Rowan Williams - "When the Going Gets Rough" Development Day 2014

  • čas přidán 14. 10. 2014
  • Rowan Williams' "When the Going Gets Rough" workshop from the 2014 Sheffield Diocesan Development Day

Komentáře • 13

  • @CaptainOfTheLostWaves
    @CaptainOfTheLostWaves Před 3 lety +5

    Complete alignment with a far more profound sense of being in his words. Inspired and magical I dare say x

  • @serenasztein5065
    @serenasztein5065 Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you . God bless. God bless and keep us all

  • @sevenswords8781
    @sevenswords8781 Před 3 lety +2

    I Love God and get no pleasure outside of him and here I am asking is he even real.....yet longing for him,

  • @gabrielleeast9578
    @gabrielleeast9578 Před 2 lety

    What is the scripture in 2 Corinthians that he was paraphrasing?

  • @carmelpule6954
    @carmelpule6954 Před 2 lety

    "When the going gets rough", may be due to the fact that one was a little intoxicated the previous day, and the hallucinations one dreamt about are gone as one wakes up to the reality of our own life.
    Most politicians and religions do promise a lot, but they never deliver much, and what we have and own is normally generated by our own effort, and that is the reality of it all. Unfortunately through the ages, poverty was assisted by a belief that soothed the mental state of people when their living conditions and social states were poor, and so their only option was to pray for a better life, including the fact that if one does not find a good living on this earth, then one can be sure to find it in the afterlife.
    I would say that one cannot be a good Christian on an empty stomach. Over the years the community created a centralized social scheme, including religious institutions, where those who led it received a salary for projecting hope and faith in religion, but what they project was not material goods, but illusions and hope and faith and expectations, Those salaried by centralized religions and governments normally arrange their own payment to be suitable for them to earn a good living through preaching and vociferous utterings. In a city society, life is so artificial that it eliminated the essential professions that grow food and in the city society, all it does is artificial concocted work, to exploit some other group of people, while importing food into the city restaurants, It is all an artificial living, Amongst the city dwellers there will always be the homeless who cannot afford to join in the city corrupt rackets of exploiting others and so they go through a rough patch as their God is not delivering what it promised and they start doubting what they were taught, that God even cares about a sparrow fledgling which falls from its nest.
    With the pace at which the world advances, there will always be those who lag behind in material things and this could make their living rather difficult. Now a family living in a city who cannot afford a computer for their children would feel somewhat as going through a rough patch. Such social difficulties cannot be solved by old-fashioned prayers and they need to be substantiated by material goods, One cannot explain to a small child that the family cannot afford to keep up with the Joneses. In the old days it was a simpler world, and a rough patch was a rough patch, but in modern times a rough patch can lead to desperation. At present I see the Ukrainians going through a very real rough patch, as other countries are supplying armaments to help them go over their rough patch, but other countries do not want to get involved and send their own personnel to Ukraine and get it over very quickly as, they argue, " It is not their fight". So here is a situation where the Patriotism of Ukrainians is getting them killed in large numbers and even if other countries send over armaments there will be no Ukrainians left to go and fight their war.. It is a social " real rough patch" which includes a lot of hypocrisy and no religious prayers will solve this one.
    " Our internal religious Rough Patches or when our own religious states gets rough", is relatively nothing with the rough patches that are now occurring in Ukraine, where even Religious members of the Russian state support Vladimir Putin in his war against Ukraine, There is a mental state in all religious and political leaders of a centralized system that is better not talked about, and with Rowan Williams thinking that a rough patch is when out own religious belief gets rough, well he should consider that there are other real rough patches that many religions created themselves both in medieval times and at the present time. The solutions do not exist in religions, but in the human mind which is not so sick with either religion or with politics where the two centralized institutions normally operate hand in hand, as was done in Britain to build their Empire, and now in Russia. The sickness in the human mind is projected in many manners, and the general public is the one who is exploited and which suffers both physical and mental pain.
    The blindness of Religion is shown in this video
    Most Miltary Forces have got a religious association including Britain. The established religion of the realm is the Church of England, whose supreme governor is Queen Elizabeth II although in practice the church is governed by its bishops under the authority of Parliament. Twenty-six of the church's 42 bishops are Lords Spiritual, representing the church in the House of Lords
    When our religious belief is going through a rough patch, we need to weigh up whether what is going on in our mental state is real or an illusion we love to live with!

    • @glenliesegang8935
      @glenliesegang8935 Před 2 lety

      Religion is man-made. To be a Follower of Christ is not the same as "practicing Christianity."
      I offer you to imagine you are an athlete. You have turned your time, talents, eating, sleeping, and exerce habits over to the most excellent Olympic-level coach in your sport- one who knows your strengths and weaknesses, and knows how hard to push you to bring you to your highest level of athleticism. And one who has no ego invested in your success, only wishes to do so not to make himself look good, but simply because that coach "loves you," simply delights in seeing you become all your capable of.
      This is the God Who Is. Not the man-made descriptions and "teachings about" such a being.
      Seek first the Kingdom of God means, drop any agenda your "self" dictates as being what will bring you to your highest potential.
      Then know what both the empty of stomach and ego truly means.
      "Lean not on your own understanding" is not blind intellectual stupidity. It is trusting the Coach has a plan and knows what He is doing.
      Einstein said, in essence, trusting there is a Coach, or rejecting that as your foundational approach to life, is the single-most important choice any human can make.
      99.9% of what is in the world is "good," life -sustaining, nurturing-from every oxygen molecule from every single chloroplast to the Moon with its impact craters which save the Earth.
      0.1% is hell.
      Those who would be coached are here not to wish for an afterlife, but to bring goodness, wholeness, healing, compassion, peace making.
      For me, I must throw out religion, and enter Relationship, deny myself, and pick up my Cross, and Follow Him. Daily.
      This is my experience.

    • @user-ks3mk9kq4l
      @user-ks3mk9kq4l Před 2 lety +1

      Jesus that is cringeworthy

    • @glenliesegang8935
      @glenliesegang8935 Před 2 lety

      @@user-ks3mk9kq4l when a human's "self " is truly faced with an Infinite Being Whose nature IS LOVE, which created Time and Space, wrote all the rules of every physical law, defined the constants of our reality, and knows that self intimately:the desire to join has but two responses to God: to run towards that love to be embraced, or run in absolute terror, wishing to hide from that holiness.
      Fools laugh at a nuclear weapon. The wise know how infinitely much more powerful is the Creator of the Universe.

  • @d1427
    @d1427 Před 6 lety +2

    the dark night of the soul- 'once everything seemed to be alright, now it isn't, I can't get it back' 7:15. And then- God who either 'pushes away those little images we have of him or we let the images blossom and flourish and push the real God out'. The solution- 'hang on when is tough' and do different things to 'keep you going' and look for support/give support to others...
    This is just a band aid solution to fix the problem for the moment to make you cheerful again; but for how long, and then... what? Do it again and again, and again.... expecting different results?! There is a more direct way that addresses the root of the problem rather than the symptoms- 180 degrees reverse of optics, from focusing on the problem and looking for solutions outside to finding/validating the reality of the one who seems to have all kind of never ending 'problems'. You want to find God?! See clearly first who is that who has such a desire. The ridicule of it all will be revealed if you look carefully and with it will come the liberation from all your... self manufactured 'problems'.

  • @fetaiakilangi2528
    @fetaiakilangi2528 Před 3 lety


  • @blackmetalmagick1
    @blackmetalmagick1 Před 5 lety

    i heard that his favourite vice is feuerbach, apart from cocaine, and crotchless leather trousers.