Baby Saves his OWN life doesn’t drown- ISR Training

  • čas přidán 23. 08. 2012
  • {PLEASE READ BELOW/CLICK "SHOW MORE" FOR INFO ON HOW TO GET YOUR CHILD IN ISR CLASSES} My son, Parker Newkirk, at 18 months old. He has gone through the Infant Swimming Resource Class with Instructor Clinton Avery in Charleston, South Carolina. Clint is an amazing instructor and extremely patient. It was a 6 week class. He can float on his back, and swim to the side of the pool. This is a self rescue class. He fell in the pool today, by accident because he wasn't looking where he was going, and he immediately popped up on his back and floated. So this program really works. This video was made by Clint Avery. For more info go to to see if there is an ISR Instructor in your area. Babies can start as young as 6 months old! Not one more child drowns! My son was also featured on the local news station and is going to appear on a National News program called America Now, which runs on CBS Monday through Friday mornings. We are thrilled to get the word out and hopefully it will save a child's life. Here is the link to the news story. • Infant Swimming Resour... ***Also I wanted to say...this ISR training is NOT like Mom & Tot swim classes, or any other swim class for that matter. This is SELF RESCUE / SURVIVAL training for the baby...and the Mom is not a part of the training. The parent sits on the side of the pool during the class. Because...if a true drowning emergency happens, Mom won't be there to rescue the child...therefore in class they learn to help themselves.

Komentáře • 103

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +11

    He was trained, and was closely being watched by a licensed and trained professional.

  • @elgmalone
    @elgmalone Před 11 lety +4

    ... and let them pass over my head as opposed to allowing myself from getting picked up and swept away. As a small child, without that skill, I easily would have been swept away. We always have to watch our kids closely, but you always hear the story that starts with "I only turned my back for a second...". Teaching your kids how not to panic and how to properly react instinctively can make all the difference in how that story ends.
    Good job mama!

  • @debrascott8492
    @debrascott8492 Před 8 lety +14

    I most definitely believe in teaching/training your young ones to swim. I am also an advocate for being in the water beside/or very near them. Oh yes, I believe in being overly protective when necessary. And this is necessary.

  • @kidsburstingwithinfo1034
    @kidsburstingwithinfo1034 Před 11 lety +6

    Oh my gosh. My son is his age and I can't even picture him doing that! Thats amazing!

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +2

    Thank you for your awesome comment! Clint Avery deserves all the credit, he's the amazing person that teaches these live saving skills to these babies. He has so much patience and knows the kids so well. He learns each kids idiosyncrasies and figures out how to best teach them. He's just amazing.

  • @Chaspaws
    @Chaspaws Před 11 lety

    Laura, you have done an awesome job! The ones leaving bad comments would rather teach their children how to be "GANGSTA" and put their lives at risk instead of being responsible parents and teaching them life saving skills! gain you have done a FANTASTIC job!

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +1

    Thanks for your sweet comment. I try to be the best Mom possible to my son. With as much as we are around water, it just made sense to have him learn water survival skills "in case" something happened. I'm not perfect...something could happen, he could get out of my sight for one second, and that's all it takes. But, if something should happen....he won't drown now, and that's such a great security to have. I wish every parent could have that feeling.

  • @jenniferloughran2805
    @jenniferloughran2805 Před 11 lety +2

    This is really impressive. I'm working so hard to teach my 13 month old daughter how to swim.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +2

    Thanks elgmalone! I appreciate that! I also appreciate people that support and understand the importance of the program. Not ONE MORE CHILD DROWNS. Thanks again for commenting.

  • @macfredd
    @macfredd Před 11 lety +1

    I found the response in the description, thanks! "Babies can start as young as 6 months old" :)

  • @commonsensecorner7275
    @commonsensecorner7275 Před 4 lety +2

    As nervous as it makes me to watch videos of the babies going under, I’m thankful for the parents that have them trained, so I don’t hear about another tiny life lost due to the adult(s) failing them!!! 😡😢😭

  • @marygunn8642
    @marygunn8642 Před 5 lety +1

    he is a smart boy he know how to survive

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +3

    Thank you....any child can do this after being enrolled in Infant Swimming Resource classes (ISR) you can look it up online and see if you have an instructor in your area.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +1

    Thanks! Awesome thing to say, we think so too!

    • @sara31773
      @sara31773 Před 4 lety

      Laura Matthews Newkirk he’s not struggling. Not even a little bit.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    We miss you guys too. Not quite your 50,000 views, but this video sure got almost 5,000 views in 24 hours. I'm glad there is such an interest in this subject. I'm thrilled about how many people are learning about ISR. Maybe it is saving a life. :) My inbox however has blown up with parents asking me how they can get their child in ISR. I tried to leave info in the section below this video, but alot of them I guess didn't read it. So, I spent about an hour writing everyone back. Cut & Paste, haha

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +1

    Exactly the point I was trying to make. Thanks. :)

  • @daisymartinez9543
    @daisymartinez9543 Před 8 lety +2

    omg shes so adorable

  • @meliza241000
    @meliza241000 Před 11 lety

    very nice video.This should be done to prevent accident and for the good of our future children. my cousin's child drown at the age3. it helps a lot it is very much hard for the parents to see their children but when they already learn these things ithey will probably be blessed to have a parents who have open minded and generous enough to let their child engage in this kind of program which is very useful until they die.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +2

    Hahahaha....he's such a ham too...and a total flirt. I'm going to have my hands full when he gets older. Thanks for your comment!

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Can't wait for this story to appear on "America Now". We are excited to get the word out Nationally about ISR and how it saves lives! Not one more child drowns!

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +2

    Thanks, we think he's adorable also. I'm a great swimmer also. I think I'm part fish, haha. He started when he was 6 months old with swim lessons. I wanted him to not be a drowning statistic because he's around water so much.

  • @cra97411
    @cra97411 Před 11 lety

    Boy, for some reason this video is attracting a lot of haters :( My toddler daughter walked silently down the steps of our backyard pool while her dad had his back turned. I found her standing at the bottom, holding her breath, looking up at me through the ripples with big brown eyes. Dad pulled her out. She didn't breathe in any water, wasn't upset, but she sure didn't have the skills to get herself out. Three more minutes and she would have died. Children drown every day. They all deserve ISR

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Glad you saw that. I was going to reply to you anyway to make sure you knew. I hope you find an ISR instructor in your area.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Well said.

  • @keeshateachphet
    @keeshateachphet Před 11 lety

    Well done Laura. Monica, Elliot and I miss you. See ya guys soon!

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +1

    Thanks for watching and commenting. :)

  • @hsarrehmi6464
    @hsarrehmi6464 Před 8 lety +1

    so adorable

  • @marinafanous668
    @marinafanous668 Před 11 lety +1


  • @ZetaAndHolly
    @ZetaAndHolly Před 4 lety

    How was that trained??? I need to teach that to my son

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    That is the smartest thing. I always hear people talk about child proofing their pool...but the best thing to do is drown proof your child. Get them ISR lessons. Now....I don't know for sure if Europe has ISR, BUT while I was searching youtube I saw quite a few videos in French and a few other languages, and the babies were doing the same skills as you see in my son's video. So, I'm assuming they have classes like ISR in Europe. If I was you, I would get on the ISR website and ask them.

  • @xreturnwthhonorx
    @xreturnwthhonorx Před 11 lety

    If you own a pool and have infant children, this should be mandatory!

  • @AnahataMaryjane
    @AnahataMaryjane Před 11 lety +1

    wow kids are so adorable. they learn to save themselves so well. too bad they can't talk from birth, can you imagine a baby falling into a pool, coming up and going hey mom, get off the phone i'm in the pool here... (not saying the person who uploaded this video would do that to their child).

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Thanks for your support! I've gotten some rude comments, but mostly supporters. I'll do whatever I have to do to get awareness increased and hopefully decrease drowning in our children. It's amazing how many messages I've been inboxed with people asking me questions to get their child in ISR. So, I'll take a few haters ... to increase awareness and decrease drowning. Thanks for your comment and for watching. And, I think you figured it out with them being jealous and guilty.

  • @Kathilisi
    @Kathilisi Před 11 lety

    This is pretty amazing. I don't have children yet, but my husband and I just bought a house with a pool and are already worrying about how to "child-proof" it in the future. Maybe in addition to child-proofing the pool we'll try to "pool-proof" our children! Do you know whether classes like this are taught in Europe?

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    I hate that I can't post links in comments. Grrrr youtube!!! It's infantswim and then add the dot com after infantswim. Find on the website where you can email them and ask them questions. I'm sure they will direct you on how you can get lessons overseas. Good for you for thinking ahead. I wish all parents were like this.

  • @elgmalone
    @elgmalone Před 11 lety

    I didn't know about this when my son was an infant, and now it makes no difference, he's 5 1/2 and swims like a fish. But I certainly would have done this if I had seen this back then and I did start taking my son in the pool with me and teaching him how to swim when he was I'd say about 11 months old and continued with swimming lessons consistently ever after that. When he was born we lived in AZ and there is no law in that state about putting a gate around the pool and everyday there would ...

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +1

    It's just cause he had an amazing instructor. Parker couldn't float to begin with, he had to learn....but yea, now it looks like he could just sit there all day floating.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +1

    Wow, speak your mind dude. Let's not forget the video though. About a child learning to rescue themselves if they should fall in the water. But, thanks for sticking up for us, as his comment was pretty rude.

  • @PortlyPete
    @PortlyPete Před 11 lety

    does youtube sell trending slots now or something?

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Actually, in the ISR class last summer that I took my son to for a "refresher", we went on Thursdays, and the family that went before us, were African Americans, and the family that went after us were African Americans. Statistics show that their ethnicity has the highest rate of drownings, so I think it's smart that they are being proactive and starting their kids young to learn to swim considering the odds aren't in their favor. So, you are wrong.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Drowning is the leading cause of drowning at his age. That's why we put him in this special class (ISR) so he wouldn't be a statistic. He loves it. If it was easy, then drowning wouldn't be such a high statistic.

  • @elgmalone
    @elgmalone Před 11 lety

    ... be another news report of a child who had drowned in a pool. EVERY DAY! My husband and I are from CA and have since moved back and have always understood the importance of early swimming lessons. Here... people bring their infants to the beach and you rarely of hear of a kid drowning. I think people who live near the ocean have a much better understanding of this. When I was a kid, at the beach, I'd head straight for the biggest wave. My mom taught me very early how to duck underneath them..

  • @JasonCWaite
    @JasonCWaite Před 6 lety


  • @AnahataMaryjane
    @AnahataMaryjane Před 11 lety

    omg that's so sad :( i ended up watching some memorials for children who had passed from drowning. so preventable. i feel bad for any parent who has lost their child (no matter what way).
    ps. if this is your child, this kid is the COOLEST :)

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    That's good. My parents threw me in the water at a couple months of age...ofcourse under their supervision. I learned to swim with them watching and they had no training. I was just in the water EVERY day. I was a little water rat. (meaning that in the best way). But...I just thought the lessons were cool, and taught him some special skills. You hear so many stories about parents that turn their backs for that ONE second, and find their babies floating face down, dead.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Aww, do you not live around water?

  • @ahantibookman926
    @ahantibookman926 Před 10 lety +1

    she so cute awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Most of the children that start ISR scream for the 1st week, sometimes a few weeks...which is usually harder on the parents than the child. Most all of the children end up LOVING ISR, and they talk about going to the swim class when they aren't at ISR. I hope you are able to find an ISR instructor in your area if you do decide to get your child into an ISR program. :)

  • @jasminewashington7520
    @jasminewashington7520 Před 11 lety


  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Your son can do this! They can start as young as 6 months old. I hope you go to link that I posted in the video's description, and see if you have an instructor in your area. It's a great gift to give your child since drowning is the leading cause of death for small children.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    haha, good point!

  • @iXenuX
    @iXenuX Před 11 lety +1

    I am so sorry you are getting negative comments from ignorant people. If I had the spare time and money I would enroll MY 7 month old in survival swim training. We plan on repairing our above ground pool and once that happens... watch out! A walking danger to himself!

  • @screaminglegs
    @screaminglegs Před 11 lety

    Notice, Laura, that you're responding to jocelynlovescats, not jocelynloveskids.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    With this training, if something should happen, and he fall in, he'd just be floating there, until I could get to him. NO, I would NEVER leave him alone, and I NEVER take my eyes off him in the backyard. But ya know what...I'm human...and humans make mistakes, and I hate to admit that, but as a Mom, I will make mistakes, but being prepared for those mistakes makes me a better Mom.

  • @PsIloveu
    @PsIloveu Před 10 lety

    Swimming is essential for everyone. Why this isn't on the national curriculum in the u.k ill never know.

  • @macfredd
    @macfredd Před 11 lety

    This is what I want my child to do, is a matter of survival. You know how many children die drowned?
    When learning began, at what age (months) - sorry for my english

  • @oliverpowell6409
    @oliverpowell6409 Před 10 lety +1

    Cute parka

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Not sure what this is supposed to mean.

  • @Thebesstmaria
    @Thebesstmaria Před 11 lety

    wow that is 18 yrs old and can't even float :/

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    I totally agree! But unfortunately more people don't agree with us because drowning is the leading cause of death for small children. :(

  • @joseleza5083
    @joseleza5083 Před 7 lety +1

    that cool and dangerous

  • @Uncledayday
    @Uncledayday Před 11 lety

    Parker is going to get all the ladies when he gets older.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Yes, poor kid....we are terrible parents for teaching our child how to save his life if he should fall in the water. And, he just looks like he's having a HORRIBLE time, NOT! In fact, he usually is smiling through the entire lesson and clapping his hands cause he's so proud of himself.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Not stupid. Hope whatever is going on in your life that is so bad that would cause you to make such a hateful comment on a youtube video of a baby showing that he can save his life because he can swim....gets better.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    What don't you understand?

  • @luluhicky95
    @luluhicky95 Před 11 lety

    my son hates water

  • @screaminglegs
    @screaminglegs Před 11 lety

    Clearly alfoulad was referring to your child's financial situation. You'll notice that in this video you're child doesn't have shoes, socks, a jacket, or an iPhone. So, you can see how alfoulad might have been misled in his attempts to assess your child's financial status.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Two thumbs up for this comment!!

  • @Mcflapphypants
    @Mcflapphypants Před 11 lety

    man i cant even float on my back >:( let alone swim xD

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    haha, NO, I'm NEVER on the phone when my son is around water. Studies and statistics have shown that when drownings have occurred in young babies and toddlers one parent, or both parents were with the child in the pool. It happened so fast that the child got water in their lungs and the damage was only takes a few seconds. :-(

  • @debschter
    @debschter Před 10 lety

    The only thing I think is stupid, is you cant teach this your child all over the world. I'm from the Netherlands and could only find rescue swimming for kids from 2.5 years old and older. Luckily our local swimming pool started giving rescue swimming since like.. today and they do give it to baby's also (my daughter is only 8 months old) Although we do take lessons with mummy their to learn to fill free in the water. I guess the most important thing is to learn the technique that comes with it. I believe this should be taught to baby's everywhere!!

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety

    Not scary....he is closely being watched, and was trained.

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety


  • @DrummerElliott
    @DrummerElliott Před 11 lety

    Ignore the ignorant. This is not abuse, far from it. This skill could one day be a matter of life and death, especially if you have a pool (and an infant, ofc).

  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety +1

    I think someone might of dropped you on your head one too many times when you were a baby.

  • @UtubeDuDeDuh
    @UtubeDuDeDuh Před 11 lety

    Great video and please don't listen to the haters, they're either to ignorant to understand the concept of ISR or they're parents who never put their own children threw this class and deep down feel jealous and guilty. keep up the good work and your child swims better then me and i'm in my twenties.

  • @OG_Chocobean
    @OG_Chocobean Před 11 lety

    No one, I repeat, No One, plan on having their child be out of their sight and drowning. If you teach your child to swim, your baby may be saved in the case of the inevitable. Smug jerks who insist they should never be out of your sight: Obviously true, but accidents happen. What you are saying is that no one should take CPR because no adult should ever choke, cut themselves or get heart attacks.

  • @56chula
    @56chula Před 11 lety

    Ur son is good but he should be a little bit bigger so its easier

  • @nickyrent2
    @nickyrent2 Před 11 lety

    No I do not see droning baby

  • @nabeelnaqvi17
    @nabeelnaqvi17 Před 11 lety


  • @lauranewk
    @lauranewk  Před 11 lety


  • @elgmalone
    @elgmalone Před 11 lety

    There is nothing wrong with extra precaution. Obviously it's not so parents can become complacent.

  • @itsextreme6382
    @itsextreme6382 Před 4 lety

    This is torture he's struggling

    • @Michelle-jo6ij
      @Michelle-jo6ij Před 4 lety

      Struggling? Torture?
      If he was being tortured don't u think he would cry? He was amazing!!!!

  • @Lovingthenaturalme
    @Lovingthenaturalme Před 11 lety

    What is wrong with you?! Do you know how many children drown while being watched? Do you teach your children to 'stop, drop, & roll' in case their clothes catch on fire? Do you tell them to look both ways before crossing the street? All of those are lifesaving skills that ALL children should be taught. There is nothing in the video that said 'Teach your children to swim so you don't have to take care of them anymore'. It's called "prevention". Those who know how to swim are less likely to drown.

  • @EspressoBreve
    @EspressoBreve Před 11 lety

    At any cost? The kids are scarred for life. I wouldn't recommend ISR to anyone. This is torture, waterboarding, and child abuse - be a parent a watch you kids when they're by water. It's retarded to think that a child can be expected to save themselves. The ISR program shows no compassion for the kids while training them.

    • @Michelle-jo6ij
      @Michelle-jo6ij Před 4 lety

      Torture? Lollol
      Yeah the baby looked like she was being tortured!
      Did u see the baby cry at all?
      You're an idiot!!!!!!!

  • @bad8311982
    @bad8311982 Před 10 lety

    ISR scams its instructors and cons them out of travel expences

  • @BeautyFashion013
    @BeautyFashion013 Před 11 lety

    so adorable