Catholic Prophesies. Ven. holzhauser

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • Catholic Prophesies Speaks of a great Chastisement, then an era of peace right before the Anti-christ. Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser lived in the early 17th Century and gives an overview of the situation of the world leading up to the Chastisement.

Komentáře • 27

  • @lovethedonald6844
    @lovethedonald6844 Před 3 lety +37

    Just hoping I can hang on thru it all & live to see the Great French Monarch ...

  • @maryhamill36
    @maryhamill36 Před rokem +7

    Not long to wait!

  • @robertryan2542
    @robertryan2542 Před 2 měsíci

    America and Russia about to go at it. June 2024. From Ireland ☘️

  • @Aengrod
    @Aengrod Před 7 měsíci +2

    Destructio of Italy by people arriving in small boats corroborates with visions of Fr. Klimuszko from Poland.

  • @amoli054
    @amoli054 Před 3 lety +5

    pog champ

  • @livingpurgatory3
    @livingpurgatory3 Před 2 lety +6

    Council of Trent? Could he be referring to Quo Primum?

  • @Rudmyster
    @Rudmyster Před 2 lety +4

    Holzhauser does a good Job with this Prophesy he only has some of the timing off as many of the Prophets do. They see but can't see all the details. If one puts his prophesy together with Saint Francis de Paola 1470 - 1507 the picture gets clearer.
    I will correct a few points. First Both the Great Monarch and the Holy pontiff are Angelic, second the Ruel of the Great Monarch is much longer than 40 years it's more like 124 years this is what makes him very special. Before the war between God and Satan. he gets all the Royal crowns of the world Yes; he takes the position of Holy Emperor of the entire world. Calculations are that he is on the earth right now, waiting on the world to be made ready for him and for The Lord GOD to bring Him out. this is happening now that is why the world is in such turmoil. He is not French, but he does have French Blood. He is also a Blood Relative of Jesus a Direct Blood line of his and King David. There are more characteristics of him that will be hard for many to believe. He is mentioned in the Bible several times even his Name is in the Bible right in print for all to see but its so right under one's nose until you cant see it. He is also called the Spirit of Truth, See John 16:12-13 he is also called The Christ. if you pay close attention to the wording of the scriptures you will see that Jesus is the Way and the Messiah to the Truth that will set Israel free the spirit of truth is sent by Jesus and this Spirit of truth is the Christ and the Great Monarch of the end times. I gave you one scripture now I will show it to you in another Matthew 23: 8-10 we see here Jesus is their master, remember he will send them someone to guide them the spirit of truth then becomes there master as well so he says Even Christ is their master and God is their Father
    we see all 3 Jesus = Master then His Christ = their master to come then their father God. you should see it now. just in case you need more Ill give you one more turn to John 12: 34-36 we see here the people know that Christ when he comes to earth lives a very long time in fact, he goes into perfection so they ask Jesus if you are to die then we know you are not Christ so who then is this Son of Man that you are saying you are. the next verse Jesus speaks some words that they really can't understand then he goes and Hides. He really doesn't want to answer this question because it's a secret, this is it all the world is waiting on now is the coming out See 2 Esdras 12;31 You have been given a large part of the Answers, This subject gets very deep more than most people can Handel, so I'll say no more on it. Keep your post coming the world needs to know what's coming any day Now!

  • @dagothur76839
    @dagothur76839 Před 3 měsíci

    15:02 im thinking it would be China just looking at the state of the world. is these something saying its russia?

  • @Kosmas.9284
    @Kosmas.9284 Před rokem +1

    That part of on account of a terrible war that Germany will wail and France will be the cause of the wailing and that the King of England will be killed ?? From my history research, that hasn't happened yet. Is this in our future? Because it seems confusing, kindly clarify on this point...

    • @ggb2193
      @ggb2193 Před 10 měsíci

      it would happen anytime now

    • @Aengrod
      @Aengrod Před 7 měsíci

      Yes, france causes the revolution and the jews and masons in france are working overtime to flood europe with moslems

    • @Ruudes1483
      @Ruudes1483 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Well, the socio-political situation in France and Germany isn’t looking that great, and England has a newly coronated King.

  • @user-kl7ug9dr2k
    @user-kl7ug9dr2k Před 3 měsíci

    So the antichrist will be over the army of the great monarch ...and opposed to him
    ..maybe because the great monarch is said to give his crown to christ with all is authority ...the antichrist comes after the great emperor dies ...will the antichrist usurp his authority in order to stop him giving his authority to christ ??...some things to think the great monarch will be the last of his kind of carolingian kings ...

  • @QuigleyArbuthnot
    @QuigleyArbuthnot Před 8 měsíci

    In Revelation chapters 19 and 20 we see the devil and the Antichrist (false prophet) both cast into hell at the same time (false prophet first to be exact). Then we have the 1000 years of peace.
    The Antichrist BEFORE the period of peace seems likely here.
    God bless.

    • @sleepystar1638
      @sleepystar1638 Před 4 měsíci

      nope antichrist is at the end of time, he is like the snake in Genesis he comes on the seventh day
      the chastisement is the fourth day which ends with the beginning of the fifth day(flood)
      Parable of the sower
      Mark 13
      1THE same day Jesus going out of the house, sat by the sea side. 2And great multitudes were gathered unto him, so that he went up into a boat and sat: and all the multitude stood on the shore.
      3And he spoke to them many things in parables, saying: Behold the sower went forth to sow. 4And whilst he soweth some fell by the way side, and the birds of the air came and ate them up. 5And other some fell upon stony ground, where they had not much earth: and they sprung up immediately, because they had no deepness of earth. 6And when the sun was up they were scorched: and because they had not root, they withered away. 7And others fell among thorns: and the thorns grew up and choked them. 8And others fell upon good ground: and they brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold. 9He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
      18Hear you therefore the parable of the sower. 19When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, there cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart: this is he that received the seed by the way side. 20And he that received the seed upon stony ground, is he that heareth the word, and immediately receiveth it with joy. 21Yet hath he not root in himself, but is only for a time: and when there ariseth tribulation and persecution because of the word, he is presently scandalized. 22And he that received the seed among thorns, is he that heareth the word, and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choketh up the word, and he becometh fruitless. 23But he that received the seed upon good ground, is he that heareth the word, and understandeth, and beareth fruit, and yieldeth the one an hundredfold, and another sixty, and another thirty.
      the bird=Satan
      Satan gets chained in the end of Revelation 12
      Revelation 18 2
      And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen; and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every unclean spirit, and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird:
      Satan as a hateful bird in a hold which in greek also means prison.
      Harlot of Babylon=Wicked woman=Scorpion
      Sirach26 10
      As a yoke of oxen that is moved to and fro, so also is a wicked woman: he that hath hold of her, is as he that taketh hold of a scorpion.
      notice all the Genesis language?
      the two witnesses are to fight the 2 beasts, they are Moses and Elijah, the Mountain of Transfiguration is the Fifth Mountain in the Gospel of Matthew.
      Enoch is for the time against the Antichrist(Snake in Genesis) because just like Adam walked with God, so does Enoch. The language surrounding them dictates their time period.

    • @QuigleyArbuthnot
      @QuigleyArbuthnot Před 4 měsíci

      @@sleepystar1638 Read Revelations again. The antichrist/Wormwood/False Prophet is already in Hell BEFORE the period of peace.
      He is alive now. He will rebuild the Holy Temple (St. Peters) in the Holy City (Rome) and seat himself in St Peters Chair as an Antipope.

    • @feedogmummy496
      @feedogmummy496 Před 6 hodinami

      Hi Quigley, the Era of peace in Holzhauser seems to corolate to Our Lady's message at Fatima about '25 years of good harvests'...not to the thousand year reign of Heaven on Earth, that comes once Christ Returns and destroys the antichrist and satan. Two different periods.

    • @QuigleyArbuthnot
      @QuigleyArbuthnot Před 5 hodinami

      @@feedogmummy496 Christ returns in bodily form at the end of time. To judge. But there is a "Day of the Lord' before the era of peace when he comes in spirit to destroy the Antichrist.
      I agree with the prophecies of Luz de Maria de Bonilla.
      The Antichrist is alive right now.
      He will present himself publicly in the middle of WWIII falsely claiming he was elected Pope.
      He will rebuild St. Peter's, announce his one world religion. and provide food to a famine ravaged world, for all who will accept the "chip" from their 'messiah".

  • @Lukebarca
    @Lukebarca Před 9 měsíci

    So the Catholic church has people they consider prophets? Mormons or Adventists would be shocked.

    • @pistum
      @pistum Před 6 měsíci +2

      Not officially. But, many mystics have had experiences that are very prophetic.
      Since these are private revelations, the church does not require anyone to believe them.
      The Church might approve them if they do not go against Sacred Tradition, Sacred Scriptures and the Magisterium. Their approval would be for private devotion, not for any public teaching of them as official Church teaching.
      This is a private channel, not an official Catholic Church Venue for the official Church teachings.
      Therefore, the owner of the channel is free to talk about his private devotions to any mystic or saint without breaking any canonical laws

    • @diegotowers33
      @diegotowers33 Před 5 měsíci +1

      many saints prophesied many things and happened, whats your point? I am guessing you are either non believer or mormon .

    • @wms72
      @wms72 Před 4 měsíci

      So you listened to the presenter and understood NONE of it.