Fall Apart and Melt into Your Heart : Be in Truth and Bridge the Heart of God and the Heart of Gaia

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • This video is an excerpt of the 2024 edition of my Spiritual Mentorship Program called 'Activating Our Pillars of Light : The Journey From Ego Integrity to Soul Sovereignty'. We started the second half of the year and are now bringing together all the work we've done since January.
    The theme of this call touched on so many yummy aspects of the falling apart we are in right now, of the inner and outer turmoils that surround us, of the Truth deep in your heart that you need to fully align with and melt into in order to be a Pillar of Light that bridges the Heart of Gaia and the Heart of God.
    Enjoy receiving the words that come through me, connecting to the Triple Heart Connection and discovering that true listening happens from being in the heart, not the head, deeply grounded in your Soul instead of floating in your ego. Soul Sovereignty is accepting that your Soul and the wisdom in your heart will always, always know better than your mind and your ego.
    If you want to go beyond the teaching I offer in this video and experience the guided energy work I offer after, so you can embody the teaching by doing the actual work in your energy field, you can now purchase the first half of this year's program for a very special price that I offer to you as an act of gratitude.
    Your willingness to give your attention and intention to clearing out the clutter from your energy field and training yourself to expand it more and more is some of the most valuable Soul Service you can offer to the Collective Consciousness as we go through the Ascension process. Please visit this page for more information about my special offer :
    Consider coming into the program and doing the work, live, with a small group of Souls that gather twice a month to create a high frequency container that amplifies our individual efforts. Fill the application form to book a free 45 minute session with me and let's assess if what I offer is suited to where you're at in your spiritual growth :
    Julie ♥ Claire
    Let's go on a journey from Ego Integrity to Soul Sovereignty. ♥
    Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Joyful Soul Expansion Mentorship Program (JSEMP)! This year we will be going deep into the structural work needed for us to stand as Pillars of Light anchoring in the 5D (and beyond) frequencies into the Earth Grid.
    To stand as Pillars able to anchor the Light, we need to be in Structural Integrity, a term I'm borrowing from architecture to describe the necessity of a strong foundation and an integrated system of balance points that all work together to keep the overall structure strong and stable.
    We will be working on strengthening and balancing 4 angles and/or planes in order to create a deep harmonization of all these directions :
    -the central line and its ascending and descending energies
    -the front and back of the Auric Field and its Will and Feeling Centers
    -the left and right corresponding to the energies of potential and fulfillment
    -the inner and outer as the flow of energy from core to boundary and back
    Understanding how these energies flow when they are in harmony - and experiencing it directly via guided meditations and activations, is such a powerful asset to have as the energies get more and more intense during this phase of the Ascension Process.
    A LOT will come to Light this year, and your ability to HOLD the LIGHT no matter what is revealed is some of the best service work you can offer to the Collective of Humanity as a Soul that came here to participate to 'The Great Work of Our Times'.
    I feel SOUL BLESSED to do this work with Light Allies and Kindred Spirits. If you are actively seeking a high frequency container that gives you the energetic support and soul-based community you need to be able to amplify your Light even more via a collective holding the same intention, reach out to me so we can assess if you're a good fit for my program!
    To find out more about the Joyful Soul Expansion Mentorship Program, please visit my web site : joyfulsoulexpa...
    I look forward to meeting you and becoming your Light Ally, dear future Joyful Soul Expansion Companion!!! :)
    Julie ♥ Claire, your Joyful Soul Expansion Companion
    PS. It is possible to purchase the meditation that follows this video by reaching out to me directly at awaken@joyfulsoulexpansion.com.
    #spiritual #spirituality #spirituality5d #spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowth #spiritualguidance #spiritualjourney #spiritu
    #energyhealing #energywork #multidimensionalhealing #transformationalhealing #meditation
    #innerjourney #innerchild #innerchildhealing #journeyofloveandlight
    #psychology #psychoanalysis #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment

Komentáře • 4

  • @AffirmationsToRaiseVibrations
    @AffirmationsToRaiseVibrations Před měsícem +1

    I love the way you describe the incredible strength and magic of embodying your core as a pillar of light ❤️🌈🦋

  • @hppybnstr537
    @hppybnstr537 Před měsícem +1

    Wow!!! This is so deep. And makes such beautiful sense in my experience. “The higher frequency needs spirits within bodies to bring it through and anchor it in the physical.”(paraphrase!) That is SO inspiring as it gives my own longing validity. I aspire to be a pillar of light, a “hollow bone” to fill myself and pass on the higher frequencies. Your work is helping me to do that.

  • @JPBailey17
    @JPBailey17 Před měsícem

    My intuition leads me to some really good videos lately, but this one is really good for this reason - I have listened to it about 4 times already and I keep hearing something new each time. So I'm listening. This info is really adding with other info that I'm integrating lately. Very helpful, wise knowing. Appreciate you sharing!

    • @julieclaire-joyfulsoul
      @julieclaire-joyfulsoul  Před měsícem

      Isn't it awesome when the more we listen the more bits of wisdom come into our field? It's the beauty of wisdom... it just goes deeper and deeper. We digest a piece, it becomes nutrients that fertilize the 'inner soil', and then we get to digest another, and another and another... Opening up the field to ore and more expansion, and man oh man, if, on top of that, the bits of wisdom connect other infos already floating around in our field and allow deeper integration... Now we're talking yummy yummy integration. I'm super happy you're ejnoying the video, please explore my other ones too, they're all jam packed like that... I'm a bridger of forms of knowing and what I love most is bringing it all together, from super metaphysical and psychological stuff to deeply grounded wisdom and down to earth common sense. 🙏