Exploring Divine Hiddenness and the Existence of God

  • čas přidán 24. 07. 2024
  • Exploring Divine Hiddenness and the Existence of God.
    In this video, God willing, we are going to be exploring divine hiddenness and the existence of God; by contemplating on some of the verses that have been given in the Quran regarding the hiddenness of God. In the previous video on trying to understand what God is through the Quran, we described God as: that without which existence cannot exist: that which is uniquely Indivisible and irreducible: the Indestructible Unaffectable Source of dependence for everything: that which does not procreate, nor was it bred: the Source and Finality of all things: Immanent, yet Evident: Capable in all of its essence, and to which, nothing can be equaled or equated. In simpler terms, God is the operating force behind everything in existence. In today’s video, we are going to be specifically focusing on the Immanence of God, which is described in verse 3 of chapter 57. The verse reads as follows:
    He is the Alpha and the Omega, and the Evident and the Immanent: and He is of all things, knowing.
    We can see that in this verse, God is described as both the Evident and the Immanent; which means that God is perceptible but yet imperceptible. In the last video, we covered these two terms to a certain degree, and therein we mentioned that we can perceive of God through the actions and movements that occur within the entire universe. We spoke about how everything that moves, does so through the will of God. An example of how the evidence and immanence of God can be perceived is through an object in motion, for example, when I move my arm back and forth, I am only capable of doing so because there is a force that is influencing that motion; however, though the result is visibly apparent, in the fact that my hand can be seen and perceived as moving, the force behind that action is imperceivable. Now, this is a mundane illustration, but God’s interaction with the universe is somewhat similar to this illustration, though to God belongs the highest analogy.
    So when someone asks, how do we know that God exists, then this is as simple of an answer as we can give to that question. We know that God exists because we can perceive of His existence through the motions in the universe. We know for a fact that there is a force behind that specific type of motion, and so we can safely conclude through our faculty of reason that God must exist. The fact alone that there is motion in the universe necessitates the existence of God, as God is that without which existence cannot exist, and He is the Indestructible Source of dependence for everything.

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