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Interview Saut Situmorang 47 min
Goen[English below]
Saut Situmorang is een Indonesische schrijver van poëzie, korte verhalen en essays. In 1992 won hij een belangrijke internationale prijs voor zijn Haiku ‘Such boredom’. Hij studeerde Engelse en Indonesische literatuur en woonde elf jaar in Nieuw-Zeeland.
Saut staat bekend als uitgesproken kritisch op het establishment en neemt daarbij geen blad voor de mond. Het wordt hem niet altijd in dank afgenomen. Hij krijgt in de gevestigde Indonesische media nauwelijks ruimte om van zich te laten horen. In zijn ogen wordt Indonesië nog steeds geleid door een regering die sterk aangestuurd wordt door buitenlandse machten, met name vanuit de Verenigde Staten. Hij herinnert zich hoe de Britse zanger Sting in 2014 een post op Facebook plaatste waarin hij Indonesiërs opriep om tijdens de presidentsverkiezingen voor Jokowi te stemmen.
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Check out the short preview of the interview with Indonesian poet and writer Saut Situmorang!
Saut is an Indonesian writer of poetry, short stories and essays. In 1992, he won an international prize for his Haiku ‘Such boredom’. He studied English and Indonesian literature and lived in New Zealand for 11 years.
Saut is known for being very outspoken and critical of the ruling class, not mincing his words. This, of course, is not appreciated by everyone. He experiences censorship by mainstream Indonesian media. In his view, Indonesia is still run by a government that is strongly controlled by foreign powers, especially from the United States. He recalls how in 2014, the British singer Sting posted a call on Facebook in which he encouraged Indonesians to vote for Jokowi during the presidential election.
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Relevante links/ Further reading
Kit Klarenberg - Mint Press News (English):
Over Goenawan Mohamad/Tempo en zijn link met de CIA, Nederlandse google-vertaling:
About Goenawan Mohamad/Tempo and his link with the CIA, Dutch Google-translation:
American journalist Allan Nairn about Prabowo in 2017 (English):
Book: 'Wars Within', by Janet Steele, 2014, about the history of Tempo-magazine, (English)
Time codes:
0:00 Citaten I Quotes
0:38 Intro
1:17 Niet-stemmen I Non-voting
3:20 Nog steeds dezelfde personen aan de macht I Still the same kind of people in power
4:29 Verkiezingssysteem Nieuw-Zeeland I Voting system New-Zealand
5:07 Kopie van de VS I Copy of the US
6:03 Sting - The Police
8:25 Jokowi ineens bekend I Jokowi suddenly famous
9:51 Voormalige Jokowi aanhangers veranderen I Former Jokowi supporters change
11:35 Geen verschil Prabowo-Jokowi-Megawati I No difference Prabowo-Jokowi-Megawati
14:04 Allan Nairn waarschuwde voor Prabowo I Allan Nairn warned for Prabowo
14:45 Indonesië slachtoffer van buitenlandse machten I Indonesia victimized by foreign powers
15:34 Jokowi cover Times Magazine
16:04 de VS achter de val van Suharto 1998 I The US behind the fall of Suharto in 1998
18:32 ‘Kamisan’ protest
20:09 Gus Dur, Abdurrahman Wahid
21:40 Regime-change
23:22 China
24:04 Xinjiang Oeigoeren I Xinjiang Uyghurs
25:09 Het netwerk voor liberale Islam I The Network of Liberal Islam
26:12 Westerse selectieve verontwaardiging I Selective outrage from the West
28:06 Indonesia en China I Indonesia and China
28:59 De BRICS en revolutie in Afrika I The BRICS and revolution in Africa
29:39 Volgt Indonesië het voorbeeld van Afrika op? I Will Indonesia follow the example of Africa?
29:54 Prabowo’s connectie met de VS I Prabowo’s connection with the US
30:39 Nieuwe militaire leiders die opstaan I New military leaders standing up
32:23 Over meerderheid Javaans I About majority Javanese
34:22 Chinese minderheid geen minderheid I Chinese minority no minority
36:09 Islam op Java verspreid door Chinezen I In Java the Islam was spread by Chinese
36:32 WTO-rechtszaken Indonesië tegen EU I WTO-courtcases of Indonesia against the EU
37:09 Corruptiezaak van 15 miljard Euro I Corruption case of 15 Billion Euros
40:16 Het beleid in Indonesië is wat telt I The policy inside Indonesia is what counts
42:25 Artikel van Kit Klarenberg MintPress News I Article by Kit Klarenberg MintPress News
44:30 Hoop voor de toekomst I Hope for the future
zhlédnutí: 527


Preview Interview Saut Situmorang 2.50 min
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[English below] Coming up: Interview met de Indonesische dichter en schrijver Saut Situmorang (1966) Saut Situmorang is een Indonesische schrijver van poëzie, korte verhalen en essays. In 1992 won hij een belangrijke internationale prijs voor zijn Haiku Such boredom. Hij studeerde Engelse en Indonesische literatuur en woonde elf jaar in Nieuw-Zeeland. In 2021 plaatste Histori Bersama de Nederla...
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Intro Media Mondo
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[ENGLISH BELOW] NL: Media Mondo is een nieuwsplatform dat zich richt op geopolitieke ontwikkelingen wereldwijd. We bieden verdieping en duiding vanuit historisch perspectief. In de gevestigde westerse media is het door de VS geleide, (neo)koloniale perspectief nog altijd dominant. Zonder ruimte voor kritische vragen wordt van ons verwacht een kant te kiezen. Een wereldleider is goed als het wes...


  • @jaytso1883
    @jaytso1883 Před 9 dny

    ASEAN 💪💪💪💪

  • @jaytso1883
    @jaytso1883 Před 10 dny

    When Admiral Cheng Ho sailed the Strait of Malacca in the early 1400s, China TRADED with Malacca. One hundred years later in the early 1500s, when the Portuguese gun ships sailed the Strait of Malacca, Portugal COLONISED Malacca. Does that not tell a lot 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @ahmadmustakhimabdmutalib59

    Not true, 1st european visit peninsular in netherman😅

  • @theallseeingeye9388
    @theallseeingeye9388 Před 14 dny

    It would be difficult to explain the presence of Mahathirs grand father If the Indians only came as British plantation labourers.

  • @hr5546
    @hr5546 Před 14 dny

    Simple english to understand

  • @eccosabanovic1589
    @eccosabanovic1589 Před 16 dny

    ..this kind and simple man, have spoken truth..everything he said is right on the spot..

  • @hannanhaziq8223
    @hannanhaziq8223 Před 16 dny

    Finally some Indonesian realized it what I'm seeing from Malaysia 😊

  • @VonAZ47
    @VonAZ47 Před 16 dny

    You forgot to mention Dr.. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

  • @nairravi
    @nairravi Před 18 dny

    Beautiful 🌹

  • @suryaniahmadsarji5808

    Brilliant !

  • @AmyGoh-n6b
    @AmyGoh-n6b Před 21 dnem

    Very informative 👏👏. At 99 years old, Tun Dr Mahathir can still remember history so well👍

  • @velavealafan9475
    @velavealafan9475 Před 22 dny

    I am 70 years old.. for humble comments..if l got nothing to say good..l just shut my mouth..His destiny l leave it to God and karma.l see some giving positive comments..some negative comments.. it's all the liberty of rakyat what they have in mind on Tun.. Wish him the best in his endeavours.. move on..

  • @awangbadele257
    @awangbadele257 Před 23 dny

    Terbaik Tun on this area of facts, salute you. May Allah SWT bless you till jannah.

  • @mohamadhafizhamsa4215

    This is my beloved Prime Minister of Malaysia

  • @keechingchew86
    @keechingchew86 Před 23 dny

    Sudah lah cakap cakap cakap cakap cakap cakap SAMPAI 98 cakap cakap cakap cakap cakap apa boleh bust!? Buat satu tv studio cakap cakap dgn kj... Macam true story! 😅😅😅😂😂😂Joker lah you Mhthir you can fool your stupid followers and interviewer 😅😅😅😅

  • @wangjinwen7708
    @wangjinwen7708 Před 24 dny

    What was the word he was struggling with regarding the agreement and the revaluation of japanese yen? The journalist is so useless

  • @mohamedsaifuddinmahmudmoha543

    Tun Dr. Mahathir is 99 years old this year, yet his mind is way sharper than US President Biden. May Allah bless him with health, wealth & Longevity....Ameen..

  • @harryalfonso8788
    @harryalfonso8788 Před 24 dny

    Malacca is not a state at that time. it's call just Malacca. Probably just a village in 1511.

  • @ggsm21
    @ggsm21 Před 24 dny

    Patut dari dulu halau pendatang balik negara diorang..nangis2 nk duduk sini pastu tak sedar diri.

  • @yougohgoh1
    @yougohgoh1 Před 24 dny

    Just refund the money to Malaysian, old man

  • @Habaibhisham8715
    @Habaibhisham8715 Před 24 dny

    Pi pondok mengaajar d Sri ❤

  • @anonymousblogger3964
    @anonymousblogger3964 Před 24 dny

    Thanks Dr M....Ketuanan Melayu sure made Msia for what it is today 😂

  • @peternelson583
    @peternelson583 Před 25 dny

    Tanah Mamak Kutty....

  • @wendyshoowaiching4161

    Mahathir is still the best PM of Malaysia with good indepth knowledge of Malaysia, Malay's Origin (Sumatra), politically maturity smart & during his tenure other races were treated well and can find livelihood. Now many other races are treated as minority (2nd class) and has no privilege enjoy by the Malays other races is facing many challenges and scarcity to find livelihood with everything is sabotages on the ground (cannot).

  • @matintrovert158
    @matintrovert158 Před 25 dny

    Try watch Trump and Biden debate, then switch to this. Remember, Mahathir is 12+ years older than Biden.

  • @secrets.295
    @secrets.295 Před 25 dny

    Actually is not a simple matter as the west forced Japan to revalue their currency. The west have been opening their markets for decades with such low tariffs while Japan prptected their market for decades. They also devalue their currencies for decades while Western Countries had free floating currencies. The West were willing to turn a blind eye on high tariff & currency devaluation for decades. How much more do u want them to give and not take anything in return? By the 80s Japan GDP per capita was already on par with European countries. So it is only fair for the west to demand for fair & reciprocal trade. While Mahathir did a lot of things in Malaysia that is great for Malaysians. I can't stand this man. He was the reason why Malaysian politics became so corrupt. During Tun Razak & Tun Hussein Onn times, large scale corruption was unheard of. My late grandfather was friends with a former People's Representative back in the 60s in Ipoh. My grandpa said he lived in a wooden decrepit house. These days everybody owns luxury cars that cost hundreds of thousands of ringgit. Leaders back then had clean hands. Mahathir came in and he let all his ministers become corrupt. Names such as Rafidah, Hishamuddin, Najib, etc. Were all involved in many2 corruption scandals. He also purposely left rural Malaysia to rot because he likes wasting taxpayers money building white elephant projects like Putrajaya, KLCC, Proton, etc. All projects that are useless & cause billions & billions of loss of tax revenue. Imagine if all this money were used to build roads in Sabah, Sarawak, Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu, etc. By now Malaysia would have been a developed economy already. Mahathir only cares about the Klang District. Now Sabah & Sarawak are getting angry. Decades of taking their resources with nothing in return, who can blame them? Mahathir wasted our money all for nothing that is not worth to be proud of. To top it off. He just needed to make one last comeback and almost destroyed our political scene. Causing one of the biggest political crises in Malaysian history & for 2 years we suffered from one of the most unstable political landscape ever. Now he is joining forces with everything that moves as long as it wasn't from Anwar's party. Now he wants to divide race even more than he did before. The guy doesn't care about Malaysia. He cares about himself & his family.

  • @pangchengng9999
    @pangchengng9999 Před 26 dny

    Mahathir was the great UMNO leader , in 1980, 90s 2000s , but now Malaysians, know how he try to degrade the loyalty of Malaysia Chinese and Indians, even Malays are not agree with him. Now few will listen to what he says, will check out what he says about.

  • @wangjinwen7708
    @wangjinwen7708 Před 26 dny

    Bless his health

  • @az-rule84
    @az-rule84 Před 26 dny

    Dr m's brain and physical is way much stronger than biden. And he is 98 years old

  • @bkerdas
    @bkerdas Před 27 dny

    Tun forgot to tell that alongside rubber plantations, the Brits also had their hand on tin mines. The price the paid for the two commodities is almost nothing, meanng to say they stealed from us.

  • @jegandorairaj5592
    @jegandorairaj5592 Před 28 dny


  • @cleoregia1103
    @cleoregia1103 Před 28 dny

    Salah satu tokoh yang masih sehat, bugar dan bisa berfikir jernih. Luas biasa, Mahathir. Seribu jempol buat beliau

  • @keeseong2980
    @keeseong2980 Před 29 dny

    It's always about race to fool the people and line the politicians pockets. Very boring history.

  • @georgeho8997
    @georgeho8997 Před 29 dny

    Doc M's english is miles better than Anwar's.

    • @audiomanzs7762
      @audiomanzs7762 Před 29 dny

      Individual preferences. When one is against another, they'll only be hatred and negative remarks..

    • @georgeho8997
      @georgeho8997 Před 29 dny

      @@audiomanzs7762 There is no "against another", nor are there any hatred or negative remarks in my statement. Show me if there is. It's just an A better than B by a long mile remark; you can call it opinionated but never negative. agree?

  • @peterng9786
    @peterng9786 Před 29 dny

    Yeah, some also came from Kerala, India and yet you denied your own ancestry.

  • @saidmuhamad4190
    @saidmuhamad4190 Před 29 dny

    superb co-ordination

  • @syedizad
    @syedizad Před 29 dny

    Tun is the best all time and wisest .. Tq tun

  • @azizstomek
    @azizstomek Před 29 dny

    Inilah bapak kepada Malaysia. Penjaga negara Malaysia.

  • @keechingchew86
    @keechingchew86 Před měsícem

    Cakap lah North Korea kalau berani 😅😅😅

  • @keechingchew86
    @keechingchew86 Před měsícem

    Mahthir cakap saja pandai cakap sampai Pulau Langkawi pun buang awak! The only ex PM for 50 years to lose his seat in a "landslide" lost and lost the deposit too... Your press statement is your own make up story.. Topik? Anwar najib kulit musa lim kit siang guan eng royal family those who angkat you ikut belakang macam Bodoh2 punya maids and servants 😅😅😅😂😂😂

  • @kakacicimakutuyoung
    @kakacicimakutuyoung Před měsícem

    Tun is right, Pelosi is instigator, she is the US lapdog

  • @niam550
    @niam550 Před měsícem

    issue : 1. mahathir success=rich, which is not necessarily correct for malays 2. malay is not lazy/unsuccessfull, they just does not have the extreme motivation to become very rich

  • @farahmay8052
    @farahmay8052 Před měsícem

    The person interviewing Dr .Mahathir is distracting her head movement like a donkey!!

  • @samc269
    @samc269 Před měsícem

    An interview with the devil.

  • @Azman.
    @Azman. Před měsícem

    Well said Tun M. He is still strong enough to speak the truth, history on any matter etc. Semoga di beri kekuatan kesihatan yang sihat. Sayangi Malaysia Ku.

  • @abdulrazak1601
    @abdulrazak1601 Před měsícem

    kau selamatkan negara malaysia, chief inspektor Aziz Bin Baba ialah Raja Aziz Arabs Saudi, Qatar Bank 1 Riyal, aku kena basuh tandas, tengku razalie hamzah ialah kuli, aku pun kuli, tun abdullah badawi kata MALAYSIA NEGARA POLIS, No Way Out, it is my money my ring my dato' ship, aleh, buat konon-konon tak tahu pula, aku minta duit nak beli kaca mata tak bagi, pimpin lah kau dengan tangan kosong, tempoh tamat pembayaran Hutang Negara Bank Dunia tinggal 2 tahun sahaja lagi, siapa penyelamat siapa pengkhianat, mencuri potong tangan didalam islam

  • @SukhdevSingh-ge5rj
    @SukhdevSingh-ge5rj Před měsícem

    Tun M 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @SukhdevSingh-ge5rj
    @SukhdevSingh-ge5rj Před měsícem

    She is NODDING VERY LOUDLY 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  • @jalisulaiman1385
    @jalisulaiman1385 Před měsícem

    Me & my father favourite Statesman ,Prime Minister Tun Mahathir.He is a legend.there is no pime minister in Malaysia come close to him,there is no replacement.He is a world class Statesman.

  • @YanjingYe
    @YanjingYe Před měsícem

    99 Years Old, oldest national treasure in our country, God Bless Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohammad & yet the only prime minister who had live before & after Merdeka, 2 his disciple became PM that is Marquis Of Pahang Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Razak Tun Abd Razak ( PMVI ) & Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim ( PMX ) he also became PM twice on 1981-2003 ( BN ) & 2018-2020 ( PH )

    • @noorulameen804
      @noorulameen804 Před 25 dny

      And yet the thankless, ungrateful people in langkawi voted him out!