النظام الوريدي في الدماغ (أورده المخ) || dural sinuses

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • شرح النظام الوريدي للدماغ
    تصنيف اورده المح
    اورده سطحيه
    اورده عميقه
    The venous system of the brain and its coverings are
    primarily composed of the dural sinuses, superficial cortical veins, and deep veins of the cerebrum.
    Dural Sinuses. The dural sinuses are very large veins
    located within the dura mater of the brain. All the veins
    of the head drain into the dural sinuses and ultimately
    into the internal jugular veins of the neck. The seven
    major dural sinuses are the superior and inferior sagittal, straight, transverse, sigmoid, cavernous, and petrosal . The superior sagittal sinus
    lies in the longitudinal fissure between the falx cerebri
    and the cranium. It begins at the crista galli, runs the
    entire length of the falx cerebri, and ends at the internal
    occipital protuberance of the occipital bone . The inferior sagittal sinus, which is
    much smaller than the superior sagittal sinus, runs posteriorly just under the free edge of the falx cerebri
    within the longitudinal fissure. The inferior sagittal sinus converges into
    the great cerebral vein to form the straight sinus. The
    straight sinus extends along the length of the junction of
    the falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli . The junction of the
    superior sagittal, transverse, and straight sinuses creates
    the large confluence of sinuses or the torcular herophili
    The transverse sinuses extend from the confluence of sinuses
    between the attachment of the tentorium and the
    cranium. As the transverse
    sinuses pass through the tentorium cerebelli, they become the sigmoid sinuses. The S-shaped sigmoid sinuses
    continue in the posterior cranial fossa to join the jugular
    bulbs of the internal jugular veins
    The cavernous sinuses, located on each side of the
    sella turcica and body of the sphenoid bone, are formed
    by numerous interconnected venous channels. They envelop the internal carotid arteries and third through
    sixth cranial nerves. Each cavernous sinus receives blood
    from the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins and
    communicates with the transverse sinuses via the petrosal sinuses

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