The 'future library' collecting books that won't be read for 100 years - BBC News

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 80

  • @HaHaBIah
    @HaHaBIah Před rokem +8

    Guess I just have to live long enough then. Thanks for the motivation

  • @cherylstrickland1428
    @cherylstrickland1428 Před rokem +13

    Simply Awesome, I love this form of thinking. I am looking forward to learning more about this person and the Future library of Oslo.

  • @hannelerantanen760
    @hannelerantanen760 Před rokem +4

    That was both thought provoking and an amazing concept for an art exhibition! Thank you for sharing!

  • @Vera511
    @Vera511 Před rokem +2

    "whereas you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears." (James 4:14)

  • @arjaygee
    @arjaygee Před rokem +8


  • @SparkyOne549
    @SparkyOne549 Před rokem +11

    Such a wonderful project for our future generations. Maybe the wealth of knowledge will flow through the next generations to change the world into a more positive direction.

  • @JackBadinga-wp2ei
    @JackBadinga-wp2ei Před rokem +2

    Wow, I so wish I am alive then to go and see it 😢

  • @Rckdmv
    @Rckdmv Před rokem +4

    Always support this channel and keep spreading the joy

  • @noahsnumismatics
    @noahsnumismatics Před rokem +1

    Avatar last air bender episode with the hidden library

  • @deejay7648
    @deejay7648 Před rokem +3

    Pretentious nonsense.

  • @eagleheart1000
    @eagleheart1000 Před rokem +5

    How wonderful and creative and hopeful.

  • @denisl9661
    @denisl9661 Před rokem

    i guess this is where Winds of Winter is

  • @buddhistjustbud
    @buddhistjustbud Před rokem


  • @croissantlover1
    @croissantlover1 Před rokem

    You need to put the last 3 minutes of the episode "Walkabout" from LOST in there too, watchable, unsmashed.

  • @essentialgmbesttoday9109

    When you feel that your life isn't safe anymore, you're seeking for a place to survive without the force, it's a coma events, I'm living in Ngamwong that come from the politician/ Secretary/ Actress ----it's a second time from several day ago.

  • @shambhoosharan9004
    @shambhoosharan9004 Před rokem

    Very interesting but I could not grasp them, unfortunately...

  • @lfeb
    @lfeb Před rokem


  • @user-ox8iz9lz8s
    @user-ox8iz9lz8s Před rokem

    قال تعالى (إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الْإِسْلَامُ ۗ وَمَا اخْتَلَفَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ إِلَّا مِنْ بَعْدِ مَا جَاءَهُمُ الْعِلْمُ بَغْيًا بَيْنَهُمْ ۗ وَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ سَرِيعُ الْحِسَابِ)

  • @alphamodeai
    @alphamodeai Před rokem

    Barack Obama's motivational speech On How To Succeed Is On My Profile!

  • @clementgavi7290
    @clementgavi7290 Před rokem


  • @ZungZeniusPsilocybinizer

    Heat death of the universe!

  • @benwindbag
    @benwindbag Před rokem

    The gas clouds of the Universe that form stars will dissipate, black holes will evaporate and eventually even light particles will fizzle out. The universe will be completely snuffed out forever. End of story.

    • @morho9422
      @morho9422 Před rokem

      forever. never ending story.

  • @official_ashhh
    @official_ashhh Před rokem

    Very nice

  • @stivsparrow3554
    @stivsparrow3554 Před rokem

    *❗Citizens of the United States and other NATO countries should know that your governments supply weapons to Ukrainian militants. Who have been shelling peaceful Donetsk for more than 9 years. The Ukrainian army is shelling not only peaceful Donetsk, but also many other small towns. As well as the city of Belgorod and the cities of the Kursk region. The artillery of Ukraine does not spare anyone, neither women, nor children, nor peaceful housing, nor kindergartens and schools. The United States has supplied more than two million shells for army artillery alone. Not to mention other types of weapons. Including anti-personnel mines, which also affect children. Think about it!!! Are the destroyed Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan not enough for you!? And now Ukraine. If you believe your TV, then remember what happened 3 years ago. Do you remember what they told you when they locked you at home?!? If you want to be fools, then believe them further.*
    *❗Граждане Соединенных Штатов и других стран НАТО должны знать, что ваши правительства поставляют оружие украинским боевикам. Которые уже более 9 лет обстреливают мирный Донецк. Украинская армия обстреливает не только мирный Донецк, но и многие другие небольшие города. А также город Белгород и города Курской области. Артиллерия Украины не щадит никого, ни женщин, ни детей, ни мирное жилье, ни детские сады и школы. Только для армейской артиллерии Соединенные Штаты поставили более двух миллионов снарядов. Не говоря уже о других видах оружия. Включая противопехотные мины, от которых также страдают дети. Подумай об этом!!! Неужели вам недостаточно разрушенных Вьетнама, Югославии, Ирака, Сирии, Ливии и Афганистана!? А теперь еще и Украина. Если вы верите своему телевизору, то вспомните, что произошло 3 года назад. Ты помнишь, что они тебе сказали, когда заперли тебя дома?!? Если вы хотите быть дураками, то верьте им и дальше.*

  • @hourbee5535
    @hourbee5535 Před rokem +1

    Who is paying for this?

  • @TomNook.
    @TomNook. Před rokem

    I don't think I will live that long, sadly

  • @jieli3313
    @jieli3313 Před rokem

    We want to ask the US government and Taiwan authorities! Do you know what it means to be responsible for consequences!

  • @essentialgmbesttoday9109

    Dangerous fish from the ocean basin! a fish can kill not only your future but also your life..

  • @auro1986
    @auro1986 Před rokem

    bbc, don't hide or sell books by kilo let all read books

  • @essentialgmbesttoday9109

    it's intimidation across human life/ it's harmful to all populations, as long as they don't state what they are actually seeking for in " myself" , they still bothering , hurting , I'm not born to serve my tissue to that certain human- ----- I decided not to fly without fully brain function. I normally fly with 100 % phycological strength even in a deeply circumstance. ----- I need help to protect even I don't know the reason. - I can't exchange myself with anyone.! If they would have told me to stop consume " Fish " I will not " touch" that killing dish.

  • @martinoberrauch2842
    @martinoberrauch2842 Před rokem

    Ich habe normal getanzt und kate hat mich mit Drohnen beschossen

  • @jieli3313
    @jieli3313 Před rokem

    The US government told me it's just transit! What have you done? broken of promise! I tell you that we will not give up on military reunification to solve the Taiwan issue! We will never break our promises! don't blame me! u broken promise first!

  • @JohnofthefamilySmith
    @JohnofthefamilySmith Před rokem +3

    "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." - George Orwell

  • @hansudowolfrahm4856
    @hansudowolfrahm4856 Před rokem

    Fun fact it's full of books considered having too advanced humour like. this one joke starting with Jesus Mohamed and the devil are at an abortion clinic...

  • @public.public
    @public.public Před rokem

    It's a bizarre middle class bureaucracy...
    An institutonalised chucking of the problem on the back shelf.
    What is so wrong with a framed water colour showing all the same concepts?
    Maybe she can't draw. Like AI's can't draw hands.

    • @arjaygee
      @arjaygee Před rokem

      So sorry that drawing is the entire scope of your knowledge of art.

    • @public.public
      @public.public Před rokem

      @@arjaygee Can't draw? Sucks to be a middle class wannabe artist then.
      Knowledge? Get experienced. Learn to draw.
      Getting others to do the work for you is called being a designer.
      Nothing wrong with being a designer just don't pretend you are an artist when you are a designer.

    • @public.public
      @public.public Před rokem

      @@arjaygee Conceptualism is just a fashion.
      Stop acting like it isn't in all forms of art and design.

    • @arjaygee
      @arjaygee Před rokem

      @@public.public A "fashion" that began in 1917. I neither stated nor implied anything about the presence of conceptualism in various art forms.
      YOU implied that this is not art.

    • @arjaygee
      @arjaygee Před rokem

      @@public.public As Sol Lewitt has shown with his "Wall Drawings" series, sometimes the strict ideas behind the creation of something are artworks themselves.

  • @amirmohammadnoormohammad5590

    Remember Afghanistan 🇦🇫 please 🇦🇫.

  • @peter-ze8jr
    @peter-ze8jr Před rokem

    Only for the highly gullible,sorry uk citizens

  • @nuqwestr
    @nuqwestr Před rokem

    Katie Paterson, Art as inversion, not imaging the future, but obsessing over the past.

  • @rabidgoon
    @rabidgoon Před rokem +1

    my hope is that humanity does not last another 100 years

  • @denkk4282
    @denkk4282 Před rokem

    Молитвы на территории Киево-Печерской лавры должны быть только на украинском языке, заявил руководитель раскольнической Православной церкви Украины (ПЦУ) Епифаний.
    а когда Бандеру канонизируют? или эти вопросы решает Порошенко, ой! Константинополь?

    • @denkk4282
      @denkk4282 Před rokem

      своих святцев у вас не было.от наших вы отказались, равноап. князя Владимира во Львове не так давно люстрировали - агенты Кремля, национальная (это какая?) угроза Украины.
      нужны "свои". патриоты державной мовы.
      ну так когда?

    • @denkk4282
      @denkk4282 Před rokem

      а еще Христос на арамеиском говорил!

  • @Me_di
    @Me_di Před rokem


  • @Chris66Mas
    @Chris66Mas Před rokem +3

    Iwouldnt keep them in a NATO country.

  • @Oru-qs5qh
    @Oru-qs5qh Před rokem

    I started to watch this video to study for IELTS but I heard “Hiroshima” where is my hometown so I was a little happy😂

  • @larsthorwald3338
    @larsthorwald3338 Před rokem

    Since the texts are written in the present, it's not a "future library" in any meaningful sense, unless you think the paper is more important that the texts...which might actually be true. hahaha 100 years is a long time to wait to be disappointed.

    • @morho9422
      @morho9422 Před rokem +1

      it is not a library of the future but a future library. a library that will be opened in 100 years.
      i don't get your idea about the paper itself.

  • @scottmic3556
    @scottmic3556 Před rokem +1

    this is worst thing ever , just put them on a thumb drive , save the carbon foot print #GRETA

  • @ffugooglesuxdk9792
    @ffugooglesuxdk9792 Před rokem

    wow this is obnoxious