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Venus: Sound Of The Earth's Evil Twin - 4K
Sound you hear in the video was recorded on March 5, 1982, (07:00:10 UTC) east of Phoebe Region by the Soviet probe Venera 14.
The lander functioned for at least 57 minutes (the planned design life was 32 minutes) in an environment with a temperature of 465 °C (869 °F) and a pressure of 94 Earth atmospheres (9.5 MPa).
00:26 - Camera lens cap being ejected off.
The second largest terrestrial planet, Venus is also second one from the Sun and the third brightest object in Earth's sky after the Sun and Moon. It is sometimes referred to as the sister planet to Earth, because of the similarity of their sizes and masses. Named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus is also the closest planet to Earth. Both - Earth and Venus, began life with similar atmospheres, but Venus underwent a ferocious greenhouse effect that left it with a scorching surface temperature of 465C, and an atmosphere that presses down with a force 94 times our own, made up almost entirely of carbon dioxide and practically no water
The surface of Venus is hidden by an opaque layer of clouds which are formed from sulphuric acid.
Even with the most sophisticated protective gear humanity has to offer, you’d be dead within minutes. If you somehow manage to survive the trip to the surface, you would soon be smothered by toxic gases, crushed by the weight of Venus’ atmosphere and incinerated by the searing temperatures so high, they could easily melt lead.
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