Do NOT Play This Horror Game ALONE..

  • čas přidán 28. 01. 2023
  • This game is WILD.... I played this game when i was home alone.. NOT A GOOD IDEA... Watch until the very end! & after you are done watching, COP DA MERCH:
    📷 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦📷 / caylus
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  • Hry

Komentáře • 1,8K

  • @sarahxxluv
    @sarahxxluv Před rokem +417

    I love how he plays horror games more often now

  • @jellogaming_001
    @jellogaming_001 Před rokem +261

    We all can agree that Caylus won't stop the horror series

  • @user-yy3hz2vo5m
    @user-yy3hz2vo5m Před 6 měsíci +16

    I love that Caylus plays this horror games for us to be entertained

  • @XXIconicDana
    @XXIconicDana Před rokem +51

    POV: you've been watching caylus for 3 years and the horror series hasn't stopped

  • @Psychotic_society
    @Psychotic_society Před 8 měsíci +7

    I like how the camera dying has been a normal thing for caylus

  • @DarkninjaGD30
    @DarkninjaGD30 Před rokem +41

    I love how caylus' camera dies every horror game he plays

  • @Paszonas
    @Paszonas Před rokem +9

    Wow, I got reminded of him by CZcams shorts after so many years, back when I used to watch every one of his reaction vids when I was a kid... Thank you for reminding me of Caylus CZcams Shorts

    • @skatergirls5783
      @skatergirls5783 Před 11 měsíci

      His reaction vids are on his other channel INFINITE

  • @carlos_thecarislost
    @carlos_thecarislost Před rokem +2

    Caylus is getting closer to 10M! You guys should sub to this guy! Caylus make good contents !

  • @halaEditss8
    @halaEditss8 Před rokem +34

    Caylus's titles and thumbnails, always gets me😂❤

    • @gcaylus
      @gcaylus Před rokem

      ..ʀᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴠɪᴀ ᴛᴇ\ᴇ§ʀᴀᴍ ᴀᴘᴘ..

    • @Ambr.Smith67
      @Ambr.Smith67 Před rokem +1

      Ikr same

    • @RavenRules4Lif3
      @RavenRules4Lif3 Před rokem +1


    • @michealsmith-gr1ib
      @michealsmith-gr1ib Před rokem +1

      Ik same videos look so cool with the thumb nail and title but it’s a totally different video 😂😂😂

    • @halaEditss8
      @halaEditss8 Před rokem +1

      @@michealsmith-gr1ib IKR❤️🤣

  • @nevinmax576
    @nevinmax576 Před rokem +9

    i had a heartattack when he pulled that ps5 image for a split second 💀

  • @chickyblanket7260
    @chickyblanket7260 Před rokem +24

    i like how it says for ages 3+ on the DVD at the end

  • @marcoquintana2218
    @marcoquintana2218 Před rokem +10

    caylus's editor scared me more than the game

  • @mauram7654
    @mauram7654 Před rokem +34

    While I was watching this video a cup fell outside and now I feel like if I go out there and pick it up I am going to get kidnapped 😰

    • @Tropal
      @Tropal Před rokem +5

      It was outside so it was probably just the wind :)

      @LUKKAAASHORTS123 Před rokem +3

      i would move to a another house if that happens

    • @alastoronmeta
      @alastoronmeta Před rokem +3

      @@LUKKAAASHORTS123 same i would move to another house in another state

    • @therianwithadhd
      @therianwithadhd Před rokem +4

      ​@@alastoronmeta Nah I would go outside lock all my doors before I take the cup and stomp on the cup while laughing in 5/7 and kick it

    • @ZoeyDalton-cr1ky
      @ZoeyDalton-cr1ky Před 9 měsíci +1

      5 months ago?

  • @ashleycounts1582
    @ashleycounts1582 Před rokem +26

    As creepy and scary as this game was I really did enjoy watching especially with you doing the voices and you should do movies and be a voice for a character. I could actually relate to dave and those words that evan said to him is what people told me and it got me through some really hard moments in my life.

  • @tomandfriendsfunnyclips8466

    Marvelous Live Voice Commentary and Gameplay Caylus of "Do Not Play This Horror Game Alone" The Game ! "Slender" "The Eight Pages " Enjoyed the Gameplay Caylus and this Creepy Game ! Big Thumbs Up # 5.3K Plus 👍Have a Great Sunday and the new Week, Cheers 😺

  • @Leomama14
    @Leomama14 Před rokem +3

    I literally love the horror game series you do!!! Please check out a game I just saw, it's called 12 minutes. It's friggin insane!!! I think you would like it! 🙌

    • @chelseaeberhardt
      @chelseaeberhardt Před 7 měsíci

      I did 12 minutes and it’s freaky but also I couldn’t beat it bc I got stuck 💀💀

  • @Ant_w_arc
    @Ant_w_arc Před rokem +7

    More horror games lets go 🔥👍 Keep up the good work 🤩 Road to 10m🎉

  • @frog011
    @frog011 Před rokem +5

    5:45 if you slow down the video at this time you will see that the ad says something like this “there are some side effects such as diarrhoea vomit dizziness and hallucinations buy at your own risk” they said other Suff but I forget what they said 😂 edit: I rewatched it and they also said in the ad you could die.

  • @LilDewieeee
    @LilDewieeee Před rokem +7

    You never fail with your screams

  • @DobarCovjek-je1eq
    @DobarCovjek-je1eq Před rokem +5

    Note: If you play GMOD, and you use the trauma nextbot, the thumbnail is actually where it came from.

  • @HappyHeadsetVr
    @HappyHeadsetVr Před rokem +7

    Love ya caylus! I haven’t watched you in so long! I ❤ your channel

  • @yourfavbtch
    @yourfavbtch Před rokem +6

    his face during the commercial!!! haha!

      @LUKKAAASHORTS123 Před rokem

      I would just break the computer first and I will say UR COMMERCIAL SUCKS AMD ITDS CURSED

    • @yourfavbtch
      @yourfavbtch Před rokem


  • @tinkbejj3088
    @tinkbejj3088 Před rokem +4

    Not even half way in I had to turn my lights on in my room 🤣

  • @BlueWolf-ev8yu
    @BlueWolf-ev8yu Před 12 dny +1

    Famous last words"I ain't seeing no one" 😂😂😂😂 got me on the floor laughing/dieing 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @JustAia_Gacha
    @JustAia_Gacha Před rokem +7

    Caylus turns horror games not scary anymore.

  • @ericdelpra1444
    @ericdelpra1444 Před rokem +3

    I love his horror games he plays

    • @gcaylus
      @gcaylus Před rokem

      ʀᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴠɪᴀ ᴛᴇ\ᴇ§ʀᴀᴍ. ᴀᴘᴘ

  • @elodielagace6700
    @elodielagace6700 Před rokem

    I have some horror games idea!
    - Creepy granny scream: Scary Freddy.
    -Into the forest.
    - House of Celestina 1 and 2.

  • @kseyra_xera
    @kseyra_xera Před rokem +1

    I literally love how now, he makes even more horror game content, or such as "42 creepy videos on tiktok..." he even made: "I WATCHED 100 CREEPY TIKTOKS..." like, I love that!

  • @sethbmgo2328
    @sethbmgo2328 Před rokem +3

    28:37 i really love how caylus screams, i literally laugh so hard

  • @caigriffiths9050
    @caigriffiths9050 Před rokem +5

    HI infinite ♾ congrats on 20 mil again yes I did say that in a previous vid anyway I hope you can get to 10 mil on this channel and never stop saying what's Popping ♾👍 are you tired of 75% air chips try my 0% air 100% chips!!!! AND WHY IS HE NOT WEARING HIS INFINITE HOODE

  • @DaGoodSibs
    @DaGoodSibs Před 9 měsíci

    Title:do not play this ALONE…..
    Caylus : plays it alone😂


    Fun fact: the jump scare is based of a Nico nexts bots

  • @dogbrothers2325
    @dogbrothers2325 Před 6 měsíci +3

    he play's so many horror games amazing=]

  • @allissahayes2030
    @allissahayes2030 Před rokem +3

    Keep up the good work Caylus ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥

      @LUKKAAASHORTS123 Před rokem

      Ygiwygweygyweygeyedggueewgyeyggyegwydyggyddeygdededgyededgwdgdwgegddgddsydddygadyvaedavdeyayaexyayexvayexyaedayexxyedvdyedgeydyewdewyugweyugewy fyec wtueyeuaycueyeugeysysavysvaasehehvehvhevsdhydeysvysxyssavhavshewhvevhaehaehwveyvuyuvusnensjdjdjdjdjsjjsdjdjsjjeejhdheejejjejegfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfvfggfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfggcgcgcfssyrrsies fhdhdsggyisrcguygsduygsdxuymgdsxjvyusrdyujwrduyjgewdyjvedsgjvsdgjvedguvjrsdgjvredgverdgjrgsxvjrugvjsrsgdjvrysdhrdsygrysdgrds

      @LUKKAAASHORTS123 Před rokem

      UigkqdegyiksdaakguiasadigwukdadwikguwdyigwkaddikugewyikgwadkyigewayikgdawawiykgwddiykgwadkiygwwdwykidgkgyidwawdhiwwikhdasshshaddwiawudiddukaiwawduwddaDamnshitihateyoufuckyoushittyhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahauuauauaaDAMNDAMNDAMNDAMNDAMNSHITSHITSHITSHITBITCHSTUPIDihateyouihosdciykvadxdxayviyaxsyviiadsiyivasdkihvasdvasdhvkkivsadswhdkvsaxykvdsayvidwsyviadygiwdgyiUse the edit icon to pin, add or delete clips.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.kKKKakakakakakakakakakakakkaozlznnKakakaoalapappalpaalLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL USUCK LOSER HHahahahahhahahajkskaxgcggsxia gixsaiasxx I am outside Ur house hahahhahahahahahahahhahahayahahHahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahahhahahaba

  • @3dcubekking759
    @3dcubekking759 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Bruh I literally love how Caylus reacts to this at 30:44

  • @savagedevil666
    @savagedevil666 Před 6 měsíci

    7:08 loved it when caylus started singing THE PERFECT GIRL

  • @jacktheresa5895
    @jacktheresa5895 Před rokem +19

    Caylus has to have INFINITE subs

    • @andreax5054
      @andreax5054 Před rokem +2

      He’s infinite he has to have infinite power and subsss

    • @Mrmonkeyvr_1
      @Mrmonkeyvr_1 Před rokem +2

      How is that possible theres not even that much people on planet earth

  • @FChierich
    @FChierich Před rokem +4

    love watching your videos keeps me entertained makes me feel like I'm watching a movie

  • @cupcakeplayz5228
    @cupcakeplayz5228 Před 10 měsíci +2

    The only part that is scary, is Caylus's super loud sound effects

  • @Infiniteloops772
    @Infiniteloops772 Před rokem +2

    Watching this with my earbuds makes this 100x more scarier

  • @S4IT4MA10
    @S4IT4MA10 Před rokem +5

    Caylus: Do not play this game alone!
    Me:Do not watch this alone!

  • @mohammedibrahim832
    @mohammedibrahim832 Před rokem +3

    I like your videos so much caylus.
    Keep up the good work 👏

  • @hdmom34gmail
    @hdmom34gmail Před rokem +1

    I love watching you play the games it's so fun you just make it really cool the voices the jump scares it's hilarious thank you for this and keep it up

  • @dankenson5853
    @dankenson5853 Před 8 měsíci

    When caylus plays horror games that just makes my bright day even more brighter😊😊😊❤❤

  • @sandersyoung2306
    @sandersyoung2306 Před rokem +3

    I can’t believe how funny the intros can be lol 😂😂

  • @CharlesTheFearsomeTrain117

    Caylus is a great CZcamsr always, he never disappoints when it comes to videos,

  • @tr4shy.
    @tr4shy. Před 10 měsíci +1

    I love the part when caylus says “are u okay?” To a dead person 😂

  • @adegamingduh8083
    @adegamingduh8083 Před rokem +1

    "We saved Kermit- I I mean Tom Tomas"
    -Caylus -2023

  • @xK1r3
    @xK1r3 Před rokem +4

    I love how he plays horror games more often

  • @_kk_hazel_tom
    @_kk_hazel_tom Před 10 měsíci +3

    Someone get this guy a new headset 😂

  • @winterghost_wcue
    @winterghost_wcue Před rokem +1

    Caylus:keep ur eyes on the road. The game:keep ur eyes on the road. Caylus: dies in game

  • @R4t10nal
    @R4t10nal Před rokem +2

    Name one horror game where Caylus’ camera stays on the whole time

  • @nelibusy
    @nelibusy Před rokem +4


  • @spafnan1907
    @spafnan1907 Před rokem +3

    Keep up the work! u have the courage to play horror games all day😅 I would have already have peed my pants👍

  • @spacegamingofficial
    @spacegamingofficial Před 4 měsíci +1

    13:02 Bless you Caylus

  • @willissanchez9554
    @willissanchez9554 Před rokem +2

    He always makes me smile. Best gamer ever.

  • @Nature0890
    @Nature0890 Před rokem +5


  • @liamxtra1996
    @liamxtra1996 Před rokem +6


  • @melodyconroy3023
    @melodyconroy3023 Před rokem

    Please finish the Evil Nun!! It has been my favorite video to watch! Keep up the hard work! We love you

  • @JemmaB
    @JemmaB Před 2 měsíci +1

    2:24 his beatboxing is so randomly good

  • @GamingWithAyan1
    @GamingWithAyan1 Před rokem +3

    I am literally watching this at 1 am no cap🧢

  • @amypo0p166
    @amypo0p166 Před rokem +9

    It said "Well I might as well open the boxes before heading to bed"

  • @julieshandhini
    @julieshandhini Před 7 měsíci

    Heads down for the beatboxing skill of caylus❤

  • @TinyAlien07
    @TinyAlien07 Před rokem +2

    I love Caylus’s voices!! Keep making these types of vids!!

  • @federicorobotti7969
    @federicorobotti7969 Před rokem +3

    awesome video Caylus !

  • @victoriaalzamora2566
    @victoriaalzamora2566 Před rokem +3

    Love your content

  • @CardBoard27
    @CardBoard27 Před 7 měsíci

    Did you notice that when you had to drive to your destination, it went down?
    I paused at 100M, hopefully you get to that Caylus❤

  • @Kiannah2030
    @Kiannah2030 Před rokem +1

    3:55 caylus: that suspicious
    Me: that’s weird

  • @One-piecerule668
    @One-piecerule668 Před rokem +3

    It’s always a good day when he uploads love the content

  • @anguoworks9555
    @anguoworks9555 Před rokem +3

    Your contents are beyond expectations,keep going soon ull reach ur goals

  • @Rick_the_fearless
    @Rick_the_fearless Před 7 měsíci +2

    Is it weird that i legit loved the story

  • @bojannikolic6787
    @bojannikolic6787 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Caylus should start a CZcams channel that only does horror vids
    Comment if u agree
    Or like 👍

  • @caddyed2apkgta100
    @caddyed2apkgta100 Před rokem +4

    It’s crasy how I first stated watching Caylus in 2019

  • @joshmckinney3196
    @joshmckinney3196 Před rokem +4

    I love it when Calus plays a horror Game

    • @Rift4r
      @Rift4r Před rokem +1

      I love you playing horror games

  • @GeorgiaRanapia
    @GeorgiaRanapia Před 5 měsíci

    The way how we just said/ shut up /Got me rolling on the floor😂😂

  • @richardmartin4176
    @richardmartin4176 Před rokem

    I like how Kayla's plays horror games more often

  • @HazeyHornet2
    @HazeyHornet2 Před rokem +3

    How did ur mic fell off 😂

  • @xVicTheValkyriex
    @xVicTheValkyriex Před rokem +5

    love when caylus plays horror games

  • @user-xq1pd5kd3w
    @user-xq1pd5kd3w Před 11 měsíci +1

    bro, the commercial had me dying 🤣

  • @Myla_is_watching_you
    @Myla_is_watching_you Před 20 dny

    "Special friend price"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @iriszheng8385
    @iriszheng8385 Před rokem +7

    I love when he plays horror games

  • @CrybabyNikkiFM
    @CrybabyNikkiFM Před rokem +13

    Bro in 2024 this will be the best video of Caylus 😂

  • @ssneed23
    @ssneed23 Před rokem +1

    “If your last name was Thomas, and you had a kid, YOUR TELLING ME YOU WOULD NAME THEM TOM!?? Sorry.”

    • @ssneed23
      @ssneed23 Před rokem

      btw I figured out that telegram is a scam app that we cant add you on soooo…. sorry

    • @ssneed23
      @ssneed23 Před rokem

      Caylus: Depressed

  • @Toni609Mercantini
    @Toni609Mercantini Před rokem +2

    I've been watching your videos for 3 1⁄2 hours STRAIGHT

  • @tsukitaiko666
    @tsukitaiko666 Před rokem +3

    Caylus: "Its so easy to get jumpscared, ya know." (Lights turn off) "LOVELY!"
    23:40 yes but can't you just kick the person/thing that's chasing you 🤔

  • @user-pb5vx3ej3g
    @user-pb5vx3ej3g Před rokem +1

    Caylus: I frickin payed a lot for those chips
    Me: I thought you only payed 2$

  • @noobsaibot1240
    @noobsaibot1240 Před rokem

    Keep it going with the horror games we loveeeeeeeee it

  • @Electro_Editz00
    @Electro_Editz00 Před rokem

    11:43 at this moment I wasn’t scared I was like “shut da fuack up will ya?” Lol 😂

  • @Sunnythecat_098
    @Sunnythecat_098 Před 3 měsíci

    When he started the car , I started "beatboxing" along then he did as well , R. I. P my tongue

  • @_Xx.Virtual_Artist.xX_
    @_Xx.Virtual_Artist.xX_ Před rokem +2

    When he popped up a ps5
    I thought it was the monster and I jumped and closed my eyes lol

  • @Layla77601
    @Layla77601 Před 7 měsíci

    I laughed so much when he said "shut up😎"

  • @livvyplays5558
    @livvyplays5558 Před rokem +1

    0:05 Horror games are one of my top 5 fav content, so keep it up! ❤

  • @user-vm5io4us1m
    @user-vm5io4us1m Před 5 dny

    I love watching your videos❤❤

  • @botjunk
    @botjunk Před rokem +1

    Kiera watching this video: 😶

  • @moonside3880
    @moonside3880 Před rokem

    I'm so happy that today's video was a horror game 😭🤞🏻 caylus.. U the best!

  • @KaelleArtz
    @KaelleArtz Před 11 měsíci +2

    Man, I watched this at night and I didn't sleep properly and I almost screamed

  • @ramonamoore2350
    @ramonamoore2350 Před rokem +1

    I love this youtuber I watch him every day even at school!

  • @shazainhussain4087
    @shazainhussain4087 Před rokem

    Kahless to never stop making horror videos are so cool

  • @Shawn-ii4xu
    @Shawn-ii4xu Před rokem

    Caylus:wats so scary about a bridge
    The bridge:🔥

  • @BurntSkulls
    @BurntSkulls Před rokem

    You already know that caylus has played so much gta5 that he calls every game that you can drive in grand theft auto 5