Krishna, Arjuna, The Widow and Her Cow; Why God Don't help when we need!

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Do you often wonder? Why God doesn't help us when we need!
    Why do we face so many difficulties in our life despite not doing any wrong? Why good people suffer more? Why the dearest and greatest devotees of lord krishna have to go through so many hardships in life? Do we even have to suffer even after completely surrendering to the supreme personality of God?
    This story will clarify all of your doubts.
    This is a very interesting story of lord krishna, Arjuna and a very sincere, very Old widow devotee of lord shri krishna, for the betterment of who Lord krishna took from her everything, even the very last resource of her livelihood, leaving her all alone, Thus completely perplexing Arjuna as to how can Krishna do so and what could be the real reason!
    Sri Krishna and Arjuna once were guests of a widow.
    The widow had no children, nobody. She was all alone. But she had a cow. This cow was her only means of support.
    She used to sell milk, and by selling milk she used to maintain her life.
    In same time she was a great devotee of Sri Krishna.
    When Sri Krishna and Arjuna went to visit her in disguise, she was so happy to see these two divine guests.
    She fed them with whatever she had in her house.
    Sri Krishna was extremely pleased with her surrendering attitude and her devotion.
    On their way back, Arjuna said to Krishna, You were so pleased with her. Why didn’t you grant her a boon? Why didn’t you tell her that she would be prosperous soon, now that you are pleased with her?
    I have already granted her the boon that her cow must die tomorrow. - spoke Krishna.
    What? Her only means of support? She has only the cow, and nothing else. Without the cow how can she live on earth?
    Krishna answered, You don’t understand me Arjuna. She always thinks of the cow. The cow has to be fed, has to milked, has to be bathed and so forth.
    I want her only to think of me, and when the cow is gone, she will think of me all the time, twenty-four hours.
    Then soon the time will be right for me to take her away from this world, and after a few years I will give her a better and more fulfilling incarnation.
    When she has nobody on earth, not even the cow, she will try and spend all her time, day and night, in devoting herself
    to me. Otherwise, this way she will linger on earth and constantly think of the cow and not of me.
    Sri Krishnas ways are impossible to understand by a common man. Sometimes when we are in great difficulty, the Grace of Lord Krishna acts in a very peculiar way. We feel that God becomes more cruel when we are in difficulties and sufferings but we do not understand his hidden plans.
    In Srimad Bhagavatam - 10th Canto,14th Chapter.
    Brahma ji said to lord Krishna:
    My dear Lord, one who earnestly waits for You to bestow Your causeless mercy upon him, all the while patiently suffering the reactions of his past misdeeds and offering You respectful obeisances with his heart, words and body, is surely eligible for liberation, for it has become his rightful claim.
    Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī explains in his commentary that just as a legitimate son has to simply remain alive to gain an inheritance from his father, one who simply remains alive in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, following the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga, automatically becomes eligible to receive the mercy of the Personality of Godhead. In other words, he will be promoted to the kingdom of God.
    #Krishna #Arjuna #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #whygoddon'thelpme #whydoesn'tgodhelp #krishnakatha #KrishnaStories #VedicStories #whygoodpeoplesuffer

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