Scott Sacker
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God in Ancient China
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God in Ancient China
zhlédnutí 1,7MPřed 12 lety
Chinese characters and how they relate to the Book of Genesis


  • @NationalistAF
    @NationalistAF Před 16 dny


  • @davidlacziko1516
    @davidlacziko1516 Před 26 dny

    This is not wen yen wen, is it?

  • @likeapro1995
    @likeapro1995 Před měsícem


  • @mickymouse7717
    @mickymouse7717 Před měsícem

    when will you put out another video Brother?

  • @peachydandy2570
    @peachydandy2570 Před rokem

    I actually started to rethink things because of this.....

    • @GoHexrt
      @GoHexrt Před 6 měsíci

      Me tooo.. Im curious what did you rethink.. and after a year.. what can you conclude?

  • @wasitawijayanti99
    @wasitawijayanti99 Před 2 lety

    男 man work in the garden 田 with his strength 力

  • @truth8307
    @truth8307 Před 3 lety

    Don't be conned by these people who used Chinese culture to cheat you. All Chinese characters are related to the real meaning of the word and not the Bible, for example the word ship船 do not have a 8八 in it. That is short for sail帆,meaning a boat(left part of the word) with a sail added will be able to carry more people口 and thus the word 船ship was created. Another meaning for the 口 mouth is the mouth of the river, a boat added with a sail reach the sea from a river's mouth. Another point that proved the con in the use of the word 上帝 for God in Chinese. God is Chinese should be 神。The name上帝 existed in Chinese culture since the Chinese Bone Oracle's language is not the Christianity God. Christianity just use it to fool the young Chinese who know nothing much about Chinese culture. FYI, this pastor Kong Hee was later jailed in Singapore for other crimes. Many people also don't know the Bible mythologies actually copied from Hinduism eg: E.g. Adam/Eve with Atman/Jiva, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons with Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Abraham/Sarah with Brahma/Saraswathi, Moses with Krishna etc

  • @user-qj8on2xs3o
    @user-qj8on2xs3o Před 3 lety

    造=create 造=丶+土+口+辶(走) (丶=生命 life,灵魂 soul )(土=soil)(口=吹气Blowing)(辶=走walk )创2:7耶和华 神用地上的尘土造人,将生气吹在他鼻孔里,他就成了有灵的活人,名叫亚当。创2:7the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

  • @alhamilton8690
    @alhamilton8690 Před 3 lety

    Another example where we see that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

  • @jbjoeychic
    @jbjoeychic Před 3 lety

    I'm happy knowing such an ancient culture is a big part of what God was doing on Earth. It is great knowing the original people's of China came from the Tower of Babel.

  • @Amy-rs3vk
    @Amy-rs3vk Před 4 lety

    A picture is worth a thousand words. But sometimes you only need 2 or three to establish truth. Also I received new (really old) information about the phrase "down in the mouth" and "blockhead" and I marvel at the evolution of words. Knowing that everything has sprung (and is springing!) from the fountain of all knowledge and all truth: God. I am glad to continue to learn, and so drink from the fountain.

    • @boffeycn
      @boffeycn Před 4 lety

      "Pastor" Kong Hee is a convicted criminal and con artist who is also guilty of plagiarism. He has zero standing or experience in the intellectual or academic circles concerned with Chinese history so you have been suckered. OK? Deal with it.

  • @whitetiger432
    @whitetiger432 Před 4 lety

    Why not make more videos for more teaching of the word...

    • @boffeycn
      @boffeycn Před 4 lety

      Difficult when your in prison for fraud.

    • @truth8307
      @truth8307 Před 3 lety

      Don't be conned by these people who used Chinese culture to cheat you. Everything said by him is not true, all Chinese characters are related to the real meaning of the word and not the Bible, for example the word ship船 do not have a 8八 in it. That is short for sail帆,meaning a boat(left part of the word) with a sail added will be able to carry more people口 and thus the word 船ship was created. Another meaning for the 口 mouth is the mouth of the river, a boat added with a sail reach the sea from a river's mouth. Another point that proved the con in the use of the word 上帝 for God in Chinese. God is Chinese should be 神。The name上帝 existed in Chinese culture since the Chinese Bone Oracle's language is not the Christianity God. Christianity just use it to fool the young Chinese who know nothing much about Chinese culture. FYI, pastor Kong Hee was later jailed in Singapore for other crimes. Many people also don't know the Bible mythologies actually copied from Hinduism eg: E.g. Adam/Eve with Atman/Jiva, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons with Manu/3 daughters although cause of flood is different. Abraham/Sarah with Brahma/Saraswathi, Moses with Krishna etc

  • @Cyberautist
    @Cyberautist Před 4 lety

    Nice story, but don´t you think, its just an interpretation of the symbols. Like calling Adam the first chinese emperror. When we know about sumerian history, that he or someone like him, called "The King Gilgamesh" who build a wall around "Ur" the first city, so none could overcome this wall or the army of Gilgamesh or maybe it was Adam, so the word diamond comes from adamas, which means, everlasting bond or insurmountable, like a wall or an army. It´s just an interpretation. In islam it is believed, that Iblis - the jinn, tricked the followers of Adam in the Garden. And the interpretation of Iblis the jinn is: Iblis is the one who loves darkness - like the darkness of caves in which people used to live before the lived in villages and cities. And he don´t want his people live with Adam. He was a leader of a group of bandits, called the jinn. Their nature was of fire -so they are wild and aggressiv, wanted war and not peace, the were arrogant, because they believed in their own power and warcraft. They believed in their own system of society and not in the system of Adam. And the story is as follow; So they attacked the garden, but because of the everlasting bond (adamas), of the followers of Adam (btw. this bond called Bay'ah in arabic), they can´t overcome the army of the garden. So they try to make a peace contract with Adam. Adam and his followers were tricked by this contract believing, they want to stop fighting - but they used his naivity to came into the city. This was when the city falls, because the enemy came disguised as friends and ruined the garden from inside. Thats why they had to flee from the place of the garden, to find an another place. It was the mistake Adam shouldn´t do - "don´t come near this tree" means don´t let that tribe and it´s forbidden fruits - the fruits of discord, strife and battle, come close to you. But Adam thought of that tribe as the forbidden tree, when they were obviously enemies and forget about that command, when they offers that peace contract to Adam. It is the sumerian/islamic version of the story of the garden. And Adam is not a sinner in this story, but he made a mistake and Allah according to Quran forgave him, when he and his followers setteled in the new place nowadays known as Mecca.

    • @Cyberautist
      @Cyberautist Před 4 lety

      ​@Jessie L.A. I didn´t negate that chinese characters made of another words. The chinese character for tempter is made by the word for devil and "hidden under cover", and devil build itself by words which can be relate to the story to both islamic and jewish story of the garden. For example, "that he (the devil) came secretly among the trees in a garden, to man" is how the word devil is build in Chinese. If you can relate a word to both stories - and if there is no contradiction by doing so, than claiming a word has only this and that context is just vainglory. In the sumerian/islamic story the devil came among the "trees" - which means the forbidden tribe whos fruits of discord, strife and battle will destroy the peace in the garden. That he came secretly and hidden under cover means, that the peace contract was a temptation for Adam and it was a secret for them, that the tribe of the Jinn had other plans; plans of discord, strife and battle to destroy the city of Ur - the garden. It fits in that perspective. So it is also an interpretation, like the one above. I can accept that there is a similarity between the appearance of the chinese and egyptians. Aborigines look like Africans, because of their African ancestors. So their are also influences in the language. Why not? That guy work it out for Arabic: Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian and Bantu traced to Arabic: and a second: Sumerian and Accadian traced to Arabic: Egyptian has semitic influences and Arabic is a semitic language. Why do you think their is a story of Joseph (son of Jakob) in Egypt in the Bible? Because it was one area of cultural exchanges at that time. So Sanskrit has its roots in indogermanic languages and influences Chinese as well. And indogermanic languages exist also in times of the semitic influences. If Adam spoke a semitic language (like Arabic), then Chinese will have some similarities with it, and also with Japanese: If languages influences each other over time - what is the miracle of only one interpreation? If sumerian Stories influences chinese Stories after millenia, its nothing man should be proud of and reduce perspectives for their own ego.

    • @wms72
      @wms72 Před 4 lety

      @@Cyberautist Why believe a book that says the world is on the back of a giant whale? And has so many other errors?

    • @Cyberautist
      @Cyberautist Před 4 lety

      ​@@wms72 If someone is telling you Star Wars is in the same universe as Game of Thrones, you would ask for evidence from the books which are held as "canon" and not from fanfiction on which the original authors of the canon books have no influence. I watched that video after reading your comment: ;but he is basicly quoting the opinion of some scholars - why should I believe such strange interpretation which has no base in the original text? So, thank you for quoting some dumb scholars opinion about the meaning of "Nun" - which btw is not arabic for whale: 1. Google doesn´t say "Al-Nun" means whale: 2.but it is an interpreation which has no plausible justification in the original text: I looked in the Quran for that interpretation, but found no reasonable verse for that interpretation of these scholars. But thank you for that journey of strange fanfictions about the letter "Nun" - which just mean "N".

    • @boffeycn
      @boffeycn Před 4 lety

      @@Cyberautist What a load of bollocks.

    • @Cyberautist
      @Cyberautist Před 4 lety

      @@boffeycn And you´re the punchline of it. C´mon! To what are you referring - to the ending of the last GoT episode? Never learned to give an argument, but just writing "bollocks" and grin like a winner?

  • @ndeming5801
    @ndeming5801 Před 5 lety

    Cool how GOD preserved knowledge of Him to the Chinese so many years ago!

    • @boffeycn
      @boffeycn Před 4 lety

      No, it is a total load of bollocks and proves the ignorance and dishonesty of the uploader.

  • @kenbellchambers4577
    @kenbellchambers4577 Před 5 lety

    Adam means red fertile soil. Thank you for this. It is spectacular. I am weeping with joy.

    • @boffeycn
      @boffeycn Před 4 lety

      I am laughing at your stupidity and gullibility.

    • @kenbellchambers4577
      @kenbellchambers4577 Před 4 lety

      @@boffeycn Nobody stupider than an athiest.

    • @boffeycn
      @boffeycn Před 4 lety

      @@kenbellchambers4577 Diddums, bless. What you fail to appreciate is that "Pastor" Kong Hee is a convicted criminal and con artist who is also guilty of plagiarism. He has zero standing or experience in the intellectual or academic circles concerned with Chinese history so you have been suckered. OK? Deal with it.

    • @kenbellchambers4577
      @kenbellchambers4577 Před 4 lety

      @@boffeycn Nobody lies more often than the CCP, maybe you have been suckered dude. I adore the Chinese people, I have Chinese relatives, but China has opted to throw out religion. This is a fatal error that will eventually cause the destruction of the CCP. If Kong Hee is in trouble, it might be because he is dangerously strengthening the faith of the Chinese people. You can say whatever you like Boobala, you might be a victim of the CCP and its endless bullshit. Jesus rules the entire universe. He is the spirit of wisdom and love embodied. Even so, Buddhism has taught me a great deal, and it does not conflict with Christianity at all. I love Mahayana practices, they are miraculous.

    • @boffeycn
      @boffeycn Před 4 lety

      @@kenbellchambers4577 Diddums, bless. "I adore the Chinese people, I have Chinese relatives" That's like your typical racist claiming to adore African people and to have African relatives, or similar, i.e. shite. The criminal Kong Hee is a Singaporean and his crimes and imprisonment have nothing whatsoever to do with the PRC or the CCP which any relatively well informed and sane person knows. But not ignorant, bigoted morons like you. Maybe you should take a course in reality and how not to believe proven liars. So your ignorant claim "Nobody lies more often than the CCP, maybe you have been suckered dude." Simply proves who the sucker is. You, Boobala. "you might be a victim of the CCP and its endless bullshit" And exactly why would that be, Boobala? "Jesus rules the entire universe."Given there is no contemporaneous evidence whatsoever of the existence of the biblical Jesus you are backing a non-starter, Boobala And before you come back with the usual party line, please note "contemporaneous", "evidence" and "biblical Jesus”. Did you know the bible is not much more than misinterpretations of mistranslated and misinterpreted already discarded and disproved plagiarised myths? "Even so, Buddhism has taught me a great deal, and it does not conflict with Christianity at all." Which means Christianity is not a big deal then, is it. And Buddhism does conflict with Christianity regardless of the various claims you apologists make. "Nobody stupider than an athiest." So if I am stupid that doesn't say much for you, does it, Boobala. Or did you mean atheist and bubala?

  • @lryuzaki1192
    @lryuzaki1192 Před 5 lety

    Interesting video. but Chinese characters do not necessarily fit. Adam and Eve story is pure bullshit.

    • @lumenillius1989
      @lumenillius1989 Před 5 lety

      Because you say so. We will now all walk away from our beliefs and what makes us happy to please your selfish perspective..... I will get right on that!

    • @kwabenatree
      @kwabenatree Před 4 lety

      @@lumenillius1989 It's Bullshit

    • @lumenillius1989
      @lumenillius1989 Před 4 lety

      @@kwabenatree I hope your perspective makes you happy, its all you have.

    • @kwabenatree
      @kwabenatree Před 4 lety

      @@lumenillius1989 no I have friends, family, music, movies, simle of people, and frikandel 😉

    • @lumenillius1989
      @lumenillius1989 Před 4 lety

      @@kwabenatree I assume they are proud of you trying to limit others of their happiness and perspective? How inclusive of you. At what point have I acted in a negative manner attacking anything HONEST you propose? If I was the petty one, do you not think I would have continued at some point in the year+ since my last statement? You are the one who dragged me back here being purposefully negative and looking for a fight! Pitty......

  • @kipthecourtjester
    @kipthecourtjester Před 5 lety

    Awesome brother!!

  • @kitty-rp7bg
    @kitty-rp7bg Před 5 lety

    God bless China...

    • @kenbellchambers4577
      @kenbellchambers4577 Před 4 lety

      The CCP is currently selling body parts worldwide taken from dissidents, hopefully the good Chinese will revolt against the evil CCP. God save China from its own 'government'.

  • @woundeddove
    @woundeddove Před 5 lety

    OBEY ACTS 2:38. Repent, ask for the Holy Ghost, receive with EVIDENCE of speaking in TONGUES...RESTORED

    • @boffeycn
      @boffeycn Před 4 lety

      "Pastor" Kong Hee is a convicted criminal and con artist who is also guilty of plagiarism. He has zero standing or experience in the intellectual or academic circles concerned with Chinese history so you have been suckered. OK? Deal with it.

    • @mlauntube
      @mlauntube Před měsícem

      In Acts chapter 2, the people who received the Holy Spirit spoke in known languages: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? 9Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, b 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11(both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs-we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” There was nobody there coaching them to prime the pump and say “Banana, banana, banana” or “shoondalah, shoondalah”; they were not babbling but speaking in foreign languages that others could understand. The apostles never instructed the congregations to test their faith by miraculously speaking in foreign languages. We are only told to test our faith by fruits of God’s Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The only way you can be born again is by accepting Jesus as your King and be granted the right to be called children of God (see John chapter 1); not by forcing yourself to babble like a pagan.

  • @surferxblood
    @surferxblood Před 6 lety

    So amazing. 🙌🏻

  • @theresaflynn8683
    @theresaflynn8683 Před 6 lety

    They forgot the fermanent.

  • @eliyahuisnotme7717
    @eliyahuisnotme7717 Před 6 lety

    why have picture's of shang di ?

  • @eliyahuisnotme7717
    @eliyahuisnotme7717 Před 6 lety

    Yahuah and Yahusha

  • @eliyahuisnotme7717
    @eliyahuisnotme7717 Před 6 lety

    Shang Di - Shaddai ?

  • @qiangluo3264
    @qiangluo3264 Před 6 lety

    Laugh, ,, hahaha

  • @qiangluo3264
    @qiangluo3264 Před 6 lety

    NO Don't talk

  • @Goodman-ti7yw
    @Goodman-ti7yw Před 6 lety

    Shangdi in ancient time of China is referring to Super Power which created rain, earthquake, flooding etc. Chinese emperors can have everything but fighting the nature disasters. So Shangdi in China is not the same as God on Bible ! If Chinese worship God before Jesus, Bible shall be part of Chinese culture already ! It would not disappear suddenly !

  • @user-dx1dc3ym1i
    @user-dx1dc3ym1i Před 6 lety


  • @jeanniecole614
    @jeanniecole614 Před 6 lety

    This is one of the best videos that I've seen on CZcams!

  • @yolandosoquite3507
    @yolandosoquite3507 Před 6 lety

    Why would John wrote in the book of Revelation that the true 7 churches of Christ were located only in Asia? .The book of Revelation is a book for the future last generation..and yet it seems that He did not know that there are now Christian churches in other continents..Asia is a vast land area inherited by Shem and Turkey is not part of his inheritance in the book of Jubilee..

  • @yolandosoquite3507
    @yolandosoquite3507 Před 6 lety

    Food for thought..Brahman(Hindu word) is an anagram of Abraham...Noah divided earth as inheritance of his 3 sons...Shem inherited Asia...Tower of Babel, Sumerians,Babylons etc were built by men who came from the East...That east is India,Tibet(cunieform style of Sumer)..because Noah founded Mohendra Daro ,the earliest of all civilizations because the Ark of Noah landed on Mt Everest being the tallest mountain on earth..not because a mountain is named Ararat in Turkey...The bible was written by Shemite is logical that Asiatic thinking and style of writing is infused in the Chinese ,Japanese dragon to know who Lucifer is ,and what he look like..The Chinese called North Pole as Mt. Kunlun., Hindus called it Mt Meru..Hebrews, Filipinos called it Eden...The Jesuits destroyed so many records of ancient Asian culture in favor of their occultic religion and science..

  • @HighMojo
    @HighMojo Před 6 lety


  • @tastayo
    @tastayo Před 6 lety


  • @tastayo
    @tastayo Před 6 lety


  • @koreglorious1704
    @koreglorious1704 Před 6 lety

    who is that idiot???

  • @MsHeaddy
    @MsHeaddy Před 6 lety

    It is very possible that Adam had dark pigment, Asian shaped eyes and straight black hair. Eve may have had curly hair, perhaps a different colour of eyes. Both Adam & Eve carried the entire gene pool. As people isolate themselves into tribes/groups, the genetic traits they carry are more profound with each generation when no new genes are introduced. After the Tower of Babel, each group became isolated, the genes became dominant in each group.

  • @qiweifrancishe6707
    @qiweifrancishe6707 Před 6 lety

    The concepts in Daoism and Confucianism are totally different from that in Biblical Christianity. Those in Daoism and Confucianism can only be regarded as part of General Revelation at the most. I think they might have the problem of not distinguishing the difference between General Revelation and Special Revelation. Here’s an article, hope you could read it carefully:

  • @andalusianguitarist
    @andalusianguitarist Před 6 lety

    The ancient Han scholar that was quoted somewhere after 6:24 contradicts John 1:1 since this verse presents two that were equal without any reference to Father or Son. Another confirmation can be found in Philippians 2:5-7. Since the verse presents two that were equal prior to the incarnation. The one God concept has to take into account the ancient Hebrew plural word Elohim=Gods as well as the word Echad which would be oneness in duality as opposed to oneness in singularity which = the Hebrew word Yechid. The Most High in Isaiah 6 is revealed as the preexistant Christ or Word when we read John 12:39-41. Based on Isaiah 6 Jesus confirms that oneness with the Father in John 17:5 as well as his answer to Philip in John 14:9.

  • @hs4xace
    @hs4xace Před 6 lety


  • @Yangyang-gj4kg
    @Yangyang-gj4kg Před 6 lety

    真是火大,看不下去,什么expert in ancinet chinese...胡来,丢脸。。。。。。

  • @Yangyang-gj4kg
    @Yangyang-gj4kg Před 6 lety


  • @josephbarr8197
    @josephbarr8197 Před 6 lety

    I really appreciate and enjoyed this

  • @slamdunk406
    @slamdunk406 Před 6 lety

    Don’t know how much of this is accurate (I’m a Christian, btw), but I still found this to be pretty interesting.

  • @Yahweh312
    @Yahweh312 Před 6 lety

    Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

  • @Wizamatox
    @Wizamatox Před 6 lety

    Very interesting. I must admit I do wonder why they analyzed 乱 which is a simplified character created during the simplification regime last century rather than 亂 the corresponding traditional character. Maybe the fact that I am not yet an advanced student of Mandarin is shining through.

  • @bertwesler1181
    @bertwesler1181 Před 6 lety

    The People of Ur had writing long before the Egyptians.WWaaaaay before the Chinese.

  • @bertwesler1181
    @bertwesler1181 Před 6 lety

    4,500 years is bullshit!

  • @bertwesler1181
    @bertwesler1181 Před 6 lety

    Nonsense. Chinese culture is only 80 years old; PERIOD!

  • @lamuzze
    @lamuzze Před 6 lety

    It's amazing how some of can't face the just and righteous God presented in biblical Scripture. It is as if God is something of our own individual construct. If I tell you who I am you need to take it at face value. When I act within that stated character don't say you are surprised because you have the information. Shang Di/God has a history of judgement against wickedness and disobedience people and He declared that he does not change. That is fascinating to see the biblical stories are captured in Chinese pictograh centuries before the Bible was written for the world's benefits. I get goosbump seeing the Chinese characters capturing the biblical time line. The interpreter is exceptional. Glory to God! Thank you Lord Jesus for your mercy.

  • @TheEmmaLucille
    @TheEmmaLucille Před 6 lety

    This is ridiculous... Colonization as it's best...