Javali - Sakhi Shyamale

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • Classical art forms are not just to connect with the super soul almighty, also to represent the hiccups and hurdles of daily life. Javalis are the Bharathanatyam items depicting the love of laymen. The challenging items for the dancers in terms of expressions(Abhinaya).
    In this particular Javali, a friend of heroine cheats her by getting united with her husband. She takes advantage of the trust of heroine(Nayika). This type of Nayika is Anya-sambhoga-duḥkhitā as mentioned in Śṛṅgāramañjarī, to be more specific Dūtī-sambhoga-duḥkhitā. Here Dūtī is none other than her Sakhī. Other classifications of Nayika are, Sweeya, Uttama and Virahotkanthita.
    Choreography: Deepthi Shree Somayaji
    This song is chosen from Ananya Bengaluru's Nrithya Sangeeta Album.
    Venue: Sava Sadan, Malleshwaram
    Video courtesy:
    Here is the dance interpretation:
    Lighting the lamp, at this time my husband must be indulged with that lady. Just looking oneself in the mirror and thinking, I am also beautiful. In which way she is better than me?
    My beautiful Sakhi cheated me. She stolen the heart of handsome one by approaching him.
    My Sakhi used to teach me different things, how to behave, etc. And I, been innocent blindly listening to her. But now!!!
    She was showing unnecessary love gestures and filled his mind with the matters which are not true.
    She made him to be suspicions about me!
    Sanchari(Come, I will show you! Look there, your wife with that rich man. Daily they get united there. I have seen, everyone has seen. Hey, you there! Tell him about his wife!)
    That’s how she made him to be suspicions about me!
    Slowly with smiling face she become one with him.
    She stopped him and said, “her face is so ugly, she is so thin, instead look at me!”, And hence got united with him.
    When I used to dress up nicely, she used to advise me to remove jewelleries. I obeyed her.
    She distorted all my trust and stolen the huggings from my beloved one.
    To Heroin: “Hey, I will go and get him”.
    To Hero: “Your wife does’t have any love towards you. She will always stay without jewelleries, thinking about something… “Hence she got his attention and hugged him
    Will he come out of her love and come to me?
    Looking oneself in mirror, one grey hair, body also become thin, no baby also..
    Move the curtain of the door and see the footprints of him, which are going away from home. Will he come back?
    Will he come out of her love and come home? And knock the door?
    5:19 - END
    My friend with whom I used to talk with so much love, cheated me!
    My husband, whom I used to obey so sincerely, cheated me!
    Friendship is cheated! Trust is cheated!
    Whom to believe, what to believe!
    Special Note:
    Anya-saṁbhoga-duḥkhitā: This Nāyikā who is an independent type to Bhānudatta is taken by the
    author of Śṛṅgāramañjarī in Khaṇḍitā sub-class. He says that the older writers considered only the
    Dūtī-sambhoga-duḥkhitā as the Anya-sambhoga-duḥkhitā. He says it is a variety of the Khaṇḍitā
    due to the fact that she exhibits her resentment not to her erring lover, but, in his absence to her
    own friends and messengers - Nāyaka-Parokṣam-duḥkhitā.
    Anya-sambhoga-duḥkhitā is the one who is pained due to the following reasons:
    ✓ At her lover’s sport with other messenger (Dūtī-Sambhoga)
    ✓ At his attempts at such sport with her messenger (Dūtī-samāsakti)
    ✓ At the news of her lover’s sport with any other Nāyikā (Itara-Nāyikā-rati-śravana)
    Anya-sambhoga-duḥkhitā has varieties like,
    ✓ Dūtī-sambhoga-duḥkhitā (One upset due to the lover’s attempt to enjoy the Dūtī)
    ✓ Itara-rati-śruti-khinnā (one who is upset on hearing the lover having enjoyed the company
    of other Nāyikā)
    ✓ Irṣyā-garvitā (one who is, out of her jealousy at her lover’s relation with another lady,
    gives vent to her angry and haughty words before of others.

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