Johnson’s legacy: he got the big calls wrong

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Boris Johnson wants to talk about his legacy. Okay, let’s talk about his legacy.

Komentáře • 1,1K

  • @jamesmurtha2923
    @jamesmurtha2923 Před 2 lety +550

    I think its important to remember that its also the legacy of not only his cabinet and the wider conservative party, but also anyone who has, and worryingly still, supports him.

    • @eyesopen7946
      @eyesopen7946 Před 2 lety +35

      it is each and every conservative voter as well

    • @SnowOps59
      @SnowOps59 Před 2 lety +9


    • @fredatlas4396
      @fredatlas4396 Před 2 lety +9

      Spot on

    • @AndrewWebber66
      @AndrewWebber66 Před 2 lety +1

      @@eyesopen7946 I'm sure that's right in many cases, but some people are just gullible and incapable of looking outside the well oiled right wing media we have in the UK. Those guys, laughingly called the free press. They have zillions to spend on making people believe, and they're obviously good at it.

    • @donaldellis3609
      @donaldellis3609 Před 2 lety +7

      Absolutely spot on.

  • @fredlenz4743
    @fredlenz4743 Před 2 lety +312

    I think his actions deserve him to be prosecuted for acts against the Country. i.e. Treasonable acts

    • @chrisyarnold6205
      @chrisyarnold6205 Před 2 lety +32

      Absolutely, this is something that I have thought for a while.
      Worst of it is, if he was imprisoned for 10 years, this country would still be suffering the damage by time he was released!

    • @annenunney9907
      @annenunney9907 Před 2 lety +6

      Me to

    • @graemekeable8461
      @graemekeable8461 Před 2 lety +14

      Anyone with a morale compass thinks the same, which perfectly demonstrates how soulless and immoral the establishment is.

    • @wotireckon
      @wotireckon Před 2 lety +1

      With this government who needs terrorists? (© Juice media)

    • @SNAFUferret
      @SNAFUferret Před 2 lety +7

      This habitual liar is in no position to appoint anyone to the House of Lords.

  • @kenwalding6003
    @kenwalding6003 Před 2 lety +459

    What a brilliant summary of Johnsons total failure as our Prime Minister and the Conservative members love him???? Speaks volumes about their standards for public life.

    • @realhorrorshow8547
      @realhorrorshow8547 Před 2 lety +15

      Yet more confirmation politics is about adherence to creed and cheering your team for too many.

    • @kyorin6526
      @kyorin6526 Před 2 lety +10

      The Labour party need not spend any money on party political broadcasts when the next election comes around (if the Tories don't cancel future elections that is), Labour just need to broadcast this... Johnson may well be back at the helm by then too, so this video will prove very useful. Love you guys by the way, your book was very entertaining.

    • @realhorrorshow8547
      @realhorrorshow8547 Před 2 lety +4

      @Carl Collins A man who was never in power and never will be. But I'm sure Tories will be erecting that strawman for years to come.

    • @robtyman4281
      @robtyman4281 Před 2 lety +12

      They don't have any standards - no morality, no ethics, no clue.

    • @johnwright9372
      @johnwright9372 Před 2 lety +6

      It speaks volumes about the intelligence of the average Tory voter and the ethical standards of the mainstream British media.

  • @lost_boy
    @lost_boy Před 2 lety +273

    He should be in prison for causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. Negligent to the extreme.

    • @dodgyb2001
      @dodgyb2001 Před 2 lety +29

      I completely agree. He did as little as he could during the pandemic to help, starting with ignoring COBRA meetings at the start, and then using the excuse of the pandemic to shovel as much public money to his mates as he possibly could. The only person he is interested is in is himself, and he should go to prison for criminal negligence on a scale the British public has never seen.

    • @fuckfannyfiddlefart
      @fuckfannyfiddlefart Před 2 lety

      Manslaughter is a CRIME and he must be PROSECUTED

    • @reaceness
      @reaceness Před 2 lety +3


    • @thewhippetreport1868
      @thewhippetreport1868 Před 2 lety +1

      Still amazing how we ended up with a leadership contest instead of a general election, plus a "propper" investigation by MI5. Or is it MI6 territory ?- probabley both, just so long as such investigating does not end up being some school reunion what, otherwise they will end up blaming the fire brigade.

    • @chrisyarnold6205
      @chrisyarnold6205 Před 2 lety +13

      Negligently enabling.

  • @timoakley277
    @timoakley277 Před 2 lety +11

    This man is my MP. To say I am disgusted, appalled, horrified is an understatement. The Conservatives have lost my vote, probably for ever.

  • @bigtastyforlife9367
    @bigtastyforlife9367 Před 2 lety +116

    This should be taught in schools for History lessons.
    Problem is it doesnt include:
    Hancock sacking
    Patel bullying
    Russia report
    Local flooding
    Track and Trace billions wasted.
    Ring of steel around care homes
    40 new hospital lies
    Exams fiasco
    All the u-turns (free school meals, visa surcharge etc)

    • @nathanfurnival8724
      @nathanfurnival8724 Před 2 lety +8

      The Forde report

    • @GG-ml3vr
      @GG-ml3vr Před 2 lety +5

      @@nathanfurnival8724 Maybe the alternator in the Focus?

    • @gazza595
      @gazza595 Před 2 lety

      @@nathanfurnival8724 You really are a boring little troll aren't you, the what about specialist.

    • @ozzie2612
      @ozzie2612 Před 2 lety +3

      @@GG-ml3vr could be just had mine replaced

    • @ozzie2612
      @ozzie2612 Před 2 lety +5

      @@nathanfurnival8724 pincher

  • @damianmichaelides179
    @damianmichaelides179 Před 2 lety +244

    That was brilliantly put together. I know you mention him changing his own oven baked deal, but when Michel Barnier says Boris Johnson understood the Northern Ireland protocol within the withdrawal agreement, he is being very polite. He is effectively saying that they signed the withdrawal agreement to get 'Brexit Done' with no intention of implementing the Northern Ireland Protocol and has continued to act in bad faith. It is very disappointing to watch his conduct from the side lines, and the EU has had to wait patiently until someone else takes over as this man cannot renegotiate anything with the EU after so much bad will.
    Then there was the stitch up with the Metropolitan police not investigating retrospectively. Then as soon as the Sue Gray report was ready, they stepped in only to delay the process for weeks in the hope the public would get bored and when it was finally released it had to be redacted as the investigations were on going.
    I suppose there is so much that you could go on forever making points about this ridiculous and disastrous episode in British politics.

    • @jonathonjubb6626
      @jonathonjubb6626 Před 2 lety

      All good points that are not generally understood by the 'Great Unwashed'
      They only understand the headlines of the DM and DE!

    • @nigget-tv-videos4135
      @nigget-tv-videos4135 Před 2 lety

      both sides knew the agreement, hence both knew there would be issues, DUP didnt agree again both sides knew there going foward would be legal issues, both accepted so now both sides cannot complain of the fall out- thats what a honest person would say- im a remainer but both sides knew by signing a deal could turn into

    • @irishterminator.
      @irishterminator. Před 2 lety +6

      @@nigget-tv-videos4135 but the protocol was drawn up by Boris and the EU thought that was a fair way of keeping trade flowing between the north of Ireland and the UK and also the Republic so Boris and team knew there could be problems from the DUP but underestimated how much

    • @chrisyarnold6205
      @chrisyarnold6205 Před 2 lety +19

      When you say both sides, I presume that you refer to EU and Tories, but only one side has neglected to honour this deal. NI protocol has never been fully implemented, and still EU patiently waited for UK to transition.
      The point at which they lost patience was when Tories drew up new law breaking protocol and unilaterally changing a treaty, which of course is illegal. Although new laws have not yet come into force, EU took decision to start legal proceedings, which they have just paused for a month to allow new leader to take power. Looks as if Truss will become next PM, and from her language will double down on Johnson's illegality, further dragging this country's international reputation through the sh!#. ☹

    • @damianmichaelides179
      @damianmichaelides179 Před 2 lety

      @@irishterminator. The parties were not going to agree and Britain was about to crash out the EU on WTO rules. That is why he did it. He sold a lie to the British public and this was his solution. I think it is actually straight out the Donald Trump play book.

  • @PanglossDr
    @PanglossDr Před 2 lety +34

    His greatest legacy will be leaving an impoverished and less significant England and the disintegration of the UK,

  • @mxrubyrouge
    @mxrubyrouge Před 2 lety +65

    Blood of those lost to covid, poverty, sanctions and cruel treatment of asylum seekers are on the tories’ hands.

  • @1inchPunchBowl
    @1inchPunchBowl Před 2 lety +80

    That should shown before the start of every movie in every cinema across the UK.

    • @trialsted
      @trialsted Před 2 lety +2

      Can we start a go fund me to get this broadcast everywhere as an advert?

    • @alvindimes4729
      @alvindimes4729 Před 2 lety

      @@trialsted Yes I agree, this should be broadcast widely on all media.

  • @marccarter1350
    @marccarter1350 Před 2 lety +26

    Watching that recap of his time in office made my blood boil. The issue still is that many who went along with it are still there. We need to move all of the poison.

  • @georgec7899
    @georgec7899 Před 2 lety +148

    He spoke of Gorbachev a man of Great integrity and Courage something Johnson will never EVER be recognised for during Johnsons entire live. Worst PM in British HISTORY

    • @badbooks476
      @badbooks476 Před 2 lety +8

      Just regurgitating the line he was given by an advisor, I nearly choked on my coffee, when I heard Johnson say it

    • @marksimons8861
      @marksimons8861 Před 2 lety +11

      Boris Johnson is Lord Haw-Haw as Prime Minister.

    • @fincorrigan7139
      @fincorrigan7139 Před 2 lety +10

      @@marksimons8861 Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce) did not appeal his death sentence for treason (even though he was not a GB citizen at the time of his capture) on the basis that his wife (who was a GB citizen) would not be prosecuted for the same offense.
      As daft as it might seem it is arguable that there was more personal honour in even William Joyce than Johnson.

    • @cshartley101
      @cshartley101 Před 2 lety +2

      He's terrible, but Blair pips him to the post in my opinion.

  • @suewilkinson910
    @suewilkinson910 Před 2 lety +8

    I remember when Led by Donkeys started. They were funny. Now they are really good serious journalists. Well done 👏👏Excellent piece as ever. It would not have been right if you hadn't done something to mark his end.

  • @CatfoxGO
    @CatfoxGO Před 2 lety +66

    Thank you for this. Really easy to forget some of the scandals when there are so many...

    • @nathanfurnival8724
      @nathanfurnival8724 Před 2 lety

      Forgotten already

    • @chrisyarnold6205
      @chrisyarnold6205 Před 2 lety +8

      Must have more than 2 words of support for your hero, come on write a short defence thesis.

    • @GG-ml3vr
      @GG-ml3vr Před 2 lety +1

      @@nathanfurnival8724 Forgot what?

    • @ozzie2612
      @ozzie2612 Před 2 lety +4

      @@GG-ml3vr looks like he's forgotten how to reply

    • @nolongerhappy4088
      @nolongerhappy4088 Před 2 lety

      @@nathanfurnival8724 You're as big a joker as the liar himself

  • @breadyegg
    @breadyegg Před 2 lety +130

    The bar has been set low.
    Liz Truss: Hold my beer.

    • @y_ffordd
      @y_ffordd Před rokem

      Yeh but she allowed the Chagosians to return home, something no other government has done, the rest of us are economically screwed, but at least we havent been evicted from our homeland like the chagosians were

  • @peakyblunder
    @peakyblunder Před 2 lety +42

    I can't think of one single bloody thing that is fit for purpose in the UK and the thought of getting Brexit done and being stronger on our own is laughable if not certifiably insane.

    • @roderickjoyce6716
      @roderickjoyce6716 Před 2 lety

      As a student I was a volunteer in one of the old-style long-stay psychiatric hospitals, and I still interpret for a mental health trust. Believe me, severely delusional patients are usually terribly unhappy but they have a better grasp of reality than any of the leading Tories, never mind the people who vote for them. Johnson is bad enough, but Truss three stops past Barking.

    • @FivePotter
      @FivePotter Před rokem

      ik all us leaving has done is make everything worse

  • @arthurpewtey
    @arthurpewtey Před 2 lety +105

    What bothers me FAR more than any of this is that most people in the country should have been fully aware of most if not all of these things - none of them are new, after all.
    All of these people are therefore EITHER woefully ignorant or were (and, in many cases, still are) quite happy to have an incompetent bare-faced liar running the country. Or both, of course.
    I find that nothing short of terrifying, not least because the next leader could be just as bad and the one after her could be even worse!

    • @chrisyarnold6205
      @chrisyarnold6205 Před 2 lety +10

      She'll be like Johnson without the intelligence.

    • @patrickglenn4038
      @patrickglenn4038 Před 2 lety +12

      They like being ruled by posh accents and hope they will enact racist policies,imo.

    • @cynicalpenguin
      @cynicalpenguin Před 2 lety

      @@patrickglenn4038 Some people don't vote for labour purely because they think there's racism in the party; with people like Naz Shah on the front bench it doesn't send out a reassuring message.

    • @gazza595
      @gazza595 Před 2 lety

      @@greyfriars6540 I'm sick of seeing this fucking nonsense, really? Either would have been far superior to a provable corrupt liar who want's to be "King of the world". Have you been unconscious for two years?

    • @ozzie2612
      @ozzie2612 Před 2 lety +10

      @@greyfriars6540 why?

  • @Jjw132
    @Jjw132 Před 2 lety +29

    You forgot his defending of Priti Patel after she too broke ministerial code for 'bullying'!

  • @Paul-eb4jp
    @Paul-eb4jp Před 2 lety +18

    He should always be remembered as the disgraced former PM.

    • @janetmalcolm6191
      @janetmalcolm6191 Před 2 lety +2

      Paul....he has been described in print as "The Convict" but there was no was that.

    • @capt.bart.roberts4975
      @capt.bart.roberts4975 Před 3 měsíci

      You do know, he can stand for President of The US, he was born there.

    • @capt.bart.roberts4975
      @capt.bart.roberts4975 Před 3 měsíci +1

      No I don't think there's any limit on his hubris.

  • @lisastickytuna8668
    @lisastickytuna8668 Před 2 lety +60

    Johnson was compromised when he attended the Lebedev party with no staff when he was in the Foreign Office.
    Gove (compromised every weekend, no doubt) and Johnson were undecided about Brexit until they had a secret dinner with.... Lebedev. The very next day, both declared they were supporting Leave.
    Watch Gove and Johnson's faces when it was announced that Leave won.... They look sick.
    Neither stayed for the 'celebrations' that night, instead choosing to attend a birthday party. For Lebedev's Father. The 'ex' KGB officer, closely linked to Putin - Putin himself claimed that there's no such thing as an 'ex' KGB officer.
    Against all intelligence advice, Johnson then makes Lebedev a bloody Lord!
    Johnson is a psychopath and an overly-entitled crook who deliberately destroyed the UK.
    And if that doesn't p1ss you off, he made US pay for one of his many affairs! And killed 200k, destroyed trade, stagnated wages whilst boosting the obscenely wealthy, grifted billions to pals to produce unusable PPE so nurses wore bin bags (we still pay £1 million a day to store the crap), dismissed £9 billion in fraudulent covid loans whilst removing £20 UC (wonder who got the loans?), pushed more children into poverty than in recent memory, privatised the NHS by stealth, saw more food banks in the UK than McDonald's, allowed raw 💩 to be pumped into our waters, normalised lying in Parliament and to the electorate
    ... Christ. I could literally go on all day.
    Him and his cronies belong behind bars. Shame on them all.

    • @drscopeify
      @drscopeify Před 2 lety

      The Brexit polls even today are still close with YouGov having it as 40% leave 46% stay and 6% would not vote and 8% undecided so it's very close overall. That is not big difference. You can blame Trump and Johnson for some mysterious Russian connection but the public still votes from its free will and the results of polls today in 2022 still show a close result.

    • @benc9802
      @benc9802 Před 2 lety +1

      @@drscopeify this has physically nothing to do with Trump, its not connected to Trump in any way, so why are you bring him into this?

    • @drscopeify
      @drscopeify Před 2 lety

      @@benc9802 The Brexit polls even today are still close with YouGov having it as 40% leave 46% stay and 6% would not vote and 8% undecided so it's very close overall. That is not big difference. You can blame Johnson for some mysterious Russian connection but the public still votes from its free will and the results of polls today in 2022 still show a close result.

    • @markbriten6999
      @markbriten6999 Před 2 lety +1

      @@drscopeify it's a fucking sight further apart than 52 - 48

  • @robertlock6041
    @robertlock6041 Před 2 lety +82

    Thank you for this, we need to have it exposed.

    • @nathanfurnival8724
      @nathanfurnival8724 Před 2 lety +1

      The Forde report ?

    • @californiadreamin8423
      @californiadreamin8423 Před 2 lety +1

      @@nathanfurnival8724 Are you serious

    • @GG-ml3vr
      @GG-ml3vr Před 2 lety +2

      @@nathanfurnival8724 Is that the one about faulty wheel bearings in the Mondeo?

    • @nathanfurnival8724
      @nathanfurnival8724 Před 2 lety

      No it’s the one about all the sexism racism and anti Semitism in the Labour Party

    • @gazza595
      @gazza595 Před 2 lety +3

      @@nathanfurnival8724 That's called "what aboutism" maybe you've heard of it. If you want to the issues you mention take a look at the tory party.

  • @scottadams5296
    @scottadams5296 Před 2 lety +18

    I disagree. If you were to speak to his friends in the City and the big Corporations... he did an excellent job. All the while spinning and distracting the general public with his clown act. Corruption disguised as incompetence.

  • @TheGreatGambini
    @TheGreatGambini Před 2 lety +79

    And yet he will go on to earn millions and never be held accountable for his actions.

    • @thepharcyde5239
      @thepharcyde5239 Před 2 lety +5

      He will be accountable AT THE GATES OF HEAVEN.....

    • @roderickjoyce6716
      @roderickjoyce6716 Před 2 lety +18

      @@thepharcyde5239 I'd rather see him punished now.

    • @toluabisola
      @toluabisola Před 2 lety

      @@roderickjoyce6716 So would every grown up who doesn't believe in fantasy nonsense.

    • @andrewhamilton6677
      @andrewhamilton6677 Před rokem

      He should genuinely be tried for Treason

  • @adamjeayes6525
    @adamjeayes6525 Před 2 lety +69

    Excellent compilation and important exposure of the worst PM in living memory, an utter disaster for the UK, a habitual liar and phoney, totally unsuitable for any position of responsibility. He shouldn't be allowed to collect tickets on a bus, let alone run a country! Good riddance.

    • @Ndlanding
      @Ndlanding Před 2 lety

      I think he SHOULD be allowed to collect tickets on a bus, but nothing else.

    • @jdavison8551
      @jdavison8551 Před 2 lety

      @@Ndlanding No. he would only let his mates, cronies and Tory donors ride without a ticket, lie about doing so and charge pensioners, children and non Londoners double fares. He cannot be trusted in any capacity.

  • @marcuswilson3485
    @marcuswilson3485 Před 2 lety +10

    When you put it all together like this it’s mind boggling that we are still not doing anything about this guy and his government.
    They should all be in prison.

  • @vengermanu9375
    @vengermanu9375 Před 2 lety +201

    I agree with other comments here i.e. well put together. Given the amount he has got wrong it must have taken a while even to summarise it to less than 10 minutes! The fact he's now touring the country on a farewell tour celebrating his legacy just tells you everything you need to know about the man. Sadly I don't think his successor is going to be much better

    • @jlr108
      @jlr108 Před 2 lety +14

      Possibly worse - although I didn't think that was even possible after Johnson. The Tories have really provided us with a fine crop of PMs over the last 12 years - Cameron, May, Johnson and - probably - Truss, haven't they? It's hard to decide which one is the worst.

    • @roderickjoyce6716
      @roderickjoyce6716 Před 2 lety +11

      @@jlr108 Simple really, all of them are the worst.

    • @annenunney9907
      @annenunney9907 Před 2 lety +2

      Me neither venger

    • @alanbrown9178
      @alanbrown9178 Před 2 lety +7

      Truss will merely continue the downward trend of tory incompetence. I thought it unlikely that the tories could come up with a less competent PM when Cameron was in control, yet each time I've been proven wrong.

    • @lat1419
      @lat1419 Před 2 lety +1

      Worse,40% of the Tory party prefer him to either candidate to replace him.

  • @audreymcgready4329
    @audreymcgready4329 Před 2 lety +19

    Save this post everyone. And share it before the next election. People need to be reminded of this mess and who is to blame.

  • @alansdorsetfossils4028
    @alansdorsetfossils4028 Před 2 lety +22

    Very well put together. It's too easy to forget how many lies and how much this man has not done good riddence

  • @keoun9759
    @keoun9759 Před 2 lety +16

    Any one of those listed would have resulted in him being immediately forced out a decade ago. How times have changed.

  • @ccc2474
    @ccc2474 Před 2 lety +42

    When a man over the age of 50,who is P.M.,continually lies, even when caught out lies again, has to have serious intellectual and emotional flaws,bat-shit crazy

    • @LowPlainsDrifter60
      @LowPlainsDrifter60 Před 2 lety +1

      Not really, he has bluffed & blustered his way through everything for most of his life & thought he could get away with it again, all he needed was time for things to settle down.

  • @mchantemerlelegros1603
    @mchantemerlelegros1603 Před 2 lety +16

    This video proves that the man is a lazy, incompetent, corrupt, pathological liar who wanted the trappings of power but never had any intention of doing the work. He and his cronies are guilty of dereliction of duty and should never have been allowed anywhere near the reins of power.

    • @tonybennett4159
      @tonybennett4159 Před 2 lety +4

      Agreed. Like his soul brother in the US he wanted the glory of being leader but couldn't be arsed to put in the hard graft. It was all a game to him.

  • @patrickyorke3028
    @patrickyorke3028 Před 2 lety +50

    The most brilliantly detailed analysis of the Clown's tenure in command. Congratulations to you and thanks for reminding us of his corruption and failings.

  • @Suspicious_Trabant
    @Suspicious_Trabant Před 2 lety +12

    He's an absolute disgrace. Always has been and never should have been put into the post in the first place. But here we are and hes got away with it all and people still love him

  • @edsilvester
    @edsilvester Před 2 lety +11

    For me, the most frustrating lie was “I got Brexit done” Insinuating that he was the one who solved the problems. The reality was, that HE was the problem. HE blocked the chequers deal. HE lobbied, blocked and stalled Brexit at every stage.

  • @Thegreycomrade
    @Thegreycomrade Před 2 lety +8

    Just look at graveyards up and down the UK... thats where you'll see Boris Johnsons legacy!

  • @jameschicken1008
    @jameschicken1008 Před 2 lety +12

    What got me about Johnson was his whole attitude. He'd never have decency to honestly answer question or admit he was wrong. Instead you got denials deflections and arrogance

  • @yetidodger6650
    @yetidodger6650 Před 2 lety +9

    An utter disgrace of not only a politician but also father and partner, he presides over an empire of lies, corruption and incompetence .

  • @tonyhall699
    @tonyhall699 Před 2 lety +40

    I'm not sure about Boris "getting it done", I think we were done. Like a kipper.

  • @ilokivi
    @ilokivi Před 2 lety +14

    A meticulous, thorough and detailed legacy. And a damning one. Justice must be done, and must be seen to be done.

  • @raymondelf7520
    @raymondelf7520 Před 2 lety +10

    That's what gets on my goat the way all these MPs in the past and now just walk away without getting their collar felt in other words, no laws for them no fear for them no justification for them we need parliamentary law changes and new ones added to stop this going on.

    • @heathermcclelland4857
      @heathermcclelland4857 Před 2 lety

      The whole system needs changed ,did WE vote for lockdowns or for these buffoons to determine what Joe Zbloggs wants ? They have far too much power not to mention their grossly inflated salaries and expense claims
      Storm the Bastille

  • @martincopeland8153
    @martincopeland8153 Před 2 lety +35

    Clever man Boris; he knows it’s all gone to “merde” so he has carefully engineered an exit where he “appears” not to want to go, let others suffer for his fuckups and then return in triumph blaming them for the failures.
    It’s modern management and career progression 101; take credit for others’ work blame them for your failures. It’s why there are so many more levels of management than 50 years ago.

    • @writerinprogress
      @writerinprogress Před 2 lety

      The ironic thing is, if he hadn't schemed and manipulated other Tories so hard to join him in calls to boot out Theresa May, she might actually have done a pretty competent job as a Prime Minister. Or at least, I doubt she could've even come close to failing so hard as BoJo did.

    • @helengournay2377
      @helengournay2377 Před 2 lety +2

      @David Young and arrogant

  • @KaloMorace
    @KaloMorace Před 2 lety +18

    This isn't just Johnson's legacy, but also Truss's as she was part of the Cabinet during his Premiership

  • @srp01983
    @srp01983 Před 2 lety +18

    A liar, a narcissist, an incompetent, and a fool. And unfortunately Truss will be every bit as bad in her own way, thus laying the groundwork for his return. Very depressing.

    @GETMEASTRAITJACKET Před 2 lety +7

    And this is just as PM ffs!! What an absolute horror of a human...

  • @phil637
    @phil637 Před 2 lety +11

    You missed him puting a Russian spy in the house of lords for life.

    • @nathanfurnival8724
      @nathanfurnival8724 Před 2 lety +1

      Puting a Russian spy 😂 good one

    • @GG-ml3vr
      @GG-ml3vr Před 2 lety +1

      @@nathanfurnival8724 liked that one myself,see your not totaly subhuman after all.

  • @ESuccessMasters
    @ESuccessMasters Před 2 lety +4

    And that’s just of what we know about and just the beginning !

  • @bield7
    @bield7 Před 2 lety +8

    And the problem now is we’re replacing one cretin with another

  • @janthourot2455
    @janthourot2455 Před 2 lety +4

    That man has cost the UK many, many trillions. He has the gift of speech and took sides to leave the EU. He opposed all compromises to be ultimately elected as PM. Personal triumph for Boris but a costly road for the UK and a boring development for the EU.

  • @jeant763
    @jeant763 Před 2 lety +11

    Thanks for the cronological summary of Johnson's misdeeds. Totally necessary. It was a bit short though.

  • @paulshepherd5649
    @paulshepherd5649 Před 2 lety +7

    This needs to be projected onto the walls of parliament on repeat

  • @Ozaron
    @Ozaron Před 2 lety +8

    Wonderful summary. Shame that the public will forget these events in an instant.

  • @misssocrates3442
    @misssocrates3442 Před 2 lety +8

    Let's get it straight! He never had COVID.... He just wanted a few days off as usual!!!

    • @ghengis430
      @ghengis430 Před 2 lety

      Seriously ill? Michael Rosen was ill, Johnson was a bit poorly, sounded like a cold.

  • @bluceree7312
    @bluceree7312 Před 2 lety +10

    LOCK. HIM. UP!

    • @lorenzobianchini4415
      @lorenzobianchini4415 Před 2 lety +2

      The man should be in jail and to all who have relatives who died thanks to that dispicable man ,he should be sentenced to life!!!

    • @lorenzobianchini4415
      @lorenzobianchini4415 Před 2 lety

      @norman smithers Carrie Symonds is not a child and the remark you make is not worthy of you,quite inappropriate really.

    • @lorenzobianchini4415
      @lorenzobianchini4415 Před 2 lety +1

      @norman smithers OK.there is so much to criticise Johnson for.That he is philanderer and abuses woman in general is a known reprehensible fact. He is not a man worthy of respect for certain.

  • @matttrevers2552
    @matttrevers2552 Před 2 lety +33

    I remember at the time desperately hoping that Johnson survived covid, because I wanted to be able to continue to hate him without being seen as a bad person.
    I take it back. It's a terrible shame he survived covid, when his apathy meant that tends of thousands weren't so fortunate.

    • @roderickjoyce6716
      @roderickjoyce6716 Před 2 lety +4

      One of the ICU nurses who looked after him has quit. TBH, if I'd been that nurse I'd have swapped his catheter for his IV line.

    • @attackpatterndelta8949
      @attackpatterndelta8949 Před 2 lety +3

      You’re allowed to hate the dead. Nobody mourns Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Stalin, Ol’ Adolf, etc.

    • @matttrevers2552
      @matttrevers2552 Před 2 lety +3

      @@attackpatterndelta8949, true. But Johnson's popularity wasn't quite on the level of those you mentioned at that point.
      Funny anecdote. Back in 1953, my Polish grandfather was stopped by police for riding his motorbike around drunk on vodka (this wasn't actually illegal back then). My Dziadzia said that he was celebrating, and the copper asked what. He replied "Haven't you heard, Stalin's dead!?"
      I plan on upholding family traditions (perhaps minus the motorbike)!

    • @mikeyoung8293
      @mikeyoung8293 Před 2 lety

      Well said Matt. Exactly the same here

    • @steve-manchesteruk4598
      @steve-manchesteruk4598 Před 2 lety

      Disgusting comment. The NHS that people clapped like seals for on Thursday nights have plenty of blood on THEIR hands. Particularly GP's. The ONS figures were bent from day one and certified people in car crash fatalities as Covid deaths, but carry on with your narrative anyway. Your BS on Covid deaths doesn't impress me but carry on anyway.

  • @greenman1411
    @greenman1411 Před 2 lety +3

    His biggest mistake was not dying when he had the chance. If he'd done that he'd be remembered (somewhat charitably) as someone who was cut down by fate before his finest achievements could be realised.

  • @endofdayz783
    @endofdayz783 Před 2 lety +4

    They all get it wrong but still get pay rises and bonuses corrupt the lot of them .

  • @sjbechet1111
    @sjbechet1111 Před 2 lety +8

    Brilliantly done! - The most scary thing about it is wondering how bad it has to get before anything is done about it.

  • @poonchild
    @poonchild Před 2 lety +5

    Not sure he was ever seriously ill.

  • @ronstriebig2749
    @ronstriebig2749 Před 2 lety +7

    He lied his way in and lied his way out

  • @jonathonjubb6626
    @jonathonjubb6626 Před 2 lety +65

    Good summary. Good luck persuading his supporters, they are worse than Trumpists.
    In fact BoJoke was worse in power than the Orange One which is staggeringly amazing!

    • @ackomanah6486
      @ackomanah6486 Před 2 lety

      Nice you make a cheap shot

    • @jonathonjubb6626
      @jonathonjubb6626 Před 2 lety +5

      @@ackomanah6486 ? Nothing cheap about our Boris that was kinda the point...

    • @FreakyRufus
      @FreakyRufus Před 2 lety +1

      Well, he hasn’t been found to have taken hundreds to thousands of classified documents and put them in a storage room at a resort yet.

    • @redset11
      @redset11 Před 2 lety

      Johnson cannot be compared with Trump. Anyone who thinks Biden has improved America's standing in the world is incredibly ignorant of the facts.

    • @cshartley101
      @cshartley101 Před 2 lety

      Yep, orange man presided over the biggest economy boom in 50 years and made the U.S. energy self dependent. Got two middle East peace deals signed and got more people back into work.

  • @maxinekennedy5888
    @maxinekennedy5888 Před 2 lety +7

    If you elect a proven life-long liar and clown why would anyone expect a different outcome?

  • @egyptianlotus4179
    @egyptianlotus4179 Před 2 lety +9

    There were no achievements, man need to go to jail for his crime and corruption

  • @broaderdiscussion
    @broaderdiscussion Před 2 lety +3

    I pray there isn't an 'urgent reason' before he's booted out, keep him away from everything.

  • @rocketscience4516
    @rocketscience4516 Před 2 lety +6

    You might as well start working on the Truss one now.

  • @PEdulis
    @PEdulis Před 2 lety +10

    Wonderfully summed up. Let's hope all get to see it although cultists will probably still deny reality.

    • @chrisyarnold6205
      @chrisyarnold6205 Před 2 lety +1

      Getting harder for Brexit cultists to deny reality.

  • @Detector1977
    @Detector1977 Před 2 lety +9

    And that is why you get crap if you vote for crap...

  • @pocketfella5176
    @pocketfella5176 Před 2 lety +5

    And he stop a peace deal in Ukraine twice, and the death of so many young people is shameful, a very sad man

  • @1234537564534231234
    @1234537564534231234 Před 2 lety +5

    The worst of leaders

  • @michel3691
    @michel3691 Před 2 lety +85

    Incredible, that isn't a legacy that I think Boris would be proud to have promoted.

    • @bluceree7312
      @bluceree7312 Před 2 lety +7

      In his mind he must have done very well. The "best PM ever", in his and his cult's mind.

    • @bacchusinstituteofscience8650
      @bacchusinstituteofscience8650 Před 2 lety +5

      i am sure the Shakespeare biography will silence doubters

    • @peterclarke7240
      @peterclarke7240 Před 2 lety +2

      Then you don't fully grasp who Bojo Jojo the Nightmare Clown truly is.
      This is precisely the sort of legacy a man like this will be gloating over, because while he may have lost his job, daddy will find him a new one asap, he'll get another underling pregnant and ditch his wife and kid for her, as is his modus operandi when starting a new job, and he'll be swilling brandy while boasting about how he avoided jail for his crimes.
      He's basically a purely evil version of Toad from Wind in the Willows.

    • @kevkevo5666
      @kevkevo5666 Před 2 lety

      U think..wat planet our u on..

    • @brendanpmaclean
      @brendanpmaclean Před 2 lety

      What language are you speaking?

  • @ljt3084
    @ljt3084 Před 2 lety +8

    Thankyou LBD.

  • @toadmeister1964
    @toadmeister1964 Před 2 lety +8

    Very good. Excellent summary of Bozo the Clown's time as PM!

  • @clowncarqingdao
    @clowncarqingdao Před 2 lety +4

    How is he not only out of Parliament but not in jail?

  • @paulpaul93
    @paulpaul93 Před 2 lety +3

    How corrupt can corrupt get?

  • @mytorment
    @mytorment Před 2 lety +4

    Note that he did say "you" need to follow these rules, not "me" 🤣

  • @maximumsecurity9411
    @maximumsecurity9411 Před 2 lety +5

    It shows the strength of the electorate! 😳

  • @steamkenny4385
    @steamkenny4385 Před 2 lety +8

    Amazing that you managed to fit all that into under 10 minutes, I guess you had to leave a lot out. The fact that he is going on a "farewell tour" to "cement his legacy" is sickening, but he lives in Boris World where everything was brilliant.

    • @heathermcclelland4857
      @heathermcclelland4857 Před 2 lety +2

      He should be going on a cement boot tour to the bottom of the Thames as his legacy

    • @lat1419
      @lat1419 Před 2 lety

      Like his personal life and his financial affairs?

  • @bigdaz7272
    @bigdaz7272 Před 2 lety +9

    More like A Charge Sheet spanning about 30 pages.

  • @mradamdavies
    @mradamdavies Před 2 lety +4

    One of the best like to view ratios I've ever seen on a CZcams video. I think that says a lot.

  • @lukemadams
    @lukemadams Před 2 lety +56

    It can never be said enough--this is what you can expect from a leader you vote for on the basis of them having funny hair

    • @docostler
      @docostler Před 2 lety

      Yes, the "he's a bloke I'd like to have a beer with" crowd didn't realize that Johnson was skilled at drinking others under the table.
      Rather than a fun night out, citizens have awoken to not just a hangover, but to find they got robbed while passed out. Oh, and that a significant percentage of the others at the party seem to have died in the meantime.

    • @Julesacu
      @Julesacu Před 2 lety +11

      Vote for a clown - get a circus.

    • @gazza595
      @gazza595 Před 2 lety +11

      It's a tragedy for the country, I've had people I know who vote tory justify this shit show with "well he's character at least" FFS it make me weep for this country.

    • @anderjpoo
      @anderjpoo Před 2 lety +2

      Me too

  • @elloco1996
    @elloco1996 Před 2 lety +3

    Credit where credit is due: it's not only the big calls he got wrong, he got EVERYTHING wrong.

  • @Probablyacowtbh
    @Probablyacowtbh Před 2 lety +5

    Johnson's Legacy : A small boy forever living in his own shadow.

  • @plumduff3303
    @plumduff3303 Před 2 lety +4

    The man should be tried for misconduct in public office

  • @kevinfletcher1999
    @kevinfletcher1999 Před 2 lety +12

    He has been following the Trump playbook.

  • @thecoderofyoutube
    @thecoderofyoutube Před 2 lety +5

    I would have added the bit at one of the early press conferences when he said he'd be shakijg hands with people despite COVID...

  • @edmurth
    @edmurth Před 2 lety +5

    What’s more disturbing is this is just the majority of what we do know, they’ll be more. I’d like to know more about the Lord and KGB officers son and his London parties that BoZo attended. Someone described the parties as two, one where the serious people and couples left and then the after party started with rumour of half naked girls draped over the furniture. I fear we might never know the depths of his corruption.

  • @bigdaz7272
    @bigdaz7272 Před 2 lety +28

    I think if Labour should just run this repeatedly before the Election and add at the end vote Labour to keep them out.
    Although if its not called for 2 Years they easily be able tack on another 10 minutes by then just on Truss LOL

    • @roderickjoyce6716
      @roderickjoyce6716 Před 2 lety +3

      Are you sure there will ever be another GE?

    • @0w784g
      @0w784g Před 2 lety

      The public aren't as dumb as you to fall for a propaganda video.

  • @kalebdaark100
    @kalebdaark100 Před 2 lety +9

    When you line it all up like that you just have to laugh.

    • @diceman199
      @diceman199 Před 2 lety +1

      and that was just the highlights

    • @kalebdaark100
      @kalebdaark100 Před 2 lety +3

      @@diceman199 Yes, yes it was. But if you put whole ****show in there i may start to weep uncontrollably.

    • @diceman199
      @diceman199 Před 2 lety

      @@kalebdaark100 which would be an entirely justified reaction.....

  • @paulh3122
    @paulh3122 Před 2 lety +5

    This video should be shown when Truss calls an election. Tories? They’re just in it for themselves.

  • @oldandletdown7464
    @oldandletdown7464 Před 2 lety +4

    Boris would prefer you to buy a new kettle than have world peace ….it will get worse with Truss .

  • @shaunscott4773
    @shaunscott4773 Před 2 lety +10

    Honestly I'd love to see an in depth version of this. Well done team. Thank you.

  • @WhipLashJimmyFrank
    @WhipLashJimmyFrank Před 2 lety +12

    And people want to say Starmer is just as crooked!
    I wouldn’t disagree with doing another video based on Starmer just to do a compare and contrast.

    • @fuckbankers
      @fuckbankers Před 2 lety

      A list of all his abandoned pledges maybe.

    • @WhipLashJimmyFrank
      @WhipLashJimmyFrank Před 2 lety +1

      @@fuckbankers if he was Prime Minister maybe but let’s not change the subject from the fact that Johnson has spent his final days, avoiding cobra meetings and thinking he is making himself look good by going on a drugs raid. If he were Labour even I would throw the book at him.

  • @LeilaLamb
    @LeilaLamb Před 2 lety +2

    I’m so sorry he recovered from Covid. It’s a sorry state of affairs when we remember Theresa May with fondness!

  • @jansmith286
    @jansmith286 Před 2 lety +6

    You can only hope that this Prime Minister gets what he deserves.

  • @casperwallace9685
    @casperwallace9685 Před 2 lety +2

    Brilliant guys, just brilliant........ keep it up. 👍 👍

  • @steveando56
    @steveando56 Před 2 lety +3

    Brilliant and thanks for the truth!

  • @waikan2803
    @waikan2803 Před 2 lety +1

    People need to hear this. This should be shown on the BBC. Let's get this out there!

  • @ingridschmid1709
    @ingridschmid1709 Před 2 lety +10

    Donkeys being rather trustworthy animals they do not deserve such comparisons. lame beheaded ducks maybe ?

    • @Nice0n3
      @Nice0n3 Před 2 lety +2

      I think calling them anything would be an insult to said thing beyond any measure...
      This simply warrants a whole new category of insult.

    • @ingridschmid1709
      @ingridschmid1709 Před 2 lety

      @@Nice0n3 Indeed , we might launch a competition .
      What would be your submission ?

    • @fuckfannyfiddlefart
      @fuckfannyfiddlefart Před 2 lety

      Ducks are nice, don't attack ducks either.
      Led by arrogant, unintelligent, old Etonion ELITISTS

  • @hangforh6320
    @hangforh6320 Před 2 lety +2

    it actually sickened me watching this

    @DYNAMIX. Před 2 lety +5

    He should be in prison.

  • @deanbrown29
    @deanbrown29 Před 2 lety +3

    This is what society voted for because "they had no other choice". Well done media and the rich tax dodgers you've got everything you ever wanted.