(ATC) Cockpit Takeoff and Landing Flight GIA288 WIMM-WARR (single cam)

  • čas přidán 8. 06. 2015
  • Click SUBSCRIBE for more videos.
    Cockpit view during pushback, engine starting, taxi, takeoff, approach, landing and docking Boeing 737-800NG.
    Flight Number: GIA 288.
    Departure: Kualanamu International Airport Medan.
    Destination: Juanda International Airport Surabaya.
    Flight Time: 2 hours 45 minutes.
    Total distance: 1137 nm.

Komentáře • 746

  • @BimaOctavian
    @BimaOctavian Před 7 lety +412

    *Part 1: push back and start engine*
    GA288: Namu ground, selamat pagi, Indonesia288.
    Ground: Indonesia288 pagi, go ahead, Sir.
    GA288: Indonesia288 stand number 29(two-niner) ......(gak jelas).... registration Golf-Foxtrot-Juliet [PK-GFJ], POB(people on board) 158 request push and start for Surabaya flight level 370 (37000 feet/11277.6 meter) .
    Gorund: Indonesia288, confirm ready (to) push back?
    GA288: Indonesia288, affirm(ative)!
    Ground: Roger, Indonesia288, push back and start(engine) approved, heading northwest runway 23.
    GA288 (PIC to ground crew): Okay, cleared push and start heading northwest
    Ground crew: Cleared push and start, heading northwest. Brake release, Capt.
    GA288(PIC): Brake release. (Lepas rem dan kemudian pesawat di dorong)
    GA288(PIC): Bisa sambil star(engine) 2...(gak jelas ketutup suara pilot Wings Air)
    IW1264: Kuala Namu ground good morning, Wings Abadi 1264, how do you check...how do you read?
    Ground: Wings Abadi 1264 how do you, correction, reading you fine now(?), how do you read me?
    IW1264: Loud and clear, Ma'am. Request...(nggak jelas)...because we don't uh we can't
    copy from ATIS(?) 126.3
    Gorund: Wings 1264, stand by, Sir.
    IW1264: Stand by, 1264.
    Ground crew: push back completed, brake set.
    GA288(PIC): Brake set.
    GA288(PIC): .......... terima kasih, Pak.
    Ground crew: .......... dari kiri selamat pagi, Capt.
    GA288(PIC): pagi, Pak.
    Ground: Wings Abadi 1264, ground.
    IW1264: Wings Abadi 1264?
    Ground: ATIS now available Sir on 126.3.
    IW1264: Wings Abadi 1264.
    GA288(FO):.....flight control, ground equipment(?)
    *Part 2: Taxiing*
    GA288: Indonesia288 request taxi. "right clear" (FO to PIC)
    Ground: Indonesia288 taxi runway 23 follow U2, ATC clearance available.
    GA288: taxi holding point runway 23 via Uniform 2 Indonesia288, go ahead.
    Ground: Indonesia288 cleared to Surabaya via Whiskey12, level 370, transponder 0536.
    GA288: Cleared to Surabaya W12, flight level 370, squawk 0536, Indonesia288.
    Ground: Namu ground.
    Ground: Lion Inter 231 continue line up runway 23.
    JT231: Continue line up, Lion Inter 231.
    Ground: ....contact to Director 119.7
    JT231: 119.7 Lion Inter 231, thank you.
    GA288: Indonesia288 ready from delta intersection.
    Ground: Indonesia288, delta is aproved, continue line up.
    GA288: continue line up Indonesia 288.
    (FO to PIC): continue line up.
    *Part 3: Take-off*
    Flight attendant: ......take off and landing, thank you.
    (FO to cabin crew): flight attendants, take off position.
    FO: before take off checklist: Flaps?
    PIC: .....
    FO: Stabilizer trim?
    PIC: .....
    FO: Transponder?
    PIC: .....
    FO: Flight attendants?
    PIC: Notified.
    FO: Before take off checklist completed.
    Ground: Indonesia288 after departure left turn heading 135, runway 23 cleared for take off.
    GA288: Airborne left heading 135, runway 23 cleared for take off, Indonesia288.
    FO to PIC: Airborne left heading 135, cleared for take off.
    Cockpit: V1!
    FO: Rotate!
    FO: 400...heading south, 135 set.
    Ground: Indonesia288, airborne time one-two (menit ke-12 dari jam), contact Director 119.7.
    GA288: Director 119.7, Indonesia288, good morning.
    FO: speed check, flaps 1.
    GA288: Medan Director, Indonesia288, good morning ...1300 climb heading 135.
    Director: Indonesia288, medan Director, negative identified, squawk ident please: 0536, re-clear direct to BORAS(?), climb to flight level 370.
    GA288: climb flight level 370, 0536, Indonesia288.
    FO: Speed check. cleared direct BORAS(?)
    Director: Lion 231, contact Medan Radar 121.2
    JT231: 121.2 Lion Inter 231, good day.
    Director: Indonesia288 Identified, passing 2500, continue climb to flight level 370.
    GA288: climb flight level 370, Indonesia288.
    FO:............afte take off checklist completed.
    *Part 4: Aproach and Landing Surabaya*
    GA288: Director Indonesia288, selamat pagi, aproaching 10 thousands feet.
    Director: Indonesia288, selamat pagi, passing 10500 continue descend 2500, direct NIMAS, cleared ILS aproach runway 10, report established localizer, cleared high speed.
    GA288: Cleared high speed, descend 2500 before NIMAS and cleared ILS runway 10, Indonesia288, wilco.
    ENTRY15(?): Entry15 establish localizer runway 10, 5 miles to NIMAS.
    Director: Entry15, continue aproach.
    ENTRY15(?): Continue aproach.
    FO: Flight attendants, prepare for landing.
    ....suhunya berapa, Kapten?
    FO: 27
    JT731: Surabaya director, selamat pagi Lion Inter731.
    Director: Pagi Lion731, continue descend to 4000, number 3 sequence.
    JT731: Descend 400 for number 3, Lion Inter731.
    FO: ....... aproach checklist completed.
    Director: Lion731, turn left heading 195.
    JT731: left heading 195, Lion Inter 731
    Director: Lion731 descend 2500.
    JT731: 2500, Lion Inter731
    JT856: Director, Lion Inter856, selamat pagi, departure.
    Director: Lion 856 identifed departure passing 2000, fly heading 040 initially for spacing traffic, climb 240.
    JT856: heading 040, climb 240, Lion Inter856.
    GA288: Indonesia288 established localizer runway 10.
    Director: Indonesia288, aproaching NIMAS continue aproach contact Tower 118.3
    GA288: Continue aproach, Tower 118.3, Indonesia288, thank you.
    GA288: Juanda Tower, selamat pagi, Indonesia288, ... localizer runway 10.
    Tower: Indonesia288, continue aproach, QNH 1010, squencing number 3 after 2 traffic departures.
    GA288: Continue aproach 1010, Indonesia288.
    FO to PIC: Continue aproach number 3.
    HU419: Juanda Tower, Hotel-Uniform-Four-One-Niner.
    Tower: HU419 confirm?
    HU419: affirmative, Ma'am.
    Tower: HU419 go ahead.
    HU419: HU419 position in Delta apron starting engine completed, request take off clearance for reposition from Delta apron to Bravo apron.
    Tower: HU419 take off direction 10, report ready.
    HU419: take off direction 10, report ready HU419.
    Tower: India-Lima-Sierra stand by departure.
    ILS: Standing by India-Lima-Sierra
    Tower: Lion748 immediate line up.
    JT748: Immediate line up, Lion Inter 748.
    FO: Flight attendants, landing position.
    Tower: Indonesia 449, airborne time 46, contact Director 123.2.
    GA449: Airborne 46, contact 123.2, Indonesia 449, terima kasih, Mbak, selamat pagi, assalamu'alaikum.
    Tower: Kumsalam.
    JT748: Lion Inter748, line up and ready.
    Tower: Lion Inter 748, cancel SID after departure turn left heading 040, runway 10 cleared for take off.
    JT748: After departure cancel SID turn left heading 040, runway 10 cleared for take off, Lion Inter748.
    Tower: Juanda.
    ILS: Go ahead India-Lima-Sierra.
    Tower: Take off direction 10 maintain 500 feet and maintain runway heading, cleared for take off.
    ILS: Cleared for take off maintain runway heading, 500 feet India-Lima-Sierra.
    GA288: Indonesia288 short final.
    Tower: Indonesia288, cleared to land, surface wind clam.
    GA288: Cleared to land, Indonesia288.
    JT731: ....Lion Inter731 localizer 10.
    Tower: Lion Inter748, airborne time 49, contact director 123.2
    JT748: Contact Director 123.2, Lion Inter 748.
    JT731: Juanda, Lion Inter731 localizer 10.
    Tower: Lion Inter731 continue aproach QNH 1010.
    JT731: 1010 Continue aproach, Lion Inter 731.
    Tower: Indonesia368, behind traffic consort final landing passing line up behind.
    GA368: behind traffic landing passing line up behind, Indonesia368.
    Tower: Papa-Kilo-India-Lima-Sierra, Juanda?
    ILS: Go ahead India-Lima-Sierra.
    Tower: Immidiate right turn climb to 1000 feet report Sidoarjo.
    ILS: Right turn, 1000 feet and report Sidoarjo, India-Lima-Sierra.
    Tower: Juanda.
    FO: speed break up.
    Tower: Indonesia288, landing time 50, exit Sierra 4, contact Ground 119.15
    GA288: Sierra 4, 119.15, Indonesia288, thank you.
    GA288: Juanda Ground, good morning Indonesia288, Sierra 4, Golf-Foxtrot-Juliet.
    Ground: GFJ, Indonesia288, continue Sierra-Papa-Two Sierra-Six parking stand Alpha-One.
    GA288: SP2, S6, A1, Indonesia288.
    FO: Papa-2 Sierra-6 Alpha-1.
    KD711: Kastar711 ready for taxi.
    Ground: Kalstar711 taxi to holding point runway 10 November-5 November-Papa-2 November-1.
    KD711: runway 10 N5, NP2, N1, Kalstar711.
    Ground: Supergreen923, contact 118.3.
    QG923: 118.3 Supergreen923, selamat pagi.
    Ground: Pagi.
    Ground: Lion Inter786, ...taxi to holding point runway 10, N4-NP2-N1.
    JT786: N4-NP2-N1, 786.
    JT731:Juanda Ground, Lion Inter731....vacated N6.
    Ground: 731 continue NP2-N5 parking stand 16.
    JT731: NP2-N5 parking stand 16, Lion Inter731
    Ground crew: Ground to Cockpit, selamat pagi, Kapten
    PIC: Selamat pagi, Pak.
    Ground crew: OK Kapten, We'll check on position Kapten.
    PIC: Nggih, terima kasih.

  • @advisplr5239
    @advisplr5239 Před 7 lety +3

    pilot dan mba2 ATC di surabaya shaleh2..pd ngucapin salam "assalamualaikum"..🤗

  • @SamuelPurnama
    @SamuelPurnama Před 9 lety +40

    Wow.. Cool..ternyata banyak ya yang harus dilakukan didalam cockpit. Salute to all pilots. And thanks for share this video

  • @qodratal-qadri5538
    @qodratal-qadri5538 Před 8 lety +48

    Pengalaman naik garuda emang nyaman banget...
    take off-landing pasti mulus alias gak kasar...
    keren dahh

    • @ardirizieq1064
      @ardirizieq1064 Před 5 lety +1

      semoga aku jd pilot indonsia yg baik kpd penumpang

  • @BerkahDirgantara
    @BerkahDirgantara Před 8 lety +19

    Indahnya suara si Wanita pekerja ATC

  • @ediutama6681
    @ediutama6681 Před 9 lety +8

    Great pic! Representing how is a plane being prepared for a flight, youtubers are given the chance of feeling the same thrills as Bro Gilang and the captain on his left side felt during this flight. GA and its people are the proud of the nation....

  • @sitimunirotun8153
    @sitimunirotun8153 Před 7 lety +51

    Subhanallah,,sungguh pekerjaan yg tdk smua org bs mlkknnya,,keereeen n good job,,smga sllu dlm lindungan Allah swt,,

  • @Izzulcool
    @Izzulcool Před 8 lety +82

    I like the scene at 12:03 to 12:10 indicating the other plane's pilot said ".... terima kasih Mbak, selamat pagi, Assalaamu'alaikum" and it was replied "Wa'alaikumsalam" what a well-obeyed pilot he is. For Mr. Wardhana, thank you, good job, great, you made the video very-very clear and sharp. Hope to see your video describing rare flight moments like engine difficulties, etc.

  • @steemdup
    @steemdup Před 9 lety +4

    The takeoff and landings were so awesome. Thank you!

  • @yudhistirawirahadikusuma303

    for garuda indonesia that good voice and have nice a flight

  • @user-qw9oo4kq3r
    @user-qw9oo4kq3r Před 7 lety +37

    jd inget dulu nerbangin pesawat dari los santos ke san fierro ,penglaman mnyenangkan..

  • @xueqianchuang4131
    @xueqianchuang4131 Před 9 lety +2

    Really nice video! I enjoy watching these kind of videos with ATC audio as it helps a lot in my RT in future when I start flying. :)

  • @hakan737
    @hakan737 Před 9 lety +19

    It was great video and audio of ATC. Thank you for your sharing. Terima Kasih :)

  • @alexchai2369
    @alexchai2369 Před 7 lety +4

    damn, i like the ending of this flight so much, when the music plays and then the ground controller said "selamat pagi captain, we'll choke on position captain", it feels like heaven haha lol
    i hope ill be in the cockpit one day.

  • @martin.B777
    @martin.B777 Před 9 lety +2

    Thanks for sharing! Felt almost like in the VC of the PMDG 737 :))

  • @DiegoReisrhcp
    @DiegoReisrhcp Před 9 lety +2

    Just amazing!!, Thanks for sharing those awesome videos.

  • @TravelWithJose
    @TravelWithJose Před 9 lety +2

    Awesome work recording and putting this video together. Just Super!

  • @dingerbell100
    @dingerbell100 Před 9 lety +2

    Fantastic once again thankyou!

  • @cliffordbodine5834
    @cliffordbodine5834 Před 9 lety +2

    Excellent video! Great camera position and clear audio. Thanks for posting!

    • @GilangWardhana
      @GilangWardhana  Před 8 lety +1

      +Clifford Bodine don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my channel to keep up with the latest videos

  • @St.Anger_34
    @St.Anger_34 Před 8 lety +5

    Amazing touch down :D Congratulation cpt.

  • @roes976
    @roes976 Před 7 lety +16

    jangan lupa berdoa sebelum terbang pak ,videonya nice banget

  • @mr.y1076
    @mr.y1076 Před 6 lety

    Paling suka klo nnton video kayak gini. Berasa nerbangin pesawat sndiri. Hahah.. di tunggu ya video2 berikutnya . Bravo

  • @angkaa8channel405
    @angkaa8channel405 Před 8 lety +1

    Aduhayyy keren banget neh video.......sukses terus Bro Gilang!!!!!

  • @StevenIwanto
    @StevenIwanto Před 8 lety +11

    so awesome .. i love plane

  • @valerieantawirja4636
    @valerieantawirja4636 Před 7 lety +4

    Thanks for sharing with us, captain. Have a safeflight.

  • @Maki_Nishikino89
    @Maki_Nishikino89 Před 9 lety +2

    Wonderful, thank you sir!

  • @JonathanAdrian412
    @JonathanAdrian412 Před 9 lety +8

    Nice video and very smooth landing! In your next video maybe you can include your current speed and alttitude by recording the screen at the cockpit with another camera and then combine it with the cockpit video. :) Keep making AWESOME videos!

  • @tihan2407
    @tihan2407 Před 5 lety +3

    Smooth take off n landing.. Good job capt!! Gbu

  • @jllopez787
    @jllopez787 Před 9 lety +13

    Great video, I wish I was a commercial airline pilot😊

  • @virza007
    @virza007 Před 7 lety +1

    keep up the great uploads!

  • @iqbalchuvan4890
    @iqbalchuvan4890 Před 9 lety +1

    Thank you so much udah sharing, great video!

  • @nurmuhammadsaif5839
    @nurmuhammadsaif5839 Před 7 lety +43

    mudah"an tercapai cita2 jadi pilot :D

  • @farizabdillah2773
    @farizabdillah2773 Před 9 lety +1

    Mantep sekarang udah bisa denger atc nya

  • @bristar3004
    @bristar3004 Před 8 lety +1

    Very nice video! Great camera angle as well!

  • @yohanesoky3295
    @yohanesoky3295 Před 9 lety +2

    Kali ini ada ATCnya. Terima kasih Mas Gilang.

  • @archingelus
    @archingelus Před 9 lety +1

    very cool!! :)) keep up the great work, i love my country!

  • @FidaPerkasa
    @FidaPerkasa Před 9 lety +2

    wissssss mantep mas... di tunggu video selanjutnya... - SUB_Spotters

  • @ContinuousFlows
    @ContinuousFlows Před 8 lety

    Keren! clearance nya simpel bgt yah, udah gitu abis take off direct boras lumayan shortcut . Ditunggu mas video selanjutnya. :)

  • @panduwics
    @panduwics Před 9 lety +1

    Mantap bgt skrg bisa denger atc nya. Keep it up mas

  • @eviej.wilshere9062
    @eviej.wilshere9062 Před 6 lety

    nice to watching cockpit view..so amazing

  • @mzadit0077
    @mzadit0077 Před 5 lety +2

    They have awsome job! 👏👏👏

  • @smulechanell6616
    @smulechanell6616 Před 6 lety

    Setiap kali aku naik pesawat sllu dek dekan takuuuut...bngeett....

  • @AlexHutajulu
    @AlexHutajulu Před 4 lety

    saya hormat bgt ama pilot!!! salut, sehat selalu

  • @sangmadesu5706
    @sangmadesu5706 Před 7 lety

    gw subscribe sejak 4000 an sekarang udah 16k,,,SUKSES ya mas pilot

  • @auliaachmad4290
    @auliaachmad4290 Před 9 lety +1

    Nice Video Capt!
    Ditunggu video selanjutnya :D

  • @hughcapetien
    @hughcapetien Před 6 lety

    Very nice video, thank you!

  • @Fathirr_shngrc
    @Fathirr_shngrc Před 2 lety

    Amazing, Your landing in smooth!

  • @mhilmiramadhan
    @mhilmiramadhan Před 9 lety +1

    Wahh akhirnya wimm thanks mas

  • @Syira-gn7us
    @Syira-gn7us Před 8 lety +2

    in love with da atc

  • @andrearmanrisa
    @andrearmanrisa Před 8 lety

    Landebir.. Nice land capt, yg terbang yg kiri.. Mntep muluuss

  • @millenixlock8903
    @millenixlock8903 Před 7 lety

    Wah. Keren mas, trimakasih videonya.. 🙇

  • @caesariaapriliani6595
    @caesariaapriliani6595 Před 8 lety +1

    Oh...lovely, always have a safe flight pilot! :)

  • @obopesek
    @obopesek Před 8 lety +1

    keren Capt. thanks for sharing... semoga bisa terbang bersama anda

  • @Kupengmu
    @Kupengmu Před 4 lety

    Keren mas, tak terasa dulu semasa SMA nonton in videonya, sekarang sudah kuliah cari cari lagi akhirnya ketemu, kapan upload lagi yaa? Kami menanti video terbaru 👍

  • @haidara7832
    @haidara7832 Před 6 lety +4

    Smooth landing 👍👍👍👍

  • @belicia4you
    @belicia4you Před 9 lety +1

    Wow jauh juga Dari Medan ke Surabaya..Puas tuh naik garuda

  • @faisalakbar3977
    @faisalakbar3977 Před 9 lety +3

    cakeepp bro ..smooth landing..

  • @DeniHartanto90
    @DeniHartanto90 Před 8 lety +2

    keren, landingnya mulus banget

  • @rulzminusone
    @rulzminusone Před 8 lety +2

    kereen mas..great job ever, i wish someday i can be a pilot like you sir..even my age (30 years) is not possible to entry flight school again..maybe just in my dream :3

  • @gihp3704
    @gihp3704 Před 8 lety

    bisa mulus gitu landingnya.. serasa belum napak.. :) keren lah..

  • @tonnyprasetya48
    @tonnyprasetya48 Před 6 lety +2

    Bravo Capt!

  • @zarkasih1910
    @zarkasih1910 Před 7 lety

    bersyukurlah menjadi anak anak sd jaman skrng banyak referensi cita cita.. banyak informasi.. yg didapat..

  • @Raditram
    @Raditram Před 8 lety +1

    Bah kukira Hong Kong haha! Great video, loving the image and audio quality!

  • @KrishnaWMukti
    @KrishnaWMukti Před 6 lety +2

    the smoothes atc voice ever..😅

  • @RosaVenaPermadi
    @RosaVenaPermadi Před 8 lety +1

    a great video of Capt.Wardhana.
    it pleased me to rewind my childhood dream as a pilot.
    great job capt. great video.
    wish to be like you :)
    save and happy flight Capt...

  • @wiwitbenowo2173
    @wiwitbenowo2173 Před 9 lety +33

    suara petugas cewek Tower ATC nya bagus banget sumpahhh...hihihihi

  • @captainjj7184
    @captainjj7184 Před 2 lety

    So weird how I always automatically click on Like on any of Gilang's videos, even before the video is playing!😂

  • @fahriharahap9168
    @fahriharahap9168 Před 8 lety +2

    Udah baik mau share video, gak sombong lagi :D keep flying mas, semoga entar mas bisa jadi temen duet hahaha +Gilang Wardhana

  • @bayurakhap
    @bayurakhap Před 9 lety +2

    Woww...smooth landing

  • @yosuadhinastych8678
    @yosuadhinastych8678 Před 7 lety +49

    apalah dayaku yang hanya bisa menerbangkan pesawat di GTA.. :v :v wkwkwkw :v :v
    #Safe_Flight_capt ;)

    • @rifqafayyaza2074
      @rifqafayyaza2074 Před 7 lety +2

      Yosua Dhinasty CH Wkwkwk me too :v

    • @nabil6581
      @nabil6581 Před 7 lety +1

      Yosua Dhinasty CH se nasib lah kita bro :v

    • @creativemind9219
      @creativemind9219 Před 7 lety +1

      Yosua Dhinasty CH sama :v

    • @jeyackerman9782
      @jeyackerman9782 Před 7 lety +2

      best comment i've been see entire of my life. wkwkw xD
      senasib bro.

    • @stuffmc6188
      @stuffmc6188 Před 7 lety +1

      Yosua Dhinasty CH kasian amat hidup lu

  • @ertugrulaktas840
    @ertugrulaktas840 Před 8 lety +3


  • @anggoroyandika7200
    @anggoroyandika7200 Před rokem

    Very smoth landing🤝

  • @imamsusilo2567
    @imamsusilo2567 Před 7 lety

    nice video capt!

  • @billyfadlan4341
    @billyfadlan4341 Před 6 lety +1

    excellent capt.

  • @christianadipratama8935

    kereenn capt. itu sepanjang perjalanan kontek radionya rame banget yaaahh

  • @yudhistirawirahadikusuma303

    that is also a good landing in surabaya ... happy landing captain

  • @DodyPriambodo
    @DodyPriambodo Před 9 lety +2

    this is how cool the pilot job is ;)

  • @jonathankinoko9910
    @jonathankinoko9910 Před 8 lety

    approaching nya mantap. FD nya mulus. ampe ga perlu main trim buat approaching-landing nya.

  • @donibiyatv3508
    @donibiyatv3508 Před 9 lety +6

    Bagus Mas Gilang, saudara jg ada yg kerja di maskapai yg sama dgn mas Gilang, mungkin mas Gilang kenal ndak ya? Nugroho, di bagian Pramugara.. :) terus memberikan gambar2 terbaik ya mas

  • @Quantiad
    @Quantiad Před 9 lety +4

    What a touchdown!

  • @hasyimbinsyirkhan1228
    @hasyimbinsyirkhan1228 Před 7 lety +3

    safe flight capt. Gilang, see u in sky...

  • @jantantangguhperkasa6535

    pgn banget sekolah pilot..cuman mahal biayanya skrg 600jt an..itu jg yg lokal hehe..great Job Kapten.

  • @adhikhrizz
    @adhikhrizz Před 9 lety +2

    thumbs upp & thx for share

  • @Acekilla77
    @Acekilla77 Před 7 lety

    Smooth land ... nice one :) keep it up capt :)

  • @zeevelinn
    @zeevelinn Před 6 lety

    Lanjutkan boss gw suka yg beginian

  • @hanniegayle7199
    @hanniegayle7199 Před 8 lety +1


  • @iqbal-oh1gq
    @iqbal-oh1gq Před 5 lety +1

    Mantul(mantab betul).

  • @conned
    @conned Před 7 lety

    this GIlang chap is Command Material. thumbs up!

  • @DoniDoni-zf6ee
    @DoniDoni-zf6ee Před 7 lety

    kak gilang ini garuda indonesia yah . kapan kapan sy pgn terbang dengan captain gilang . sukses selalu kakak

  • @dimasrizky673
    @dimasrizky673 Před 9 lety +2


  • @eaglefliesalone4211
    @eaglefliesalone4211 Před 4 lety

    Pekerjaan yang keren banget ... 👍👍👍

  • @madradzimajid6028
    @madradzimajid6028 Před 7 lety

    nice video.. next time saya nak video dari london ke malaysia my flight a380

  • @nenblom
    @nenblom Před 8 lety

    Very nice!!

  • @m.alfinramadhanisaputra9558

    Bagus ... sekali vidio ini

  • @tuyulmetal6573
    @tuyulmetal6573 Před 5 lety +1

    Garuda indonesia dihati...

  • @tinosugiharto6419
    @tinosugiharto6419 Před 9 lety +1

    Makasih ya om
    Jadi tau suasana di kokpit

  • @arfansutiyono
    @arfansutiyono Před 6 lety +1

    Izin ambil sedikit percakapan pas mau landing ya... ☺️

  • @t4e-muhammadcoktohwiyadi608

    bang Gilang videonya keren banget,video ini membuat saya termotivasi untk trs belajar,semoga bang gilang diberikan kelancaran dlm mnjalani setiap tugasnya amiinn...

  • @danielhutajulu110
    @danielhutajulu110 Před 9 lety +1

    Great vidio

  • @StevenIwanto
    @StevenIwanto Před 8 lety

    saya senang melihat video ini..