Ancient Israel: Judah Alone

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
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Komentáře • 180

  • @lavacampproductions3756
    @lavacampproductions3756 Před 4 lety +73

    U folks do realize that "Ashkenaz" today are named for their patriarch, "Ashkenaz"...who was the son of Gomer...who was the son of Yapeth (Japheth)...since we're talking scripture, right? Torah? History? How can they be "the remnant" of Shem, as u say they claim, if they are clearly the sons of Yaphet? That makes absoLUTEly no sense...none of the curses laid forth in Ha'Briyt (The Covenant) fit them...NONE of them...I can walk into your house, take your wife by force, take your children by force, rape u, kill u, or both, and take your belongings, along with your name, as my own all I want...doesn't make it the truth...the migration of Judah from Israel to Africa to the Americas is the history of ONE NATION and ONE NATION ALONE...and it is NOT the children of Ashkenaz...I love how folks suddenly start asking why does it matter if The Most High is black or white as soon as His "whiteness" is questioned lol...if it didn't matter, then instead of saying that it doesn't matter, u wouldn't hesitate to confirm and celebrate along with us...yeah, acha, it matters plenty...bc it's PROPHECY that, BECAUSE of breaking The Covenant, that HIS Chosen would forget who they are, be taken into slavery, but would rise again, INTO the knowledge of their BIRTHRIGHT...into the knowledge THAT THE MOST HIGH MADE HA'BRIYT WITH ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE! NATION! That we would remember our promise, and remember our importance, and remember that WE ARE NOT the garbage that we've been told we are for 400 years...check this out...and before I say it, I'm sorry if u hate it...Salvation came to all, bc of Israel...WE are the Children of matters...the geneologies were placed in Ha'Torah for that very reason...that we would one day be able to remember The Covenant...can't remember something that u don't even know is yours...THIS is why it was hidden...and I know that may hurt the closet racists' feelings...but the truth hurts...we are fullfilling prophecy as we speak...we are returning to OUR Torah...praise The Most High Yahuah...appreciate Ha'Mashayach Yahusha for the sacrifice He made for ALL our sakes...thank Ruach Ha'Qodesh for interceding on ALL our behalf...Shalom

    • @MalikShabazz00
      @MalikShabazz00 Před 4 lety +16

      His color matters because if the world knew the most high was black, we probably wouldn’t have suffered the atrocities we’ve had to bear.

    • @lolasobande8663
      @lolasobande8663 Před 4 lety +2

      @@MalikShabazz00 God is SPIRIT; He TRANSCENDS colour.

    • @lolasobande8663
      @lolasobande8663 Před 4 lety +2

      Ashkenazi Jews are so called because they lived in Ashkenaz as Mizrahi Jews are so-called for living in Egypt (Mizraim) as Sephardi Jews are so called for living in d Mediterranean.

    • @MalikShabazz00
      @MalikShabazz00 Před 4 lety +4

      @@lolasobande8663 according to the bible, he walked, talked, and was jealous, does that sound like a spirit. Look up return of the black Gods

    • @lolasobande8663
      @lolasobande8663 Před 4 lety +2

      @@MalikShabazz00 Not a spirit; SPIRIT, TRANSCENDENT. A lot of that is anthropomorphic description. A few occasion God manifest as human like when He appeared to Manoah and Abraham. But in Jesus, He incarnated.

  • @mariyahisrael5508
    @mariyahisrael5508 Před 5 lety +41

    REJOICE Children of The Book!
    Sing Halleluyah Children of Israelites!
    Cry out in Joy Judah! Judah have always been BLACK!
    Today marks the end of our affliction! *Genesis **15:13**-15! #1619-#2019*

    • @timothymeek24
      @timothymeek24 Před 5 lety +5

      Listen heed these words, One Lord One God One Spirit....
      Neither Man or Woman are two... Both has Spirit of God two are one...
      Israel, africa , asians, white or Black neither of these are true God..
      ONE SPIRIT...

    • @daughterofzion9017
      @daughterofzion9017 Před 4 lety

      Eric Jefferson 😂👏🏽👏🏽

    • @lavacampproductions3756
      @lavacampproductions3756 Před 4 lety +4

      LIONLEO Remnant Romans 11:11, KJV: "I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy." There u go...yes, salvation was opened to all, eventually...but salvation CAME bc of Israel...ALL were NOT made in His Image and Likeness...tha's the whole first point...and the next point is the question of WHY the LIE to cover up WHO His Qadash People, His Holy People, His Set-Apart People WERE, to begin with, and ARE, not accept the physical being and manifestation of The Messiah, along with His Message, is to reject who He is. And that, Acha'ya, is beyond racist. Shalom

    • @arayahbanyasharalah4234
      @arayahbanyasharalah4234 Před 4 lety +12

      @@timothymeek24 lolll you sound but hurt that black people are God's chosen Race aja israelites.. boy o boy white supremacy really gat y'all fuckd up lol

    • @cesar5478
      @cesar5478 Před 3 lety +4

      @@timothymeek24 the gig is up!

  • @MissyB-M
    @MissyB-M Před rokem +3

    There's four types of the Chosen Ones!
    1. Those who know they are the Chosen Ones! 😇
    2. Those who believe they are the Chosen Ones. 😥
    3. Those who think they are the Chosen Ones! 🤔
    4. Those who know they are not the Chosen Ones 👿...👍

  • @kee_b
    @kee_b Před rokem +12

    No one should waste their positive energy trying to convince the doubters or anyone else of their identity. As spoken by the prophets, the Israelites are remembering the name Yahuwah, their Elohim. Our ONLY duty is to honor the rules and laws of the Covenant. The world stays far away from the Book of Revelation, but it's already written, the true Israelites will NOT return to Israel until the 2nd coming of the Messiah. Then and only then will there be peace in Israel.

    • @henrybaker3320
      @henrybaker3320 Před rokem

      Ok people,

    • @henrybaker3320
      @henrybaker3320 Před rokem


    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před rokem

      🤣😂🤣😂 I just wrote down something completely different.
      "The true Jews". The true Jews are the descendants of the people of the Kingdom of Judah. That's what the term "Jew" means. It doesn't mean of the tribe of Judah and it doesn't mean of the religion of the Kingdom of Judah, Judaism. The term "Jew" literally derives from Iudeaus, which is latin for Yehudim. Yehudim, the people of the KINGDOM of Judah, who are descended from ALL 12 tribes of Israel. By the time Romans arrived there was no sub-tribal affiliation aside from Levi. The tribes were "lost" meaning absorbed into the Kingdom. Not exiled and scattered. The idea that tribe were exiled and scattered is a Christian misunderstanding that has unfortunately spread to some Jews. Never the less, no entire tribes were exiled and scattered.
      Anyway, "it is written" bwuahahaha so some jackwad a few thousand years ago writes something down and you think that matters?
      Yea the true Jews are the descendants of the people of the Kingdom of Judah. Definitively. "Revelation" is an esoteric PAGAN influenced work by John the Greek.
      And Christians don't even understand Revelation.
      It's not suggesting at all what most Christians believe. It is not suggesting to rush the "end times" it's actually describing the complete opposite. It's saying DON"T wait for one of the horseman or the cataclysm to scare you into finding God. it's actually describing an esoteric path to inner peace in life. THAT is what the symbolism is. Taken directly from Greek and Egyptian mystery school teachings.
      I swear, Christians don't even realize their religion is the IMPERIAL religion of Rome, created by Rome based on corruption of Judean bible and corruption of Yeshua sect teachings. Which is why Constantine had 90% of the Yeshua sect texts destroyed. If it wasn't for the Essenes and dead Sea scrolls, we wouldn't even know about half of them. And he didn't even USE Yeshua's actual teachings, they used the corrupted theology of Saul of Tarsus who directly went against Yeshuas teachings, which is what the fight be tween Saul and Jacob was about. YEs Yeshuas brother's name is Jacob, or Yacov really. Not "James". The silly KJV changed his name to "James" to honor the pale pasty red head King James who commissioned the work to put power in the hands of the British monarchy instead of the Vatican.
      ALL Christian bibles are purely political works. Colonial enterprise. Christianity was crafted in a very specific way, as was the Christian bible, to conquer, colonize and absorb the pagan and monotheistic people of Europe and the Mediterranean. That is literally the purpose behind its creation.
      Revelation lol. You think Revelation is telling you about the destruction of the world. No. That's a minor element. And it's literally stating, don't worry about that. Only "God" knows when the world ends, and only when the world ends will ALL humanity turn towards God. But literally, DON"T wait for that to happen or the horsemen will get you while you are waiting. Which is why those that face the horsemen will find "God" before others.
      I swear. You folks have some of the absolute worst, most outlandish exegesis ever.
      Your only duty is to reality. Not your death cult. Stop turning Revelation into something it isn't

    • @kee_b
      @kee_b Před rokem +2

      @Jesse Reichbach I actually agree with you on the basis of Christianity and its origins. Your supposition on my thoughts and beliefs on Revelation are off base though. Whether you believe it or not, it is coming. But you are correct, NO man knows when.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před rokem +1

      @@kee_b The end is always coming. Thats the entire point of Revelation.
      It has nothing to do with "true Israelites" or "true Jews".
      It is just a work of the esoteric ramblings of the very old, and very sick John the Greek. Who literally took the symbolic "journey" from Greek and Egyptian mystery schools, and juxtaposed Hebraic imagery on top of it.
      "It's" ALWAYS coming. That's the entire point.
      But it has nothing to do with true Israelties or Jews.
      That's where the Roman bias comes in.

  • @maureenoconnor4430
    @maureenoconnor4430 Před 7 lety +4

    Great service to those of us who did not have the chance to study the great BOOK

  • @levitar.gillispie6881
    @levitar.gillispie6881 Před 3 lety +28

    U dont know nothing til u admit who we are. U have taught lies and stolen our history for urself our Father is here for his vengeance. Take care of the lies u tell. We know who we are..The bible was never for u . Its our history of our life. U have prevert ed. Yah will make. U pay. Shalom

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před 2 lety +1

      Says the cheetoh fiend spouting nothing but lies..... haha projection is a motha. You're really good at it though. Thanks for telling us your story, your lies.

  • @denisecoleman5090
    @denisecoleman5090 Před 2 lety +5

    Why do people have a issue with Judah being black , That why they changed Africa which was first called Negro Land into the Middle East very crafty uf I may say

    • @beloved3244
      @beloved3244 Před 2 lety +1


    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před 2 lety +1

      No one cares if Judah had dark superficial tone. That doesn't make him "black". We don't call Bangladeshis or Indians "black", they are South Asian. It's no different for Arabs or Yemenites. Doesn't matter how dark they are, they are still Western Asians, not "black". Plus, he almost certainly looked like other Western Asiatic peoples of the Mediterranean. Like the Hyksos or Asiatics are depicted in Egyptian art. So moderate or intermediate tones. It's not the tone that matters though. it's the heritage and ancestry. Which has nothing to do with African Americans. Plus, those are names 'Negro land". There is no such thing. You are basing all your silly ideas on 16th century pseudo-science and then blaming that very same 16th century pseudo-science for covering up all the ideas that they created. It makes zero sense. There is no such "race" as "Caucasoid" or "Mongoloid" or any oid. None of those represent any "race". Neither do the tones of "white" and "black". Two tones human beings do not come in. The issue is, all humans are people of color and come in a wide range of tones. No population comes in a single tone. Thus Western Asiatics, like the Canaanites and Israelites, would have been a fairly diverse population with a broad range of superficial tone. Similarly, not all people from Africa are related or one group. Africa is just the loose term for a social construct called a continent. It doesn't determine populations and gene pools. It doesn't limit them either. You are basing all your arguments on silly naming conventions, not reality.

    • @ried1284
      @ried1284 Před 2 lety

      Hello! I guess I'm missing where he explains what they looked like. Please help! 🙂

    • @magrethnyange9723
      @magrethnyange9723 Před rokem

      indeed. tell him to use the oldest map before the scramble of Africa. Thus why they changed the map and names of cities. I can not believe this.

    • @magrethnyange9723
      @magrethnyange9723 Před rokem

      Liers will never Inherit the Kingdom of God

  • @jamesgordon8867
    @jamesgordon8867 Před rokem

    At least he will admit what God gave us is a historical book. When medicine sees man as one created, medical diagnosis would completely change & we would all be better off.

  • @dalidalii9871
    @dalidalii9871 Před rokem +1

    Don't be mistaken even if I can found out I m Israelites south africa is my birth place I ill be Israelite in heart but you must know once this people pray and do the rite all those who remove them he ill squash them just accept he love Jews when you punish your son you don't hate him instead you want him to do the rite soil is nothing what counts is love of God on which will never stop until hallelujah don't you see you didn't rest the day you took that soil both Palestinians and you khazars from east Europe converted yourselves to Judaism what happened to Palestinians is what they did to Judah don't you see that means if you don't move out you gonna kill each other until no one left each everyday pass by without us he feel loneliness your prays won't make him feel his power and happiness do you know the were people who were worship God the way he want but it didn't count on him what your parents do to your family by choose one child they love as if others they don't exist whereas he is not doing any good than others it's a message with those compete with his sons you also doing the same is not in your control but your heart accept it keep that land but you can't keep father what ever he is saying on that bible is for his children not for next door children wasting your time it's us who must tell you about our father bcz he communicate through sound of many waters on which you don't have even animals can hear the voice but you not born with it thats why not chosen tribe it's deep than you thought read rev 1:14-15 how Jesus look like (isus) and also read bible Jeremiah 14:2 how Judah look like 2nd Jesus was not Jew but judian or Judah I know you are not gonna comeback both black it's bible not me read to know you r not Judah how it happen what Jesus say voice with many waters obvious you will generalize it it's very important and powerful that proves he was sent by father only chosen can can master this

    • @christofferraby4712
      @christofferraby4712 Před rokem

      60 percent of Israeli Jews are not Ashkenazim.
      60 percent if not higher are Mizrahim/Sephardim (middle Eastern/Mediterranean/North and East African Jews/Israelis)

    • @clarenceperry5879
      @clarenceperry5879 Před rokem

      @@christofferraby4712 No stop your lying 70 to 80percent are Ashkenazi Jews in Israel don’t bring those lies to this we speaking truth wanna lie post somewhere else.

    • @clarenceperry5879
      @clarenceperry5879 Před rokem

      @@christofferraby4712 They are converts that don’t fit prophecy.

  • @magrethnyange9723
    @magrethnyange9723 Před rokem

    Use the oldest map before the scramble of Africa. It will never make sense that way.

  • @dalidalii9871
    @dalidalii9871 Před 2 lety +2

    We don't care which country but we need our heritage like everybody by me I wish not Israel like everybody in tha world desperate Israel more than desperate for our God and for our heritage

    • @HRHisokthx
      @HRHisokthx Před rokem


    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před rokem +1

      Reconnecting with one's actual ancestors and heritage is very important. A true identity is important.
      But there is a difference between reconnecting with one's actual heritage and then adopting the narrative of someone else. Unfortunately the latter occurs too frequently.
      But I wholeheartedly agree with you. It is time for certain communities to reconnect with their ancestors and heritage, their actual ancestors and heritage. And there is no reason that can not be combined with the faith of Judaism.
      One can still maintain their ancestral ties and convert to Judaism and join the nation of Judah. Which is what "Jews" are. A nation. The people descended from the Kingdom of Judah specifically, not just those who practice Judaism, which is the religion of the Kingdom of Judah.
      And in order to join that nation, one only needs to convert. Then when they marry or have children with a Jew, their children become descended from Israelites. That is how it works now and how it has always worked. And they will accept anyone who genuingely wants to become part of the nation of Judah.
      Look up Nissim Black when you get the chance . On YT. You might appreciate his story. Also on YT, the House of Lev. Both should be easy enough to find.

  • @wilhomatthewsmatthews8990

    Read Yovheliym/Jubilees 10:8 and Mattithyahu/Mat.23:33. After that, watch here on CZcams a video by Benayah Israel titled, 100 Proof Judah's DNA. Then finally, watch here on CZcams a video by Danny Vendramini titled, Neanderthal, profile of a super predator. These references are proofs as to who is a human and who is a hybrid and therefore who is a Hebrew Israelite and who is the synagogue of Satan. Some people like saying that even if you are not a descendant of Jacob, you are a Jew by conversion. Those with some genes from non-human entities cannot possibly be grafted into Israel, not with some of their genes from especially the serpent and the fallen angels. Today they have made themselves the experts of our culture given to us by Our Heavenly Father Yahuah The Most High Elohim of Israel, the Elohim of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the form of the Torah. The offspring of the serpent, the offspring of the fallen angels, the offspring of the Neanderthal apes have appointed themselves as the custodians of our history, painting our forefathers white and claiming them to be their ancestors. Their father Mastema a.k.a Satan the devil, helped them establish especially the diabolic religions of Christianity and Judaism, organizations that hold our Scriptures in one hand while in the other hand they are preaching the Satanic doctrines of the Trinity, the celebration of Christmas and Easter, homosexuality and bestiality, the eating of swine and other unclean foods, the worshipping of the depiction of Cesare Borgia the homosexual son of a pope, the depiction they worship on Sunday. They encourage especially the Hebrew Israelites (Negroes and Bantus) to break the Commandment of keeping the Sabbath day holy. Their actions are designed to mislead the Hebrew Israelites. They are daily masquerading themselves as humans when they are HYBRIDS. Wake up ZION. Shalom.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před 2 lety +1

      hahahaha what? You realize pretty much ALL modern humans have Neanderthal ancestry right? East Asians/Australasians have the most, Eurasians like Europeans and Midde Eastern people and North Africans have moderate %, and sub-Saharan Africans have the lowest, but they still have Neanderthal ancestry. And you are basing this on a video you watched on yt? Something extremely wrong with your gray matter. Seek help. Seriously. From a professional. how has your family not brought you to a psychiatric ward yet? Open a book, it will serve you better than watching some absurd Yt video based on nonsense.

  • @j.d9124
    @j.d9124 Před rokem +1

    Jerusalem fell in 70 AD to the Romans

  • @dalidalii9871
    @dalidalii9871 Před 2 lety

    Without base on bible or what people would say just wish xhosas to do what they use to do they try to go to mountain call Jesus as they use to call YHWH knowing it will rain but now not raining instead opposite what we r missing who r xhosa knowing bantu come from Congo but before Congo nobody knows even people around they don't know this people but they don't belong in those countries then from Europe?

  • @dalidalii9871
    @dalidalii9871 Před rokem

    Bible is body of Judah on which can't help you to destroy Judah image all those who are denial the fact Judah was black those are khazars let's ask father's bible is that true? Rev 14] His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
    [15] And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.2 Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are ablack unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.

  • @sindhum2666
    @sindhum2666 Před 3 lety +3

    I am judah

  • @COOful3
    @COOful3 Před 2 lety +1

    The Ten tribes of Israel by Timothy R Jenkins. Get that! And yes the tribes were melanated not Black rather many shades of brown.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před 2 lety +1

      All humans are "melanated" except those with actual albinism. So Europeans are "melanated" also. All humans are people of color. And that book is nonsense. It's cult fiction.

    • @oliviamonteque6407
      @oliviamonteque6407 Před rokem

      I give up! Something not riggt with your on top! Black people come in many colours or hues if you don't know that by now. Get thee behind Satan.

    • @insomniaslaying7984
      @insomniaslaying7984 Před rokem +3

      Black people aren't black... they are many shades brown 🙃

  • @warrenlaidlaw6414
    @warrenlaidlaw6414 Před 2 lety

    Can u explain the genealogy of Noah's sons in genisis so who are the hebrews

    • @warrenlaidlaw6414
      @warrenlaidlaw6414 Před 2 lety

      Please explain the book of revelations where it says Israel and Judah will go into slavery togather at the same time

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před 2 lety +1

      You mean the mythological genealogy of the bible? That genealogy that the bible contradicts itself giving two different accounts? The Hebrew bible isn't meant to be taken literally. Not most of it.

    • @oliviamonteque6407
      @oliviamonteque6407 Před rokem +1

      Many are Hebrews, but Judah and Jacob is a different story. Research for yourself, look and you will definitely find sooner or later!

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před rokem

      :Jew" the term, means the people of the Kingdom of Judah, not the tribe nor the religion of hte Kingdom, Judaism. Which is just the Judean Hebraic practices. The Samaritan practices were different. Both are Israelites, both are Hebrews.
      Israelites are hte people formed in the Bronze Age Levant, around 1300 BCE. Whether they were actually the 12 sons of Jacob or just 12 disparate tribes, we can't say. But what we do know is that not all Israelites were descended from Jacob paternally. That is mythology.
      Noah's sons are symbolic characters. They didn't exist. 65% of the worlds populations are not mentioned in the text because the Israelites had no idea they existed.
      The Torah didn't come together until like the 7th century BCE. The people all over the region used those stories in different forms.
      There is no possible way that all modern humans are descended from 3 siblings of one man. It's just not possible.

  • @captainbossman1016
    @captainbossman1016 Před 3 lety +1

    But where's Palestine?
    Oh wait...

  • @dalidalii9871
    @dalidalii9871 Před 2 lety +2

    Plz I think Israel need this history it ill help them to know the 12 lost tribe you r the best than anybody in this world plz save people of the world from themselves lost and confused about their identity even Israel don't use the information you have to look for the lost bcz they need to know themselves 1st after look for the tribe who have 100% Judah DNA not them bcz Judah didn't have kings that means people who were kings (Syria) came with their own thing to Judah for the reason to rule them.ruling was Syrian culture same as bantu people their history didn't have kings but God rule and advance technology to build African Empire but Africans don't know this people heritage even them were not told by their forefathers end up adapt African culture

    • @yourworstnightmareiscathoc7015
      @yourworstnightmareiscathoc7015 Před rokem

      Your History is Here, Judah, Udah, UTAH.

    • @henrybaker3320
      @henrybaker3320 Před rokem

      Some serious historical unknowing above. People from Black Africa go to America long before 1492. Columbus never came to America at all. Dude got lost and had he not had sense enough to listen to the Moorish Captain of one the 3 ships traveling with Columbus, there would have been a mutiny that would have found Columbus dead for causing the ships to get stuck not near any land masses.
      This Black Capitan had been here before and he was a superior navigator to Columbus. After all , did not Columbus leave Europe in search on the fabled “ West Indies”?
      Seem the Great Explorer forgot to SAIL WESTWARD INDIA!!! Instead 180 degrees in the wrong direction for months!!!! How smart was that??🙋‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @henrybaker3320
      @henrybaker3320 Před rokem

      Some serious blindness in above “correction”: Syria had no Kings in Africa before Holy Land existed! Advanced Civilazations in Africa were led by very Black Africans for nearly 5,000 years! The to educational Centers of the world were in Timbuktu ( aka University of The West-eventually captured by the barbarian: Alexander the Great-a forefather of Governor DeSantis{ Florida book torcher🤮🤑😵‍💫😵😮‍💨😴🤐}.
      The second Place of Great knowledge was called Kemet( also victim of name theft by Europeans-aka Egypt).
      All educated Greeks studied at one or both of these Universities, unfortunately the time required to complete studies was20-24 years! Aristotle, Pythagorus, Socrates, Hypocrites did not Graduate. Alexander came to steal the books from these very great repositories but when realized that he and the above students could not absorb such a huge library they did what all academic failures do even today: they destroy books, effective learning practices and rule by ape-like brutality to drive learners away from educational practices.
      One can be ticketed to notice how slave owners have would bid higher for skilled farm slaves and murder any who wanted to: learn!

    • @Ntuthu-ZA
      @Ntuthu-ZA Před rokem

      Good comment, but hard to read because there are no commas and no periods.😢

  • @yourworstnightmareiscathoc7015

    You're Exposed. Judah, Udah, Utah.

  • @steveebling8480
    @steveebling8480 Před 2 lety

    Been watching for ten minutes. I've learned there are both Assyrian and Biblical stories of Assyria destroying Israel. I think this guy may have some valuable information. i wish he could have presented it coherently. Too painful to listen, as is.

    • @HRHisokthx
      @HRHisokthx Před rokem

      All of European history is actually the history of the Lost Tribes of Jacob aka Africa Americans and Jamaicans. All European and American history. Sure the bible changed a lot but if you have discernment you can see through the lies. Believe me, God is real and
      He proved it when He revealed African Americans' true identity. The British Royals and the Royalty and Nobility of Europe aka Iberia. Moor enslaved African Americans and gave our identity to white people. And we are being restored to who we rightfully are. It's that time. So who cares what you think.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před rokem +1

      Assyria destroyed northern Israel and only took the elite and wealthy into captivity. Everyone else either fled to Judah and became Judeans or stayed in Samaria, becoming todays SAmaritans.
      The "lost tribe" myths are just that, myths, mostly of the Christian variety.
      No entire tribes were exiled and scattered.
      "Lost tribe" refers to the tribes being absorbed into the larger tribes, and then ultimately into the two kingdoms of Judah and Samaria. Which is why today, the Israelite identities are "Jews" from the Kingdom of Judah, and "Samaritans" from Samaria.
      As the book states, "Benjamin was LOST to Judah", meaning absorbed. Eventually all subtribal identity was lost in Judah except for Levi. Which is why today, ALL Jews only come from TWO tribal affiliations. Kohen/Levites from the tribe of Levi, and all other Jews from the tribe of "Yisrael" meaning the 12 sons of Jacob, because they are descended from all 12 tribes. And of course so are Levi, who intermarry with Yisrael. And vice versa. And when a Koen or Levite loses their prietly status, which can happen a number of ways, they get returned to the Yisrael portion of the community.
      Jews, means from the KINGDOM of Judah, not the tribe specifically and not the religion of the Kingdom, Judaism. And as such, descended from all tribes.
      Now, Christians have been misunderstanding this for millennia. And it has led to many Jews living in Christian lands, adopting this myth. But the bible is quite clear about this. Only a portion were exiled. And Judeans were descended from all 12 tribes.
      Tribal land was lost, tribal affiliation and entity was "lost", but the individuals of the tribes were mostly not "lost".
      In the North the smaller tribal territory was first absorbed into Ephraim and Manasseh, the two tribes of JOseph, who were the most populous. And eventually, their identity just became Samaritan. Samaritan only recognize 3 tribes today, Levi, Ephraim and Manasseh, but they are still descended from all 12 tribes. It's just in the North, those tribal identities retained. While in the south, all tribal identity was exchanged for the identity of the KINGDOM, Judah. Which is why Jews are called Jews in the first place. But religiously, they are still known as "Yisrael" and "Levi".... NOT Judah, Benjamin and Simone. Who were the 3 tribal territories in the south. And while most of their ancestors might be from those 4 tribes, Judah, Levi, Simone and Benjamin, they are clearly also from the other northern tribes as well, just maybe to a slightly lesser degree.
      Not to mention, there would have been people of all tribes living and working, as tradesmen, fisherman, sailors, mercs, administrators, blacksmiths and such, from all 12 tribes, working and living in Judah, and those from the southern tribes working and living in Samaria. ANd of course, all Israelite tribes intermarried. So automatically, all Israelites are descended from all tribes today.

    • @steveebling8480
      @steveebling8480 Před rokem +1

      @@jessereichbach588 I understand. It's complex. The Canaanite deity El retired and was replaced by his storm-god, Baal. In Judah, Baal was merged with their storm-god, Yahweh, and the Jews carried on as Israel, led now by the god, Yahweh (YHWH).

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před rokem +1

      @@steveebling8480 Sounds about right. lol

  • @gostandinostheodossiou6727

    I'm greek Cypriot had a DNA test I'm descendant of Israel 980bc before Assyrians invaded and from tombs in galellee I'm match tomb of king after king solaman died I been told

    • @lakeshawoodruff9121
      @lakeshawoodruff9121 Před 3 lety +6

      Who ever told you that is a lie! You are who your father's are dear.

    • @yurichtube1162
      @yurichtube1162 Před 3 lety +1


    • @byronmcgee6777
      @byronmcgee6777 Před 3 lety +1

      What are your haplogroups?

    • @Shortyjored88
      @Shortyjored88 Před 3 lety +2

      Unless you carry the Jacob paternal haplogroup which is not several haplos like they are claiming, you are not Israelite. The whole maternal Israel teaching is a lie and goes against what the Torah states which is that the line starts at Jacob who passes his Y haplogroup to his descendants. Israel does not have multiple haplogroups.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 Před 2 lety +1

      @@Shortyjored88 Actually, you have it backwards. The bible is mythology. Not the other way around. And the Jacob Paternal haplo only has to do with Cohens. Cohens who have like 21 different Y lineages. That doesn't mean someone isn't an "Israelite" either way. You clearly don't understand genetics, the bible, history, archaeology or anthropology.

  • @markprice1922
    @markprice1922 Před 2 měsíci

    Get to your point.

  • @markprice1922
    @markprice1922 Před 2 měsíci