Free Racing Tips & Charlie's Take on World Affairs (Meltdown!!!)

  • čas přidán 26. 06. 2024
  • Daily UK Horse racing tips provided to viewers with Football picks selected on Saturday's. These selections are often recommended to be placed in a Lucky 15, Lucky 31 or Lucky 63 and normally each way.
    I generally go for well handicapped, dark horse selections that have been underperforming and on a chosen day, I believe that the selection (horse) is able to improve its past form and hopefully, at least run into a place at big price odds.
    However, I am human and it's just my opinion but thanks for reading this far...
    Charlie Winters Tips
  • Sport

Komentáře • 18

  • @rodpanhard
    @rodpanhard Před měsícem +3

    The entire Western world is completely insolvent, they are going to kick the table over and hope there is enough chaos and distractions that the same criminals that broke the old system get to run the new system without too much pushback. Even if you can't put your finger on it everyone should have noticed there is something "off" with the world these last few years especially.

    • @Charlie_Winters_Tipster
      @Charlie_Winters_Tipster  Před měsícem +2

      Agree mate, 100%, you've put it much more eloquently than I have manage too lol

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 Před 29 dny

      @@Charlie_Winters_Tipster It's good to finally see a Brit taking an interest, as this is now completely gone way past any return, but isn't it amazing that the one question that means everything, you never see asked or even spoken about, today, why is all of this happening, and what is it all really about?
      Nobody asks, and nobody knows, yet we do see thousands talking about all these geopolitical issues, today, yet not one of them could tell you why this all happening, or even what it's all really about. Apart from, it seems myself.
      Well, as someone who did waste much of my youth achieving a master's in comparative politics & economics, and a bachelor’s in Anglo/American history, the only reason that does make sense of all this, is, that, could it be, that all we've been watching over at least, these last 25 years, is the USA carrying out a plan, they’ve put in place, (knowing their economy had to collapse)?
      Could it be, the USA has known for many years now, the only way they can avoid complete collapse, would be to force in a "single world currency", so, could it actually be, the USA has known for many years now, their economy had to collapse, (and as I believe, they’ve actually planned for it)?
      The effect of them doing so, would see the US overnight, become completely debt free, (this explains their endless massive military overspending, it also explains China being allowed to hold so much US debt, holding so many US government bonds - US debt of about $1trillion).
      And it would also see the US achieve full global financial control, as well as full global military control, (a very nice achievement, some fool might argue). It would become American global Tyranny, in other words, (and that's no different from Na*i tyranny). How Ironic!
      The US dollar is the world’s reserve currency, and is/was used by many countries to sell/purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning billions of dollars are kept by those countries for their energy purchasing. What that allowed the USA to do, was to print billions of US currency, without ever-showing the real rate of inflation that would always arise from such massive currency printing.
      They can only do this, because so much US currency sits in banks all over the world (to purchase their energy), and all those dollars would/should never find their way into the actual US economy, (meaning the USA could hold their rate of inflation well below the rate It always should have been).
      The problem today, is, that many countries are now buying and selling their energy in other currencies, so, soon, they'll all need to dump/exchange all those dollars they’ve held for so many years, with the currency they’re going to use. When those dollars filter into the main US economy, the inflation will explode, as It can’t be hidden any more.
      Without a single world currency, it will see hyperinflation, with the price of a loaf of bread, for example, skyrocketing to well over $10-15, collapsing the US as we’ve never seen before, the US will be, in effect, left in enormous debt, for hundreds of years to come, yet with no way of creating any more debt. It will all be over. And that will see a break-up of the Union, and a complete separation of the states, (much like we saw with the collapse of the USSR).
      This is why we’re seeing this obvious attempt to drag Russia, and also China, into a war. The US can't force in a single world currency, with both Russia and China's nuclear threats, saying get lost, so, to avoid complete collapse, sees the USA, today, needing to remove those nuclear threats, (to then force in a single world currency), or it's soon going to be, all over, and the USA will collapse just like the USSR.
      They've been close to achieving this before, and they very nearly had it done, with the collapse of the USSR, (what an unexpected bonus that was), it meant they could do it, without war! Only they messed that right up because they took their eye off one man, - Putin.
      After the collapse of the USSR, the CIA were bribing Yeltsin, all throughout the 1990s, they created many pro USA oligarchs, by selling off Russian resources in illegally set up, and corrupted CIA led auctions, they took it so far, they decimated Russia's economy, and to the point it saw some Russians come close to just starving to death, and it only ended with the USA really believing that Russia couldn’t ever become a threat to them again.
      They kept Russia in a state of outright pandemonium through Yeltsin’s reign, really believing they had sealed Russia’s fate to the toilet.
      When Putin came to power, the US could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq, and Putin, (craftily), did not veto them, they really believed they still had Russia under their control, and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin.
      History will come to see Putin's tactic of not vetoing the Iraq invasion, as a brilliant geopolitical move, as well as, “world changing”, as he completely fooled the USA not to bother looking at Russia as any sort of potential threat, and that really has damaged their plans.
      Because while the USA were invading countries all around the world, (with no one to stop them). Putin had quietly begun creating Russia an extremely effective military defence, and he'd upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own, if not beat, any nation on the planet.
      The US, blind to this, carried on, as they used NATO to murder Gaddafi, and as they kept Iraq destabilized, (by transferring hundreds of well known terrorist commanders, into Iraq from Guantánamo Bay), to help keep it in chaos over the next decade.
      They then set their sights on Syria, and they were preparing for a ground invasion (as with Iraq), when out of the blue Putin vetoed that action, stopping them dead in their tracks. The US then took a much closer look at Russia, and when the US understood how they’d misread Putin, they then set out to demonize him throughout the entire world, (but it still left the USA unable to use ground troops in Syria).
      In Ukraine, the US were at first all upbeat about Yanukovych winning the Presidency of Ukraine, because he’d shown an interest in joining the EU, and it was only when he saw the EU had added clauses (he was unaware of), did he then refuse to sign to the EU, but instead, he asked Russia for a loan, and stated he was trying to work on a closer relationship with Russia, and it was then that all of this kicked off, in Ukraine. And we're still seeing the results today.
      But it really is, just another thing that does show Russia just how desperate the US is to force this into a war.
      In Syria, the US decided to use proxy’s (in the form of terrorists, "moderate rebels"), they recruited, trained, armed, paid and then sent those terrorists into Syria, and they murdered people in the streets, they took over towns and cities across Syria with murder and butchery. It was also done with ISIS, when they crossed into Syria from Iraq (under US protection).
      This is all about the USA’s attempt to force in a single world currency, and with NATO’s really treacherous, and pathetic stance, in all of this, it seems that if the US $ collapses then so does the Euro, and possibly the Pound.
      Things have dramatically changed over at least these last 25 years, and they've changed to such an extent, that it sees us, today, supporting exactly what we fought the second world war, to prevent, (global tyranny). That’s the bottom line of what we’re all really facing.
      Putin knows all he needs is time, he knows he must avoid getting into a war with the USA, but never lay down to them, he knows that sooner, rather than later it’s all got to start to collapse, so he’ll avoid war, and just let them crumble.
      After all, Russia had to start again, and they didn’t force it to war, (after getting an agreement that NATO would never encroach further towards Russia, they allowed it all to collapse, starting with the downing of the Berlin Wall).
      But the US know that’s what he’s doing, so we’ve seen them provoke and provoke Russia, they’ve non-stop encroached further and further towards Russia’s borders, using NATO’s ridiculous excuse of protecting the Baltic’s from Russian aggression.
      We’ve witnessed Putin, four times, seriously, and clearly warn them to stop this nonsense, and the US have purposely ignored him every time, because they don’t want compromise, they don’t want talks, and they don’t want peace, no, they must have war (to remove Russia’s nuclear threat), force in a single world currency, or they’re finished, and they will collapse. And collapse to the extent it will see a break-up of the Union and a separation of the States. This is what no one wants to admit.
      Yet, you only need to understand, that for all Western governments, and the mainstream media, to be following the same scripted lies? (unprecedented in history), we simply must know the reason is huge, well, It is!
      After reading this, you can go right back and look at everything that has happened leading up to now, and you’ll now understand all of it. Things that made no sense at the time, and things you never really understood, now become very clear, and it becomes obvious exactly what the US are really doing, and you’ll now know, "WHY" they're doing this.
      Only then, well then, you’ll also realize the US will never stop, because they can’t, or they’re bankrupt to the point of complete collapse.
      This is what's facing us all, right now, as we speak.
      I mean, anyone, please do tell me I'm wrong? I'd love to be wrong!

  • @mickfen8831
    @mickfen8831 Před 29 dny +1


  • @Charlie_Winters_Tipster
    @Charlie_Winters_Tipster  Před měsícem +2

    Agree, Disagree or couldnt give a ...? Let me know!

  • @IanScriven-wv4nq
    @IanScriven-wv4nq Před měsícem +1

    All on good luck hope for some winners for the weekend can’t disagree with you mate 👍

  • @A-small-amount-of-peas
    @A-small-amount-of-peas Před měsícem +2

    One of my biggest regrets was not putting money on Donald Trump when they started the Republican nomination process 2 elections ago as he was around 100 to 250-1 to become president with some bookmakers but I stupidly had optimism in the American public to spot a snake oil salesman and thought it would be a waste of money.
    What an idiot I was

    • @Charlie_Winters_Tipster
      @Charlie_Winters_Tipster  Před měsícem +1

      No mate, that kind ofscepticism is where money can be made, is just unfrtunate that you didn't, I've heard things that might happen to Trump in the lead up to this election

    • @bernardneary7238
      @bernardneary7238 Před 29 dny +1

      Stick to the donkeys

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 Před 29 dny +1

      I can do you all the facts and the truth, only you, an American, won't like it, yet in fact, I'd be more fascinated to hear any European, or any Brit, explain why we don't see this being said by any of them? Well, apart from, it seems, myself? I'd expect to read thousands saying this, today? And when you're speaking the truth, no matter if you're the only one speaking the truth?, you'll always be right, while the rest, (regardless of how many), will always be wrong.
      And the only real truth today is, it's the Americans themselves who really do need to learn, and more importantly, they all need to understand, that no matter where anyone's loyalty may lie, that we, (the people), never support wrong over right, but should always be willing, and prepared, to stand up, and fight for, right, over wrong! The Americans completely misunderstand this today, and it's driving us all to Nuclear war. As I'll explain.
      The Americans really do believe, that supporting your own country, (no matter what), is the patriotic thing to do. Really, quite unbelievably, this is exactly what many of them believe! Only, that's so far from patriotism, It's not even close, but it is the complete opposite of patriotism, it's treason, and it's actually outright treachery!
      So, why do we see so many Americans only being traitors against themselves, and against all Europe? It really can only be, because, they don't actually know, or understand what patriotism actually is!
      To the rest of the world, when, and if, we ever found out that our own government was breaking International law, (doing illegal wrongs against another country and their people), then being 100% (against) our own country/government is known throughout the entire world, as being patriotic! (Well, apart from the USA).
      Yet obviously, no patriot, would ever support his own country, (if he ever knew his own country was doing illegal wrongs against another country and their people), because doing so, would be, in effect, no different from supporting the corruption, supporting the terrorism, supporting the brutal murder of innocent people, and supporting your own government breaking International law!
      And that's no different from supporting your very own country's demise! - And that's known as treachery, not patriotism!
      This enormous mistake, they all continue to make, also comes down to morals, ethics, and a reasonable education, as surely, we all understand right from wrong, above all else, and surely we understand the importance of truth, and should only ever want to hear the truth?
      Well, the undeniable truth, is, that it's the American people themselves, who are all at fault, and responsible for all of these troubles today, as again, I'll explain (though I shouldn't need too, they should all know, and understand this anyway).
      In 2015, Russia exposed the US government (to the American people), and to the entire world, for supporting terrorists in Syria! And that forced the US government, (to admit to the American people) and admit to the whole world, they had recruited - trained - armed - supplied - protected - paid - and used, the “Free Syria Army”, who we know were brutal head chopping terrorists, in Syria, (sorry, the Americans like to use the term "moderate head chopping" so-called rebels, and it's only terrorists, to the rest of this world, pardon me, my mistake).
      Yet, not one American has ever condemned it, or done the right thing, and stood up against it, or even protested against it, let alone start to demand it stops, (as every other society on earth, would be doing, if any of our governments were forced to admit what the USA admitted).
      We'd all be out on the streets in the millions, bringing our countries to a standstill, if any of our governments had admitted what the US government did.
      So, It just seems, that today, these Americans must feel that's below them all, (or something just as self-righteous, cowardly, and ignorant). I guess, those lives, just don't matter?
      And far from seeing, anyone of them, protest against it? What is the reality, and what have we all really seen, (since they all found that out)? We've seen millions of them, cheering their criminal presidents, and we've seen millions of them chanting USA USA USA, (just like the Na*i's of the 30s). And we have never seen a single American stand up against it, let alone, start to demand it stops, why not? This really needs to be answered?
      2018... Teresa May announces British strikes on Syria, within 3 hours, literally hundreds of thousands of people are stood outside Parliament protesting against it.
      2018, Emmanuel Macron announces French strikes on Syria, later that evening in Paris, hundreds of thousands of people are protesting against it.
      2015, Russia exposes the USA to the American people and the entire world for supporting and supplying terrorists in Syria, and still, 9 years later, man! Not one American has even condemned it, let alone stood up and protested against it!
      These people really don't even seem to understand, that the only society we've ever seen do this before, (throughout modern history), an entire society not even bother to stand up and protest against their own government's admitted criminal murder and killing of innocent people, (once the people found out), was indeed, Na*i Germany 1933-1945!
      That's the only time in modern history, the people of any society, have done (or not done), what these Americans are today.
      Also, this is just another truth! Just another truth, that seems to be forgotten by all of them today, but what was the most asked question, after WW2, a question asked all the way into the early 1980s?
      "Why did the German people do nothing"?
      What's worse, is, that we can understand today, why the German people did what they did, they were starving to death with the harshness of the Versailles treaty, and dying in large numbers during the great depression, so quite naturally, they'd of supported absolutely anything that offered them hope! The Americans have absolutely no such excuse!
      And this is the biggest problem facing the rest of us, in this world today, it is the biggest problem, the rest of us, have ever faced in our lifetimes! Obviously, because it's up to all of them, to stand up and start demanding their criminal government stops all of this! Nobody else can do that, only they can!
      But the huge problem we all have, and we all face, today, is, that none of these Americans will do a thing.
      Even basic principles seem to elude these people today! Principles like, the (people) of any society, only ever need to remember, that the easiest way to figure out the right from the wrong in any likely oncoming, or future war scenario, is to just ask yourself what you'd be fighting for?
      Because it's the answer to that question, that should always be showing you, whose right, and whose wrong.
      For example, if the Americans just asked themselves, that if the USA went to war against either Russia or China, what would they be fighting for? And then just ask themselves what the Russians, or the Chinese, would be fighting for?
      They'd come to find, that both the Russians and the Chinese, would be fighting for their own country's freedom! While the Americans would only be fighting for attempted American global tyranny, (and that's no different from Na*i Tyranny). How Ironic!
      That's what they're all, in effect, supporting today, and if they really can't see that?, well all I can say to that, is, the Na*is were just like that, and they all claimed they couldn't see it either!
      The Americans will all be seen by history, as the Axis powers, trying for American Tyranny over the world.
      While the Russians, the Chinese, and much of the rest of the world, will be seen by history as the allied powers, fighting against this clear attempted American tyranny, and fighting for their own freedom.
      But any European, or any Brit, tell us, will it be the Americans all paying for their own lack of morals, their own lack of ethics, their own stupidity, that sees them, once again, swallowing dangerous, yet remedial propaganda claims, and really obvious lies? Or will it actually be, all of Europe and the UK, who are, without doubt, going to pay for it, well? Who? Yet you all sit and say nothing, it's suicidal.
      Make of that, what you will, but again, it's just more of that good old thing known as, the truth, honesty, and the reality.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 Před 29 dny +1

      As for this country, the UK, today?, it's suffering from the least educated society of people we've ever seen, or ever experienced before. And because of this one fact, this country is finished and will never be back, as soon it will quite rightly no longer exist, so, finished by its own population, of easily, the most uneducated people this country has ever seen or experienced before.
      Because, quite unbelievably, we have a society here, in the UK today, who all watched our, then, PM, (Johnston, the elitist, paid off, Washington puppet), betray all of us, betray our own country, and betray our own grandparents (many who fought and died defeating Nazism), standing in Ukraine, and outright lying, like the most uneducated excuse for a PM, any of us have ever seen, heard, or ever experienced before!
      But, not only that, no, but then lifting Zelenskiy's hand in the air, while shouting out "Slava Ukraini" - The official slogan of Stepan Bandera's OUN party (Order of Ukraine), who were made up from Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists, Banderites, and Na*i henchmen!
      So, really, just how treacherous was that? It was outright treachery against everything we've "supposedly" all been brought up believing in! Only 25-30 years ago, he'd of been removed for that.
      Yet quite shockingly, we have people in this country today, that we actually saw agreeing with his outright lies, and agreeing with his backward, wrong, remedial claims against Russia, even joining in, shouting out "Slava Ukraini", while waving their Ukrainian flags! I still can't believe we saw that, to be honest, I mean, are you actually kidding me?
      What a disrespectful and shameful thing to do, what a betrayal against our very own grandparents, (many of who fought and gave their lives defeating Na*ism). While all of these uneducated traitors, we're really suffering from today, so stupidly, and so ignorantly support Ukraine! You really couldn't make this up.
      Seemingly, none of these people in this country, today, who we see supporting Ukraine, have any idea that it was members of the OUN, (Order of Ukraine), who took the most active part in the mass murder of millions of innocent people in Ukraine, and in Poland during October 1942?
      So, has the UK, education system really got this bad, today? All these incredibly uneducated people, actually supporting, Ukrainian Na*ism? They're only traitors against every one of us, they're traitors against our own country, they're traitors against our own grandparents, and they're traitors against everything we've all "apparently" been brought up believing in.
      And seriously, come on, someone please do tell me, just how anyone could think, or believe, that Russia have acted in any way, other than 100% the right way, 100% the ethical way, and 100% the moral way, in absolutely everything they've done? It's just outright idiocy, trying to form an opinion on anything without being fully aware of all the facts, is more commonly known as outright ignorance!
      It is not, and it never has been, a "Russian invasion of Ukraine". Seriously, only a propaganda swallowing fool, could think it was! Obviously, we do hear that from our own lying government (of nothing but paid off Washington puppets), yet they all know, and they all know very well, that it wasn't, and isn't a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Yet barely any of our own population know this.
      These people we see supporting Ukraine, don't even know what we've really seen happen in Ukraine, (since the illegal US coup of Ukraine in 2014). In fact, many of them don't even know that it was the USA that planned and carried out the coup in Ukraine, 2014.
      And they have no idea, the "illegal" Ukrainian government's, army, (with their neo-Na*i NATO trained thugs), have non-stop been trying to wipe out the Eastern Ukrainian for the last 9 years! And why? - Because those former Eastern Ukrainians, have always spoken Russian, and they didn't agree with the illegal coup committed against their legally elected government.
      What we actually saw, (during, and after the coup in 2014), was the western Ukrainians attacking and murdering many eastern Ukrainians, after chasing them for ages, they trapped them in a building, and they burnt many of them to death! - After trapping them in a building, they surrounding it, then set it alight, and they all cheered and laughed as people, including, kids, started to throw themselves out of high rise windows to their deaths. These are the very same people these traitors, here, support!
      And understandably, after that, on 14th May 2014, those Eastern Ukrainians held a referendum on whether they should claim independence from Ukraine, (who only want to slaughter them all). Seeing them overwhelmingly vote to claim their own independence from Ukraine, seeing the creation of both the Donetsk People's Republic, and the Luhansk People's Republic.
      Then, after 8 years fighting against Ukrainians Na*ism, in February 2022, both the Donetsk People's Republic, and the Luhansk People's Republic, saw Ukraine building up a military force of over 200,000 troops (with Na*i battalions included) on their borders, (who were well dug in, and heavily armed with modern western weapons targetting them). Ukraine were preparing to carry out a pre-planned, full-frontal, military assault against all those innocent people in Eastern Ukraine, to wipe them all out.
      Then both the Donetsk People's Republic, and the Luhansk People's Republic (requested) Russian military protection from Ukraine, and they (requested) Russian military assistance against Ukraine's illegal army and their Na*i murdering thugs. - To which Russia (quite rightly) agreed, while also recognizing their own independence from Ukraine.
      Putin then made it very clear, what Russia's aim was in Ukraine (before they entered), and honestly, he could not have made it any clearer, than he did. He told us all, the aim for Russia was to protect those Eastern Ukrainian people (who have been subjected to bullying, torture, murder, and attempted genocide against them by the Kiev regime for the last eight years) - About time too, is the truth.
      For Russia to achieve that, they planned to carry out a special military operation, to demilitarize and dena*ify Ukraine, to bring to justice, all war criminals responsible for the bloody war crimes against civilians in Donbass over the last 8 years. - Good is the truth, well done Russia is the correct response!
      Because no matter where anyone's loyalty may lie, we, (the people), never support wrong, over right, but should always be willing and prepared to stand up and fight for right, over wrong! And nobody has ever attempted to claim, that an invited, and requested, military intervention, into a country, to protect innocent people from slaughter, as a military invasion by anyone, not ever! Well, apart from these clowns leading us today.
      We then saw, during 23-27 September 2022, the Donetsk People's Republic, and the Luhansk People's Republic, hold a referendum whether to join the Russian Federation, or to remain independent of Ukraine, (who only want to slaughter them all). And they then, again, overwhelmingly, voted to join the Russian Federation, and they were all elated to finally do so.
      Yet, we see people here, idiotically swallowing and believing the western propaganda narrative, that wrongly claims Russia invaded Ukraine?. So, let's just think about this, as the reality is, these people we see supporting Ukraine, must think, that Russia protecting all those innocent people (at their own request), is a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the wrong thing for Russia to do, right?
      So, they must have expected Russia to just ignore all those innocent eastern Ukrainian's request for help and protection from Ukraine, and then just watch Ukraine murder them all?
      Think about it, that's exactly what they must have expected to see? And that, really is, only a Na*i mindset.
      This country is gone, ruined by its own uneducated population. And this is why, we should never form an opinion on anything, without first knowing all the facts.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 Před 29 dny +1

      I'd also like to know why it is, that we read so many Americans, who have absolutely no idea what's going on in Ukraine, no idea it's been going on for the last 9 years, and absolutely no idea, it was the US that planned, financed and purposely caused the coup in Ukraine, 2014, during Maidan, yet, as we read endlessly, they all do want an opinion on it, an opinion that wrongly tries to blame Russia?
      So, once again, how can anyone ever form any kind of logical opinion on anything, without knowing and being fully aware of all the facts? Trying to do that is, more commonly known, as outright ignorance!
      Seemingly, the Americans just have no idea that we have Victoria Nuland, (in a leaked phone call), to the US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt, where she's heard explaining to him, who would be replacing Yanukovych, while also insisting Klitschko is prevented from taking part in the elections, (saying the USA couldn't trust a former sports star) I mean, you what, that's highly illegal actions, right there?
      And when he asked her what the EU might say to it? She replied with "F*** the EU", proving even the EU knew nothing at all about the US planned and executed criminal illegal coup against Ukraine. And It was all said, about 6 months before the coup, took place.
      So, have any of these Americans, who we see, and we read blaming Russia, ever listened to that phone call? No? Why not? So, they have indeed, formed an opinion, without knowing or being aware of all the facts? It's just more of that outright stupidity!
      We also have the Snowden leaks, showing us many of the USA's plans in Ukraine! So, again, have any of these "really intelligent American people" (who we see and read blaming Russia), ever read those leaks? No? Why not? The man risked his own freedom to show us so many of these truths?
      We even have the old parliament of Ukraine, (spelling out exactly what they'd found out the USA was trying to do, about 7 months before the coup took place). As anyone can read for themselves... (See below).
      But the Americas all blame Russia? For what, I've no idea! For doing 100% the right, and the correct thing, maybe? As Russia could not be any more in the right today, even if they really tried to be right. While the USA, could not be any more wrong in all they're doing.
      Deputy Oleg Tsarov has the word...
      Honourable Colleagues...
      Honourable Vladimir Vasiljevitch...
      In my role as a representative of the Ukrainian people, activists of the public organization “Volya”, have turned to me, providing clear evidence that within our territory, and with support and direct participation of the USA Embassy in Kiev, the “Tech Camp” project is realized, under which preparations are being made for a civil war in Ukraine.
      The “Tech Camp” project prepares specialists for information warfare and for the discrediting of state institutions, by using modern social media platforms, that can be used to create potentials to arouse possible revolutionaries, for the organizing of violent protests, and aimed at the toppling of the State Order.
      The project is currently overseen, and under the responsibility of the US ambassador to Ukraine... Geoffrey R. Pyatt.
      After my conversation with the organization “Volya”, I have learned that they succeeded in accessing facilities of the project “Tech Camp” by disguising themselves as a team of IT specialists, and to their surprise, briefings on the peculiarities of modern social media platforms were held.
      American instructors explained how social media networks and Internet technologies can be used for targeted manipulation of public opinion, as well as, to activate protest potential, and to provoke violent unrest on the territory of Ukraine, with complete radicalization of the population, and for the triggering of infighting.
      They also showed examples of successful uses of social media networks and technologies, that were used to organize mass and violent protests, in Egypt - Tunisia - Libya - Syria - and Venezuela.
      Tech Camp representatives currently hold conferences throughout Ukraine, a total of five events have been held so far, and about 300 people have been trained as operatives, which are now active throughout Ukraine.
      The last conference “Tech Camp” took place on 14th and 15th of November 2013... In the Heart of Kiev, on the territory of the US Embassy.
      You tell me, what country, in the world, would ever allow an “NGO” to operate out of, and from... (the US Embassy in Kiev)?. This is extremely dangerous, it's disrespectful, it's harmful to the Ukrainian government, and it's completely against the Ukrainian People.
      I appeal to the constitutional authorities of Ukraine, with the following question... "Is it conceivable that representatives of the US Embassy, in Kiev… (which organize the Tech Camp Conferences)... misuse their diplomatic mission?"
      -- Let him speak
      -- Carry On...
      UN Resolution, of 21 December 1965, regulates the inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of a state, to protect its independence and its sovereignty. In accordance with paragraphs one, two, and five.
      I ask you to consider this, as an official beseech... to pursue an investigation of this case...
      Thank You...
      I mean, honestly, could It be any more obvious? It really must take the most backward thinking people who could ever see any of this as anything other than 100% the USA's fault!
      If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, eventually the people will come to believe it ~ Joseph Goebbels, 1941. You only need to say it once to an American, as long as it was the American government saying it, they'd all believe it.

  • @johnwheeler2040
    @johnwheeler2040 Před měsícem +1

    Charle you need to take medication

    • @Charlie_Winters_Tipster
      @Charlie_Winters_Tipster  Před měsícem +1

      You may have hit the nail on the head with what is wrong with society, everything is medicated 🙂

    • @bernardneary7238
      @bernardneary7238 Před 29 dny +1

      @@Charlie_Winters_Tipster try nettles