"All Good Gifts" ~ Godspell (1973)


Komentáře • 516

  • @Jimmersaunt
    @Jimmersaunt Před rokem +55

    RIP to Merrill Jackson, Jeffrey Mylett, David Haskell, and Lynn Thigpen-all gone too soon!🙏🏻

    • @emangan64
      @emangan64 Před 2 měsíci


    • @emangan64
      @emangan64 Před 2 měsíci

      Yes- I want to thank you Lord...changed my life when I sang it in 1981 - saw God for the 1st time.As if he was opening a door.

    • @Gplilone
      @Gplilone Před měsícem

      Rest In peace of Jesus Christ 🙏✝️🙏

  • @groovygirl23
    @groovygirl23 Před 2 lety +38

    There are two types of people in the world. Those who adore GODSPELL and those who make fun of it. I'm in the first group. I'm about to do the show for the first time and can't wait!

    • @AstralPixie
      @AstralPixie Před rokem +2

      Yup... I also adore it ;)

    • @repent6238
      @repent6238 Před 5 měsíci +1

      The two types are the Unsaved and the Saved.
      Ask Jesus to Save You Before It’s Too Late 🙏

    • @Dorthy-wx9fq
      @Dorthy-wx9fq Před 3 měsíci +1

      I'm with you, I'm in the same group as you. Minus, being in a show of Godspell, I wish. I hope that you enjoyed being in the play and that you have done more. Love from Marysville California

    • @emangan64
      @emangan64 Před 2 měsíci

      I love the Godspell- a unique and beautiful way to teach and honor Christ's teaching.My HS lfriends all remember out Godspell experience w love and joy 43 yrs now .

    • @crossthreadmcalthair399
      @crossthreadmcalthair399 Před 6 dny

      And his wonderful return with power and glory forever Amen❤

    @SHARKFORDINNER Před rokem +22

    This is my favorite song from the movie Godspell. I am so thankful for everything God have given me (hot water, a comfortable bed, food, good family, my faith in Him, the sky that is ever changing in beauty, the smell of toast, clean socks, and I could go on forever). God loves us all so much and is generous in mercy to those who ask for mercy. Thank you my Almighty Father.

  • @Adamov03
    @Adamov03 Před 3 lety +118

    The line, "I really wanna thank you lord" gets me everytime.

  • @debbiereha1739
    @debbiereha1739 Před rokem +52

    My friend and I spend the whole day at the movie theater watching Godspell over and over when we were 14. It’s one of my best memories. This movie was such an awakening for me. God loves us all!

  • @rosehunter1136
    @rosehunter1136 Před rokem +37

    I maybe 72 but I still want to live in the joy Jesus gives! ❤✝️🎶

  • @comradedavidovthomasovsky2011

    This cast depicted the youthfulness that all Christians are supposed to have and I wonder if they realized what an impact this movie would have on people even to this very day.

    • @r.c.whitaker296
      @r.c.whitaker296 Před 4 lety +17

      You expressed that perfectly,thank you.

    • @Stefano4692
      @Stefano4692 Před 3 lety +5

      Amen. Amen!!!

    • @unitedstatesirie7431
      @unitedstatesirie7431 Před 3 lety +1

      Having Christian fellowship in a building on Sunday is not the mark of the beast. The Roman Catholic church & Vatican is lying to you. Many people need to stop being mentally lazy and spiritually naive.
      Please read my Christian message here and study it and ask GOD to help you understand the spiritual and Biblical truth of it:
      This information is being written because we as Christians are living in a very peculiar time. In these last days prior to the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, there is such confusion among so many well meaning and Christian-minded people, and one great point of confusion and contention is regarding the Sabbath.
      I have personally been confronted by people who condemned me and my ministry because I did not keep the Sabbath the way they were trying to keep it. There is extremism in any belief system, and that extremism occurs when proponents of a belief system do not accept the whole council of God.
      In this message, we will look at the whole council of God on the subject of the Sabbath, which will bring forth a clear understanding of what it is and how it must be kept.
      We will now go back to the origin of the Sabbath at the time of the creation as told at the beginning of the book of Genesis. In Genesis 2:1-3 we read, "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."
      One thing that should be immediately noticed is that all of the preceding six days end with the following words, "And the evening and the morning were the (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th) day." We do not find these words of finality or summation ending the seventh day, because in a perfect world, everyday thereafter would be a condition of Sabbath or rest and repose. That day was open-ended! Only sin could take away that condition of Sabbath or rest that was meant for everyday, and sadly, that is exactly what happened.
      Later, we will see how our Lord Jesus restored the perpetual and continual Sabbath to our souls.
      The first time we see the word "Sabbath" is in the book of Exodus, and in Exodus 20:8-11, we find that it is given as one of the Ten Commandments as follows: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."
      One primary point that must be noted regarding the Sabbath commandment is that it has nothing to do with going to church! It has only to do with the cessation from work. Nothing more and nothing less.
      Sinful man was ordered to do nothing on the seventh day. Thus, one day each week he would not be out there committing sin after sin after sin. It was a "do nothing" day, established as such until the Savior would come to give us victory over sin every day of the week and establish rest for our souls by his spirit dwelling within. This could be made possible only through a New Covenant established by the blood of the Lamb of God!
      The Old Testament is replete with examples of Sabbath commandments, but in every example, it is under the Old Covenant of a single day of rest, which by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has given way to a Sabbath, where every day is one where we cease from our old works. The Old Covenant, according to Hebrews 8:13, is no more! It reads as follows: "In that he saith, a New Covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away."
      In Galatians 3:24-25, we are exhorted "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are NO LONGER UNDER THE SCHOOLMASTER." Thus, the law could lead us to Christ but no further!
      Those who think that they are keeping the Sabbath as a day must remember that James 2:10 says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." The only one who has ever kept the Sabbath perfectly is Jesus Christ. Man cannot do what He did in keeping the law. The Lord Jesus took the law to Calvary as well as the sin of the world. It was there that the law and all transgressions met, and He bore the sin of many. See Isaiah 53.
      Is there a Sabbath after Calvary? Yes! Hebrews 4:9-10 says, "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his."
      There are two words not found in those verses, "Sabbath" and "day." It is because our rest is no longer a calendar day each week, but every day, which includes the seventh, and thus we keep the Sabbath by living a godly and blood-washed life every day. For we have ceased from our old works. Some people who haven't come to an understanding of what covenant they are under will point out that Paul often went into the synagogues on the Sabbath.
      If we look at those incidents, however, we see that it was to bring those who hear out of the synagogue and that system of death. Here is what Paul the Apostle said about the seventh day as found in Romans 14:5-6: "One man esteemeth one day above another, another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord, and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it."
      We know that the Sabbath law is fulfilled in Jesus Christ and He abides within us. The seventh day Sabbath was not eliminated but fulfilled, and our Savior added six more days to that rest and gave us the timelessness of eternal life. Thus, the seventh day is kept holy with all the other days. We can worship our Lord any day and every day. We know that Sunday is not the Sabbath but rather one of seven days, any of which can be used for worship. Acts 20:7 says, "And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight."
      It is my humble prayer that all who read this will realize the joy of keeping all seven days of the week holy and thus fulfill the sacred commandment; for it is not our works but the finished work of Christ that has established the eternal timeless Sabbath of the New Covenant by the power of His blood.
      The Seventh Day Adventist denomination "church" and all other denominational "churches" in the U.S.A. have signed a "deal with the Devil" (Roman Catholic Vatican & IRS) called the IRC 501c3 contract. Read all the details on the website HushMoney.org by searching for it through archive.com also known as The Way Back Machine.
      The word "mark" (Greek language is charagma) in the HOLY BIBLE book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 16 is translated "cutting in the flesh".
      The mark of the beast is both spiritual and physical.
      Do you know why when people take, receive the mark of the beast they get a physical "grievous sore" on their skin / body as explained in the book of Revelation in the HOLY BIBLE ?
      It does not say in the HOLY BIBLE book of Revelation that people who worship on the day of Sunday will receive a "grievous sore" on their skin / body.
      The HOLY BIBLE says in the book of Revelation,
      "And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"
      ~HOLY BIBLE, Revelation 13:4
      Please share this HOLY BIBLE prophecy truth with people that have a love for the truth.
      KING JESUS will return to earth some day to destroy the anti-christ.
      Investigation Research International Educator
      The real 'X-Files'
      US 5977293425
      AGENT Sinne'

    • @Vectormanic1
      @Vectormanic1 Před 3 lety +1

      easy... Impacted!

    • @ghostly10562
      @ghostly10562 Před 3 lety +15

      This movie makes me so joyous, I purchased it. It makes me appreciate life, and it helped my life long depression ease

  • @robertcausey2141
    @robertcausey2141 Před 11 měsíci +44

    To all the good things from God that Merrell sings about, I would add his singing of this song. His voice is indeed a gift from heaven. Fifty years later it feels very relevant to us today.

    @THEREALVOICEGUY Před 11 měsíci +8

    This song always brings me to tears, it makes me feel closer to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and how much I want all of us to be together serving and Loving each other and God!

  • @dougwilliams4019
    @dougwilliams4019 Před 10 měsíci +16

    My father, Richard Williams, was a pastor and taught college theatre in Indiana. He led touring productions of Godspell in the '70s and '80s across the United States and Great Britain. This was the theology I grew up with, toured with, and understood. These songs and this music will always be close to my heart. This song in particular is one of my favorites.

  • @hdturner1
    @hdturner1 Před 8 měsíci +8

    When in doubt, this is the gospel. This is why Jesus. All good gifts.

  • @tomhaefner5213
    @tomhaefner5213 Před 3 lety +275

    My absolute favorite song from Godspell!! Brings tears to my eyes. Godspell was my early introduction to Jesus way back in the 1970's. I've been watching it again recently and it is so good to be reminded of the simplicity of the good news of Jesus Christ. I think Godspell in all its "hippiness" captures the true essence of the good news. No politics. No hate. No fear. Just forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Love it!

    • @petersonlafollette3521
      @petersonlafollette3521 Před 2 lety +17

      In those times- youth, hope, light, were in the air thick, despite the struggle. Now, they're VERY far away- wouldn't kill people to learn these lessons again and practice peace as JC taught.

    • @judygoff8193
      @judygoff8193 Před 2 lety +12

      Beautiful comment. I'm 58 years old and got hired to play piano in a church. After two years in pandemic, choir is returning and with this song. My life is changed by this loving congregation who is providing what needed financially and spiritually.

    • @beverlygordon3556
      @beverlygordon3556 Před rokem +9

      I grew up on Long Island in the 70's. Such an amazing time to be alive and have a relationship with The Lord!! You are correct, there were no regulations on that relationship. Simple and easy. You love him and he loves you. We need to go back to that way of believing

    • @MegaFortinbras
      @MegaFortinbras Před rokem +5

      We are told to be child-like in our faith, and this song emphasizes this. Child-like is not childish. We must question ourselves and our faith intelligently, for how else can we grow in it?

    • @22bdunlevy
      @22bdunlevy Před rokem +3

      Hi Tom. I luv the song also. Praise god!

  • @MikeyLPSessions
    @MikeyLPSessions Před 6 měsíci +5

    My Mom & Dad are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary today. This was their song.

  • @nathaniellovett4315
    @nathaniellovett4315 Před 3 lety +11

    the Lord Yeshua hamashiach found me at the tender age of 15 years old this song is so poignant to me Saturday April 10th 1976

  • @mhellein7110
    @mhellein7110 Před 2 lety +9

    After listening to this beautiful singer I wondered if Merrill Jackson had been in anything else like so many of the other actors. Sadly he passed at 38 under mysterious circumstances. Then I looked at the others and several of the other cast members died way too young. David Haskell who played Judas died of brain cancer at 52, while Jeffrey Mylett succumb to AIDS at the age of 37 and then the talented Lynne Thigpen (Goodnight Luna and much more) died at the age of 55 of cerebral hemorrhaging after complaining of headaches for days. Sad but at least we have these memories. May God bless their wonderful talented souls!

  • @sonitataylor8833
    @sonitataylor8833 Před 6 měsíci +6

    I loved"Day by"Day;but all the songs were good!! Praise God😇

  • @helenvonderhaar8936
    @helenvonderhaar8936 Před 3 lety +33

    Merrell Jackson had such an amazing, beautiful, and soothing voice. And that smile :)

  • @grahamthicke
    @grahamthicke Před rokem +7

    I loved this so much growing up in the '70's.........this was the movie for Christians back in that day...........for us...

  • @arturomorgado2949
    @arturomorgado2949 Před 5 lety +129

    We plow the fields and scatter
    the good seed on the land.
    But it is fed and watered
    by God's almighty hand.
    He sends us snow in winter,
    the warmth to swell the grain...
    The breezes and the sunshine,
    and soft refreshing rain...
    All good gifts around us
    Are sent from Heaven above
    So thank the Lord, oh thank the Lord
    for all his love...
    We thank thee then,
    O Father, for all things bright and good,
    The seedtime and the harvest,
    our life our health our food,
    No gifts have we to offer
    for all thy love imparts
    But that which thou desirest,
    our humble thankful hearts!
    All good gifts around us
    Are sent from Heaven above.
    So thank the Lord, oh thank the Lord
    for all his love.
    I really wanna thank you Lord!
    All good gifts around us
    Are sent from Heaven above.
    All good gifts around us
    Are sent from Heaven above.

    • @joeoleary6813
      @joeoleary6813 Před 4 lety +19

      thanks for posting, like singing a prayer to GOD

    • @patbulfin5459
      @patbulfin5459 Před 3 lety +4

      There's another verse to the song. Maybe it wasn't necessary.

    • @catherineerwin6462
      @catherineerwin6462 Před 2 lety +3

      What a strong, inspiring & beautiful loving song.

  • @trainsnotplanesautomobiler3781

    Merrel's voice is just amazing

    • @alohaXamanda
      @alohaXamanda Před 2 lety +4

      It's truly magical and healing

    • @tinalilly7167
      @tinalilly7167 Před 2 lety +4

      R.I.P. 🙏🏽🥰🦋🌷🥀🌈💝💔

    • @judilynn9569
      @judilynn9569 Před 2 lety +1

      @@tinalilly7167 I just found out he is no longer with us.

    • @barbaratardy9788
      @barbaratardy9788 Před rokem +2

      Love this rendition, and this young man.

  • @loveonthespectrum3797
    @loveonthespectrum3797 Před 3 lety +18

    My brother-in-law showed me this film when I was 12. He had played John the Baptist/Judas in his high school production. I adored him. It was at that moment and because of him I fell in love with theater. He passed in 2005 from brain cancer. I cannot listen to this music without thinking of him and being so grateful for such a beautiful world he was kind enough to share with me. I was one lucky kid.

    • @Women63
      @Women63 Před 2 měsíci +1

      for what ever reason, David Haskell's face was always the last face I would look at everytime I watch this film.....first say it at 13; and now at 61, its still brings joyful tears to my eyes. My Davids soul rest in peace.

  • @christinewilson6804
    @christinewilson6804 Před 6 měsíci +3

    I saw this in 71 with David Essex in the star role
    For some reason it's an earworm now
    Has been for 2 weeks
    I got the album signed by David thx to my lovely dad who unfortunately now has dementia. I was 14 in 71.dad will be 95 in may

  • @beepollin1780
    @beepollin1780 Před 4 lety +87

    Blessings to you Merrill.....Wow your voice is SO healing, I'm sorry you left us too soon & too young......your joyful loving spirit lives ON!! Thank you

    • @hehhehhuhhuh7014
      @hehhehhuhhuh7014 Před rokem +3

      R.I.P. Merrill

    • @marydalton8083
      @marydalton8083 Před rokem +6

      So beautiful and healing. Thank you for you gorgeous voice and skill, lost you too soon, dude. Rest in peace.

    • @hehhehhuhhuh7014
      @hehhehhuhhuh7014 Před rokem

      @@marydalton8083 R.I.P. 😓😓

  • @Suri-o7w
    @Suri-o7w Před 3 lety +5

    The first time I ever seen God spell the movie and laid my big brown eyes on Merrell Jackson ..mercy o god I was in love...the prettiest male I had ever seen such a beautiful man.

  • @zoecrall2284
    @zoecrall2284 Před 5 lety +242

    Merrel Jackson was actually the only character to cry in the ending scene where Jesus dies... I loved him so much. R.I.P

    • @lilymiddleman7627
      @lilymiddleman7627 Před 4 lety +12

      omg that's so precious!

    • @viagensimagens
      @viagensimagens Před 4 lety +14

      Didn't know about it. Very sorry. He was great.

    • @crocheting1
      @crocheting1 Před 4 lety +13

      I only just saw that a few days ago. I'd never noticed before. When I saw that tear fall, it was such a beautiful, pure moment it broke my heart.

    • @JoeyGirardin
      @JoeyGirardin Před 3 lety +7

      It’s because he played John

    • @michellemckinney6894
      @michellemckinney6894 Před 3 lety +8

      Yes tears streaming down his face. Totally believable and emotional scene!

  • @christopherlyons5900
    @christopherlyons5900 Před rokem +5

    Many great renditions of the songs in this production, but for sheer inspired lyricism, nobody can quite equal Merrell Jackson. Who sadly didn't have a long life and career, but he'll live on as long as people remember this film.

  • @just4music687
    @just4music687 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Makes me miss my childhood. Love this movie and the play. xoxo What a beautiful cast.

  • @erniedogbennett2501
    @erniedogbennett2501 Před rokem +12

    In high school our mixed choir group did Godspell, and it was a blast. I really enjoy hearing these songs again.....Brings back great memories from many years ago.

  • @nancypatterson7487
    @nancypatterson7487 Před rokem +3

    He has such a beautiful voice.

  • @rudyxrudy
    @rudyxrudy Před 3 lety +4

    such a beautiful voice....... a terrible losss, to die so young.. Love Him.....

  • @hodsonrealty
    @hodsonrealty Před 2 lety +29

    The best Thanksgiving song ever. Merrill rest in peace and thanks for the joy.

  • @deanadiedrich9304
    @deanadiedrich9304 Před 5 lety +71

    Merrell Jackson was a Beautiful young man!!!!!! I love this number All Good Gifts...ITS THE BEST NUMBER IN THE SHOW! Thank you Merrell!

  • @gui2001
    @gui2001 Před 3 lety +86

    I don´t know why, but I got tears in my eyes when listen this track... simply wonderful.

    • @phantomangel21
      @phantomangel21 Před 2 lety +6

      I was fortunate to see the stage play when I was in elementary school, but didn't fully appreciate how powerful it was until I was much older. The music is awesome!!!!!!

    • @Heisenberg_99101
      @Heisenberg_99101 Před 2 lety +11

      I sooo agree with you. It's like hits you that how God really has made the world around us wonderful especially for us and how we sometimes take Him for granted and lose faith in him. And even when we realise it and come back to Him, he embraces us with his grace everytime.

    • @philheaton6826
      @philheaton6826 Před 2 lety +10

      Because when we sing or listen about Christ, his spirit enters and fills us with the purest love. THAT is why people believe in God. It is real.

    • @Meggie1031
      @Meggie1031 Před 2 lety +10

      Me too...now going on 48 years, since I first saw this incredibly wonderful movie back in 1973, when I was 13 years old! Since then, have seen the play so many times - first with my folks, then with my friends, and then with my 4 kids, who are each now adults and still love the play and all the songs. This one in particular has always been my favorite, and, yes...still movies me to tears! Many thanks for sharing your feelings @gui2001 - we all have so much to be thankful for each day!

    • @jamesmatysiak5939
      @jamesmatysiak5939 Před 2 lety

      Same for me 🥲

  • @brittany6315
    @brittany6315 Před 3 lety +38

    I did this musical in high school and it really was a beautiful experience. Was going through some stuff and these songs brought some peace in my chaotic world. ❤️

    • @gerald6919
      @gerald6919 Před rokem +1

      Life is like roller coaster just hang in for ride.

  • @goofyrulez7914
    @goofyrulez7914 Před rokem +4

    They must be so proud to have made this masterpiece of a movie. It will be in my heart forever.

  • @debh6304
    @debh6304 Před 2 lety +16

    I still get chills when Merrill sings out!

  • @kevinscostumedcharacters7052

    My father is passing to the next sphere, and we are listening to a steady stream of Godspell and Harry Chapin.

    • @LibsRockU
      @LibsRockU Před 4 lety +11

      I'm sorry to hear about your fathers passing but it sounds like you feel resolve from various poetic places and I celebrate that with you & yours!

    • @Vectormanic1
      @Vectormanic1 Před 3 lety +1

      Styling... To more styling!

    • @jamessollazzo4860
      @jamessollazzo4860 Před 3 lety +1

      go out with a fight , listen to the who!

    • @kittymervine6115
      @kittymervine6115 Před 2 lety +4

      Bless you and your family!

    • @tinalilly7167
      @tinalilly7167 Před 2 lety +2


  • @artgirl9005
    @artgirl9005 Před 5 lety +40

    Just LOVE Godspell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @pamelatibbetts7147
    @pamelatibbetts7147 Před 5 lety +151

    I LOVE this. Merrell Jackson had the most JOYFUL smile. What a sweet spirit...

    • @darlingjessi668
      @darlingjessi668 Před 3 lety +7

      @@ladyrose7793 He continued his broadway career in various musicals in New York and performed with various dance companies. He was also a Painter and a Father.

    • @darlingjessi668
      @darlingjessi668 Před 3 lety +12

      I agree. There's such a sweet light that shines from his spirit. I'm sure he's in the Heavenly choir flashing that Beautiful smile.🤗

    • @darlingjessi668
      @darlingjessi668 Před 3 lety +9

      Godspell was his biggest break. Other than that he basically joined various theater groups and toured some dance companies in New York and throughout the east coast.
      I do believe that he died early from Kidney Disease/Cancer. He has a son named DJ and he's a stand up comic. If you look him up there's no denying that sweet smile 🤗

    • @Ladysugarshaft
      @Ladysugarshaft Před rokem +1

      @@darlingjessi668 Wikipedia says his son’s name is David Clayton Jackson. I found a comedian with that same on Instagram and he’s photographed with both his parents. So, unless there’s another comic out there with the same name, I doubt Merrell is his Dad.

  • @CASue1
    @CASue1 Před 4 lety +55

    Merrill's smile can stop you dead in your tracks. What a beautiful spirit.

  • @leamondavis9737
    @leamondavis9737 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Performed this at Dallas Baptist College. 1970s
    Loved the Experience
    Changed My Life !!!

  • @Hraefncin
    @Hraefncin Před 10 měsíci +7

    "No gifts have we to offer...but that which Thou desirest, a humble thankful heart" that this is what He wants for us, that we be spared the buffeting winds of ego, pride and arrogance and, instead, be filled with His joy. This is the theme I hear throughout the Gospels, that we be filled with joy. Thank You God, that of all things You could wish for us, and You wish joy! Thank You! Amen!

  • @franklinmargaret6365
    @franklinmargaret6365 Před 2 lety +15

    This movie is always a part of my Easter viewing each year. I used to focus on the song DAY BY DAY, as I thought that was my favorite. Then I began listening to the lyrics of this beautiful song, and my heart and my spirit began thanking God for EVERYTHING; realizing that all things are from Him!!!! This musical is still a blessing and a treat to watch over and over again. Other great songs include BY MY SIDE, PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD and of course, DAY BY DAY.

    • @marisa5359
      @marisa5359 Před rokem +1

      Yes, I have had a very similar experience with the songs and enjoy it at Easter, too. Love this musical!

    • @jacklow9611
      @jacklow9611 Před rokem +2

      I think they are ALL great songs.

    • @AstralPixie
      @AstralPixie Před rokem

      Franklin Margaret: This movie is a favorite of mine. Of course, I remember "Day by Day" first, because it reached #13 on the Top Billboard singles, so it was on the radio a lot. I do think that "All Good Things" is beautiful and does have a place in quite a few hearts :)

  • @lyndae.2055
    @lyndae.2055 Před 4 lety +16

    When this movie came out is when I gave my Heart to God and never changed my mind...It's been a Wonderful relationship and now I am 67 yrs young

    • @oraleeonyx
      @oraleeonyx Před 2 lety

      A beautiful sing of Thanksgiving, love you Merrill

  • @kittymervine6115
    @kittymervine6115 Před 2 lety +9

    I grew up attending a wonderful Episcopal Church, and these were some of the songs we sung... along with some other newer songs like "My Sweet Lord." These were moving when I was very young, and still are today. Also, I'm proud the church when I was young and even today is doing good work...

  • @wizard9403
    @wizard9403 Před 5 lety +65

    Just can't seem to get through this song without a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes!!

  • @georgegunzerath489
    @georgegunzerath489 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Every single song in God😮spell were inspired by heaven, it could

  • @ghostly10562
    @ghostly10562 Před 3 lety +16

    I was raised Jewish, but I have accepted both the old and new testament of God

  • @queensrich1
    @queensrich1 Před 6 lety +55

    Beautiful! If only 1973 had never ended.....

    • @christelmariasteinmann313
      @christelmariasteinmann313 Před 6 lety +4

      queensrich1 You are sooo right

    • @rickynelson3728
      @rickynelson3728 Před 5 lety +4

      I feel the same way it was a great year , I got out of the Navy I loved it

    • @jorgeespinosa3179
      @jorgeespinosa3179 Před 4 lety +6

      What a year 1973 was. It was not a perfect year, but it stands out in my memory as a year when living life felt different, meaning in a blessed way, unlike today, sadly.

    • @Paul47Tat
      @Paul47Tat Před 4 lety +1

      ...there would have been A LOT more dead people in Vietnam, for one thing. And Nixon would still be president.

    • @cindysmith765
      @cindysmith765 Před 4 lety +3

      It did. Now shut up and look at your iPhone .

  • @kev121
    @kev121 Před 3 lety +4

    We were neighbors when i moved into my first apartment back in the mid 80s. The first time I saw him, i fanboy-ed out! He was so kind.

    • @jimmyyelland9267
      @jimmyyelland9267 Před 3 lety +1

      Neighbors? With Merrell?! What I would have given to meet him. Such an incredibly beautiful man. Was he that beautiful in person?

  • @maryanneciecka4699
    @maryanneciecka4699 Před 2 lety +5

    He has the most beautiful voice in the world, they all do so thankful they gave this to all of us

  • @lindahaag5557
    @lindahaag5557 Před 4 lety +13

    Sang this for 6th grade Graduation. It still touches me.

  • @robinwalper6156
    @robinwalper6156 Před 4 lety +3

    My heart beat. It is a strange wee bit but All Good Gifts- Merrell is the one thing for over 30 years I hum, Sing and pray to. HOW can I thank M for this? To any family, please know. Merrell is alive in my heart.. He has carried me. BTW I did Aids Hospice work way back when. No Matter. M with the perfect voice and moreover perfect smile. He carries me.

  • @HitesMites
    @HitesMites Před 3 lety +14

    We are all so very blessed. Be well everyone and remember, we all have so much more in common than we have differences. Love one another.
    In 1973, I was 12. I loved Godspell, and this song is still my favorite.

    • @nancyglem
      @nancyglem Před 3 lety

      I was 9 & still watch this movie every year at Easter. This also is my favorite song.

    • @walkawayrenee4290
      @walkawayrenee4290 Před 2 lety

      Bless you❤

  • @angelacamack1699
    @angelacamack1699 Před 3 lety +6

    Exquisite, Merrell Jackson the cast were wonderful.

  • @marciagarland307
    @marciagarland307 Před 5 lety +144

    Thank You Merrell Jackson for this timeless reminder. Now more than ever in my life, I am thanking the Lord for..all.. his love

  • @lisabrandriff7848
    @lisabrandriff7848 Před 2 lety +30

    I can't wait to hear Merrell sing All Good Gifts in God's Throne Room.

  • @micraekirk
    @micraekirk Před 5 lety +55

    A lover of Godspell from the 70's ...All Good Gifts always a favorite...Merrill Jackson made it even more beautiful !!!

  • @user-ho5mm8gn8h
    @user-ho5mm8gn8h Před 2 měsíci

    We need this spectacular Play and musical to be rejuvenated!!!
    " Chill a bum a chill a bum bum bum"🎶💜

  • @johnwriterpoet1783
    @johnwriterpoet1783 Před 5 lety +100

    After watching "Day by Day" I recommited myself to again follow the Lord closer.

    • @ronster6017
      @ronster6017 Před 4 lety +8

      Glory to God!

    • @bcaprichos2
      @bcaprichos2 Před 4 lety +5

      Lol it will have that effect on you. Listen to “Oh, Happy Day” now😁😁🎄be blessed.

    • @Paul47Tat
      @Paul47Tat Před 4 lety

      Actually, it made me want to back off.

    • @driverjeff69
      @driverjeff69 Před 4 lety +2

      I may vomit

    • @pumasgoya
      @pumasgoya Před 4 lety +1

      @@driverjeff69 better you than us.

  • @micraekirk
    @micraekirk Před 4 lety +43

    Merrel Jackson is surely singing with the angels in heaven.... BEAUTIFUL SOUL AND VOICE sure God loves him in heaven !!!!!

  • @adriennemurphy8528
    @adriennemurphy8528 Před rokem +2

    Can't get enough of this...his voice is ...just beautiful❤

  • @shyman99
    @shyman99 Před rokem +2

    Thank you Lord, for this amazing song. It truly was blessed.

  • @jeffreychristopher418
    @jeffreychristopher418 Před 4 lety +3

    My brother was in this play in high school. I must have been about eight years old when I saw it. It left an indelible mark on my life forever. I love the show. Recently I got to spend time with Victor Garber. I completely forgot that he was in this and only realized it months later.

  • @BJDJMusic
    @BJDJMusic Před rokem +1

    One of my favorite songs from Godspell! Always meaningful and a great reminder that there are all good gifts around us which God Himself gave us so we can spread them to the world! While we are helping Ukraine, living under the pandemic, surviving many natural disasters, and fighting crimes, we must remember that these good gifts of love, happiness, peace, and so on, will continue to grow if we give it to each and every one of us from our hearts, not our minds.
    Thank you, Lord, for the gifts you sent to us. Though we don't use them often, please help us to grow in our hearts by spreading these gifts to the world. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we ask that we keep giving and thanking one another for your sake, with love and mercy. Amen
    RIP Merrell Jackson. You will be forever treasured in the song you sang to us!

  • @Vectormanic1
    @Vectormanic1 Před 3 lety +3

    This song blows me away... Wow!

  • @SuperEbarnes
    @SuperEbarnes Před rokem +2

    Of all the awesome songs in Godspell, this is the loveliest.

  • @westrokker
    @westrokker Před 5 lety +20

    Incredibly great song

  • @humanbeing524
    @humanbeing524 Před 6 lety +44

    beautiful song with ancient roots

  • @francosta7924
    @francosta7924 Před 4 lety +5

    Love the whole thing but this is my favorite.

  • @arielklay23
    @arielklay23 Před 5 lety +57

    Such a beautiful expression of gratitude for God's goodness and faithfulness!

  • @MiamiSpartan1
    @MiamiSpartan1 Před 4 lety +9

    Such a talented cast

  • @rickynelson3728
    @rickynelson3728 Před 5 lety +11

    Great music I loved the 70's !

  • @slojoe58
    @slojoe58 Před 5 lety +24

    Thank the Lord, oh, Thank the Lord

  • @alexvokoun9272
    @alexvokoun9272 Před 3 lety +2

    This movie to me like the equivalent of stroll on a extremely beautiful day in the springtime. Just a really special movie for me.

  • @gigidooley3892
    @gigidooley3892 Před 3 lety +5

    2021 🔥

  • @ralcst-1977
    @ralcst-1977 Před 3 lety +3


  • @micraekirk
    @micraekirk Před 3 lety +3

    still love this... my favorite forever !!!

  • @beckyworrell6303
    @beckyworrell6303 Před 3 lety +3

    I saw this on tv back in the 70s and loved since. Finally found a CD soundtrack then the movie. Made a profound impact on me. I thank everyone involved in the making of this. It saddened me when I read the bios on IMDB that most of the cast is already gone.

  • @angelamortelliti4017
    @angelamortelliti4017 Před měsícem

    When I was 16 years old I saw the live play. Then I’m the 70’s I bought the album. Afterwards of course I bought the cd

  • @user-tm8ld6hu6x
    @user-tm8ld6hu6x Před 2 měsíci +1

    For all good gifts- Thank You Lord

  • @benjaminbackbite
    @benjaminbackbite Před 5 lety +21

    Beautiful. I am happy this version remains with Merrell's vocals. And not the unnecessary addition of Ben Vereen's voice over on the album.

  • @alancraley8273
    @alancraley8273 Před 2 lety +3

    The best version of this song, by which all others are measured

    • @katieotey
      @katieotey Před 3 měsíci

      Have you heard Lamar Alford's original version? Although I love and appreciate this one, Lamar's version really defined it.

  • @robertbishop5357
    @robertbishop5357 Před 6 lety +20

    When I was in the MYF at my church we did Jesus Christ superstar and Godspell. The later was incredibly biblical and the most enjoyable of the 2.

  • @regionalunityproductions4378

    This was my song when I was cast back in 2002.

  • @contact3604
    @contact3604 Před 4 lety +8

    What a lovely movie!
    With such, a pure message.
    Thank you for sharing this delightful video, very much appreciated.
    From England.

  • @lynnstewart2326
    @lynnstewart2326 Před 3 lety +6

    I love this song. I listen everyday. I’m trying to find the recorder music too. I just started playing. It’s lovely.

  • @samuelsalespessanha8538
    @samuelsalespessanha8538 Před 5 lety +35

    These guys were the real movie heroes.

  • @debh6304
    @debh6304 Před 3 lety +3

    Merrels voice is beautiful and strong! He is adorable !

  • @sherylgrant1129
    @sherylgrant1129 Před 6 lety +14

    Songs and ideals that keep me going

  • @heathergibson3590
    @heathergibson3590 Před 3 lety +21

    This beautiful song reminds that life is a gift from God and may we never take any simple gift for granted.That being said, remember there is something greater after this😇

  • @fpvillegas9084
    @fpvillegas9084 Před 4 lety +18

    The opening line of this song is so gorgeous 😊👍

  • @aScottGordon
    @aScottGordon Před 6 lety +18

    Beautiful and inspiring.

  • @a.johnson1860
    @a.johnson1860 Před 3 lety +4

    This is where we need to be in 2021......

  • @Mermaid2261
    @Mermaid2261 Před 4 lety +32

    Merrell's voice was something else for sure.

  • @melwalsh7277
    @melwalsh7277 Před 3 lety +3

    I am now 60 years old im not religious, but this is an absolutely amazing movie reminds me when it first came out this is my bathtime music love it xxxx

  • @Buggy-zu9zw
    @Buggy-zu9zw Před rokem +1

    Compared to God we are like specks of dust and yet he gives us so much that we do not deserve...that is true love.

  • @analeigh5908
    @analeigh5908 Před 5 lety +18

    I played that recorder solo for my high school's production of Godspell, many years ago. I'd completely forgotten about it, but hearing it again brought back so many memories

  • @dmark1922
    @dmark1922 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Much later I learned that this song was actually based on a traditional hymn... forgot all about this version, so beautiful in a 70s way.

  • @kw45132
    @kw45132 Před 5 lety +46

    Everytime I hear this makes grateful for my Lord Jesus 😍😍😍😊😊😊😊☺☺☺