ጉሙን ትቼ ለምን? በማሙሻ ፈንታ

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Delivered at YouGo Church November 2022

Komentáře • 81

  • @equipmedia2577
    @equipmedia2577  Před rokem +39

    📖 መክ 12:1-8
    - እውነተኛውን መድረሻ ካልያዝነው የያዝነው ሁሉ መድረሻ ሊሆነን አይችልም።
    - ያለ እግዚአብሔር የደከምንበት ሁሉም ጭጋግ ነው፤ ደመና ነው፤ ጭስ ነው።
    📖 መክ 1:12
    - ያለ እግዚአብሔር ሁሌ ጎዶሎ መሆን ነው።
    📖 መክብብ 2 (Ecclesiastes)
    11፤ እጄ የሠራቻችን ሥራዬን ሁሉ የደከምሁበትንም ድካሜን ሁሉ ተመለከትሁ፤ እነሆ፥ ሁሉ ከንቱ ነፋስንም እንደ መከተል ነበር፥ ከፀሐይ በታችም ትርፍ አልነበረም።
    📖 መክብብ 5 (Ecclesiastes)
    10፤ ብርን የሚወድድ ሰው ብርን አይጠግብም፤ ባለጠግነትንም የሚወድድ ትርፉን አይጠግብም፤ ይህም ደግሞ ከንቱ ነው።
    11፤ ሀብት ሲበዛ የሚበሉት ይበዛሉ፤ ሀብቱን በዓይኑ ብቻ ከማየት በቀር ለባለቤቱ ምን ይጠቅመዋል?
    12፤ እጅግ ወይም ጥቂት ቢበላ የሠራተኛ እንቅልፍ ጣፋጭ ነው የባለጠጋ ጥጋብ ግን እንቅልፍን ይከለክለዋል።
    - የሰው ልጅ ፍላጎት በምድራዊ ነገር እንዲሞላ አልተሰራም።
    🔴 ስለዚህ ምን ይመክረናል?
    - ዋና፣ መድረሻ፣ እሱ እንዳይሆን፣ የሚጨበጥ እውነተኛ መድረሻ እግዚአብሔር ነው።
    - ስንደርስበት የምናገኘው ዋና እግዚአብሔር ብቻ ስለሆነ እሱን እንያዝ።
    📖 መክ 11:6
    - እግዚአብሔር ማዕከል ያልሆነበት ምንም ነገር አያደርስም።
    📖 መክ 12: 1
    1) እግዚአብሔር በሰጠን ጊዜ ፈጣሪን ማሰብ
    2) እግዚአብሔርን ማክበር
    3) እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት
    - ህይወታችንን በማይሆን ነገር አንሙላ በእግዚአብሔር ብቻ እንሙላ።
    🔴 ጉሙን ትተን እግዚአብሔርን ዋና ለማድረግ ለምን ያስፈልጋል?
    ➧ ያለ እግዚአብሔር ብንጋፈጣቸው የማንችላቸው ነገሮች ስላሉ
    1) እርጅና
    📖 መክ 12:1-7
    - እርጅና፦ የጭንቅ ቀን፤ ደስ የማያሰኙ ቀናት፤ ነው።
    2) ሞት
    📖 መክ 12:7-8
    - ከሞት የሚያስጥል ስለሌለ እግዚአብሔርን ፈርተን እንኑር።
    3) ፍርድ
    📖 መክ 13-14
    - ለራሱ ፈጥሮን ለሌላ ስንሆን እግዚአብሔር ይፈርድብናል።
    - ከእነዚህ ሁሉ ለማምለጥ እግዚአብሔርን ዋና እናድርግ።
    - ሁሉም ነገር ከንቱ ነው፤ የሚያዘው፤ የሚጨበጠው እግዚአብሔር ብቻ ነው።
    - ያለ እግዚአብሔር የሆኑ የሰው ጥረቶች ሁሉ እንደ ጉም ናቸው።

    • @fassilshiferaw3961
      @fassilshiferaw3961 Před rokem +3

      በእውነት በእውነት የምታገለግለው አምላክ አሁን ወንድም ዶ/ር ማሙሻ ፋንታ ካለህ እጥፍ ዘመን ከጤና ጋር ይስጥህ ልጆችህ ባለቤትህ አገልግሎትህ የተባረከ ይሁንልህ እወድሃለሁ ፀጋህን አከብራላሁ ጌታ እንዳንተ ያሉትን ያብዛልን

    • @hiwotmekonnen8251
      @hiwotmekonnen8251 Před rokem

      Thank you for sharing 🙏♥️ Tebareku

    • @rabihcall4540
      @rabihcall4540 Před rokem

      እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ

    • @sologmonhtberaki7343
      @sologmonhtberaki7343 Před rokem

      Kung had-h-hjjb

  • @hiwotmekonnen8251
    @hiwotmekonnen8251 Před rokem +22

    ፀልዩልኝ ለኔ የዘረኝነትና የጥላቻን መንፈስ ከኔ ጌታ እንዲያስወግድ

    • @selamiyasu3475
      @selamiyasu3475 Před rokem +5

      ምህረት እንድታደርጊ ከልብሽ ፈልጊ የእግዚአብሔርን ፀጋ ጠይቂ እርሱ ይረዳሻል። ይቅርታ ካደረግሽ ከዚህ ሁሉ ነፃ ትወጫለሽ። ከእግዚአብሔር ቃልና ከፀሎት ጋር አትላቀቂ በምንም ሁኔታ ውስጥ ከጌታ ጋር ሁኚ!

    • @abebechmelkamu7399
      @abebechmelkamu7399 Před rokem +1

      Yhin kifu hsab sitkaw Geta liredah yinesal

    • @abebechmelkamu7399
      @abebechmelkamu7399 Před rokem +3

      Ayizoh (ayizoshi)

    • @infinity325
      @infinity325 Před rokem +1

      ፈቅደሽ ነው የሆንሺው
      ፈቅደሽ መተው ነው።

    • @beletuasefa5884
      @beletuasefa5884 Před rokem +4

      የኔ ቆንጆ ጌታ አያነሳልሺም አንች ማድረግ ያለብሺ የምትሰሚውን ስትቀይሪ አስተሳሰብሺ ድርጊትሺ ይቀየራል የእግዚያብሔርን ቃል አብቢ የተቸገርሺበትን ይቆርጡጠዋል

  • @habatamhabatam8769
    @habatamhabatam8769 Před rokem +11

    አይ ዶክተር NO ኮሜንት😂 ደስ የምትል ስው ስወድህ
    ጸጋው ይብዛልህ የምታስተምርበት ጥበብ ከእግዚአብሔር ከአምላካችን የተስጠህ ነው ።አንተን የስጠን አምላክ ይመስገን

  • @lemlemghebremedhinweldeghi5205

    በእውነት ማሙሻየ፡ ለዚህ ዘመን ያለን ትውልድ፡ከእግዚአብሄር የተሰጠህን ስጦታ ነህ። ተባረክ ጸሎቴ ከዚህም በላይ ትጋት ሊጨመርልህ ነው።

  • @sunnightfantye8899
    @sunnightfantye8899 Před rokem

    ጌታ እየሱስ አብዝቶ አብዝቶ ይባርክህ ዶ/ር ማሙሻ

  • @ምህረትየበዛላት

    እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ከክፉ ይጠብቅህ በደሙ ይሸፍንህ። አንተ ከእግዚአብሔር የተሰጠኸን ውድ ስጦታችን ነህ። እንወድሀለን እናከብርሀለን። ህይወትን መስመር ውስጥ የሚያስገባ ትምህርት ነው። እግዚአብሔር ሆይ ስለፀጋህ እጂግ አድርጌ አመሰግንሀለሁ። ክብሩን ሁሉ የፀጋው ባለቤት አንተ ጠቅልለህ ውሰድ።

  • @lideyagadi5724
    @lideyagadi5724 Před rokem +3

    ጌታ ኢየሱስ ይባርክህ ወንድም ማሙሻ ባንተ ብዙ ተጠቅሚአለሁ ፀጋው ይብዛልክ ተባረክ

  • @sabaalemu5082
    @sabaalemu5082 Před rokem

    ዶ/ር ማሙሸት ተባረክ ንጽ ወንጌል አስተማሪ

  • @zewdugonte7331
    @zewdugonte7331 Před rokem +6

    አሜን እግዚያአብሔር ማእከላዊ የሆነበት ሕይወት መኖር ይሁንልን ፡፡ በዚህ ዘመን በቃሉ ማጭበርበር እና የራስን ፈቃድ እንዲሁም ምኞትን በሚኖርበት ጊዜ አንተግን እወነተኛውን መንገድ እያሳየህን እያስተማርክ ስላለህ አምላኪ እንደባለፀግነቱ መጠን በክርስቶስ እየሱስ አብዝቶ ይባርክህ ፡፡

  • @belayneshtadesse9621
    @belayneshtadesse9621 Před rokem +1

    አሜን!!! አሜን!!!
    ዶ/ር ማሙሻ እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ።
    ፀጋውን ያብዛልህ።

  • @rodasgetachew9347
    @rodasgetachew9347 Před rokem +2

    አሜን ጉሙን (የሚያልፍ የሚሻረውን የማይጨበጠውን የሚጠፋውን)ትተን... እሰከመጨረሻው ለማይለየን ጅማሬያችንም ፍጻሜያችንም ለሆነው የእርሱ ብቻ እንጂ የሌላ እንዳንሆን ለሚፈልገው ለራሱ አላማ ለመረጠን ለለየን ኖረን ማለፍ ይሁንልን !! ደስ የማያሰኙ ቀናት ሳይደርሱ እግዚአብሔርን ማሰብ ማክበር መፍራት ይብዛልን...!!!ጌታ ኢየሱስ ብብዙ ጸጋ ይባርክህ የአንተ የሆነውን ሁሉ ጌታ ኢየሱስ ይባርክ ይጠብቅ !! እንወድሃለን የተወደድህ ወንድማችን
    ዶ /ር ማሙሻ 🙏❤

  • @fanikumamarkos8176
    @fanikumamarkos8176 Před rokem +3

    አሜን እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት እውቀት ነውና ማዕከላዊ ህይወቴ ሁን ጌታ አምላኬ ሆይ እውነት ነው እግዚአብሔር ብቻውን ይሻላል።
    ወንድሜ እግዚአብሔር በእጥፍ ይጨምርልህ።

  • @kali2839
    @kali2839 Před rokem +2

    ዶክተር ማሙሻ ስለአንተ ሁልጊዜ ጌታን አመሰግናለሁ ተባረክ

  • @rabihcall4540
    @rabihcall4540 Před rokem

    ዶ ር ማሙሸ በረከታች እግዚአብሔር በብዙ ይባርክህ

  • @aderajewabebe120
    @aderajewabebe120 Před rokem +2

    ኃጢአትን የምትሠራ ነፍስ እርስዋ ትሞታለች፤ (ሕዝ፤ 18፡20)

  • @almazwoldemichael7915
    @almazwoldemichael7915 Před rokem +1

    እግዚአብሔር ይክበር ስላንተ በአሁን ስዐት ስለ እግዚአብሄር መናገር የፈራሁበት ዘመን ቢኖር ይህ አመት ነው ሐስተኞች የበዙበት ዘመን ስለሆነ

  • @serguttilahun2443
    @serguttilahun2443 Před rokem +2

    እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ ወንድም ማሙሻ የለስለሰ ልብ ይስጠን ይህ ትምህርት ነው ድንጋዩን ልብ የሚያለሰልሰው ተባረክልን🙏🙏🙏

  • @ruthkebede755
    @ruthkebede755 Před rokem

    ለወንጌል እውነት እንደጋልክ እንድትጨርስ ፀጋ ይብዛልህ

  • @addistewldetewlde3491
    @addistewldetewlde3491 Před rokem +2

    Docter Mamusha Tebarekkk Enwodihalen Nurlennn

  • @abinatilaramo4843
    @abinatilaramo4843 Před rokem +1

    ጌታ ይባርክህ ዶ/ር ማሙሻ ደስ የሚል ትምህርት ነው

  • @astermerhatsion5449
    @astermerhatsion5449 Před rokem +2

    I'm always amazed by his teaching and preaching! Dr. Mamusha you are such a blessed man of God! Love you so much my beloved brother in Christ Jesus! ♥️♥️♥️

  • @rejoicetube7411
    @rejoicetube7411 Před rokem +1

    amazing preaching

  • @sineduayele6519
    @sineduayele6519 Před rokem +1

    ነፍሴ ሃሴት አድርጋለች።ዶክተር ጌታ ብርክ ያርግህ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @kokebetadesse6026
    @kokebetadesse6026 Před rokem +1

    AMEN AMEN yemekerein egziabher amlak yebarek amen eyesus wanaya neh hulu keintu ......... Geta eyesus zelalemhin ybark..🙌🙌🙌🙌

  • @abinatilaramo4843
    @abinatilaramo4843 Před rokem +3

    ዋው ደስ የሚል ትምህርት ነው

  • @Jesusislove-gf3ox6wo8m
    @Jesusislove-gf3ox6wo8m Před rokem +1

    ዋዉ ጌታ አብዝቶ ጸጋዉን ይጨምርልህ ዶ/ር ❤❤❤

  • @selame2713
    @selame2713 Před rokem

    ሜሙሽዬ እግዚአብሔር አንተን ይጠብቅልን እድሜ ይስጥህ እንዳንተ አይነት አስተማሪ ጌታ ያብዛልን

  • @mihrettefra2575
    @mihrettefra2575 Před rokem +1


  • @haileabaraya564
    @haileabaraya564 Před rokem

    እግዚሐብኤርን ለማስቀደም ወስኛለው አመሰግናለው

  • @mendenew
    @mendenew Před rokem

    May you be blessed 🙌. You are a man of God !

  • @tegstmulu1573
    @tegstmulu1573 Před rokem


  • @shumeyetessema819
    @shumeyetessema819 Před rokem +2

    God bless you for sharing this wonderful message. Very insightful indeed.

  • @Lee-pv5vz
    @Lee-pv5vz Před rokem

    Bless you 🙏 brother Mamusha

  • @infinity325
    @infinity325 Před rokem +1

    እግዚአብሔርን ማክበር
    የግል ቅድስና ነው።

  • @bblovem7196
    @bblovem7196 Před rokem +1

    ተባረክ ወንድም ማሙሻ🙏

  • @raheltsehaye1852
    @raheltsehaye1852 Před rokem +2

    Tebarek 🙏🙏🙏

  • @yabetsberhanuasfaw7232
    @yabetsberhanuasfaw7232 Před rokem +1

    Wow 😮😮😮 Egziabher askedmo minager amlak silehone Kibir le ersu yihunlet …..it’s megelet eko kalu eko liyu megelet new …….. Egziabher abzito yibarkih Dr. Mamusha…..menfeskidus kalun alfo bante alfo silegeleteln

  • @aderajewabebe120
    @aderajewabebe120 Před rokem +1

    Thank you God bless you!

  • @astertekeste9039
    @astertekeste9039 Před rokem +3

    U r salt of world 🌎

  • @toubatoubaaa5439
    @toubatoubaaa5439 Před rokem

    Amen amen amten ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏📖📖

  • @amyabraham3639
    @amyabraham3639 Před rokem

    God bless you dear mamsha

  • @bettyterfe6816
    @bettyterfe6816 Před rokem

    Zemenhi yibarek Geta yibzalhi ❤

  • @aderajewabebe120
    @aderajewabebe120 Před rokem +1

    ነገር ግን መልካምንና ክፉን ከሚያስታውቀው ዛፍ አትብላ፤ ከእርሱ በበላህ ቀን ሞትን ትሞታለህና። ዘፍ፤ 2፡17

  • @gidayfantaye7803
    @gidayfantaye7803 Před rokem

    Did you ever think about Tigray people, God is great.

  • @salameskyes7240
    @salameskyes7240 Před rokem


  • @getayalewe1009
    @getayalewe1009 Před rokem +3

    Thank you man of God Pastor Mamusha. I am following your teaching, may the Spirit of God reveal more new knowledge and information to you, and bless you with your family and friends.
    "life began in heaven or on earth "at birth" this is a universal and divine law."
    A physical person or a natural person is born "in the flesh" of his mother and father and lives on earth temporarily in his soul and physical body.
    Similarly, a spiritual person with a living soul and a spiritual body will live forever in heaven when he is born from Jesus, who is the eternal seed.
    "The end of everything is where it's the beginning. This is the Universal and Divine Law."
    For example, the place where the Lord Jesus rose was not dust or earth, so death could hold him or leave him with the dust of the earth because the Lord came from heaven. If man's abode had been in heaven ,the body of man would not have had to return to dust, indeed earth's soil or dust, would not have received the human body. Because the law would not have permitted it. Because everything goes back to where it came from. But the human body rises from the soil and the body returns to the original place from which it came.
    Human flesh is dust of the ground, so always longs to go there, doesn't want to live in the world for a single day,
    because human has a soul, human flesh is bound to live by force, that's why it is impossible to live forever with human flesh with the help of any kind of technology advents. Like with artificial intelligence and transhumanism and so on.
    When man was created in the spirit of God and formed from the dust of the earth, he intended to live forever. But when man transgressed the creator and obeyed the words of the enemy man died in spirit, soul and body.
    also the earth was not created to be temporary. It is because of man's curse that the earth causes an exit. If man did not sin before God, the current earth and heaven will last forever. But because of the fall of man, time is limited to heaven and earth.
    ( restriction of time ) regarding of this, we read in Genesis 3:22, :
    And the LORD God said, 'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.
    After man sinned and broke God's law, man obeyed the voice of the enemy, resulting in death and destruction. Then, because of the results of humans, Almighty God decided to destroy the present heaven and earth.
    Here is we read: how even heaven is not clean in front of God, because of Adam sin
    “Behold, he putteth no trust in his saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight” (Job 15:15)
    So that is the main reason why God created a new heaven and a new earth for us .because man has ruined the existing heaven and earth. If the first man had not sinned before God, God would not have created a new heaven and earth.
    But God has prepared a new heaven and a new earth for those who believe in Christ and are born from God's seed. Because life began in heaven or on earth "at birth" this is a universal and divine law.
    In the new heaven and earth where there is no disease or failure, death, it is a place called "the home of the righteous."
    but the present earth is cursed by the first man because it is a place called the home of "sinners".
    The present earth is full of trouble, N3D (Disease, Death Devil) Spiritual death or physical death is caused by spiritual disease
    or physical disease, (cause and effect) and the main source of both disease and
    death is the devil. It means that the source of disease and death is the devil
    himself. It means negative information. (thought) evil spirit.
    Therefore, all the children of Adam who live in this age are cursed and therefore everything on earth has changed.
    The first plants and animals were not alive, the current plants are thorns, and the animals are biting. They are not fully fulfilling the purpose for which they were created. Man is the one who made animals unable to liveforever.
    Because of the Transgression of God's law.
    To explain further, in the same way all animals ,wild or urban, were created to live forever, but they died because of human violation of God, which they turned into monsters. Moreover, they are aggressive towards people. If the earth where we are now is not cursed by human wrongdoing, all the creatures we see on earth will live forever and not die. This is why God must create a new heaven and earth. Because of man's sin, as the result of man sin the earth and heaven were destined for destruction.
    Before the fall, man had authority over all things on earth. Authority means the power that a person commands by his word.
    If there is authority , there is no need to use force. because man lost his " authority" he began to use power and energy after his seed was cursed by God. before the fall, Man was the king of the earth under God, that is why the Bible says that man was created a little lower than the angels, this idea shows that man was the ruler of everything on earth, But on the day when man transgressed the law of God, " the day you eat of it you shall die " ( Genesis 2;17 )
    all man power was removed from his hands immediately in the twinkling of an eye, the earth was deprived of life.
    It turned into death, failure, curse ,disease, decay. Plants began to grow, thorns, animals began to bite after the man was cursed, and flowers began to grow thorns, and after the curse, mankind began to slaughter and eat animals. People had fun with lions and tigers and other beautiful forest animals because there was no such thing as evil, But now we don't see that except for the pets that people keep in their homes. Whether it is a lion or a tiger or other wild animals that are biting, even when a person goes to visit the wild forest animals as a tourist, they are aggressive with the person visiting them because they think that the person will kill them, so they run away from the person .All these things happen because of man's sin..
    But in the new heaven and earth there will be no death, fall or disease, and all the animals and plants created on earth will return to life in the world where they were at the beginning of creation. ( genesis 1) .Because it is not Adam who has power and authority in the new heaven and earth, but It is Jesus Christ. He who has authority will rule the new heavens and the earth by word of power. Adam is the fallen king of the earth and heaven. But Jesus is the living king of the new heaven and earth. Therefore, just as there is a human race on the earth where we live now, so the race of Jesus will live in the new heaven and earth.
    This is what the Bible says about that future the new heaven and earth world.
    The new heaven and earth?
    The difference between the present or old earth and heaven and the new future heaven and earth. The old or the present is
    " the dying universe". Because there is a time and gravity law, But the new universe is “living universe" that there is no time and gravity.. which means God will restore the present earth as a new.
    Now currently living on planet earth we are Man, animals and plants. And we will see all these creatures in the immortal way in the new heaven and earth.
    We will divide them into three parts. Let us first look at the new man in Christ.
    1) about "The new man in Christ" not the old man Adam offspring's ( 2 Cor 5:17 )
    "Moreover, he who is blessed on earth is truly blessed by God, and he who swears on earth truly swears by God, the former worry is forgotten and hidden from my eyes." for behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth; And the former are not thought of, nor come into the heart. (Isaiah 65:16-17)
    2) about animals
    25 The wolf and the lamb feed together, and the lion eats straw like an ox, and the serpent's food turns to dust. They shall not harm nor destroy all my holy mountain, says the Lord. Isaiah 65; 25
    3) "about Plants"
    They shall build houses and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another inhabit; They shall not plant and another eat; For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people, And My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. (Isaiah 65:21-23)
    These are all the creatures in the world that we have seen. People, animals and plants begin to live in the new heaven and earth.
    Because the living God will be with us, but the present heavens and the earth will disappear, but the creatures will return to their former glory. The previous earth genesis 1 1-31
    The difference is that unless someone who is a descendant of Adam living on the earth comes to Christ, he will not inherit the new heaven and earth, But in the new heaven and earth, it is the person who has the indestructible seed of Christ who rules with all authority.
    That is why the Holy Bible says.
    For the longing of creation awaits the revelation of God's children.
    For the creation was subjected to futility, because it was subjected by hope, not by will;
    And the hope is that the creation itself will come out of the freedom of the slavery of destruction and reach the freedom of glory for the children of God.
    For we know that all creation has existed in groaning and travail until now.
    He is not the only one, but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the Spirit also groan within ourselves, waiting for the son ship that is the redemption of our bodies.
    For we are saved by hope; But what is hoped for is not hope. Who can hope for what he sees? (Romans 8; 10-24)

  • @yakoball5672
    @yakoball5672 Před rokem

    God 🙏 bless you and your family, Church members!!!!

  • @danielmelies7617
    @danielmelies7617 Před rokem

    እድለኛ ነኝ እኔ ዶክተር

  • @hopemezmur
    @hopemezmur Před rokem

    God bless you!

  • @rtpictures6858
    @rtpictures6858 Před rokem

    Mn laregek Mamusha

  • @bogaleagga9026
    @bogaleagga9026 Před rokem


  • @zekariasmahtemesilassie8924

    Is this teaching or gospel?

  • @tegstmulu1573
    @tegstmulu1573 Před rokem
