How to Build a Mass Movement Now - Jeremy Heimans

  • čas přidán 20. 11. 2012
  • Jeremy Heimans visits the RSA to share his innovative model of "movement entrepreneurship", and to show how individuals can work more effectively with organisations and progressive companies to help mobilise large-scale, purposeful action.
    Speaker: Jeremy Heimans, co-founder and CEO,
    Respondent: David Miliband, MP for South Shields and founder, Movement for Change
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Komentáře • 43

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy Před 11 lety

    the incentive is we need this and so does everyone else - so we will volunteer - this can be transitioned to. in the us there are already 20 billion volunteered hours already - if you can organize things efficiently - with automation and access sharing - think of cars they can be reduced by 90 percent or more(zip car is 1 car per 22 people or so) saving 90% of the materials and being available to eevryone all the time - this kind of efficiency makes work less needed and allows more volunteers.

  • @thekelvin5000
    @thekelvin5000 Před 11 lety +1

    This video made me build up a massive movement of my own.

  • @roothik
    @roothik Před 11 lety

    The problem with money is, that it's not just an incentive for all the drudgeries that we need to deal with, but it's one for any kind of activity.
    So with money as an incentive, instead of solving our ploblems, we end up creating even more problems, like taking advantage of other people, producing unhealthy food, creating inefficient products (planned Obsolescence), polluting the environment for the sake of economic growth etc.

  • @roothik
    @roothik Před 11 lety

    I wouldn't be so sure, but even so, the incentive doesn't have to be money. For example, you don't get paid to clean your house or wash your dishes. As families can organise their housekeeping in fair ways, so can societies. In fact, there are lots of kinds of voluntary groups who deal with not so enjoyable tasks, like cleaning beaches, planting trees, taking care of poor and old people.
    Empathy and the need of a healthier environment for you and your children are often the strongest incentives.

  • @Maatdrummer1
    @Maatdrummer1 Před 11 lety

    Money is only necessary if value has to be stored, exchanged and accounted for, and that can only happen in a system where there is a strong belief in scarcity. Resources are believed to be scarce, and what is the scarcist and most important resource in our belief system? Energy
    And in the vacuum of space, it is considered full of energy with a density of 10>99th per gram/cm>3rd. We swim in energy. We ARE energy. There is no scarcity.

  • @UniversalPotentate
    @UniversalPotentate Před 11 lety

    This discussion was ENTIRELY fascinating!
    It almost makes you want to run out and start up your own social networking website. I have often contemplated HOW to build movements and consensus (who hasn't?).
    This is DEFINITELY the sort of video I'll have to rewatch and take notes on to further my own business and political interests.

  • @roothik
    @roothik Před 11 lety

    Money is needed only where resources are scarce. But with todays technology we have reached abundance in many fields. We have an abundance of food.
    "In 2008, which was a year of supposed food crisis, we grew enough food to feed 11 billion people." ~ Michael Pollan.
    Too bad we don't have enough money to buy that food, so more than half of it is being wasted and millions of people have to die from hunger...

  • @thaiscare
    @thaiscare Před 11 lety

    I've had a thought very very similar to this!!! It's exciting to think it's already a reality not just an idea of mine... hopefully we can use this in the way I'd like to see!

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy Před 11 lety

    if you want to know more about the model watch zeitgeist moving forward and/or zeitgeist addendum. as far as incentives for creativity and cognitive problem solving - that is actually enhanced by taking money off the table - see dan pinks research -for the book drive or watch the surprising science of motivation - ted talk( alittle better) or rsa talk. its about being more creative - and more technically and scientifically efficient and sharing access - this can produce abundance for all

  • @Martintoney2012
    @Martintoney2012 Před 11 lety

    Great speech! Bad jacket =p

  • @roothik
    @roothik Před 11 lety

    You don't necessarily need a made-up incentive to solve problems. There is a natural need to do so. There is the curiosity, the thirst for knowledge and experimentation, feelings which drive all great scientists and artists.
    Incentives are useful for boring or dangerous tasks. But this kind of jobs are constantly decreasing and are condemned to disappear thanks to technology.
    Consider also all those useless bureaucratic jobs, or the inefficiency of our economy, hence we need a new system!

  • @Gnomefro
    @Gnomefro Před 11 lety

    It's impossible to "move away from money", because money is just a symbol of resources that you are entitled to. So you are simply not presenting an alternative in that sense. At best you could be arguing for another type of distribution of resources, but this requires people to agree with you about what's a correct distribution and there are many types of fairness that could be, and are, valued in that context.

  • @IAm7
    @IAm7 Před 11 lety

    If you're sincere, you should look into the work of the Belgian economist and co-architect of the Euro, Bernard Lietaer. He argues that our assumption of a monetary monopoly (a single debt-based currency per nation) as being the best way of organizing an economy is the real reason for the systemic economic instability. As a remedy he suggests implementing multiple complementary currencies on local levels, to counter-balance the debt-based currencies.
    You can check out his talks on YT.

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy Před 11 lety are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody. ” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality, 1754.
    we must claim the worlds resources as heritage of all the worlds people. then we must use the resources in the safest most efficient means that everyone has abundance of all things that make a great life - food- shelter -air - water -clothing - education - medicine - transportation - communication et al.

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy Před 11 lety

    we can start out realistically - we need to end the fed and end money being created from loans - and instead create money from government purchases of public and services. then you could start creating the infra structure for sustainable green energy grids - wiki university type education - robotic hydroponics - etc. we could set up a reserve for every human while transitioning - so that a green energy home could be built for everyone - or your current mortgage paid off with a green conversion

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy Před 11 lety

    sorry for the same quote - i didn't see my post actually post so i started over and with the same quote

  • @peterjol
    @peterjol Před 11 lety

    What labor that a human doesn't want to do couldn't possibly be automated?

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy Před 11 lety

    eliminating scarcity without prices is a natural outcome of using the worlds resources collectively (with lockian proviso against waste )where we can organize ourselves outside the market our rights do not include ownership of natural resources and we can use them together to eliminate scarcity so we can make free everything we choose. - it doesn't require stealing if we all cooperate to provide all for all. the real question is it right to not eliminate scarcity -when we have the ability.

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy Před 11 lety

    just as the mondragon co-ops have trouble with doctors pay because -doctors don't want to be limited to 6x the lowest paid. i think doctor is the hardest spot to fill in a volunteer economy,but it eventually maybe done with artificial intelligence. which should appear in 2029 according to the singularity institute and if doctors need some extra incentives(scarce things) i'm ok with that(until ai can replace them) everyone else is mostly replaceable or unneeded in a rbe with current technology

  • @ivanardila
    @ivanardila Před 11 lety

    Hi guys, thank you for your talk, it is useful for us. I just want to give you a health advice: the young man who starts the chat is using a wireless mic. This kind of mics doesn´t use fm waves any more, so he is radiating himself with microwaves. This electropolution is very harm for him, maybe this is the cause of his pail face. Check it. Google Barrie Trower or visit my youtube channel to know more about it.

  • @Awbrfg55
    @Awbrfg55 Před 11 lety

    So what constitutes a good society to you? Please no need to be defensive or insulting, I'm not a progressive, I am just asking for your opinion on what you think is a good society.

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u Před 11 lety

    Please Please ask the animator to make one of them fantastic visual . i am a witnees to the true .if back money 100% ,no private bank ,free economy,[ true ,love,necessity enforced equality fairness is the base for human human rights . this many treatment not punishment ever man woman and child on earth no laws but enforced human rights equal add to this free energy i can prove it . How to Build a Mass Movement Now like this ?

  • @Awbrfg55
    @Awbrfg55 Před 11 lety

    Were it so easy....

  • @Gnomefro
    @Gnomefro Před 11 lety

    Everything from the Libertarian notion of economic freedom and entitlement to one's own production and freedom from compulsion, to the more communist notions of economic equality to notions of equal opportunity and everything in between.
    It's there the complex discussions lie. The only sense in which "resource based economy" amounts to a real change is if we go into space and thereby get a practical infinity of resources and the only question is what to do with it all.

  • @ivanardila
    @ivanardila Před 11 lety

    I misspell the word: I meant pale face. Due to the microwaves running inside out his body thanks to the wireless mic radiating him and the people around him. What about a campaign against the use of this kind of electropolutants?

  • @londonbliting
    @londonbliting Před 11 lety

    Would love to see a movement dedicated to Nikola Tesla's free energy ;)

  • @Mitsovitch
    @Mitsovitch Před 11 lety

    So what's wrong with socialism? Can you name a specific difference between it and the resourse based alternative you speak of? PS. I watched the Zeitgeist films and it doesn't adress anything of the sort.

  • @KeithBrown51
    @KeithBrown51 Před 11 lety

    So he pimped a bunch of women out to pursue his politics.....?
    What a man.

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy Před 11 lety

    land is a human right? housing is not ? i really don't see what your on about. '... you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality, 1754. who owns antartica -the moon -the seas . even locke - claims you must mix your labor with the land - but there must be enough left over for all !! do we also not have the right to organize society so that we can end deprivation of any kind

  • @greenearthnazi20204u
    @greenearthnazi20204u Před 11 lety


  • @hugo3796
    @hugo3796 Před 7 lety

    he's just telling the story of his Movement and there isn't much applicable value

  • @lousaffire
    @lousaffire Před 11 lety

    wow speaking of legitimacy, this vid lost alot of it as soon as the politician comes on to say nothing for ages.

  • @jamiethedba
    @jamiethedba Před 11 lety

    Too liberal for me

  • @limey980
    @limey980 Před 11 lety

    i dislike his left wing bias. Left wingers are not "progressive", that is a self-imposed title, what they are is left wing, not better nor worse than the conservatives and libertarians. Calling for equality is not the same as calling for the ability to make oneself more equal than others. Respectful left wingers, please do not be Hippocratic, respect all opinions and school equally. Be honourable and do not behave the way the speaker here does.

  • @skavanker
    @skavanker Před 11 lety
