If You Think Demons Aren’t Real Watch This

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Commentary on and clips from Joe Rogan, Sunny Hostin, Anne Hathaway, John MacArthur, Donald Trump, Jonathan Roumie, Coleman Hughes, Alyssa Farah Griffin, Ted Cruz, Whoopi Goldberg, Hillary Clinton, Voddie Baucham, Keith Olbermann, Meghan McCain, Steve, Sara Haines, Joy Behar, Kelly Osbourne, and Ana Navarro.
    Hi, I’m Mike, a husband, father of three, software engineer, deacon, and exile who makes videos, builds apps, and creates content to communicate biblical truth to the world.
    Would you consider joining me in my mission by simply subscribing and watching these videos until the end, to help the algorithm recommend biblical truth to more people? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let’s battle for God’s glory and kingdom together.
    Patreon (if you want to help with the cost of editing) - / joyfulexile
    Website (to learn more about me and my projects) - joyfulexile.com

Komentáře • 4,9K

  • @joyfulexile
    @joyfulexile  Před měsícem +799

    Repent of sin and trust in Jesus alone to be saved. Subscribe and watch to the end to help biblical truth reach more people. I'm so grateful for everyone who continues to watch and support this channel!

    • @indistructi-bill9770
      @indistructi-bill9770 Před měsícem +13

      Did you use to do the channel “ treasure Christ /Reformed wiki”??? I heard your voice before??

    • @roomwithapointofview
      @roomwithapointofview Před měsícem

      I love Biblical truth. I demand it. Which is why you might struggles with what I am about to say, as I encounter multitudes that hate me because of His true name, and will argue endlessly because someone taught them and now they believe it and would have to humble themselves and admit they could be wrong.
      During one of my miracles, I said the words, "If I live or if I die, it be your will."
      I should have died..
      And even if medicine had saved me, not be able to communicate due to a vasospasm in my speech center.
      In fact, the few, maybe the only person who will tell others, his brain aneurysm was lifesaving, and his health was improved by it.
      One little caveat, 12 years earlier, I shouldn't have survived the 16ft drop on my head,, feet straight up that led to the b/a., and poor health.
      I used to believe Jesus, Christmas Easter, Sun-day worship, called myself a Christians.
      Then He spoke in my ear during the vasospasm, and I walked out of that hospital 12 days later.
      Then He took me to Torah, showed me Luke 1:33, the true title of His church, Deuteronomy 4:2, and Romans 7, especially the first paragraphs.
      Then 1st John 2:3, and 3:4, the actual definition of sin.
      He crossed me over away from Greco/Roman religion that distorts His Word. The Word that became flesh and. dwelt among us.
      What Word?
      Torah. The first 5 books of the Bible, which the Greeks in a grave error called "law".
      Torah in Hebrew means "The Instructions".
      Which "Christians" or "Jews", are following His Torah? Judaism is a religion that departs from Torah. Matthew 15, and Mark 7, for example.
      I see you are still using the man made name.
      John 14:6 Yeshua said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life! No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 If you have come to know Me, you will know My Father also. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.”
      How many ways?
      "No one comes to the Father except through Me"
      So only one way, correct?
      Acts 4:11 This Yeshua is ‘the stone-rejected by you, the builders-that has become the chief cornerstone.’ 12 There is salvation in no one else, for there is *no other name under heaven* given to mankind by which we must be saved!”
      How many is *no other name* ?
      Luke 10:17 Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Master, even the demons submit to us in Your name!”
      18 And Yeshua said to them, “I was watching satan fall like lightning from heaven.
      They only knew one name.
      Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy *in Your name* , and drive out demons *in Your name* , and perform many miracles *in Your name* ?’ 23 Then I will declare to them, ‘ *I never knew you* . Get away from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’”
      1 John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
      4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
      5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
      6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
      7 Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.
      That would include all Ten Commandments, written by the finger of God Himself, especially including the 4th Commandment, a perpetual sign between Him, and His people.
      His name is Y'shua. Others have set up a replacement theology and 99.99% use a name that derives from transliterations.
      Numbers 13:16 These are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy out the land. And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun Jehoshua.
      Bamidbar 13:16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
      16 These are the shmot of the men which Moshe sent to spy out the land. And Moshe called Hoshea ben Nun Yehoshua [See Zecharyah 6:11-12 on the personal name of Moshiach in prophecy].
      Zecharyah 6:11-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
      11 Then take kesef and zahav, and make atarot (crowns), and set them upon the rosh Yehoshua ben Yehotzadak, the Kohen HaGadol
      12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus saith Hashem Tzva’os: Hinei Ish, TZEMACH Shmo ; [Yehoshua is said to be the namesake of the coming Moshiach Ben Dovid; see Ezra 3:8 for the Aramaic translation of Yehoshua’s name, Yeshua; see Jer 23:5; 30:9; 33:15; Ezra 3:8; Zech 3:8; Mt 2:23; Isa 4:2; 9:2-7; 11:1-12; 53:2, 11; Moshiach the new “Joshua” Isa 49:8].]; and out of his place yitzmach (he [Moshiach] shall sprout up, Yeshayah 53:2), and he shall build the Heikhal Hashem.
      Zechariah 6:11-12 New King James Version (NKJV)
      11 Take the silver and gold, make an[a] elaborate crown, and set it on the head of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest. 12 Then speak to him, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts, saying:
      “Behold, the Man whose name is the BRANCH!
      From His place He shall branch out,
      And He shall build the temple of the Lord;
      Jeremiah 23:5 King James Version (KJV)
      5 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
      All I know is He is circumcised on the 8th day and named Y'shua. It is the Aramaic translation of Joshua. Yehoshua in Hebrew. All translate to "Salvation sent by God".
      I know the word " sus " in Latin means pig .
      He was crucified on the eve of Passover. Constantine in 321 A.D. changed it to Easter and the 7th day Sabbath to Sun-day worship. By edict still followed today.
      It's about authority and whose you choose to be under. And Rome claims her sun-day worship children. All of them. What are Protestants protesting?

    • @roomwithapointofview
      @roomwithapointofview Před měsícem +9

      Acts 20:20 I did not shrink back from proclaiming to you anything that was profitable, teaching you publicly as well as from house to house, 21 testifying to both Jewish and Greek people repentance to God and trust in our Lord Yeshua.

    • @stoveboltlvr3798
      @stoveboltlvr3798 Před měsícem +8

      Thank you for sharing! (2 Timothy 3)
      King James Version
      3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
      2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
      3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
      4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
      5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
      6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
      7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

    • @arpysetrakian8806
      @arpysetrakian8806 Před měsícem +9

      9:20 mark Jesus will be the grand marshal at the pride parade 🏳️‍🌈???
      Sonny Hostin you will never ever see Jesus unless you repent!?
      Catholics are not true Christians?
      As an Australian 🇦🇺 born again Christian saved I see Jesus Christ as a Jewish man with beard black curly hair not blonde with blue eyes!?
      Shame on you all calling yourselves Christians ( Catholics ) everything you teach is wrong 😑 Salvation Is By Faith Alone Not By Work!?
      Thank you brother for sharing this message with us!!

  • @ThePottersHandsMinistries2024
    @ThePottersHandsMinistries2024 Před měsícem +451


    • @heatherdaigle822
      @heatherdaigle822 Před měsícem +14

      It's very apparent everywhere. These people need Jesus

    • @policewife6486
      @policewife6486 Před měsícem +10

      That is exactly what is happening now. 😢

    • @1990notch
      @1990notch Před měsícem +6

      It's only getting consistently worse and quickly.

    • @davidterry8254
      @davidterry8254 Před měsícem +3

      That's what I notice everyday, totally backwards. I feel sad for my children, just that they won't get to know a happy world, but then I remember that Jesus is coming back!

    • @JTX30000
      @JTX30000 Před měsícem

      That would be satanism. "Reversal of the natural order" is one of their goals. I'm not Christian but I can call a spade a spade... Mothers aborting their children instead of protecting them. Young women taught to want s 3 x instead of secure, stable relationships. Women trying to be men, while men dress and identify as women... "Woke" actually meaning "sleep"...

  • @804RiverRat
    @804RiverRat Před měsícem +286

    The Eyes are Useless, when The Mind is Blind.

    • @lilypowell1123
      @lilypowell1123 Před měsícem +7

      That is perfect 👌!

    • @davidskala7652
      @davidskala7652 Před měsícem +7

      For the view tho it's more like the ears are useless, while the mouth is speaking. They speak so much nonsense that they can't hear truth and if nothing enters the ears it can't make it to the mind or heart.

    • @C.O.G.
      @C.O.G. Před měsícem

      ​@@davidskala7652, well said.

    • @804RiverRat
      @804RiverRat Před měsícem +2

      That's exactly the point 👍
      The eyes are useless when the mind is blind" is a quote that means having a blind belief or lack of logic can prevent people from seeing the truth, even when it's obvious.
      It can also mean that there's no point having eyes if you don't use your mind.

    • @JohnMiciano
      @JohnMiciano Před měsícem +1


  • @JB7746
    @JB7746 Před měsícem +1692

    What a vile show. Should’ve been canceled years ago.

    • @WeTheLittlePeople
      @WeTheLittlePeople Před měsícem

      agree. wow what a disgusting and derogatory comment - if you kicked out latinos - who would clean your toilet. that is actually so defamatory to those cleaning the white house. Latinos can do much more than clean a toilet. omfg.

    • @stephenritchie-vd2pp
      @stephenritchie-vd2pp Před měsícem +5


    • @user-cw8fe6ml5f
      @user-cw8fe6ml5f Před měsícem +23

      That show has to pay for the audience. They use talent and temp agencies to fill the seats. They have to literally pay for seats to be filled because nobody would pay for tickets to be in the audience.

    • @baffledanderanged2101
      @baffledanderanged2101 Před měsícem +24

      I agree, they sound like a bunch of cackling hens.

    • @balghair1
      @balghair1 Před měsícem +9

      Amen to that

  • @shadicusivxxradicus2253
    @shadicusivxxradicus2253 Před měsícem +131

    God judges not a man by his appearance, but rather what's in that man's heart.

  • @joshsparrowchannel
    @joshsparrowchannel Před měsícem +282

    the view is just repulsive.

  • @WesleyGathage
    @WesleyGathage Před měsícem +922

    Romans 1:21
    "Claiming to be wise, they became fools."

  • @tessabellstar
    @tessabellstar Před měsícem +172

    Evil and Stupid is the most perfect description of the view.

    • @highcaliber10
      @highcaliber10 Před 19 dny +1

      Also, the phrase "playing to the bleechers" would be accurate!

  • @markmajka1877
    @markmajka1877 Před měsícem +41

    They are so sad to have that much hate in so few people.

  • @clintcooper923
    @clintcooper923 Před měsícem +758

    Morgan Freeman was asked how to fix the race problem, and he had a very good answer! He said, “Stop talking about it.”

    • @carol2132
      @carol2132 Před měsícem +8

      Same Man who says he IS God and means it!

    • @chadrowe8452
      @chadrowe8452 Před měsícem +9

      ​@@carol2132 idk about that. When did he say that

    • @serenasams2772
      @serenasams2772 Před měsícem +7

      I've always said don't feed bs

    • @TinaFivesten
      @TinaFivesten Před měsícem +2

      @clintcooper923 - Yes, and Morgan Freeman ment; when you talk about ghosts, they exist and they don't sieze to exist unless you stop talking about them!

    • @DarleneWoolard
      @DarleneWoolard Před měsícem

      ​@@chadrowe8452on Don Lemon CNN.

  • @delmi864
    @delmi864 Před měsícem +157

    These beings don"t value life. They are dead inside.

  • @starhernandez44
    @starhernandez44 Před měsícem +2151

    That view needs to be canceled immediately

  • @mrfrogg46able
    @mrfrogg46able Před měsícem +34

    the cast of the view needs to be canceled

  • @Glenda-fp5vh
    @Glenda-fp5vh Před měsícem +744

    These people are all evil.

    • @RocketSpam0
      @RocketSpam0 Před měsícem +14


    • @Glenda-fp5vh
      @Glenda-fp5vh Před měsícem +8

      @@RocketSpam0 Sadly, yes.

    • @JessieB_
      @JessieB_ Před měsícem +14

      Do you think they intend being wicked to get laughs etc., or are they possessed by a demonic spirit...(meaning, it saw an opening and it took it.)

    • @Glenda-fp5vh
      @Glenda-fp5vh Před měsícem +18

      @@JessieB_ Idk. It wouldn't surprise me if they were demon possessed. The fact that they have NO fear of God bothers me.

    • @BilldoeTruth
      @BilldoeTruth Před měsícem +3


  • @doloresperez5296
    @doloresperez5296 Před měsícem +849

    Jesus doesn't worry about what color people think he is, he doesn't want you to look at his skin, he wants you to look at his heart❤

    • @IveGotonethatCanSee
      @IveGotonethatCanSee Před měsícem +39

      Jesus created all the colors, He’s God

    • @lillystrange6197
      @lillystrange6197 Před měsícem +11

      Both points are valid and I agree

    • @MarianMurphy-rz8ej
      @MarianMurphy-rz8ej Před měsícem

      Jesus could be anyone. He could shapeshift into any one of His Creation. From the greatest to the least in the eyes of men and that’s the point. And as you have done so unto the least of these you have done so unto Him for good and for ill. He could be the elephant man, His Spirit could be manifested in that girl that went viral on the internet and self proclaimed ugliest woman in the world. He could be like Brad Pitt, Jason Mamoa, Idriz Elba, or Carla Delevigne or some other super model. Fixating on the matter of race is keeping what it is He represents at such a surface level of discourse. It’s not about judging a book by its cover. Our outer shell fades. Even the most handsome man and beautiful woman will grow old in this place and if they have not invested in who they are inside they will have nothing left as they grow older. It is the outer person that corrupts and fades but He would want they we focus on what is incorruptible and eternal. To have an instinct for Truth and Reality itself. The fact they try to turn this into a social justice issue and to fuel racial discordance is missing the point and the work of the devil. It doesn’t matter. There is a spark of divinity and light in all that is created. What is race but melanin and lan is lanwave and satan is the prince of the power of the air. It doesn’t matter. It’s divide and conquer. The darkness 666 lawlessness is destroying the beauty of all races though I will tell you this. People become unnatural in the darkness. And beauty is something distinct and different and higher than the mere excitation of the flesh. You all know it. In darkness and sin peoples features are distorted and disfigured even if they are technically perfect because they live an evil existence. Now they might lust for such as this anyway and each other. That isn’t the beauty that exists if people had natural vision and led separable and individuated existences and lives. To be one in Christ Jesus is different from being a hive mind of wolves with one eye. That one eye is of the devil. It means a person has gone along the wrong path and they live an evil life…

    • @sebfettel
      @sebfettel Před měsícem +14

      I wouldn't speak for Jesus is I were you.

    • @sueingram5157
      @sueingram5157 Před měsícem +18

      God and Jesus Christ don't see the color of your skin, it's the color of your soul and your hearts 💕 that they are looking at. These ppl are so pathetic.

  • @bobbierobinson7996
    @bobbierobinson7996 Před měsícem +239

    We have no way to salvation without Jesus. Jesus is the only way.

    • @e.clinton
      @e.clinton Před měsícem +9

      "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
      John 14:6 👑

    • @teresahiggs4896
      @teresahiggs4896 Před měsícem

      @@e.clintonAmen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

    • @davidr2443
      @davidr2443 Před měsícem +6


    • @HVO2024
      @HVO2024 Před měsícem +1

      And the way is within YOU... .

    • @e.clinton
      @e.clinton Před měsícem +2

      ​@@HVO2024 Jesus said:
      “13Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it"
      (Matthew 7:13-14)
      Yes only few really find Jesus i.e the Way... So no... the way is not within you/us, we're just creatures not God, who's the Creator.
      Apostle Paul even said "𝑁𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟, 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑦 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑤𝑒 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑑."

  • @markdavidhizar2655
    @markdavidhizar2655 Před měsícem +35

    Do they pay people to attend this show...this is poison

    • @rettahenshaw3987
      @rettahenshaw3987 Před měsícem

      Come to my house and tell me whites aren't as poor.

  • @robinmarie5180
    @robinmarie5180 Před měsícem +501

    Sodom and Gomorrah started like this. God help us all. In my opinion

  • @kashikitsune8724
    @kashikitsune8724 Před měsícem +219

    It will be a glorious day when the view is finally cancelled

    • @Ms.B4real
      @Ms.B4real Před měsícem +7

      I believe because it's so wicked they choose to keep it on the air .

    • @kashikitsune8724
      @kashikitsune8724 Před měsícem +2

      @@Ms.B4real this is true

    • @christopher7952
      @christopher7952 Před měsícem +5

      I'm going to have party when view is canceled

    • @deborahmack6662
      @deborahmack6662 Před měsícem +2

      @@kashikitsune8724, you know I’m shocked they still have any viewers. I don’t know anyone who would actually sit and watch this sinful show with so much hate displayed in full view.

    • @joeswartz8286
      @joeswartz8286 Před měsícem +1

      It will make no difference. They will provide a new and worse one. Always have, always will. It will be even more deceitful. In fact, I think they already have.

  • @Christ1stnLast_
    @Christ1stnLast_ Před měsícem +544

    The View is just so extremely CRINGE!.....

    • @rasberryfields2132
      @rasberryfields2132 Před měsícem +14

      Cringe and extremely rude!😡

    • @metalmike570
      @metalmike570 Před měsícem

      It's the left, liberalism agenda. Watch out this is Kamala's people.

    • @ralieghsolo
      @ralieghsolo Před 22 dny

      I think the word cringe is cringe lol. But I use slang sometimes so I can't talk 😅

  • @deborahmack6662
    @deborahmack6662 Před měsícem +20

    Mike you are so right about all these women on the view. I haven’t looked at this show since it first aired when Barbara Walters started this show. I believe that was about 20+ years ago. God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Homosexuality is a sin in God’s eyes and He will never change His mind about that. So many people refuse to read the Holy Scriptures and refuse to accept the truth of God. It makes me very sad for Jesus and for all the non believers who will NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

  • @sharonrich175
    @sharonrich175 Před měsícem +135

    The fact this show is still on the air is unbelievable

    • @roseaduke8835
      @roseaduke8835 Před měsícem +6

      They serve the cause of the prince ov the power of the air!

    • @user-le7go3se3o
      @user-le7go3se3o Před 19 dny

      They are a Dem puppet show so of course they will still be running don't matter how bad it gets....

  • @KimmieSue.
    @KimmieSue. Před měsícem +153

    If everyone stopped watching and talking about them for clicks, they would go away.

    • @phillipschuster4396
      @phillipschuster4396 Před měsícem +1

      Well, that may be true, but you have to admit it is the best comedy show out there.

    • @TenaciousMegan
      @TenaciousMegan Před měsícem

      Yet here you are 😅

  • @donnacollins556
    @donnacollins556 Před měsícem +111

    Dear Lord, please open peoples eyes to the evil that is said

  • @user-zh9zb9si8n
    @user-zh9zb9si8n Před měsícem +18

    Mr. Coleman is a brilliant Man!! He kept cool and used his brilliant intellect and powers of reason to shut his attackers down quickly....
    He showed more poise and control than most current politicians...That would make him stunningly capable as a politician!
    Loved this video clip!!!

  • @iviewutoob
    @iviewutoob Před měsícem +498

    Not all women are idiots like the ones on The View. I’m a woman and I believe good men are the back bone of a good life and I could never live without a good man.

    • @goodmorningsundaymorning4533
      @goodmorningsundaymorning4533 Před měsícem +17


    • @rebeccacamplin698
      @rebeccacamplin698 Před měsícem +37

      This country has destroyed the idea of marriage, and for better or worse, it's a terrifying time, I'm a 50 yr old white woman, I have never been racist , and so tired. Of this racial divide in this country

    • @paulhabrelewicz7749
      @paulhabrelewicz7749 Před měsícem +27

      You’re a smart woman! Men just want a woman that will at least acknowledge their hard work!!! And be faithful! That’s not asking much!!!!

    • @pippylongstockings8600
      @pippylongstockings8600 Před měsícem


      @BIGPINKMAN Před měsícem +1

      Obviously not all females are idiots nowadays just most

  • @davidca96
    @davidca96 Před měsícem +777

    None of us real Christian's EVER thought Jesus was blue eyed/blonde, and His physical race has nothing to do with what He came here for.

    • @metalmike570
      @metalmike570 Před měsícem +41

      Maybe Elon will buy ABC, he said he would just to cancel it.

    • @caliblue2
      @caliblue2 Před měsícem

      I’ve never in my life seen a blonde Jesus. But I have seen an obese woman Jesus at the Olympic opening ceremony.🙄 I’m sure they won’t be offended by that🙄

    • @Anonymous.C.K.
      @Anonymous.C.K. Před měsícem

      Not necessarily true, white supremacist really bank on those baby blues of him. But as a whole, skin color should be the least we worry about. It’s stupid.

    • @LindaA1124
      @LindaA1124 Před měsícem +10


    • @nikkireed2328
      @nikkireed2328 Před měsícem +7


  • @ObservantPiratePlus
    @ObservantPiratePlus Před měsícem +92

    Demons abound in our world, and evil masquerades as virtue.

    • @delmi864
      @delmi864 Před měsícem +4

      They are the biggest gaslighters

  • @nighthawk2634
    @nighthawk2634 Před měsícem +21

    Men and women need be together and respect God and speak up against evil wherever it is now more than ever

  • @teresagrist105
    @teresagrist105 Před měsícem +69

    The world can do without the thinking of these women. I pray they have their eyes opened and hearts humbled before it’s too late.

  • @PIERCED6966
    @PIERCED6966 Před měsícem +378

    Kelly Osborne trying to call out Trump as racist by being racist herself is epic😂😂😂😂

    • @kingdom4486
      @kingdom4486 Před měsícem +20

      She was removed shortly afterward.

    • @wolfman9913
      @wolfman9913 Před měsícem

      Feel sorry for her...she is after all the offspring of an ant-snorting, full-blown alcoholic and lifelong dope-fiend, she is operating on that one, hand me down brain cell!!😂😂

    • @JJones-cl4dm
      @JJones-cl4dm Před měsícem

      Making everything about race the way they do, is racist. They are the ones with all the hate for fellow man not MAGA

    • @johnlombardo7816
      @johnlombardo7816 Před měsícem +10

      Sadly, I understood what she was trying to do haha just in an "Osborne way" 😂 .. fact is she's prob better than the rest . Which says nothing .. so yeah idk ... they are hard to listen to because they seem to believe what they say. Scary

    • @Jorokusaki
      @Jorokusaki Před měsícem +6

      She got into her dad's stash too many times...

  • @doloresperez5296
    @doloresperez5296 Před měsícem +225

    Why are they even on TV still? Childish little kindergartens

  • @priscillamcbride1475
    @priscillamcbride1475 Před měsícem +20

    I as a woman would be horrified to live in a world without men. We need Men, just like we need women.

  • @tonicooper5449
    @tonicooper5449 Před měsícem +362

    Sorry I can't stand these women, I pray for them but can't handle listening to them.

    • @goodmorningsundaymorning4533
      @goodmorningsundaymorning4533 Před měsícem +8

      God doesn't hear your prayers for demons. Reprobates. There are many Bible verses about this. Instead pray for your family and friends 🕊️

    • @DamePiglet
      @DamePiglet Před měsícem +3

      ​@@goodmorningsundaymorning4533they aren't ACTUALLY demons, they're humans.
      And I notice you didn't quote chapter & verse...

    • @chasitieking4116
      @chasitieking4116 Před měsícem +3

      We're to love all ppl even our enemies. I believe these ppl have been unknowingly possessed, so the more ppl who use the power of prayer for them, then that gives them a opening to possibly be helped & to expell the demon 😈

    • @goodmorningsundaymorning4533
      @goodmorningsundaymorning4533 Před měsícem +5

      @@DamePiglet they are reprobates. Read your Bible. Your prayers go unheard praying for reprobates. Instead pray for the decent and kind ppl in your life who still haven't accepted the Lord.

    • @goodmorningsundaymorning4533
      @goodmorningsundaymorning4533 Před měsícem +3

      @@chasitieking4116 get out of the church and in to your kjv Bible. Even God hates.

  • @Hmm-xy9qs
    @Hmm-xy9qs Před měsícem +84

    “Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil,” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  • @peggyweatherford4048
    @peggyweatherford4048 Před měsícem +128

    Why aren’t we all praying daily for The View to be shut down? This grieves my soul so terribly. Let’s all pray!!!

    • @Tracywhited2
      @Tracywhited2 Před měsícem +3

      I am.

    • @jeanalice4732
      @jeanalice4732 Před měsícem +6

      Worse are those who watch it.

    • @anyhootyepo654
      @anyhootyepo654 Před měsícem +3

      ​@@Tracywhited2me too will pray.

    • @ADONIRA369
      @ADONIRA369 Před měsícem

      Wait but Jesus said love ur enemies more!’n doesn’t sound like love when u want them cancelled!!!😂😂😂😂😂
      For once PRACTICE WHAT U PREACH!! Biggest problem with Christians is that, FULL OF HATE AND VERY OPINIONATED INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING UR GOD’s words!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂

    • @darlene9145
      @darlene9145 Před měsícem +5

      I will join you in that prayer!
      It's awful that they have that platform to spread their evil.
      I get physically sick listening to them. 😕

  • @weneedsaving515
    @weneedsaving515 Před měsícem +10

    I am a very forgiving person. I can forgive A person who wrongs me, a person who cheats me and a person that lies to me..but I can not and will not forgive ANYONE who watches
    "THE VIEW"

  • @Saulfloresgarza
    @Saulfloresgarza Před měsícem +1362


    • @MattWallace-vl4nw
      @MattWallace-vl4nw Před měsícem +21


    • @JessieB_
      @JessieB_ Před měsícem +20

      Praise the Lord.
      Cancel the view...erm those demons would just slither off to another show. Did anyone notice how Sunny was leaning toward Coleman so much that he was leaning away from her..Perhaps he was feeling her aggression even before he heard it. ?

    • @rebeccacamplin698
      @rebeccacamplin698 Před měsícem +11


    • @edgaralonso4898
      @edgaralonso4898 Před měsícem +14

      That show is rediculous 😮

    • @meilingflesa8140
      @meilingflesa8140 Před měsícem +9

      Amen 🙏

  • @l_u5841
    @l_u5841 Před měsícem +266

    We should all pray for this show to be canceled!!

    • @theinnerlight8016
      @theinnerlight8016 Před měsícem +11

      Not giving them views might be a bit more productive. 😅

    • @Tellzel107
      @Tellzel107 Před měsícem +6


    • @Tellzel107
      @Tellzel107 Před měsícem +4


    • @terimcgarr3721
      @terimcgarr3721 Před měsícem +4

      it has been this is the last year for it.

    • @christinaFaith84
      @christinaFaith84 Před měsícem +4

      ​@theinnerlight8016 I think it's good to know where our enemies are. My mom said I shouldn't put a focus on the bad people and I really don't. But I want to know what the enemy is doing. Like in war, if you know where your enemy is, you have a better chance at survival.

  • @evongreiff1
    @evongreiff1 Před měsícem +65

    “Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.”
    (Proverbs 26:27)

  • @kimlarge4077
    @kimlarge4077 Před měsícem +16

    These women sit there like the Pharisees.

  • @jamienolin5554
    @jamienolin5554 Před měsícem +164

    They don't have enough sense to fear God. But, one day every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. Every bad word they speak will be held against them.

    • @247PHI
      @247PHI Před měsícem +1

      And they will even be held accountable for those words spoken in jest, "down to the last dot and tittle". We were assigned scribing angels upon our arrival into human form and they are commanded to write down every word we utter. Choose your words wisely. Words=Matter

    • @Glenn-m1t
      @Glenn-m1t Před měsícem

      The lake of fire is very real and they are headed to it unfortunately!!!
      I can't imagine being so evil that you don't care if you go to the lake!!!

    • @csamp2855
      @csamp2855 Před měsícem


  • @michaeldowns5270
    @michaeldowns5270 Před měsícem +83

    A baby in the womb has a soul. When two souls enter a room and only one exits, a soul has been lost!

  • @mohadabdullahi4786
    @mohadabdullahi4786 Před měsícem +400

    They are delusional.

    • @thestudentcafe
      @thestudentcafe Před měsícem

      Exactly. But excruciatingly dense. These are the 'thickest' bunch of almost human beings ever to grace our screens.

    • @lynnwest6191
      @lynnwest6191 Před měsícem +3


    • @meilingflesa8140
      @meilingflesa8140 Před měsícem

      I think they are going to hell to tell you the truth

    • @meilingflesa8140
      @meilingflesa8140 Před měsícem

      To tell you the truth l think they are going to hell

    • @davidguardado4739
      @davidguardado4739 Před měsícem +3

      I think they they know all too well what they are spouting .

  • @buradley1733
    @buradley1733 Před měsícem +6

    They say the Bible is "antiquated"...I feel sorry for them, they are so blinded by the enemy.

  • @thebigblippity5221
    @thebigblippity5221 Před měsícem +83

    I would never talk about my wife in the way they talked about their husbands. If my wife talked about me like that I would divorce her.

    • @BS-dq1kz
      @BS-dq1kz Před měsícem

      Yes. I’d never speak of my husband this way either. They’re nasty disgusting women. I’d say I feel bad for their husbands but those men likely knew(maybe not though)what kind of women they were getting when they married them.

  • @biancahicks1359
    @biancahicks1359 Před měsícem +168

    The View went off the rails years ago when Barbara Walters left. She came from a REAL Journalism background and she didn’t play this childish, unprofessional game. The View should be canceled. It is long past its expiration date.

    • @cynthiaparker7599
      @cynthiaparker7599 Před měsícem +4


    • @marlenelindsey7638
      @marlenelindsey7638 Před měsícem

      Before Walter’s, the day she defended pedofilia was the end for many people.

    • @jaydunn3251
      @jaydunn3251 Před měsícem +2

      Lovers. All of them

    • @user-wm5wc8kt2l
      @user-wm5wc8kt2l Před měsícem +2

      Exactly! I think when Whoopi became the leader...

    • @user-wm5wc8kt2l
      @user-wm5wc8kt2l Před měsícem +4

      And since you mentioned journalism; I think that's when all the journalism turned into bs. I took journalism in college in 1990 and remember the code of ethics classes and the fear I felt if I didn't research the truth of a subject... Journalism looks nothing like that today

  • @ballysupreme
    @ballysupreme Před měsícem +152

    The self importance is sickening on The View. They rate themselves so high

    • @gtilusso2101
      @gtilusso2101 Před měsícem +5


    • @katymitchell8200
      @katymitchell8200 Před měsícem +5

      😊 Yes, each of these women are very narcissistic. I don't know how they tolerate each other with that much narcissism. 😅😅

    • @statesashley0416
      @statesashley0416 Před měsícem +3

      ​@@katymitchell8200lol because they all agree on everything for the most part seems that way

  • @tikilo3303
    @tikilo3303 Před měsícem +13

    19:24 you can see the sadness she has for having the abortion. Tilting her head down avoiding eye contact and then trying to recover and be “strong” and say it was mercy. Keep telling yourself lies Anne

  • @claudiahavelevitch5015
    @claudiahavelevitch5015 Před měsícem +54

    The nasty intimidation tactics says it all.. bullying doesn’t make one right but they don’t care.

  • @MojoMountainMan
    @MojoMountainMan Před měsícem +76

    "Evil will be called good and good will be called evil"

  • @bobbierobinson7996
    @bobbierobinson7996 Před měsícem +154

    It doesn't matter what Jesus looks like he gave us a way to heaven

    • @venomninja30
      @venomninja30 Před měsícem

      Or a paradise with everlasting life .

    • @CARPETMAN6666
      @CARPETMAN6666 Před měsícem +1

      The models for most of the pictures of Jesus Christ was Cesare Borgia.

    • @JoshnTrishKeeton
      @JoshnTrishKeeton Před měsícem +1

      Facts truth amen

    • @brooklyn7392
      @brooklyn7392 Před měsícem

      If it doesn't matter why did they hide it is my question

  • @drewskiwest5284
    @drewskiwest5284 Před měsícem +14

    they don't know the creator anymore than he knows them.

  • @mykidsdad6248
    @mykidsdad6248 Před měsícem +58

    One cannot fix stupid... once evil has ones heart, God can offer redemption, but that one who let evil in, has to accept Gods grace to soften their heart to alliw Him back in.

  • @AnnabelleJARankin
    @AnnabelleJARankin Před měsícem +143

    Can't believe how rude that woman 'Sunny' was to Coleman Hughes
    - talking to him as though he's a brainless stooge!

    • @FreeMare1042
      @FreeMare1042 Před měsícem +1

      She needs to be put in her place but she doesn’t let anyone speak long enough to do it. None of them do actually.

    • @gregoryhelberg6391
      @gregoryhelberg6391 Před měsícem

      He knew that the show is mostly hard left people prior to going on the show.

  • @jayburrough4308
    @jayburrough4308 Před měsícem +164

    They think it's bad to have death sentence for murders but ok to unalive a baby

  • @EricaYE6
    @EricaYE6 Před měsícem +6

    The devil is trying to destroy this Country.

  • @sarapope9880
    @sarapope9880 Před měsícem +70

    People need to learn that Jesus came to teach us how to live like Him. He did not come to live like us. If we were getting it right, there was no reason for Him to come. 🙏💜🕊

    • @joeswartz8286
      @joeswartz8286 Před měsícem

      That’s right. He didn’t have a mansion and a car. He didn’t even have a huge church to go too or the net worth of the poorest preacher in the world. (Check it out. You will be shocked.)

  • @marilynhoste3961
    @marilynhoste3961 Před měsícem +107

    Do not mock God !!!! He does not like it !!!!

    • @sueingram5157
      @sueingram5157 Před měsícem +6

      I agree 💯

    • @theinnerlight8016
      @theinnerlight8016 Před měsícem +1

      "Samaria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God;
      they shall fall by the sword;
      their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open."
      (Hosea 13,16)
      "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and *create evil:* I the Lord do all these things"
      (Isaiah 45:7)
      He could use anger management...😮

    • @irmagarcia4012
      @irmagarcia4012 Před měsícem

      He doesn't accept it

  • @eddyraye5825
    @eddyraye5825 Před měsícem +85

    "The Spew is a rabies infested henhouse". You are the man, Joe.

  • @nivekkobe696
    @nivekkobe696 Před měsícem +17

    The cheek of these women is astonishing . Their ignorance is just sickening

  • @AndreyaCAUS
    @AndreyaCAUS Před měsícem +145

    As a woman, this is embarrassing.

    • @alicesamuels3937
      @alicesamuels3937 Před měsícem +8

      Totally agree .

    • @1foolishcaribou195
      @1foolishcaribou195 Před měsícem

      As a human being, I want to vomit.

    • @isaac21r
      @isaac21r Před měsícem +4

      As a human this is disgraceful

    • @1foolishcaribou195
      @1foolishcaribou195 Před měsícem +1

      I said something about as a real woman I find this disgusting. The comment "offended" someone who is canceling biological women and they removed my post.
      We can't even acknowledge we exist.

    • @PoppyGrace37
      @PoppyGrace37 Před měsícem

      Thankfully, they don't represent all women.

  • @mikeblakeley7772
    @mikeblakeley7772 Před měsícem +73

    Demons come in all shapes, sizes, traces and BOTH GENDERS!!

    • @theinnerlight8016
      @theinnerlight8016 Před měsícem

      @@mikeblakeley7772 Evidence for the existence of demons doesn't exist.

    • @NoraDean-bt3sw
      @NoraDean-bt3sw Před měsícem

      Amen. I pray that people finally realize the spiritual warfare at hand. I feel so horrible for those who don't believe. I was confused my whole life. And I'm so grateful that Jesus saved me. I'll never doubt my God ever again

  • @elizabethcardinale6255
    @elizabethcardinale6255 Před měsícem +144

    They are in their own world. An evil world. To bad they don’t know the real Jesus.

    • @tristantimothy1004
      @tristantimothy1004 Před měsícem

      Liz, They do know. All the shapeshifting demons know, and they hate him. Just like the demons running D.C. that are wearing human suits & ruining the country.

    • @theinnerlight8016
      @theinnerlight8016 Před měsícem

      There is a *lot* they know nothing about. 😮

  • @alexandercarder2281
    @alexandercarder2281 Před měsícem +6

    Listening to these women talk brings this prophecy from the Bible straight to my mind.
    Isaiah 4:1
    And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

    • @a.wilkins1708
      @a.wilkins1708 Před měsícem

      Someome I spoke to recently about this had different view on this verse: it's when due to war so many men are killed that there are 7 times more women than men and as not being married is not well regarded they just want his name as to being seen as married.

  • @jazzylyn5857
    @jazzylyn5857 Před měsícem +115

    "Most people don't know Jesus was from the middle east and Jewish."
    Blimey, I'm shook. We all thought he was Scottish but lived in London and his parents were from France. How stupid do we feel now.

    • @barbaruby
      @barbaruby Před měsícem

      lol, she's such an entitled nitwit; assuming ignoramus

    • @Glenn-m1t
      @Glenn-m1t Před měsícem +8

      I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that Jesus was born in Bethlehem!!!

    • @MayaRivka
      @MayaRivka Před měsícem +6

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Awesome comment!!!!

    • @markyg236
      @markyg236 Před měsícem +8

      What she was really saying was 'Most people who watch The View don't know ...'

    • @IanCowboy
      @IanCowboy Před měsícem

      Seriously I do think alot of people believe Christianity is a stand alone religion from Europe! People are ignorant and have no sense of history 😒

  • @juliehargrove605
    @juliehargrove605 Před měsícem +81

    The devils are among us🙏🙏🙏 pray pray pray

  • @christy032866
    @christy032866 Před měsícem +109

    The statement about Jesus being in charge of the pride parade, SACRILEGE!!😮 She's going to be held accountable for the damage she did with that statement!!

    • @theinnerlight8016
      @theinnerlight8016 Před měsícem

      The left never take accountability for anything they do. 😕

    • @katymitchell8200
      @katymitchell8200 Před měsícem +4

      I agree. It's hard for me, even at my age of 59, to understand how so many people twist the words of the Bible and Christianity to suit their own agenda. 😢

    • @rebeccasalinas709
      @rebeccasalinas709 Před měsícem

      God had sent fire upon that group, on Sodom and Gomorrah, never to be part of that agenda. Sodomy rose up to Gods nostrils, and he took care of business.

  • @viking7084
    @viking7084 Před měsícem +4

    "Individual Rights & Responsibilities make civilization civilized. Groups always exclude other groups which leads to tyranny. The very tyranny we see today." Let us treat each other with kindness and love and stand against evil in all its forms.

    • @ovidiaechevarria7742
      @ovidiaechevarria7742 Před měsícem

      ❤❤The more love we give, the better blessings we get, as a country, as individuals, as human beings with beautiful souls❤

  • @sherylstitt8876
    @sherylstitt8876 Před měsícem +252

    God have mercy on these lost souls who speak against your Word…🕊

    • @mistymeasles2527
      @mistymeasles2527 Před měsícem +4


    • @sharondiaz137
      @sharondiaz137 Před měsícem +8

      He won’t they mock God. Only if they turn from their evil ways and repent period

    • @goodmorningsundaymorning4533
      @goodmorningsundaymorning4533 Před měsícem +3

      I pray for Gods mercy on souls that are good and decent ppl that just haven't accepted God yet. God warns us that he doesn't hear our prayers when praying for reprobates and demons 🕊️

    • @catgraves9869
      @catgraves9869 Před měsícem

      ​@@goodmorningsundaymorning4533Good to know bc occasionally I pray for satan to find his way back to beg for forgiveness and I pray its accepted. Of course now I know just how stupid that is. But anything to rid the universe of evil is the goal right?

    • @meilingflesa8140
      @meilingflesa8140 Před měsícem

      They are definitely lost souls who care more about ratings than the truth

  • @aprilb6642
    @aprilb6642 Před měsícem +101

    AS a mother of a beautiful son, what these women are saying sickens me. What kind of demonic entities must inhabit them? The problem is that there are many people who foolishly listen to them, pray that eyes will be opened and we must also pray for these women to truly come to the Lord.

    • @CamperEra
      @CamperEra Před měsícem +5

      Amen 🙏🏻

    • @nikkinik4188
      @nikkinik4188 Před měsícem +3

    • @Booboo_7577
      @Booboo_7577 Před měsícem +2

      I think they have sold there souls. So it's way to late for them to be saved.

    • @nikkinik4188
      @nikkinik4188 Před měsícem +1

      @@Booboo_7577 NO demonic spirit is too big for MY Savior the creator of heaven and earth! The blood of Jesus is the only way to break any demonic contract for good!

    • @aprilb6642
      @aprilb6642 Před měsícem

      @@Booboo_7577 Maybe but He told us to pray for our enemies.

  • @lauriefarmer7724
    @lauriefarmer7724 Před měsícem +51

    Funny how they complain about men, yet then talk about their husbands as nothing but handy men who do nothing else. How disgusting.

    • @seascape0881
      @seascape0881 Před měsícem +1

      Yeah and I’ll add I’m suprised that they are STILL married to these men, cs if I were them and heard this I’d be OUT! Lol

  • @katb7393
    @katb7393 Před měsícem +3

    I am so sick of all the racism. We are ALL created by God our Father in HIS image. We ALL bleed red. I could care less about someone's skin color. God help us. 😢

  • @Mr.Smiles7779
    @Mr.Smiles7779 Před měsícem +60

    Jesus is all we need!
    My King is Supreme!

  • @radroofer
    @radroofer Před měsícem +42

    He also addressed homosexuality in the old testament saying "Both are an abomination and shall be put to death their own blood upon them."

    • @KinnereyB
      @KinnereyB Před 26 dny +1

      I prefer using the NT to rebuke homosexuality my friend. The reason is bc I can find at least 50 of the 613 laws in the Pentateuch nobody follows, and one many Christians love to gloss over. Leviticus in verse 19:28 “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”
      The NT also says the same thing btw. Use it to rebuke homosexuality brother

  • @robertsylvester3542
    @robertsylvester3542 Před měsícem +95

    Classic NARCISSISTIC SHOW. Our view. Is what it should be called.

  • @mrsteve.keepfit6201
    @mrsteve.keepfit6201 Před měsícem +3

    Isaiah 5:20 King James Version 'Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter'!

  • @bearforce187
    @bearforce187 Před měsícem +296

    They should rename the show to The One-Sided View.

    • @tristantimothy1004
      @tristantimothy1004 Před měsícem +23

      Bear, no, it SHOULD be named " Satan's view."

    • @OCD-GUY
      @OCD-GUY Před měsícem +16

      The View Of Lost Souls

    • @tristantimothy1004
      @tristantimothy1004 Před měsícem

      ​@@OCD-GUY, You really don't get it do you. Demons can/ do shapeshift into human form. This worlds full of them & Hellyweird in particular. Them & Washington D.C. ALL the demonazies leaders are demons hiding in plain sight. Non human entities disguised as humans. " For our struggle is not against flesh & blood but with spiritual ( invisible or visible) forces in this world & the heavenly realms above. These " THINGS" aren't human at all.

    • @optimisticpessimist484
      @optimisticpessimist484 Před měsícem +13

      The Dim View.

    • @christenwarner7558
      @christenwarner7558 Před měsícem +13

      The Skewed View

  • @PatrickWilkinson-tb9yo
    @PatrickWilkinson-tb9yo Před měsícem +57

    I will be praying for these women. You can't twist the words in the Bible, to make your lifestyle choices good for Jesus.

    • @goodmorningsundaymorning4533
      @goodmorningsundaymorning4533 Před měsícem +3

      I don't pray for demons. I pray for good and decent ppl and kind souls who still haven't accepted Jesus yet. The Bible warns us that God doesn't hear prayers for reprobates and demons.

  • @the78noodlenolle17
    @the78noodlenolle17 Před měsícem +42

    No one cares what sunny says. She's not a preacher or priest.

  • @JeremieMartin3x
    @JeremieMartin3x Před měsícem +2

    If a person is so concerned or focused on the "color" of Jesus, theyve completely missed it.

  • @Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22
    @Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22 Před měsícem +63

    Pray for these women. They will need God’s mercy😢.

    • @ShaeNik
      @ShaeNik Před měsícem +3

      Those women are being crushed under God's wrath. Everyone will not be saved and they are a part of those.

    • @sickntired553
      @sickntired553 Před měsícem +1


    • @AdamAirMDGED
      @AdamAirMDGED Před měsícem +2

      It's not the person that's the spirit that they Harbor, and they suck at math

    • @alicesamuels3937
      @alicesamuels3937 Před měsícem +2

      Well first they need to repent. To do that they need insight , which is sorely absent in those kind of “look at me “ people.

    • @WalterRocha-rm4rr
      @WalterRocha-rm4rr Před měsícem

      Yeah really 😁

  • @beanie1954
    @beanie1954 Před měsícem +121

    Whoopi is such an unhappy, hateful person.

    • @BilldoeTruth
      @BilldoeTruth Před měsícem

      Dreads are demonic diseases hairstyles REMIX BR/AIDS

    • @lindagardener855
      @lindagardener855 Před měsícem +12

      All those women are. They are full of anger , and they want revenge.

    • @dragonflywings4669
      @dragonflywings4669 Před měsícem +14

      She is nasty to her core and unfortunately the other women on this show are too 😖

    • @BilldoeTruth
      @BilldoeTruth Před měsícem


    • @jamesstewart2436
      @jamesstewart2436 Před měsícem +2

      Which is odd, because I used to like her as a comedian. Now... can't stand her.

  • @ohsuziq3916
    @ohsuziq3916 Před měsícem +90

    How dare they say “Men” are useless! Men built this country not woman, woman helped men.

    • @theinnerlight8016
      @theinnerlight8016 Před měsícem +4

      Goes for every country.

    • @katymitchell8200
      @katymitchell8200 Před měsícem +7

      ABSOLUTELY. It would be very hard without my husband. Men are so NECESSARY 😊

    • @pamelaphillips2313
      @pamelaphillips2313 Před měsícem +3

      Women were made to be help meets. If they were truly believing the Bible, they would have to be mindful of this.

    • @theinnerlight8016
      @theinnerlight8016 Před měsícem +3

      “If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days.”
      (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)
      "The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church."
      (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)
      Women in the bible...

    • @ohsuziq3916
      @ohsuziq3916 Před měsícem +2

      @@pamelaphillips2313 that is 100% correct, we we’re not to be RULERS it’s crazy, we are to be meek and virtuous.

  • @sheaforest9309
    @sheaforest9309 Před měsícem +2

    What man of any substance would chose any of these women?

  • @fredthejunkman
    @fredthejunkman Před měsícem +91

    I can't watch this till the end....those women are evil.

  • @timpavloff1567
    @timpavloff1567 Před měsícem +32

    Revelation 3:16
    “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”

    • @modenam9046
      @modenam9046 Před měsícem


    • @theinnerlight8016
      @theinnerlight8016 Před měsícem

      "Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!"
      (Psalm 137:9)
      "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things"
      (Isaiah 45:7)

  • @user-mw9fg8rs9c
    @user-mw9fg8rs9c Před měsícem +30

    I felt so bad for these women of the View. They’re inflicting a serious curse in their lives and their families. How sad 😢

  • @joeswartz8286
    @joeswartz8286 Před měsícem +2

    God doesn’t do what we want Him to do. He does ONLY what He wants, and WILL, do.

  • @joemccarron199
    @joemccarron199 Před měsícem +65

    Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil

  • @angusmcclelland4846
    @angusmcclelland4846 Před měsícem +183

    It drives them mad that they can not rewrite the bible.

    • @NVArt001
      @NVArt001 Před měsícem +3

      Exactly. If they can't change something to their view of that something, they can't stand it.

    • @CatBeck-lg7gp
      @CatBeck-lg7gp Před měsícem +5

      The Mormons did

    • @NVArt001
      @NVArt001 Před měsícem +3

      @@CatBeck-lg7gp No, they added to it.

    • @garydavid2197
      @garydavid2197 Před měsícem +1

      The ten commandments are clear. Count on it!

    • @ueehurstonsecurity8887
      @ueehurstonsecurity8887 Před měsícem

      China just did. You should check it out. They said Jesus stoned Mary Magdalene and then after told her he is a sinner too. Pretty nuts what the CCP is up to.

  • @bettyurban4804
    @bettyurban4804 Před měsícem +50

    I am white. I am one of 10 children. We were very poor. One new dress and one new pair of shoes each year; unless an older sibling could hand down something they no longer wear. We lived in houses with no indoor plumbing. We rented houses that were in poor condition cause people didn't want to rent to that many children . So show me white privilege.

    • @SteveMccart
      @SteveMccart Před měsícem +3

      I also have constantly wondered exactly where this so called white privilege is supposed to be...because I sure could use a little bit of that.

    • @1281bexta
      @1281bexta Před 29 dny

      … I’m white and came from a poor background.
      If I were to commit a crime and someone else who was black committed the same crime I m more likely to get a lesser sentence.
      If I get pulled over, the way I’m treated will likely be better than someone who’s black
      If I go through airport security I’m less likely to be tested for residue than someone of middle eastern descent.
      That is white privilege.
      I guess your white privilege made it hard for you to understand

    • @kiannolivingston1506
      @kiannolivingston1506 Před 27 dny

      You want a pic of white privilege I'm sorry but I don't keep a photo of hunter B on hand

    • @OttoPylette
      @OttoPylette Před 27 dny

      I have witnessed "white" privilege...My neighbor, a very clean cut respected restaurateur, and I visited several businesses in Santa Cruz, CA. I am white & Demonte is black. The plan was to enter separately and leave together. Every business we visited greeted me in a friendly manner and didn't give me a second thought.
      Demonte didn't get the same gravitas. He barely got acknowledged as he entered and was being watched as if a crime was in progress. This happened in every business. Even those businesses owned or operated by non-whites.
      Yep. That's what white privilege looks like and I witnessed it.
      This was before white privilege became a woke term. 2003

  • @davidcochran938
    @davidcochran938 Před 18 dny

    All those who watch this show are lost. And need to be prayed for!

  • @terryrouss7826
    @terryrouss7826 Před měsícem +67

    Amen to you Pastor Mike for finally exposing what the View is actually doing and pointing out that they are celebrating evil and condemning good.

  • @davidjones-wr3pg
    @davidjones-wr3pg Před měsícem +28

    My daughter asked me what would I do if she started dating a girl. I told her that although I would never stop loving her, I would disapprove of such behavior, and I would not tolerate it under my roof. I have a difficult task in communicating to her the difference between sin we repent from and sin we do willingly and proudly. There is no forgiveness of sin that you intentionally commit and intend to continue. I fear for her soul.

    • @BaphometLuv
      @BaphometLuv Před měsícem

      Fear not. I slowly saw my beautiful then daughter who was 16 at the time becoming androgynous. 😢.. she was a part of some sexual reproduction advocacy group at her school which paid her a stipend. It was really a camouflage for same sex indoctrination. She would come home and be challenged concerning the 'education' she was receiving from public school in NYC. I opposed such demonic wisdom. I did tell her like I'm going to suggest you verbally express to your impressional offspring...YOU BETTER RETAIN GOD IN YOUR KNOWLEDGE! THis is according to the book of Romans and how the unnatural affection comes about.
      Her father was more 'soft' and 'understanding' in the matter but I was not. As far as I was concerned our daughter is made in my image and is what I am and as my mother was. I found it to be a disobedience also. Years has passed and my spouse has since passed too..he now has a nephew who is a sodomite and I did not see it coming and knew the child since he was about 4 😢. My bloodline has no such OUTTED individuals.. we are traditional by nature.. I am saved. Our daughter is now 23 living a heterosexual lifestyle. As destructive as she was as a teenager .. not going to school, disrespectful, not coming home for days, taking birth control meds without my consent tho she claimed to be 'gay', she even broke down my door. 😮..I DIDN'T PUT HER OUT OF OUR HOME. I did keep authority over and in my house though. She is now 23 and is still going through hardship not having obtained her highschool education or a G.E.D. atleast. She is still vain and moves around a lot. Her father is deceased and enabled a very confused child. Slowly but surely she is starting to know and understand how much I love her and why I was so hard on her as a teen but showed her true love and parental guidance during her most formidable and impressionable years even though she was rebellious. Now she more readily takes my advice on natural and spiritual matters. I just wanted to share that with you because I know it's tough but you as her pro-creator is formidable foe over he who is in the world. I will pray for you and that's not a cliche..I'm compelled to. Peace be unto you.

    • @dadloraed
      @dadloraed Před měsícem +1

      I fear for her mental health

    • @Glenn-m1t
      @Glenn-m1t Před měsícem

      Tell and show her that it's a abomination to God and she will suffer for eternity for it!!!
      First show her that God is real by showing her the amazing discoveries of Ron Wyatt!!!
      Especially show her Sodom and Gomorrah and how they have been turned into ash!!! The brimstone is still all over the cities and anyone can see them today!
      I hope she grows out of it because it's evil!!!

    • @adaughterofissachar
      @adaughterofissachar Před měsícem +2

      Just keep talking to her, and taking her to a real church house that's your best defense and by all means stop watching TV

    • @aaronzlegendary
      @aaronzlegendary Před měsícem +2

      Keep planting seeds bro.

  • @jdwar11
    @jdwar11 Před měsícem +98

    Ironic Whoopi wears a shirt that states “OVER IT” when she never has gotten over anything.

  • @bonniekmitta6445
    @bonniekmitta6445 Před měsícem

    The fact that this show is still even on air just shows how far from God this country has become God will not be mocked I just pray for each and every one of the people on the show and I pray for their salvation they will stand before the Lord one day they had this platform they could use to his Glory

  • @mikestroud9969
    @mikestroud9969 Před měsícem +102

    Socialism is. The door to Communism 😢 take care ❤️🙏🇺🇲💯

    • @Mberalf4829
      @Mberalf4829 Před měsícem +6


    • @MattHerrettMusic
      @MattHerrettMusic Před měsícem +1

      What in the total fuck has this got to do with anything?

    • @mikestroud9969
      @mikestroud9969 Před měsícem +4

      @@MattHerrettMusic hey im not sure 🙊🙉🙈😂😂. I'm Just an inexperienced young man 🤣🤣. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you ❤️🙏🇺🇲💯

    • @jandramardges3368
      @jandramardges3368 Před měsícem +1

      @@MattHerrettMusic..guess you haven’t watched the cesspool called the view.

  • @Bozemanboss
    @Bozemanboss Před měsícem +22

    Everything that is wrong will be made to look right, and everything that is right will be made to look wrong.

  • @mariedanielson9544
    @mariedanielson9544 Před měsícem +45

    Evil is everywhere