梦想厨房Dream Kitchen
梦想厨房Dream Kitchen
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Cold mixed razor clam salad, refreshing and appetizing 凉拌海虹,清爽开胃
The razor clam, also known as "yibei," has a black shell with white flesh inside. When cooked, the flesh turns yellow, and drying it deepens its color, making it even more appetizing! Steamed razor clam is delicious on its own, and locals often use it as an appetizer, pairing it with cucumber or spinach, which is refreshing and appetizing-so tempting! It's particularly nutritious, making it a great addition to the New Year's Eve feast! 海虹又叫“贻贝”,它的外壳是黑色的,里面的肉肉是白色的,煮熟后会变成黄色,晒干以后颜色更深,更有食欲。一般海虹清蒸就很好吃,除此之外,本地人也经常会用它来做下酒菜,搭配黄瓜或菠菜都很棒,清爽开胃,特别有营养,年夜饭给安排上哈 
#food #recipe #seafood #dish #dishes #foodlover #salad #saladrecipe #razor #美食 #吃货 #食谱 #菜谱 #家常菜 #下酒菜 #食谱分享 #海鲜 #海鲜美食#凉菜 #凉拌菜
zhlédnutí: 677


Spicy and sour fern root noodles,Refreshing and appetizing 正宗酸辣蕨根粉,清爽开胃,酸辣够味
zhlédnutí 32Před dnem
Spicy and sour fern root noodles are a traditional specialty snack from Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan. Fresh ferns are harvested from the mountains and pounded with a wooden stick to extract the starch, which is then dried into a powder. The noodles have a chewy texture, and the dark fern root powder is sprinkled with bright red millet peppers, adding a vibrant touch to the dish. Additionally, fern roo...
Stewed tofu with oysters, tender and smooth, rich in nutrients
zhlédnutí 23Před 14 dny
Oyster and Tofu Soup is a high-protein nutritious soup. Today, I used wild oysters, which may be small but are incredibly flavorful. Paired with Laoshan specialty seaweed tofu, it's fresh, smooth, and tender, without any fishy or greasy taste. It's simply delicious! 海蛎子豆腐汤是一款高蛋白营养汤,今天我用的是野生海蛎子,别看它的肉很小,但是特别鲜美,再配上崂山特产的海水豆腐,鲜香滑嫩,不腥不腻,别提多鲜美啦 #food #foodlover #dish #dishes #recipe #seafood #oysters ...
Rice steamer cake, soft,sweet and glutinous 学做陕西甑糕,枣香浓郁,软糯香甜
zhlédnutí 200Před 21 dnem
A few years ago, I saw this Shaanxi specialty snack called "zeng gao" on a TV show. First, I bought a few boxes online and found it to be particularly great. It's a bit like zongzi and somewhat like eight treasure rice pudding, with a rich jujube flavor and a soft, sweet, and glutinous texture. Later, I tried making it myself and found it quite good. I put more filling in it myself, making it e...
A fragrant eggplant cake, simple and easy to make 香喷喷的茄子饼,厨艺小白也能做
zhlédnutí 39Před měsícem
Many fans reported that the fried eggplant box recommended last time was too complicated. Today, let's make a Kwai eggplant pie. The stuffing I made is the most basic. You can add carrots, scallions and other ingredients according to your own preferences. It's extremely simple, but it's the most nutritious. Come and try it 上次推荐的炸茄盒,有很多粉丝反映太复杂了,那么,今天就教大家做一道快手茄子饼吧,我做的馅料是最基础的,你可以根据自己的喜欢再添加胡萝卜、葱花等配...
Spicy chicken shreds,suitable for weight loss 用鸡胸肉做麻辣鸡丝,香辣可口,减肥首选
zhlédnutí 8Před měsícem
Every weight loss and fitness enthusiast is very distressed, eating chicken breasts every day is almost vomiting. Actually, you can use several different methods to make it. For example, this spicy chicken shred is great. Personally, I really like it. A large plate is quickly consumed, and it's also very fast to make 每一个减肥健身的人都很苦恼,天天吃鸡胸肉快吃吐了。其实你可以多换几种制作方法,像是这种麻辣鸡丝就很棒,我个人特别喜欢吃,一大盘子很快就吃光了,做起来也特别快...
Fried eggplant box, crispy outside and tender inside 金黄诱人的炸茄盒,外酥里嫩
zhlédnutí 44Před měsícem
When I was young, there was a tradition in my hometown. On the 28th of December every year, it was a day to make fried food. On this day, every family would fry a lot of pasta, Dim sum, fish, meat and meatballs. Of course, delicious, nutritious and delicious fried eggplant boxes, crisp and tender eggplant boxes, often crushing other dishes, became the favorite of the whole family at the dinner ...
Pork skin jelly is made in this way, crystal clear, and bouncing vigorously 猪皮冻这样做,晶莹剔透,Q弹劲道
zhlédnutí 338Před měsícem
Making a pot of pork skin jelly for the New Year is a traditional Chinese practice. However, the methods vary greatly across different regions. Today, I will teach you how to make a special version of pork skin jelly with Shandong cuisine characteristics. It is not only crystal clear and chewy but also exceptionally effective at removing any unpleasant odors. This recipe stands out among pork s...
Cranberry scones, easy to make, crispy and delicious 零失败甜品,蔓越莓司康,香酥可口
zhlédnutí 20Před měsícem
These cranberry scones are perfect for baking beginners and make a delightful treat for an English afternoon tea. The recipe is simple and foolproof, taking less than an hour from start to finish. Enjoy them with a few friends on a New Year's afternoon, and you'll have a wonderful time together 这是适合烘焙小白的一款英式下午茶饼干,配方简单,零失败,全程用不到一个小时,元旦的下午,约三两好友一起相聚,别提多开心了 #recipe #cake #dessert #food #baking #ch...
Fried radish balls like this, crispy on the outside and tender inside 萝卜丸子这样炸,外酥里嫩太香了
zhlédnutí 20Před 2 měsíci
Radish balls are an authentic dish from Shandong cuisine. Every Chinese New Year, my mom would fry various types of balls. Besides meatballs, radish balls represent the vegetarian option. However, frying radish balls requires some skill. Today, I'll share with you our family's recipe. Once you learn it, you'll be able to showcase your cooking skills during the upcoming New Year celebration. 萝卜丸...
Pan-fried dried fish is even more delicious than steamed 晒好的鱼干煎着吃,比清蒸还美味
zhlédnutí 100Před 2 měsíci
Dear friend, do you remember the fish we dried? After several days of sun-drying, the fish is finally ready! Today, let's enjoy this delicacy together! We'll use it to make an irresistible dish of pan-fried dried fish. It's a hundred times more delicious than steaming, getting more flavorful with each bite. What a treat! 亲,还记得我们晒过的鱼干吗?经过数日的晾晒,鱼干终于晒好了!今天,让我们一起来享受这道人间美味!用它来制作一道诱人的香煎鱼干,比清蒸的好吃一百倍,越...
Ancient-style smoked spanish mackerel,crispy on the outside and tender on the inside 古法熏鲅鱼,茶香味美,外酥里嫩
zhlédnutí 65Před 2 měsíci
The spanish mackerel, also known as ballyhoo, is a traditional delicacy particularly popular during the Chinese New Year. Every household prepares plenty of smoked spanish mackerel, which is served as a preserved dish when guests visit. Today, I'll teach you how to make the most authentic tea-spanish mackerel. The flavor is authentic, with a crispy exterior and tender interior. You won't be abl...
Spinach mixed with Scapharca subcrenata, delicious and appetizing 菠菜拌毛蛤蜊,鲜美又开胃
zhlédnutí 72Před 2 měsíci
This is a very classic seafood cold dish, with a cost of only 11 yuan. The taste of Scapharca subcrenata is very delicious and nutritious. I usually like to mix them with spinach for a refreshing and nutritious salad. The method is simple, especially refreshing, and packed with nutrients. It's perfect as a side dish with drinks, and you can't get enough of it! 这是一道非常经典的海鲜凉拌菜,成本才11元。毛蛤蜊的味道非常鲜美,营...
Chestnut Braised Chicken, Rich in Nutrition, Super Appetizing 板栗烧鸡,营养丰富,超级下饭
zhlédnutí 59Před 3 měsíci
Longing for it for a long time, finally had time to make this delicious chestnut braised chicken. This is a home-cooked method, not too complicated, with a little trick to peel chestnuts in advance. Once learned, super appetizing, can't get enough of it. 魂牵梦萦好久了,终于有时间做这道好吃的板栗烧鸡了。这是家常做法,步骤不是太麻烦,前面有剥栗子小妙招,一学就会哦。总之,超级下饭,吃不够 #food #dish #dishes #recipe #foodlover #chicken #chestnut #chestnuts #美食 #...
Egg pancake with cucumber salad, crispy and refreshing 鸡蛋饼和黄瓜凉丝拌,清脆爽口太开胃
zhlédnutí 38Před 3 měsíci
Are you still making scrambled eggs with cucumber? That's so old-fashioned! Come and learn how to make cucumber with scrambled eggs with me. With simple ingredients and easy steps, you can make a refreshing and delicious cold dish that is not greasy and very appetizing. 你还在做黄瓜炒鸡蛋吗?太老土了吧!快来跟我学做鸡蛋拌黄瓜,简简单单的食材,轻松几步,就可以制作清脆爽口、好吃不腻的凉拌菜,吃起来实在太开胃了! #food #dish #dishes #recipe #foodlover #salad #cucumbe...
Homemade Chips Ahoy,the chocolate flavor is really delicious 自制趣多多饼干,巧克力味道真香啊
zhlédnutí 37Před 3 měsíci
Homemade Chips Ahoy,the chocolate flavor is really delicious 自制趣多多饼干,巧克力味道真香啊
A coastal favorite, scallion mixed with cuttlefish 海边人的最爱,大葱拌墨鱼,鲜美脆爽
zhlédnutí 4Před 3 měsíci
A coastal favorite, scallion mixed with cuttlefish 海边人的最爱,大葱拌墨鱼,鲜美脆爽
Sun-dried fish, enjoying the deliciousness 晒个鱼干,享受人间美味
zhlédnutí 59Před 4 měsíci
Sun-dried fish, enjoying the deliciousness 晒个鱼干,享受人间美味
Okra and sweet potatoes grown by myself 自己种的秋葵和地瓜,做什么都是美味
zhlédnutí 13Před 4 měsíci
Okra and sweet potatoes grown by myself 自己种的秋葵和地瓜,做什么都是美味
Broccoli stir-fried with eggs, tomatoes, and black fungus is really delicious 西兰花加鸡蛋、西红杮和木耳,炒起来真香
zhlédnutí 64Před 4 měsíci
Broccoli stir-fried with eggs, tomatoes, and black fungus is really delicious 西兰花加鸡蛋、西红杮和木耳,炒起来真香
Braised Monkfish, although ugly, has boneless and delicious meat 红烧蛤蟆鱼,虽然丑陋,但无刺肉美
zhlédnutí 32Před 4 měsíci
Braised Monkfish, although ugly, has boneless and delicious meat 红烧蛤蟆鱼,虽然丑陋,但无刺肉美
Stir-fried Spicy Snails, with tender and succulent meat 家常版酱爆螺狮,肉质肥美,营养丰富
zhlédnutí 48Před 5 měsíci
Stir-fried Spicy Snails, with tender and succulent meat 家常版酱爆螺狮,肉质肥美,营养丰富
Cumin Chicken Breast for weight loss,more fragrant than barbecue 减肥必吃的孜然鸡胸肉,比烧烤还香
zhlédnutí 149Před 5 měsíci
Cumin Chicken Breast for weight loss,more fragrant than barbecue 减肥必吃的孜然鸡胸肉,比烧烤还香
The favorite snack for men, crispy five-spice peanuts 男人最爱的下酒菜,五香花生嘎嘣脆
zhlédnutí 65Před 5 měsíci
The favorite snack for men, crispy five-spice peanuts 男人最爱的下酒菜,五香花生嘎嘣脆
A must-have cold dish for breakfast, ready in just 3 minutes 早餐必备小凉菜,3分钟就能搞定
zhlédnutí 90Před 5 měsíci
A must-have cold dish for breakfast, ready in just 3 minutes 早餐必备小凉菜,3分钟就能搞定
Home-style Braised Pork Belly, rich in flavor without being greasy 红烧肉家常做法,软糯入味、肥而不腻
zhlédnutí 124Před 6 měsíci
Home-style Braised Pork Belly, rich in flavor without being greasy 红烧肉家常做法,软糯入味、肥而不腻
Chilled mung bean sprouts salad - refreshing and appetizing 绿豆芽简单拌一拌,清爽开胃
zhlédnutí 23Před 6 měsíci
Chilled mung bean sprouts salad - refreshing and appetizing 绿豆芽简单拌一拌,清爽开胃
Crunchy baked sweet potato chips, easy to make and learn 酥脆香甜的烤红薯片,零厨艺也能学会
zhlédnutí 54Před 6 měsíci
Crunchy baked sweet potato chips, easy to make and learn 酥脆香甜的烤红薯片,零厨艺也能学会
Homemade instant noodles bursting with delightful crunch and fragrance 在家自制干脆面,咬一口喷香酥脆
zhlédnutí 50Před 6 měsíci
Homemade instant noodles bursting with delightful crunch and fragrance 在家自制干脆面,咬一口喷香酥脆
Garlic-infused chicken wings, oil-free, low-fat, with barbecue flavor 蒜香鸡翅,无油低脂,还有烧烤味
zhlédnutí 60Před 7 měsíci
Garlic-infused chicken wings, oil-free, low-fat, with barbecue flavor 蒜香鸡翅,无油低脂,还有烧烤味


  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 4 dny

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 4 dny

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 19 dny

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 19 dny

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před měsícem

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @bitmon7190
    @bitmon7190 Před měsícem

    you re the best!😀

    • @dreamkitchen4988
      @dreamkitchen4988 Před měsícem

      Thank you for your recognition and encouragement🥰🥰

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před měsícem

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před měsícem

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před měsícem

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před měsícem

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 2 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 2 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 2 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 3 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 3 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 3 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 3 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 4 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 4 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 4 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 5 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 5 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 5 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 6 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 6 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 6 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗

  • @dreamkitchen4988
    @dreamkitchen4988 Před 7 měsíci

    Hello! I'm a food blogger😋, and my dream is to be an epicurean explorer-never content with just good food and drink, but also skilled in cooking the world's delicacies. I'll be sharing periodic food videos, so make sure to follow me! Join me on this flavorful journey🤗! Hello!我是一个美食博主,我的梦想是--做一个伟大的吃货😋,决不安分于吃好喝好,还要会烹煮天下美食,我会不定期更新美食视频 ,快快关注我哦!🤗