Chabal NZ/France 2/06/07

  • čas přidán 2. 06. 2007
  • best of Chabal
  • Sport

Komentáře • 114

  • @nrjelley
    @nrjelley Před 14 lety +177

    0:59 is the best tackle I think I have ever seen, the guy couldn't get up and when he did he was real stunned!

  • @johnniejay
    @johnniejay Před 16 lety +23

    As an Englishman, he is certainly a guy we will need to watch out for in the last 20 minutes or so....Chabal can change matches just by his mere presence, aswell as Michelak.

  • @reayadam
    @reayadam Před 16 lety +40

    6" 6 and 18 stone, he's huge. He can pass, he can run, he can tackle, but as soon as he's hit he drops the ball

  • @KanaSanaru
    @KanaSanaru Před 16 lety +81

    hé oh! Chabal c'est notre viking fait maison! Il en a mangé du all black XD, on a gagné euh!

  • @thibaudortitou
    @thibaudortitou Před 17 lety +9

    il en faudrait plus des mecs comme ça en equipe de france, a part ses fautes de mains il joue super bien comme mec!! c'est le seul qui les defie pendant le kapa o pongo

  • @sNoodinet
    @sNoodinet Před 17 lety +7

    il le faut pour la coupe du monde , quand t'as chabal à côté tu vas jouer plus libéré :/ et puis le public l'adore ce mec

  • @shazmeister2005
    @shazmeister2005 Před 16 lety +11

    i think THAT tackle is one of the best in the history of rugby. he is a true sportsman as well see how he looks at the guy after to see if he is ok

  • @emma2710gymnastics
    @emma2710gymnastics Před 16 lety +23

    that tackle was AMAZING! I feel sorry for the NZ guy though, he wasn't expecting that at all! :-)

  • @willthomas112
    @willthomas112 Před 16 lety +1

    thanks for turning up NZ

  • @jake0the0muss
    @jake0the0muss Před 14 lety +56

    hes a better version of jesus. :D:D:D

  • @Bertstaz235
    @Bertstaz235 Před 14 lety +9

    hes my fav rugby player

  • @zetros
    @zetros Před 16 lety +7

    What a man.

  • @fabychav
    @fabychav Před 16 lety +2

    Feliz cumple Chabal sos lo mas.!!!!!!!!

  • @bidefordrfc
    @bidefordrfc Před 17 lety +2

    he has actually been around for a while, he played a couple years ago (short hair and all!) but he has definately only surfaced recently and made a big name!

  • @XxGoHabsGo31xX
    @XxGoHabsGo31xX Před 15 lety +15

    holy shit is this guy intimidating.
    Big beard,
    long hair
    what a tank.

  • @wrexhamjack123
    @wrexhamjack123 Před 16 lety +2

    I agree, he drops the ball so much it's insane.

  • @louisette58
    @louisette58 Před 17 lety +1

    super merci pour ta vidéo car je n ai pas la chaine c+

  • @supmikey123
    @supmikey123 Před 17 lety +14

    That was such a good tackle, France played well in this game :)

  • @Madflyhalf
    @Madflyhalf Před 17 lety +4

    aaahh.. Chabal!!! I think Masoe is still searching the way to come home!!!
    W Chabal!!!
    Here in Italy, Sky's newscasters, call him jokingly "l'orco" (the ogre)

  • @PatroniFan
    @PatroniFan Před 14 lety +12

    He looks like a caveman but how I love him. Caveman, I love you, I want you, I need you.

  • @kahuna3901
    @kahuna3901 Před 14 lety +2

    what a try. absoloutly superb

  • @manuelmarches
    @manuelmarches  Před 17 lety +4

    J'ai une vielle video de 2003 ou chabal fait des siennes aussi. Je ferai ça bientôt. A plus.

  • @teamtoken
    @teamtoken Před 16 lety +7

    when the boogeyman goes to sleep at night he checks his closet for chabal

  • @cubezero1
    @cubezero1 Před 14 lety +24

    He's a tough player but what's his deal with dropping the ball all the time? Did he eat popcorn before the game or something?

  • @wizzdel
    @wizzdel Před 16 lety +1

    Hail Chabal!!!!! Un tout bon!!!

  • @jealouskind
    @jealouskind Před 16 lety +1

    that's worse than being run over by a train. that guy is all man, and he's got the complimentary smell to go along with it. Chabal is definitely a wonderful player to have on your team.

  • @AngelSuikoden
    @AngelSuikoden Před 17 lety +3


  • @distantmoons
    @distantmoons Před 16 lety +3

    im english but Chabal is class

  • @BigRobbie63
    @BigRobbie63 Před 17 lety +3

    I love the way chabal's made a name for himself already, i dont think he's been on the international rugby scene for that long. please feel free to correct me if im wrong

  • @yunus1338
    @yunus1338 Před 14 lety +8

    whoa quel plaquage!

  • @Archeryjames
    @Archeryjames Před 16 lety +4

    chabal is brutal

  • @ericmarseille2
    @ericmarseille2 Před 17 lety +4

    His first international cap dates back to 2000 ; he was considered then an extraordinary athlete (exceptional ratio fat mass/body mass)and a monstruous tackler (hence his nicknames : "cartouche (shooting cartridge)" and "l'anesthésiste (the aenesthesist))" but not a good player ; and he hard short hair and no beard, and was used as a flanker

  • @bahoss
    @bahoss Před 16 lety +1

    GOD bless the Queen :)

  • @handcallas
    @handcallas Před 17 lety +1

    La montagne de muscles ! hallucinant !

  • @MartinBeraud
    @MartinBeraud Před 17 lety +2

    Ha trop fort

  • @MartinBeraud
    @MartinBeraud Před 17 lety +1

    hummmmmmmmmmmmmm chabal!!

  • @KofiOguun
    @KofiOguun Před 14 lety +1

    So does the last tri count?

  • @manuelmarches
    @manuelmarches  Před 17 lety +1

    Je ne suis pas ûr qu'il y soit en septembre. On verra au second test. je pense qu'on va le revoir la semaine prochaine.

  • @cinqmars
    @cinqmars Před 17 lety +2

    CHABAL !!!!!!! :DDDDDD

  • @ahfuckoff
    @ahfuckoff Před 16 lety +3

    voted sexiest player of the world cup!! :D:D:D

  • @massivaleks
    @massivaleks Před 17 lety +1

    et les deux pertes de balle du début, c'est best of aussi ?

  • @13Kizza13
    @13Kizza13 Před 15 lety +4

    0:59 ouch!!

  • @irishboi99
    @irishboi99 Před 14 lety +24

    he looks like a big, angry jesus

  • @jacko12bbb
    @jacko12bbb Před 16 lety +4

    brilliant when the moment asks for it, but sometimes one brilliant player isnt enough to win the game

  • @ktrain928
    @ktrain928 Před 16 lety +1

    Comparing a winger to an 8? Totally different roles my friend.

  • @pcwave
    @pcwave Před 17 lety +13

    putain mais le Neanderthalien quoi... :D

  • @gorilasenlaniebla
    @gorilasenlaniebla Před 16 lety +1

    Chabal c'est Dieu, c'est tout. Fin.

  • @cthaehh
    @cthaehh Před 16 lety +1

    el chabal es una bestia
    es decir , no piensa

  • @shakur974
    @shakur974 Před 17 lety +1

    avè chabalminator !!

  • @mvfF1Fanatic
    @mvfF1Fanatic Před 15 lety +1

    That's how most people outside of the US feel about American football as well.

  • @moomincat
    @moomincat Před 14 lety +1

    yups hes still playing ^^ just seen him in the 6 nations and .....hes PHWARRRRR
    ^^ x

  • @brunoribeiro22
    @brunoribeiro22 Před 16 lety +1


  • @metallian999
    @metallian999 Před 16 lety +2

    I like Chabal's "pre-human" acting! Hes Phenomenal!!

  • @VivaLaKody
    @VivaLaKody Před 16 lety +1

    agreed lol he made one good hit and he looks like a cavemen and agreed that is intimidating but that doesn't make his team win because there is more then just him out there

  • @ouchskip21
    @ouchskip21 Před 17 lety

    this man is NOT human

  • @teenmouse
    @teenmouse Před 16 lety +1

    un plaquage d'école : se baisser pour mettre son poids en avant , ceinturer l'adversaire , lui mettre l'epaule dans les abdominaux ou les cotes effectuer une poussée vers le haut pour lui faire perdre ses appuis et l'accompagner dans sa chute pour utiliser tout notre poids sur l'adversaire et boum !

  • @MauriceSometimes
    @MauriceSometimes Před 16 lety +1

    By a huge margin. 70something.

  • @boogosse59
    @boogosse59 Před 16 lety +3

    Raspoutine is back

  • @akreyger
    @akreyger Před 15 lety +1

    i don't know rugby very well, but this guy seems pretty good? is he for real?

  • @handcallas
    @handcallas Před 16 lety +1

    pourquoi il est pas dans le XV pour les 6 nations ?!

  • @onlyxrodrigozky
    @onlyxrodrigozky Před 15 lety +1

    0:59 la jodio

  • @Laoch86
    @Laoch86 Před 16 lety +2

    hes a fuckin animal! LEGEND!

  • @manuelmarches
    @manuelmarches  Před 17 lety

    it's not in this game but one week later.

  • @alessandros00
    @alessandros00 Před 15 lety +1

    Esto es placár, el neozelandes todavia se debe acordar.

  • @rugbyita
    @rugbyita Před 17 lety +1

    ke placcaggio!

  • @nicojammes
    @nicojammes Před 17 lety

    he's a cave man!!!!but what a good one!!allez cartouche, envoies du gros!

  • @teenmouse
    @teenmouse Před 16 lety +1

    euh betsen KO je veux bien mais a ce niveau la si tu etait a la place de betsen tu serai sous perfusion pendant une semaine

  • @nitrofish8484
    @nitrofish8484 Před 16 lety +1

    hes got size, now all he needs is velcro on his hands

  • @D8956
    @D8956 Před 17 lety

    lol the first three in game scenes sum up Chabal perfectly. He loses the ball when tackled twice and its turned over to the All Blacks one of those times, yet when he performs that big tackle on Masoe he couldnt even turn over the ball..
    And for all the hype and talking him up he performed terribly against the Irish. He's basically just an overly enthusiastic tackler whose actual play is average at best..

  • @lucas198
    @lucas198 Před 16 lety +1

    under the guise of dean windass?

  • @jairoo9
    @jairoo9 Před 15 lety +1

    ¿ese hombre de pelos largos es el eslabón perdido?

  • @joonthetoon
    @joonthetoon Před 17 lety +1

    its a good thing that chabel made up for his knock ons.

  • @ieuanhide
    @ieuanhide Před 15 lety

    lol what a player chabal is, apart from those first two TERRIBLE pieces of rugby, he is legendary :D i love the first tackle it shows him doing, that kiwi doesnt know what hit him :D

  • @avaganay
    @avaganay Před 17 lety

    C'est vrai que c'est un guerrier et qu'il fait du bien en défense. Mais quand il a le ballon, c'est une catastrophe... Il fait 3 fautes de main sur 4 ballons touchés en première période, ca craint!!! Je l'adore mais il est pas aussi bon en bleu qu'avec Sale... Dommage!

  • @fabianrr
    @fabianrr Před 16 lety +1

    Chabal and Brian Lima fucking brutal

  • @leclems666
    @leclems666 Před 17 lety +1

    clair envoi le steack, on compte la dessus

  • @Helltrain
    @Helltrain Před 15 lety +1

    Weird is American Football & Baseball

  • @STUSC
    @STUSC Před 16 lety

    Not bad, Jerry Collins from the ALL BLACKS has made way bigger hits!!!.

  • @arthletik
    @arthletik Před 17 lety +1

    C un gaulois ce type é pas besoin de panoramix pour pété tout le monde...

  • @Soussmeboules
    @Soussmeboules Před 16 lety +1

    And now who got owned? ;-)

  • @Auxois
    @Auxois Před 17 lety +1

    i think chabal is awesome but in those first two crash balls he lost the ball both times

  • @Hellasse
    @Hellasse Před 16 lety +1

    il etait trop celebre

  • @Thomsk118
    @Thomsk118 Před 17 lety +1

    U obviously haven't played Union then. Don't knock it before you try it wainuiboy!!!!

  • @jcinla76
    @jcinla76 Před 15 lety

    that was a dope game

  • @jej7892
    @jej7892 Před 16 lety +1

    au rugby les italiens simulent pas en meme temps on peut pas simuler

  • @patio6
    @patio6 Před 17 lety +1

    he aint got shit on rodney soialo

  • @Hamishtarah
    @Hamishtarah Před 16 lety +1

    i think it should be forbidden!!!

  • @dieorbedead
    @dieorbedead Před 16 lety

    oui oui il est TRES stupide. chabal est fort est rapide. Tous le monde est peur quand ils ont vu Chabal!

  • @zampano12
    @zampano12 Před 16 lety

    yeah every team does it i just hate the english style of rugby. always trying to go for a drop goal because they have no creativity going forward. at least they will get beaten by SA again in the final. although i think england will choke the game so it will be a lot tighter than the group stages.

  • @nonno88
    @nonno88 Před 17 lety +1

    where is the collins's tackle? NZ>chabal

  • @billlly1234
    @billlly1234 Před 14 lety +2

    i dont think hes actually that good like obviously hes good because hes a professional but hes not exceptional

  • @anuskiller
    @anuskiller Před 16 lety +1

    Mmmmmmmh CHABAL!
    dommage que tu sois remplacent contre la new zeland a cardife

  • @Beldinoob
    @Beldinoob Před 16 lety

    lol, The team from England is good, but not really creative! Every guy in this team make a good defense, but the only way they use to play to score points is Wilkinson...

  • @stntoulouse
    @stntoulouse Před 17 lety +1

    Les T-Shirts parodiques de Chabal sur stntoulouse(.)spreadshirt(.)net

  • @Holden4Banky
    @Holden4Banky Před 16 lety

    Rugby rocks! we just need to prove that england is not just full of lager louts with football chants!

  • @Pumpernickellll
    @Pumpernickellll Před 17 lety

    shame about the argentina result then?

  • @math83310
    @math83310 Před 16 lety +1

    chabal c'est un français c'est pas comme les italien qui simule

  • @Elromarin
    @Elromarin Před 17 lety

    mettre 3 all blacks K.O fo quand meme le faire

  • @fionnodalaigh
    @fionnodalaigh Před 15 lety +1

    i dont see the big deal about chabal...he is constantly knocking ball on, and he falls very easy.i've never seen him break a tackle...he looks tough but that's about it... Paul O'Connell would take him any day

  • @teddypicker12345
    @teddypicker12345 Před 15 lety +3

    he's great. but he's nothing compared to as beastly as lomu!