Shokusai Bakery Studio [Official]食彩パン工房
Shokusai Bakery Studio [Official]食彩パン工房
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Introducing the most famous mysterious bread specialty store in Japan! ASMR
#japanesefood #breadrecipe #bakery
★こだわりのレーズン 【宝石箱に使用】
店名:考えた人すごいわ 清瀬店
住所:〒204-0021 東京都清瀬市元町1丁目10−13
Instagram: sugoiwa.kiyose
0:00 オープニング
0:19 本編
1:03 ミキシング
26:17 オープン
26:35 翌日分の仕込み
▼おすすめ動画 ▼
・自然豊かな村にある唯一無二のパン屋!島人に愛される素朴なパン!【沖縄パン工房おとなりや】Amazing Skills of Japanese Bakers ASMR
・圧巻のパン焼きラッシュ!大量のパンを驚異のスピードで焼き上げる壮大なパン屋に早朝から密着!【リヨンsuda CORE 】Japanese bread making ASMR
パン好き母娘が営む心温まる下町パン屋!地元常連を虜にする個性派ベーカリーに密着!Amazing Skills of Japanese Bakers【ありパン】ASMR
zhlédnutí: 8 987


4 Amazing and Unique Japanese Bakeries Offering Delicious Freshly Baked Bread!
zhlédnutí 25KPřed 23 hodinami
#breadrecipe #パン作り #bakery 今回は、このチャンネルの埼玉県おすすめパン屋さん4選を紹介します。 埼玉県に位置し、個性あふれる地元に人気のパン屋さんです。 過去を振り返ってゆっくりご覧ください。 ご協力いただきましたパン屋さん、ありがとうございました。 〜 食彩パン工房【公式】Shokusai Bakery Studio 〜 日本を中心にパン屋さんを紹介させて頂いております。(現在、海外3軒) お店の舞台裏に密着させていただき、素晴らしいお店・職人さん・パンの魅力を世界へお伝えします! ★このチャンネルの、いいね、コメント、チャンネル登録、ご意見をお願いします。 ▼チャプター▼ 00:00 オープニング 00:33 店名 Boulangerie Kurumi(ブーランジュリークルミ) 住所 ...
Introducing the world-renowned Japanese bakeries that have long lines! The top 4 in Tokyo. ASMR
zhlédnutí 12KPřed 14 dny
#breadrecipe #パン作り #bakery 今回は、大行列ができる東京の人気パン屋さん4選を紹介します。 パンの種類が豊富で必ずお気に入りのパンが見つかります。 チャプターにて店舗ごとに分けてありますので、時間のある時、店舗ごとにご覧ください。 ★1店舗目は、東京都国立市にある、2009年11月にオープンの「プチ・アンジュ国立店」さん。JR南武線の谷保駅・矢川駅より徒歩10分、駐車場もあるので安心! 国立市役所、市民総合体育館、芸術小ホール、谷保第四公園、富士見台第三団地に近く、子供からシニアまで幅広い年齢層のお客様で賑わっています。季節ごとにいろいろな新商品が並ぶので、いつ行っても新しいパンに出会えます。 2023カレーパングランプリ チーズカレーパン部門 最高金賞受賞! 関東唯一「カレーパングランプリ東日本カレーパン部門」7年連続金賞受賞。 ★2店舗目は、東京浅草から歩...
A local bakery run by a Japanese female baker! Amazing Skills of Japanese Bakers ASMR
zhlédnutí 21KPřed 21 dnem
#japanesefood #breadrecipe #bakery 「パン工房ペシュ」は、2002年、埼玉県川口市の自宅の一角でたった4畳半のログハウスからスタートを切りました。 「美味しかったよ!」というお客様のお声や、たとえお言葉をかわさなくとも毎日ご来店いただくお客様の顔を思い、明日もお客様のご来店があるのだから焼き続けよう!という日々を繰り返して、ご縁があり茨城県つくば市に移転、牛久市に2号店目を出店し、業務拡張のため牛久店に一本化し本日に至ります。 ★「パン工房ペシュ」は皆様のお店 たくさんのパンの中からお選びいただけるように、種類をいっぱい増やしました。旬の素材を味わっていただけるように、季節限定品も次々作りました。栄養バランスを考えたサンドイッチもたくさん揃えました。お買い物を楽しんでほしい、そしてパンをかじったときに「あ~美味しい!買ってよかった!」と思っていただけ...
A wide variety of breads are available! A memorable bakery where I met a puppy! ASMR
zhlédnutí 16KPřed měsícem
#japanesefood #breadrecipe #bakery パン屋経験ゼロ、資金無し、人脈も何もない所から始ったパン屋さんを紹介。 ★1986年12月25日 晴れ。 当時のバイト先の食堂に1匹の子犬が何処からともなくやって来ました。 怖がりゆえ、当時は大の犬嫌いそれなのに何故かご飯を与え 仕事を終えた21時近くまでも、その子犬はその場を離れずに居ついていました。 その夜からは子犬との生活が始まり、その日に因み命名「メリー」。 家族からも近所の皆さんからも可愛がられ、 沢山の思い出と共に17年で永遠の旅に出てしまいました。メリーに出会ってからの人生の大きな変化をそのまま店名と致しました。 店主の思い出が詰まったパン屋さん「パンステージ メリーズ」の1日をご覧ください。 ★動画を気に入ったら、チャンネル登録、いいね、コメント、ご意見をお願いします。
Amazing huge bakery with tons of bread! Top 4 popular videos! ASMR
zhlédnutí 330KPřed měsícem
#breadrecipe #パン作り #bakery 今回は、このチャンネルの人気動画TOP4を紹介します。 最初は、最もご視聴された韓国京畿道にあるパン屋さんです。 現在、韓国には14名の製菓名匠がいますが、その中の一人、 2012年に韓国第9号製菓名匠として選定されたホンジョンフン名匠が運用する「ホンジョンフンベーカリー本店」。 まるでホテルのような巨大な3階建ての建物が全てベーカリーになっています。 パンの大きさも日本より大きいです。 ☆代表の挨拶 ホン・ジョンフンは1980年3月に忠北鎮川から上京し、鍾路区にある小さなパン屋で初めてベーキングを始めました。その後、パンを作るのに楽しさを感じながら、良い菓子業界の友達も会い、より良い技術力を習得するためにナポレオン菓子店に移して技術を研磨しました。その後、数カ所を歩きながら技術と経営を身につけた後、開浦洞に7坪残職した空間で初め...
Amazing Japanese bakery on an island in the sea! Bread that lives in harmony with nature! ASMR
zhlédnutí 35KPřed měsícem
#japanesefood #breadrecipe #bakery 中頭郡読谷村瀬名波の県道6号線沿いにあるベーカリー。日本一人口の多い村「読谷村」にあり、外国人のお客様に人気のパン屋さんです。自家製の天然酵母と国産の無農薬小麦を使い、こだわりの素材で焼き上げたパンを販売。近所の飲食店からの注文も多く、たくさんの方々に愛されています。県産の無農薬野菜などを使った調理パンや、グルテンフリーのアレルギー対応のパンなど、80種類近くのパンが並びます。旅行や観光で沖縄に行った時には、是非お立ち寄りください。 ★動画を気に入ったら、チャンネル登録、いいね、コメント、ご意見をお願いします。 ★パン屋さんの皆様へ! 皆様のパン屋さんを映像に残してみませんか? 食彩パン工房はどこでも行きます。(費用は無料) ご連絡お待ち申し上げ...
Introducing the amazing long-established bakeries in Japan. Compilation 8
zhlédnutí 20KPřed 2 měsíci
Introducing the amazing long-established bakeries in Japan. Compilation 8
Sold out in 2 hours! A 2-day follow-up on the chaotic grand opening of a bakery!
zhlédnutí 24KPřed 2 měsíci
Sold out in 2 hours! A 2-day follow-up on the chaotic grand opening of a bakery!
Introducing a Taiwanese bakery run by a family who loves bread! ASMR
zhlédnutí 20KPřed 3 měsíci
Introducing a Taiwanese bakery run by a family who loves bread! ASMR
Introducing a crazy Japanese bakery established in 1913 Seattle, USA! ASMR
zhlédnutí 113KPřed 3 měsíci
Introducing a crazy Japanese bakery established in 1913 Seattle, USA! ASMR
A bakery crowded with regular customers who purchase large quantities of bread!ASMR
zhlédnutí 665KPřed 3 měsíci
A bakery crowded with regular customers who purchase large quantities of bread!ASMR
A unique bakery that captivates local regular customers who love bread!
zhlédnutí 335KPřed 4 měsíci
A unique bakery that captivates local regular customers who love bread!
Japanese bakers who work 20 hours a day make bread!
zhlédnutí 36KPřed 4 měsíci
Japanese bakers who work 20 hours a day make bread!
Japanese bakers make bread at amazing speed! Top 3 big bakeries in Japan
zhlédnutí 68KPřed 4 měsíci
Japanese bakers make bread at amazing speed! Top 3 big bakeries in Japan
There's no bread. Wonderful bread making by a speedy Japanese baker.
zhlédnutí 45KPřed 5 měsíci
There's no bread. Wonderful bread making by a speedy Japanese baker.
A retro Japanese bakery located in a historic shopping district!
zhlédnutí 137KPřed 5 měsíci
A retro Japanese bakery located in a historic shopping district!
Freshly baked bread that you want to eat every day. The amazing skills of Japanese bakers
zhlédnutí 37KPřed 5 měsíci
Freshly baked bread that you want to eat every day. The amazing skills of Japanese bakers
Introducing a stylish bakery that was converted from an ironworks into a bakery.
zhlédnutí 45KPřed 6 měsíci
Introducing a stylish bakery that was converted from an ironworks into a bakery.
Top 4 Japanese bakeries that mass produce bread! Omnibus ⑤
zhlédnutí 230KPřed 6 měsíci
Top 4 Japanese bakeries that mass produce bread! Omnibus ⑤
Heartwarming bread making run by a mother and daughter who love bread!
zhlédnutí 364KPřed 6 měsíci
Heartwarming bread making run by a mother and daughter who love bread!
A battle for bread baked in a stone oven! The skills of Japan's master bakers!
zhlédnutí 69KPřed 6 měsíci
A battle for bread baked in a stone oven! The skills of Japan's master bakers!
Delicious bread made with Japanese Wagyu beef! Popular bakery releases recipe!
zhlédnutí 41KPřed 7 měsíci
Delicious bread made with Japanese Wagyu beef! Popular bakery releases recipe!
A fierce battle over bread! A Japanese bakery with long lines! Amazing Skills of Japanese Bakers
zhlédnutí 1,6MPřed 7 měsíci
A fierce battle over bread! A Japanese bakery with long lines! Amazing Skills of Japanese Bakers
Introducing the special bread making techniques of a skilled baker.
zhlédnutí 77KPřed 7 měsíci
Introducing the special bread making techniques of a skilled baker.
A long-established bakery in a shopping district with a 61-year history!
zhlédnutí 97KPřed 8 měsíci
A long-established bakery in a shopping district with a 61-year history!
Top 4 unique bakeries with fascinating breads ASMR
zhlédnutí 590KPřed 8 měsíci
Top 4 unique bakeries with fascinating breads ASMR
A day at a delicious bakery near Asakusa, a tourist spot in Tokyo! Japanese bread making.
zhlédnutí 202KPřed 9 měsíci
A day at a delicious bakery near Asakusa, a tourist spot in Tokyo! Japanese bread making.
A huge bakery that looks like a resort hotel, made by a baker for the bakery! ASMR
zhlédnutí 2,6MPřed 9 měsíci
A huge bakery that looks like a resort hotel, made by a baker for the bakery! ASMR
A bakery in a Japanese resort made a large amount of bread
zhlédnutí 985KPřed 10 měsíci
A bakery in a Japanese resort made a large amount of bread


  • @djalmadossantossantos3616
    @djalmadossantossantos3616 Před 5 hodinami

    Que padaria fantástic

  • @anthonyg.6635
    @anthonyg.6635 Před 8 hodinami

    Bagels and baguettes are my favs! 🥖🥯😍

  • @rsethi3033
    @rsethi3033 Před 14 hodinami

    That one soldier fella got real sentimental lol realised nothing in Seattle could top this baking

  • @djalmadossantossantos3616


  • @djalmadossantossantos3616


  • @djalmadossantossantos3616


    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 18 hodinami

      Djalma dos Santos Olá Santos 😃 Você é do Brasil 😊 Nunca estive no Brasil. Qual é o famoso pão do Brasil?

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 18 hodinami

      Nesta loja as compras são feitas no balcão. Não posso entrar porque não tem loja 😣

  • @marcossilva1557
    @marcossilva1557 Před dnem


    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před dnem

      Olá Marcos Silva 😃 Obrigado pelo seu comentário 😊 Se você ativar as legendas 🔛 você consegue entender a conversa 😊 Vamos conversar de novo ♪

  • @MaiTran-uo6zk
    @MaiTran-uo6zk Před dnem

    I really enjoyed watching this stunning video! Very clean shop with hard workers employees and delicious products in a small city of Japan 👍❤️

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před dnem

      Hello Mai Tran 😃 Thank you for your comment 😊 It is a bakery located in a tourist spot in Japan. Please come and visit Japan 😊

  • @evibauer1081
    @evibauer1081 Před dnem

    Es ist schade dass nicht dabei steht was das für Brote sind bei den anderen Bäcker steht es immer dabei

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před dnem

      Hallo Evi Bauer 😃 Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar 😊 Ich werde versuchen, auch den Namen des Brotes in die Zusammenstellung aufzunehmen. Bitte schauen Sie sich die einzelnen Videos an, da diese Untertitel mit Dialogen und dem Namen des Brotes haben 😊

  • @sjsj346
    @sjsj346 Před dnem

    Amazing Working Video Shared ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. Congrats to you

  • @sirleytortola5318
    @sirleytortola5318 Před 2 dny

    Admirável a coordenação e agilidade dos padeiros, tudo parece delicioso. Parabéns.

  • @anthonyg.6635
    @anthonyg.6635 Před 2 dny

    Thanks to the camera person! 🎥It's probably not easy working in those tight spaces. 📹📷😁

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před dnem

      Hello Anthony G. 😃 Thank you for your comment 😊 I'll do my best as a photographer 😊

    • @anthonyg.6635
      @anthonyg.6635 Před 19 hodinami

      Awesome! 😄👍🏼

  • @palrudikoncz6375
    @palrudikoncz6375 Před 2 dny

    Love it.

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před dnem

      Hello Pal Rudi Koncz 😃Thank you for your comment 😊Let's talk again next time ☺️

  • @mycelticstardust
    @mycelticstardust Před 2 dny

    Most amazing video I’ve ever watched!!!❤❤❤

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před dnem

      Hello Marie H 😃 Thank you very much for your wonderful comment 😊 I will continue to introduce many more in the future ☺️

  • @shirleykahn2059
    @shirleykahn2059 Před 2 dny

    It is a week-known fact that the Japanese culture is clean and you exhibit it with the practices of your hygienic bakery; thank you for a delightful video.

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 2 dny

      Hello Shirley Kahn 😃 Thank you for your comment 😊 Clean bakeries make great tasting bread 😀

  • @user-qq2js3bz7z
    @user-qq2js3bz7z Před 2 dny

    Супер ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @nancylauras251
    @nancylauras251 Před 2 dny

    Mas bien,mas bien.

  • @nancylauras251
    @nancylauras251 Před 2 dny


  • @user-rf3sx8sy9x
    @user-rf3sx8sy9x Před 3 dny

    I'm sure is looking better than what having for dinner tonight 😢

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      Hello Elizebeth Ramirez 😃Thank you for your comment 😊

  • @anthonyg.6635
    @anthonyg.6635 Před 3 dny

    Thanks for the videos! God bless Shokusai Bakery Studio, and peace be with you. ❤✝️🙏🏻 From California, 👋🏼😁

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      Hello Anthony G. 😃 Thank you for watching as always 😊 I want to live in California. I'm jealous ☺️

    • @anthonyg.6635
      @anthonyg.6635 Před 3 dny

      Hopefully someday you will 😃 I'd like to visit Japan sometime too 😁

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      @anthonyg.6635 Thank you 😊

    • @anthonyg.6635
      @anthonyg.6635 Před 2 dny

      You're welcome!

  • @Emma-yh3yj
    @Emma-yh3yj Před 3 dny

    Alle gut gemacht 👍👍👍.

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      Hallo Emma 😃 Danke, dass du immer zuschaust 😊

    • @Emma-yh3yj
      @Emma-yh3yj Před 2 dny

      @@shokusaipankoubou Guten Tag geliebtes Japan 👍danke für das leckere Video 👍👍

  • @Spacecatfunnyworld
    @Spacecatfunnyworld Před 3 dny

    すばらしい 👀

  • @sp-mb1qe
    @sp-mb1qe Před 3 dny

    Hello dear .I watched new episodes of your bakery and now I'm so hungry 😂😂.I have a BIG respect for Japanese people, even I have 3 KIMONOS, maybe in past life I was living in Japan 🤣🤣 Continue your incredible job and make people happy. Love and respect from Armenia .❤❤❤

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      Hello s p 😃 Thank you for always watching 😊 Armenia is rich in nature and is very wonderful! Thank you for loving Japan ☺️

  • @user-ux3ge4xd8h
    @user-ux3ge4xd8h Před 3 dny


    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      坂東さん、おはようございます😊 コメントありがとうございます♪ 焼きたてパンを見ていると香りが伝わってきます。とても楽しい撮影でした😀

    • @sp-mb1qe
      @sp-mb1qe Před 3 dny

      I love Japanese people, you are very different from other Asian people and plus I have a BIG reason for that. Will wait for a new episodes. Your Armenian fan 🙏🙏❤❤

    • @user-ux3ge4xd8h
      @user-ux3ge4xd8h Před 3 dny


  • @regianaamorim
    @regianaamorim Před 3 dny

    Quem não gosta de pão? Imaginem pães como esses, lindos, fofos e criativamente deliciosos. Só de ver o preparo, já imaginamos a gostosura!

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      Olá Regiana Amorim 😃 Obrigada pelo seu comentário 😊

  • @user-nz7kh2gm7t
    @user-nz7kh2gm7t Před 3 dny

    Обожаю японских пекарей. Спасибо за русские субтитры.

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      Привет Чёрная мамба 2015 😃 Спасибо за комментарий 😊 Рада, что вам понравилось ☺️

  • @Nadoeloregitsa
    @Nadoeloregitsa Před 3 dny

    9:32 думаете, интересно смотреть, как вы формы в печь сажаете?! Интересно наблюдать, процесс производства такого хлеба от начала до конца

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      Привет Надоелорегица 😃 Спасибо за комментарий 😊 Разкладывать хлеб по формочкам весело 😀

  • @user-kd5oy5vm1n
    @user-kd5oy5vm1n Před 3 dny


    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny


  • @quinnhouk5369
    @quinnhouk5369 Před 3 dny


  • @merciaalvess
    @merciaalvess Před 3 dny

    👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Yummy

  • @jdbrown1964
    @jdbrown1964 Před 3 dny

    I love how the employees cover their hands and mouths, while handling food! Looks so wonderful, i'll take one of everything please!!!!!

  • @anthonyg.6635
    @anthonyg.6635 Před 3 dny

    It all looks so delicious, and reasonably priced (¥150-450/$1-3), per item. Nice! 😀

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 3 dny

      Hello Anthony G. 😃Thank you for your comment 😊The price is cheap!

  • @DaisyVilela
    @DaisyVilela Před 4 dny


    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 4 dny

      Hello Daisy Vilela 😃 Thank you for your comment from Brazil 😊 What kind of bread do you like?

  • @sp-mb1qe
    @sp-mb1qe Před 5 dny

    This is WOW ❤❤❤ L love bread ,I would like to try all of them. I Travel a lot , bot I didn't see such a wonderful BAKERY. Thanks everyone for hard and wonderful job. Love from Armenia. Thanks again for incredible video. God bless all of YOU.🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 4 dny

      Hello sp 😊 Thank you for your comment from Armenia 😊 We will update a new video in 11 hours, so please subscribe to our channel and watch again 😊 Thank you 😀

    • @sp-mb1qe
      @sp-mb1qe Před 4 dny

      @@shokusaipankoubou I did already 👍👍.Thanks for your response. I can't wait to see your magical job.❤❤

  • @istvannekohari7335
    @istvannekohari7335 Před 5 dny

    Ez valami fantasztikus pékség Csodálatos. Életembenn nem hallottam meg dinnyés teás kenyérröl es a többi ilyen különleges erdekessegekröl. Csodálatos péksütemények .Hú sokat szivesen megkostolnám .Bár nagyon kevés evő vagyok de mindenböl probálnék csipni hogy milyen iz világok lehetnek.Gratulálok és sok sikert továbbra is a pékségnek es az ott dolgozóknak❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 5 dny

      Szia Kohári Istvánné 😃 Köszönöm hozzászólásodat 😊 Kérlek nézd meg holnap az új videót.❤️

  • @lfyoung
    @lfyoung Před 5 dny

    I’m curious as to why they cute the edges off the bread. Does a lot of people not like it left on? great work and a beautiful store. I wish we had one here in my city.

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 5 dny

      Hello Mickey 😃 Thank you for your comment 😊 We cut the edges of bread to improve the texture. In Japan, we often cut the edges of bread. We make rusks from the cut edges of bread or give them away for free.

    • @lfyoung
      @lfyoung Před 5 dny

      @@shokusaipankoubou that is really interesting and so cool to give the other part away for free.

  • @ThaisSantos-sf4oq
    @ThaisSantos-sf4oq Před 7 dny

    Estou impressionada com o tamanho dessa Padaria 😍😍👏👏

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 6 dny

      Olá Thais Santos 😃 Obrigada pelo seu comentário 😊 O pão dessa loja é muito grande 😊

  • @anthonyg.6635
    @anthonyg.6635 Před 7 dny

    Love the teamwork! 👍🏼🙂

  • @rahmahyusoff4978
    @rahmahyusoff4978 Před 7 dny

    His assortments are good & appetising . NIce 👍

  • @elietepinto3093
    @elietepinto3093 Před 8 dny


  • @jeancarlorodriguez5031


    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 8 dny

      Hola Jean carlo Rodríguez 😃 Gracias por tu comentario desde México 🇲🇽 😊

  • @barbeltrost7757
    @barbeltrost7757 Před 8 dny

    Wahnsinn was für leckere Sachen da gezaubert werden,ich möchte überall mal abbeißen!😊

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 8 dny

      Hallo Barbel Trost 😃 Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar 😊

  • @marieparrott7944
    @marieparrott7944 Před 8 dny

    Please get a mixer for this recipe…that must take its toll on your arms!! Mixing with that huge whisk…I used to have to mix like that many yrs ago when they didn’t have mixers…😩😩

    • @shokusaipankoubou
      @shokusaipankoubou Před 8 dny

      Hello marie parrott 😃 Thank you for your comment 😊 It's a very tiring task 😣

  • @sweaterweather8789
    @sweaterweather8789 Před 8 dny

    I want to work here! No drama and efficiency is apparent!

  • @sweaterweather8789
    @sweaterweather8789 Před 8 dny

    What gorgeous food 😊

  • @Emma-yh3yj
    @Emma-yh3yj Před 9 dny

    Ich liebe Hefeteig, 👍👍👍.

  • @Emma-yh3yj
    @Emma-yh3yj Před 9 dny

    Gut gemacht Leute, sie arbeiten schnell 👍👍👍