Michael Molina, RoJo Life Weapons Athlete

  • čas přidán 1. 10. 2022
  • In the Beginning RoJo Dojo was a place that brought together the most accomplished martial artists to one location every month to coach, teach and train under one roof. Over five years, monthly training battles turned into a hangout of the worlds best in many fields. Everyone in the group that participated began racking up World Titles and Grand Championships at an insane pace. The lesson is that when you surround yourself with greatness at anything you do, nothing can keep you from becoming successful. Over the last three years RoJo DoJo has turned into RoJo Life where young leaders have surrounded themselves with greatness in martial arts, lacrosse, academics and in LIFE. Remove the noise and those that only seek to hold you back from the life you want. Work to be Great, Train with Great, beat Great and you will be the best ever. Live the RoJo Life.

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