The Truth About 'Lazy Girl Jobs': A Rant You Need to Hear 🚫💼

  • čas přidán 24. 07. 2024
  • In a world where it is so hard to find a job, I can't believe we are talking about "Lazy Girl Jobs." Quiet quitting was just the tip of the iceberg, we've now stumbled upon a concept that's raising my eyebrows and blood pressure alike. But what exactly is a "lazy girl job"? Think roles with comfy salaries, minimal effort, and the remote work cherry on top. Marketing associate, customer success manager... you get the gist.
    Before you jump on this cushy bandwagon, let's dissect the idea. Can a job really be fulfilling if its main appeal is how little you have to work? I'm sharing my two cents on why chasing after a lazy girl job might just be the fast track to a dead-end street, both for your career and your sense of fulfillment.
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    This will be a request to update a resume based on a job description. Step 1, prompt to paste in a job description. Step 2, prompt to upload a resume. Step 3, give recommendations on how to customize the resume to align with the job description. Step 4, complete a draft of an updated resume based on these instructions. Requirement 1: Do not add the company listed in the job description as a new employer in the resume. Requirement 2: all previous companies, timeframes and jobs should remain constant based on the initial resume. Only terminology alignment and emphasis to align with the job description should change.
    Why This Video?
    A Wake-Up Call: This is not just a rant. It's a reality check on the value of hard work and meaningful careers.
    Value-Based Careers: Dive into why careers should be about adding value and serving others, not finding shortcuts.
    The Dangers of Complacency: Learn why settling for a lazy job might feel good now but will cost you later.
    Your Thoughts? Agree? Disagree? Got a take on lazy girl jobs or a story to share? Comment below. We're here for all perspectives, especially if this concept grinds your gears as much as it does mine.
    Subscribe for Real Talk: If you're here for honest, no-filter discussions on work, careers, and the occasional rant, hit that subscribe button. Like this video if it resonated with you, and don't forget to share it with someone who might need to hear this.
    Ready to challenge the lazy job trend? Watch now for a dose of reality you didn't know you needed. Let's redefine what a rewarding career truly looks like.

Komentáře • 72

  • @grimview
    @grimview Před 4 měsíci +33

    Not everybody wants to get ahead! What you & the world do not understand, is the majority of people are happy to do an easy job that allows them to take their time & not stress over deadlines. Many people have job similar to high school work, where they have plenty of time to socialize with their friends or work out lifting stuff. You however, want a job where you get paid based on the number boxes you fill with the water melons you harvest from the field or make a percentage commission from each car/house you sell. The lazy people don't stress out over not getting enough, they don't sabotage & they don't think they are being exploited. Instead lazy people just enjoy a laid back job, while the rest of the world tried to convince that high stress / adrenaline fullend / victim mindset, is some how better.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci +7

      There is a big difference between laziness and contentment. What you just described is contentment. Contentment is hugely positive. Lazy Girl Jobs are defined as jobs that are easy to quiet quit. They are jobs where people aren't doing them based on contentment, they are doing them because they can get away with not actually doing the job. You only get to keep working at a place if you add value. That is the way business works.

    • @yesand5536
      @yesand5536 Před 4 měsíci

      I do notice that people who are cynical, misanthropic, snarky, and generally have non-positive negativity are the ones that are happy to give the middle finger to organisations hiring them. And that's fair enough, because there are a lot of arsehole employers out there, and a lot of people have been burnt by not just management, but their coworkers! And if you don't focus on your good life, then you just working and become dull.
      And as an employer, who is very much aware of my own greed, and really care about the people that I hire, these are the LAST people I want to touch. Because they are wholly self interested. Not only are they bringing their antagonism from previous jobs into this one and expecting me to pull my mask off and be an arsehole, they're just not interested in contributing anything beyond what they're hired to do.
      As well as being average workers who are defiantly average, there's no stimulation there for me! When I talk to them, I don't get much back. For me, VERY boring. And I know that I'm not in a majority. But my business is growing and scaling up and I don't see why I would have a snarky and cynical worker under me. It's like I'd be a masochist or I want to sabotage myself....
      In fact, I'm happy for other employees to take on the headaches of these people. That sounds crass of me, but cynical people need to earn wages, as much as non-cynical people, and I'm just gonna leave it to other employees to deal with them. In a way, less of them means my life is more enjoyable.

    • @yoboi13
      @yoboi13 Před 4 měsíci +3

      @@BetterThing-jobsI’m under the impression that quiet quitting is doing bare minimum with base required standards, not holding space at company without doing the foundational work in the role. If I’m going to be paid 40k to perform 5 tasks, then quiet quitting is doing those 5 tasks and only those 5 tasks. So wouldn’t lazy girl jobs (omg, I can’t believe I just typed that) just be the jobs where the base 5 tasks are simplest? Am I missing something?

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      Quiet quitting is doing the minimum you can get away with while still collecting a paycheck. It is usually not doing all that is expected of you. It is also the most sure way to find yourself on the wrong side of a layoff.

    • @SmallSpoonBrigade
      @SmallSpoonBrigade Před 4 měsíci +1

      I don't personally agree. If people are so happy to do easy jobs, then I would expect people to be less depressed, stressed and unhappy at work. Most office jobs are BS with relatively little actual work being performed, but office workers aren't any happier than other folks are.

  • @sarahlusher5156
    @sarahlusher5156 Před 4 měsíci +8

    Not sure how this video showed up in my feed, but I really can't relate to what you're saying. Call me cynical, but I've never personally observed that the hardest workers in an organization get meaningfully rewarded. Often, they just get more exploited. I think a lot of people besides me have also observed this and thus have decided to look for meaning in places outside of work. I focus on my relationships and my hobbies as they are infinitely more rewarding than the rat race. My biggest issue with the concept of "lazy girl jobs" as presented here is that these are the kinds of jobs often only readily available to someone coming from a position of privilege. It's very difficult to transition from a low wage entry level job to this kind of work when you don't have a formal education and you don't have any connections. So, it's not a realistic choice for a lot of people.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      Our experience is showing different things in this case. I have 27 years of it. You?

    • @sarahlusher5156
      @sarahlusher5156 Před 4 měsíci +2

      I've only been working for about 20 years. But I've been working since I was 15 years old, with the only time off being for grad school. I even managed to get my dream job, but it didn't last because I got burned out from overwork/underpay. I've also been laid off by one of my employers, but I know it wasn't because I was a bad worker. I know this because they offered to rehire me several times. That was just a part of their business strategy. They'd hire a bunch of people for the big projects and then lay them off until they got another big contract. No loyalty or reward to the employees for hard work. @@BetterThing-jobs

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      I agree. The concept of company loyalty is a joke. Companies are loyal to their shareholders who care about profitability. The only way to increase security is to increase value add in your role. Well, that and multiple income streams. I try for both of those things.

  • @Herbertti3
    @Herbertti3 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Nobody thinks they are getting ahead. Its about doing bare minimum to have comfortable life.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      The problem is that this puts you at the top of the layoff list. Doing the bare minimum means you add the minimum required value which means when compared to your peers who are not focused on just doing the minimum, you will be laid off first.

  • @S.Senara
    @S.Senara Před 4 měsíci +6

    Lmao this is delusional. Of course some business man who has employees hates the concept of quiet quitting and lazy girl jobs. You don’t want people providing value to their own lives you want them providing value to your company. When someone takes the necessary steps to mentally and emotionally dissasociate from the job that is not providing them fulfillment you have a problem with it and want to pretend like your ideas of living life are the only correct ways to live life. Which is emphatically not true to anyone who is not in your position

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      I don’t represent any company here. I offer free content to help people find meaningful careers. Lazy people in jobs isn’t new. I’ve been in the working world for 27 years now. I’ve seen plenty of them. They never last long. I’m trying to let this generation that has some messed up ideas of how business works know what is in store for them with this movement. It leads to emptiness. I don’t want that for anyone.

    • @S.Senara
      @S.Senara Před 4 měsíci

      @@BetterThing-jobs you own a business. You don’t need to be representing one to hold the beliefs of a business owner. You are out of touch with the working class and have no business speaking on behalf of us who are in it. You are saying that value and “wholeness” are based on your ability to provide for your job. Which from the perspective of a business owner makes sense but the reality is that an individuals sense of self value and “wholeness” comes from an individual exploration everyone has to take into themselves. A job won’t provide that for everyone, and won’t for most people. It’s a conversational topic that you and other business owners use to convince people to work harder for you without you paying them for it which is a load of crap. You virtue signal doing the right thing for the working class while simultaneously manipulating them into working harder for you at no personal benifit.

  • @vembrace
    @vembrace Před 5 měsíci +6

    Usually these are the first ones to be laid off.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci


    • @yesand5536
      @yesand5536 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@BetterThing-jobsI'm not sure that their very intricate strategy has factored this one in. And I'll have to admit, especially in Australia, the market is favourable to employees, which is a great turn from what things normally alike. And lazy people are going to take that for granted and cruise, because in a way, they don't know how to be innovative. And when the market moves back towards the bosses and with The AI and more automation, they'll be passed over for the people with smarts.
      I guess they can just move back in to live with their parents rent free - which probably means that they will keep cruising. And then they hit their 40s and 50s with pretty much nothing but a bunch of videos about how lazy they are? What a clusterfk!

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      I think this is the sub-thread where all of the reasonable people will live. Agree 100%

    • @JD-vj4go
      @JD-vj4go Před 4 měsíci +1

      You've obviously never had to lay people off. Individual performance is the last thing considered.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      @JD-vj4go I have been laid off twice. I know how it feels and I know it is terrible. I also have the self awareness to know exactly why I was laid off in both instances and what I could have done to better position myself.

  • @MindeIiux
    @MindeIiux Před 4 měsíci +4

    seems like outdated take. ive heard of times when loyalty was rewarded. its long dead.. at least in my 20years of work, i have not encountered that... at least not in large corporation environment.
    you work harder - you get more things to do. that's it.
    larger the company is - more difficult is to be noticed. you are just a statistic for them.
    small, startup companies, sure, when you being there could mean company going under or surviving a next year. but in these companies filler "lazy" jobs do not exist to begin with so the topic is not relevant

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      It's not about loyalty or staying in one place for a long time, it is about understanding that businesses think like businesses. If you add value, you get rewarded. If you don't add business value, you get asked to leave. A business employs you because you generate enough $ value through your work to cover your cost plus earn a margin for the business itself.

    • @MindeIiux
      @MindeIiux Před 4 měsíci

      what you are saying is not wrong on paper, however try telling that to a warehouse worker for a large company... if you pack the pallet faster, your reward will be to pack more pallets... you can spend 5 years breaking your back and as soon as opportunity arises you will be replaced by a new "intern"
      again in small companies where your effort is noticed, yes, but deff not in current bloated tech industry where they made up so many unnecessary positions just to cater for some random social norms. once free money runs out all these fake positions will disappear or the companies will go bankrupt, its a cycle. @@BetterThing-jobs

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      I think your are seeing the tech reckoning right now. see this for details:

  • @TarasZakharchenko
    @TarasZakharchenko Před 4 měsíci +6

    Man, you taking that too serious.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      This mindset is dangerous. It has the power to undermine women in the workplace, and I take it super seriously.

  • @Gecko17k
    @Gecko17k Před 4 měsíci +1

    You brought this concept to me
    And CZcams did.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      I'm happy to see I wasn't the last person to hear about it. I truly thought I was.

  • @Siipher99
    @Siipher99 Před 4 měsíci

    Really enjoyed this video, think it needs to find more people and I hope it does. This has more value than just to females because it totally applies to everyone, and to me its more than just looking for an easy job to relax in. This has value to the people who are already in a job, maybe been in the same position for a long time feeling like they are being passed up for promotions. The whole concept of adding the most value to the organization you can is something I have lived by for the past 15 years of my career and it has served me very very well. I now have a lot of respect, I have a lot of freedom, I can influence decisions in a positive way within the organization, and most importantly I am proud of my work.
    Appreciate the rant as a reminder to double up my efforts.

  • @katietree4949
    @katietree4949 Před 4 měsíci +4

    You have been weighed on the scales, and found wanting.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      Like every Lazy Girl in a job, ever. It is short term and will leave you wanting.

  • @dvbibbs192
    @dvbibbs192 Před 4 měsíci

    I think there's nothing wrong with a "lazy girl job" just as long as the job is getting done within a reasonable timeframe and clients/business is happy. Some people work themselves to the bone for 1 employer and get either nothing or peanuts in return. A lazy girl job is perfect for someone who puts family first, or has a growing business, going to post-secondary school, just has other projects. If they do get laid off they usually don't care because they have plan B, C, and D to fall back on. It all depends on who this is suited for.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      No business has ever created a job saying "This is the perfect job for a lazy girl." We all want motivated and engaged members of our team. There is an entire industry focused on driving employee engagement. Lazy People give themselves up in the interview and the only reason they get a job in the first place is that the person who hired them wasn't paying attention. Do not get duped into believing that giving anything but your best at work is ok.

    • @dvbibbs192
      @dvbibbs192 Před 4 měsíci

      @@BetterThing-jobs I think you're interpreting as literally doing nothing when that's far from the truth. Change the term, "lazy girl job" to "low stress job". It's a job that's low stress, not a job where there's no responsibilities and expectations. Let's take the medical field for example. If you pick to be an ER doctor you sure as hell would expect to work on-call, around the clock during high-stress situations. A lazy girl/boy specialty would be an Optometrist. They still do their jobs but there's a vast difference in scope and expectations.

  • @pmacalicious13
    @pmacalicious13 Před 4 měsíci +8

    You didn’t make many points nor did you seem to take the time to see where this mentality was coming from. Quiet quitting is becoming more and more popular these days. With the cost of living going through the roof and salaries barely keeping pace, many people are just sick of it. Why put everything into a company that considers you replaceable? Why continue to excel / go above and beyond when your efforts go unappreciated / uncompensated? Many of these people aren’t saying “be a piece of shit”. A lot are saying give what you get. I don’t necessarily disagree with that. Don’t be a slave to a corporation that doesn’t care about you.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci +1

      I made one point. Lazy Girl Jobs leave you empty and out of work while value driven careers build a future. The mentality may be a fed up place, but giving into this desire to quit won't do anything to improve a person's situation. Instead, do good work, and find a better thing. It's the name of my channel. I'm all about finding a better thing, not leaching off of a company while collecting a paycheck for nothing.

    • @SmallSpoonBrigade
      @SmallSpoonBrigade Před 4 měsíci

      @@BetterThing-jobs In general, I think people are better off being the best they can be and if they're current employer isn't properly rewarding it, looking for something better. Unless you're working at an employer that's completely seniority based and you're the latest hire, it also means being one of the last to be laid off.
      Personally, I've been over-delivering at work, and I'm at that stage where I need to decide whether I want to continue at that company while I start my own, or if I want to look elsewhere for something that's more appropriate. Being lazy and quiet quitting has to be one of the most depressing ways of going through life.

    • @yesand5536
      @yesand5536 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Sure. And where you really feel that a company doesn't give a sht about you, well leave. You're saying all jobs are in this position? As an employer, I find this to be toxic when not in the right place. By all means, see clearly when you aren't cared for. Bring that to every workplace, and you'll be undermining those who are your allies to some or more part. And anyway, in the end, this attitude will eat you. Snarling at all openings and offerings.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      @SmallSpoonBrigade, I agree. the concept of tenure shouldn't play a role in advancement. It sounds like you are in the place where you should find the next thing. I enjoy corporate work quite a bit, but I always have a business going on the side. I own a retail store and have branded products. Multiple sources of income seems like the best path for me. Maybe it is for you as well.

    • @Gecko17k
      @Gecko17k Před 4 měsíci

      Hear hear, ​@@BetterThing-jobs.
      If you hate your job or just max out the laziness, you're not doing yourself any favours.
      Get a job you can enjoy and contribute to society with.

  • @jackdeniston59
    @jackdeniston59 Před 4 měsíci

    Their purpose is to prevents lawsuits about discrimination. As ever, men carry them.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      Not sure I agree with you on this. I work with some great women who are good at their jobs and diligent in their work. If one person is being lazy, everyone else has to carry them, not just men.

  • @srir7249
    @srir7249 Před 4 měsíci +1

    I would just like to add a few things.
    1) I am not a feminist but I have seen a lot of Guys being lazy as well and its sad that its called a lazy girl.
    2) Marketing analysts also need to do a lot of research,be creativety and need very deep analysis. It needs an intelligent work. Its not like a data entry job.
    3) Why do Job creators not pay the ones that actually work hard and instead pay the ones who are so casual about their jobs. We need better leadership.
    4) There really needs to be boundaries in this world on who should be an influencer or not. People who derail people's focus into a thought process that money is easy - such content should be deleted. The next generation might actually end up being dumb if this is all they can hear.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      agreed. I think the Lazy girl monicker is really unfortunate, and the whole lazy girl movement is poorly conceived. On pay for performance, there is a real effort on this front with bonus calculations and raises tied to performance reviews. It ends up falling flat on execution if other factors get added to the discussion like a teacher's pet model.

  • @Gecko17k
    @Gecko17k Před 4 měsíci

    Not disagreeing, just need to point this out.
    A good coder is a lazy coder because (usually he) he will think of and find clever ways to get the machines to do as much of the work as possible as reliably as possible.
    This is good coding and produces the best changes in society.
    This is very creative.
    Always reading and thinking, testing, playing.
    This is working smart.
    But that's a different kind of "laziness" from what these lazy girls apparently are.
    I did work with a guy (young Zimbabwean man in the UK) who said he needed a job where he could get lost in the company and not have to do much.
    I was very disappointed.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 4 měsíci

      Bill Gates - 'I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.' - he was talking about hiring engineers at the time.

  • @gogopoweryubari
    @gogopoweryubari Před 2 měsíci

    Idk why this came on my feed but this video shows you have zero idea what this movement is. These are people who don’t want to find themselves years down the road with nothing to show after their company downsizes or closes and they are left with nothing to show for it. Especially Fortune 500 companies that have an entire department shipped overseas when the economy takes a hit. This happens continuously in companies with consumer goods and is an unfulfilling way of life when you miss everything outside of it to be a slave to your job, where you are just a warm body they can eventually replace with someone younger and cheaper.

    • @BetterThing-jobs
      @BetterThing-jobs  Před 2 měsíci

      Work Ethic and value add to the organization remains important, even today.