8754
    @usmansadiq8754 Před rokem +5

    There is a letter of prophet muhammad saw he send to hercules and it was written with seal stamp of ring it's mentioned muhammad the apostle of God and another letter its written muhammad the apostle of god we muslims believe that all prophets of god are apostle of god his apostle that's what that means in our understanding of that word it can also mean servant of god

    • @marykary8656
      @marykary8656 Před rokem

      I mean it tells you do not eat the slime in all you do is lie is of the swine and all they do is eat that and that tells you do not fornicate and they're all fornicators and they're all having children out of wedlock it tells you cover your hair and no one covers their hair or just as modestly like mother Mary it tells you to pray but nobody prays all they do is sing and dance it tells you wine is a mocker do not partake of intoxicants and all they're doing is getting drunk in their churches and Mal women men and children it tells you that I shall not partake of the swine this wine is unclean for you thou shalt not eat the whole am

    • @marykary8656
      @marykary8656 Před rokem

      I mean it tells you not to eat the hoofed animal

    • @marykary8656
      @marykary8656 Před rokem

      But it's a farce don't have wine wine is a mocker and yet it's the billion-dollar industry in the Messiah and his they lived a kosher lifestyle she covered herself from head to toe she covered her hair and the women are running around naked in the streets why are they not following the scriptures of

    • @marykary8656
      @marykary8656 Před rokem

      I told you I'll show not erect a tree in my home as a form of worship that is idol worship that is pagan worship that is blasphemy better for you to abstain holiday is a blasphemy unfortunately they don't understand Satan has put a real over their eyes and their heart and they don't understand or do they comprehend

    • @marykary8656
      @marykary8656 Před rokem

      That's why you need to pray to the Lord Almighty and ask for forgiveness and the Lord will hear you and will answer answer your prayers but there has to be sincerity and there has to be repentance and there has to be the Lord Almighty forgives all sins except one and that is describing our partners to the Lord Almighty is blasphemy

  • @ahmadumarmainika5191
    @ahmadumarmainika5191 Před rokem +2

    may Allah bless u good jobs

  • @prashantmagar1169
    @prashantmagar1169 Před rokem +1

    in arabic this verse says rasulallah which means messenger but the translator translated apostle.

  • @mohammadadamzi4850
    @mohammadadamzi4850 Před rokem +1

    it's a choice of words as per the translator grasp or understanding of the Arabic language..

  • @hjeinhjsaman5500
    @hjeinhjsaman5500 Před rokem


  • @hassanadedoyin8062
    @hassanadedoyin8062 Před rokem +1


  • @p1ngh
    @p1ngh Před rokem +1

    Apostle is used in the old translations.
    What matters is in Arabic its “Rasool” means “Messenger” who gets revelation. “Nabi” in Arabic means “Prophet” who follows the previous Rasool’s Law.
    Why are you arguing over the translation.
    Isā Ibn Maryama Rasūlullah.
    “Jesus The Son Of Marry The Messenger Of Allah”
    This is the actual translation of Arabic part he quoted.
    But Mr. Deedat Quoted the Arabic and also “quoted” the translation.

  • @ariesh6328
    @ariesh6328 Před rokem

    Nabee (prophet) is someone who got revelation.
    Rasool (apostle) is a nabee who is sent by Allah to people in his time (bringing law and guidance).
    So every rasool is a nabee (prophet) but not every nabee is a rasool (apostle).
    e.g. Aaron is a nabee like Moses, but Moses is a rasool for he got messages bringing guidance for the Bani Israil in Egypt.

  • @wadhahhammadi7266
    @wadhahhammadi7266 Před rokem

    Man I love you
    May Allah bless you

  • @tariqyousaf9542
    @tariqyousaf9542 Před rokem

    Sallam Brother, as you asked about Prophet Mohammed being an apostle by Quran, so I found a description of an apostle by Islam.
    Short and simple description of Apostle. = Apostle, (from Greek apostolos, “person sent”)
    Prophet Muhammad pbuh is a prophet who is an apostle.
    It’s a bit confusing but it goes like this. An apostle is an add on to prophethood. An apostle is always also a prophet while a prophet may or may not be an apostle.
    A prophet receives revelation but is not obligated to transmit or spread it. An apostle however is obligated to spread that revelation.

  • @pizzwithu4064
    @pizzwithu4064 Před rokem +1

    Qur'an still in original language, isa ibn Maryam is Rasulullah check the original Qur'an brother. Apostle means rasul go to translate. May Allah increase your knowledge. Ameeen.

  • @martinmuvhango3179
    @martinmuvhango3179 Před rokem

    The reason we believe is because we actually read the Bible and read in context and use other historical books written in the same time period as reference. And most importantly we read it with the guidance of the spirit of God.

    • @Bunyourdesires
      @Bunyourdesires Před rokem +1

      Brother you Christian’s do the opposite of Jesus too….talking about his actions

    • @martinmuvhango3179
      @martinmuvhango3179 Před rokem

      @@Bunyourdesires we as Christians never claim to be perfect, in fact being a Christian means u accept that righteousness is only archive through grace and salvation is through faith in Jesus not in our works.

  • @anitalean607
    @anitalean607 Před rokem +1

    Apostle means messenger
    It's not the same as prophet

  • @MohamedAhmed-lc6ch
    @MohamedAhmed-lc6ch Před rokem

    We consider Apostle and messengers are the same.

  • @robertpundsack1363
    @robertpundsack1363 Před rokem

    Concidering this man does not understand the Christian Bible. He takes liberty with true meaning. Twists it , to fit his religion. As a believer in Jesus as my savior. God's gift is the Holy Spirit To guide us in understanding. So we know what we read, is our God's truth. We could say the same for him and his religion. But we are only to give God's truth, not engage in a argument. .

  • @apakansaja8505
    @apakansaja8505 Před rokem

    Apostles are just Prophet's Companions....most time they are close, live, walk, sleep and eat together with the Prophet. They are taught about God directly from the Prophet and continue to spread the Prophet's teaching to the masses even when the Prophet has passed away....they're true eyewitnesses and know more about the Prophet's teachings than anyone else

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      When Paul said, “At the name of Jesus every knee will bow-in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10, ),
      the emphasis was on every creature in the universe acknowledging Jesus as Lord over all creation.
      When he stated, “Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (verse 11,), he meant that every living thing, both in heaven and on earth, will honor Christ.
      Heavenly forces and demonic powers, Muslims, people who reject Christ and His faithful in the church-all will bow before Him (Isaiah 45:23-24).
      Every tongue will acknowledge Jesus for who He is-the Sovereign Lord of the universe.

  • @nurzamri2266
    @nurzamri2266 Před rokem

    Answering your questions regarding the apostles and prophets. If the apostle is meaning the messenger from God, then, in Islam, a apostle is also a prophet, but a prophet is not necessarily a apostle. A apostle is someone who receives the revelation from God for himself and he needs to spread that revelation to other people as well. But a prophet is a person who receives revelation from God and he does not need to preach the revelation to others.

  • @aminuadamu2811
    @aminuadamu2811 Před rokem

    1. Shahada (Mark 12:29)
    2. Salat (Matthew 26:39)
    3. Zakah (Hebrew 10:24)
    4. Fasting (Matthew 4:1-1)
    5. Hajj (Psalm 84:5-6)
    Leviticus. 19:27
    Leviticus. 21:5
    Jeremiah. 9:25
    1 chronicles. 19:5
    Exodus. 30:17
    Exodus. 40:30
    John. 13:4
    Exodus. 28:1
    Ezekiel. 13:17
    Corinthians. 14:34-38
    Tito. 2:3
    1 Timothy. 2:11
    Revelation. 2:19
    1 timothy. 2:8
    Genesis. 17:1
    Psalm. 95: 6
    Ezekiel. 43:3
    Kings. 18:39
    Psalm. 5:7
    Numbers. 20:6
    Nehemiah. 8:6
    Matthew. 26:36
    Matthew. 17:1
    Revelation. 7:9
    Leviticus. 11:7
    Deuteronomy. 14:8
    Isaiah. 65:3
    Proverbs. 31:3
    Isaiah. 4:11
    Amos. 6:5-7
    Habakkuk. 2:15
    Leviticus. 10:8
    Isaiah. 66:17
    Genesis. 49:10
    Genesis. 16:7-14
    Deuteronomy. 18:18
    Deuteronomy. 34:10
    Jeremiah. 34:18
    Isaiah. 21:13
    Isaiah. 19:19
    Daniel. 7:13
    Mathew. 21:33-43
    Galatians. 4:21
    John. 1:19-22
    John. 14:30
    John. 16:7-14
    Act. 7:37
    John. 14:15
    Revelation. 7:9-12
    Revelation. 19:10-16 ،
    Deuteronomy. 6:1
    Deuteronomy. 13:-1-11
    Deuteronomy. 22:13-22
    Deuteronomy. 21:18-21
    Deuteronomy. 22:25
    Mathew. 15:3
    Joshua. 1:18
    Hebrews. 10:28
    Leviticus. 20:9-16
    Leviticus. 20:27
    According to the Islamic doctrine, Muslims should believe in all the prophets sent by Allah almighty among the prophets like Adam, Noah, Jacob, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed etc(Quran 3:84).
    Pls for da sake of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), try to understand it and send this to all your friends.
    Muslim Contacts so that each muslim will say
    Astagfirullah wa atubu ilaih
    Astagfirullah wa atubu ilaih
    Astagfirullah wa atubu ilaih, before forwarding, and in a few seconds, billions will have said it and it may calm Allah's anger.
    You've got nothing to lose, so pls pass on and receive Allah's forgiveness.

  • @wadhahhammadi7266
    @wadhahhammadi7266 Před rokem

    No they are not the same but still Mohammed ppbuh was a prophet and an apostle , and also a messenger which is nearer to apostle.

  • @aslamfarooqui1990
    @aslamfarooqui1990 Před rokem

    They are confused by trinity

  • @truthfinder474
    @truthfinder474 Před rokem +1

    Revelation 1:17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.
    Revelation 1:18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.

    • @ruggiebaldeh5039
      @ruggiebaldeh5039 Před rokem +1

      Even if revealation says so, you and I knows that's not true because he was born that's the beginning of his life and according 2 the christians he end up in the cross and died. So he have beginning and ending

    • @abidtaib2775
      @abidtaib2775 Před rokem

      @@ruggiebaldeh5039 but according to your bible, he was alive even after the crucifixion. He wasn’t resurrected. In other words, the Holy Spirit is not there and this clearly shows his ending is not based on the crucifixion.

    • @truthfinder474
      @truthfinder474 Před rokem

      @@ruggiebaldeh5039It's not true for you but not for me. No, after death Jesus was resurrected, that's why he is still alive

    • @selvamnadesanselvam2959
      @selvamnadesanselvam2959 Před rokem

      ​@@truthfinder474 GOD is immortal, HE never dead even once.

    • @truthfinder474
      @truthfinder474 Před rokem

      @@selvamnadesanselvam2959 God is immortal but not the flesh.

  • @DonDiiiii
    @DonDiiiii Před rokem

    Arabic bible still mentions Allah as God's name in the old testament.

    • @AboodXD
      @AboodXD Před rokem

      The Arabs were already using the word Allah before Islam.

    • @DonDiiiii
      @DonDiiiii Před rokem

      Allah is the God of prophet Abraham(pbuh) & Ishmael(pbuh).
      Arabs are descendants of prophet Ishmael(s), Holy K'aba was built by the these prophets, that's how arabs started worshipping the one God, Allah.
      Besides jews & Christians were already worshipping Allah.
      Arab bible still has Allah mentioned almost 3000 times in it.
      Allah is still the God of Yemeni Jews.
      Western Christians never heard about arab Christian. They think all arabs are muslims.

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      Allah is the ancient pagan Egyptian moon god
      Muhammad was a stone licking pagan believer

  • @martinmuvhango3179
    @martinmuvhango3179 Před rokem

    Our response as Christian to your question is the link below

  • @alphijosephk2266
    @alphijosephk2266 Před rokem

    Holy Bible - Jesus Christ warns Humanity about False Prophets. (Mathew 7:15; Luke 6: 43 - 44)
    “Be on your guard against False Prophets; they (False Prophets) come to you looking like Sheep, on the outside. But on the inside they (False Prophets) are really like Wild Wolves. You will know them (False Prophets) by what they do.”

    • @AboodXD
      @AboodXD Před rokem +2

      True. Applies very well to Paul.

    • @selvamnadesanselvam2959
      @selvamnadesanselvam2959 Před rokem +2

      "Ye will know them by their fruits. "

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      ​@@AboodXD When Paul said, “At the name of Jesus every knee will bow-in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10, ),
      the emphasis was on every creature in the universe acknowledging Jesus as Lord over all creation.
      When he stated, “Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (verse 11,), he meant that every living thing, both in heaven and on earth, will honor Christ.
      Heavenly forces and demonic powers, Muslims, people who reject Christ and His faithful in the church-all will bow before Him (Isaiah 45:23-24).
      Every tongue will acknowledge Jesus for who He is-the Sovereign Lord of the universe.

  • @user-tp3hg4se1s
    @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

    Jesus Said in Revelation 1:8
    "I AM " The Almighty
    " the first and the last"
    The bible proves Jesus said to be the Almighty God
    Satan cannot change the true written word of the one true Almighty God
    God proves himself by his word, Matthew 24:27 “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
    Holy Righteous Pure Perfect
    Jesus proved everything 😊 in heaven no introduction the only one standing at the gates
    Isaiah 9:6
    6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
    Isaiah a true prophet of God was not making things up saying this
    Isaiah a true prophet of God did not believe in Allah counterfeit or flying donkeys😊 or false prophet Muhammad

  • @abdelmao751
    @abdelmao751 Před rokem

    deed at is not a doctor doctor he is autodidact

  • @usmansadiq8754
    @usmansadiq8754 Před rokem

    React to sheik yasin bro

  • @martinmuvhango3179
    @martinmuvhango3179 Před rokem

    Lol if you want to take us Christian on, that's fine. Just understand we also know how to defend our faith. We have qualified Christians apologetics who are the if you want to discuss or debate.

  • @robertpundsack1363
    @robertpundsack1363 Před 11 měsíci

    Actually we can say the same about Islam. Using your thinking. This man is a Muslim, he does not have the ability to hear our God's truth. We worship two different gods we are two different faiths. This man not knowing God's truth, will say as please. For when you don't know the subject .will Say whatever to others, who don't no our God. Ask why this man needs tey so hard to debunk the Christian faith. Note , you do not see a follower of Jesus out on a circuit d grading Islam.

  • @user-tp3hg4se1s
    @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

    There is only one Savior and only one redeemer and his name is Jesus Christ to Save you
    There is no other name given under heaven to Save you
    Prophecy is a word given from heaven
    Muhammad is not in the bible,
    The Bible speaks of a place of a place called the Abyss, or the pit. When used in the New Testament, it can refer to the abode of demons, or the place of the unbelieving dead. It is located in the lowest parts of the earth.

  • @ghost-writer007
    @ghost-writer007 Před rokem

    Of course he ate only halal cuz he kept the commandments but paul came and told them and threw away everything jesus was teaching he is the founder of christianity jesus wasnt christian he didn't believe or teached trinity its all paul and the romans

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      When Paul said, “At the name of Jesus every knee will bow-in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10, ),
      the emphasis was on every creature in the universe acknowledging Jesus as Lord over all creation.
      When he stated, “Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (verse 11,), he meant that every living thing, both in heaven and on earth, will honor Christ.
      Heavenly forces and demonic powers, Muslims, people who reject Christ and His faithful in the church-all will bow before Him (Isaiah 45:23-24).
      Every tongue will acknowledge Jesus for who He is-the Sovereign Lord of the universe.

  • @peterrego3771
    @peterrego3771 Před rokem

    "I am with you always, to the end of the age."
    “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20, ESV).

    • @Leonhart72metal
      @Leonhart72metal Před rokem

      I don't see this in the KJV, could you provide the reference for it in the KJV please?

    • @peterrego3771
      @peterrego3771 Před rokem

      Matthew 28:18-20 KJV
      And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
      KJV: King James Version

    • @Leonhart72metal
      @Leonhart72metal Před rokem

      @@peterrego3771 it’s not there, why is that?

    • @peterrego3771
      @peterrego3771 Před rokem

      In google type the below:-
      Matthew 28:18-20 KJV

    • @Leonhart72metal
      @Leonhart72metal Před rokem

      @@peterrego3771 found it, last page of Matthew. Thank you

  • @martinmuvhango3179
    @martinmuvhango3179 Před rokem

    Your problem my brother is that you approch this topic from a very proud and arrogant point of view, you clearly have know interest in knowing and understanding the Christian faith but rather you seek to prove how yours is better.
    The is a lot of authentic Christian theologians who would answer all your questions if you would humble yourself and stop viewing everything through the musilam lanse. I can send you a CZcams links if you are ready to learn. May God bless with knowledge, understanding and wisdom of who he is

    • @AboodXD
      @AboodXD Před rokem +2

      Are you even serious? He was Christian and pretty knowledgeable in it.

    • @selvamnadesanselvam2959
      @selvamnadesanselvam2959 Před rokem

      Ask christian prince debate with zakir naik face to face.don't hide like chicken.

    • @martinmuvhango3179
      @martinmuvhango3179 Před rokem

      The is difference between having knowledge in something and understanding that knowledge.

    • @AboodXD
      @AboodXD Před rokem

      @@martinmuvhango3179 look who's speaking. If you understood Christianity, you wouldn't be Christian.

  • @robertpundsack1363
    @robertpundsack1363 Před 7 měsíci

    Unfortunately this man has no understanding of our savior Jesus. He can not hear God's truth in scripture. Thus spreads false information. For ,he has no authorithy as he spreads deliberatly twist information. If in a true Christian church. His words would fall to the floor . To be walked on on the way out. I dennounce this mans words. Based on my God's truth in scripture.