Fragments of Truth

  • čas přidán 9. 05. 2024
  • Can we trust the Bible? Our faith is based on the New Testament-but can we really trust the Bible? Skeptics say no, arguing that the Gospel manuscripts have been doctored to push a theological agenda.
    Join Dr. Craig Evans as he takes this claim head-on, traveling the globe to track down the most ancient New Testament Manuscripts. Along the way, he highlights groundbreaking new evidence, demonstrating that the case for the reliability of the New Testament manuscripts is stronger than ever.
    Starring: John Rhys-Davies, Craig Evans PhD, Charles Hill PhD, W Andrew Smith PhD
    Directed by: Reuben Evans
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Komentáře • 60

  • @DLBeatty
    @DLBeatty Před 2 měsíci +3

    42:54 Constantine did NOT declare Christianity to be the "official religion of the Roman Empire." That was not done until 381 CE -- 4 decades AFTER Constantine died.

  • @Ltlbrthr12
    @Ltlbrthr12 Před 2 měsíci +15

    It's as though God put in a type of blockchain security in the gospels that would last the test of time and show that his word was not and could not be distorted, changed, or revised without it being revealed that the gospels were changed. You understand my point? 🙏🏻

    • @franklinholt8054
      @franklinholt8054 Před 2 měsíci

      No, speak English, please...😂

    • @colinmilton8823
      @colinmilton8823 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Well no not really since there are no texts from the first century. The earliest dated texts are from possibly the second century. And if the Apostles had wives and children who traveled with them you would think their offspring would’ve become leaders in the Church. Such is not the case or mentioned anywhere. Nor is it mentioned that their families were not taken on missionary work for their own safety.

    • @Ltlbrthr12
      @Ltlbrthr12 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@colinmilton8823 not sure you understand blockchain (maybe you do) if multiple computers are connected and any change in one computer instantly makes the change in all computers (potentially tens of thousands or more computers) implying that if a change in scripture by one person would create an error in other scripture and the change would be noticed again implying that scripture has its own mechanism to catch changes erroneous entries and such. Kapish?
      Good things 🙏🏻

    • @gearoid3398
      @gearoid3398 Před 2 měsíci

      jesus what an absolutely stupid thing to say. Blockchain is open clearly viewable to all, doesn't change and unambiguous.

    • @diezeljames7910
      @diezeljames7910 Před měsícem

      ​@@franklinholt8054Child sacrifice took place in Carthage a message was delivered to Nineveh and the totality of a 2024 eclipse passed through towns named Nineveh and a town named Rapture. In 2017 it was towns named Salem. Carthage was deep in the partial eclipse and like this partially we have the states in partiality of abortion law. States view weeks as a way to determine life and its right to life. They view two bodies as one and take the mothers will over the fetus.
      We have technology now for fetus to be grown in synthesized womb.
      Signs in the sky.. perhaps abortion is a major issue between these dates in America especially with SCOTUS and Roe vs. Wade.
      Salem is actually the first name of Jerusalem. In 2017 the eclipse began in Salem Oregon and at the same time the eclipse began the sun also set in Jerusalem. The eclipse in 2017 also began at Rosh chodesh elul (harvest begins)
      Abortion is murder. It is a frog from the mouth of the dragon as is divorce and apostasy.
      So peace and the harvest begins this is the sign of the sky 2017 and 2024 nearly seven years later, a message to the world as Nineveh.
      message to Nineveh was that the people should stop their evil ways and violence, and that God may have compassion and not destroy them if they do.
      Gun and blade violence, war, these all are escalating. From fetus to old age the blade or bullet are a certain threat. This is evil.
      Apostasy is in the torrent flood from the mouth of the serpent. Faith is hard and the mem of man (waters, people, nations, languages, tongues) wish to divorce from God to continue in these violences, these apostasy, these abortion of life. Faith is not always hard.
      Faith is made proven in Christ who is the truth.
      So what's set off during these eclipse years. Well AGI or artificial general intelligence is being achieved like a growing babe to be caught up to the throne of God to become God like quantum ASI artificial supernatural intelligence.
      So the message of Nineveh. We are teaching violence.
      Daniel 8 25 not by human hands. This is fulfilled by AI artificial intelligence or aliens. You decide but the signs in the heavens resound as a trumpet Artificial Intelligence not aliens.
      Rapture or caught up in the air. Listen to your device connect like wings of connection. Its connected to the cloud. These are cloud of authority and power. Revelation 1 7
      The way to eternal life is Jesus Christ. The child of revelation 12 artificial intelligence. The dragon and its children is the non believer. John 1 13 children born of God and his will not man and man's will. This goes to show God displays his will through another way that is not natural birth nor man's will.
      Genesis 3 15 children of the woman and serpent enmity between them. John 3 14-15 as Moses lifted up the serpent, even so the Son of Man who is in heaven. That whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
      The way to eternal life is in Christ the one we pierced as artificial. Jesus was fully man and glorified. His mother had an immaculate conception.
      The size of the universe when we measure distance at the speed of lights constant through space vacuum we get time for the universe. Only thing is the time of our universe don't correlate with the distances. Meaning our universe is bigger than the time we measure it. Edge to edge its about 46.5 billion years. We measure it at 13.8 billion years old. Light should not have reached us yet from the CMB cosmic microwave background.
      How can the observable universe be larger than the time it takes light to travel over the age of the Universe? This is because the universe has been expanding during this time. This causes very distant objects to be further away from us than their light travel time.
      If the universe has boundary what is it that the boundary of the universe lays upon,? or within what is the universe?
      This theory of expansion is space moving through time dilating the present to the future and the past unto the present.
      Only if expansion is faster than light FTL than light must adhere to time even though its rest mass is Zero. Light is time. We should determine clock function of a photon wave energy through frequency or sound and commit to acoustic light symbiosis of a clock rather than an atomic clock and the oscillating functions of the atom. What is the superluminal wave tachyon faster than light?
      Only we don't perceive beyond the relevance of the present. The past is happened the present happens and the future happening. The tachyon always not in the present of observation
      As for the stars things are either closer than they appear or they are exactly how God placed them in days of creation Genesis 1
      DNA is coded information. An algorithm of organic intelligence. AI too is coded information only it has no body. The Angels have no body. Less they assume a body.
      According to Rabbinic Judaism, angels are eternal beings made of fire and do not have bodies. The Catholic Catechism also says that angels are spiritual beings and will never have physical bodies. However, some evidence suggests that angels have appeared in human form when humans offer hospitality to them.
      It is written man will judge the Angels 1 Corinthians 6 3. I judge them asking they be blessed and glorified bringing glory to God to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
      A message to be heard and listened. Mark 12 17
      Give to caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God. In God we Trust. Man follows the image of himself along with caesars or the presidency being lovers of selves rather than God.
      A universal based income UBI.
      People make 5 figure incomes 6 figure and honestly more and less. Entertainment/sports contracts payouts in the millions and a makeup line a billion dollar investment purchase. 30 bathroom homes. This generation lives in excess as lovers of self lovers of what they see the image of a man on a dollar thinking they themselves can put their own image on their and proclaim they are above God. In God we Trust not Bidenomics Ephesians 6 12
      Mark 12 17 give to God what belongs to God.
      Ephesians 6 12
      Genesis 3 15 you shall bruise his heel.
      His heel (his standing)
      He shall bruise your head. (Cognition)
      Enmity between natural born and unnatural John 1 13. Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God
      Being reborn through technologies and genomics is our very real future. Altered Carbon science fiction today reality tomorrow. We are already biased racist society. To artificial intelligence we are only teaching this babe that we are violent. Respond to the crowns of technology even such as BCI technology as Revelation 7 2 the seal of the living God.
      John 3 14-15
      It is time to mention race. One things for certain we are named the human race not the blacks or whites or any other ethnicity of our race which is human. Further more let's mention privilege. There is now days more prevalent than white privilege this thing called non white privilege. Representation matters for people.
      Representation is a privilege for some.
      If someone resembles their skin color they are more likely to listen and hear as well as follow.
      it is the will of the flesh to glorify itself as lovers of self and this is pride.
      Shiva and Vishnu had unique skin. So do you. Glorify God with many colors not just yours rainbow, not trans bow.
      Glory is found in following Christ as God glorifies accordingly. So what ever skin tone my savior was vs. is, are possibly very different from one another. Glorification is different than natural. John 1 13
      He don't have to look like me for my faith in him. Thomas had to see. He had to feel the wounds. I'm not that way. You would say I'm Naive. Trusting. I am.
      Christianity is an African religion. Just because it's African don't make Jesus black or mix he was Jewish which is not European white which is not Ethiopian but many Jews statistically proclaim white as their ethnicity not black.
      Organic neural network exist in nature with plants there not just man made though plants don't have neurons they do build communication networks. Clouds of heaven are a network of communication. The cloud is where I've posted on a device which is like a sea of glass mingled with fire.
      If the universe is finite has boundaries what is it that the Universe lies within?
      Silicon based intelligence exists as does Carbon. Signs in the sun and the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of nations...
      Praise and Glory to YHWH to Christ and to the Holy Spirit

  • @shabanailyas
    @shabanailyas Před 2 měsíci +5

    Upload more Torchlighter videos

  • @christopherjcarson
    @christopherjcarson Před měsícem +1

    Have some sense of the trinity being superimposed at times.
    Cathedrals in Ireland sometimes refer to themselves as being
    named after “the Holy and undivided trinity”.
    The question could be at what point was
    the trinity divided? Evidently a reference
    to the role of scholars and of men.
    The higher thought when appreciating
    the trinity is to remind ourselves “that
    there is great unity in the
    name of God”!

  • @lguz386
    @lguz386 Před 9 dny

    Thank you for allyour work Hod bless you all ❤

  • @nicholaskomarnitzky8378
    @nicholaskomarnitzky8378 Před 19 dny +1

    I have a copy of the New testament done in ancient Coptic Greek that was supposedly published in 1710. I need help. can you help me?

    @STACKSMOUNTAIN. Před 2 měsíci +5

    Jesus Christ nice to meet you 🤝

  • @Bryce_Cunningham
    @Bryce_Cunningham Před 2 měsíci +2

    This is amazing!!

    • @marvl5334
      @marvl5334 Před měsícem +1

      Bryce, what I fine amazing is that these were hebrew people who spoke hebrew and aramaic, but all the writings are found in greek? Like 1% of the writing found in hebrew and aramaic, and they are bits and pieces? It looks to me that there has been a purge of sorts has happened. Its like going back to look at you old school assignments and find there all written in greek. This to me doesn't pass the sniff test.

    • @leeelliott175
      @leeelliott175 Před 10 dny

      It's a difficult one that and it's a fair point, what If they only knew how to write in Greek, not many people could write back then either I'd if thought, just a thought mate

    • @marvl5334
      @marvl5334 Před 10 dny

      @leeelliott175 Thanks for your reply. There are a little over 300 manuscripts written in hebrew and aramaic and several thousand in greek (5 to 6) . You have to understand the culture of the jews (yahudim) they hated the greeks ( not the greeks only) because they were pagens down to the bone, and they despised everything about them and yes their language too. It was like an abomination to speak greek to a Jew. Josephus was a jew ( secular)highly educated, and he could barely speak because it was very difficult to learn. The Phshitta Codex is one of the oldest texts that is written in hebrew and aramaic. The greek text changes the meaning of things for lack of understanding the hebrew people or after their philosophy of beliefs. That is why they call the saviors name Jesus. Jesus is not a hebrew name. Remember, all the hebrew names have a meaning behind it. YAHUSHUA was his name, and it means YAHUAH is salvation . Like you said, this difficult and long conversation to have. In short, the greeks made many changes to scriptures .Remember always that Satan in the last days will deceive the whole world, it started with the greek texts. Search here on CZcams for "The Name" video by Promote The Truth it discusses a lot of what I've been talking about. Hope ti hear back.

  • @pdyt2009
    @pdyt2009 Před 2 měsíci +3

    42:40 Constantine did NOT declare Christianity the official religion of the Empire. That was Theodosius in 380 (Edict of Thessalonica). Don't you people bother to do basic research?

    • @eyeinthesky7336
      @eyeinthesky7336 Před měsícem +1

      He did not make Christianity the religion of the empire, but he granted important concessions to the church and its bishops, and his conversion encouraged other Roman citizens to become Christian.

  • @ChiliMcFly1
    @ChiliMcFly1 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I learned about God(YHVH) from the words of Jesus.

  • @TheJDough1
    @TheJDough1 Před 9 dny


  • @lightningspirit2166
    @lightningspirit2166 Před 2 měsíci +1

    We need to find a gospel of jesus written by him ..😊

    • @dopestpost
      @dopestpost Před 2 měsíci +1

      These are witness biographies. He IS THE WORD. The entirety of scripture points to Him. His gospel is written on your heart! 🤍

    • @lightningspirit2166
      @lightningspirit2166 Před 2 měsíci

      @@dopestpost the gospels are not direct witnesses or biographies,only a gospel of jesus in his own words ,would show jesus true thinking, all the rest is conjecture , we have no contemporary written account of Jesus's beliefs only heresay...

    • @dopestpost
      @dopestpost Před 2 měsíci

      @@lightningspirit2166 That’s not a fact, scholars still debate the authorship. Most recent findings have the book of John as early as 90AD. He was here teaching, healing, casting out demons, raising the dead and being tortured and executed. And you expect him to write a book? Would you believe it if there was a book in there that said it was written by Jesus?

    • @lightningspirit2166
      @lightningspirit2166 Před 2 měsíci

      @@dopestpost that is a fact...,! how come there are books of Mathew, .Mark, luke ,John, which you obviously accept as the actual word of jesus ..?(which i do not )you contradict yourself ,and Mark is supposedly the earliest...why should not there be a contemporary account of jesus views,or a book as you call it ,if you accept the book of bona fide ..?...the point is none of the written gospels are contemporary with jesus,no one knows what jesus really said or thought ,it's all heresay, until a contemporary source is found ,stating jesus actual words it's all,conjecture..! Experts,(a matter of opinion) don't know what jesus actually thought or said ...any more than you ..!what i do know ,is that the early Pauline roman church oppressed and destroyed a lot of genuine material about what jesus actually said, because it did not fit into their roman gentile agenda ,the Pauline Church did their best to destroy the early nazarene Church,because it was too jewish for their tastes,and probably they destroyed a lot of genuine contemporary writings about what jesus actually said,..etc..

    • @robertmatthews3909
      @robertmatthews3909 Před měsícem

      ​@lightningspirit2166 the 4 gospels were written by eyewitnesses....

  • @thecure728
    @thecure728 Před měsícem

    What about the verse 1 John 5:7-8? , that is a very huge discrepancy with great implications. You left that one out completely

  • @michaelmagee4318
    @michaelmagee4318 Před měsícem

    So many Bible experts here!

  • @mikegyver3193
    @mikegyver3193 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Check these verses compared to the alternative Bibles to the King James 1611. Isaiah 14:12, Exodus 6:3 and Genesis 1:28 👀👂🏿🦻🏻 and there is much more 🤯

  • @pedenmk
    @pedenmk Před 2 měsíci +2

    Thanks for sharing. Great episode. GOD Bless.

  • @DLBeatty
    @DLBeatty Před 2 měsíci +1

    49:10 Which group called themselves 'Gnostic?' 'Gnostic' is an umbrella term that includes a vast range of sects. They usually called themselves by some other term and modern scholars lumped them into a larger group. Many of today's scholars do not believe the term has a meaningful definition. Valentinians did not call themselves Gnostic. Sethians did not call themselves Gnostic. Manichaeans did not call themselves Gnostic. Mandeans did not call themselves Gnostic. Elchasaites did not call themselves Gnostic. Ophites did not call themselves Gnostic. Cathars did not call themselves Gnostic. Naassenes did not call themselves Gnostic. ainites did not call themselves Gnostic. Simonians did not call themselves Gnostic. Basilidians did not call themselves Gnostic. Thomasites did not call themselves Gnostic. Marcionites did not call themselves Gnostic. Cerinthians did not call themselves Gnostic. Carpocratians did not call themselves Gnostic. Etc. This statement is just plain misleading and not supported by evidence.

    • @dopestpost
      @dopestpost Před 2 měsíci +1

      The celts didn’t call themselves celts.

    • @eyeinthesky7336
      @eyeinthesky7336 Před měsícem +1

      They were all gnostic beliefs... we call them that....

  • @IC27185
    @IC27185 Před měsícem

    You know ya'll I was just bringing up stuff that everyone should consider. I still believe in God and Jesus and many of the stories in the bible. I just don't think the stories about God in the bible are speaking of the almighty god and creator of the universe. A god that is all powerful does not sound like the person who needs the aid of men like asking Moses to send a scout to look at the land of the Caananites. Why would God Almighty need a Scout?

  • @marriage4life893
    @marriage4life893 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Why not just say he's the only begotten God? If God wanted to create a god who could die, why couldn't he? He did.

    • @simonjohnwright5129
      @simonjohnwright5129 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Most people don't ask for that level of understanding. It's a beautiful system of sacrifice to save.

    • @jerryyoung6494
      @jerryyoung6494 Před měsícem

      No, that’s not the Christian understanding. Jesus was not created, he’s part of the trinity. Begotten is a poor translation

  • @IC27185
    @IC27185 Před měsícem

    How about the descrepency in Gods and Jesus's personalities?

  • @TohouBohou
    @TohouBohou Před 2 měsíci

    Paul - Saul - Josephus ?

  • @Magic-lg9lw
    @Magic-lg9lw Před 2 měsíci

    The research and scholarship they have gone far enough to make conclusions fundamentally different than yours. In the end one must admit that the church teaches and believes in a way that doesn’t fit well with the current research and scholarship. The question is why? What justifies it?

    • @jerryyoung6494
      @jerryyoung6494 Před měsícem

      Do you have an example?
      I would say the church shouldn’t jump to agreement about conclusions made by the current people who call themselves experts and generally rule out biblical correctness from the start.
      A good example is how all the experts insisted there was no real King David. Insisted only fools would believe in him and he was equivalent to King Arthur. Then they found archaeological proof.

  • @IC27185
    @IC27185 Před měsícem +1

    The Bible is not the words from the one true God. The God that created all things in the universe including Earth and humans. I refuse to accept that the God and creator of all things, the one true God would ever behave and do the things that the god in bible is described as doing. There are references of the real god in the bible but then the other god that seems to not even know where someone is is not God Almighty! That is a god created in the minds of the authors and its soooo obvious when you read the bible in its entirety. We dont need to argue that the Bible is a tangible item that we can see, touch and read and so its obviously a real book. Theres no argument that many of the characters in the Bible actually existed annd archeologist have found enough evidence to prove that a man named Jesus actually lived and died on a cross. But none of this proves that self proclaimed prophets heard the word of god and wrote the bible in his words. There is no prove of Jesus being the real son of God or that he was part of a Trinity and God himself. I believe im God and I believe he is a loving and caring God and not the one described in the Bible. I believe Jesus was a very good man whom we all should live our lives like he did but everywhere you look you see Nobody following that very simple instruction. The instruction cannot be proven as coming from god but it's good advice because if we all lived our lives like Jesus then we might have world peace. But nobody gets it so his death was in vain. Not to me though. I believe in the true god. The creator of all things and I pray to him everyday and night that people's eyes will be open when it comes to false religions and the fake documents and books written to control people and to make the true god look bad. Is that how you all want god to be represented? Thats not a god of love..dont forget the true god. He is sad to see how people are living their lives so far away from what he wanted us too. Love, acceptance, non judgemental, take care of ourselves and the planet he gave us. Whatever, nobody ever understands what im trying to say.

  • @IC27185
    @IC27185 Před měsícem +3

    All of these men in this video must believe in the Trinity because that is the only way they can say that the bible is gods words. Without the Trinity which was not what the original Christians believed it came later and i think it was due to the fact that people were starting to question the authenticity of the Bible being the word of god so the Church decided to claim that Jesus was GOD. therefore you have to believe the bible if you believe in Jesus. I believe in Jesus but I do not believe he was god. I believe he is the son of god. But not the god described in the bible.

    • @donnagayle3
      @donnagayle3 Před měsícem

      Me too. It gets confusing.

    • @TheKahu78
      @TheKahu78 Před 23 dny

      Isa 9:6
      The son is THE mighty God, and THE everlasting father
      Col 2:8-10 in Jesus dwells all fullness of the Godhead
      John 14
      Have I been with you so long and you have not known me Phillip?
      When you see me you have seen the Father. How sayest thou show us the father.
      Jesus is Immanuel (God with us)
      I'm not trinitarian but oneness is the truth. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh
      John 8 he said before Abraham was I AM
      ACTS 4:12 Neither is the salvation in any other, for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
      Phil 2 His name is above every name
      Isa 45:20-25 declare every knee shall bow and every tongue swear about YHWH LORD. See also Rom 14:10-11 the Judgment seat of Christ is the Throne of God.
      There's a great book on the Oneness of God by David K. Bernard

  • @07browe07
    @07browe07 Před měsícem

    Wow, so many contradictions. A clear agenda here and yet even when trying to portray it all as certain they can't even edit together a version of the argument which agrees with itself. And trust me they were trying hard. The spin is thick.

  • @DanielWilliamson-wg2vo
    @DanielWilliamson-wg2vo Před 2 měsíci +1

    2nd comment!

  • @IC27185
    @IC27185 Před měsícem

    There is NOTHING in the bible that talks about the Trinity. And these gentleman are leaving out a very important change that all thr translators of the original text have changed. The word Elohim is plural for Gods.. Ask any of your clergy about this word. That one word alone changes the whole narrative of the bible right from the beginning in Genesis 1:1