INFJ Example - Diane Kruger

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Source:
    Full Q&A - • Diane Kruger - Full Q&A
    In this video I give an analysis of the INFJ personality type, using Diane Kruger as an example.
    Diane Kruger (born 15 July 1976) is a German-American actress and former fashion model. She is known for roles such as Helen in the epic war film Troy (2004), Dr. Abigail Chase in the heist film National Treasure (2004) and its sequel (2007), Bridget von Hammersmark in Quentin Tarantino's war film Inglourious Basterds (2009), and Gina in the psychological thriller film Unknown (2011). She also starred as Detective Sonya Cross in the FX crime drama series The Bridge.
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Komentáře • 36

  • @grumpyschnauzer
    @grumpyschnauzer Před 2 lety +4

    When we are being completely ourselves (melancholy, reflective, introspective), we set the tone and mood of the room.
    We are not driven by money so it is very hard for us to reconcile the existences of systems based on numbers and money and prioritizing those values.

  • @stephanieokkay
    @stephanieokkay Před 4 lety +6

    This was very interesting! I especially appreciated how you described Ni at work in her interview.

  • @sirlancealittles
    @sirlancealittles Před 3 lety +11

    I am a Clinical Psychologist with 30 years of experience dealing with people. I was branded a INFJ quite sometime ago. I never really accepted that evaluation because placing 'labels' on people puts them into a box. It limits their potentiality and personal growth. At worse, it can destroy a individual's self determination and freedom. I have never encountered a 'classical' INFJ before. Why? Because certain characteristics of this personality type have many subgroups some of which overlap other MBTI personality types. That being said I will describe the characteristics of how a 'orthodox' INFJ thinks, behaves and responds in strict accordance with the MBTI Personalty Test. Be forewarned, I find some INFJ 'stereotypes' rather funny. And will approach such in a humorous fashion. INFJ's posess a wonderfully unique sense irony and will immediately recognize the silly 'stereotypes' others have attrubuted to them.....So lts break some myths about INFJ Personalty Types.
    When a INFJ gives you the dreaded 'Death Stair' they are not sttempting to understand you. They are wondering if you're carrying a gun. Killing INFJ's is a pleasurable experience. Why? Because everyone hates a smart ass.
    INFJ's frequently experience 'Sensory Overload' issues. They love Forests, Parks and Woodland areas to recharge their batteries. Why? Because trees don't talk! A squirrel cannot complain it has 'Daddy Issues'. Pine trees do not suffer from 'gender identity' problems. And I have never seen a bunny rabbit strung out Crack Cocaine. Solitude is bliss.
    Never say to a INFJ, 'I do not understad', They will run away screaming or jump infront of a bus. No one understands them. INFJ's sometimes don't even understand themselves.
    INFJ are almost like Chameleons. They attune themselves to better understand (subconsciously) certain situations.
    Why do a INFJ 'Door Slam' people? Because it's called a Coping Mechanism. They dislike being emotionally hurt. There is nothing strange about this. Some people become acholics others pill poppers. INFJ's will just run away and pretend you never existed. It never works.
    INFJ's have the psychic ability to absorb people's emotions. No. This is phenomen is called 'Transference'. If you continuously talk about your problems, a INFJ will unconsciously adopt some aspects of your emotional state. However, INFJ's posess strong identities which prevents them from going completely insane.
    INFJ's are the most honest, compassionate and sensative people on Earth. Not really. Mother Nature just screwed them up genetically. They're brains are hard wired to respond during crisis situations. A 'diehard' INFJ will instinctively sacrifice their life attempting to save yours. No questions asked. Why? I have no freaking idea. I didn't invent the rules. Ask God. I'm sure She knows.
    INFJ's think differently than others. Yes. They think outside the box. They live outside the box. They have never actually seen the box. What does it look like? Does it contain groceries?
    INFJ types are occasionally arrogant, cold towards others and aloof. This is actually true. Being omnipotent has its drawbacks. INFJ's have a difficult time sugar-coating the truth. Being overtly honest is their trademark. However, if they sense someone cannot handle the truth, they lie to protect that person's feelings.
    INFJ's are stubborn yet will openly admit to errors in judgment and making mistakes.
    INFJ's think too deeply. They want to solve everyone's problems. They get frustrated when people ask for advice, then completely ignore their recommendations. They do not understand why everyone keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. Eventually, a INFJ will simply give up. The phrase 'People need to learn the hard way' was invented by a INFJ. So was the 'unfriend' button on Facebook.
    INFJ's do not respect authority because they have developed their own Moral, Ethical, Spiritual and Cognative belief systems. Mature (older) INFJ's care very little about how people perceive them and less about the impressions they make upon others. INFJ's enjoy approval and acceptance (like everyone else) but infrequently compromise their princepals to simply fit in.
    Do not mistake a INJ's confidence as egocentrism. There is a difference.
    INFJ hate themselves. They feel alone within the world and misunderstood. Being a INFJ a curse. Consequently, a small minority INFJ's often experience psychological Depression, Alienation Issues and Avoident Behavior problems. The phrase 'You are your own worst enemy' accurately describes a INFJ's perception of themselves.
    The most admirable personality traits of the INFJ are (1) INFJ's care more about other people than themselves which makes them a easy targets for emotional exploitation and abuse. Never play 'Guilt Games' with a INFJ. They already persecute themselves (subconsciously) for being different. They don't have the ability to forgive themselves for past mistakes, A INFJ's unforgiving 'Guilt Complex' is an integral part of their personality. INFJ's have occasionally been known to slowly kill themselves over time, believing they deserve such suffering. 'Hell on Earth' is their punishment and they willing accept it....sometimes. Not always. (2) Once you secure the trust of a INFJ, everything about them suddenly becomes clear. The stereotypes vanish. They are people you want within your life. They have incredible insight into human nature and will identify your weaknesses and lift you up from darkness. Seeing the world through a INFJ eyes is the greatest gift they can offer.
    It would be impossible to understand a MBTI typology without stating the negative traits of a specific personality group.
    The 'Dark Side' of a INFJ is rather frightening. Never test their 'Authenticity' or personal dignity. Do not play games with a INFJ. They have limitations like everyone else. A INFJ can determine your intentions or plans within minutes. Literally. This Hyperobservient behavior is quite unique. Avoid getting into heated arguments with a INFJ unless you are prepared to be intellectually, emotionally or psychologically castrated. They have cognitive resources almost beyond understanding. A vindictive INFJ will never stop until they destroy your life (this has nothing to do with physical murder). Such behavior is almost Psychopathic in nature (hence the concern INFJ's may be catorgized as possessing a Psychological disorder rather than a Personality dysfunction). INFJ's are not prone violent behavior. The good news is they give up easily, This is where the Door Slam or simply walking away from a argument comes from.
    If a INFJ loves you, be prepared for lengthy romantic rituals. Box's of candy, flowers, poems, lovely e-cards, teddy bears and such. But be careful. A INFJ understands how to manipulate situations to their advantage. Including the human heart. Once they reveal their true inner nature however, you will begin to understand why only 2% of the world's population are INFJ's. They are just so dam charming.
    INFJ's dislike small talk, idle conversations, superficial people and hypocrites. Life is too short talking to such individuals (but they understand its occasionally necessary to be socially accepted)
    INFJ's are not spontaneous. They just pretend to be spontaneous. Their minds are always attempting to 'connect the dots' even when there are no dots.
    Avoid getting into deep conversations with a INFJ. They are walking encyclopedias. They will jump from topic to topic then back again to support a idea or theory. Male INFJ's are 'scattered brained' in the worst way possible. But there is method to such madness. The are searching for the correct answer to a specific problem. And 95% of the time they will discover it... or have a complete nervous breakdown trying.
    Occasionally, you will notice them acting rather mysterious, doing unusual things or just behaving weird. Get used to this behavior. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. The INFJ is just going through a 'stage' or experimenting with something that interests them. Like building a Thermonuclear Bomb or discovering a cure for Herpes.
    Never tell a INFJ they possess a 'Old Soul'. They are terrified of being reincarnated again. INFJ's are aware that neither Heaven or Hell wants them. Why? Because God doesn't want the extra competition or deciding who should run the Universe (Him or a INFJ) and Satan can't deal with a INFJ pestering him for all eternity. That would be considered cruel and unusual punishment.
    Aliens will never abduct a INFJ. There are some things too bizarre even for Extraterrestrials.
    So next time you accidentally encounter a INFJ, break all COVID 'Social Distancing' issues and hug them. INFJ's are a endangered species. Literally. Whatever purpose they were created for has already been accomplished. I like to think they represent the noblest form of humanity. A personality type which everyone aspires to immulate....Intelligent, Wise, Caring, Altruistic and Protective. 'More human than human', as the movie Blade Runner once committed. If anyone knows why INFJ's are slowly disappearing , its more important now (than ever) for this typology to connect with one another. Spread the word. You are NOT alone. You were NEVER alone.

    • @grumpyschnauzer
      @grumpyschnauzer Před 2 lety

      “Never tell an INFJ they are an ‘old soul’. They are terrified of being reincarnated again.” TERRIFIED. I spend every day trying to hack and right the things I am supposed to in order to NOT be reincarnated again. LOL

    • @JonasAnandaKristiansson
      @JonasAnandaKristiansson Před 2 lety +2

      @@grumpyschnauzer I actually have The answer for this.
      Without realizing the Self/Brahman/Truth/Essence/Being, one will reincarnate again and again, till that happens.
      Form/identity with/as body and mind keeps us "stuck" in "Samsara"/Suffering/Delusion, and we'll take another body again and again, until Self Realization occurs.
      This is the Way/Tao

    • @alexadellastella5247
      @alexadellastella5247 Před rokem

      putting labels helps people understand themselves better! (at least this is the story of my life! adn I have many labels which saved me, since I'm neurodivergent too autistic and ADHD and INFJ and I am also much more than that of course, I am me...) and when no label is put people act without understanding themselves and it is not helpful either.... I do not see labels as limitative but rather very helpful to reach our best potential with an indepth understanding of oneself which also means respect of one's real capacities without having to go the hard way or unconsciously following what society expects from us!

  • @rayw3332
    @rayw3332 Před 4 lety +9

    I definitely get IxxJ, but can't see her as the introverted sensing (Si) guardian/traditionalist/what-has-worked-in-the-past type (i.e. not ISTJ/ISFJ).
    I see the connect-the-dots "instincts" future-bound innovator type. So INxJ.
    But I don't pick up any warmth, what she has done, touching stories of empathy, what she wants to do for people, i.e., extraverted feeling (Fe).
    I see introverted feeling (Fi) -- how I feel about things, my values, what's important to me (... "penned up emotions I didn't know how to deal with") -- beauty levels, dress codes, her weight, etc. I detect a sort of edginess ("I was angry ... perturbed(!)") -- you can imagine her sitting in a ready room talking nasties about people.
    Lastly, as a mature INFJ, my 5-minute gestalt is, I don't "get" her as an INFJ (Ray: "INFJs ... know each other"). I like her, but instead of my impish Santayana's "comic faith," I get a bit of arrogant ("I like to make one French movie a year" 🙄) intolerance.
    INFJs are secretive of their Ti, not their Fe. Just try crossing an INFJ ....

    • @psychocandy8093
      @psychocandy8093  Před 4 lety +2

      Hey Ray, please keep in mind I had to edit a lot out for the sake of time. I'd definitely recommend checking out the full interview in the description to expand on that. She is constantly talking about others and how they affected her, asking the audience if they understand/rewording specific things to harmonize. She is 100% NF, definitely not Fe-PoLR, no way.

    • @psychocandy8093
      @psychocandy8093  Před 4 lety +4

      Also keep in mind that English is not her native language... this in itself is chameleon-like.

    • @rayw3332
      @rayw3332 Před 4 lety

      Okay, I appreciate your wider effort Tony, that's why I prefaced my comment with, "This is my 5-minute gestalt …"
      And, I am an intuitive contrarian by nature, in order to ferret out a more plausible alternative, not just to instigate ... well ... maybe on occasion I like to instigate -- to stir up the pot so to speak. To force somebody off their comfortable spot and see if, thus piqued, they go thinker or feeler, for example.

    • @nimrarashid552
      @nimrarashid552 Před 3 lety +2

      there are types of infj one puts energy in ti one puts energy in see and one puts energy in ni and fe. there are other types as well but each infj puts different amounts of energy into different functions differently.

  • @grumpyschnauzer
    @grumpyschnauzer Před 2 lety

    What a beautiful analysis. Thank you.

  • @kawaiiwaifu4110
    @kawaiiwaifu4110 Před 4 lety +3

    Y'all should do another entp vid, these are excellent

  • @silentecho4445
    @silentecho4445 Před 4 lety +1

    She's awesome....she was also in National Treasures w/Nicholas Cage.

  • @redroselace9545
    @redroselace9545 Před 4 lety +3

    Looking down is Ni at work? I see myself and many infj do that

  • @jamesking6808
    @jamesking6808 Před 4 lety +5

    This is a joke, she is not INFJ at all. She is commonly typed ENTJ, ISTJ and ESTJ on the internet. Regardless of English being her second language or the short edited clips she displays no passion or enthusiasm and little expression. She spends most of the time in these clips talking about the politics and business of the industry rather than how she feels about things which is also not very INFJ like.

    • @grumpyschnauzer
      @grumpyschnauzer Před 2 lety +1

      They are asking her boring industry questions. If I had to guess (as an INFJ myself) she is quite bored and uninspired by the questions. At most points, she trails off into what she “actually wants to talk about” (I.e., summing perceptions, her childhood into who she is today, values on a collective scale). INFJs will answer the questions in the way they want to answer it not necessarily the way it’s being asked (like a sensor using concrete language would).

    • @JonasAnandaKristiansson
      @JonasAnandaKristiansson Před 2 lety

      @@grumpyschnauzer Yeees

  • @martinaliliana
    @martinaliliana Před rokem

    omg i would have answered the first question just the same

  • @amna0alhawaj
    @amna0alhawaj Před 4 lety +1

    Hey Tony, thanks for the video 😁
    Is there one very obvious telling sign that most infjs do?

    • @psychocandy8093
      @psychocandy8093  Před 4 lety +10

      Well, they can zone out in casual conversations with friends sometimes and stare out into the abyss with a fixed gaze- but this is more of an Ni thing.

    • @amna0alhawaj
      @amna0alhawaj Před 4 lety +1

      @@psychocandy8093 Oh yeah 😁 they do have that stare into your soul type of look... hummm
      I'm trying to work on spotting infjs better.

    • @Meeckan
      @Meeckan Před 4 lety

      @@amna0alhawaj I wish I could do

  • @Charitycaruthers1980
    @Charitycaruthers1980 Před 3 lety

    is that Mario Bros sound at the beginning of your video? lol