"Bleſſed is the Man" - Pſalm 1 KJV - Oꝛiginall Muſicke - True Intonation

  • čas přidán 20. 05. 2024
  • Take the woꝛds SERIOVSLY.
    Saluation Meſſage: • A Salvation Message
    An Vrgent Meſſage Foꝛ the Laſt Daies : • An Vrgent Meſſage foꝛ ...
    The Goſpel that ſaueth and how to be ſaued accoꝛding to the woꝛd of God :
    "1 MOꝛeouer bꝛethꝛen , I declare vnto you the Goſpel which I pꝛeached vnto you, which alſo you haue receiued,and wherein yee ſtand.
    2 By which also yee are ſaued , if yee keepe in memoꝛie what I pꝛeached vnto you , vnleſſe yee haue beleeued in vaine.
    3 Foꝛ I deliuered vnto you firſt of all , that which I alſo receiued , how that Chꝛiſt died for our ſinnes accoꝛding to the Scriptures :
    4 And that he was buried,and that he roſe againe the third day accoꝛding to the Scriptures."
    - 1 Coꝛinthians 15:1-4 Holy Bible 1611
    "9 That if thou ſhalt confeſſe with thy mouth the Loꝛd Ieſus , and ſhalt beleeue in thine heart , that God hath raiſed him from the dead , thou ſhalt be ſaued.
    10 Foꝛ with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteouſneſſe,and with the mouth confeſſion is made vnto ſaluation.
    11 Foꝛ the Scripture ſaith, Whoſoeuer beleeueth on him , ſhall not bee aſhamed.
    12 Foꝛ there is no difference betweene the Iew and the Greeke : foꝛ the ſame Loꝛd ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call vpon him.
    13 Foꝛ whoſoeuer ſhall call vpon the Name of the Loꝛd,ſhall be ſaued."
    - Romanes 10:9-13 Holy Bible 1611
    #kjv #432hz #psalms #justintonation #God #belief #faith #righteousness
    ***Get a PHYSICAL copy of the King James Bible, cling to it, beleeue it, ſtudy it.
    Iohn 14:22-24 KJV
    Iohn 14:6 KJV
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